calvary church | 08 annual report

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Calvary Church is a community where we CONNECT with God and others to GROW in our faith so we REACH Orange County and the world for Jesus Christ.



12008 ANNUAL REPORT [ Celebration Service | Child Dedications - May 2008 ]

I am so pleased with what God has been doing in our church this past year. We have enjoyed many good, fresh changes and yet maintained the core esseessentials of what our church was founded on 78 years ago. For example, our new purpose statement, “Calvary Church is a community where we CONNECT with God and others to GROW in our faith so we REACH Orange County and the World for Jesus Christ” really captures the biblical calling for each believer. The actions of connect, grow and reach are what Jesus modeled for us and what our founding leaders desired for Calvary.

TTo help us pursue this purpose statement, we have now designed three LifeLabs, which are interactive learning opportunities to empower each of us to connect with God and others, grow in our faith and reach Orange County and the World for Jesus Christ. If you have not participated yet, please join in and let’s fufill God’s great calling for each of us.

FFinally, I pray that for 2009, at least half of our congregation will be engaged in LifeGroups. These small group communities are the key place to connect with God and others. I just do not think you can grow spiritually if you are not in a small group. If you are not in one yet, please contact us and we would love to help you know more about them and where they meet.

Thank you so much for being such a supportive and loving church family. God is working in many ways which I hear about regularly. Let’s keep callicalling on Him in prayer and staying faithful to His Word as we connect, grow and reach for Jesus Christ.

[ A message from our Pastor ]

2Calvary Church of Santa Ana |


Children - Calvary TownBirth - 36 months - Baby LanePreschool/K - Bounce Blvd.1st - 4th graders - The Junction5th - 6th graders - Fuel

SStudent MinistriesJr. High - GalaxyHigh School - EDLCollege - Foundation

Adult Ministries Young AdultsSinglesMMenWomenMarriage & FamilySeniors


Equipping Classes

The Corner Bookstore

Care MinistriesLife Counseling CenterCelebrate RecoverySupport GroupsPastoral CarePrayer

WWorship & Creative ArtsMusicDramaFine ArtsMedia & Tech


Calvary Christian School & School & Preschool

Stewardship & Business Ministry

Hispanic Ministry

Reach: Local & Global

[ ministries ]

Calvary Church is a community where we

CONNECT with God and others to GROW in our faith so we REACH Orange County and the world for Jesus Christ.

[ our purpose ]


[ LifeGroups ]There are many ministries offered here at Calvary. One of the most significant ministry changes in 2008 was the formation of LifeGroups. These are ongoing, small group communities, guided by trained leaders, in which we can more intimately connect with God and others through prayer and fellowship, grow in our faith through God’s Word, and reach others through service and outreach opportunities.

LifeGroups are offered at a variety of times and locations and are sometimes distinct based on things like lilife stage, interest, and need. All LifeGroups are defined by the same balanced commitment to live out God’s purpose for the people of Calvary: to connect, grow, and reach.

[ LifeLabs ]Another key ministry that began in 2008 are LifeLabs. These are four-part, interactive experiences designed to help you learn how to live out the Christian life and the purpose of Calvary Church... to Connect, Grow and Reach.

1. How To ConnectTTo get connected at Calvary and become a member of the church, we offer this LifeLab where you can learn about our Beliefs, Pur-pose, History, and more.

2. How To GrowThis LifeLab will help you learn what it means to be a growing person and who you are in Christ. You will learn to grow through Bible study, prayer, and other disciplines as well as find some help for when you feel spiritually dry.

3. How to ReachIIn this final LifeLab you will discover your unique God-given spiritual gifts and be matched up with opportunities at Calvary which will allow you to use these gifts. It will also equip you to share your faith.

