cvs media relations campaign

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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M E D I A R E L AT I O N S C A M P A I G N By Mrunal Bhavsar

v  Background  of  CVS  

v  Importance  of  Medical  Adherence  

v  About  Pharmacy  Advisor  Program  

v  SWOT  Analysis  

v  Business  ObjecCves  

v  CommunicaCon  ObjecCves  

v  Target  Audience  

v  The  Main  Idea-­‐  SAY  YES  WITH  CVS  §  Pharmacy  advisor  program  launch  event  §  In-­‐store  promo7on  


v Strategies    •  Celebrity  Spokesperson  •  Medical  experts  

v Media  Strategy  •  News  hooks  •  Newspaper  (Press  Release)  •  Magazine  •  Television  show  •  Radio  (Public  service  announcements)  •  Social  Media  

v Other  PR  TacCcs  •  Offer  trial  period  •  Collaborate  with  NGO’s  •  Pharmacy  reward  program  •   Interac7ve  mobile  applica7on  

v Timeline  v EvaluaCon  

•  Pre-­‐  Evalua7on  •  During  program  •  Post  Evalua7on  


§  The  World  Health  OrganizaCon   (WHO)  defines  medical  adherence  as  “the  extent  to   which   a   person's   behavior—taking   medicaCon,   following   a   diet,   and   execuCng  lifestyle  changes—corresponds.    

§  World   Health   OrganizaCon   (WHO)   quoted   the   statement   by   Haynes   et   al   that  “increasing   the   effecCveness   of   adherence   intervenCons  may   have   a   far   greater  impact  on  the  health  of  the  populaCon  than  any  improvement  in  specific  medical  treatments.”    



Among patients

with chronic illness

50% do not take

medications prescribed.

Morbidity & Death

Poor Medical


Medical Non-adherence is estimated to

incur costs of $100

billion per year.

CVS Health’s unique Pharmacy Advisor® program is designed to help CVS/Caremark plan members achieve better health outcomes. Through the program, CVS Health engages plan members who are diagnosed with chronic conditions either face-to-face when they choose to fill prescriptions at CVS/pharmacy or by phone when members choose mail service pharmacy.

Features  of  the  Pharmacy  Advisor  Program  •  Online  prescrip7on  filling  •  Refill  prescrip7on  by  CVS  consultants  •  Free  ini7al  consulta7on  •  Medica7on  reminder    •  Computer  program  alert  no7fica7ons  

The program created several key touch points during which a CVS Health pharmacist would have an opportunity to interact with a program participant: prescription that were not picked up, first-fill counseling and prescription that were not ordered or not picked up.


•  The merger of CVS and Caremark Rx •  Extensive network •  Use informational, behavioral and

complex strategies •  Existing database of customers •  Sophisticated computer program

•  The cost of involving in program may be seemed as unnecessary expense

•  New walk-in medical clinics •  Aging US population to boost

demand for the company’s services •  The future value of adherence will

be greater

•  Intense competition in retail pharmacy and PBM industries

•  Price war in PBM industry •  Hard to sell the indirect cost savings •  Habits are hard to change

18% return on investment

500,000 customer database

60% target audience awareness; 80% customer satisfaction

Within the first year:

Positon CVS as a responsible brand with benefit of the program

and services.

Spread awareness of

Pharmacy Advisor Program

Emphasize importance of

medical adherence to

encourage proper treatment.


• Age: Senior age segment of 45 years + • mainly facing Cholesterol, cardio-

vascular disease, diabetes, depression


• Country: U.S.A. Region: Major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Boston and cities facing major issue of medical adherence.


• Tendency to forget taking Medication. • Who want to stay healthy but have

affordability issues


• Age: Youth age segment of 25-40 years • mainly dealing with depression,



• Country: U.S.A. Region: Major cities like New York, Los Angeles and Boston were people have busy lifestyle and stressful work culture.


• Having stressful work load. • Unaware of correct medication options

and effective resources.

PRIMARY- Existing customers of CVS (emphasize benefit of Pharmacy advisor program)

SECONDARY- Potential future customers (dealing with issues of medical compliance)


             Say  yes  with  CVS  Mega  Event  

•  Collaborate  with  NGO-­‐  Interna7onal  Diabetes  Federa7on  &  iFred  and  nursing  home  for  old  age.  

•  Have  medical  experts  talk  about  importance  of  medical  adherence.  

•  Press  conference  at  the  launch  event.  

