divine healing codes and how to use them v1.0

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


    Divine Healing Codes And How To Use Them


    Good morning!

    It is time for us to discuss the various healing codes and how to use them. These codes are

    quantum healing tools that are safe to use on everything and everybody, and have no side effects.

    Since they are quantum, the intent and the energy of the person using them has a little bit of

    'effect' in how powerful they are going to be when they are used.

    In the hands of someone with a powerful heart energywhich has more to do in your strength of

    purpose and your ability to be actively involved in your ife's "ission and connected to source than

    anything elsethey will wor#.


    $or e%ample, my son had an insect sting on his nose yesterday at a picnic. I gave the code for

    insect sting to my friend, the mother of another classmate, by te%t. She gave it him. &nd he wrote

    it in the air over the sting. $ive minutes later, he was playing, pain free. &nd I couldn't see the

    mar# of the sting when I pic#ed him up from school twenty minutes later.

    ith lower energies they still are effective, but perhaps not as dramatic in their results.


  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0



    (now that they will improve with practice in their use.

    The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANTbe sure t! c!p" them e#act$" as

    wr%tten &!r them t! w!r'(

    There are three ways to use the codes)

    • write it on the part of the body, or on a stic#er and stic# it on the body anywhere in the


    • write it in the air over the part of the body

    • pull up anything that has the numbers on it online, on your phone or tablet, ma#e the

    number big on the screen, and hold it over the body part or food item you wish to apply the

    code with the intent to use it.

    In a$$ three meth!)s* Archan+e$ Raphae$ an) D%,%ne M!ther w%$$ actua$$" -E present

    an) pr!,%)e the p!wer &r!m where themse$,es &!r the c!)e t! w!r'(

    It %s "!ur pract%ce* s'%$$* )es%re* %ntent* an) trust that w%$$ ma'e the )%&&erence %n the

    Hea$%n+ +!%n+ &r!m THEM thr!u+h "!u an) "!ur aura t! he$p what "!u )es%re t! be


    There %s a$s! a p!wer&u$ %n&$uence !& the ener+%es that are !n Ga%a at th%s t%me* the"

    ha,e n!t been th%s h%+h s%nce the )a"s !& At$ant%s an) Lemur%ath%n' !& %t as an

    .Ener+" S!up. wh%ch pr!,%)es the essent%a$ hea$%n+ ener+" &!r these c!)es t! w!r'*

    t!!( The h%+her the ,%brat%!n* the better these c!)es are +!%n+ t! w!r'* %n e,er" wa"(


     *es. There is no harm in mi%ing these codes. They can be used as often as desired to achieve the

    result you see#.


    This is energy healing. It is li#e +ei#i. +ei#i always helps and has no side effects. owever, healing

    can ta#e place on deeper levels than what meets the eye. Illness is the result of an energy

    imbalance that is very difficult for most people besides psychic healers to see. hen the imbalance

    is not corrected, it manifests in the physical body. So remember when you are using energy

    medicine, the healing goes to both the underlying energy imbalance and the physical. Sometimesthe physical heals first, li#e in my son. Sometimes the deeper healing ta#es place. -ither way,

    healing is happening, and you will have to trust in it.

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    erhaps in the times of emuria and &tlantis they once did. owever, today, with illness, there is a

    trend towards healing that I call 'hatever or#s!'or 'Ta#e The /est &nd eave The +est'. 0r.

    "asaru -moto, a wonderful healer, insists that all his patients continue their standard treatment,

    and his water 'balancing' energy healing is a layer that goes along with it. This is what I

    recommend to youthin# of these codes as powerful 'layers' to add to your over all healingmuch

    li#e the +ei#i I give to my patients in the 1.+. during their surgery. +emember that medicine, and

    medical intuitives, are also the ones that give the diagnosis  and the treatment plan. They are

    familiar with disease and its natural progression. It is good to have someone with this #nowledge

    to trac# your progress, and perhaps, see the miracle of the healing codes directly through their

    result on your efforts!

    !ove is an energy of the ighest 2ibration 

    It is essential to life and to all healing that ta#es place, in everything, everywhere.

    The ealing 3odes are going to be organi4ed by Systems, and this document will be updated as

    more and more ealing 3odes 'come through' from 0ivine "other, &rchangel +aphael, and Source.

    They are a gift from Spirit and are to be used for free, and freely shared. ere is a reminder from

    both "arc Gamma and Isabel enn, the first originators of the codes. &ll documents pertaining to

    their discovery are listed in the references of the bottom of the page. lease note that "arc has

    closed his blog, and some lin#s from him may not show up.

    Isabel enn as#s for this to be included in this document from this time forwardat the request of

    0ivine "other)

    Th%s assemb$" !& c!)es an) the %nstruct%!n h!w t! use them %s NE2ER t! be s!$)* buta$wa"s t! be share) &ree an) w%th!ut an" c$a%m !r e#chan+e( It %s wr%tten &!r the &reeuse b" a$$ humans an) a$$ be%n+s as I +%,e the c!)es &!r the &ree use b" ALL( Eachhuman* each be%n+ has a r%+ht t! use these c!)es &ree an) w%th!ut char+e( It %s a$s!

    n!t a$$!we) t! chan+e th%s assemb$"* un$ess I +%,e m" appr!pr%ate pers!na$ !r)er &!rth%s( W%th!ut the auth!r%3at%!n thr!u+h me !r as a trans&er a+a%nst e#chan+e thec!)es w%$$ be use$ess* because the" re4uest a certa%n c!nsc%!usness an) a certa%n&re4uenc" $e,e$ !& the pe!p$e s! that the" can be use)(


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    I te$$ "!u th%s t! st!p an" %)eas &!r th%s purp!se be&!re the" e,en be+%n(Th%s %s a $%,%n+ )!cument* a$$ new c!)es an) the $%n's t! the messa+es sha$$ be%nte+rate) here(

     An) p$ease remember the spaces %n the number se4uences as the" are %mp!rtant(W%th!ut them the c!)es w!n.t w!r' but %t w!u$) $ea) t! &ar t! e#p$a%n %t here( -ecare&u$ t! wr%te the number c!)es c!rrect$"(5 

    I( The Centra$ Ner,!us S"stem


    • 67 89 ::: t! hea$ hea)aches %n +enera$ 

    • :; 77 ::9 t! hea$ m%+ra%ne • 779 &!r $umba+! 

