de la rue part one2 006 de la rue for ellerbeck bros, stationers, d7, redrawn in three colours only...

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De La Rue Part One

001 De La Rue D1, one of the two first packs produced by the firm, as outlined in their patent application of 1831. There are a number of non-traditional features, such the turned KH and QC, an orb-carrying KD, QD with a sceptre and fan, which, it is claimed, made this pack unpopular. 1832-34

003 De La Rue D4, the first version of his double-ended courts, with no overlay on the main blocks of colour, two jacks have grey hair rather than yellow. Export AS, early Owen Jones back design. c.1852


006 De La Rue for Ellerbeck Bros, stationers, D7, redrawn in three colours only with a smaller frameline and indices broken into the corners, AS: 1, own double-ended joker, c.1910

023 De La Rue Crown GDW12, Waddington-style pip cards. AS: 4.2. 1961

029 De La Rue 32 cards, W5.5, AS: 2.1. No pip cards upside-down. c.1950


030 De La Rue bezique pack (32), D5, AS: 1. Jones back (137). c.1870

042 De La Rue D6 (turned courts), Dexter indices, aces = 1. 2s and 3s diagonal. c.1885

043 De La Rue bezique (32 & 23/32) D4.1. Different plates on some courts, e.g. facial lines/no lines on the QSs. *8S, K/10/9H, K/9/8/7C, 8D. Jones back? c.1865


044 De La Rue D6, KS small curlicues, QH yellow flower centre, JD hat design short at right. Jones back. Double-ended pip cards, c.1875

045 De La Rue D6, KS joined up curlicues, QH red flower centre, JD long hat design. Jones back (symphoricarpus, snowberry). Double-ended pips, c.1875. This and 044 came in an apple-wood box with blue silk lining and key.

045a De La Rue D6 as 045, different Jones back. c.1875


046 De La Rue Crown, (32 & 31/32) in box. W5.1, KH has no chevrons on cloak, damaged J-index on JC, AS: 2.1. c.1941

047 De La Rue Crown W5.5, AS: 2.1 plus sample Goodall AS. c.1950

048 De La Rue Crown GDW12, Waddington-style pip cards, coloured Goodall joker. Plus another with dot after ‘London’ on AS and worn court plates. c.1957 Also found boxed as Delesi for W.H. Smith’s. Cost 2/5 new.

049 De La Rue reprint by Waddington of earlier D6 patience pack with AS4, only available for a short period, 1957-60. (Bought 1963)


055 De La Rue bézique D4.1, AS: 1. 6D instead of 7D, Jones back. c.1865

112 De La Rue patience, square corners, redrawn D6 in red and black only, KH has a moustache. c.1900

122 De La Rue D9, four indices, gold edges c.1922

123 De La Rue D4.1, Old Frizzle, QS design at belt goes in different directions (rather than the more usual same direction), no face marks. Jones back c.1860


124 De La Rue D4.1, Old Frizzle, QS design normal, face marks. Different plates. Jones back for Prince of Wales without initials. *5H c.1855

147 De La Rue bézique D7, red queens have striations on their crowns, c.1910

150 De La Rue Crown W5.4, queens’ hair scratched in (plate repair?), AS: 2.1. Another family pack from c.1947.

156 De La Rue for Rufford (Boots) GDW12, AS: Rufford 2. Printed by Waddington, Waddington jokers. c.1958


157 De La Rue Crown GD10, Q-index 3. AS: 2. Box as later post-war editions. c.1935 Plus bézique set with same make-up.

162 De La Rue Racer GD9, Q-index 4, AS: 2 large. Box has reference to the late King George V, so c.1936.

163 De La Rue Crown GDW12, AS: 4.3, white collar in silhouette. c.1963

169 As 163, but with APCC AS, De La Rue on box. c.1969


170 De La Rue Popular GDW12, AS: 1. QC has a reduced mouth line, 8H upside-down (see 184). Difficult to date: the QC and 8H are like this in the 1944 & 1945 WCMPC packs, but the back of this pack looks pre-war, and AS1 is not usually found after 1940. The box is poor quality, so c.1939?

171 De La Rue D8, bridge size. AS: 1 c.1920

172 De La Rue bézique D6 with D5 queens, so the queens are unturned, but the jacks are turned. 21/32 *Q/9/7S, A/9/7H, K/10/7C, 9/8D. Jones back. Good example of hand collating of packs and the concurrent use of two different court designs. c.1870


173 De La Rue D6 in red and black only. c.1910

184 De La Rue Crown GDW12 as 170, pre-war Goodall joker, later box. c.1938?

185 De La Rue Tarbart patience D6 in red, yellow and black, anonymous Empire AS3, extra index top centre on all pip cards. c.1910

201 De La Rue Viceroys GDW12, AS: 4.2, Zodiac backs. QD has one white flower centre. Plus three odd cards from the same print run for P&O. c.1962


