
Post on 15-May-2015






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Introduction to STAC Preschool Processing

for NYS School Districts



“STAC” is an acronym for the “System to Track and Account for Children”Designed in early 1980’sSTAC Today:73,800 Preschool approvals per year43,000 Preschool Evaluation approvals per year121,000 School Age Approvals per year


Purpose of this Slide ShowTo serve as a training tool for New York State School Districts for PRESCHOOL STAC processing only.Currently:STAC preschool processing from the School District to the County is a paper-based process. From the County to the STAC Unit, 100% of NYS Counties process their preschool STACs electronically (via FTP or GUI Online).



STAC-5 Requests for Approval (Evaluations)STAC 5A--Notice of Approval (Evaluations)STAC 1--Request for Reimbursement Approval--for educational services and transportationSTAC 3--Notice of Approval (for STAC 1’s)



The following slides will give you an overview of STAC 5 processing including:An outline of the evaluation processA sample of a completed STAC 5Instructions for completing a STAC 5A “Glossary of Terms” for the SED-recognized Evaluation ComponentsProcess for submitting “OTHER” evaluation types



Referred for evaluation by Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)STAC-5 form generated by School District, authorized by the district and sent to municipality for signatureMunicipality authorizes STAC 5 and forwards STAC 5 info to STAC Unit...either in hard copy or electronicallySTAC 5A—the evaluation approval can be printed from the STAC mainframe using Screen DQPR5.

(Note: The STAC and Special Aids Unit no longer mails out STAC 5A’s to districts, counties and evaluators.)

Required signatures: CPSE Chairperson and Authorized Representative of the Municipality




Instructions for Completing STAC 5’s

DESCRIPTIONSTAC CHILD ID The unique 6-digit STAC ID number assigned for each child processed by STAC. This identifier remains the same throughout the child’s educational career. Please enter if known. 1. Name of Child. Be accurate and consistent. Use of nicknames can lead to duplicate ID numbers. If a child has been adopted, a copy of the adoption order should be attached to the STAC form before the child’s name can be changed on the system.

2. Date of Birth. Indicate the child’s birth date. A correction in date of birth requires a copy of the child’s birth certificate. 3. Gender. Indicate the gender of the child by checking the appropriate box. 4. Social Security Number. Although not a required field, please enter if known. 5. SIS Child I.D. Student Information System Child I.D. Include if appropriate. 6. Racial/Ethnic Category. Indicate the racial/ethnic category by checking the appropriate category. 7. Disability. Indicate if the child is, or is not, a preschool student with a disability as defined in the Regulations of the Commissioner. PD for “Preschool Student With a Disability; ND for a “Non-Disabled” preschool student. If, for any reason, a student is withdrawn from the CPSE process before the CPSE makes a determination regarding the existence of an educational disability, the district should check the “Non-Disabled” box.


Instructions for Completing STAC 5’s

8a. Public School District that has CPSE Responsibility. Public school district of the child’s current location (where the child resides).8b. County of Child’s Current Location (where child resides). The county of the child’s current location. This is the county that will be reimbursed by SED.8c. County at Time of Child’s Placement in Foster Care. The county where the child lived at the time the child was placed in foster care or temporary housing or became a resident in a facility licensed or operated by another state agency. This should be left blank if not applicable.

9. SED Approved Evaluator. Enter the name of the agency that conducted the evaluation.

10. Evaluation Components. Provide the month and year when each component of the evaluation was completed. These dates will be used to determine the rate of reimbursement.

For Bilingual Evaluations and Evaluations Conducted in Other Modes of Communication Only. Place a check mark on the line for any component(s) of an evaluation that required an individual (translator) in addition to the evaluation professional or the use of a bilingual professional.