    • ;8 98 ;7; &!r pr!b$ems w%th the sc%at%c ner,e 

    • 8; 8; ;77 &!r pr!$apse) %nter,ertebra$ )%sc 

    • ;< ;8 97; &!r a bu$+%n+ !r hern%ate) %nter,ertebra$ )%sc

    Chr!n%c Pa%n

    • 67 7> 997 &!r chr!n%c pa%n %n +enera$ 

    • >: 7: 8 >= > &!r sh!u$)er pa%n %n +enera$ 


    • 8; ;< :7: &!r &%rst a%) %n str!'es !n the wa" t! )e&%n%t%,e treatment at h!sp%ta$ 

    • :9 76 >8: &!r rec!,er" &r!m a str!'e • =< 8; ::>67 t! remember h!w t! eat* chew* swa$$!w a&ter +ra,e

    neur!$!+%ca$ %nur" !r $!n+term %ntubat%!n 

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    Neur!$!+%ca$ De&%c%t* De+enerat%!n S"mpt!ms an) In&ect%!us D%sease

    • == :> ;>= &!r th!se wh! su&&er an!#%c bra%n %nur" t! stren+then* %& %t %s %n the%r$%&e c!ntract &!r th%s* &!r %t t! be+%n

    • ;; 6> 677 &!r herpes ,%ruses • 77 9: =79 &!r ce$$u$ar )ama+es !& an" s!rt

    • ;; 77 96> &!r har)ness !& hear%n+ an) )ea&ness • ;8 ;< >>9 &!r Am"!tr!ph%c Latera$ Sc$er!s%s• :: ;7 &!r cerebra$ pa$s" • :7 :< ;>= &!r L%mb G%r)$e Muscu$ar D"str!ph" ?LGMD@ • 9: :> &!r mu$t%p$e sc$er!s%s • ;> 67 8 &!r Par'%ns!n.s D%sease • 6< := 67 t! remember h!w t! eat* chew* swa$$!w a&ter +ra,eneur!$!+%ca$ %nur" !r $!n+term %ntubat%!n 

    • 79 := ;8< &!r T%nn%tus • 86 :6 : 6> 98 >>6 &!r %ns!mn%a that %s s%tuat%!na$* )ue t! n!%se* tra,e$* heat • 77 86 9>7 &!r )"s$e#%a an) !ther $earn%n+ )%s!r)ers 

    • 9B B9 >BB &!r ,ert%+! ?"!u &ee$ as %& the r!!m %s sp%nn%n+@ • 7B >7 >B7 t! ease )%33%ness • 67 == >;6 < 77: &!r eat%n+ )%s!r)er 

    • 6: =:

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    • :;6 8>7< &!r a))%ct%!n t! pa%n me)%cat%!ns 

    • 68; :>= >>= >6 7> :>> &!r )%ss!c%at%!n ass!c%ate) w%th PTSD 

    • := >> 6>7 &!r mem!r%es t! erase !& what %s n!t r%+ht &!r "!u &!r what

    br%n+s "!u )!wn 

    • >B 67 :>< &!r catastr!ph%3%n+ 

    • >> >> >>: t! m%t%+ate the sh!c' an) terr!r that c!mes w%th catastr!phes !&

    an" s!rt ?natura$ )%sasters* pers!na$ tra+e)%es* $!ss* cr%s%s s%tuat%!ns* etc(@ 

    • 86 ;9 ::: &!r pan%c attac's • 6: 78 :7= &!r pa%n&u$ mem!r%es !& the past* b!th c!nsc%!us an) subc!nsc%!us


    • 6> 7: =>< t! $et +! !& the attachment t! what %s &r%+hten%n+ ?t! st!p

    rum%nat%n+ an) th%n'%n+ ab!ut %t@ 

    • :: >=

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    • 6< =7 :;= &!r )epress%!n %n ch%$)ren an) a)u$ts 

    • 66 6= >>> &!r pe)%atr%c an) a)!$escent )epress%!n 

    • :> := ;;= t! %ncrease m!t%,at%!n where there %s $%tt$e t! n!ne 

    • >: 6; B:> %n s%tuat%!ns where parents .push. the%r ch%$)ren t! e#ce$ !r per&!rm

    %n s!me wa"* &!r the ch%$) t! en)ure th%s su&&er%n+ w%th res%$%ence an) stren+th*

    an) &!r the .push%n+. t! abate 

    • B; B; 7>= &!r )em!ra$%3at%!n !r $!ss !& m!ra$e 

    • >7> 6 := &!r th!se wh! cut themse$,es !r %nure themse$,es %n an" wa" • =9 B8 = &!r neur!transm%tter %mba$ance • B= B= >>< &!r !pp!s%t%!na$ )e&%ant )%s!r)er • 6: 78 :7= &!r pa%n&u$ mem!r%es !& the past* b!th c!nsc%!us an) subc!nsc%!us


    • 66 6= >>> &!r pe)%atr%c an) a)!$escent )epress%!n 

    • ;= 96 8;< &!r ch%$)ren w%th remar'ab$e beha,%!ra$ )%s!r)ers ?see )%sc$a%mer@ 

    • >= =>6 9;: 9>7 &!r sch%3!phren%a • ==; 86: ;>>9

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    • 9: ;= 67 B>B> &!r &!r+%,eness • :> ;= B 66 :; 86: 9> 6>7 &!r mem!r%es t! erase !& what %s n!t r%+ht &!r "!u &!r what br%n+s

     "!u )!wn 

    • 6> 79= > 6> &!r pr!b$emat%c th!u+hts •

    >; =6 7

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    • 66 6> :=; t! $%&t resentment an) t! e#chan+e %t w%th the ,%brat%!n !& peace • >767 9 79 :;> t! sh%ne !ne.s $%+ht br%+ht$" n! matter what %s +!%n+ !n %n the%r $%&e

    e#per%ence • >7 >7 :>9 &!r stress re$%e&re$a#at%!n • 6: 7< :=> =>: t! h!pe &!r a better $%&e %n a$$ wa"s an) we$c!me the new • B7 B: 8 &!r e,er"th%n+ t! happen &!r the best an) t! trust that th%s %s

    happen%n+ &!r n! !ther reas!n than th%s • 77 : &!r we$$be%n+ • 6> 6> ;>8 &!r w%$$%n+ness t! &ace new cha$$en+es an) an %nterest t! &u$$" en!"

    what the L%&e E#per%ence has t! !&&er • 7: 96 ;;; &!r w%$$p!wer • 87 8: 8== &!r "!ur w!un)e) %nner ch%$) t! be +%,en the +race t! c!mmun%cate

    %ts nee)s t! "!u s! hea$%n+ ma" be+%n • 99 8B ;7> t! enhance a sp%r%t !& )%sc!,er"* a),enture an) 3est &!r $%&e • 66 77 :;= &!r s!c%a$ !utcasts t! &ee$ the L!,e an) supp!rt !& the D%,%ne 

    • :> := 76> &!r th!se wh! are !,erwhe$me) an) &ee$ .e,er"th%n+ c!m%n+ atthem at !nce &r!m a$$ )%rect%!ns. 

