glittering stars how much do you know about the moon? (a test)

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Glittering stars

How much do you know about the moon? (a test)

Tell which of the following are facts about the moon ?1. The moon , a satellite , rotates around the earth. 2. It shines when the sun’s light beams onto its surface and is reflected back to earth. 3. Only one side of the moon is visible to us on the earth. 4. What we see of the moon changes from night to night. 5. Most of the moon’s surface is flat.





6. The moon is about 384,000 kilometers away from the earth. 7. The gravity on the moon is about one sixth of that on the earth. 8. There is no air or water on the moon, so there are not any trees or animals on the moon. 9. It was on July 16, 1969 that mankind first succeeded in landing on the moon. 10. A sunny day on the moon could kill you but you can survive at night.






Chang’e ascending to the moon


Lunar Eclipse

Do you think mankind will be likely to live on

the moon in future?

Let’s see how much you know about the scientific facts.

Scientific Quiz

1. What is the highest mountain on earth and how high is it?A. Mount Qomolangmaor Mount Everest, 8844.43 meters.

B. Mt Quandary , 8852 meters.C. Mt Wilson, 8860 meters.

2. What is the deepest point in the ocean and where is it?

Marianas Trench, in the Western Pacific Ocean.

3. Which is the longest river on earth and how long is it ?

A. Yangtze River , B. Nile River ,

C. Amazon River,

6300 kilometers.

6695 kilometers .

6,280 kilometers.

3. What is the longest distance around the world?

A. 40,075.16 km

B. 24,901.55 km

C. 15,000 km

The longest distance around the world is along the equator.

1 mile = 1.6 kilometers

5. How high are the temperatures near the centre of the earth?

The outer core: about 4000-5000 .℃ The inner core :about 5000-6000 .℃

The earth has three main levels.    



4.How far is it to the centre of the earth?About 6,360 km.

6. What is the distance from the earth to the moon? What is it to Mars? What is it to the nearest star?

The distance from the

earth to the

Moon is .

Marsis .

Sunis .

55.7 million km

150 million km

385,000 km

7. How fast does a balloon travel? How about an aeroplane? How about a space shuttle?

A balloon only travels as fast as the wind blows.

The top speed of the aeroplane is 375 miles per hour.

In general, the space shuttle’s top speed is always around 17,500 miles per hour, or 25,700 feet per second.

You won’t feel unfamiliar with the following characters. Can you tell where they come from and what these films share in common?


全面回忆宇宙威龙 / 魔鬼总动员

Jules Verne ——Father of Science Fictionimaginary, attractive & fantastic

A Journey To The Centre Of The Earth

( 地心游记 )

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 海底两万里

Have you read any other books of Jules Verne?

1863. Five Weeks in a Balloon 《气球上的五星期》1864. Journey to the Center of the Earth1866. From the Earth to the Moon 《从地球到月球》1868. The Children of Captain Grant 《格兰特船长的儿女》1870. 20,000 Leagues under the Sea1873. Around the World in 80 Days1875. The Mysterious Island 《神秘岛》


a literary genre in which scientific development is predicted, often based on present-day results

Do you know any other Science fiction or famous writers?

Is science fiction only imaginary stories? What effects do you think it has on the

scientific development?

Listening 1.Have you ever heard of the monster that w

as seen at Lake Tianchi or the monster that was seen at Loch Ness?

2. Do you believe in the monsters reported?3.Where is Lake Tianchi?4.Where is Loch Ness?A documentary exploring the myth of the Lo

ch Ness monster.一部关于探索尼斯湖水怪的记录片

Key words: in the distance trunk strange monster elephant huge snake have adapted telescope camera a trick of light

dinosaur on earth what for



Listen to the tape and finish the choices:1. Where did the dialogue most take place?

A. at sea B. near a lake C. at the zoo

2. What did they see on earth?

A. a snake B. a dinosaur C. an unknown monster

3.When did they see the monster?

A. 25 to 12 o’clock B. 25 past 11 o’clock C. 25 past 12 o’clock

4. Which of the following is true ?

A. Using the camera, they took the photo of the monster. B. Using the telescope, they could see the whole animal clearly.

C. It is more than 20 meters long in size with a long neck .





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1. Write down what Sam and Betty saw. Please fill in the blank:

In the middle of the lake


More than 20 metres long

1. Looks like _____________________

2. Looks like ________________________,

showing ___________________

3. It’s like ____________, more than 20 metres long.

It has __________________________ around it.

the trunk of an elephant

three round wheels

half out of the water

a huge snake

a long neck with a white ring


2. Did they take a picture about the monster?

A. Yes

B. No

C. We don’t know.3. Which of the following is true ?

A. They saw the strange monster at Lake Tianchi in 1903.

B. Using the telescope, they could see the whole animal clearly.

C. They were not sure whether it was a dinosaur .

Answers to Exercise 2:

1. He thinks other people will ask him later about the time.

2. the telescope and the camera.

3. (1)the police

(2) journalists

(3) scientists

4. (1) what time was it when you saw the creature.

(2) can you describe what you saw.

(3) How big was it?

(4) Are you sure it was an animal?

(5) where did you see it?

(6) Can you make a drawing of what you saw?


Are you imaginative? Can you imagine your future life in 2025 which is an ideal world. All your dreams will come true. Please discuss them with your partner.


1.How old are you?

2.What kind of job do you have?

3.Where do you live?

4.What do you see when you look out of the window at home or at work?

5.What do you do in your spare time?

6.What do you do on holidays?

7.What are your friends like?

8.What’s a typical day like for you?

I believe … I suppose …

I’m sure that … You can never tell.

I doubt … I’m (not) certain …

I can’t imagine …

It could be … but …

It’s likely …It would take …

I’m afraid I can’t follow.

Useful expressions


1.Finish the writing exercise

2.Recite the new words.

3.Preview the reading material


1.What is science fiction?

1.Do you know some books or movies about science fiction?And what are they about?

Science fiction is a literary genre in which scientific development is predicted, often based on present-day results that seem to make such developments possible options that are different from reality. In short, it needs great imagination.Science fiction can be about scientific development in technical fields ,but also in medical or social science.

4. What is the distance from the earth to the moon? What is to Mars? What is it to the nearest star?To the moon : 385,000 km

To Mars: 55.7 million km

To Sun: 150 million km

7. What is the longest distance around the world?

A. About 50077 km

B. About 40077 km

C. About 60077 km

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

Around The World in 80 Days

哈利 . 波特 指环王

Do you know what films the following scenes come from?

Read the suggested beginnings of possible dialogues and think in which way the gaps could be filled in.

Can you summarize the dialogue in a few sentences?

Can you describe the monster in brief?

One part looks like the trunk of an elephant. It’s like a huge snake…more than 20 meters long. It has a long neck with a white ring around it.

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