cleveland foundation – 1966 annual report

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The Cleveland Foundation w as e s­tablished January 2, 1914 to serve perm anently the health, educational and charitable needs of the Greater Cleveland community. The first of its kind and now widely copied, this community trust is characterized by four main features.

1. Its funds are the union of numer­ous gifts, large, sm all and medium-sized, left at different times by various donors.

2. Local banks, which are Trustees of the Cleveland Foundation, safeguard and in­vest the funds, making available the income, and under certain conditions, the principal, for the charitable purposes of the Foundation.

3. Endowment income, and under certain conditions, the principal, is d isbursed by a Distribution Committee, mem bers of which serve without com pensation for five-year terms.

4. Any contributor m ay designate his preferred charity and his w ishes will be ob­served unless changing conditions make such purpose unnecessary, undesirable, im practical or im possible. In such event the funds can there­after be used for such other charitable and educa­tional purposes as will, in the opinion of the Distribution Committee, more effectually prom ote the public welfare.


A s the Foundation com pleted its f i f ty - th ird y e a r o f p h ilan th ro p ic se rv ice to G reater Cleveland it recorded another year of significant growth in asse ts and support of com ­munity activities. For the first time disbursem ents for health, educational, social w elfare and civic purposes exceeded the four million dollar mark.

During 1966 a total of $4,853,564 w as received from 98 donors as new gifts to principal. S ix new trust funds were established, which with additions to existing funds and me­m orial gifts to the Combined Fund, brought the year-end endowment of the Foundation to $68,437,749 (book value). M arket value of these asse ts w as nearly $104,000,000. Certain of the trusts currently provide only partial — but even­tually com plete—b en efit to the Foundation.

The Foundation at year-end admin­istered 143 separate funds. The Distribution Committee allocates income from these funds — and in som e cases a portion of the principal — for philanthropic purposes. A list of the funds, nam ed in m ost cases for donors, will be found beginning on page 9 of this Report.

In 1966 the Distribution Committee authorized the disbursem ent of $4,487,818 for a wide range of community needs and activities (including adm inistrative cost of $62,364 or 1.4%

I o f total expenditures). A detailed accounting of

the 284 grants made to 150 agencies, all in the Greater Cleveland area unless otherwise noted, is set forth later in this Report.

T h e s e H o m em ak er A id es , tra ined by the C leveland H o m em ak er S e r v ic e A s s o c ia t io n , prov ide daily p r o ­fe s s io n a l gu id an ce and a s s i s t a n c e to large fam ilies threa ten ed by chronic d om est ic p r o b le m s .


The following new funds becam e effective in 1966:

Frank J. and Nellie L. Chappie F und —

With a value of about $600,000 this fund w as established at The Cleveland Trust Company under a trust agreement executed by the late Frank Chappie in 1920. Income is unre­stricted after payment of certain life interests.

Elsa Claus Memorial Fund No. 2 —

This unrestricted fund w as established at Cen­tral N ational Bank with an initial distribution of $18,683 under the Will of the late Em anuel Gynn.

J. Ambrose and Jessie WheeJer Purcell Memorial Fund —•

This fund becam e effective in 1966 with the distribution of a substantial amount of income to the Foundation. Income is to be used for aged persons and for sick, crippled and needy children. A s there is pending litigation with re­spect to this trust, the principal value of the fund (estim ated at $4,000,000) is not currently included as a part of the Foundation’s endowment. Trustee — The Cleveland Trust Company.

Am os Burt and Jeanne L. Thom p­son Fund —This fund w as established in mem­

ory of Fred H. Goff at The Cleveland Trust Company with a $40,000 bequest under the Will

of the late A. B. T hom pson. Incom e is d esignated

for the U nited Appeal.

Leonard F. Stowe Fund —

Created under the W ill of the late Leonard Stow e at The National City Bank, this bequest of $416,488 is to be used “ for the benefit of poor children of Cleveland.”

Edith Wright Memorial Fund —

This unrestricted fund with a value of $265,660 w as established at The N ational City Bank under a trust agreem ent executed by the late Edith Wright.


A ssets of the following funds were increased in 1966:T he Ford F ou n d at ion F un d for

Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation w as increased by $1,000,000 through an additional grant from the Ford Foundation. Principal is to be used over a five-year period. The Edward C. Flan igon Fun d w a s in c re a se d by $2,500, the William C. Scofield Memorial Fund by $38,464, and the Edith Anisfield Wolf Fund by $70,744, all representing additional distributions from the respective estates.

An addition of $2,290,000 w as made to Harry Coulby Fund No. 1 by the trustees of the Pickands M ather - Coulby Fund pursuant to cer­tain provisions of Mr. Coulby’s Will.

The Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund w as increased by $5,575 in gifts from The Cleveland Range Company, L. E. Emsheimer, Kurt L. Seelbach and the Raym ond John W ean Foun­dation. The Theresa Mae Mac Nab Fund received $351 in a distribution from the M ac Nab estate.

A “non-trust” gift of $611 for can­cer and heart research w as received from the Combined Health and Welfare Drive, Inc. of

With Foundation a s s i s ta n ce , R a in y Institute an d the C le v e ­

la n d M u s ic Sch ool Settlem ent have b e g u n a n e w m u s i c and dance therapy program to p rov ide a c u l tu r a l s t i m u l u s for urban children.

Valley View, and the Cleveland Employee Rela­tions Council Fund w as established with a con­tribution of $5,170.50.


The Combined Fund (so-called be­cause contributions are com bined for investment purposes) w as increased by $99,317 in new gifts in 1966. A number of new m em orial funds were established and additions were m ade to existing funds.

The Edna L. and Gustav W. Carlson Foundation Memorial Fund w as created with an initial gift of $16,000 from the estate of the late Edna Carlson. The Richard H. Kohn Fund w as established with a $5,694 bequest from the late Mr. Kohn and the Robert N. Schwartz Fund for Retarded Children w as created with a bequest of $8,250 from the estate of the late Cora N. Schw artz.

