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Next Week’s Program

Venue: Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel,

Kawran Bazaar, Dhaka

Date: 16 February 2016

Time: 5:30 pm

Program: TBA

DHAKA ROTARY NEWS ISSUE 30> VOLUME 79> YEAR 2015-16>Dated 11.02.2016


Today’s Program

Venue: House 9A (Roof Top), Road 25A,

Block A, Banani, Dhaka - 1213

Date: 11 February 2016

Time: 7:30 pm

Program: Regular Weekly Meeting and

the Club Project: “Families of RCD

and beyond”, followed by family get

together and dinner with fellowship


From the Editor’s Pen

The month of February is very special in the Rotary

as the anniversary of the first meeting of the Rotary

founding fathers held on February 23, 1905, now

designated World Understanding and Peace Day… In

that meeting of 4 they may had little idea that the

seed they had sown have such huge harvest of 1.2

million members in over 200 countries and geographi-

cal areas in 110 years. With this global network of

Rotary volunteers the importance of world under-

standing, peace and conflict prevention/resolution

has been increasing with increasing numbers of

internal and external conflicts that destabilises

peace and harmony both in the rich and the poor

societies. These mostly armed conflicts that trigger

from racial/ethnic, religious, cultural, economic and

political factors needs better understanding not only

from the global power players but also from stake-

holders of peace and development like the Rotary.

Recent issues of global warming, environment and

human rights have added to the complexity of

conflict prevention/resolution in the World.

The importance of Peace and Conflict Prevention/

Resolution Month has been amply recognised in the

Rotary’s Areas of Focus. The vast network of

Rotarians in every corner, including belligerent areas,

have been promoting global peace and understanding

often helping in the conflict prevention/resolution

through its multi-dimensional programs and projects

like disease prevention and treatment, water and

sanitation, basic education and literacy and comm.-

unity development. These programs and projects

directly impact the people and society.

Rotary of Club of Dhaka has been involved in Rotary

programs and projects for peace and conflict preven-

tion/resolution for past 79 years. The Club continues

to promote peace and stability in the society in

keeping with Rotary theme “Be a gift to the World”.

Rtn PP Khandker Badrul Hasan, PHF


Communication & Bulletin Sub-committee:

Chairman & Editor:

Rtn PP Khandker Badrul Hasan, PHF


Rtn PP Rafiqul Islam I Rowly, PHF Rtn PP T I M Nurul Kabir MPHF, B, PHS, Rtn Mirza Hossain MPHF, Rtn Barrister Shafayat Ullah PHF, Rtn Mahmud Hasan RFSM


Rotary Bhaban, National Institute for Cancer Research & Hospital (NICR&H) Mohakhali, Dhaka - 1213 Tel: 9892465 E-mail:

Club of Dhaka

February is Peace and Conflict

Prevention/Resolution Month

2) Sewing Machine to the poor trained Recipients:

Contact Rotarian: Rtn Md Nasimul Hoq Majumder PHF

Sponsor: Rotary Club of Dhaka. Support: RCC Rowmari.

Project: Handing over of 5 Sewing machines to 5

trained Operators. 4 Recipients are in Rowmari,

Kurigram and 1 recipient is in Dhaka.

Date: Saturday, January 30, 2016.

3) Handing over Cows:

Contact Rotarian: Rtn PP Rafiqul Islam Rowly MPHF.

He briefed the members about the project.

Sponsors: Rtn PP Rafiqul Islam Rowly MPHF with his

friends (BDT 28,000/-)

Rtn Rtn IPP Shaheed Siddique MPHF (BDT 7,000/-)

Rtn PP T I M Nurul Kabir MPHF, B, PHS (BDT 5,000/-)

Support: President, Rotary Club of Gaibandha will help

to buy the cows for the beneficiary.

4) Note Book Distribution:

Contact Rotarian: Rtn PP Capt Md Khaliquzzaman PHF.

He gave a brief detail of the Project to the members.

Sponsor: Rotary Club of Dhaka (BDT 35,000/-)

Rtn PP Capt Md Khaliquzzaman PHF (BDT 25,000/-

)Project: Our efforts in promoting education, continue

with the project under which around 4000 notebooks

will be distributed to Comrade Ratan Sen Collegiate

Girls' School at Rupsha, Khulna. This school is a special-

ized school offering free education to poor girls. At

present there are 300 girls studying in this school. All

the education materials other than free text books

from Bangladesh Government are offered here for

free. The school offers free nutritious lunch, school

uniform, footwear, educational tour for their students

with the help from people of the country and also

from the abroad. Students are offered free medical

treatment with the help of some renowned Doctors of

Khulna city. It is a continuous project.

