crossgates methodist church newsletter september 2015 news 2… · crossgates methodist church...

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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CROSSGATES METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 Minister: Reverend Susan Greenhart Dear friends, September is upon us: the time when everything seems to speed up as we face a new year in the church, in schools and universities, and in nature where there is the scurrying around in preparation for the lean months of winter. Hopefully the long days of summer have been a relaxing time for most of you. I am aware that this is not always the case, so I pray for those of you who have had to face new challenges, and that, in the difficult times, you have found peace, and an assurance of God’s love for you. In last month’s letter I spoke of the questionnaire that had been compiled with a view to us looking forward to discern the way ahead for the church. I cannot stress enough how important it is that everyone has a voice. If your faith life and the church are important to you, please take time to fill one in. I say this as someone who absolutely hates filling in forms, so I empathise if you haven’t done it yet! But I also know that a church thrives and grows when everyone recognises God has called them and responds to that call. So please return the questionnaires, with your comments, and any ideas or inspiration you might have. If you have concerns or criticisms it is also helpful to suggest ways that problems can be remedied. An example of a suggestion being taken up recently was when, during the faith lunch we had earlier in the year to discuss church life, many of you said that you would like there to be bible study and or house groups. We piloted this during August, and a large group of us met over four weeks to discuss Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. It was wonderful to be part of a group where everyone was so readily, and vociferously engaging with scripture and applying it to their daily lives. To encourage us all to respond to God’s love for us we shall be having themed preaching on “Our Calling” in September. Finally, at the Methodist Conference this year, the newly elected Vice President, Dr Jill Barber said that the voice of Methodism was not being heard, and we still have work to do as God’s people. She suggested that prayer, prophecy, passion and protest are part of our roots as a church, and that we must not be afraid to speak out : another reminder that we all need to make our voices heard. God has given us all gifts, and we are called to be faithful in using them. Blessings. Susan Services at Cross Gates in September @ 10.30am 6th Miss Mary Patchett 4pm United Service at Lidgett Park 13th Rev Susan Greenhart 20th Mrs Ann Johnson 27th Rev Susan Greenhart Harvest 6pm Songs of Praise

Communion Services in September Tues 8th 11.00am Tranquility Court MHA complex – All welcome Sun 13th 10.30am Church Fri 25th 10.00am Church Prayer Chapel Coffee Mornings 10.00 – 11.30am Fri 4th Tranquility Court = MHA complex behind Church Fri 25th World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support Every Monday there is a Coffee Morning in the Church Hall and every Saturday in the Coffee Lounge behind the Church Hall. Please do come along and Support these Coffee Mornings Table Top Sales – 5th September & 3rd October 9.30am to 12noon There are still a couple of tables left at the next sales. If you would like to book a table, at a cost of £5 for church funds, please see Lynda in the Wesley Room on a Sunday morning or telephone 07799094472. If you have any items you wish to donate to raise funds for church please contact Lynda.

Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping aroundthe house. Bring your husbands.

Book Sale - 12th September 9.30am to 12noon You will also be able to buy a variety of DVDs, CDs, games and jigsaws at our book sale. We would appreciate offers of help to sell the items on the day and any donations. The proceeds of our sales will go to church funds and we will also be joined by people raising funds for Multiple Sclerosis, Haemophilia Society and Garforth Methodist Church. Circuit Mission Stall The Charity Circuit Market Stall held on Thursday 9th July in Leeds Market raised the sum of £844.70 to be shared equally between Methodist World Missions and Mission in Britain. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to raise this magnificent sum. Christian Aid Further Update Finally, all the information is available. The grand total collected for our area was £ 5460.26 with £ 2113 Gift Aided. A little reminder, Crossgates collected £ 1899.41 with £ 933.68 Gift Aided Meal & Wendel Singers Concert We would like to invite you to join us for a meal followed by a concert by the Wendel Singers on Friday 16th October at 6-30pm (concert at 7-30), at Cross Gates Methodist Church. Tickets are £7.00 (meal & concert) or £5 (concert only) and are available from Elizabeth Hartley, Lynda Robinson, Kath Harwood or the Stewards. Please let us know if you require transport.

East Leeds History & Archaeology Society Mon Sept 28th 8.00pm Methodist Church Hall Austhorpe Road Nicola Pullan will deliver an illustrated talk "Global Shopping in Victorian Leeds" Admission £2.00 inc refreshments All Welcome A Big Thank You Many thanks to everyone who supported my Coffee Morning in aid of St. Gemma’s Hospice. We raised the sum of £132.00, a splendid amount. (If you did not get to this, keep on listening or reading there will be another one shortly) Elizabeth Carr