The Inez and Harry Clement Award Fund w as established with an initial gift of $5,000 from Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clement. The fund will provide a college scholarship for a student with potential for service to this community. Additional gifts to this fund totaling $1,016 were received from the follow ing persons: We Salute Committee, M iss Phyllis Hines, Creed F. Ward, M.D., Clifford L. G raves, Dr. M artin R. Sutler, Robert P. M adison, Charles A. De Leon, M.D., A. H. Dyson, Jr., Dr. J. O. Clark, Joseph P. Martin, M.D.

The Gertrude M. Robertson Me­morial Fund w as established with $1,290 in gifts from the follow ing persons: Mrs. J. Beverly Jones, J. K im ball Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford S. Le- Vake, M rs. Frank Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W oolf, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. W alter Webb, M iss Gertrude Ahrens, Roy Robertson, Mrs. Elise van

Bergen. Income will be used for the purchase of reference books for the W estern R eserve Univer­sity library school. The Marjorie A. Winbigler Memorial Fund w as created with gifts totaling $1,319 from the follow ing persons: C lara E. Luci- oli, M argaret E. Mulac, Mrs. Anna M. A ddison, Mrs. Alm a S. Stoddard, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Baker, Dorothy H. Fleak, Ida Mae Stitt, E. Pearl Moody, Fern Long, E ast Cleveland Public Library S ta ff A ssociation, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Kirkpatrick, Mrs.S. Valerie Jensen, Cleveland Public Library Staff, Mrs. Shirley A. Henderson, Mrs. Helen E. Stew ­art, Dolores M. Phillips, H. D. W inbigler. Income is to be used in the work of the Judd Fund Divi­sion of the Cleveland Public Library where M iss W inbigler w as em ployed prior to her tragic death.

The S. B u rn s and S im on n e H. Weston Fund w as created by Mr. and M rs. W es­ton. The Leward C. Wykoff Memorial w as e s­tablished by a gift from Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Wyckoff, who also m ade gifts in memory of Dr. Harold N. Cole and Mrs. E. P. McCullagh. Other memorial gifts were received from the follow ing persons: from J. Kim ball Johnson in memory of Robert Hays Gries; from the Shaker Savings A ssociation in memory of Robert Blythin; from M atthew A. Baxter in memory of Lew is B. Wil­liams. Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Skove made a con­tribution for general purposes of the Foundation.

G ifts totaling $3,609 were m ade to the following existing funds: The Frederick R. and Bertha Specht Mautz Scholarship Fund, a gift from Dr. Joyce I. Hartm an; the Josephine R. and Edward W. Sloan, Jr. Fund, an addition from Mr. and Mrs. Sloan ; the Dr. Edw ard A. Yurick Fund, an additional gift from Dr. Yurick; the Thomas Burnham Memorial Fund, an addition from a trust established by Mrs. M arie Louise G ollan; from Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Latham, a gift to

T h e M u s ic a l A r t s A s s o c ia t io n u s e s an a n n u a ] g r a n t f ro m the F o u n d a t i o n ’s G o r d o n F u n d f o r o p e r a t in g s u p p o r t of the d i s t in g u is h e d

C leve land O r c h e s t r a .

the fund which they had previously created; and to the Winifred Fryer Memorial Fund, gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Sidney N. Weitz and Mrs. Bertha G. Hanscom .

The Katherine B. Arundel Fund re­ceived an additional $29,898 from the Arundel estate and the Grace P. Rawson Fund w as in­creased by $9,000 from the Raw son estate. Mr. John F. Oberlin added $9,900 to the John F. Oberlin and John C. Oberlin Fund which he previously established for law scholarships at W estern Reserve University. Mrs. Flora Fitch Kram er added $5,926 to the Samuel E. Kramer Law Scholarship Fund which she established in memory of her late husband and the Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation contributed $1,000 to the Social Work Scholarship Fund.

The Cleveland Guidance Center Endowment Fund w as increased by $955 in gifts from the follow ing persons: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Brown, Sears Fam ily Foundation, Seth C. Taft, Mrs. Emily Blossom , O scar B. Markey, Nels C. and Lillian Nelson Foundation, Mrs. Clara Angell Taylor, Edw ard H. deConingh, Jr.

A ssets of the Combined Fund at the

several trustee banks had a m arket value of about $2,000,000 at year’s end. The Fund is com posed of 170 separate m em orial or special purpose funds which are listed later in this report. Each m em orial retains its identity and purpose, the various gifts being commingled for greater effi­ciency in the investm ent of the capital. The estab­lishment of a m emorial or special purpose fund in the Combined Fund is a sim ple procedure and can be accom plished with a m odest gift.

In q u ir ie s are w e lco m ed at the Foundation office from anyone desiring more inform ation about grants made, and from those who may wish to establish trusts, bequests or memorial funds with the Foundation as a m eans of carrying out their philanthropic desires.


Director and SecretaryApril, 1967

FINANCIAL STATEMENTST a k e n fro m R e p o r t of E x a m i n a t io n b y E r n s t & E rn st , C ertif ied P u b l ic A c c o u n t a n ts , full r e p o r t b e in g a v a i la b le fo r in s p e c t io n .

Statem ent of Receipts and Disbursem ents for 1966

Unexpended balances, January 1,1966 RECEIPTS

Endowm ent income from Trustees $4,610,411.56From other sources 6,867.56


By trustee banks:

Fees $103,223.58Bond and real estate

amortization, other 42,067.72 $ 145,291.30By Distribution Committee:

For charitable an d educational purposes:

Care of the Aged $ 180,850.53Child care 161,189.35Civic developm ent 50,452.62Education including scholarships 1,227,769.11Fine A rts 116,929.54Health care and m edical research 304,304.72H ospitals 371,130.66Recreation and character building 198,048.38Rehabilitation and services to the

handicapped 312,399.76Social W elfare — neighborhood

and fam ily services 416,363.28United A ppeal and Jew ish W elfare 86,602.46Cleveland Development Foundation 241,011.57G reater Cleveland A ssociated

Foundation 758,402.45$4,425,454.43

For adm inistrative purposes 62,363.73Unexpended balances, December 31,1966

* I n c lu d e s $860 ,869.74 f r o m p r in c ip a l , a n d $10,813.05

f r o m n o n - t r u s t e e d fu n d s .‘ ‘ C o m p o s e d of f u n d b a la n c e s w h i c h w e r e s u b ­s t a n t i a l l y e n c u m b e r e d o r n o t a v a i la b le fo r u s e u n t i l

a f te r D e c e m b e r 31, 1966.