215 De La Rue Delesi GDW12, AS: 4, coloured Goodall joker c.1958

220 De La Rue bézique, D6, plain AS, plain backs. 24/32 *K/J/10/7S, KH, J/10C, 7D. Double-ended pips. Plus early example of AS3 with back design. c.1875

221 De La Rue patience D6, Dexter indices, jacks = Kn. Square corners. 7C unusual American arrangement of pip (4/3 instead of 5/2). Plus another incomplete with normal 7C. c.1880


246 De La Rue Pigmy patience with Dexter indices, diagonal twos and threes. Courts in three colours, KH has a moustache. Square corners. c.1880

247 De La Rue Racer GD9, small AS2, dark Goodall joker. c.1936

250 De La Rue Dexter Moguls for Laidlaw, Glasgow (on inner box). D6 with index 2, possibly a Jones back, but with round corners. “Dexter” on box no longer refers to the original design with index in pip. c.1890

251 De La Rue D6 with Dexter indices, jacks = J, upright twos and threes, ACE for ace. Possibly jones back, round corners. c.1885


252 De La Rue 10 courts (*QC. QD), KS separate curlicues, JD close lines by pike, Jones back. Plus complete pack with plain white backs, pip type 3. c.1870

274 De La Rue Tarbart patience, D6 in red, yellow and grey. c.1910 See 185.

284 De La Rue D4.1, Old Frizzle. Jones back. c.1860

285 De La Rue D6 in 3 colours without the fancy overlay of D6.1, joker. c.1905


286 De La Rue D4.1 for Prince Albert, Old Frizzle, plus six odd courts for Queen Victoria. Jones backs. c.1855

287 De La Rue D4.1. 27/32 *A/KS, QH, AC, AD. Jones back, c.1860

305 De La Rue Crown W5.6 c.1952 314 De La Rue Crown W5.4 c.1947

315 De La Rue Pneumatic Series A D6 large indices, plus odd KC with different back. c.1910


316 De La Rue D6, double-ended pips, AS: 1. Jones backs c.1875

321 De La Rue Rufford GD11, white shoulder on QD, special AS & joker. c.1935

343 De La Rue printed by Piatnik with their courts and pip cards, AS: 4.3. Supplied during a UK printing strike, c.1969.

356 De La Rue bézique D5, Jones back, plus another 52 cards, Jones back, c.1870


357 De La Rue D4.1 kings and jacks with D5 queens, Jones back c.1870 [Biro indices!]

364 De La Rue D7 in red and black, red striations on red queens’ crowns c.1915

368 De La Rue D6, index type 1, aces = 1, Jones back? c.1880

373 De La Rue Rubicon Bézique D6, two packs with coloured faces, two with plain, index type 2. Wooden markers in box. c.1890


374 De La Rue for Lawrence & Cohen D5 plates, US back design, cheap card. The US firm had links with De La Rue and copied their courts in several packs, but these are definitely from the De La Rue plates. 46/52 *AS, 2H, 10/8/2C, 8D c.1865

380 De La Rue bézique D6.1, index type 2 c.1895

410 De La Rue D9 bridge width c.1925

435 De La Rue Wheel, GDW12 on wide size card, Wheel AS, for export c.1968


438 De La Rue Onoto G6, AS: 1 large with spindly Goodall indices. Named after the fountain pen, “The Winner” on top flap of box. Just after take-over, c.1922.

443 De La Rue D6.1 + grey, index type 3. c.1910

446 De La Rue bézique D6, round corners, no indices, double-ended pip cards. c.1880


449 De La Rue Chatsworth for Boots GD10, Q-index 2. c.1930

465 De La Rue Society Slimline GDW14, AS: 2. Double box with non-matching backs. c.1955


468 De La Rue D1 with white lines on every suit sign. *KC/JH c.1834 See 001

479 De La Rue for the Grocers’ Company D6, square corners, index type 2 c.1895


485 De La Rue GDW12, QD two white flower centres, AS: 4.3. Boxed as Alf Cooke New Bond (on box), harlequin jokers, De La Rue control slip, c.1965.

489 De La Rue Fourth Quality D6 in three colours, AS: 1 + Fourth Quality. Double-ended pip cards. Plus 20/32. c.1880

490 De La Rue Rufford GD10, De La Rue joker. Goodall wrapper. c.1935

494 De La Rue D3, Old Frizzle, Jones back. c.1845


500 De La Rue Federation 575 GDW12. AS: 4.1, unusual ‘Export’ at top, during final taxation years. Brand transferred from Goodall to De La Rue, c.1958