    • 76 9;: 8;:6 t! pre,ent an)!r re$ease em!t%!na$ attachment t! !thers.e#press%!ns 

    • >= 7= ;>8 :8> &!r th!se wh! bu$$" !thers t! be &%$$e) w%th LO2E %nstea) !& the)es%re t! bu$$" !thers 

    • >767 9 6>7 &!r mem!r%es t! erase !& what %s n!t r%+ht &!r "!u &!r what br%n+s "!u )!wn 

    • 69 ;69

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    • 67 =: >;< t! ma'e steps &!rwar) when there %s hes%tance as a hab%tua$resp!nse wh%ch %s %n+ra%ne) b" s!c%et" t! re$ease &r!m the +r%p !& se$&)!ubt 

    • :> 79 :;> t! sh%ne !ne.s $%+ht br%+ht$" n! matter what %s +!%n+ !n %n the%r $%&ee#per%ence 

    • &!r pe!p$e t! be s! &u$$ !& $!,e an) respect &!r "!u that n!th%n+ canc!me !ut but $!,e an) respect &!r "!u an) &!r "!u t! be s! &%$$e) w%th $!,e an)

    respect &!r them that n!th%n+ can c!me !ut !& "!u but $!,e an) respect &!r them?th%s %s &!r pr!tect%!n &r!m !ther pe!p$e.s pr!ect%!ns an) m%s%nterpretat%!ns@ • >9 86 ;B 96 8;9 ;B;:7 &!r betra"a$ an) the w!un)s !& betra"a$ • 9: 7= ;>6 &!r h!pe$essness an) )espa%r •

    997 8:67 &!r su%c%)a$ th!u+hts* %mpu$ses an) %)eat%!n • :: =< ;86 &!r su%c%)a$ th%n'%n+ ?%)eat%!n@ • :> := :> :>8 &!r su%c%)e attempt • ;6 >< :8= &!r c"ber bu$$"%n+ ,%ct%ms • :: >= >> &!r pe)%atr%c an) a)!$escent )epress%!n 

    • >: 6; B:> %n s%tuat%!ns where parents .push. the%r ch%$)ren t! e#ce$ !r per&!rm

    %n s!me wa"* &!r the ch%$) t! en)ure th%s su&&er%n+ w%th res%$%ence an) stren+th*

    an) &!r the .push%n+. t! abate 

    • ;> ;8 : &!r th!se wh! w%tness su%c%)e !r )%sc!,er the b!)" • ;; 66 :7> &!r th!se wh! are the tar+et !& hate because the" are .)%&&erent.&!r

    the stren+th t! sur,%,e an) the w%$$ t! en)ure • :> := &!r th!se wh! cut themse$,es !r %nure themse$,es %n an" wa" • 66 77 :;= &!r s!c%a$ !utcasts t! &ee$ the L!,e an) supp!rt !& the D%,%ne • :> := 76> &!r th!se wh! are !,erwhe$me) an) &ee$ .e,er"th%n+ c!m%n+ at

    them at !nce &r!m a$$ )%rect%!ns. 

    The $ast s%# are new &r!m D%,%ne M!ther( The" can be +%,en b" the $!,e) !nes t! the

    !ne wh! %s su&&er%n+use "!ur b!)" as a surr!+ate &!r the c!)es* !r trace the c!)es !n 

    a p%cture( The" can a$s! be use) b" th!se wh! are su&&er%n+ !n themse$,es t! ease the)%stress( D%,%ne M!ther ADORES a$$ !& Her ch%$)ren an) wants each !ne t! 'n!w h!w

    MUCH she cares(((&!r them(

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


    III( The Hea) an) Nec' 


    • 77 ;< ;98 t! !pt%m%3e a%rwa" &unct%!n • 9: =9 =;= t! a$%+n an) stra%+hten teeth • 96 >6 9 77: &!r a$$er+%es* %n +enera$ 

    • ;; 6> 677 &!r herpes ,%rus $es%!ns 

    • 66 :: 876 &!r s%nuses 

    := 67 ;7 9>6 &!r ,!ca$ c!r) para$"s%s an) ,!ca$ c!r) n!)u$es 


    • >6 == :67 &!r t!rt%c!$$%s 

    • :< ;< >67 &!r th!rac%c !ut$et s"n)r!me 

    I2( The E"es an) 2%s%!n

    • 88 8; >88 &!r cataract !& the $ens !& the e"e 

    • 88 8; >8= &!r +$auc!ma* h%+h pressure %ns%)e the e"e 

    • 96 78 79= &!r e"e %rr%tat%!n* espec%a$$" that wh%ch %s ass!c%ate) w%th hea)ache • 99 78 669 &!r c!nunct%,%t%s 

    • 9: ;6 :7> &!r .p%n' e"e.c!nunct%,%t%s that %s se,ere an) recurrent • >7 8; ;;8 &!r st"e • 77 =< ;8; &!r e"e %nur" 


    • 69 >8 >:; &!r h"per!p%a ?&ars%+hte)ness@• 8= >9 >;6 &!r m"!p%a ?nears%+hte)ness@•

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     2( The En)!cr%ne S"stem an) C!n)%t%!ns !& the Metab!$%sm

    • 6: 66 7= :;> &!r a)rena$ %nsu&&%c%enc" !& $!n+stan)%n+ )urat%!n • =8 >7 >79 t! %mpr!,e a)rena$ &unct%!n • 99 79 >7> &!r )%abetes an) ba$anc%n+ !& the %nsu$%n $e,e$ 

    • 99 79 >7: &!r )%abet%c u$cer%n&ect%!n !& the &eet 

    • >: 7> = &!r the pre)%abet%c* &!r s!me!ne wh! %s at ,er" h%+h r%s' !&)e,e$!p%n+ )%abetes* an) a$s! &!r th!se wh! e#per%ence )%abetes %n pre+nanc" 

    • 7> 66 88; t! $!se we%+ht 

    • 6: =: = >> 6>< &!r m%n!r th"r!%) en$ar+ement 

    • := >= &!r $!w test!ster!ne • ;> =7 > 67 :6= &!r +!ut • :: =: &!r !pt%mum pH !& the human b!)" 