$ 688,332.17


4,633,109.46*$ 672,501.83**

TRUST FUND ASSETSE n d o w m e n t of th e F o u n d a t io n w i t h p r in c ip a l v a lu e of th e 143 fu n d s h e ld

b y th e T r u s t e e B a n k s a t b o o k o r c a r r y in g v a lu e as of D e c e m b e r 31, 1966.

Anisfield-W olf Fund $ 99,273W alter C. and Lucy I. Astrup Fund 126,459Sophie Auerbach Fund* 185,097

The Frederic M. andNettie E. Backus Memorial Fund 2,266,177

W alter C. and Fannie White Baker Fund 10,111Lilian Hanna Baldwin Fund 8,257Cornelia W. Beardslee Fund 102,612Jam es C. Beardslee Fund 791,423Mary Berryman Fund 16,875The Dr. Hamilton Fisk Biggar Fund 93,774George Davis Bivin Fund* 179,201Katherine Bohm Fund 7,343The George H. Boyd Fund* 1,854,837Alva Bradley II Fund 677,267Gertrude H. Britton,

Katharine H. Perkins Fund 24,461Fannie Brown Memorial Fund 139,815George F. Buehler Memorial Fund 150,694Katherine W ard Burrell Fund 6,896

The M artha B. Carlisle Memorial Fund 73,968The Central High School

Endowment Fund 5,071The Fred H. Chapin Memorial Fund 2,547,002Frank J. and Nellie L. Chappie Fund* 429,411George W. Chisholm Fund 198,067J. E. G. Clark Fund 6,518Elsa Claus Memorial Fund No. 2 20,635Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund 132,932Caroline E. Coit Fund 67,475A. E. Convers Fund* 5,788,140Harry Coulby Fund No. 1 5,702,070Harry Coulby Fund No. 2* 962,665Jacob D. Cox Fund 108,586S. Houghton Cox Fund* 73,072

Henry G. Dalton Fund 666,447Alice McHardy Dye Fund 400,417

Dr. Frank Carl Felix andFlora W ebster Felix Fund 317,276

First Cleveland Cavalry-NortonMemorial Fund $ 89,588

William C. Fischer andLillye T. Fischer Memorial Fund 94,164

Fisher Fund 23,400Erwin L. Fisher and

Fanny M. Fisher Memorial Fund 482,415Edward C. Flanigon Fund 38,925Ford Foundation Fund for

Greater Cleveland A ssociatedFoundation 664,522

Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 1 207,781Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 6 231,291Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 7 99,470Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 8 29,828The Fannie Pitcairn Frackelton

and David W. Frackelton Fund 20,949Robert J. Frackelton Fund 20,248The George Freeman Charity Fund 48,904

Frederic H. Gates Fund 285,799The William F. and Anna

Lawrence Gibbons Fund* 498,467William A. Giffhorn Fund 2,471Frederick Harris Goff Fund 49,712Julius E. Goodman Fund 533,932The George C. and

Marion S. Gordon Fund 3,384,436Robert B. Grandin Fund 422,758

The Eugene S. and Blanche R.Halle Memorial Fund 1,757,087

Edwin T. and Mary E. Hamilton Fund 1,186,917The Lynn J. and Eva D.

Hammond Memorial Fund* 1,305,971Leonard C. Hanna, Jr.

A ssociated Foundation Trust 2,503,703Leonard C. Hanna, Jr.

Fund for Community Chest 303,451Leonard C. Hanna, Jr.

Fund for United Appeal 248,546Leonard C. Hanna, Jr.

Cleveland Foundation SpecialPurpose Fund 1,115,632

T h e 800 m e m b e r s of B a y c r a f te rs , a c o m m u n i ty craft group , h ave am bit io u s p lan s to rem odel a building in Huntington Park to h o u s e t h e i r activities . The F o u n ­

d a t i o n h a s p r o v i d e d o n e - t h i r d the e s t im ated cost.

O v e r 1,200 s h u t - in s look fo rw ard to the arrival of The C leveland Public L ibrary 's Ju d d Fund truck, which d istr ibuted 80,000 b ook s l a s t year. The Ju dd Fund, se t up for th is s p e c ia l program , is typical of m any "d e s ig n a te d ” fu n d s the F o u n d a t io n a d m i n i s t e r s .

Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Isaac Theodore Kahn Fund $ 898,769Community Development Fund $5,829,183 Karamu House Trust 1,117,440

The Kate Hanna Harvey Memorial Fund 53,062 Clarence A. Kirkham Memorial Fund 205,433Melville H. Haskell, Mary H. John R. Kistner Fund 24,391

Hunter, Gertrude H. Britton, Otto and Lena Konigslow Memorial Fund* 1,773,870Katharine H. Perkins Fund 120,888 Elroy J. and Fynette H. Kulas Fund 609,648

George Halle Hays Fund 9,876 Robert M. Linney Fund* 181,266Kaufman Hays Memorial Fund 7,219 Ella L. Lowman Fund 1,012The Hiram House Fund 8,993 Henry M. Lucas Fund 79,888The Jacob Hirtenstein Fund 5,771 Clemens W. Lundoff andCentureena S. Hotchkiss Fund 83,120 Hilda T. Lundoff Fund 322,456The A. W. Hurlbut Fund 23,598 Frank J. Lynch Fund* 25,845

Nellie Lynch Fund 143,783Caroline Bonnell Jones Fund 4,477Jam es S. Jordan Fund 15,878 Theresa Mae MacNab Fund 80,042Adrian D. Joyce Fund 62,925 Alice Keith Mather Fund 126,051The Frederick W. and The Lewis A. and Ellen E.