506 De La Rue Empire D6.1, AS: 3 + Empire. Several pip cards upside-down. c.1900

553 De La Rue bezique x 2 GDW12 with very pale blue, QC’s and 8H as 170, AS: 1 *one AS. c.1933

571 De La Rue Pigmy in three colours, round corners and joker, plain AS c.1910


572 De La Rue patience with grey instead of blue, no extra indices. c.1900

573 De La Rue Moguls D5, tax-wrapped, Jones back (184). c.1870

626 De La Rue GD10, AS: 3. Q-index 1 in one pack, Q-index 2 in the other. Used in the Wills scheme, c.1933.


627 De La Rue Empire D6, AS: 3 + Empire. Several pip cards upside-down. c.1890

635 De La Rue D6.1, AS: 1, index type 3. Plus one odd, different back. c. 1905

638 De La Rue Pneumatic GD9, Q-index 1. c.1930

647 De La Rue Pierrot double box GDW12, QC’s mouth, upside-down 8H. AS1 & AS2 c.1938


648 De La Rue D2 Old Frizzle c.1834

654 De La Rue D1 KD, QC different backs 42/52 *A/8/5/4/3/2H, 8/7/5/2C c.1832

655 De La Rue Empire bezique set D6.1 index 2, AS: 3 + Empire c.1890

656 De La Rue Empire D7, red lines on queens’ crowns, AS: 3 + Empire c.1910


665 De La Rue patience W6, AS: 4.2. In Waddington box, copyright 1963. c.1966

673 De La Rue for Cosmos W3, AS: 1, Waddington joker, bridge score card. c.1946 Unusual combination.

674 De La Rue Dexter Moguls D6, upright twos and threes. Jones back? c.1880

682 De La Rue Braille pack GD9, AS: 4 c.1958


709 De La Rue Empire/Goodall Favourite GD9, Goodall AS6, Empire tax wrapper. c.1950

710 De La Rue Wheel GD9, Wheel AS and backs. For export, c.1965

711 De La Rue reproduction of D2 for 100th anniversary of the first pack. Some courts have green added. Anonymous AS. 1932


712 De La Rue D8 with slightly differently shaped suit signs. c.1905

713 De La Rue D4.1, plate variants, AS: 1. *JH. Jones back (162). c.1865

714 De La Rue Retrees (rejects) 32 cards D6, round corners, no indices, ‘Retree’ on AS1. Plain white backs. c.1880

738 De La Rue Dexter patience as 221, but round corners. c.1900


765 De La Rue Victoria D3.1, KH has a moustache. Piquet-size cards with continental pips, Old Frizzle. c.1845 Plus sample cards with D3.2 courts, Jones back, c.1853.


766 De La Rue Empire bézique D6 in three colours, AS: 3 + Empire c.1910

767 De La Rue Optik for poor sight D6.1 + blue-grey as 443, type 2 index c.1910 These cards for poor sighted people were first offered in 1851 at the Great Exhibition, though I have never seen any examples.

809 De La Rue D6 in three colours, AS: 1, type 2 index. c.1905


827 De La Rue D4, plate variants, Old Frizzle. Jones back (63 Tartan), which had various versions. c.1855

828 De La Rue D2 with gold and green. The jacks in this pack have no green; similar packs are found with green on the jacks, as in 711, which is also a mixture. c.1835

829/830/831 De La Rue D4.1 variants, AS: 1. Jones backs (204/??/162) c.1868


832/833 De La Rue bezique x2 D4.1 variant plates, QS with and without cheek marks; 833 *8/7C c.1868

834 De La Rue D6, AS: 1. Spade numbers and 3C two-way, others one way. Jones back (207). Nice example of overlap of two sorts of pip arrangement and hand sorting of packs. c.1875

835 De La Rue Empire D6, AS: 3 + Empire, square corners and index type 2. c.1885


862 De La Rue for The Field GD10, Q-index 3. Special AS, c.1936

869 De La Rue patience, D6, AS: 3 c.1905

870 De La Rue GDW12, AS: 2. Upside-down 9S. Advert backs. c.1950


874 De La Rue x2 D4.1 and D5. Same Jones back (161). c.1865-72

875 De La Rue Mandarin silk-watered finish for Smith’s, D6, AS: 1, round corners, no indices. c.1885 Cost new 1/6.

876 De La Rue D6, AS: 1. All heart numbers upside-down. Jones back c.1870


879 De La Rue bézique D6 plain faces, index type 2. Thin card. *10S. c.1895

908 De La Rue D4, different plates on some courts, Old Frizzle Jones back c.1855

921 De La Rue D6.1 + grey as 443, index type 2. Plus court set only with very red faces for the Leicestershire Regiment. c.1900


980 De La Rue GDW13, AS: 4.3. 2 advert packs, one KC with yellow and black bands by sword, the other with black and white one end. c.1965

991 De La Rue/Goodall bézique GD10. Goodall AS6. Single pack in double box, 1935 bridge score, early example of Crown back. Markers and rule leaflets.

992 De La Rue Pneumatic D6, index type 3. AS: 1, joker. Thick card, c.1905

993 De La Rue Rubicon Bézique set D6, index type 2. Varied orientation to backs, even on same card as 7C above. Wooden markers. c.1890

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