Date: Sunday, January 31, 2016



The Rotary Club of Dhaka met on Tuesday, January

26, 2016 for their weekly meeting. The Club

President Rtn Md Nasimul Hoq Majumder PHF called

the meeting to order at 05.30 pm.

Invocation was led by Rtn Mamun Akbar PHF.

Birthday and Wedding Anniversary greetings were

read out by Rtn Lt Col (Retd) Syed Quamruzzaman


The President welcomed Ms Yasmin Farooq, guest of

Rtn Afroza Akter. The President welcomed the Guest

Speaker Jude William Genilo, PhD, Head of the

Media Service and Journalism Department, Univer-

sity of Liberal Arts (ULAB) to the Head Table.

The President made announcements of the following

ongoing Projects details of which were printed in

Club bulletin:

1) The 14th camp of the ABCD (Ausi-Bangla Care for

Dental) Program will be held on Thursday, January


, 2016 in ARBAN School, Bauniabad, Mirpur-11,

Dhaka under RC Dhaka jointly sponsored by NGO

Forum & RWACS (Australia). The President thanked

Rtn Abu Nawaz Bhuiyan for his efforts to the Project.


05 February

R-Let Ismam Nawar Siddique

S/o Rtn PP Shaheed Siddique

R-Ann Farzana Rifat

W/o Rtn Rafiul Ahsan

07 February

R-Let Samina Sultana

D/o Rtn Golam Mustafa

08 February

R-Let Sharmini Abbasi

D/o Rtn PDG Mustafa Zaman Abbasi

03 February

Rtn Dr Fawzia Hossain


Prof Ziaul Haq

Meeting Statistics (26-01-2016)

Total Members 59

Members exempted 04

Members Present 18

Percentage of attendance 18.18%

Last week’s attendance rose to 45.45%

(from 39.28%)

Visiting Rotarians 00

Club Guests 01

Members’ Guests 01

Sunshine Box Collection (Tk). 600.0

Our Roving AmbassadorsOur Roving AmbassadorsOur Roving AmbassadorsOur Roving Ambassadors

Name of Rotarian Rotary Club/ Events Date

Rtn S M Anwar Hossain RC Dhaka Premier 26.01.16

Rtn Afroza Akhter PhD RC Dhaka Premier 26.01.16

Rtn DGN F H Arif RC N’ganj Mid City 29.01.16

Rtn PP A K M Abdus e-Club One 30.01.16


Rtn Afroza Akter introduced the Guest

Speaker Jude William Genilo. The Guest

Speaker Jude William Genilo gave a

inspira-tional speech on the topic

“Philanthropy in Bangladesh from an

Expert’s view.” He stated that it takes

humanity to listen to stakeholders and

it is important to be unique and true to

oneself and added that foreigners represent Bangladesh.

Formal vote of thanks was offered by

Rtn PDG Ishtiaque Abiduz Zaman PhD

PHF who thanked the Guest Speaker for

being the Goodwill Ambassador of

Bangladesh. He also thanked Rtn Afroza

Akter for inviting the Guest Speaker. Rtn

PDG Ishtiaque Abiduz Zaman thanked

Rtn PP T I M Nurul Kabir for bringing

honour and glory from the RI.

A memento as a token of appreciation was handed over to the

Guest Speaker by Rtn PDG Ishtiaque Abiduz Zaman PhD, PHF.

Rtn PE S M Anwar Hossain made his announcement about the

small change in portfolio of the incoming Board of Directors of

RCD which is printed in the Bulletin. He informed that the

American Ambas-sador will be the Chief Guest in the Instal-

lation Ceremony.

Rtn PP T I M Nurul Kabir MPHF, B, PHS briefed the members

about his contribution and participation at various sessions in

the Presidential Conference held in USA.

The President announced about the District Conference 2016,

Celebrating Service Above Self to be held on Friday, February

26, 2016 and Saturday February 27th

, 2016 in International

Convention City Bashundhara, Dhaka. The President asked all

the members to register within the stipulated time.

Minutes of the earlier meeting were unanimously approved by

the members. The Club Secretary Rtn Barrister Shafayat Ullah

announced the date of the next weekly club meeting to be

held on Tuesday, February 02, 2016 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon

Hotel, Dhaka at 05.30 pm. There being no other important

point to discuss the President adjourned the meeting.

Rtn Barrister Shafayat Ullah PHF

Club Secretary




In life, sometimes the experiences that matter the most are the briefest. They pass in the blink of an eye: a

few days, a few hours, a few moments. They are the experiences that illuminate the landscape of our

memory, shining brightly even years later. They are the moments in which we see, suddenly, something we

had not seen; we understand something we had not understood; we forge a connection we had not


For me, this has been a Rotary year like no other. I have been around the world, traversing countries and

continents. I have been to places I had never seen before, and I have returned to familiar places and seen

them, as for the first time, through the lens of Rotary.