Henryett Slocum Judd Fund 568,510 McCreary Memorial Fund 12,136

The George W. and Sarah McGuire Fund $ 34,885The Albert Younglove Meriam

and Kathryn A. Meriam Fund 21,752Alice Butts M etcalf Fund 5,000Anna B. Minzer Fund 13,838Cornelia S. Moore Fund* 68,028E. Freeman Mould Fund 108,028Jane C. Mould Fund 657,427

The Crispin and Kate Oglebay Trust 2,030,597Mary King Osborn Fund 4,921

William P. Palmer Fund 26,101The Dr. Charles B. Parker Memorial Fund* 344,748 Douglas Perkins Fund 117,319W alter D. Price Fund* 17,195W illiam H. Price Fund 31,628J. Am brose and Jessie Wheeler Purcell

Memorial Fund * *

Clay L. and Florence Rannells Reely Fund 105,266 The Retreat Memorial Fund 106,363Charles L. Richman Fund 99,791Nathan G. Richman Fund 84,831Alice M. Rockefeller Fund 218,790Charles F. Ruby Fund 158,561

The Mary Coit Sanford Memorial Fund 4,004M ary Coit Sanford Fund 39,661Dr. Henry A. and

Mary J. Schlink Memorial Fund 39,321William C. Scofield Memorial Fund 193,111Frank S. Sheets and Alberta G.

Sheets Memorial Fund 19,893The A. H. and Julia W. Shunk Fund 99,109The Thomas and Anna Sidlo Fund 291,405The Nellie B. Snavely Fund 526,972A. L. Som ers Fund 183,516William J. Southworth Fund* 453,564Dr. George P. Soyer Fund 14,830Marion R. Spellm an Fund 10,670Josephine L. Sperry Fund 2,371A da Gates Stevens Memorial Fund 18,886

Catherine E. Stewart, Martha A.Stewart, Judith H. Stewart andJeannette Stewart Memorial Fund $ 12,071

Charles L. and Marion H. Stone Fund 190,065Harriet B. Storrs Fund 748,090Leonard F. Stowe Fund 415,423

Amos Burt and Jeanne L. Thompson Fund 50,980Mabelle G. and Finton L. Torrence Fund 87,232Charles F. Uhl Fund 1,108

John F. and Mary G. Wahl Memorial Fund 412,156Jessie MacDonald Walker Memorial Fund 42,382M abel Breckenridge W ason Fund* 619,999George B. and Edith S. Wheeler Trust 391,278Edward Loder Whittemore Fund 25,684Jam es D. W illiamson Fund 5,169The George H., Charles E., and

Samuel Denny Wilson Memorial Fund 187,177Edith Anisfield Wolf Fund* 4,559,743David C. Wright Memorial Fund 234,450Edith Wright Memorial Fund 265,660Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund 1,750,748TOTAL ALL TRUSTEED FUNDS $68,437,749

‘ T h e s e t r u s t s p r o v id e , e a c h in v a r y in g a m o u n t s , fo r p a y ­m e n t of a n n u i t ie s to c e r t a i n i n d iv id u a ls p r i o r to p a y m e n t of th e b a la n c e of t h e in c o m e to th e F o u n d a t io n . In 1966 th e C le v e la n d F o u n d a t io n r e c e iv e d 8 0 .3 % of t h e a g g re g a te i n c o m e of t h e s e v e ra l fu n d s . U l t im a te ly , i t w il l r e c e iv e t h e e n t i r e n e t in co m e .“ P e n d i n g l i t ig at io n .


The following funds are held in a special account, the donors expressing their desire that the gifts be used for certain health or educational purposes.Combined Health and W elfare Drive, Inc.

of Valley View Children’s Theatre of Shaker Heights

Drama Aw ard Fund Cleveland Employee Relations Council Fund


M o re t h a n 1600 d o n o r s h a v e c o n t r i b u t e d to the C o m b in e d F u n d

w h i c h is m a d e u p of th e fo l lo w in g m e m o r ia ls a n d o t h e r gifts:


M orris Abram s Fund A cadem y of Medicine Health Education

Foundation Fund Rhoda L. Affelder Fund Wickham H. Aldrich Fund Eunice W estfall Allen Memorial Samuel W estfall Allen Memorial Lydia May Ames Fund Katherine B. Arundel Fund Leonard P. Ayres Memorial

A. D. Baldwin Memorial Fund Robert K. Beck Memorial Beulah Holden Bluim Memorial Robert Blythin Memorial Helen R. Bowler Fund Nap. H. Boynton Memorial Fund Alva Bradley Memorial Brigham Britton Fund Charles F. Buescher Memorial Thomas Burnham Memorial Elizabeth A. Burton Memorial Robert H. Busch Memorial Fund

Carmela Cafarelli Fund Edna L. and Gustav W. Carlson Foundation

Memorial Fund Leyton E. Carter Memorial Fund George S. Case Fund Isabel D. Chamberlin Fund Fred H. Chapin Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Clark Fund Inez and Harry Clement Award Fund Cleveland Center on Alcoholism Fund Cleveland Conference for Educational

Cooperation Fund Cleveland Guidance Center Endowment Fund Cleveland Heights High School Scholarship Fund Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society Fund

Cleveland War Memorial Arthur Cobb Memorial Arthur Cobb, Jr. Memorial Florence Haney Cobb Memorial Louise B. Cobb Memorial Mary Gaylord Cobb Memorial Percy Wells Cobb Memorial Dr. Harold N. Cole Memorial Judge Alva R. Corlett Memorial Mary B. Couch Fund Jacob D. Cox, Jr. Memorial Dr. Wilbur S. Crowell Memorial Marianne North Cummer Memorial Glenn A. Cutler Memorial

Nathan L. Dauby Memorial Magdalene Pahler Donahey Fund Anna J. Dorman and Pliny O. Dorman

Memorial Fund Jam es J. Doyle and Lillian Herron Doyle

Scholarship Fund Robert J. Drake Memorial

Kristian Eilertsen Fund

Arthur Feher FundHerold and Clara Fellinger Charitable FundFrances B. and George W. Ford MemorialKatyruth Strieker Fraley MemorialAnnie A. France FundI. F. Freiberger FundMrs. I. F. Freiberger Memorial FundWinifred Fryer Memorial Fund

Dr. Frank S. Gibson Memorial Fund Ellen Gardner Gilmore Memorial Frances Southworth Goff Memorial Robert G. Grandin Memorial Jam es L. Greene Memorial Bell Greve Memorial Fund

The G rea t L ak e s S h a k e sp e a re Fest iva l h as given C lev e lan d ers five y e ar s of d i s t in g u i s h e d per fo rm ­an ces . Fou nd at io n gran ts m ad e p o s s ib le m atin ees for sc h o o l children.

