exam questions, department of radiology and imaging 2017 ......exam questions, department of...

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Exam Questions, Department of Radiology and Imaging

2017-2018 academic year, winter session

Year 3, General Medicine


A chest X-ray of a patient in satisfactory condition reveals a mediastinal opacity with air-fluid level. The

first-line investigation in this situation is:


A chest X-ray reveals a limited ill-defined opacity in the middle zone of the right lung, demonstrating a

polygonal shape, irregular borders and costal intensity. There is no mediastinal shift or volume loss. The

most likely diagnosis is:

3. A diffusely scarred and atrophic kidney with deformed calyces and renal pelvis, unclear contours of

minor calyces and cortical vascular obliteration is most likely to be found in:

4. A distinctive radiological sign of esophageal atresia is:

5. A harder X-ray beam generally has the following effects on a radiograhic image:

6. A horizontal fluid level can be encountered in the following esophageal pathology:

7. A limited opacity in the middle zone of the lung field with ill-defined borders, polygonal shape

(triangular), costal intensity is characteristic for:

8. A lower contrast radiographic image has the following amount of information:

9. A normal chest radiograph shows:

10. A pregnant employee should be transferred to work which does not expose her to ionizing radiation:

11. A pyelogram usually displays:

12. A radionuclide represents:

13. A radiopharmaceutical represents:

14. A relevant radiological sign of ankylosis is:

15. A relevant radiological sign of large bowel obstruction is:

16. A relevant radiological sign of perforated gastric ulcers is:

17. A relevant radiological sign of small bowel obstruction is:

18. A renal stone may be detected by:

19. A ring-shaped lung opacity connected to a drainage bronchus is seen in:

20. A simple abdominal radiograph was effectuated for a patient presenting with acute abdomen. The patient

was determined to have free gas in his abdominal cavity. The radiologist must:

21. A single nodular opacity in the lung field is commonly noted in:

22. A solitary nodular lung opacity in commonly seen in:

23. A spicular periosteal reaction signifies:

24. A standard chest radiograph of a patient showed hyperlucency over both lungs, widening of the

intercostal spaces and flattened diaphragm with limited respiratory excursion. The most likely diagnosis


25. A tendency for confluence of nodular opacities is observed in:

26. A total or subtotal heterogeneous opacity with mediastinal shift away from the opacity is characteristic


27. A total or subtotal heterogeneous opacity with mediastinal shift away from the opacity is characteristic


28. A total or subtotal heterogeneous opacity with mediastinal shift towards the opacity is characteristic for:

29. A total or subtotal homogeneous opacity with mediastinal shift away from opacity is characteristic for:

30. A total or subtotal homogeneous opacity with mediastinal shift towards the opacity is characteristic for:

31. A total or subtotal homogeneous opacity with mediastinal shift towards the opacity is characteristic for:

32. A total or subtotal opacity without mediastinal shift is characteristic for:

33. A total or subtotal opacity without mediastinal shift is most likely indicative of:

34. A well-defined nodular or rounded lung opacity with clear regular borders is more likely to represent:

35. A wider tonal range between the lightest and darkest points of a radiographic image is associated with:

36. Abdominal X-ray shows an enlarged heterogeneous kidney with irregular contours. The most likely

diagnosis is:

37. Absence of articular space represents a component part of:

38. Absence of contrast filling of one kidney during intravenous urography is most likely to be related to:

39. Accelerated gastric emptying is more likely to occur in patients with:

40. According to Blombar segmentation, the esophagus has:

41. Acicular (spiculated) periostitis is usually seen in:

42. Age particularities of metaepiphyseal bone fractures in children are:

43. Age particularities of metaepiphyseal fractures in children are commonly related to:

44. Age particularities of tubular bone fractures in children are commonly related to:

45. Age particularities of tubular bone fractures in children are:

46. Air-fluid levels on radiographic image are usually noted in:

47. An avascular anechoic defect in renal parenchyma with well-defined contours that is compressing the

calyces and displacing the ureter and renal pelvis is most likely to represent:

48. An esophagogram reveals advanced contractions of distal esophagus and 3-5 localized symmetrical

dilatations separated by indentations in that region. The condition most likely represents:

49. An X-ray image with a lower radiographic contrast generally contains:

50. Anatomical substrate of the normal pulmonary hilum on the radiological image is:

51. Anatomical substrate of the normal pulmonary vascular pattern consists of:

52. Anchylosis represents:

53. Angiography is performed using the following contrast medium:

54. Aortic heart configuration is usually noted in:

55. Arthrography represents:

56. Articular surface erosion is usually encountered in:

57. Atrophic gastric folds are more likely to be encountered in patients with:

58. Barium enema is related to:

59. Barium sulfate has limited or no side effects because:

60. Basic imaging methods for investigation of gastrointestinal tract are:

61. Basic methods of investigation of respiratory system are:

62. Basic methods of investigation of the gastrointestinal tract are:

63. Basic radiological methods of investigation include:

64. Basic radiological methods of investigation of the respiratory system are:

65. Basic radiological signs of fractures include:

66. Bone changes due to osteoporosis include:

67. Bone destruction is a process that can be best described as:

68. Bone healing by callus formation includes the following stages:

69. Bone sequestration usually represents the result of:

70. Bronchial arteries which supply the lung tissue originate from:

71. Bronchiectasis is usually associated with:

72. Bronchography allows assessment of:

73. Centrally located loops with relatively less expressed mucosal relief and a slow intestinal transit are most

likely to be encountered in:

74. Cerebral angiography is most useful for evaluation of:

75. Changes in gastrointestinal peristalsis include:

76. Changes in the size of mucosal/submucosal folds of gastrointestinal tract that can be detected

radiologically include:

77. Changes in the tonus of gastrointestinal tract include:

78. Changes in the tonus of gastrointestinal tract include:

79. Characteristics reflecting gastrointestinal function include:

80. Characteristics reflecting gastrointestinal morphology include:

81. Chest radiograph reveals a ring-shaped opacity with irregular internal borders and a “vascular path”

towards the lung hilum. Adjacent hilar adenopathy is also noted. The most likely diagnosis is:

82. Chronic bronchitis is usually associated with:

83. Clarity of a chest radiograph is appreciated by the contour of:

84. Colon tumors are commonly localized at the level of:

85. Common causes of esophageal varices are:

86. Common causes of reflux esophagitis include:

87. Common radiographic features of limited opacity in pneumonia include:

88. Common radiological signs of bone tumors include:

89. Common radiological signs of osteitis in the acute phase include:

90. Common radiological signs of osteitis in the chronic phase include:

91. Common radiological signs of osteitis in the remission phase include:

92. Common radiological signs of rheumatoid arthritis include:

93. Common types of bone fractures in children related to their age particularities include:

94. Computed tomography of the liver allows evaluation of:

95. Constructive changes of bone structure are predominant in:

96. Contour changes presenting as defects of filling (regions of “minus” filling) during a barium study


97. Contour changes presenting as defects of filling (regions of “minus” filling) during a barium study


98. Contour changes presenting as defects of filling (regions of “minus” filling) during a barium study


99. Contour changes presenting as defects of filling (regions of “minus” filling) during a barium study


100. Contour changes presenting as regions of abnormal extraluminal filling (“plus” filling) during a barium

study include:

101. Contour changes presenting as regions of abnormal extraluminal filling (“plus” filling) during a barium

study include:

102. Contraindication(s) for computed tomography include:

103. Contraindication(s) for magnetic resonance imaging investigation include:

104. Contraindication(s) for radiological investigation include:

105. Contraindication(s) for ultrasonographic investigation include:

106. Contrast agents that are commonly used for radiographic investigation of the renal system and urinary

tract include:

107. Convergence of gastric folds on barium studies is usually seen in:

108. Deformation of pulmonary vascular pattern is noted in:

109. Deformation of the pulmonary vascular pattern is usually noted in:

110. Delayed gastric emptying is more likely to occur in patients with:

111. Depending on the associated increased or decreased X-ray attenuation, the basic radiological signs are

commonly divided into:

112. Destructive changes of bone structure are predominant in:

113. Deviation of gastric folds commonly indicates the existence of:

114. Deviation of gastric folds on barium studies is usually seen in:

115. Diaphragmatic motion abnormalities are commonly found in patients with:

116. Differential diagnosis of a hypoplastic kidney usually includes:

117. Differential diagnosis of ectopic kidney should consider:

118. Diffuse disseminated nodular opacities are usually seen in:

119. Diffuse disseminated nodular pulmonary opacities are usually seen in:

120. Dilated renal pelvis and calyces with atrophic renal parenchyma and prominently decreased renal

function are most likely to be found in:

121. Diminution of lung transparence commonly appears in:

122. Direction of the opacity displacement during inspiration depends on:

123. Dislocation of fracture segments can be:

124. Displacement of fracture segments along longitudinal axis:

125. Displacement of gastrointestinal organs may be related to:

126. Distal esophagus and stomach cardia form an angle (the angle of Hiss) which is normally:

127. Diverticulum complications include:

128. Doppler signal intensity is proportional to:

129. During cystography, the contrast agent is usually administered:

130. During intravenous urography, the first radiographic image is obtained:

131. During radiological investigation of trauma is mandatory to include the following projections:

132. Echocardiographical examination of the moving cardiac structures is performed by the following


133. Ectopic kidney represents:

134. Enhanced pulmonary vascular pattern occurs in:

135. Esophageal cancer is most frequently located at the level of:

136. Esophageal stenosis in chemical esophageal combustions (caustic injuries) commonly occurs at the level


137. Esophageal strictures post caustic esophageal injuries are commonly located at the level of:

138. Esophageal ulcers are most frequently located at the level of:

139. Fluid in the oblique fissure is better assessed on X-ray investigation in the following projection:

140. Fluoroscopy allows investigation of:

141. Fluoroscopy indications include:

142. For endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), the contrast agent is administered:

143. For free fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity is characteristic:

144. For general angiopulmonography, the contrast agent is injected:

145. For hepatic scintigraphy:

146. For intra- and post-operative cholangiography, the contrast agent is administered:

147. For intravenous (excretory) urography we use the following contrast media:

148. For obtaining optimal image quality at the lowest radiation dose, it is preferable to use:

149. For percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, the contrast agent is administered:

150. For retrograde pieloureterography:

151. Fornix has anatomical relationships with:

152. Functional change(s) of gastric mucosa include:

153. Functional changes of the gastrointestinal tract include:

154. Functional changes of the gastrointestinal tract include:

155. Functional changes of the gastrointestinal tract reflected radiologically include:

156. Functional changes related to gastric mucosal abnormalities include:

157. Gastric content evacuation is most expressed in the following position:

158. Gastric emptying depends on:

159. Gastrointestinal (GI) evacuation abnormalities may be related to:

160. Gastrointestinal segments that are abnormally dilated are called:

161. Gastrointestinal segments that are abnormally short are called:

162. Gastrointestinal segments that are longer than normal are called:

163. Geometric unsharpness in a radiographic image is affected by:

164. Greenstick fractures represent:

165. Hepatic scintigraphy permits evaluation of:

166. High-density structures in computed tomography are called:

167. High-density structures on radiographic imaging are called:

168. Horseshoe kidney represents:

169. How many anatomical zones has a lung:

170. How many levels of “natural contrast” (i.e. gray-scale levels) can be distinguished on a simple


171. How many segments are there in the right lung:

172. How many units includes the Hounsfield scale?

173. Hydro-aeric level can be usually noted in:

174. Hydro-aeric levels localized at the periphery of the abdominal region on abdominal radiography are

usually indicative of:

175. Hydro-aeric levels localized in the central abdominal region on abdominal radiography are usually

indicative of:

176. Hydronephrosis represents:

177. Hyperlucency is noted in:

178. Hyperlucency of lung field occurs due to:

179. Hyperlucency of the lung field commonly appears in:

180. Hyperlucency of the lung field, intercostal space widening, flattening of the diaphragm, limited

respiratory excursion of the diaphragm are characteristic for:

181. Hyperlucency of the pulmonary field may reflect:

182. Hypertonic stomach is more likely to occur in patients with:

183. Hypoplastic kidney represents:

184. Hypotonic stomach is more likely to occur in patients with:

185. If the esophagus is elongated, has flattened and dilated folds and an increased transit, this most likely


186. If the esophagus is shortened and has a narrow lumen, narrow well-distinguished folds and a decreased

transit, this most likely indicates:

187. If the wave frequency increases, the wavelength:

188. Imaging features that are useful for differentiating nephroptosis from renal dystopia include:

189. Imaging findings in diffuse hepatic pathology include:

190. Imaging modalities that are commonly used for detecting and evaluating pancreatic mass lesions are:

191. In acute inflammatory process of pulmonary parenchyma, the opacity has the following characteristics:

192. In bronchography, the contrast agent is introduced into:

193. In longilin asthenic type of constitution, the gastric position is characterized by:

194. In most patients contrast filling of the ureters during intravenous urography has the following pattern:

195. In osteoarticular pathology, magnetic resonance imaging is most useful for investigating:

196. In osteodestruction, the affected bone segment appears on radiograph:

197. In osteolysis, the affected bone segment appears on radiograph:

198. In osteonecrosis, the affected bone region usually appears on radiograph as:

199. In osteoporosis, the affected bone segment appears on radiograph:

200. In osteosclerosis, the affected bone segment appears on radiograph:

201. In patients with achalasia of grade III-IV the gastric air bubble is:

202. In patients with “thoracic stomach”, the esophagus is most likely:

203. In pneumothorax the collapsed lung is commonly displaced:

204. In pneumothorax, the collapsed lung is displaced:

205. In selective angiopulmonography, the contrast agent is injected:

206. In suspected gastric or duodenal perforation, the primary radiological investigations is:

207. In suspected perforation of a hollow organ, when the amount of free gaz in the abdominal cavity is too

small to be detected on simple abdominal X-ray, the modality of investigation of choice is:

208. In suspected perforation of gastric or duodenal ulcer, the investigation modality of choice is:

209. In the picnic and athletic types of constitution, the gastric position is characterized by:

210. In the postero-anterior projection, the inferior edge of the right middle lobe is at the level of:

211. In total or subtotal lung opacification, the first sign of volume reduction is:

212. In which portion of the gastrointestinal tract the haustra are most prominent:

213. Incomplete fractures include:

214. Increased muscular tone of the urinary tract is usually encountered in:

215. Increased pulmonary vascular pattern is noted in:

216. Increased radiopharmaceutical activity on bone scintigraphy usually provides diagnostic information

related to:

217. Increasing the electric voltage of an X-ray tube has the following effect on image contrast:

218. Increasing the hardness of an X-ray beam has the following effects on patient irradiation:

219. Indicate the types of nuclear radiation:

220. Indications for sympathomimetic medication in gastrointestinal disorders include:

221. Indications for vagotropic medication in gastrointestinal disorders include:

222. Intensity of the opacity depends on the following criteria of the morphological substrate:

223. Interruption of gastric folds on barium studies is usually seen in:

224. Intra- and post-operative cholangiography is usually indicated in:

225. Intraarticular space narrowing is most frequently caused by the predominant destruction of:

226. Intravenous cholangio-cholecystography:

227. Intravenous urography in suspected nephroptosis should include the following projections:

228. Joint (articular) radiography allows visualization of:

229. Kidney enlargement is commonly encountered in:

230. Kidney location is commonly assessed using the following reference points:

231. Lamellar periostitis is more likely to be encountered in:

232. Lateral radiography of the pharynx and cervical esophagus without contrast administration is most

frequently used for detection of:

233. Laterography is performed with the patient in:

234. Left posterior displacement of the gastric cardia with caudal displacement of the gastric antrum is

commonly noted in:

235. Length abnormalities of gastrointestinal segments are called:

236. Linear periostitis is predominantly encountered in the following phases of a pathological bone process:

237. Liver consists of:

238. Liver scintigraphy is performed after administration of:

239. Liver ultrasonography is an imaging modality that can be best described as:

240. Localization of lung pathology is preferably indicated using:

241. Localization of lung pathology should be preferably indicated by:

242. Location of the kidneys is commonly determined in relation to the following structures:

243. Low-density structures in computed tomography are called:

244. Low-density structures on radiographic imaging are called:

245. Lung segmentation is based on the ramification of the following structures:

246. Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen is expected to be most useful in a patient with:

247. Mediastinal widening is more likely to occur in:

248. Mitral heart configuration is usually noted in:

249. Mitral insufficiency is characterized by enlargement of:

250. Modifications of the stomach position or dimensions include:

251. Morphological changes of the gastrointestinal tract reflected radiologically include:

252. Morphological changes of the gastrointestinal tract reflected radiologically include:

253. Morphological changes of the gastrointestinal tract reflected radiologically include:

254. Morphological changes of the gastrointestinal tract reflected radiologically include:

255. Morphological changes of the gastrointestinal tract reflected radiologically include:

256. Morphological radiological signs of gastric ulcer include:

257. Morphological signs of gastric ulcers include:

258. Multiple ring-shaped opacities of various size, round or oval in appearance, thin walled, with clear

regular outline and no fluid content are characteristic for:

259. Multiview exploration of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract represents:

260. Narrowing of the esophageal lumen is commonly encountered in:

261. Nephroptosis represents:

262. Normal lung hilar shadows on radiographic images are produced mainly by:

263. Normal radiological articular space is presented by:

264. Normal-sized kidneys with a relatively homogeneous appearance, well defined contours, normal calyces

and moderately dilated renal pelvis are most likely to be found in:

265. On a computed tomography image, a stone in the gallbladder appears:

266. On abdominal ultrasonography, a fluid-containing hepatic cyst generally appears:

267. On intravenous cholangio-cholecystography, a cholesterol gallstone usually presents as:

268. On simple abdominal radiography the opacity of the urinary bladder is visualized:

269. On the Hounsfield scale, the number 0 (zero) corresponds to the radiodensity of:

270. On ultrasonographic examination, a gallbladder stone appears:

271. Opacification of the pulmonary field may reflect:

272. Opacity displacement and changing of its shape after changing the patient position is characteristic for:

273. Opacity displacement and reshaping after changing position of the patient is usually encountered in:

274. Opacity of the lung field commonly appears in:

275. Opacity symptom of lung field occurs due to:

276. Oral administration of cold fluids:

277. Oral administration of warm fluids:

278. Oral cholecystography:

279. Orientation (direction) abnormalities of mucosal/submucosal folds of gastrointestinal tract that can be

detected radiologically include:

280. Orientation (direction) abnormalities of mucosal/submucosal folds of gastrointestinal tract that can be

detected radiologically include:

281. Osteodestruction refers to:

282. Osteolysis can be best described as:

283. Osteolysis refers to:

284. Osteonecrosis refers to:

285. Osteoporosis refers to:

286. Osteosclerosis refers to:

287. Paracostal hyperlucency with absence of pulmonary vascular pattern is noted in:

288. Paracostal hyperlucency with no vascular pattern is characteristic for:

289. Particularities of tubular bone fractures in children include:

290. Patient preparation for barium enema includes:

291. Patient preparation for radiological examination of the stomach consists of:

292. Patient preparation for radiological examination of the stomach consists of:

293. Patient preparation for radiological investigation of the large intestine includes:

294. Penetrative gastric ulcers of the great curvature commonly penetrate into:

295. Penetrative gastric ulcers of the inferior portion of the lesser curvature commonly penetrate into:

296. Penetrative gastric ulcers of the posterior gastric wall are more likely to penetrate into:

297. Penetrative gastric ulcers of the superior portion of the lesser curvature commonly penetrate into:

298. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography is usually indicated in patients with:

299. Polycystic kidney represents:

300. Position abnormalities of gastrointestinal tract include:

301. Position abnormalities of gastrointestinal tract include:

302. Posterior surface of the stomach has anatomical relationships with:

303. Posterior surface of the stomach has anatomical relationships with:

304. Potential causes of osteonecrosis include:

305. Pulmonary emphysema is commonly associated with:

306. Pulmonary hypovolemia is associated with:

307. Pulmonary opacity is noted in:

308. Pulmonary transparency (lucency) in patients with pulmonary venous congestion:

309. Pulmonary venous congestion is associated with:

310. Radiation intensity during an X-ray investigation depends on:

311. Radiographic characteristics of a gastric polyp on barium studies include:

312. Radiographic characteristics of achalasia include:

313. Radiographic characteristics of bronchiectasis include:

314. Radiographic characteristics of chronic bronchitis include:

315. Radiographic characteristics of hydatid cyst of the lung include:

316. Radiographic characteristics of peripheral non-necrotizing lung cancer include:

317. Radiographic characteristics of pulmonary hilum inflammatory infiltration include:

318. Radiographic characteristics of pulmonary hilum lymph nodes enlargement include:

319. Radiographic characteristics of pulmonary hypovolemia include:

320. Radiographic characteristics of pulmonary venous congestion include:

321. Radiographic characteristics of the necrotic phase of peripheral lung cancer include:

322. Radiographic features of a pulmonary hydatid (echinococcal) cyst commonly include:

323. Radiographic features of free fluid accumulation in pleural cavity commonly include:

324. Radiographic features of joint subluxation (partial dislocation) include:

325. Radiographic features of large diaphragmatic hernia containing bowel loops include:

326. Radiographic features of massive exudative pleural effusion include:

327. Radiographic features of pulmonary emphysema commonly include:

328. Radiographic features of pulmonary emphysema include:

329. Radiographic features of pulmonary emphysema include:

330. Radiographic features of total or subtotal pulmonary atelectasis include:

331. Radiographic findings in hilar lymphadenopathy include:

332. Radiographic findings of hilar metastases commonly include:

333. Radiographic image quality criteria include:

334. Radiological appearance of gastric mucosa depends on:

335. Radiological appearance of the gastric mucosa depends on:

336. Radiological characteristics of colon cancer include:

337. Radiological exploration of the digestive tract without contrast administration is useful for detecting:

338. Radiological features of malignant gastric ulcers include:

339. Radiological features of osteonecrosis include:

340. Radiological findings of hypertonic stomach include:

341. Radiological findings of hypotonic stomach include:

342. Radiological findings of normotonic stomach include:

343. Radiological investigation of a fracture includes the following standard projections:

344. Radiological investigation of the colon with barium sulfate is called:

345. Radiological methods providing information about peristalsis include:

346. Radiological report of a pulmonary opacity should include the following characteristics:

347. Radiological signs indicative of intrapulmonary location of a parietal lung lesion include:

348. Radiological signs of ankylosis include:

349. Radiological signs of arthrosis include:

350. Radiological signs of hydronephrosis include:

351. Radiological signs of hydronephrosis on intravenous urography include:

352. Radiological signs of nephroptosis include:

353. Radiological signs of pelvic renal dystopia (pelvic kidney) include:

354. Radiological signs of polycystic kidney disease include:

355. Related to osteoarticular system, ultrasonography is usually providing useful information for evaluating:

356. Renal angiography is indicated in suspected:

357. Ring-shaped opacity symptom with bronchial drainage and adjacent nodular opacities is characteristic


358. Ring-shaped opacity symptom with thick walls, disrupted irregular internal outline, presence of "vascular

route" to hilum and hilar lymphatic nodes enlargement are characteristic for:

359. Rounded opacity in the lung field with clear well-defined outline is characteristic for:

360. Scoliostosis refers to:

361. Secretion abnormalities of gastrointestinal tract include:

362. Size abnormalities of gastrointestinal segments (compartments) include:

363. Size abnormalities of gastrointestinal segments presenting with larger or smaller diameter are called:

364. Size changes of a gastrointestinal organ may include:

365. Skeletal scintigraphy for detecting primary and secondary tumors is usually performed with:

366. Skeletal scintigraphy is most frequently indicated for detection of:

367. Sliding hiatal herniation differs from paraesophageal herniation by the following:

368. Small vegetating lesions of gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa are better detected using:

369. Sound is:

370. Special methods of investigation of respiratory system are:

371. Special methods of investigation of the gastrointestinal tract are:

372. Special radiological methods of investigation include:

373. Special radiological methods of investigation of the respiratory system are:

374. Spondylitis predominantly relates to:

375. Strictures of the proximal esophagus are commonly encountered in:

376. Structures associated with strong wave reflections in ultrasonography are called:

377. Structures associated with weak wave reflections in ultrasonography are called:

378. The 12th rib shadow crosses the right kidney at the level of:

379. The anatomical structures commonly visualized on intravenous (excretory) urography include:

380. The angle of Treitz is located at the junction of:

381. The appendix is located:

382. The auxiliary tasks of radiologic investigation of digestive tube without using contrast agents are:

383. The average diameter of the normal esophagus in the tight-filling phase does not exceed:

384. The basic principles of medical ultrasound investigation rely on the following:

385. The cardiac axis orientation in asthenic constitution is usually:

386. The cardiac axis orientation in hypersthenic constitution is usually:

387. The cardiac axis orientation in normosthenic constitution is usually:

388. The contour of a lobar or segmental opacity caused by atelectasis is usually:

389. The correct order of left heart border convexities in postero-anterior projection is:

390. The correct order of right heart border convexities in postero-anterior projection is:

391. The earliest term a bony callus can normally be detected radiologically is:

392. The effects of elevated pressure in the renal pelvis include:

393. The following imaging modalities are used for investigating the ureters:

394. The fracture line may be:

395. The fracture line of most intraarticular fractures is:

396. The functions of ileocecal valve include:

397. The greatest speed of ultrasound propagation is in the:

398. The head of the pancreas has anatomical relationships with:

399. The imaging features of hydronephrosis include:

400. The imaging modalities used for urinary bladder investigation include:

401. The imaging modality of choice for diagnosis of hydronephrosis is:

402. The imaging modality of choice for evaluation of bone metastases is:

403. The imaging modality of choice for evaluation of nephroptosis is:

404. The imaging modality of choice for evaluation of renal agenesia is:

405. The imaging modality of choice for evaluation of renal aplasia is:

406. The imaging modality of choice for investigating spinal cord pathology is:

407. The imaging modality of choice for visualizing cranial bone fractures is:

408. The imaging modality of choice for visualizing soft tissue brain structures is:

409. The imaging modality with the highest sensitivity for detecting renal stones in patients with

hydronephrosis is:

410. The inferior convexity of the right heart border on postero-anterior chest radiograph is formed by:

411. The inner surface relief changes of the gastrointestinal tract that can be detected radiologically include:

412. The intensity of an opacity is primarily determined by:

413. The kidneys are located:

414. The kidneys are located:

415. The kidneys are normally located at the level of:

416. The left lower pulmonary lobe contains:

417. The long axes of the kidneys:

418. The main functions of the ileum are:

419. The main radiological method for evaluating bones and joints is:

420. The main radiological method for evaluation of osteoarticular system is:

421. The method of choice for investigation of the kidneys is:

422. The method of choice for investigation of the liver is:

423. The method of choice for investigation of the lungs is:

424. The method of first choice for investigation of the heart is:

425. The minimum amount of free gas in the abdominal cavity that can be detected radiologically is:

426. The modality of choice for detection of swallowed metallic foreign bodies is:

427. The modality that is commonly used to differentiate an intrahepatic blood vessel from an intrahepatic bile

duct is:

428. The most appropriate modalities for detecting duodenal abnormalities caused by adjacent abdominal

pathology are:

429. The most effective medication for differentiating functional from morphological gastro-duodenal

abnormalities is:

430. The most frequent benign tumor of the esophagus is:

431. The most frequent complication of esophageal ulcer is:

432. The most important factor causing ultrasound wave reflections at the interface between tissues represents

the difference in:

433. The most informative imaging modality for detecting nephroptosis is:

434. The most informative imaging modality for detecting radionegative renal concrements is:

435. The most informative imaging modality for evaluating a “mute kidney” in a patient with hydronephrosis


436. The most informative imaging modality for evaluating renal aplasia is:

437. The most informative imaging modality for evaluating renal hypoplasia is:

438. The most informative modality for evaluating splenic abnormalities is:

439. The most predictive radiographic sign of an intra-abdominal abscess is:

440. The most predictive radiographic sign of colon obstruction is:

441. The most predictive radiographic sign of small bowel obstruction is:

442. The most sensitive imaging modality for detecting small amounts of pleural fluid is:

443. The most sensitive imaging modality for detecting small lung nodules (up to 2cm) is:

444. The most sensitive modalities for early diagnosis of acute osteomyelitis are:

445. The most sensitive modalities for early diagnosis of tubular bone osteonecrosis are:

446. The most sensitive modality for detecting biliary tract stones is:

447. The mucosal relief is most abundant (expressed by the greatest number and hight of mucosal folds) in


448. The niche characteristics in benign gastric ulcers may include:

449. The normal renal contour is:

450. The normal transit of the oral contrast through the small bowel is usually within:

451. The optimal amount of contrast agent administered for examination of mucosal relief of gastrointestinal

(GI) tract is:

452. The optimal method for exploring the superior part of the stomach in the posteroanterior and lateral views


453. The optimal projection for gastroesophageal junction investigation in decubital position of the patient is:

454. The optimal projection for investigating the cervical part of esophagus is:

455. The optimal projection for visualization of fluid in the oblique (major) fissure is:

456. The optimal projection for visualizing distal esophagus with the patient in erect position is:

457. The organ most likely to be initially displaced in patients with splenomegaly is:

458. The parameters required for calculating the distance to a point that is reflecting ultrasound waves include:

459. The penetrating ability of an x-ray beam depends on:

460. The potential ability for bone growth in children and adolescents is evaluated by studying:

461. The primary goals of radiological investigation of gatsrointestinal tract without contrast enhancement are:

462. The principles of computed tomography include:

463. The pulmonary vascular pattern represents:

464. The radiological manifestations of tubular bone osteosclerosis are:

465. The rat-tail sign is characteristic for:

466. The region responsible for longitudinal growth of tubular bones in children is:

467. The relatively common sites of bone fractures in older individuals include:

468. The relief of esophageal mucosa is optimally visualized:

469. The renal opacification on intravenous urography reveals:

470. The renal parenchyma can be visualized using the following imaging modalities:

471. The renal scintigraphy (renogram) curve consists of:

472. The right atriovasal angle on the frontal view of cardiac silhouette is usually displaced upwards in:

473. The shadows forming normal pulmonary vascular pattern are produced mainly by:

474. The smallest autonomous unit of the lungs is:

475. The smallest functional autonomous unit of lung is:

476. The smallest size of urinary tract stones that can be detected by ultrasonography in most patients is:

477. The specific radiographic signs of fracture include:

478. The speed of ultrasound propagation increases if:

479. The spiculated patterns of periostitis (hair-on-end and sunburst subtypes) are commonly encountered in:

480. The stomach displacement in affected adjacent organs with volume changes is commonly:

481. The stomach region with the strongest fixation to adjacent anatomical structures is:

482. The superior pole of the right kidney is usually situated:

483. The technique of pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy involves:

484. The technique of pulmonary ventilation scintigraphy involves:

485. The term “absent renal function” can be used based on the following:

486. The ultrasonographic appearance of normal liver parenchyma is:

487. The unit of measurement of absorbed dose is:

488. The unit of measurement of electric current intensity is:

489. The unit of measurement of electric current power is:

490. The units for measuring the absorbed dose are:

491. The units for measuring the equivalent dose are:

492. The units for measuring the equivalent dose are:

493. The units for measuring the radioactivity of a radiation source are:

494. The urinary tract that is usually visualized and assessed during intravenous urography includes:

495. The wall thickness of a gastrointestinal organ can be measured using the following imaging modalities:

496. The “snake's mouth” radiological sign is encountered in:

497. To which concepts or disease staging the term “early gastric cancer” relates:

498. Tomography is:

499. Tracheal bifurcation is located at the level of the following thoracic vertebrae:

500. Tracheal bifurcation is located at the level of:

501. Transit abnormalities of gastrointestinal tract include:

502. Trapezoidal heart configuration is usually noted in:

503. Tubular bone central part is called:

504. Tubular bone ends are called:

505. Ulcer characteristics that can be useful for differentiating benign from malignant etiologies include:

506. Ultrasonographic investigation of the liver permits evaluation of:

507. Ultrasound is the name given to sound waves that have frequencies greater than:

508. Ultrasound propagation speed is highest in:

509. Ultrasound signal attenuation is related to:

510. Vagotropic medication has the following effects on gastrointestinal tract:

511. What anatomical structures can be normally visualized on simple abdominal radiography without contrast


512. What are the advantages of computed tomography:

513. What are the advantages of magnetic resonance imaging investigation:

514. What are the disadvantages of computed tomography:

515. What are the disadvantages of magnetic resonance imaging:

516. What is the most common complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography:

517. What is the simplest method of obtaining a double contrast study of the esophagus:

518. Which bone changes are likely to appear relatively opaque on radiograph compared to adjacent

unaffected bone:

519. Which bone changes are likely to appear relatively radiotransparent on radiograph compared to adjacent

unaffected bone?

520. Which drugs are used to accelerate gastrointestinal transit:

521. Which imaging modality is the most sensitive for detecting traumatic renal lesions:

522. Which level of renal pelvis is considered as nephroptosis:

523. Which of the following affirmations are correct:

524. Which of the following are acquired renal pathologies:

525. Which of the following are characteristic for total or subtotal opacity symptom in pulmonary cirrhosis:

526. Which of the following are characteristic for total or subtotal opacity symptom in pleural effusion:

527. Which of the following are characteristic for total or subtotal opacity symptom in diaphragmatic hernia

containing bowel loops:

528. Which of the following are characteristic for total or subtotal opacity symptom in pulmonary atelectasis:

529. Which of the following are congenital renal pathologies:

530. Which of the following are diffuse liver diseases:

531. Which of the following are electromagnetic waves:

532. Which of the following are focal liver diseases:

533. Which of the following are functional modifications of the digestive tract:

534. Which of the following are imaging modalities:

535. Which of the following are morphological modifications of the digestive tract:

536. Which of the following are radionegative contrast media:

537. Which of the following are radiopositive contrast media:

538. Which of the following imaging modalities use Gamma-rays:

539. Which of the following imaging modalities use infrared waves:

540. Which of the following imaging modalities use radio waves:

541. Which of the following imaging modalities use ultrasound:

542. Which of the following imaging modalities use X-rays:

543. Which of the following is more likely to represent a cause of osteolysis:

544. Which of the following is the best modality to assess renal function:

545. Which of the following methods allows better visualization of bone structures:

546. Which of the following methods are used for evaluation of gastrointestinal mucosa relief state:

547. Which of the following methods are used for evaluation of gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa microrelief state:

548. Which of the following modalities is the most sensitive for detection of bone metastases:

549. Which of the following radiological symptoms can be found in gastrointestinal wall ulceration:

550. Which of the following represent angiographic procedures or different types of angiography:

551. Which of the following represent ionizing radiation:

552. Which of the following represents a source of gamma rays in medical imaging:

553. Which of the following represents a source of infrared waves:

554. Which of the following represents a source of radio waves in medical imaging:

555. Which of the following represents a source of ultrasound waves in medical imaging:

556. Which of the following represents a source of X-rays in medical imaging:

557. Which of the following statements about Doppler ultrasonography are true:

558. Which of the following statements about renal parenchyma are true:

559. Which of the following statements about the ileum (as opposed to jejunum) are true:

560. Which of the following statements about the jejunum (as opposed to the ileum) are true:

561. Which of the following statements are true:

562. Which of the following statements are true:

563. Which of the following statements are true:

564. Which of the following statements correspond to a normal chest radiograph:

565. Which of the following statements related to hyperlucency are true:

566. Which of the following statements related to radiographic opacities are true:

567. Which of the following statements related to the benign (as opposed to malignant) stenosis of the

gastrointestinal tract are true:

568. Which of the following statements related to the malignant (as opposed to benign) stenosis of the

gastrointestinal tract are true:

569. Which of the following stomach regions has the strongest fixation to adjacent anatomical structures?

570. Which of the listed radiological methods is the most effective for detecting mucosal vegetating lesions of

gastrointestinal tract:

571. Which projection allows the most effective radiographic evaluation of joint space:

572. Which radiological method is more effective for determination of small quantity of fluid in the pleural


573. Which statement(s) about Codman triangle periosteal reaction is/are true:

574. Which statements are true:

575. Which statements are true:

576. Which statements related to magnetic resonance imaging are true:

577. Which statements related to normal pulmonary vascular pattern are true:

578. Which structure provides tubular bone growth in length:

579. Which type of esophageal tumor is most frequently associated with esophageal suprastenotic dilatation?

580. With increasing secondary (scattered) X-rays, the radiographic image contrast is:

581. With increasing size of the radiation field, the number of small elements that can be determined on the

radiographic image is:

582. X-ray absorption depends on:

583. X-ray hardness ratio increases when:

584. “Greenstick” fractures are usually encountered in:

585. “Greenstick” fractures represent:

586. Abnormal finding displayed on the radiographic image include:

587. Abnormal finding displayed on the radiographic image include:

588. Based on its radiographic characteristics, the displayed fracture is likely to be:

589. Based on its radiographic characteristics, the displayed fracture is likely to be:

590. Based on the radiographic characteristics, the displayed fracture are likely to be:

591. Based on their radiographic characteristics, the displayed fractures are likely to be:

592. Characteristics of the lung opacity / opacities displayed on the radiographic image include:

593. Characteristics of the lung opacity / opacities displayed on the radiographic image include:

594. Characteristics of the opacity displayed on the radiographic image include:

595. Characteristics of the opacity displayed on the radiographic image include:

596. Displacement of bony fragments on the displayed radiographic image can be best described as:

597. Fracture characteristics on the displayed radiographic image include:

598. Heart configuration abnormalities on the displayed radiographic image include:

599. Heart configuration abnormalities on the displayed radiographic image include:

600. Horizontal superior margin of the opacity on the displayed image is rather suggestive of:

601. In the provided axial computed tomography image, the abnormal finding pointed by the arrow is:

602. In the provided axial computed tomography image, the most likely abnormal finding is:

603. In the provided radiographic image, the anatomical structure numbered as 4 represents:

604. In the provided radiographic image, the anatomical structure numbered as 1 represents:

605. In the provided radiographic image, the anatomical structure numbered as 7 represents:

606. In the provided radiographic image, the anatomical structure numbered as 2 represents:

607. In the provided radiographic image, the anatomical structure numbered as 9 represents:

608. Mediastinal shift on the displayed image can be determined by:

609. Mediastinal shift on the displayed image can be determined by:

610. Mediastinal shift on the displayed image can be determined by:

611. Mediastinal shift on the displayed image can be determined by:

612. Mediastinal shift on the displayed image can be determined by:

613. Mediastinal shift on the displayed image can be determined by:

614. On the displayed chest radiograph, the right hemidiaphragm is located at the level of:

615. On the displayed image, radiographic findings include:

616. On the displayed image, the contrast agent was introduced:

617. On the displayed radiographic image, the abnormalities of the interphalangeal joints include:

618. On the displayed radiographic image, the arrow is pointing towards:

619. On the displayed radiographic image, the bone abnormalities pointed by thick white arrows most likely


620. On the displayed radiographic image, the bone abnormalities pointed by thick white arrows are rather

suggestive of:

621. On the displayed radiographic image, the bone demonstrating most prominent abnormalities is:

622. On the displayed radiographic image, the esophagus is:

623. On the displayed radiographic image, the fracture line can be best described as:

624. On the displayed radiographic image, the small thin black arrow is likely pointing towards:

625. On the displayed radiographic study, the contrast material most likely entered the colon after:

626. Please indicate the modality of contrastation on the displayed image:

627. Please indicate the type of barium study of the stomach on the displayed image:

628. Please indicate the type of barium study on the displayed image:

629. Please indicate the type of contrast enhancement on the displayed image:

630. Please indicate the type of contrast study of the colon on the displayed image:

631. Please indicate which letters are matching correctly the displayed fractures:

632. Post-traumatic abnormalities shown on the radiographic image include:

633. Radiographic features of the opacity displayed on the image include:

634. Radiographic features of the opacity displayed on the image include:

635. Radiographic features of the opacity displayed on the image include:

636. Radiological abnormalities in the provided image involve:

637. Technical errors that have been made during the acquisition and processing of the provided radiographic

image include:

638. Technical errors that have been made during the acquisition and processing of the provided radiographic

image include:

639. The abnormal finding(s) displayed of the radiographic image include:

640. The abnormal finding(s) displayed on the radiographic image include:

641. The abnormal finding(s) displayed on the radiographic image include:

642. The abnormal finding(s) displayed on the radiographic image include:

643. The abnormal finding(s) pointed by arrows are rather suggestive of:

644. The abnormal finding(s) pointed by arrows include:

645. The abnormal findings displayed of the radiographic image include:

646. The abnormalities displayed of the radiographic image most likely represent:

647. The abnormalities displayed on the axial computed tomography image likely represent:

648. The abnormalities displayed on the provided image are likely related to:

649. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

650. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

651. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

652. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

653. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

654. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

655. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image are predominantly related to:

656. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

657. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

658. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image include:

659. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image include:

660. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image include:

661. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

662. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

663. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

664. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

665. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

666. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

667. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

668. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

669. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

670. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

671. The abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study are likely related to:

672. The abnormalities displayed on the ultrasonographic image most likely represent:

673. The abnormalities displayed on this cholangiocholecystography image include:

674. The abnormalities pointed by arrows include:

675. The abnormality displayed on the radiographic image can be best defined as:

676. The abnormality displayed on the radiographic image can be best defined as:

677. The administered contrast agent on the displayed radiographic image was most likely:

678. The administered contrast agent on the displayed radiographic image was most likely:

679. The affected bone displayed on the radiographic image is:

680. The affected bone on the radiographic image is:

681. The affected bone on the radiographic image is:

682. The anatomical structure numbered as 1 represents:

683. The anatomical structure numbered as 16 represents:

684. The anatomical structure numbered as 17 represents:

685. The anatomical structure numbered as 2 represents:

686. The anatomical structure numbered as 8 represents:

687. The anatomical structures that are contrast enhanced on the displayed radiographic image include:

688. The area pointed by arrow can be described as:

689. The arrow pointing towards the T12 vertebra is most likely indicating:

690. The asterisk on the displayed radiographic image is most likely over the:

691. The axial computed tomography image displays the following organ(s) or anatomical structure(s):

692. The axial computed tomography image displays the following organs:

693. The axial computed tomography image displays the following organs:

694. The axial computed tomography image displays the following structures:

695. The black arrow on the axial computed tomography image is most likely pointing towards:

696. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

697. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

698. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

699. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

700. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image include:

701. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image include:

702. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image include:

703. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image include:

704. The bone abnormalities displayed on the radiographic image include:

705. The bone abnormalities shown on the radiographic image can be best described as:

706. The bone changes displayed of the radiographic image can be best described as:

707. The bone changes displayed of the radiographic image can be best described as:

708. The bone region pointed by arrows can be best described as:

709. The bone region pointed by arrows most likely represents:

710. The chest radiograph displays:

711. The chest radiograph displays:

712. The contrast agent administered on the displayed image is:

713. The contrast agent administered on the displayed image is:

714. The contrast agent administered on the displayed image is:

715. The displacement of bony fragment on the radiographic image can be best described as:

716. The displacement of bony fragments on the radiographic image can be best described as:

717. The displacement of fracture segments on the radiographic image can be best described as:

718. The displayed radiographic image represents:

719. The equipment displayed in the figure is likely used for:

720. The equipment displayed in the figure is most likely used for:

721. The equipment displayed in the figure is used for:

722. The equipment displayed in the figure is used for:

723. The equipment shown in the figure is used for:

724. The equipment shown in the figure is used for:

725. The equipment shown in the figure is used for:

726. The figure displays a schematic representation of:

727. The figure displays a schematic representation of:

728. The figure displays a schematic representation of:

729. The figure displays the principle used in:

730. The figure displays:

731. The figure displays:

732. The figure illustrates the principle of:

733. The figure panels include:

734. The figure shows a schematic representation of:

735. The finding(s) displayed on the radiographic image include:

736. The finding(s) displayed on the radiographic image include:

737. The finding(s) displayed on the radiographic image include:

738. The finding(s) displayed on the radiographic image include:

739. The findings displayed on the radiographic image are related to:

740. The findings displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

741. The findings displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

742. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

743. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

744. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

745. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

746. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

747. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

748. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

749. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

750. The findings displayed on the radiographic image include:

751. The findings displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

752. The findings displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

753. The findings displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

754. The findings displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

755. The findings displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

756. The findings displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

757. The findings displayed on the radiographic image most likely represent:

758. The findings displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study include:

759. The findings displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study include:

760. The findings displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study include:

761. The findings displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study include:

762. The findings displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study include:

763. The following anatomical structures can be visualized at least partially on the displayed radiographic


764. The following statements about the schematic representations in figures (a) and (b) are true:

765. The fracture displayed on the radiographic image has the following characteristics:

766. The fracture displayed on the radiographic image has the following characteristics:

767. The fracture displayed on the radiographic image is most likely:

768. The fracture displayed on the radiographic image is:

769. The fracture displayed on the radiographic image is:

770. The fracture displayed on the radiographic image is:

771. The fracture displayed on the radiographic image is:

772. The fracture line on the displayed radiographic image can be best described as:

773. The fracture line on the displayed radiographic image can be best described as:

774. The fracture line on the displayed radiographic image can be best described as:

775. The fracture line on the displayed radiographic image can be best described as:

776. The fracture shown on the radiographic image has the following caracteristics:

777. The fractured bone on the displayed radiographic image is:

778. The fractured bone(s) on the radiographic image include:

779. The fractures displayed on the radiographic image have the following characteristics:

780. The graphical representation expressed in counts/sec as shown in the figure is commonly used in:

781. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is rather suggestive of:

782. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is usually encountered in the following


783. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is usually encountered in the following


784. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is usually encountered in the following


785. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is:

786. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is:

787. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is:

788. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is:

789. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is:

790. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is:

791. The heart configuration on the displayed radiographic image is:

792. The image displays:

793. The image displays:

794. The image displays:

795. The image displays:

796. The image displays:

797. The image displays:

798. The image displays:

799. The image displays:

800. The image displays:

801. The image displays:

802. The image displays:

803. The image displays:

804. The image displays:

805. The image displays:

806. The image displays:

807. The image represents:

808. The image represents:

809. The image represents:

810. The image shows:

811. The image shows:

812. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

813. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

814. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

815. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

816. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

817. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

818. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

819. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

820. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

821. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

822. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

823. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

824. The image was likely obtained using the following modality:

825. The image was most likely obtained using the following modality:

826. The image was most likely obtained using the following modality:

827. The image was most likely obtained using the following modality:

828. The image was obtained using the following modality:

829. The image was obtained using the following modality:

830. The image was obtained using the following modality:

831. The image was obtained using the following modality:

832. The image was obtained using the following modality:

833. The image was obtained using the following modality:

834. The image was obtained using the following modality:

835. The image was obtained using the following modality:

836. The image was obtained using the following modality:

837. The image was obtained using the following modality:

838. The image was obtained using the following modality:

839. The image was obtained using the following modality:

840. The image was obtained using the following modality:

841. The image was obtained using the following modality:

842. The image was obtained using the following modality:

843. The image was obtained using the following modality:

844. The image was obtained using the following modality:

845. The image was obtained using the following modality:

846. The image was obtained using the following modality:

847. The image was obtained using the following modality:

848. The image was obtained using the following modality:

849. The image was obtained using the following modality:

850. The image was obtained using the following modality:

851. The image was obtained using the following modality:

852. The image was obtained using the following modality:

853. The image was obtained using the following modality:

854. The image was obtained using the following modality:

855. The image was obtained using the following modality:

856. The image was obtained using the following modality:

857. The image was obtained using the following modality:

858. The image was obtained using the following modality:

859. The image was obtained using the following modality:

860. The image was obtained using the following modality:

861. The image was obtained using the following modality:

862. The image was obtained using the following modality:

863. The left lung opacity displayed on the image can be best described as:

864. The left lung opacity displayed on the image can be best described as:

865. The left lung opacity displayed on the image can be described as:

866. The location of bone sequestra displayed on the radiographic image can be best described as:

867. The lung opacity displayed on the radiographic image presents the following characteristics:

868. The main abnormality displayed on the radiographic image is likely located:

869. The main radiological pathological sign displayed on the radiographic image can be best defined as:

870. The most likely abnormality displayed on the provided image is:

871. The most likely abnormality displayed on the provided image is:

872. The oblique superior border of the opacity on the displayed image is suggestive of:

873. The opacity displayed on the image most likely represents:

874. The opacity displayed on the radiographic image presents the following characteristics:

875. The opacity displayed on the radiographic image presents the following characteristics:

876. The opacity displayed on the radiographic image presents the following characteristics:

877. The opacity displayed on the radiographic image presents the following characteristics:

878. The organ(s) or anatomical structure(s) pointed by arrows include:

879. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

880. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

881. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

882. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

883. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image are most likely related to:

884. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image are likely related to:

885. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image are most likely related to:

886. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

887. The pathological findings displayed on the radiographic image likely represent:

888. The pathological findings pointed by an arrow on the displayed image are most likely related to:

889. The pathological findings represented in figure (b) include:

890. The pathological process pointed by an arrow on the displayed image is most likely involving:

891. The pathological process pointed by an arrow on the displayed image is usually called:

892. The patient whose image is shown in the figure, during the investigation likely underwent:

893. The patient whose image is shown in the figure, during the investigation likely underwent:

894. The patient whose image is shown in the figure, during the investigation likely underwent:

895. The patient whose image is shown in the figure, during the investigation likely underwent:

896. The patient whose image is shown in the figure, during the investigation likely underwent:

897. The patient whose image is shown in the figure, during the investigation likely underwent:

898. The presented radiographic investigation can be used for:

899. The presented radiographic investigation is commonly used for:

900. The provided endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography image displays the following anatomical


901. The provided image displays the following findings:

902. The provided image is displaying the following findings:

903. The provided intravenous urography image is most likely displaying:

904. The provided radiograph is most likely displaying:

905. The provided radiographic image is most likely displaying:

906. The pulmonary vascular pattern on the displayed image is rather suggestive of:

907. The pulmonary vascular pattern on the displayed image is rather suggestive of:

908. The radiographic abnormalities displayed on the image can be best described as:

909. The radiographic characteristics of the opacity displayed on the image include:

910. The radiographic characteristics of the opacity displayed on the image include:

911. The radiographic characteristics of the opacity displayed on the image include:

912. The radiographic characteristics of the opacity displayed on the image include:

913. The radiographic image displays the following anatomical structures:

914. The radiographic image displays the following anatomical structures:

915. The radiographic image displays the following findings:

916. The radiographic image displays the following organ(s) or anatomical structure(s):

917. The radiographic image displays the following organ(s):

918. The radiographic image displays the following organ:

919. The radiographic image displays the following organs or segments:

920. The radiographic image displays the following organs:

921. The radiographic image displays:

922. The radiographic image displays:

923. The radiographic image displays:

924. The radiographic image displays:

925. The radiographic image displays:

926. The radiographic image displays:

927. The radiographic image displays:

928. The radiographic image displays:

929. The radiographic image displays:

930. The radiographic image displays:

931. The radiographic image displays:

932. The radiographic image displays:

933. The radiographic image displays:

934. The radiographic image is displaying the following findings:

935. The radiographic image is displaying the following findings:

936. The radiographic image of this barium study displays the following organ:

937. The radiographic image of this barium study displays:

938. The radiographic image shows a joint dislocation (luxation) of the:

939. The radiographic image was likely obtained with the patient in:

940. The radiographic investigation on the displayed image was performed for the purpose of investigating:

941. The radiological sign displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study include:

942. The radiological sign on the displayed image is usually called:

943. The radiological sign(s) displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study include:

944. The red lines indicate:

945. The renal abnormalities on the displayed image are most likely:

946. The renal curve marked L on the displayed renal scintigraphic image indicates:

947. The renal curve marked R on the displayed renal scintigraphic image indicates:

948. The renal curves on the displayed renal scintigraphic image most likely indicate:

949. The renal curves on the displayed renal scintigraphic image most likely indicate:

950. The round dark structures shown in the figure are:

951. The segment numbered I on the displayed renal scintigraphic image can be described as:

952. The segment numbered II on the displayed renal scintigraphic image represents:

953. The segment numbered III on the displayed renal scintigraphic image indicates:

954. The segment numbered III on the displayed renal scintigraphic image represents:

955. The stone pointed by an arrow on the displayed radiographic image is most likely located in the:

956. The structure pointed by an arrow on the displayed radiographic image most likely represents:

957. The ultrasonographic image displays the following anatomical structures:

958. The ultrasonographic image displays the following organ:

959. The yellow lines indicate:

960. What anatomical structure is pointed by the arrow:

961. What is the main purpose of the contrast enhancement modality shown on the image:

962. What radiological pathological sign is displayed on the provided radiographic image:

963. What radiological pathological sign is displayed on the radiographic image:

964. What radiological pathological sign is displayed on the radiographic image:

965. What radiological sign is displayed on the radiographic image of this barium study:

966. What radiological simptom is pointed by arrows?

967. Which of the following arteries can be visualized on the displayed image:

968. Which of the following numbers in the provided figure are matching the indicated organ:

969. Which of the following numbers in the provided figure are matching the indicated vessel:

970. Which of the following numbers in the provided figure are matching the indicated organ:

971. Which of the following numbers in the provided figure are matching the indicated vessels or heart


972. Which of the following numbers in the provided figure are matching the indicated organ:

973. Which of the following numbers in the provided figure are matching the indicated vessels or heart


974. Which of the following numbers in the provided figure are matching the indicated organ:

975. Which of the following numbers on the axial computed tomography image are matching the indicated

anatomical structures:

976. Which of the following vessels can be distinctly visualized on the displayed image:

977. Which organ on the displayed axial computed tomography image is showing distinct abnormalities:

978. The item displayed on the image is commonly used during the following procedures:

979. What type of radiation protection is providing the item displayed on the image?

980. Types of radiation protection include:

981. The use of lead aprons during a radiological investigation refers to the following type of radiation


982. Physical methods of radiation protection include:

983. What procedures is likely to perform the radiologist on the displayed image?

984. Which statements about the presented image are correct?

985. The gloves presented on the image are commonly used for:

986. The gloves presented on the image are commonly used during the following investigations:

987. The presented sign is used to alert about:

988. A routine (non-emergency) diagnostic procedure scheduled to be performed in a room with the

displayed sign on its entrance is generally contraindicated in:

989. Radiation protection can be best defined as:

990. Which statements about the structure of the atom are correct?

991. Which measures are intended to decrease the harmful effects of ionizing radiation?

992. The activity of a radioactive source is measured in:

993. Gray represents the international unit of measurement of the:

994. Sievert represents the international unit of measurement of the:

995. Which of the following materials are used for shielding in diagnostic investigations using Gamma


996. The predominant effect that lead shielding has on a beam of gamma rays can be best described as:

997. Measures directed at radiation protection of patients include:

998. Which of the following statements about dosimetry are correct?

999. Which of the following statements about radiation dosimeters are correct?


- A. Obligatory: 1. Materials of the Course of Radiology, Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging.

2. Malîga O., Rotaru N., Obadă A. Medical imaging in tables and algorithms. Recomandări metodice.

Chișinău, 2015.

3. Holger Petterson. A Global Text Book of Radiology. Sweden, 2010.

- B. Additional: 1. David Sutton. Textbook of radiology and imaging, 7th edition.

2. Otto H. Wegener – Whole body computed tomography.

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