When you travel for Rotary, you travel with a different sense of perspective and a different sense of

purpose. There is an awareness of being part of something larger than yourself. When you board a plane or

a train, or leave your home in the dark hours of early morning, you may be leaving for lands unknown – but

at your destination, there will be no strangers. There will be Rotarians, waiting and welcoming. There will be

work to do, something to learn, and perhaps something to teach.

There will be connections to forge, friendships to build, and memories to carry for a lifetime.

This year, I have been the traveler, and I have been welcomed by Rotarians around the world. A few months

from now, from 28 May to 1 June, I invite you to step into my experience: allow me to welcome you to

Seoul for our 107th International Convention.

The Koreans have a saying: 사람이 나면 서울로 보내라. In English we would say, "When a person is born,

send them to Seoul." For Seoul is a city of opportunities: a wonderful destination with rich traditions,

modern conveniences, and a culture unlike any other. But I ask you to join me in Seoul not only for all of

this, but also for the experiences you will have there with your fellow Rotarians.

For a brief moment in time, you will experience Rotary as I have experienced it: in all its diversity, all its

warmth, and all its potential. You will be greeted as an old friend by people you have never met; you will

share your thoughts, even without a shared language. You will learn with wonder of what Rotary has

achieved, and leave inspired to achieve even more.

Before this Rotary year comes to its close, I ask you to do what I have done: to leave your homes, to board

your flights, to travel toward the unknown with an open heart and an open mind, confident that Rotary will

welcome you. Join me, and your fellow Rotarians, as we Connect with Korea – Touch the World.

Selection of Cancer patients for Histopathological Testing

Total Total

Examined Treated Filling Extraction AgF

1 Pallabi Degree College, Section-8, Wednesday 09.09.2015 115 34 16 23 16

Duary Para, Pallabi, Mirpur

2 Anando Niketon Primary School, Thursday 10.09.2015 123 54 23 35 12

Bauniabadh, C Block, Pallabi, Mirpur

3 Basudev Government Primary School, Saturday 12.09.2015 130 68 60 29 72

Post Office Basudev, Upazila,

Brahmanbaria Sadar, Brahmanbaria.

4 Basudev Government Primary School, Sunday 13.09.2015 173 77 55 49 49

Post Office Basudev, Upazila,

Brahmanbaria Sadar, Brahmanbaria.

5 Baruna Faizar Rahman Government Tuesday 15.09.2015 193 88 71 42 84

Primary School, Union: Kalapur, Upazila:

Srimongal, District: Moulavibazar

6 Bishamoni High School, Union: Wednesday 16.09.2015 159 62 87 30 28

Srimongal, Upazila: Srimongal, District:


7 Shatgao High School, Union: Shatgao, Thursday 17.09.2015 128 54 92 28 35

Upazila: Srimongal, District:


8 ARBAN School Wednesday 28.10.2015 92 51 66 40

Block - A, Bauniabad, Mirpur, Dhaka9 Government Primary School Thursday 29.10.2015 97 60 109 50

Block - A, Bauniabad, Mirpur, Dhaka10 Government Primary School Tuesday 24.11.2015 102 61 75 39

Block - E, Bauniabad, Mirpur, Dhaka11 Shurovi School Wednesday 25.11.2015 105 66 93 26

Block - D, Bauniabad, Mirpur, Dhaka12 ARBAN School Sunday 24.1.2016 116 75 67 35

Block - C, Bauniabad, Mirpur, Dhaka13 Anondo Niketon Primary School Monday 25.1.2016 114 63 68 28

Block - C, Bauniabad, Mirpur, Dhaka

Camp Address Day Date

Rotary Club of DhakaAusBangla Care for Dental (ABCD) Health Program, RY 2015-16

Block - C, Bauniabad, Mirpur, Dhaka14 ARBAN School Thursday 28.1.2016 124 78 98 33

Block - D, Bauniabad, Mirpur, DhakaTotal 1771 891 980 487 296

Total examined: The numbers of people receiving a dental examination/assessment/advice at the

screening desk.Total treated: The numbers of people receiving dental treatment in the dental clinic room.

Fillings: The numbers of fillings provided.

Extractions: The numbers of teeth extracted (pulled out).

AgF: Use of Silver Fluoride, a chemical agent used to halt ("arrest") the progress of decay.

Those people not receiving treatment generally had good oral health, but most required and received oral

hygiene advice which was not recorded in these camps but will be noted in future camps. There were some

cases where the treatment required was beyond the capacity of the dental camp for example people

requesting root canal treatments, people requiring general scaling, orthodontic cases, denture needs, and

pathology referrals. There were also treatment refusals - crying children, and some adults who refused

extraction of teeth which were beyond sarving.

A volunteer



a patient

IPP Shaheed

leading a camp

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