Robert H ays Gries Memorial Isador Grossm an Memorial Fund

Jessie Haig Memorial Florence Hamilton Memorial Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Cleveland

Play House FundF. H. H aserot Fund Homer H. Hatch Fund Jam es W. Havighurst Memorial

Scholarship Fund Lewis Howard Hayden and Lulu

May Hayden Fund Iva L. Herl FundThe Siegmund and Bertha B. Herzog FundHighland View Hospital Em ployees’ Gift FundReuben W. Hitchcock FundCora Millet Holden MemorialGuerdon S. Holden MemorialDr. John W. Holloway Memorial FundA. R. Horr FundJoseph C. Hostetler Memorial

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Josephs Fund Minerva B. Johnson Memorial Fund

Dr. Emmanuel Klaus Memorial FundThe Philip E. and Bertha Hawley Knowlton FundEstelle C. Koch Memorial Scholarship FundRichard H. Kohn FundSamuel E. Kramer Law Scholarship Fund

George H. Lapham FundMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Latham FundDr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lechner Fund

George A. and Mary E. Marten Fund Mrs. E. O. Marting Memorial Frederick R. and Bertha Specht Mautz Fund Malcolm L. McBride and John Harris

McBride II Memorial Thomas M cCauslen Memorial Mrs. E. P. McCullagh Memorial Emma E. McDonald Fund Anna Curtiss McNutt Memorial William J. Mericka Memorial Emma B. Minch FundJohn A. Mitchell and Blanche G. Mitchell Fund Harry F. Miter Memorial Helen Moore Fund Daniel E. Morgan Fund

The National City Bank Fund

The W elfare Federat ion a s k e d the F o u n d a t i o n ’s help in e s ­

ta b l is h in g the S e n i o r Inform ation C enter in the Old A r c a d e — a b u s y and convenient s o u r c e of ad v ice on p ro gram s and s e r v ic e s for o lder p e r s o n s .

T h is South A m e r ic a n T a p i r — a r a r e a n d fuzzy fav o r i te of y o u n g C leveland Z o o v i s i to r s — is o n e of two new a n im a ls

p u r c h a s e d w i t h Foundation g r a n ts th is y ear .

Harlan H. Newell Memorial

John F. Oberlin and John C. Oberlin Fund Ethelwyne Walton Osborn Memorial

Erla Schlather Parker Fund Charles J. and Marian E. Paterson Fund Caroline Brown Prescott Memorial Mary Dunham Prescott Memorial The George John Putz and M argaret Putz

Memorial Fund

The George F. Quinn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Omar S. Ranney Memorial Grace P. Rawson Fund Minerva P. Ridley Fund Gertrude M. Robertson Memorial Elizabeth Becker Rorabeck Fund Edward L. Rosenfeld and Bertha M.

Rosenfeld Fund Dr. A. T. Roskos Fund Mrs. Raymond T. Saw yer Memorial Oliver H. Schaaf Fund The Robert N. Schwartz Fund for

Retarded Children Arthur H. Seibig Fund Mrs. Louis B. Seltzer Memorial Annette S. Shagren Memorial Dr. Thomas Shupe Memorial Fund David G. Skall Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Skove Fund Josephine R. and Edward W. Sloan, Jr. Fund Social Work Scholarship Fund

Society for Crippled Children —Tris Speaker Memorial Fund

Society National Bank Fund Meade A. Spencer Memorial Belle Bierce Stair Memorial Nellie Steele Stewart Memorial Ralph P. Stoddard Memorial Fund Joseph T. Sweeny Memorial

Charles Farrand Taplin and Elsie H. Taplin FundC. F. Taplin FundJessie Loyd Tarr MemorialElizabeth Bebout Taylor MemorialMary J. Tewksbury FundAllison John Thompson MemorialSarah R. Thompson FundEwald F. Tobold FundMaud Kerruish Towson Memorial

Leo W. Ulmer Fund

Cornelia Blakemore Warner Memorial Stanley H. W atson Memorial Frank Walter Weide Fund Caroline Briggs Welch Memorial S. Burns and Simonne H. Weston Fund Lucius J. and Jennie C. Wheeler Fund Elliott H. Whitlock Memorial Mary C. Whitney Fund R. N. and H. R. W iesenberger Fund Lewis B. Williams Memorial M arjorie A. Winbigler Memorial Nelle P. Woodworth Fund John W. Woodburn Memorial Leward C. Wykoff Memorial

Dr. Edward A. Yurick Fund

GRANTS 1966AID FOR ELDERLY PERSONSMaintenance, nursing and hospital care $ 9,631.82


AM ASA STONE HOUSEOperating support* 17,319.17


ANISFIELD-W OLF AWARD COMMITTEE,PRINCETON, NEW JERSEYA w ards for creative and technical writingin racial relations* 4,300.00

ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS LEAGUE OFCLEVELAND AND CUYAHOGA COUNTYFor tuberculin testing of school children 6,398.78

ASSO CIATIO N OF OHIO PHILANTHROPIC HOMES FOR AGED, INC.Training course for nurses’ aides and housekeepers for nursing homes 4,000.00

BALD WIN-WALLACE COLLEGE Operating support*ScholarshipsFor a demonstration program in mental healthFor new Adm inistration Building For Life Sciences Building For Listening Laboratory

BARTON CENTER Operating support

BAYCRAFTERSFor remodeling arts and crafts building

BEECH BROOK Operating support*To increase staff by addition of a child therapist

BELLEFAIREWork training project for emotionallydisturbed teenagers $10,000.00Building program 50,000.00

BELLEVUE HOSPITAL, BELLEVUE, OHIOOperating support* 1,678.98

BENJAMIN ROSE INSTITUTEFor electronic data processing-servicesto elderly clients* 17,319.18Operating support of nursing homesprogram 42,000.00For a protective service demonstrationwith older persons 15,000.00

