echo-o & iphone app dev - barcamp saigon 1

Post on 10-May-2015






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For BarCamp Saigon 1, Multinc describes their experiences developing an iPhone app for http://echo-o.comAlso see the accompanying presentation "iPhone & Android App Dev - BarCamp Saigon 1"


by Tran Nhuan Quang @ Multincwith guidance from Huy Zing

BarCamp Saigon 1November 15, 2008

Features on the iPhone clientRedesigned UI for mobile

Sound alerts and vibrations on incoming questions

Echo-o on iPhone Simulation

iPhone development toolsMac OS 10.5.4+iPhone SDK 2.1 (current version)An Iphone

Things that need to knowHow to use XcodeHow to use C/Objective-CAnd the iPhone APIs

Application StructureMVC structure

Model: classes that deal with data Eg. Data stores

View: classes that contain the UI components Eg. Web component, images, etc.

Controller: classes that deal with the actions Eg. A react to an event, etc

The project bundle

Different way to create viewsManually create views by inherit the UIView


Use Interface Builder: drag & drop UI components

Interface Builder

Example codePlaying a sound file

SystemSoundID mySSID;soundURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath (kCFAllocatorDefault,

CFSTR ("asoundfile.aif"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, FALSE);

// create the system sound IDAudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID (soundURL, &mySSID);

// play the sound fileAudioServicesPlaySystemSound (mySSID);

// vibrate the phoneAudioServicesPlaySystemSound(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate);

Testing & DeploymentMembership cost of $99-$299 is required

A jail broken iPhone with some “magic” tricks

Running an app on an jail broken iPhoneCopy the application over the iPhone

/Applications directory

Install ldid from Cydia

Fake a digital signatureldid -S /Applications/

Change the modechmod +x /Applications/

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