Instructions for Completing STAC 5’s

11. Cost of Translation/transmittal of Evaluation Documentation. If documentation of the evaluation has been prepared and transmitted to the parent(s), indicate the cost. The summary report is to be completed on a form developed by SED. In addition, the Regulations of the Commissioner require that a copy of this report be given to the parent. Enter the dollar figure (whole dollar amounts) on the line provided for costs associated with translating the summary report of the evaluation into the parent’s preferred language or other mode of communication. NOTE: such costs are not reimbursable if the child received a bilingual evaluation (as indicated in Item #10), since the rates for bilingual evaluations include such costs.

This item is completed only if translation of the actual documentation of the evaluation into the parents’ preferred language or mode of communication has been done at the parents’ request. Use whole dollar amounts. NOTE: Such costs are not reimbursable if the child received a bilingual evaluation (as indicated in Item #10), since the rates for bilingual evaluation include such costs.


Instructions for Completing STAC 5’s

12. Certification of Evaluation This field must be completed by the CPSE Chairperson. School District should retain a copy of the STAC 5 and forward the original to the municipality.

13. Municipality Signature Section. Place to record County signature or County Initials (for electronic transfers). All STAC 5’s which need to be processed by the STAC Unit (those which require special justifications from school districts) must be authorized by the Municipality Representative.

Item on back of STAC-5

Person completing this form. A name and telephone number should be provided here. This will allow the County/STAC Unit staff to resolve any problems or questions about the STAC-5 in the most timely manner.

NOTE: The School District needs to xerox a copy of the STAC 5 for their files and forward the original to the municipality.


Preschool Evaluation RatesPreschool Evaluation Rates are developed by the New York State Department of Health

Preschool Evaluation Rates are issued through the New York State Education Department’s Rate Setting Unit

Preschool Evaluation Rates are determined by the county of residence of the student…and not by the county of the approved evaluator



(One of Five Slides)

Evaluation Component Areas to be Assessed Physical Examination (In accordance with Sections 903, 904 and 905

of the Education Law)Vision, hearing, physical impairment and medical needs which affect

a child’s developmental progress.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: School physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s assistant

Social History (Section 200.1(ii) Regulations of the Commissioner)Interpersonal, familial and environmental factors which influence a student’s general adjustment to school,

including, but not limited to, information on family composition,student’s family history, student’s health and family interaction.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Social worker, School psychologist, Special education teacher School administrator, School nurse

Psychological (Section 200.1(w) Regulations of the Commissioner Developmental learning, behavioral and other personality characteristics.

Areas may include: general intelligence, learning strengths and weaknesses, instructional needs, social interactions

and relationships.Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: School psychologist, Licensed psychologist


Evaluation Component Areas to be Assessed

Audiological Identifies the type, classification and degreeof a child’s hearing loss as it relates to thedevelopment and understanding of spoken language.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Licensed audiologist, Licensed physician, nurse practitioner

Educational Evaluation Identifies a child’s level of knowledge and development in subject and skill areas such as

maintaining attention, auditory and visual perception, fine and gross motor skills, and self-help skills, social interactions and learning styles.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Special Education Teacher, School psychologist

Neurological Examination A specialized medical examination of the nervous system. A medical history focusing on the nervous system is taken. Typically, the exam tests vision, strength, coordination, reflexes and sensation. This information helps to determine if the problem is in the nervous system.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Neurologist Pediatric neurologist

Orthopedic An examination by a medical specialist concerned with the preservation, restoration and development of form and function of the musculoskeletal system, extremities, spine and associated structures by medical, surgical , and physical means.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Licensed Orthopedist


Evaluation Component Areas to be Assessed

Neuropsychological Provides a description of a range of cognitive deficits and strengths in such areas as: organizational skills;intellectual functioning; sensory and perceptual functioning; language comprehension and expression; attention,concentration and alertness; problem solving and judgment; flexibility of thought process; memory; rate of informationprocessing; sequencing ability; and temporal and spacial abilities.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Neuropsychologist

Occupational Therapy Developmental level of the student in oral-motor,sensory processing, visual-perceptual-motor function,manual dexterity, play and self-help skills.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Licensed occupational therapist