BOARD OF EDUCATION, CLEVELAND For an educational program at DePaul,Booth and Crittenton Homes 6,000.00For a summer in-service institutefor teachers 6,200.00For a M aster of Arts in Teaching programwith John Carroll University 500.00

BOY SCOUTS, GREATER CLEVELAND COUNCILFor camp development program 16,666.00

BOYS’ CLUB OF CLEVELANDOperating support* 252.81


For scholarships* 700.058,507.95

50.000.0025.000.00 17,650.00 CASE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

To augment professors’ salaries* 8,207.395,300.00 For scholarships in aerospace or

com puters* 215.60Scholarships 6,777.78

10,000.00 For a study of collaborative activitieswith W estern Reserve University 62,000.00

20,214.62 CHILDREN’S SERVICESOperating support* 129.32

9,000.00 Special services for children 198.04

‘ P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

Light-hearted p r o je c t s like this b icycle p a ra d e are a part o f the F ou n d at io n -su p ported L om on d A s s o c i a ­tion’s su c c e s s fu l p ro gram for stab il iza tion of the rac ia l ly in tegrated ne ighborhood.

CHILDREN’S THEATRE OFSHAKER HEIGHTS DRAMA AWARDBeduhn Drama Aw ards to two graduatinghigh school students* $ 50.00

CIRCLE WORKSHOPOperating support 10,341.64


CLEVELAND CHRISTIAN HOME To improve services fordependent children 4,500.00

CLEVELAND CLINICOrganizational meeting for a NationalAcademy of Medicine 6,000.00


CLEVELAND COUNCIL OF CAMP FIRE GIRLS, INC.Demonstration program with mothersand young daughters 10,040.00

CLEVELAND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATIONOperating support* 209,011.57For survey of program 25,000.00Grants by Cleveland Development Foundation:

Governmental Research Institute 12,000.00Cleveland Little Hoover Commission 20,000.00

CLEVELAND GUIDANCE CENTEROperating support* 48.18For professional services 16,655.00

CLEVELAND HEALTH MUSEUM For housing the Upjohn “Brain” including $2,835.47 of income from the John R. Raible Foundation 52,835.47

CLEVELAND HEARING AND SPEECH CENTER For program in language disorders of children 11,000.00For the building program 10,000.00


CLEVELAND HOSPITAL COUNCIL For nurse recruitment program Appliances and medical equipment for medically indigent





CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART Operating support*

CLEVELAND MUSIC SCHOOL SETTLEMENTFor purchase of two properties For special programs

CLEVELAND PLAY HOUSE For new dramatic work*Shakespeare productions for children* General operating*For a study to relocate the Play House

CLEVELAND POLICE DEPARTMENT To Juvenile Bureau for prevention of delinquency*

CLEVELAND PSYCHOANALYTIC SOCIETY FOUNDATION Operating support*For training fellow ships and programs in child therapy*

CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY Library services to handicapped persons in their hom es*To improve “Judd Fund” services

CLEVELAND SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND Operating support*For purchasing property For children’s services*


$ 7,000.00

2 0 ,000.00


20 ,000.00




20 ,000.0010 ,000.00

1,633.131 ,000.001,086.72






7,194.7910.000.00 17,319.18


‘ P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

Su m m er e n r ic h m e n t p r o g r a m s are a p r o v e n m ethod of e x ­pan d ing a c h i l d ’s educat ional h o r iz o n s . U n iv e r s i ty S c h o o l

a s k e d t h e F o u n d a t io n f o r a s s i s t a n c e in c o n d u c t i n g th is p r o ­

g ra m l a s t s u m m e r / o r inner-city c h i ld ren .


COMMUNITY ACTION FOR YOUTH, INC. For program with mentally retarded pre-school children

CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICEFor expansion of staff and services


COUNCIL GARDENS Operating support

COUNCIL ON FOUNDATIONS, INC.,NEW YORK, NEW YORKSupport of community trust program

COUNTY OF CUYAHOGA WELFAREDEPARTMENTFor cam pershipsHousehold equipment and clothing for fam ilies of widows with dependent children






DORCAS HOME Operating support*

T h e n e w 30-booth tape lab o ra to ry at Ba ldw in W allace College C o n se rv a to ry of M u s ic , e q u ip p e d w i th the help of the Fou n ­dation, g ive s s tud ents the opportun ity to explore the e le m e n ts

of m u s i c c o m p o s i t i o n in d e p th .

EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTERFor a program with culturally deprived high school graduates










20 ,000.00





‘ P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCILOF GREATER CLEVELANDResearch and development services forprimary and secondary schools $50,000.00For a reading and diagnostic clinic 38,600.00

ELIZA BRYANT HOME FOR AGEDOperating support* 33.19

ELIZA JENNINGS HOMEFor the building expansion program 22,543.34

ELYRIA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Maintenance of a bed on the William N.Gates Memorial floor* 1,300.00

FAIR HOUSING COUNCILOperating support 7,500.00


FAIR VIEW PARK HOSPITALMaintenance of a bed* 476.07

FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATIONGeneral support* 1,680.68For a community action program 5,969.00

FENN COLLEGEScholarships 3,500.61

FOREST CITY HOSPITALFor operating and debt retirement 12,500.00


GOLDEN AGE CENTEROperating support 198.00

GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTEFor support of the Little HooverCommission 25,000.00For support of tax policy study 8,000.00

GREAT LAKES SHAKESPEARE ASSOCIATION, INC.Support of perform ances for high schoolstudents 10,000.00

GREATER CLEVELAND ASSOCIATED FOUNDATION For operating purposes Payments of grants authorized by A ssociated Foundation Board of Trustees

Community Institutions, Planning and LeadershipEconomic DevelopmentEducationHousingPublic AffairsRace RelationsYouth Development


57.322.00 15,000.00




GREATER CLEVELAND NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS ASSOCIATIONFor cam perships 1,500.00For equipment needs of member agencies 7,500.00 For community education program 2,000.00For in-service-training of staff 1,850.00Alta House — For a program in the South Collinwood area 19,000.00The Hiram House

Operating support* 883.97For expansion of program 18,300.00

Glenville Neighborhood and Community Centers

For tutorial services 5,000.00Mount Pleasant Community Center

For tutorial services 5,000.00Rent, equipment and staff 2,900.00For an Urban Services Center 17,235.00

