economic and political trouble in europe lead to fascism

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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Economic and political trouble in Europe lead to FASCISM FACIST LEADERS FASCIST governments Lead by dictator Ruled with violence and fear Extreme nationalism Had a strong military Had total control over government Adolf Hitler- Germany Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini- Italy Benito Mussolini Hideki Tojo-Japan Tojo Winston Churchill- Great Britain Winston Churchill Joseph Stalin- U.S.S.R. Joseph Stalin Churchill, FDR (U.S), Stalin Yalta The Holocaust a planned attempt to rid the world of Jewish people Kristallnacht Anti-Semitism a feeling of hatred towards the Jews Kristallnacht Germany saw Jews Germany saw Jews as being unfit for society. They were a problem that had to be solved pogroms killing of Jews in certain towns as a way to embarrass, torture and punish the Jews Kristallnacht The Night of Broken Glass Nazi soldiers destroyed the stores and synagogues of the Jewish people Concentration camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald 6 million Jews were killed 1 million Jewish children were killed Millions of blacks, gypsies, homosexuals and people with physical and metal handicaps were killed Germany Begins WWII Invades Poland Invades France Attacks London in the Battle of Britain U.S. stays out of the war ISOLATIONISM U.S is not involved Bombing of Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor U.S. declares war against Japan Dec. 7, 1941 Internment camps Japanese-Americans either served in the army or were sent to live in camps that were only for the Japanese- U.S. was afraid of Japanese spies Japanese Internment Camps Turning Point in Pacific US beats Japan in Battle of Midway Midway U.S.S.R beats Germany at the Battle of Stalingrad Germany becomes weaker and weaker Turning Point in Western Europe D-Day Allied forces land to take back Normandy, France D-Day Women Go to Work with Rosie the Riveter Women took jobs in the war factories WWII women Harry Truman becomes U.S. president after FDR dies Truman gives the order to drop the two atomic bombs on Japan Atomic Bomb Destruction atomic bomb destruction Japan surrenders ending WWII Japan surrenders After the War Marshall Plan Provided money to help rebuild Europe Attempted to prevent the spread of communism Germany gets split East piece is run by U.S.S.R. and is communist Western piece is democratic Japan & U.S. become allies Democratic government is set up U.S. and Japan are friends United Nations is Created Organization where countries can talk about problems and try to avoid war United Nations

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