[ Questions? ]If you would like to learn more about getting involved in a CalvaryLifeGroup or sign up to attend an upcoming LifeLab - let us know: Call 714.973.4800 or Email

Calvary Church of Santa Ana | www.calvarylife.org4



Celebration 8:45 am | Worship Center

Elevation 10:45 am | Worship Center

Hispanic 10:45 am | Chapel

Mandarin 10:45 am | Gym

Inspiration 6:00 pm | Chapel

Sundaysat Calvary {

Calvary is one church with several unique expressions of worship each Sunday. These gatherings act as a catalyst in the life of our church body and help the people of Calvary to connect with God and others in their own “heart language.” The common elements be-tween these services include authentic worship and life changing teaching from God’s Word.

Calvary Church of Santa Ana | www.calvarylife.org6


Ministry highlights

{ VBS | Vacation Bible School }

This year we welcomed almost 1100 kids to our campus during our Power Lab VBS. Over the course of the week 474 volunteers ministered to this group of children and we saw God bring 145 kids to make a decision to follow Jesus for the first time!

WWe provided snacks for 7500 mouths over the course of the week and more than $5800 donated to our “Penny Project” which purchased 3 laptop computers to be used in Bible translation by our missions family. Because of your generous support for VBS, this program was once again FREE to our kids.

TThank you for giving us the opportunity to have what we feel is the greatest responsibility and privilege in the Kingdom of God, as we serve and love your kids!

[ Children | Calvary Town ]

One area of our ministry in Calvary Town that you might not know about is our ministry to special needs kids. This small, but mighty ministry gives children who are developmentally or physically disabled an exciting time to participate and learn about Jesus while giving their parents the opportunity to attend services.

We have many events that take place throughout the year like Vacation Bible School (VBS), Light The he Night, our Children’s Missions Conference, the Pinewood Derby, Mahalo Volunteer Appreciation, Summer and Winter Camps, as well as ongoing events like park days, broomball and swim studies. All of these events, under the incredible direction of Pastor Matt Davis, serve as the gateway to welcome kids to our church so that we can begin to build relationships with them on a weekly basis on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.

Calvary Church of Santa Ana | www.calvarylife.org8

[ Student Ministries ]

{ Junior High | Galaxy }

In addition to all of our weekly meetings, fun events and camps led by Pastor Josh Simpson, one big highlight of 2008 was when we took 23 people to “Mission Arizona,” an outreach and service trip at Rainbow Acres. This is a ffaith-based, assisted living community for developmentally disabled adults. This year, we built three benches and moved hundreds of rocks for a new drainage system. We also hosted daily activities for the residents including crafts, games, skits and Bible lessons. This trip was eye-opening for our students and staff. It is so humbling to serve with people who have a child-like faith and genuine llove for others. It was a trip we will never forget!

{ High School | Every Day Life }

TThere were many highlights from EDL under the new co-leadership of Ryan Guard and Melissa Brosch. STORM teams went to Mexico and the Philippines. We had over 30 LifeGroups that met regularly to deal with issues of life and faith. Camps at Hume Lake and River Romp once again proved to be powerful trips where God moved in the hearts of students. We started our year with two outreach events called Day Zero. We had around 500 students with bands, rock wall, video games and intense fun. This event was a huge success and each student that attended was invited to join the every day life of our high school group on our journey to know Jesus.

{ { College | Foundation }

The theme for the college ministry, with Pastor Brent Dedmon, this past summer was “LOST.” We wanted to spend an entire summer answering the question, “where do we go from here?” in areas like marriage, career, money, and knowing God’s will.

Group trips from 2008 included Houseboat, Girl’s Retreat andMan Camp; as well as STORM trips overseas to the Philippines and Germaand Germany and service trips to help feed the homeless. Through each of these trips as well as weekly meetings and special events, we saw our College Ministry grow as a united community in the Spirit.


{ Women’s Ministry }

Over 700 women from Southern and Central California came together to hear guest speaker Elizabeth George and were blessed to be together while learning to apply the practical truth of Scripture to their lives. Out of this conference, a mementoring program was launched for the purpose of lifestyle discipleship consistent with God's Word.

