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v Unit 2: Biochemistry –Macromolecules

The Chemistry of Carbon• Carbon has exactly _____ total electrons but ____ of

those electrons are in its outer shell.o This makes it easy for Carbon to

____________________ electrons with other elements.

o This forms ____________________compounds.

• There are millions of molecules that contain carbon. These are called ___________________________. Macromolecules

• ________________________ are large organic molecules made of thousands of atoms of carbon and other elements can be bonded together.

• The four classes of organic molecules are:• ____________________________________• ____________________________________• ____________________________________• ____________________________________• Every organic molecule except lipids is a

_____________________, or a molecule made up of repeating parts.

The Diversity of Polymers• An immense variety of __________________ can

be built from a small set of ___________________.• From the same three types of simple sugars you can

make:_____________________ (energy storage in plants)___________________ (energy storage in animals)______________________ (table sugar)______________________ (milk sugar)__________________________ (plant fiber)_______________________ (insect exoskeletons)

Carbohydrates• Carbohydrates include sugars and the polymers of

sugars• Made of ______________, ________________,

and _________________• Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for

all life.o _____________________o _____________________o _____________________

Sugars• ____________________________ are the simplest carbohydrate, made from only ____________________ .

o ___________________ (Blood sugar)o ___________________ (Part of milk sugar)o ___________________(Fruit sugar)

• ____________________________ serve as a major fuel for cells and as raw material for building molecules • Polysaccharides are polymers (__________________________________________) of sugars.• Polysaccharides have two main purposes in living things:

o Providing _______________________o Energy _______________________

Storage Polysaccharides• Starch, a storage polysaccharide of ____________.

o Made entirely of __________________ __________________ joined together.

• Plants ___________________________ starch within their cells.

• ___________________ makes the strongest part of the ___________________of plants.

• Allows plants to be ____________ and _________.• Cellulose is very similar to starch and is also made

from __________________________________.• The bonds between the glucose molecules are

slightly different.• These molecules are only digestible by__________

________________________.o Many herbivores, from cows to termites,

have ________________________ with bacteria to help them digest cellulose.

• ___________________, another structural polysaccharide, is found in the exoskeleton of _________ and the cell walls of ___________.

• Chitin can be used as ____________________ ____________________ because it is gradually reabsorbed by the body.

• Chitin is ______________________________; only species that eat mainly _______________ can break it down easily.

Lipids• Lipids do not form __________________.• Lipids are considered _________________ because they are non-polar and cannot dissolve in water.• The most biologically important lipids are _______, ____________________, and ________________.

Phospholipids• Phospholipids make up ______________________• The two fatty acid ______________ are hydrophobic, but the

phosphate ____________is hydrophilic.• When phospholipids are added to water, they self-assemble into

a _________________.• The phospholipid ________________ form the outer part that is

in contact with the water (hydrophilic= likes water)• The fatty acids ________________ form the inner part that is

away from water. (hydrophobic= fears water) • This phospholipid bilayer creates the basic structure of ______

cell membranes. •Proteins• Proteins account for more than 50% of the dry mass of most cells• Protein functions include

o ____________________________________ o ___________________, ____________________o _____________________________________________o ________________________________________o _______________________________________________________

Protein Structure• Proteins are made of chains of _________________

_________________________.• There are only _____ amino acids, but they can be

combined in nearly infinite ways.• The ___________________ of amino acids

determines the _________________ of the protein.• The ___________________ of the protein is the

biggest factor that determines its ______________________.


Polypeptides• Polypeptides are _____________________

with ______________________________.o Poly = _________________o Peptides = _________________o Polypeptides is another way to say


4 Levels of Protein Structure• _______________________________ is the

_____________________ of amino acids in a protein.

• Compare to the order of letters in a long word.• Primary structure is directly _____________

_________________________in the nucleus.

Sickle Cell Anemia• A slight change in __________________________

_____________________can drastically change the _________________________________ of the protein.

• When a protein changes shape, it ________________ work the same.

• ________________________________ is a genetic disease that occurs when red blood cells are shaped like crescents or sickles instead of saucers.

o Result: Not enough oxygen gets through the body, making the person become tired very easily.

• The single gene that is affected changes ______________________________ in the ___________________________________ of hemoglobin.

• This affects the ______________________ structure, which affects the __________________________ structure, which affects the ____________________ structure.

What determines protein conformation?• Protein shape can also be affected by

________________ and ________________.• When a protein loses its normal shape, this is

called _____________________.• A denatured protein is __________________

___________________________.• Denaturing is usually __________________

and _______________________________.

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