Optometric An examination of the eyes and related structures to

determine the presence of vision problems and eyedisorders and, if necessary, the prescription and adaptation

of lenses and other optical aids or the use of vision training for maximum visual efficiency

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Licensed Optometrist


Evaluation Component Areas to be Assessed

Otolaryngology A medical evaluation by a specialist dealing with the ear, nose and throat which is not generally part of an

evaluation to determine a child’s special education needs unless

justification is given as to how the evaluation provides information about

a child’s language and communication or hearing as compared to generally expected developmental age milestones. Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation : Otolaryngologist

Physical Therapy Developmental level in the motor area, including range of motion, muscle testing, sensory integration, endurance, balance and equilibrium, postural and joint deviation, gait analysis, personal independence, checking of prosthetic and orthotic equipment and devices, wheel chair management (if applicable) and identification of architectural barriers and transportation needs.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Licensed physical therapist


Evaluation Component Areas to be Assessed

Psychiatric A medical evaluation that deals with the mental, emotional and behavioral functioning of a child as these areas related

to the child’s learning, acquisition of skills and interpersonal relationships with peers and adults.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: A physician with a license in clinical psychiatry

Speech and Language Developmental level at which a child understands and uses language to communicate and interact with

adults and peers. Includes phonology, the correct production of sounds; semantics or understanding and production of words and sentences, and abstract or relational words; grammar, intonation, pragmatic use of language to communicate or express needs and intention.

Qualified Staff who May Conduct the Evaluation: Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Impaired Licensed speech pathologist



Many “OTHER” evals are typically processed as part of a recognized evaluation component listed in our “Glossary Of Terms” (see list on following slide)

When “OTHER” evals are reimbursed as a “stand alone” eval, these “specialty”evals require a special explanation from the CPSE attached to the STAC 5

All “OTHER” Evals are reviewed and processed manually by the STAC Unit


Recognized “OTHER” Evaluation ComponentsEvaluation For: May Be Part of:

Adapted PE Physical/Medical or Physical Therapy Eval

Art Therapy/Play Therapy Eval Psychological Eval

Augmented Communication Speech/Language Eval

Cleft Palate Physical/Medical Eval

Physical Coordination & Balance Physical/Medical or Physical Therapy Eval

Counseling Psychological Eval or other assessment of social functioning

Developmental Assessment Physical/Medical Eval

Ear/Nose/Throat Physical/Medical Eval

Feeding Physical/Medical or Speech /Language Eval

Music Therapy Eval Psychological Eval

Oral Motor Physical/Medical Eval

Orientation and Mobility Psychiatric, Optometric, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Audiological Eval

Evaluation by Teacher of the Deaf Education Evaluation

Evaluation by Teacher of the Blind Education Evaluation


New Evaluation Approval Screen—DQPR5/DSTC5



The following slides will give you an overview of STAC 1 processing including:

An outline of the STAC 1 process

Samples of completed STAC 1’s

Instructions for completing a STAC 1’s

Instructions for completing 1:1 aide forms


PRESCHOOL PROCESSPlacement for Educational Services--STAC

1Placement by Committee on Preschool Special Education

STAC 1--generated by school district, authorized by BOE, and sent to municipality for signature

Municipality authorizes STAC1 and forwards STAC 1 to STAC Unit--either in hard copy or electronically

STAC 3 generated for all approved STAC 1’s…STAC 3 approval listings will be sent to School District, County and SED approved Provider. (NOTE: Mailings of STAC 3 approval listings will be resumed in the near future).

Note: STAC 3 approvals (individual green forms) are no longer mailed out by the STAC Unit. A STAC 3 can be printed from the STAC mainframe using Screen DQPRT.


Sample STAC 1 for Center-Base Services


Screen Transition

Sample STAC 1 for Related Services


Sample STAC 1 for SEIT & Related Services


Instructions for Completing STAC 1’sNote: These are now a single page (two sided) document

(one of five slides)STAC CHILD ID. If known, enter the (6) digit unique child code assigned by the STAC

and Special Aids Unit. Each child is assigned a STAC ID that stays with that child and will identify the child throughout his/her STAC history.