In the spring, song writer, recording artist and worship leader, Anne Barbour led the women of Calvary in a two day worship experience that helped each attendee realize the holiness of God and the worship she could offer to Him through her own life of obedience.

{ { Men’s Ministry }

The men of Calvary Church went on an epic adventure in 2008 to the first ever Man Camp. The weekend was full of powerful teaching and awe-inspiring worship, along with time for paint-ball, archery, rifle range, swimming, hiking, baseball, basketball, football, and all kinds of general manly adventures in Palomar Mountain State Park. Dr. Barry Corey, the new President of Biola University, was our guest speaker as we discovered what it takes to obediently follow God’s leading with confidence.

In addition to the awesomeness of Man Camp, men at Calvary met in various LifeGroups, the weekly Saturday morning Men’s Breakfast and in one-on-one discipleship through the Growing in Christ ministry.

[ Adult Ministries ]

From men to women, young adults to seniors, single or married - there are so many ways for adults to connect at Calvary based around different interests and life-stages in weekly meetings, ongoing LifeGroups and special events. In 2008, we saw some significant changes with Pastor John Sherman taking the lead with Seniors and Men and Pastor Matt Doan transitioning out of the high school ministry to take over Young Adults. Below are a few highlights of events from Men’s and Women’s Ministries:

Calvary Church of Santa Ana | www.calvarylife.org10

Ministry highlights[ Calvary Care Ministries ]

A new development this past year was the formalizing of our Care Ministriesthrough the leadership and vision of Pastor Jeff Biddle. Calvary Care Ministries is the entity that unites all of our care ministries under one unified umbrella and enables us to meet the needs of people facing a variety of real life issues. This includes, but is not limited to:

{ Calvary Life Counseling Center }

A hA highlight of our Care Ministries has been the launch and growth of the Calvary Life Counseling Center. It is a biblically based, short-term, non-fee ministry of Calvary Church, Santa Ana, serving the people of Calvary Church, Calvary Christian School and Pre-School, as well as our surrounding community. Calvary Life Counseling Center strives to effectively integrate God’s Word, prayer and the best counseling tools and techniques avavailable with the approach of truth and grace utilizing non-professional Lay Counselors. Our passion is to offer God’s hope and healing to assist individuals to be the people God intends them to be in order to fulfill what God intends them to do.

We have been open for over a year and in that time we have had the priviledge of helping over 200 clients in their journey of em-bracing God’s hope and healing for their life.

• Hope for our Marriage• Premarital Counseling• Pastoral Care• Shut-ins & Homebound Ministry• Hospital Visitation

• Calvary Life Counseling Center• Celebrate Recovery• Cross Current• All of our Support Groups• Prayer



{ Highlights }

We ended the 07/08 school year, looking forward to full enrollment for 08/09 and a waiting list for more, along with a positive bottom line financial statement.

Because of our enrollment needs, we were able to open another classroom. We have hired 3 new staff, and all of our classour classroom staff has AA and BA degrees, some continuing their education while working full-time.

Donations to our ministry have helped us keep our tuition rates low. The Angel Scholarship program helped many families financially, allowing their children to remain in this nurturing environment. Our PTF blessed the preschool with raising funds to purchase a $3600 shade canopy for our yard.

OOur pull-out programs saw great success, as our children discovered fine arts, computers, music and motor development. We have been able to expand our office to create a new office for our assistant director. We are growing and we praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Calvary Church of Santa Ana | www.calvarylife.org12

{ Highlights }

TThe school is enjoying a genuine spirit of renewal. Our theme for this year, “renew a steadfast spirit within me,” has drawn us together as a community of those committed to joining in the work of God among us. We have been blessed to see our classrooms take on new colors, new carpeting, and become more equipped for learning with the aid of new white boards and E-beam Systems. These renovations have been possible as the result of our fundraising efforts which took place under the direction of Julie Trujillo, our Elementary Principal, Andrea Fredericks, Assistant to the Elementary Principal, and their dedicated committee. The school thanschool thanks the committee, the parents, friends, and church members who shared in the vision to research improvements needed and to give so that the needs could be funded.

