gen1 week3final

Post on 16-Jan-2017



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Becoming Iris:

Generation Kitrinos: Week 3

Hey guys! I wasn't planning on doing this week in powerpoint form but I wanted to make sure to get it

typed up and done before starting play on week 4 and I am currently on vacation without an internet connection.

And hey, who knows, I might even be able to upload week 4 or even week 5 before I get back!

Anyways, enjoy the chapter and I will make sure to enjoy my vacation!

Oh, I know the pics and everything aren't the same size throughout, by the time I realized, I didn't feel like going

back in and resizing everything. Sorry!

After a little bit, Rubi woke up from his nap and immediately headed over to Kit's room. He might not be a bad dad but he sure didn't want to be left alone with them.

Morning came and Kit actually made Rubi breakfast instead of just letting him fend for himself, which is what normally happens.

Awww! Look at his purty shorts!

I decided that since Kit is still on what feels like an eternal maternity leave, that we should get as many paying opportunities done as possible cause money is pretty tight

right now.

This particular one involved her being a bouncer at the theatre and despite promising some good money, only paid out $100. After deducting the cost of the baby sitter, we

come to a profit of $25 for the day.

Back at the house we find Aran enjoying some music lessons from his baby sitter for the day, a girl they get all the time who I can never remember her first name.

I wonder if she enjoys toddler pic spam?

Along with the music lesson means that it's time for some toddler picspam!

Just a happy toddlesim

Isn't he cute?!

Tsk Tsk, all she is doing is encouraging the picspam.

Well, if that's what the lady wants, that's what she shall get.

“Nom nom nom nom”Well, that's one way to get your fiber.

Seeeeeeee? He's just too cute.

After her stop at the theatre, I sent Kit to the library and gym to get in some more skill building before her needs dropped too much.

Soon as she came home, the babysitter lectured her for leaving the counters filthy!

You know, I rather enjoy having the imaginary friends running around, and Aran is the only one so far to get one in this family. I do hope the thing becomes more than a doll.

Just here for picspam

Yeah, this one too

Whooo! So excited, with this picture, we mark the end of the toddler skills! Aran is fully trained on how to walk, how to talk, and how to go potty.

Of course, Kit couldn't get thru the final potty training session without having to pray to the potty herself.

How I wish the sims 3 pregnant women could do more for their athletic skill than just jog and use the tv.

But since they can't, Kit is jogging to the library to go increase her handiness skill.

And she chooses to do so outside, in the snow, where she got cold within five minutes of being out there and had to go in.

This time she found a much better spot with her fairy friend.

After that, we hit the gym for a quick middle of the night workout.Tell you what, I would do this in real life if my baby sitter just charged a flat rate instead

of by the hour. Def getting our $75 worth.

Tonight at the gym, the only other people were this really cute old couple!


Snorkel Zombie!!!!!!!!!!!

I love her. She is amazing. I will not lie, I have no reasons, I just do.

Kit got a tad freaked out by the snorkel zombie and ran over to the library, content in the thought that the books would scare them away.

Too bad, cause snorkel zombie really could have used help on the weight machines, with being a walking sim of rotten flesh and all.

Uh oh, you know what this means!

It's Portokali's turn to grow up!

Oooooh sparkly!

Dang crosseyedness. Both Aran and Kali have been afflicted and it's lasted a little bit when they first grow up.

Totally not picspam

Totally is picspam

So, pre makeover Kali

More picspam

On a side note, has anybody ever noticed that the cake is vanilla on top, chocolate on the bottom with what I hope is a raspberry filling? Yummm.

Kali after her orangifying.

I think Aran is starting to crack in there. Poor kid, he looks like he's in prison

Just another picspam

And more of the same

Oh Aran, you are too cute.

Kali took to the xylophone the moment Kit put her down. Maybe we a have little virtuoso on our hands?

Getting some writing done before baby comes. Hopefully we can make just a little bit more money.

No such luck here.

Since when is a hoodie appropriate winter clothing for a pregnant woman?

Meet baby Turunca. Turunca is Turkish for the color orange.She Loves the Outdoors and is Friendly.

Haha, funny faces.

And with this pic, Kali is fully toddle trained!

I forgot to mention, both Kali and Aran are also full for the xylophone and the block sorter. These kids have bright futures.

Great, the laptop blew up again.

We are doing some reorganizing to make room for when Aran grows up in a couple days. I've also gotten rid of furniture and things that we will not continue to use, or just haven't used yet to bring in a couple extra bucks.

And then I took the family broke again! Say hello to what will be another set of bedrooms and a bathroom, but for right now, we just have emptiness

With Aran's birthday only a day or so away, I directed Kit to the easel in the hopes of getting some paintings pushed out so we can continue the building upstairs.

After a bit of work, and her royalties cashing in, we had enough to put in walls inside.

Yup, it's birthday time yet again. Not for Aran, but for Kit. Today Kit ages to a full fledged adult. And yes, it is still snowing inside the house.

Pretty self explainatory.

This pic is totally only in here because I caught the sparklies. Kit looks no different than when she was a young adult.

Shared Mommy and Daughter eye pop moment. Waayy too cute.

They were eye popping at Aran and his friend.

More book writing. Her maternity leave ends Sunday so yay! When Kit goes back to work, she will be way over qualified for her position and getting the next couple

promotions should be easy since this entire week has been her writing and skilling.

Unfortunately the constant skilling hasn't stopped her from getting softer, and the military will not have that.

Ahh, the eternal birthday cake. I wish there were more color options for it, cause I'm gonna get bored of seeing it quick.

And yes, it is still snowing inside the house!

Yup, it is time for little Aran to grow up!

In here just because it's cute.

Here is Aran's little room cough cell cough.

Aran decided he was going to be a cowboy, so I gave him a shaggier haircut.

“I want to tame dragons when I grow up!”Well, I don't have Dragon Valley yet, but I just might consider getting it for you Aran.

This kid is still my favorite. Look at how cute he is!

So, I got the popup saying that Jelly Bean wanted to see the world, so I let him out. And

nothing happened. :( And it is still fricking snowing in the house!

I managed to miss Turunca's birthday, so here she is, pre orangifying.

This picture kinda hurts my eyes with how orange it is.

Pic included because Turunca hasn't gotten the attention she should get this chapter.♥ Sorry Kiddo. :(

11:59pm rolled around as Kit was finishing up the laundry for the week!

There you have it, week 3 is done, and now it is time to start on week 4. I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and by the time this is uploaded, I might also have week 4

uploaded too!

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