The ladies of St Peter's Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

Congratulations To all the young people on their achievements in their GCSE and A levels.. Beryl’s granddaughter, Katie Gledhill will be attending Edinburgh University to study Geography and Geology after taking a year out to do voluntary work in health issues in Zimbabwe. Brenda Dean’s grandchildren, Joseph Dean will be attending Durham University reading Natural Sciences. Alexander Dean will be attending Leeds University reading Natural Sciences. Rosie Dean will be attending Bolton University next year to study psychology after having a year out when she will be working at James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough doing Palliative Care and Special Needs. Sarah Jenkins has achieved her Masters degree in Physics at York University and is currently doing research in Germany. Appreciations The Tranquility Court Support Group would like to thank John Best, John Barker, Vince McGarvey and Bill Ineson for their sponsored walk for MHA which raised an amazing £416 for the Amenity Fund. Well done and thanks again. Also thanks to everyone who supported and helped to raise £110 at the Beetle Drive. A good time was had by all! World’s Biggest Coffee Morning - Macmillan Cancer Support This year Cross Gates Methodist Church will be holding a Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday 25th September 10.00 – 11.30am Please come along if you can and have a coffee and chat Tranquility Court Coffee Morning 10 – 11.30am Our Coffee Morning on Friday 2nd October will be in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support as part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning Please come and support us on this special day for such a worthwhile cause

Leeds District Methodist Women in Britain (formerly NETWORK) Prayers Please don’t forget to remember in your thoughts and prayers all those people in our prayer book and those we know who are unwell, in hospital, going for tests at Hospital, recently bereaved and who find this time of year particularly difficult. The new programmes for 2015-16 are now available from Kath Harwood or Christine Holdstock The first meeting is on Friday 11th September at 11am at Oxford Place, when our new President Doreen Whittaker will take as her theme, ‘Forward Together’. Further meetings this Autumn are on October 22nd, November 20th and December 11th all at Oxford Place at 11am. MWiB is not a special club we choose to join. Every Methodist woman is already part of it. Women come from Wakefield Ossett, Harrogate ,Knaresborough and Burley in Wharfedale, yet the average attendance from the whole of our Leeds East/North Circuit is 2! Please ask for further details. Kath Harwood. Friends of Sabeel UK, Yorkshire Branch The new Sabeel meeting will be on Wednesday 30th September—a half-day event from 2-6pm at Mill Hill Chapel on City Square, to discuss the implications for Christians here, of the Kairos document, produced by Palestinian Christians in Jerusalem. Never heard of the Kairos document? Book the date and find out! Prayers Please don’t forget to remember in your thoughts and prayers all those people in our prayer book and those we know who are unwell, in hospital, going for tests at Hospital, recently bereaved and who find this time of year particularly difficult. Harvest Thanksgiving—Sunday 27th September 10.30am & 6pm Songs of Praise We are once again asking for items to donate to The Leeds East Food Bank & Meeting Point. Over the next few weeks prior to Harvest perhaps you could add an extra item each week to your shopping list. Below are some examples of the items they require: Baked Beans Brown Sauce Coffee Corned Beef Kitchen Rolls Mayonnaise Mustard Pickles Soap Pasta Vegetable Oil Rice Tea Bags Tomato Sauce Washing up liquid Toilet Rolls Tin Foil Tinned Tomatoes Deodorant Shampoo If you wish to bring your gifts prior to the Harvest Thanksgiving there will be a box available during the month of September. We would also like gifts of flowers to decorate the Church and maybe you would like to give these in thanksgiving for an anniversary, birthday or in memory of someone. Please put a label on your flowers to this effect. The flowers will then be distributed after the evening service to anyone we know who is ill, housebound or in need of cheering up.

OLD WOODEN COTTON REELS WANTED The Touchstone Centre is sponsored by the Methodist Church in Britain and has worked alongside diverse communities for 25 years Their premises which once belonged to Dewhurst are in need of refurbishment and to raise the funds to do this, they would like to collect a full set of wooden cotton reels, in particular those carrying the Dewhurst label. If you or someone you know does sewing please ask them to look in those hidden away places and see what they have. Please give to Cynthia Best. 'God has Broken Down the Dividing Walls' Saturday26th September 10.30 - 1.30pm Oxford Place Centre, Oxford Place, Leeds A Half-day conference about Palestine and the impact of the Separation Barrier on the lives of ordinary people. For further details please see notice board in corridor opposite the vestry. For Father's Nicholas's 60th birthday, the congregation at St Mary's, Newark, decided to give him a present of a new suit. Father Nicholas was so moved by the gift that the following Sunday he stood before everyone and began his homily with a tear in his eye, 'Today I am preaching to you in my birthday suit.' Prayers Please don’t forget to remember in your thoughts and prayers all those people in our prayer book and those we know who are unwell, in hospital, going for tests at Hospital, recently bereaved and who find this time of year particularly difficult.

Cr ossgat es Chir opody and Ther apy Cent er (Opposit e t he ent r ance t o t he A r ndale Cent r e on

Aust hor pe Road) 1940s AFTERNOON TEA PARTY

5th September 2015—11-am –3-pm

Please join us to raise funds for Alzhei mers & Dementia UK


Brass Band, DL. Classic Cars. Barbecue, Coffee & Cake, Tombolas, Raffle, Singing & Dancing . Book & CD Stall,

Charity auction with some fabulous prizes and much more……...

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