University SettlementFor remodeling 2,000.00

W est Side Community HouseFor extension of group work services 7,000.00For a community center forSpanish-speaking people 20,506.60

HAWKEN SCHOOLOperating support* 252.82

HEALTH FUND OF GREATER CLEVELAND General support* 4,252.82

HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATIONFor two awards in memory of John Anisfieldand Eugene E. W olf* 1,000.00

HIGHLAND VIEW CUYAHOGA COUNTY HOSPITALRecreation services for em ployees* 431.29For a new recreation wing 10,000.00

‘ P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

HUDSON M ONTESSORI ASSOCIATION For the building program $ 5,000.00

JEWISH ORTHODOX HOME FOR AGED For the building fund $16,666.00

IDEAL YOUTH FOUNDATION, INC. Program for delinquent girls in the Hough area

INGLESIDE HOSPITAL For the building fund



JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITYSummer enrichment program forinner-city studentsFor improved biology programScholarshipsFor the building fundFor a M aster of Arts in teaching programwith Cleveland Board of EducationTo establish a Labor-Business Panel

6,000.0015.225.00 10,828.245,000.00

30.533.00 6,500.00

IRON LUNG POLIOS AND MULTIPLEGICS, INC.For office equipment 500.00

JONES HOME OF CHILDREN’S SERVICES For recreational and educational needs of children*General operating*


JEW ISH COMMUNITY CENTER For the Eugene and Blanche Halle Park at Camp Wise




KARAMU HOUSE Operating support*For remodeling display gallery




The adm in is trat ive a s s i s t a n t of Belie fa ire , a leading res identia l t r e a t m e n t center for em otiona l ly d is tu rb ed children, s tu d ie s p lan s fo r the new sta ff r e s i d e n c e wing, now nearly com pleted and m ad e p o s s ib le in pa rt b e ca u se of the Fou nd atio n funds.

‘ P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

LAKE ERIE COLLEGE, PAINESVILLE, OHIO Operating support* $ 258.35For lecture series 1,500.00Harriet B. Storrs and Lake Erie College scholarships 13,000.00For purchase of books for the library 5,000.00

LAKE ERIE JUNIOR NATURE AND SCIENCE CENTERFor the building program 11,313.75

LAKE ERIE OPERA THEATREOperating support 10,000.00

LAKE ERIE WATERSHEDCONSERVATION FOUNDATIONFor reorganization and operating purposes 5,000.00

LITTLE SISTER S OF THE POORGeneral support* 269.89

LOMOND ASSOCIATIONProgram for stabilization of raciallyintegrated neighborhood 19,221.00

LUTHERAN HOME FOR THE AGEDTo provide for a medical director 2,000.00

LUTHERAN HOSPITALAnnual award for graduate of schoolof nursing* 1,071.46Conference expenses for surgeons* 147.60For new School of Nursing building 20,623.37

The Foundation h elped the Span ish-A m erican Com m ittee for a Better C om m u nity sta rt a center on the n ear w est s ide for C le v e lan d ’s g r o w in g S p a n i s h speak in g population . Projects

2 2 r a n g e from d a n c e s to la n g u a g e c la s se s and credit unions.

MAPLE HEIGHTS SCHOOL DISTRICTFor “model classroom of 1980” 12,000.00

MENNINGER FOUNDATION,TOPEKA, KANSASFor research in the advancement ofmental hygiene of childhood 8,507.95

MENTAL HEALTH REHABILITATION AND RESEARCH, INC.Operating support of “half-way house”for discharged mental patients 10,000.00

METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOMEFor purchase of a bus 2,200.00

MONTEFIORE HOMEFor building remodeling program 10,000.00

MORGAN SCHOOLStudent aw ards* 92.19

* P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

MORLEY LIBRARY, PAINESVILLE, OHIOFor books to be used in junior collegecourses $ 1,000.00

MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL OF CLEVELAND For support of the Psychiatric Division 12,000.00Support of a Chair in M edicine* 25,000.00Support of Springbrook HealthMaintenance Unit 9,284.00For the building program 25,000.00

MUSICAL ARTS ASSOCIATION Operating support 50,000.00For children’s concerts* 2,000.00Operating support* 8,571.16

In addition to h e lp in g the C leve land P lay H o u s e w i th p r o d u c ­tions like M argaret Ham ilton in “ Blithe S p i r i t ,” the F o u n d a ­

tion this year h elped finance a sp e c ia l theater relocation s tu d y .

W h e n the C leve land Health M u s e u m received the large and d ram atic “ B ra in ” d i sp lay from the Upjohn C om pany, it turned to the Fou nd atio n for f u n d s to build th is sp e c in l wing.


NATURAL SCIENCE MUSEUM For the planetarium program *General operating support*Special operating supportFor study of educational program s

NOTRE DAME COLLEGE For a language laboratory

OGLEBAY INSTITUTE, WHEELING, W EST VIRGINIAOperating support of educational and recreational program s*

PACE ASSOCIATIONTo improve the quality of public schooleducationRecipient of Anisfield-W olf Award for outstanding service to the human community — to be used for operating purposesPACE study on Equality in Education

PARMADALE Operating support*



1 ,000.0032,559.339,000.00







‘ P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

PHILLIS WHEATLEY ASSO CIATIO N For equipment at Camp Mueller


PROJECT FRIENDSHIP, INC.For “big siste r” services to teenage girls


ELEANOR B. RAINEY MEMORIAL INSTITUTEFor joint program with Cleveland Music School Settlement




ST. JOHN’S HOSPITAL Operating support*

ST. VINCENT CHARITY HOSPITAL For heart research Maintenance of a bed*For aid of alcoholics and the indigent sick *

SALVATION ARMY Operating support*Building program in the Hough area

SCHOLARSHIPS Aid to college students


SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN For the building fund General support*

U sing ad v an c e d equipm ent an d new t e c h n i q u e s , the E d u c a­tional R e s e a r c h Council of G rea ter Cleveland, with F o u n d a­tion a s s i s ta n c e , conducted a reading and d iagnostic c l in ic for children with r e a d i n g p ro b le m s .

