codes and convection's of a web page

Post on 16-May-2015






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Codes And Convection's Of A Web Page

By Ellen Whight


N I C K I M I N A J S O F F I C I A L M U S I C W E B S I T E -H T T P: / / M Y P I N K F R I D AY. C O M /

Picture advertising her new album ‘THE RE- UP’ also advertising you can listen to her new album on her webpage.

Twitter feed showing who tweets Nicki Minaj, her own tweets and twitter news.

This show what contests are on and the link how to enter them.

This is the timeline/dashboard of the web page showing the latest news, information, music videos, advertisements, photos albums etc about Nicki Minaj.

These two icons allow you to register with the website and how to log in.

This shows featured users who use the website.

This shows current advents involving Nicki Minaj, concerts, signings, photo shoots, releases etc.

Another picture of Nick Minaj advertisings the artist and the cover of her new album.

The website is called Pink Friday and the title of the website is in the middle clear for everyone to see it. Nicki Minajs first album was called Pink Friday so this links her website with her and her album.

The font of the text is also the exact same font used on Nicki Minajs first album.

This icon takes you straight to twitter and also straight to Nicki Minajs official Twitter page.

This part of the webpage shows recent and upcoming campaign Nicki Minaj is involved in.

The colour scheme of the web page and website are girlie colours of baby pink, pink, white and black. Giving off a Barbie look. This links with the artist herself as she calls her fans Barbs and thinks of herself as a Barbie. The website reflects the artist herself. The website would appeal to her target audience which is girl teenagers, younger girls and young women. The images used on the webpages have been chosen particular to go with the colour scheme of the webpage and to also sell the artists image, her music, album etc.

This is a moving timeline which shows recent media films such as images and videos.

This is another timeline but bigger with recent news about Nicki Minaj.

A different image of Nicki Minaj again advertising the artist and selling her image. The colour scheme of the image goes well with the colour of the webpage. This picture was also her album cover from ‘Romans Reloaded’ her second album.

This page on the website shows concert dates and events Nicki Minaj will be attending. Showing details of tickets, prices, locations venues and the dates.

More information below the page.

Nicki Minajs name in bold white capitals referring and advertising her again.

When clicking on the icon bar at the top you can scroll through even more the main header to get even more information in different categories.

Another image of Nicki Minaj from her latest music video ‘Freedom’ advertising the artist, her image, music video, imagery and the song. The image links with the colour scheme of the webpage, pink and girlie. Barbie like.

This icon takes you to Facebook and to Nicki Minajs official Facebook page keeping you up to date on news, events etc whilst you are on Facebook. Another way of adding more fans to her fan base and keeping them easily up to date with her recent news.

This takes you to You-Tube and also to Nicki Minajs You-Tube account allowing you to watch her latest music videos, advertisements, Pink Friday her programme, celeb idol news and videos, news etc again making it easily capable for her fans to see.

These are two blogs which Nicki Minaj has an official page for so if you belong to them you can keep up to date with news etc on there to.

One of Nicki Minajs music videos, which was recently released. The part of the web pages shows Videos of Nicki Minaj whether that’s music videos, clips of her, advertisement, her programme etc. Again advertising the artist, her image, music and music videos selling them to her target audience.

Recent images on Nicki Minaj, keeping you up to date with her latest fashion, make up and hair.

More videos you can choose and click on to view. Showing old and new music videos and clips.

This webpage shows the app you can buy and download which is called Pink Friday again linking it to Nicki Minaj and her first album making people aware it’s her app. The app also supplies her with money from who ever buys it.

The webpage supplies you with the link so you can buy it then and there on ITunes, a very well known company.

Even the technical support teams email address is called Pink Friday again linking It with Nicki Minaj and her website and business.

A current famous mobile being advertised showing Nicki Minaj's official website. Advertising the phone and website.

Another picture advertising Nicki Minaj and her image again the theme and colour go with the rest of the website.

Merchandise Nicki Minaj sells to earn money. Again pictures of her, lyrics, quotes and themes and colours such as pink and girly.

Another image of Nicki Minaj, themes and colours again go with the image and website.

Information about the artists charity awareness for cancer she does. This could also be a liking technique to the artists as she’s doing something good and raising money fro cancer which people would take an interest and a liking to Nicki Minaj.

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