dynamic transportation systems - ait

Post on 01-Nov-2021






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AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Mobility DepartmentDynamic Transportation Systems

Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna, Austriawww.ait.ac.at

Nancy BrandtMarketing and Communications

T +43 (0) 50550 - 6322F +43 (0) 50550 - 6642

E nancy.brandt@ait.ac.at


The Mobility Department‘s Dynamic Transportation Systems Business Unit performs research in traffic systems optimiza-tion to enable pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and mo-torised individual traffic getting from A to B more quickly, more safely and in a more environmentally friendly way – while at the same time ensuring that the entire transportation system continues to work in an optimal manner. This consideration of all traffic modes is the key to efficient mobility systems.Such complex research issues can be tackled with the busi-ness unit’s profound experience in the fields of traffic flow measurement, analysis, simulation and control. Data from different sensor sources are collected, analysed, modelled and integrated into complex simulation tools. This allows ac-curate predictions about travel times or capacity utilisation in order to guide people and traffic flows safely and efficiently – the aim being to balance the optimum of every traffic mode with the entire transportation system optimum.

porTFoLIoMobility Data Measurement and AnalysisAccurate mobility data acquisition and analysis are the cor-nerstones of modern transport management. A reliable traffic data base is integral to optimum traffic control and transport logistics, and allows creating realistic transport models, si-mulations and predictions.

The experts of Dynamic Transportation Systems apply intel-ligent model-based techniques to extract valuable traffic in-formation using data from diverse stationary and mobile sen-sor systems. This enables sensor manufacturers to meet the highest standards in terms of quality assurance. Real-time analysis provides operators of infrastructures, toll systems or information services with high-quality and up-to-date infor-mation for traffic control.

Scope of ServiceI Analysis of Traffic States and Traffic FlowsI Toll Data - Quality Control and Optimisation of Tolling Sy-

stemsI Traffic Sensor EvaluationI Mode Detection and User Profiling

Transportation Modelling and simulationModern transportation systems have to meet all kinds of re-quirements in terms of safety, environmental sustainability, efficiency and comfort. The interdependencies between indi-vidual transport modes and actors have become so complex that it is no longer possible to optimise all of these criteria using conventional methods. Dynamic Transportation Sys-tems therefore takes a numerical approach to holistically mo-

del and simulate transport systems including all possible control measures. Permanent model calibration and validation based on real measurement data produces meaningful results for the plan-ning and operation of safe and efficient infrastructures and trans-portation systems. The business unit’s service portfolio covers the entire transportation system spectrum – from pedestrians, (E-)bikes and individual traffic to co-modal transport concepts.

Scope of ServicesI Crowd Analysis and Pedestrian Simulation for Improved

Traffic and Infrastructure PlanningI Planning Tools for Public (E-)Bike SystemsI Individual Traffic Planning, Optimisation and ControlI Planning, Optimisation and Control of Transportation Sys-


Transport Logistics and Fleet ManagementModern transportation systems have to meet all kinds of re-quirements in terms of safety, environmental sustainability, efficiency and comfort. The interdependencies between indi-vidual transport modes and actors have become so complex that it is no longer possible to optimise all of these criteria using conventional methods.Dynamic Transportation Systems therefore takes a nume-rical approach to holistically model and simulate transport systems including all possible control measures. Permanent model calibration and validation based on real measurement data produces meaningful results for the planning and ope-ration of safe and efficient infrastructures and transportati-on systems. The business unit’s service portfolio covers the entire transportation system spectrum – from pedestrians, (E-)bikes and individual traffic to co-modal transport concepts.

Scope of ServiceI Performance Analysis and Valuation of CostsI Optimisation of Vehicle Fleet Operation

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