•  Live  coverage  of  the  event  by  television  media.  

         In-­‐store  promoCon    •  Standees  and  pamphlets  to  educate  customers  about  Pharmacy  Advisor  

Program  &  medical  adherence  with  a  barcode  to  download  mobile  app  •  Print  the  campaign  idea  on  the  receipts  (say  yes  with  CVS)  •  Encourage  customers  to  share  their  story  with  hash  tag  #sayyeswithCVS    

 Medical  experts    Celebrity  Spokesperson    Media  outlets

Senior Vice President, Chief

Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer,

Provider of innovation and

analytics for CVS Health.

M.D., M.P.H. Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of CVS


Senior research scientist at the

Division of Research, Kaiser

Permanente Northern California

M.D., M.H.S Chief Medical Officer

of Adheris, Inc. Faculty member at Harvard Medical


Dr. William Shrank Troyen A. Brennan Andrew J. Karter Mr. Mark Vanelli

James Earl Jones

News  hooks      Newspaper  (Press  Release)    Magazine  (Expert  ar7cle)    Television  show  (Interview  with  celebrity  spokesperson)    Radio  (Public  service  announcements)    Social  Media  Campaign

A personal advisor in your phone

Ever want a personal health advisor reminding you to take pills regularly? Now you can have your advisor in your phone. CVS has nation widely launched the Pharmacy Advisor Program, which primarily aims at cut down on patients failing to fill prescriptions.

Pharmacy advisor program

What is the cause for additional expenditure of billions for complex medical care and increased disability? Up to 30% of patients fail to fill their initial prescription and take medicine as directed. CVS identified that major roadblock of medical adherence, and came up with a perfect solution: the Pharmacy Advisor Program.

Research for the journalists and pitch them for an Op-ed or press releases in Newspapers.

Robert Pear

Ellie Krieger

Des Bieler

Jocelyn McClurg

NEW YORK, January 27, 2016- CVS Health Corporation has launch a Pharmacy Advisor Program for customers at CVS/Caremark. It is to increase customers’ understanding about the importance of using their medicines as directed and medication compliance. Despite widespread evidence of the clinical effectiveness of medications for the treatment of chronic conditions, an alarming number of patients failed to adhere to their medication regimens. Therefore, CVS steps ahead to provide integrated pharmacy health care services in the United States.

Pitch television show for an interview with our spokesperson talking about medical adherence and CVS’s new initiative.

Weekdays 1:00 PM On ABC

Producer: John D'Incecco

Weekdays 5:00 PM On CBS

Executive Producer: Alex Duda

Pitch radio producers for public service announcement at the radio channels informing about medical adherence

and collaboration with NGO’s.

All Health and wellness tips you need.

A noncommercial community radio station.

Community radio in New Jersey.

Have expert’s article about medical adherence and Pharmacy Advisor Program in the leading magazines to spread awareness.

•  Target major social media channels.


Testimonials of customers who improved their health and depression issues by

medical adherence and CVS Pharmacy Advisor program.

•  Employee posts about medical adherence and encourage people to engage with

the CVS campaign.

•  Twitter Chat and Google plus video chat invites- question our experts and get

information about medical adherence and Pharmacy Advisor Program.

•  Posts regarding the Mobile application and info graphics presenting statistics

about medical adherence.

•  Key opinion leaders in the Industry to post about aherence and how CVS can help out.

•  Bloggers in the health and fitness Industry like Erin Weiss will write article on

Pharmacy Advisor Program and educate her followers.

·∙  Encourage  trial  users  to  share  the  “sign-­‐up  link”  via  social  media  plaXorms.    ·∙  Tweet  consistently  about  the  trial  offer.    ·∙   Invite   industry   experts   and   special  guests  to  join  a  TwiZer  chat  with  the  trial  users.    ·∙  Write a customers’ success story that started with the trial and post it on blog and traditional media.    ·∙   Let  pharmacists  offer   the  customers   in-­‐store  to  join  the  trial  offer  period.    ·∙   Make   posters   about   the   trial   and   put  them  in-­‐store  






· Working together with NGOs on diabetes, high cholesterol and depression · Developing partnership with NGOs · Offering free services

For making medicine affordable

Fill 5 prescriptions and earn $5 added as extra bucks in your pharmacy program

•  Notification for prescription filling

•  Reminder for medication pick up

•  Store Locator feature

•  Information about medicine adherence

•  Information about Pharmacy Advisory Program

•  Barcode scanner for instant pill identification

•  Consultation Appointment


The campaign is scheduled for 12 months starting from December 1, 2015.