     2I( The Heart an) the C%rcu$at%!n

    -$!!) Pressure

    • >> ;9 899 &!r the re+u$at%!n !& b$!!) pressure* t! use &!r h%+h !r $!w

    pressures e4ua$$" 

    • ;; =7 67 9; 8;6 &!r car)%ac arrh"thm%a an) rh"thm )%sturbance w%th stab$e

    hem!)"nam%cs ?n!n emer+enc"@ • 8;

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    • 66 8> :7= &!r h"per$%p%)em%a • :: =: >=; &!r ,ar%c!se ,e%ns* m%$) • &!r ,ar%c!se ,e%ns* m!)erate t! se,ere 

     2II( The -$!!)

    • >> >> >8> &!r anem%a an) &!r hea$th%er b$!!) 

    • 9B =< = >769 =< t! %mpr!,e wh%te b$!!) ce$$ c!unt %n neutr!pen%a

     2III( The Lun+s an) -reath%n+ ?Pu$m!nar" D%sease@

    • ;9 86 867 &!r a))%ct%!n ?t!bacc!@ 

    • ::7 t! hea$ a$$ )epen)ence !n sm!'%n+t!bacc! an) n!nt!bacc!!pt%!ns 

    • >7 7> 6>7 &!r a%rb!rne a$$er+%es 

    • 7> 68 9:< &!r a$t%tu)e s%c'ness 

    • 6> 66 9>7 &!r Asthma 

    • :7 >6 8> 86 ;99 t! re$%e,e c!u+h 

    • ;> 8< =67 t! re$%e,e c!u+h &r!m s%)e e&&ect !& me)%cat%!n 

    • :6 9; >

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    I( The D%+est%,e S"stem

    • ;7 77 ;;< &!r nausea 

    • ;7 9> 8;7 &!r m!t%!n s%c'ness 

    • ;8 98 7:> &!r &att" $%,er 

    • ;> :6 &!r &att" $%,er wh%ch %s !n the wa" t! caus%n+ c%rrh!s%sm!)erate

    )%sease c!n)%t%!n 

    • 66 7: 67 9: ;6 7= >>: &!r !bes%t" %n ch%$)ren• 8; ;7 979 &!r hem!rrh!%)s 

    7; 78 =;9 &!r b$!at%n+• ;= == 97> &!r &$atu$ence 

    • 6: :<

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    • 6: >< ;7> &!r pe!p$e wh! ha,e !st!m%es t! ha,e stren+th an) a p!s%t%,e!ut$!!'  

    • >9 ;6 ;6: t! ease st!mach cramps • := 86 :>8 t! %mpr!,e +a$$b$a))er &unct%!n• := 8; 8 &!r +a$$b$a))er attac' ?ch!$ec"st%t%s@ an) +a$$b$a))er )%sease

    ?ch!$e$%th%as%s@ • :6 ;6 =: 87 7: &!r an a))%t%!na$ a%) w%th appen)%c%t%s wh%ch %s be%n+ treate) w%thstan)ar) me)%ca$ care 

    • >: 7: 8= >; 6>: &!r s%mp$e hern%a that %s eas%$" re)uce) 

     ( The Rena$ S"stem

    • =; 97 ;77 &!r '%)ne" st!nes 

    • =7 79 ;7> &!r p"e$%t%s* %n&$ammat%!n !& '%)ne" pe$,%s 

    • 8= 96 =;; &!r re%n&!rcement !& '%)ne" &unct%!n 

    • ;8 77 98; &!r %n&$ammat%!n !& the b$a))er 

    • 6: 6= 776 &!r %nterst%t%a$ c"st%t%s 

    • 6B B6 = > &!r menstrua$ wea'ness 

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


    • 7> 7> 8 677 &!r herpes ,%rus 

    • 7; 7> 9>; &!r rem!,%n+ warts 

    • := 66 >=> &!r p!$"c"st%c !,ar" )%sease* %n +enera$ 

    • 6: 7; :8= &!r !,ar%an cancer 

    • := = >>6 t! he$p premature %n&ants thr%,e %& %t %s %n the $%&e p$an &!r the

    h%+hest +!!) • 67 9= 86> &!r m%scarr%a+e* &eta$ )em%se* an) $!ss !& pre+nanc"th%s %s &!r b!th

    the &ather an) the m!ther* an) e,er"!ne wh! %s c$!se t! the c!up$e an) w%$$+r%e,e( Th%s c!)e ma" be use) t! hea$ past s%tuat%!ns a$s! 

    • :: ;> 8== &!r uter%ne pr!$apse !r uter%ne at!n" %n ch%$)b%rth 

     II( The Ma$e Repr!)uct%,e Or+ans

    • ;; 6> 677 &!r herpes ,%rus 

    • 7; 7> 9>; &!r rem!,%n+ warts 

    • 6: 78 7:7 &!r ben%+n pr!stat%c h"pertr!ph" 

    • 96 := >B6 &!r pr!state cancer 

    • := >= &!r $!w test!ster!ne 

    • := > 6 &!r sem%n!ma 

    • >= >; 6>: &!r s%mp$e hern%a that %s eas%$" re)uce) 

     III( -!nes* !%nts* an) Aut!%mmune D%s!r)ers

    -!nes an) !%nts

    • 79 9> 767 &!r arthr%t%s an) arthr!s%s 

    • 6= :> 76< &!r arthr%t%s )e+enerat%,e !%nt )%sease ?DD@ • :7 67 9>> &!r e4u%ne sarc!%)s ?n!t sure %& th%s app$%es &!r human sarc!%) t!!@ 

    • ;7 87 ;8< &!r rheumat%c a&&$%ct%!ns 

    • 97 >9 667 &!r +enera$ %n&$ammat%!n 

    • 7: 7> 667 &!r puru$ent p$aces !& %n&$ammat%!n 

    99 79 >7: &!r )%abet%c u$cer%n&ect%!n !& the &eet • 77 9: =79 &!r ce$$u$ar )ama+es !& an" s!rt 

