codes and conventions contents page

Post on 22-Jul-2015






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Codes and Conventions

For Contents page

The main cover line on this page is a lot different to Billboards front cover masthead. Consistence in the typography through all the magazine contents pages . Bold and very big.

Lots of small sub-headings good because to the point.

Tiring to appeal not only on the magazine market but also the online market. The use of digital technology.

The central image is good because its quite big compared to other contents pages. But it will entice readers to think who are they because they are using a direct mode of address by two people which could be intimidating? Or they may be big fans so they will buy the magazine to read on.

Cover lines which are important tend to be highlighted in the blue.

Buzz phrase will excite the reader to see what events they can join in, or keep up to date with.

Masthead has been included because reminds customers what they are reading.

Good extra because it keeps readers up to date on the charts. Also good because readers can expect to be reading the newest thing

Codes and Conventions of Billboards Contents page

• The main cover line is very bold and a very large font this is good because customers will be able to see this from a long distance away. Also when looking through Billboards contents pages they always use the same font and the same colour. Its good because it’s a simplistic and the readers can recognise it again and again.

• The segments which the cover lines have been sectioned into are good because it easily lets the reader to follow a rating system of latest and important new. This is good because the reader wont be wasting their time. Its also good because some Cover lines have been highlighted by using a blue Typography . In my contents page I like this because it not only adds a little big of colour to the black and white theme, but it also lets the readers easily identify the importance of that heading.

• The central image is really good because it is central to the page and it doesn’t look as if the text has had to work around the photo. Its also good because the two men in the Mise en scene look professional and if they have a message to tell. Even if the readers didn’t know who they are, they would still want to find out. Also I like the way which the image breaks up the writing because it doesn’t bombard the readers will lots of cover lines.

• In the margin of the page it has a list of the charts. I like this because the charts ( country) will link in with what the readers want to know. It will appeal to the reader and if its up to date then the reader will know that what they will be reading is the latest news. I’d like to use this in my contents page the only risk is that if the charts are wrong or if the magazine has a long process to make then it is going to be very dated and then the readers are going to be disapointed.

Mojo masthead is consistent in the way which for their front covers and contents pages they always use their logo, it never changes colour nor font .

Shows a issue number- hints that it’s a well established magazine and they have experience.

Issue date letting the audience know the recently.

Showing of the different countries which they are located in – shows


Colour theme-red. Also matches with the celebrity’s lip stick.

Medium close up has been used for the central image. This is good because it takes up a lot of space.

This cover line has been titled “cover story” this must hint to readers that it’s a must read, and one of the main headlines.

This cover line is very effective because it’s a quote is directly from this main celebrity. It will hopefully make readers look up what the full story was.

Codes and Conventions of MOJO contents page

• Compared to Billboards contents page; Mojo is very simple. They only include a few feature stories, and one central image, where as Billboard is more packed. I like the fact that it is very natural but I want to add more to my contents page because for me as a reader I like to have choice.

• The central image which has been used is good because its just one close up .Use of very pale colours is affective because it doesn’t make the image to fussy to look at. Also it matches with the rest of the cover lines because they are simple to. High key lighting has been used to the right side of her. This is good because it adds to the pale effect but also creates a defined shadow on her left side.

• Cover lines are same as Billboards in the sense that they both are listed in ranked order of “big news”. I like this because its to the point and lets readers know what is a “must see”.

• Colour theme which has been used is good because white and red are very primary colours, they also relate to the simplistic style of magazine contents page. Red has a connotation of excitement and energy. This is ironic because its so simple and plan, but by adding a touch of red is could spice up the contents page.

Issue date letting audience know the recently of the magazine.

Quote from Liam is good because everyone knows he hard to interview so readers will know that it will imply its a must see interview.

Cover line you can see are sectioned. They use gold and red colours, this is due to importance of them.

Small logo in the corner of the page, with remind readers what magazine they are reading.

Dropping in a cover line of “every month” this just lets the audience know that they are consistence and letting them know when they can buy the next one.

In the central image a Long shot is being used to represent intimidation on the reader. Still a direct mode of address has been used, this too will create intimidation.

Colour theme is red and black- its more of a male colour, so to attract a male audience.

Cover line reminds audience that there has been previous magazines this might entice new readers to buy pervious magazines.

Codes and Conventions of Q’s magazine content page

• The colour theme being used is red and black, these two colours are seen as male gender colours this could be because the intended audience would be a male gendered. However in my magazine I will not be only advertising to a male gender, I will be using uni- sex colours.

• The central image I think is a good because it is a long angle shot. It suits the magazine contents page well because it intimidates the reader, which the band Oasis does. Also I like this because you can see the full body language of the band.

• It is very constructed as the cover lines are sectioned. This is a good way of showing what new and what’s the must see. I think I will use this because its very easy to read, and you don’t get bombarded with information.

• One of the cover lines which I think is very effective is the one with the quote, because it directly tells the audience a clip of what the band is troubled with. This will make the reader want to read the full story. I intend to use this in my content page because it’s a good technique.

My findings

Things which I have found in my research is; • For long shot, and medium shots rather than short shots.

• No correlation between images.

• Different sizes of cover lines

• Using more than one image to break up writing

• Plain colours such as white used

• Enticing discriptions

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