Film s a n d pro ject ion e q u ip m e n t which the Foundation helped John Carroll U nivers ity 's Biology D e p a r t m e n t p u r c h a s e a re

av a i lab le for b io logy in s t r u c t i o n in other C leveland colleges 24 a n d high schoo ls .

$ 7,187.91









3.690.92 476.07 696.89




12.500.00 4,712.74

‘ P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

In 10 m onths of i n te n s i v e work, the C leve lan d Little Hoover C om m iss io n p r o d u c e d 19 r e p o r t s — the m ost c o m p r e h e n s iv e

urban s tu d y ever con ducted anyw here. The F o u n d a t io n co n ­tributed to the p r o je c t ’s $500,000 cost.

SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAULOperating support* $ 269.89


SOUTHW EST SENIOR CENTERGeneral support 9,600.00

THREE-CORNER-ROUND PACK OUTFIT, INC.Camping program for boys* 1,639.17

TRUE SISTERS NURSERY SCHOOLFor air-conditioning equipment 3,315.00

UNITED APPEAL OF GREATER CLEVELAND Contributions from 17 funds foroperating support* 78,908.46

UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUNDGeneral support* 1,000.00


Lakeside H ospital* 185,898.97Maternity H ospital* 3,327.10Rainbow H ospital* 680.68

Conference expenses for surgeons* 963.04

UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTERFor the building fund 85,000.00

UNIVERSITY SCHOOLSummer enrichment program forhigh school students 8,050.00

URBAN LEAGUEFor support of a field instruction center in community organization 5,000.00

URSULINE COLLEGEFor the building fund 12,500.00Scholarship* 698.80


‘ P a y m e n t s d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND REHABILITATION SERVICESFor the building program $100,000.00For needy clients* 2,000.00For operating purposes* 395.67

WELFARE FEDERATIONOperating support* 1,541.81Anisfield-W olf Award committee expense 551.75Public information program about theHealth Goals Project 10,000.00For student interns at the Foster HomeRecruiting Center 1,000.00Recruiting program for foster parents 7,000.00Summer program for inner-city unreachedteenage youth 57,400.00Cam perships for children throughmember agencies 20,500.00For mental retardation“Blueprint for Action” 25,000.00To underwrite work of Mental HealthPlanning Committee 14,100.00For staff position in field of inter-grouprelations 16,500.00To improve standards of nursing homes 17,000.00For film and brochure on juveniledelinquency 6,000.00For scholarships awarded by Careers inSocial Work Departm ent* 2,403.68For a youth training and employmentprogram under the OccupationalPlanning Committee 17,200.00For publicity for stay-in-schoolprogram under the OccupationalPlanning Committee 4,000.00Senior Information and Referral Center 6,829.00For field worker office in the Hough area 2,123.00

W EST TEMPLE LIBRARYOperating support 1,000.00

W ESTERN RESERVEHISTORICAL SOCIETYTo provide care of memorabilia of theFirst Cleveland Cavalry A ssociation* 3,728.31


Adelbert College* 2,395.62Backus Law School* 2,142.81Graduate School* 80,105.32Library School* 13.41

W estern Reserve University* $ 4,603.54Scholarship program for:

Backus Law School* 1,160.48Mather College* 680.68M edical School 3,045.66Undergraduate students 10,390.20

School of Medicine Halle Glaucoma Clinic* 10,000.00Department of O tolaryngology* 15,000.00M edical research* 11,385.00Oglebay Fellowship program * 88,573.03Cancer research* 9,129.48For Cleveland M etropolitan General H ospital Electron m icroscope 332.00

Support of Mental Development Center 2,731.39For establishm ent of the Abba Hillel Silver Chair of Jewish Studies 64,942.00Advanced training conference for teachers of reading 1,600.00For fiftieth anniversary program of the School of Applied Social Sciences 11,000.00Training program for child care workers from agencies of the W elfare Federation 7,500.00Support of field instruction center in community organization in cooperation with Urban League 8,000.00For a M aster of Arts in Teaching Program in cooperation with the Board of Education 7,083.00Valleevue Farm, biological research* 29,524.35

WOMEN’S CITY CLUBFor educational lectures* 199.51

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONFor operating support of Brecksville-Broadview Heights Branch 5,000.00


YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONFor operating support of Brecksville-Broadview Heights Branch 4,000.00For operating* 898.00

YOUTH SERVICEGroup counseling program foradolescents 11,525.45

TOTAL OF GRANTS PAID $4,425,454.43

• P a y m e n ts d e s i g n a t e d b y d o n o r s

T h is film s t r ip , m ad e by the W elfare F ed erat ion with Foundation help, is be in g s h o w n w id ely to expla in a n d s u p p o r t the Ohio Youth C o m m i s s i o n ’s pro gram to i m p r o v e costly , outdated and ineffective c o rre c­tional m eth ods in Ohio.

A ttacked '




w ith the m echanics of charitable gifts, the Cleve­

land F ou n d atio n Library is available w ith cu rren t

in fo rm atio n ab out foundations, charitable insti­

tutions an d activities, for use in co n n ection w ith

the p re p ara tio n of wills an d tru s t agreem ents.


Changes h av e recently been made in the suggested for ms for gifts to the Cleveland Foundation. As the revised language was not available at the time of printing of this Report it is suggested that attorneys and other p ersons contemplating a gift by Will or trust agreement obtain the revised forms from the office of the Foundation.Use of the forms previously printed in Foundation publications should be discontinued.





Director and Secretary J. KIMBALL JOHNSON


Central National Bank of Cleveland The Cleveland Trust Company

The National City Bank of Cleveland Society National Bank of Cleveland

Union Commerce Bank


GEORGE GUND, Chairman*Chairman of Board, The Cleveland Trust Company

HARRY F. BURMESTER President, Union Commerce Bank

JOHN S. FANGBONER President, The National City Bank of Cleveland

MERVIN B. FRANCE President, Society National Bank of Cleveland

JAM ES J. NANCE Chairman of Board, Central National Bank of Cleveland

‘ D eceased 11/15/66


Thompson, Hine and Flory


700 National City Bank Building Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Telephone: 216 / 579-0030


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