    • 8; 97 >9< &!r spra%n 

    • 6< :; 76> &!r c!n+en%ta$ h%p )"sp$as%a 

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    • ;= 98 ;

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     I2( In&ect%!us D%sease


    • 77 9: =79 &!r ce$$u$ar )ama+es !& an" s!rt 

    • 97 >9 667 &!r +enera$ %n&$ammat%!n 

    • 7: 7> 667 &!r puru$ent p$aces !& %n&$ammat%!n 

    • 7; ;< 776 &!r $!wer%n+ !& &e,er 

    • 6B B6 7:> &!r &e,er %n ch%$)ren • >8 ;9 6= 69= &!r acute ce$$u$%t%s ?t! be app$%e) wh%$e see'%n+ me)%ca$ attent%!n@

    • >> ;< ;8= &!r bacter%a$ %n&ect%!n • :< ;66 &!r C$!str%)%um D%&&%c%$e C!$%t%s 

    • 99 79 >7: &!r )%abet%c u$cer%n&ect%!n !& the &eet 

    • >= := &!r $ept!sp%r!s%s 

    • 6: 78 ==> &!r MRSA ?meth%c%$$%nres%stant staph"$!c!ccus aureus@ 

    • :8 9< :6: &!r ant%m%cr!b%a$ e&&ect • 9: ;6 :7> &!r .p%n' e"e.c!nunct%,%t%s that %s se,ere an) recurrent • ;= 6> :>= &!r &e,er 

    • ;< := 8< ;=: &!r eas%n+ c!$) s"mpt!ms s! "!u can rest 

    • ;; 6> 677 &!r herpes ,%rus 

    BB >B BB>B &!r HI2 ?human %mmun!)e&%c%enc" ,%rus@ • =9 76 >8< &!r m!n!nuc$e!s%s ?an) Epste%n-arr ,%rus@ • :: 8= 7

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    • 6: 8< :>6 &!r seps%s 

    • :96 &!r sept%c sh!c' ARDS 

     2( Cancer an) Tum!rs

    • >9 99 77; &!r a$$ cancer* %n +enera$ 

    • 77 9: =79 &!r ce$$u$ar )ama+es !& an" s!rt 

    • :: =7 >:= &!r b$a))er cancer • 8< 78 ;:9 &!r breast cancer 

    • >= :7 >>> &!r bra%n tum!rs %n +enera$ ?pr%mar" tum!rs* n!t metastat%c sprea)

    &r!m !ther tum!rs t! the bra%n@ 

    • B> 98 7;6 &!r Mer'e$ Ce$$ carc%n!ma 

    • 6: 7; :8= &!r !,ar%an cancer 

    • := uter%ne canceren)!metr%a$ • 6: =8 > 7> :=> &!r th!se wh! are %n )en%a$ &!r a ser%!us* $%&ethreaten%n+ me)%ca$

    c!n)%t%!n* t! see' he$p 

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     2II( Trauma* as %n b$unt an) penetrat%n+ %nur" )ue t! acc%)ents

    • 99 := 8;< hea$%n+ !& !pen w!un)s ?wr%te %n the a%r ab!,e the w!un)@ 

    • 77 8; >77 hea$%n+ !& se,ere %nur%es t! the ab)!men when sur+er" %s n!t


    • 99 :8 =8; hea$%n+ !& !pen &ractures when sur+er" %s n!t %mme)%ate$" a,a%$ab$e 

    • 8; 97 >9< &!r spra%n 

    • >< >< 7>> &!r burns* a$s! sunburn 

    • >; >< ;>> &!r &%rst a%) &!r heat str!'e th!u+ht a$!n+ w%th !ther measures 

    • 77 >9 : 7= ; 6> :> &!r %nsect b%tes 

    • => :

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


    • ;> :B :=> &!r s'%n sens%t%,%t" &r!m &r%ct%!n an) $!ss !& &ur !r ha%r 

    • >> 67 ;;9 &!r ha%r $!ss • 77 9; 9:6 t! n!ur%sh ha%r • :: 8: > &!r r!sacea • B7 >= 69= &!r acute ce$$u$%t%s ?t! be app$%e) wh%$e see'%n+ me)%ca$ attent%!n@• 77 >9 ;8> &!r ps!r%as%s 

    • 6B B= 7 &!r ps!r%at%c arthr%t%s 

    • ;> 89 7>> &!r ec3ema +enera$$" 

    • 9: =6 >:= &!r rash* n!nspec%&%c 

     2I( Hea$%n+ O& A Sp%r%tua$ Nature

    Hea$%n+ The Cha'ras

    0%rst Cha'ra ?Re) !r R!!t@

    • >7 67 6:> t! !pt%m%3e an) ba$ance the ener+" !& the base !r .r!!t. cha'ra ?re)@ • >B B>B :;:= &!r chr!n%c r!!t cha'ra b$!c'a+e%nab%$%t" t! +r!un) t! Ga%a 

    Sec!n) Cha'ra ?Oran+e !r Na,e$@

    • :9 6; >7> t! !pt%m%3e an) ba$ance the ener+" !& the sec!n) !r .sacra$. cha'ra?!ran+e@ 

    Th%r) Cha'ra ?Je$$!w !r S!$ar P$e#us@

    • ;B B7 B>> t! !pt%m%3e an) ba$ance the ener+" !& the th%r) !r .s!$ar p$e#us.cha'ra ?"e$$!w@ 

    0!urth Cha'ra ?Green !r Heart@

    • :9 := ;6> t! !pt%m%3e an) ba$ance the ener+" !& the &!urth !r .heart. cha'ra?+reen@ 

    • ;; 8= :97 &!r !pen%n+ the heart cha'ra when %t %s c$!se)+!!) &!r $!w se$&

    esteem* $ac' !& se$&$!,e* p!!r se$&acceptance* an) )eep %nur%es !n a s!u$$e,e$(

     It w%$$ n!t res!$,e 'arm%c %mba$ance but %t supp!rts the hea$%n+ pr!cess +reat$"(

    Use w%th perm%ss%!n &r!m "!ur H%+her Se$& !r Inner Gu%)ance &!r "!u* an) a$s!