1. Name of Child. Please be accurate and consistent: Elizabeth Smith and Beth Smith would most likely be assigned different ID numbers.

 NOTE:  Change in Name-- If a child has been adopted, a copy of the adoption order should be submitted to the STAC Unit so the child’s name can be changed on the system.

2. Date of Birth

         Eligibility Requirements. A change in date of birth requires a copy of the child’s birth certificate.

A child becomes eligible under Section 4410 of the Education Law in the calendar year in which the child becomes three (3) years old. Children born January 1 through June 30 are eligible on January 2. Children born July 1 through December 31 are first eligible July 1.

3. Sex of Child. The sex of the child should be indicated by checking the appropriate line (male or female).

4. Social Security Number. Indicate the child's SSN if known.



5. SIS child ID. Indicate Student Information System Child ID if known.

 6. Racial/Ethnic Category. Indicate the racial/ethnic category by checking the appropriate box .

 7. Placement Type - Section 4410

 Indicate the type of program or services approved by the Board of Education for the child.

DSPRE Placements

Check either "Special Class" or "Special Class Integrated Class" if the child is in an SED approved special class or in an integrated setting.

DSSEI Placements

Check "Related Services Only" if the child is receiving related services only. Check "Special Education Itinerant Teacher" if the child is receiving SEIT services only. Check "Special Education Itinerant Teacher plus Related Service" if the child is receiving both services.

8a. Public School District that has CPSE Responsibility. Indicate the public school district of the child’s current location (where the child resides).

8b. County of Child’s Current Location (where the child resides). Indicate the county of the child’s current location. This is the county that will be reimbursed by SED.

 8c. County of Time of Child’s Placement in Foster Care or in Temporary Housing. Indicate the county where the child lived at the time the child was placed in foster

care or temporary housing or at the time the child became a resident in a facility licensed or operated by another state agency. This county will be assessed a chargeback by SED. This should be left blank if not applicable.


9. Service Provider for Special Class or SEIT Provider. Refer back to item 7:

If "Special Class" or "Special Class in an Integrated Setting," enter the name of the agency providing the program in which the child is enrolled.

If "Special Education Itinerant Teacher" or "Special Education Itinerant Teacher plus Related Services,“ enter the name of the SEIT provider.

10. Name of Program.

If a "Special Class" or "Special Class in an Integrated Setting" placement, enter the specific name of the program (not just "preschool"). For example: Special class with the site name (if there is more than one site). Indicate a 1:1 center based Aide on this line as well.

If "Special Education Itinerant Teacher" or "Special Education Itinerant Teacher plus Related Services," indicate "SEIT" as the program name.

 11.  Related Service or SEIT Provider. Use these lines for the type(s) and length of therapy sessions for children receiving related service(s).

(Note: Speech is the only related service which must meet a minimum requirement of one hour (two 1/2-hr sessions per week.)

*Also use these lines for the number of hours per week for SEIT services. The total number of 1/2-hour sessions (which includes both direct and indirect services) the child is to receive from the special education teacher as addressed in the IEP must be indicated. SEIT services require a minimum of 2 hours per week.


12 Service Information.

"From" and "To" lines 12

 Complete "From" and "To" dates for all preschool services: an SED approved program, an SED approved SEIT provider, or for each related service.

Other data items in the Service Information section which require completion according to the program and/or services for the child are:

Special Class and Special Class Integrated Setting

Please complete "Hours per Day" and "Days per Week."

(Items entitled "Individual or Group," "Number of Half Hour Sessions" and "Rate Per Half Hour Session" do not apply to center based placements.)

