empower you - empower us

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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http://NakedHippiesRoadTrip.com Sometimes as you're going through the emails you receive daily, when you're bombarded with the latest launch, the newest Facebook "secret," making $500 a day with YouTube etc., you may not realize what is actually happening.


Empower You – Empower Us

Sometimes as you're going through the emails you receive daily, when

you're bombarded with the latest launch, the newest Facebook

"secret," making $500 a day with YouTube etc., you may not realize

what is actually happening.

Take notice sometime and you'll see that the same marketers are

sending you different "free gifts" each day. You should also notice that

should you opt-in for said free gift that you would, of course be taken

to a sales page and a down sale page and an up sell page.

These marketers make their living selling solo ads. You are one of

maybe 10,000 people on their list. They know that every time they

send an email at least 300 people are going to click the link in the email.

They could care less if you are successful, if their "gifts" are even helpful

to you. The only thing they are concerned with is if you click the link.

They can sell a click for about .35 cents. That is what you are worth to

them...thirty five cents.

The marketer selling the solo ad, in the above example is making about

$100 a day sending an email someone else wrote.


The person buying the solo ad is hoping to make his money back on the

up sells and down sells that come after the free gifts and then to make

a profit by selling solo ads to someone else.

These marketers buy solo ads to grow their list so they can sell solo ads

to make a profit.

There is not anything inherently wrong with this method of marketing; I

just had an issue with it because I wasn't supposed to be concerned

with YOUR results. Just get the click, the 35 cent click.

I strive to get the click too, but it's always going to the exact same

place...this blog.

We try to give value in each and every blog post. We know that a

certain percentage of people will fall in love with what we write and

want to work closer with us.

That's all there is, if what it written on these virtual pages does not

resonate with you then we probably wouldn't be a good fit anyway to

work together anyway.

So, have a look around, if what you read doesn't touch something with

you, no problem look around find someone who’s writing does inspire


If you like what you see and want to learn to make a living by writing

about what you love click a banner and let’s see if we make a good



About The Author:

We’re Bruce and Trisha of the Naked Hippies Road Trip! We absolutely DO live life fully -

gave up our house in the suburbs, got rid of tons of stuff and moved to the banks of the Missouri

River to live at a private campground. (No, it isn’t a nudist campground!) It was where we

started to take the steps toward our dream of living and traveling full time in our RV. We started

out bare bones naked - nothin’ to our name except our tent and essential stuff - and now we're

living full time in our RV! Got a dream? We'll share the Naked Truth about all the ups and

downs we've experienced - lessons learned - and how we can help you live your dream now - not

in two years, not in twenty years, but NOW!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by

the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade

winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”~ Mark Twain

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