    w%th perm%ss%!n !n a s!u$ $e,e$ %& use) t! he$p hea$ an!ther( 

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    0%&th Cha'ra ?-$ue !r Thr!at@

    • 88 89 B;< t! !pt%m%3e an) ba$ance the ener+" !& the &%&th !r .thr!at. cha'ra?b$ue@ 

    • ;; 6= 8;< &!r !pen%n+ the thr!at cha'ra &!r better c!mmun%cat%!n ab%$%t" ?use

    !n$" w%th the perm%ss%!n &r!m "!ur H%+her Se$& an) %ntu%t%,e +u%)e each t%me %t %s

    use)there %s r%s' !& a s%)e e&&ect !& ener+" .am. that m%+ht nee) t! be re$ease)

    b" a Re%'% Master %n the pers!n wh! uses %t w%th!ut th%s perm%ss%!n( It %s

    p!wer&u$* th%s c!)e(@ 

    S%#th Cha'ra ?In)%+! !r P%tu%tar"@

    • ;6 ;; >77 t! !pt%m%3e an) ba$ance the ener+" !& the s%#th !r .th%r) e"e. cha'ra?%n)%+!@ 

    Se,enth Cha'ra ?Wh%te !r Cr!wn@

    • >B B> =;; t! !pt%m%3e an) ba$ance the ener+" !& the se,enth !r .cr!wn. cha'ra?wh%te@ 

    H%+her Cha'ras ?S%$,er* G!$) !r Master Cha'ra@

    • 79 :B ;69 t! !pt%m%3e an) ba$ance the ener+" !& the master cha'ra ?a$$@ 

    Hea$%n+ The Mer%)%ans

    • :: =; 876> t! ba$ance an) !pt%m%3e the ener+" !& L%,er mer%)%an ?w!!)@• == 8; : t! ba$ance an) !pt%m%3e the ener+" !& Ga$$b$a))er mer%)%an ?w!!)@• 8> =; 6:=> t! ba$ance an) !pt%m%3e the ener+" !& heart mer%)%an ?&%re@

    • 6> 79 8 ;> 6 8

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    • >7> 9>: =6== 9 :B>9: t! rem!,e ether%c %mp$ants• >9 ;: 6; B:> %n s%tuat%!ns where parents .push. the%r ch%$)ren t! e#ce$ !r per&!rm

    %n s!me wa"* &!r the ch%$) t! en)ure th%s su&&er%n+ w%th res%$%ence an) stren+th*

    an) &!r the .push%n+. t! abate 

    • 97 77 ::> &!r &ree)!m &r!m the &!rces !& )ar'ness an) t! !bta%n

    sp%r%tua$ s!,ere%+nt" • := t! w%)en the crac's an) !pen the ,e%$ !& m"ster" wh%ch %s %mp!se)

    up!n th!se %n&$uence) )eep$" b" Th!se Wh! D! N!t Ha,e Our -est Interest AtHeart ?a$s! &!r mass h"ster%a t!!@ 

    • &!r pe!p$e t! be s! &u$$ !& $!,e an) respect &!r "!u that n!th%n+ canc!me !ut but $!,e an) respect &!r "!u an) &!r "!u t! be s! &%$$e) w%th $!,e an)respect &!r them that n!th%n+ can c!me !ut !& "!u but $!,e an) respect &!r them?th%s %s &!r pr!tect%!n &r!m !ther pe!p$e.s pr!ect%!ns an) m%s%nterpretat%!ns@ 

    C$a%r,!"ance an) Intu%t%!n

    • ;; 99 696 &!r !pen%n+ the th%r) e"e but !n$" %& %t %s perm%tte) %n "!ur current $%&e


    • :6 9;9 B67 t! enhance c$ar%t" an) recept%!n !& D%,%ne +u%)ance • ;: 7> t! %n,%te c!mmun%cat%!n w%th "!ur H%+her Se$&  • :: 8= 8;> &!r sp%r%tua$ %ntu%t%!n t! +r!w 

    Hea$%n+ the S!u$

    • ;; 68 9=: &!r se$&hea$%n+ !n the s!u$( W%th th%s c!)e* 4uantum hea$%n+

    ener+%es are supp$%e) t! e#pe)%te the s!u$ hea$%n+ pr!cess( What w!u$)

    !therw%se ta'e "ears can be hea$e) %n amateur !& wee's !r m!nths( As w%th

    !ther c!)es !& a sp%r%tua$ nature* be sure t! chec' w%th "!ur H%+her Se$& !r Inner

    +u%)ance &!r the appr!pr%ateness !& %ts use( 

    • := ;6 ::= t! stren+then the c!nnect%!n t! Hea,en • >> 77 :>8 &!r ba$anc%n+ the ener+%es %n "!ur $%&e e#per%encet! sm!!th them*

    $e,e$ thems! n! m!re .pea's an) ,a$$e"s. s! that the !,era$$ e&&ect %s m!re

    p$easant !n m!st )a"s 

    • B7 B: 8 &!r e,er"th%n+ t! happen &!r the best an) t! trust that th%s %shappen%n+ &!r n! !ther reas!n than th%s 

    • := >> 6>7 &!r mem!r%es t! erase !& what %s n!t r%+ht &!r "!u &!r what br%n+s

     "!u )!wn 

    • >= >; 6:= &!r t!#%c shame wh%ch spans +enerat%!nst! hea$ an) brea' the


    • >= >: 777 &!r !,erwhe$m%n+ t!#%c shame 

    • >: >; 6>: &!r !,erwhe$m%n+ t!#%c +u%$t 

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    • 87 8: 8== &!r "!ur w!un)e) %nner ch%$) t! be +%,en the +race t! c!mmun%cate%ts nee)s t! "!u s! hea$%n+ ma" be+%n 

    • B= >> = &!r tra,e$( 0!r !pp!rtun%t%es t! ar%se %& "!u en!" tra,e$* b!th &!r

    w!r' an) &!r p$easure 

    • ;67 9: 86 66 68= t! ma'e $!,e new a+a%n 

    • 77 9: >B>B> &!r &!r+%,eness • 79 => >8< &!r the $!,e that &$!ws between hearts t! be un%mpe)e) an) t! &$!w

    b!th wa"s $%'e %t )!es %n Hea,en 

    Sp%r%tua$ Awa'en%n+ an) Ascens%!n

    • >>> 9;67 8>>> t! re,ea$ !ur %)ent%t" at the h%+her $e,e$s • 8> =: ;;9 &!r Gr!un) Crew t! e#per%ence enhance) c!nnect%!n t! S!urce 

