engaging the audience

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Engaging the AudienceEngaging the Audience

Knight Center for Specialized JournalismDecember 2, 2009 Angela Connor

Author, “18 Rules of Community Engagement”

Common Buzzwords and PhrasesJoin the conversation Crowdsource the news Be transparent Be authentic Monitor the Conversation Leverage social mediaIt’s About Relationships Fan us on Facebook You must engage the audience

What it all really means is….



•Be inclusive

•Be accessible

•Share your knowledge

•Provide access

•Make people smarter

•Make connections

And THIS is what you already DO!

Community, definedcom⋅mu⋅ni⋅ty [kuh-myoo-ni-tee] –noun, plural -ties. 1.a social group of any size whose members reside in a

specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.

2.a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists (usually prec. by the): the business community; the community of scholars. 

Summer 1973

What Constitutes Community?

Can you build community through your beat?


Broadcasting vs. Conversing Present the facts in your

standard format

Provide images and video

Select quotes from your sources

Select data that fits in your format and subject

Pre-determined elements from editors and reporter

Foster discussion of the facts and allow opinion

Solicit images and video in addition to your own

Additional access to sources via live chats, podcasts, etc…

Access to complete databases.

Soliciting questions and desired content for stories.

A FEW Rules of EngagementAsk questions

Use your influence

Provide useful information and content

Support your audience

Stroke a few egos

Get to know the community

Pour on the compliments

Know the culture and respect it

A FEW Rules of EngagementMake it personal

Seek expert advice and opinions

Ask for help

Accept and respond to criticism

Make small talk

Showcase and acknowledge good work

Don’t try to please everyone

Realize your work is never done

Encourage two-way conversations

Show some personality

The Community Responds

Build Community Through INTERACTION

Respond to Comments “Thanks for sharing. I think you raise good points…”.

Ask Questions “Tell me more about that”

Share a personal story I know what you mean, that happened to me once


Build Community Through ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

Discuss with your co-workers and peersShare their content Connect elsewhereLink to their posts Use @ Mentions on FB and TwitterThank publicly for a news tip

Questions to ask yourself What is the value add to this story?

How can I get the audience involved?

What will they want to DO after reading/viewing this content?

How will I respond to criticism?

Managing the Conversation

Let’s talk about Comments!

Common Community KillersRudeness Arguing with visitors Stealing ideas, refusing to credit othersIgnoring commentsBeing pushy and pompous

8 Rules of Community EngagementProvide really useful contentStroke a few egos Ask Questions Ask for help Seek expert advice and opinionsAccept & respond to criticismMake Small TalkRealize your work is never done

TakeawaysGive people what they want

More information Exclusive details Interactive content A chance to communicate with you More time with your sources

Be present

Talk to people WHERE they are

Become a user advocate

Angela Connor Stay in touch with Stay in touch with me:me: E - Angela@AngelaConnor.comT - @communitygirlC – 919.607.0435

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