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Elements of a Short Story

Definition of a Short Story

Tells about a single event or experience

Fictional (not true)

500 to 29,999 words in length

It has a beginning, middle, and end

Includes all of the parts of plot: introduction, conflict, rising action (complications), climax and resolution

Elements of a Short Story








Point of view

Short Story Vocabulary


-the hero (the character we follow, the “main character”)

-leader of a cause

-usually the good guy, but not always

-EXAMPLE: Batman, Scarlet O’Hara

Examples of Protagonists

Short Story Vocabulary


-the opposing force

-usually the “bad guy,” but not always

-Joker, Melanie Wilks

Examples of the protagonist

Protagonist and Antagonist Quiz

Film Protagonist Antagonist

Cinderella Cinderella

Lion King Scar

The Little



Jack and the



Protagonist and Antagonist Quiz

Film Protagonist Antagonist

Cinderella Cinderella Stepmother

Lion King Simba Scar

The Little


Ariel Ursula

Jack and the


Jack Giant

Short Story Vocabulary

Characterization: is how we learn about a character

We learn about them through:

-How they look-How they act/what

they do-What they say-How other characters

respond to them and feel about them

Short Story Vocabulary

Direct Characterization- when the narrator tells you

directly about a character- Molly is a brat.

Indirect Characterization- shows you a character’s traits

through their actions or dialogue- Molly came into the

kitchen and slammed down her backpack and said, “I

don’t care what you say. YOU are NOT the boss of ME

Mrs. Meany Pants!”

SHOW don’t TELL- it is much more fun!!!

Short Story Vocabulary

Setting:Tells the reader where and when the story takes place. You need to identify the people, places, times and objects involved. Use sensory details and figurative language to create a vivid picture with your words.

The time and place of the story

is the setting

Short Story Vocabulary

Plot: A series of events through which the writer reveals what is happening, to whom, and why.

Parts of Plot: introduction, conflict, rising action (complications), climax and resolution

Short Story Vocabulary

Conflict: Is the problem in the story that needs to be resolved. In a short story this will not be too complex.

Great stories have an intriguing


Man vs. Man

Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society

Man vs. HimselfMan vs. Machine

Short Story Vocabulary

Climax: When the action comes to its highest point of conflict and usually when the story can go either way

The climax is the most exciting


Short Story Vocabulary

Resolution: The story’s action after the climax until the end of the story. The “conclusion” of the story.

Short Story Vocabulary

Theme: The “message” the writer intends to communicate by telling the story

Short Story Vocabulary

Point of view: The position of the narrator of the story and what the writer sees from that vantage pointChoose: 1st Person, 3rd Person Limited or 3rd Person Omniscient

The point of view is the

perspective of the story

“That rotten wolf

tried to eat us!!!!”

“I was framed! I

just wanted to

borrow a cup of


How To Use Quotation Marks:1.Quotation marks enclose the words used by a

speaker or writer.

2.Periods and commas go inside the closing

quotation mark.

3.A comma is used to set off a quote from the

rest of the sentence.

Example: “Come here,” said Marie. (comma


Example: Marie said, “Come here.” (comma used

to set off direct quote, period inside)

Example: “Come here,” said Marie, “I am waiting

for you.”

4.Question marks and exclamation points go inside the

closing quotation marks when they apply to the quoted


Example: “Won’t you come over?” asked Marie. (question

mark inside)

Example: Did you hear me ask, “Won’t you come over”?

Example: “Come over here now!” Marie exclaimed.

(exclamation point inside)

5.You must indent when someone new begins to speak


Fausto looked at the bill and knew he was in trouble.

Not with these nice folks or with his parents, but with

himself. How could he have been so deceitful? The dog

wasn’t lost. It was just having a fun Saturday walking


“I can’t take that.”

“You have to. You deserve it, believe me,” the man


“No, I don’t.”

“Now don’t be silly,” said the lady. She took the bill

from her husband and stuffed it into Fausto’s shirt pocket.

“You’re a lovely child. Your parents are lucky to have you.

Be good and come see us again, please.”

Let’s Practice:

What happened to you asked Melissa

I slipped and sprained my ankle

responded Nina

Melissa asked how did you sprain your


Let’s Practice:

“What happened to you?” asked Melissa.

“I slipped and sprained my ankle,”

responded Nina.

Melissa asked, “How did you sprain

your ankle?”

Let’s Practice:

It was my new spiked-heel shoes said


I warned you about those things said


But, they look so cute on me Nina


Let’s Practice:

“It was my new spiked-heel shoes,” said


“I warned you about those things,” said


“But, they look so cute on me!” Nina


Let’s Practice:

Mom he said I want a guitar for


Did you hear me ask what is for dinner

Let’s Practice:

“Mom,” he said, “ I want a guitar for


Did you hear me ask, “What is for


Whether you’re the reader, or the

writer, a great story includes all

these literary elements!!!



point of view





Great writers are able to use the elements of the short story with such precision that the reader is caught up in the action of the story. This is a mark of a good story and our goal as a writer.

Your assignment:

-Write a story based on one of the stories you

were told during your interview.

-Use all of the literary elements we have


-It should be at least 500 words in length (250

words for students with shortened assignments).

-It needs to have at least 5 lines of dialogue that

are properly formatted with quotation marks and

new paragraphs.

-It should use descriptions using at least 4 of the

5 senses.

-It should be submitted on utahcompose.com.

-Use the plot diagram graphic organizer

provided in class.

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