    • 99 99 999 t! awa'en t! a$$ th%n+s an+e$%c 

    • := 8; 76> t! eas%$" %)ent%&" the ener+" s%+nature !& an!ther • =: =6 8B &!r PEACE* D%,%ne Peace* t! &%$$ "!ur heart an) a&&ect the aura !&th!se ar!un) "!u 

    • 66 6> :=; t! $%&t resentment an) t! e#chan+e %t w%th the ,%brat%!n !& peace • 6> 7= :6> &!r acceptance !& the h%erarch" !& D%,%ne Inter,ent%!n 

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


    • >= :8 = :8 > the -!mb !& LO2E ?t! %ncrease the $!,e %n "!ur w!r$) be"!n) the

    %ma+%nat%!nF@ • ;; ;; B>7 t! &ee$ the !" !& the a+es 698 • 6> ;: BB= &!r Re%'% Ener+" t! up+ra)e !ne $e,e$ h%+her than the $ast c$ass ta'en• ;9 86 >=8 &!r se$&$!,e an) se$&w!rth t! %ncrease t! !pt%mum hea$th" $e,e$s • 6B 6B 66; t! t%+hten the aura a+a%nst attac'* &!r D%,%ne Ass%stance an) the

    pr!tect%!n !& Archan+e$ M%chae$ h%mse$&  • 8= 9;> t! !pen the e"es !& th!se wh! sp%r%tua$$" s$eep ?t! +et the .s$eep. !ut

    !& the%r e"es an) he$p them see the%r purp!se* the%r r!$e as L%+htw!r'ers@ • := >> 8:6 &!r the ab%$%t" t! awa'en &urther* t! !pen as &u$$ as p!ss%b$e t! the

    D%,%ne t! .+et !,er sp%r%tua$ c!ncerns &r!m the past. 4u%c'$" an) c!mp$ete$" • ;= >6 :98 t! be &%$$e) w%th apprec%at%!n an) SEE a$$ m%rac$es &!r what the" are

    a +%&t that %s &r!m Hea,en • 97 77 ::> &!r &ree)!m &r!m the &!rces !& )ar'ness an) t! !bta%n

    sp%r%tua$ s!,ere%+nt" 

    • &!r stren+th t! h!$) "!ur ,%brat%!n h%+h as th!se wh! ha,e $!wer,%brat%!n ar!un) "!u $ash !ut an) .test. "!u 

    • >= 9B: t! accept an) a$$!w the Ga$act%c wa"s !& )!%n+ th%n+s t! we$c!methe wa" Ga$act%cs w!r' an) the%r cu$ture 

    • := :8 ;B>B> &!r &!r+%,eness • >> 6> 666 &!r c!ura+e • >6 :9 =;> &!r the ph"s%ca$ a%$ment wh%ch b!thers "!u the m!st at th%s t%me

    t! c!pe w%th %t an) accept the $ess!n &r!m the ma$a)" as 4u%c'$" as p!ss%b$e as as!u$ s! !ne ma" be ab$e t! hea$ %n e,er" wa" 

    • >= 67

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    • : =9= &!r stu)ents* emp$!"ees* parents* an) se$&emp$!"e) wh! en)ure!,erw!r'  

    • >7 69 :=;=; &!r acceptance !& What Isthe s%tuat%!n %n "!ur $%&e that %spresente) t! "!u 

    • ;< =: 6>: &!r acceptance !& What Is"!ur c!ntr%but%!n t! "!ur $%&e s%tuat%!n*t! see th%s c$ear$"* an) &!r +u%)ance t! na,%+ate "!ur wa" thr!u+h the s%tuat%!nat han) 

    • 6> 6> ;>8 &!r w%$$%n+ness t! &ace new cha$$en+es an) an %nterest t! &u$$"en!" what the L%&e E#per%ence has t! !&&er 

    • ;; == ::= t! e$%m%nate !ne.s res%stance t! what %s as'e) !& them %n the%r $%&e !urne" 

    • ;< : &!r a$ertness wh%$e sta"%n+ up $ate at w!r'  •

    69 ;=; :9 6>: &!r ease %n sur+%ca$ emer+enc%es that a$$ hea$%n+ w%$$ e#pe)%te an)

    !ne w%$$ ha,e the m!st p!s%t%,e e#per%ence thr!u+h the h!sp%ta$ treatment •

    := :8 ;

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    Ga%a Ener+et%c C!nnect%!n

    • >> 66 676 P$ant '%n+)!m attunement • 97 99 :8; B889 Ga%a attunement ?%nc$u)es ma!r +r!un)%n+ ass%stance@ • >; :> 7:B t! e#per%ence the ener+" !& the seash!re when !ne %s $an)$!c'e) • > >>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>> >> c%rcu%t up+ra)e K ONLJ USE %& +%,en perm%ss%!nas th%s %s e#treme$" h%+h ener+" 

    • >>>> 896 ;>9 ;8;8; B>:97 >>>> 5surpr%se5 c!)e &r!m the Ga$act%cs KONLJ USE %& +%,en perm%ss%!n as th%s %s e#treme$" h%+h ener+"

    • >> =8 = B=9 t! ce$ebrate a m%rac$e wh%ch has a$rea)" been +%,en • 8< 8; 86= &!r acceptance !& !ne.s $%&e $ess!ns•

    :=: 9;6 6 t! hea$ t%me$%nes ?w%th D%,%ne Ass%stance an) Supp!rt@ • ; 9B; 87B6 9:;:9 =666;8 >>>>> ; &!r a p!wer&u$ se$&attunement • B 679: 8BBB >7>79 96>9: 8;< B &!r h%+her )%mens%!na$ access • >> 898 ;> &!r !mn%presence • >>>> 8888 >8>8> 8888 >>>> t! act%,ate the New Earth p!rta$ • ;6 9B6B7 9:>:= 66>69 8; ;8 9;: 86=7> >> 6> 6769:8;

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


     ( Hea$%n+ the 0!!) One C!nsumes an) En,%r!nmenta$ T!#%ns

    0!!) an) Dr%n'

    • 69 :8 ;>th%s creates a ,!rte# wh%ch puts hea$%n+ %nt! the water that !ne can )r%n'

    t! ba$ance the ener+%es w%th%n themse$,es an) the%r &am%$" an) the%r p$ace !&

    w!r' ?wr%te %t !n the c!&&ee mach%ne an) the water c!!$erF@ 

    • 79 B6 :8= M!re p!wer&u$ an) e&&ect%,e c!)e &!r neutra$%3%n+ GMO ?caut%!n

    w%th ener+"sens%t%,e pe!p$e wh! m%+ht &ee$ th%s .b!!st. an) a$wa"s be sure t!