MONTH 1- December, 2015


Situation analysis

Target audience profile

Brand awareness

MEDIA PITCH LETTERS- New York Times- Dec 7,2015 New York Post- Dec 14, 2015 Washington Post- Dec 14, 2015 USA Today- Dec 17,2015


Mega event press conference- Dec 19, 2015

Pitch for Television show placements- Dec 13, 2015

Magazine article pitch letter- Dec 20, 2015


Program launch mega event- Jan 27, 2015

Start Evaluation of outcomes and outputs.


Publish press release, Feb 1, 2016

Continue with promotion on social media channels and other promotions.

MONTH 4- MARCH, 2016

Newspaper Op-Ed- March 4, 2016

Radio broadcasting (89.7 FM)

Rowan Radio – March 14, 2016

MONTH 5- APRIL, 2016

Magazine medical expert article- April 1, 2016

Mid campaign analysis- April 28, 2016

Pharmacy reward program analysis- April 28,2016

Offer trial period customer increase- April 30, 2016

MONTH 6- May, 2016

Publish News release- May 5, 2016

Television show interview- May 24, 2016

Mobile application growth data collection

MONTH 7- June, 2016

Newspaper Op-Ed- June 8, 2016

Television show placement- June14, 2016

Radio broadcasting (94.9 FM)

Healthy Choice- June 26, 2016

MONTH 8- July, 2016

Magazine article placement- July 1, 2016

Social media mid campaign evaluation- July 23, 2016

MONTH 9- August, 2016

Radio Broadcasting (89.9 FM)

Weru community radio- August 24, 2016

MONTH 12- November, 2016

PR TACTICS- November 24, 2015 Trial period pharmacy reward program mobile application data final analysis EVALUATION- Nov 28, 2016 Outputs measure Outcomes measures Behavior change Business goals evaluation In-store traffic monitoring New members in the program

Output Measure

Outcomes Measure

Behavior Change

Business Goals

•  Output Measure Number of press releases, newspaper op-eds and magazine expert articles issued; number of journalists, reporters and columnists contacted. •  Outcomes Measure Number of press clippings, interviews, web clicks; tone of voice, whether it’s positive.

•  Behavior Change Increase awareness of Pharmacy Advisor Program and CVS; medical adherence behavior adopted. •  Business Goals Whether business goals are achieved and to what degree is the campaign successful.

Boston Consulting Group. (2003). The hidden epidemic: finding a cure for unfilled prescriptions and messed doses. Retrieved from BloombergBusiness. (n.d.). Mark Vanelli’s biography. Retrieved from capId=114437263 CVS. (n.d.). CVS’s background. Retrieved from CVS. (n.d.) Troyen Brennan’s biography. Retrieved from CVS. (n.d.) William Shrank’s Biography. Retrieved From Dobbels, F., Damme-Lombaert, R. V., Vanhaecke, J., & Geest S. D. (2005). Growing pains: non-adherence with the immunosuppressive regimen in adolescent transplant recipients. Pediatr Transplant, 9(3), 381-390. Durand, M. M. (2015, September 15). Lecture on the nuts and bolts of media relations part 1. New York, NY: New York University. Durand, M. M. (2015, September 29). Lecture on messages and messengers. New York, NY: New York University.

In America. (2015). Retrieved from Harvard Business School. (2015, March 11). CVS health: promoting drug adherence. Cambridge, MA: Harvard College. Jimmy, B., & Jose, J. (2011). Patient medication adherence: measures in daily practice. Oman Medical Journal, 26(3), 155+. Keiser Permanente. (n.d.). Andrew Karter’s biography. Retrieved from Laochumnanvanit, K. a. D. H. B. B. (2005). Consumers' evaluation of free service trial offers. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2005, 1. MarketLine. (2015). Company profile: CVS health corporation. Retrieved from Rose, L. (2010). The 10 most trusted celebrities. Retrieved from trust.html Williams, J. L. S., Walker, R. J., Smalls, B. L., Campbell, J. A., & Egede, L. E. (2014). Effective interventions to improve medical adherence in type 2 diabetes: A systematic review. Diabetes Management, 4(1), 29-48. World Health Organization. (2003). Adherence to long-term therapies: evidence for action. Retrieved from

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