 Special Education Itinerant Services

Please complete "Individual" or "Group of." The number of children in the group must be shown under "Group of." (Note: STAC will divide the SED approved rate by the group size when calculating costs for the issuance of a STAC-3.) Also complete "Number of Half Hour Sessions" for the total number of half-hour sessions delivered during the "From" and "To" dates.

 Related Services Only

For each related service:

Complete the “Related Service 1, 2, etc” (speech); "Individual" or "Group of," "Number of Half Hour Sessions," (this is the total number of half hour sessions during the From and To service period) and "Rate Per Half Hour Session," for each provider indicated in item 11 using the related services lines Section 12.



Reimbursement for coordination is allowed when a child is receiving two or more related services (and no SEIT services) for a given time period. The coordinator must be one of the therapists serving the child. "Coordination" should be listed on one of the “Related Service 1, 2, etc" lines. Please indicate the number of ½ hour sessions under "Number of Half Hour Sessions" and list the rate for coordination under "Rate Per Half Hour Session." Note that coordination is reimbursable for no more than ten (10) half-hour sessions during the school year (September-June) and two (2) half hour sessions during the summer.

Reimbursement for coordination is not allowed with SEIT services. In this instance, the SEIT provider serves as the coordinator.

13. Transportation.

"Dates of Transportation" are generally required by the county for use in arranging a preschooler's transportation.

Transportation cost information is completed by the county. Transportation for the child is to be provided as determined by the Board of Education to and from the special services or program.

14. Authorization of Placement.

Signature of the authorized representative of the Board of Education must be completed.

15. Municipality or City of New York Signature Section ( Back of Form).

This section must be completed by a representative of the county of the child’s current location (line 8b) before it is submitted to the STAC and Special Aids Unit.

16. Person Completing This Form (Back of SED Copy Only)

A name and telephone number of school district personnel will allow STAC Unit staff/County to resolve any problems or questions about the STAC-1 in the most timely manner.



1:1 Aide Form/InstructionsBeginning with July 2004 services, 1:1 aide form will not be required for any “full-time” 1:1 Aides.

A “1:1 AIDE/NURSE/INTERPRETER” Form must be completed for:

All part-time 1:1 AIDESAll SHARED 1:1 AIDESALL 1:1 NURSES and INTERPRETERS (Full and part-time)

Must indicate RN or LPN on formNOTE: A 1:1 aide form does NOT need to be completed for a related service aide.


Sample of Preschool 1:1 Aide/Nurse/Interpreter Form



•Dual services are a combination of two concurrent placements. Examples include two half-time center-based placements (possibly one special class combined with a second integrated class), a half-time center-base placement and SEIT services, or a half-time center-base placement and 'additional' related services not included as part of the center-base placement.

•A STAC 1 needs to be completed for each placement. Each STAC 1 needs to be clearly marked as a “Multiple Service” STAC 1.


Statute of Limitations for Preschool Claims (Section 4410)

Pursuant to §4410 of Education Law, you should be aware that Chapter 474 of the Laws of 1996 requires that preschool claims for 2005-06 be received by the New York State Education Department’s Fiscal Management Office no later than June 30, 2009. This includes claims for placements in preschool center-base programs, related services, special education itinerant teacher services and claims for reimbursement for preschool evaluations.

In order that STAC and Special Aids can process all approval requests submitted, your respective county must receive the complete and appropriate STAC forms no later than February 1, 2009.



Effective with services delivered from July 2008 and forward, the following related services (previously STAC’d as OTHER related services) should be STAC’d as their own independent type of related service:Play Therapy, Music Therapy and Interpreter

Counties must include these types of related services on their 08/09 SED-RS-3 in order for districts to STAC appropriately.


Preschool Reimbursement Approval - contact Maureen McCarthy at 518-474-7116

To obtain access to our STAC Mainframe to view your district’s approvals go to the following address: OnlineSystem/Request_For_Access.htm

and scroll down to “Request Form for Access to STAC Data Base”

Preschool Policy questions - contact Sandy Rybaltowski at 518-473-6108

Questions or Problems



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