    +r!un) "!urse$& care&u$$" be&!re us%n+ th%s c!)e( Th%s %s m!re p!wer&u$ than the

    &%rst c!)e because the hea$%n+ ener+" that %s transm%tte) &r!m Sp%r%t %s m!re

    %ntense than the &%rst c!)e@ 

    • 96 =>: 86:

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    • 96 =>: 86: 6 >6 >6= t! neutra$%3e !)!rs wh%ch are n!t p$easant • 6> :> ==< t! pr!tect ,eh%c$e &r!m ,an)a$s an) the&t 

    • :> 6; 77> 6;79: >BB6>9 :=8;< &!r base$e,e$ pr!tect%!n &!r EM0 an)

    amb%ent ra)%! &re4uenc" e$ectr!ma+net%c ra)%at%!n 

    Hea," Meta$ P!%s!n%n+

    • >< ;= 9:> &!r $ea) %n+est%!n an) p!%s!n%n+ ?use a$!n+ w%th che$at%!ntreatment an) stan)ar) me)%ca$ care@ 

    • :6

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


     II( 0!r S!c%a$ an) 0am%$" Issues

     Aca)em%c C!ncerns

    • ;9 =6< :;: 9:>< &!r aca)em%c success ?%& a$$!we) %n $%&e p$an@ • >: =9 6>> t! be a)m%tte) t! the sch!!$ !& "!ur ch!%ce &!r "!ur tra%n%n+!r

    s!meth%n+ better 

    0%nanc%a$ An) W!r' S!c%a$ Issues

    • :7 t! ease the c!n)%t%!n !& &%nanc%a$ c!nstra%nt 

    • >7 69 =;= = &!r &%nanc%a$ secur%t" ?%& a$$!we) %n $%&e p$an@ • ;> =< >:7 6 &!r h!me$essness • 7> := ;;8 t! !,erc!me p!,ert" • ;B 9< =68 t! .pu$$ "!urse$& up b" the b!!tstraps. an) create &%nanc%a$

    abun)ance success&u$$"* s! "!u )! n!t !we an"th%n+ t! an"!ne • => 8< 6:: &!r a)ust%n+ t! ret%rement 

    • :9= t! ass%st %n !b $!ss an) !b rec!,er" ?t! hea$@ 

    • 6: :> 8;< 66:9 7> &!r hea$th care w!r'ers an) hea$ers &r!m a$$ pract%ces t!

    pre,ent burn!ut* t! c!unteract .pr!)uct%!n pressure. ?ab%$%t" t! pr!)uce an)

    sur,%,e %n the me)%ca$hea$%n+ %n)ustr"@ an) t! %ncrease c!mpass%!n* &u$&%$$ment*

     pat%ence an) apprec%at%!n &!r the w!r' the" are s! b$esse) t! be ab$e t! )!

    • B= >> = &!r tra,e$( 0!r !pp!rtun%t%es t! ar%se %& "!u en!" tra,e$* b!th &!r

    w!r' an) &!r p$easure 

    ;= ;: &!r +ener!s%t" !& sp%r%t • 6:8 &!r an une#pecte) w%n)&a$$ 

    0am%$" C!ncerns

    • 6> =< :;8 6>

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


     III( C!)es 0!r An%ma$s

    0!r A$$ An%ma$s

    6< := 8;:= &!r abuse) an%ma$s • 6< :; 879 &!r w!un) care &!r an%ma$s 

    • 6> 8= &!r an%ma$s wh! su&&er &r!m ma$nutr%t%!n 

    • ;= :: >:; &!r the w%$) an%ma$s t! ha,e the%r hab%tat %ncrease

    • 77 78 ; 8> 6>:= 97 t! stab%$%3e bee c!$!n%es 

    • 6> &!r rem!,a$ !& 2arr!a m%tes an) paras%tes spec%&%c t! bees 

    • ;> 68> :; t! %ncrease bee repr!)uct%!n 

    • =6 ::97 6> t! neutra$%3e the harm&u$ e&&ects !& chem%ca$s !n bee $%&e 

    0!r 0e$%nes

    • 6> 8= :;6 &!r ass%st%n+ w%th ha%r ba$$s 

    • &!r &e$%ne $!wer ur%nar" tract %n&ect%!n 

    • :> 6; 8=: &!r &e$%ne e"e pr!b$ems

    0!r Can%nesa$$ )!+s )!mest%c an) th!se &!un) %n Nature such as &!#es* c!"!tes*

    w!$,es* )%n+!s an) s%m%$ar

    • 66 :B

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


    0!r E4u%nesa$$ h!rses )!mest%c an) w%$)* as we$$ as re$ate) creatures such as mu$es*

    )!n'e"s* m%n%ature h!rses* p!n%es an) s%m%$ar

    • 8; &!r tetanus ?$!c'aw@ w%th c!ncurrent ,acc%nat%!n an) treatment


    • 6: ;8= &!r e4u%ne %n&$uen3a w%th c!ncurrent ,acc%nat%!n an)

    ant%b%!t%cs re+%me 

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


    9. $1+ S:S-3T-0 &00) there is no harm in the code use, but if no improvement is seen,

    please ta#e the child for a full medical wor# up.



    T! use the c!)e c!rrect$"

    • write the code on the chest area

    • had the person rest for at least one hour

    • no big strains, driving a vehicle of any #indresponsiveness is limited for several hours

    This code may be used with the same directions for measles, german measles

  • 8/18/2019 Divine Healing Codes and How to Use Them v1.0


    • http)77thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com76@597@A7567morehealingcodes8thedivine


    • http)77rei#idoc.blogspot.de76@597@97rei#idocprotocolsforusingangelic.html 

    • http)77sirianheaven.wordpress.com76@597@A7657tsunamiofloveandmorehealingcodes9


    • http)77sirianheaven.wordpress.com76@597@D78@7mehrheilcodes;diegottlichemutter


    • personal communication, &ugust 58, 6@59, Isabel enn

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