PTF is choosing to bless the school with the Accelerated Reader Program. The software will be housed in the library and is intended to make the practice component of our reading curriculum more effective. We are delighted the teachers and students will be aided by this new learning tool.

Our student body continues to demonstrate a love for the lost, the needy, and the hurting. It is wonderful to watch the Lord using these young lives to share with others around the world. Student Council members have chosen again to bless the Dianjiang Orphanage and Operation Christmas Child with funds and gifts the students gather. Calvary Christian School continues to provide students with academic and spiritual excellence as they learn to have a positive impact on our world for the Lord Jesus Christ.

[ Calvary Christian School (K-8) ]

Both the Elementary and Junior High Schools enjoy the highest level of accreditation possible under two organizations — The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Our six-year certification places us in the top 10% of schools reaching the highest level of accreditation.

AAt the center of our programs is an emphasis on training our students to develop a “Christian World View.” Excellence is our goal in all areas of our school. With a solid foundation of carefully considered curriculum, and highly qualified, credentialed teachers, CCS equips our young people to positively impact the world for Christ.


[ Reach: Local ]

Calvary has many who faithfully volunteer on campus in various ministries all throughout the week. This year, we put a new focus on reaching out to our community.

WWith vision from our Community Outreach Pastor, Matt Doan, who started with one simple question, “If Calvary were to disappear, would anyone in our city notice?”

OOur hope and prayer is that the answer would be a resounding “yes” as the impact and the blessing of Calvary Church in our surrounding community would not go unnoticed.

WWe have already begun to see God at work through the lives of our people as they step out in faith and serve the needs of some of the least of these, ac-cording to the calling of Matthew 25, “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of thesthese, you did not do it to Me.”


Calvary Church of Santa Ana | www.calvarylife.org14

[ Reach: Global ]

{ Missions Conference | MC08 } MC08 enMC08 encouraged us to Go Beyond our current thoughts of what missions is. Over 50 missionaries were here for the conference and God blessed through Faith Promise commitments, with over $1 million in giving. We are grateful for all He has supplied and are encouraged by the continued faithfulness of our people that allows us to send out over 90 missionary families and support numerous partnerships all over the world. May we continue to grow in our desire to reach the lost both here in our community and the world.

During the 2008 fiscal year, Calvary added ten missionary familes and began monthly support of Operation MMobilization (OM). Our Partnership Projects funded were: Africa Inland Mission, Water Tanks for Armani Acres $1000; Kids Around the World, children’s flannel graph curriculum $2000; Free Wheelchair Mission, 100 wheelchairs $4800; TWR, Seminary on the Air for China $5000; Wycliffe Bible Translators, Kandie’s Story AIDS curriculum $3500; Victory Bible School Albania, Internet $600; InterAct Ministries, Wilderness Camp Project Alaska $2500; Partners International, Village Oil Press InterSenegal $800; Partners Interna-tional, Student Scholarships for Manado Seminary students $5000; First Love International, Church on the RRock Borocay ministry $1000; Chinese earthquake $5000; Cambodian Mission, Rice for poor in Cambodia $2000; and Buckner International, Shipment of Shoes for Orphans $2500.

{ S.T.O.R.M Trips | Short Term OutReach Ministries }

In fiscal 2008, Calvary sent out 252 people on S.T.O.R.M. to the Philippines; Macedonia; Albania; Kenya; Moldova; Mexico, and Germany. There were also five people who went on individual short term trips to Thailand; Lesotho, Africa; Croatia; and Mexico.

God supplied $311,204 from outside of Faith Promise giving for these trips. In addition, our Guest Helper ministry also made multiple trips across the US helping with hands-on ministry help. Before the fiscal year ended in June 2008, an additional 48 people were signed up to go to the Philippines, Ecuador and Ireland. { Mandarin and Hispanic Ministries }

TThe Logos Bible Church ordained Andy Chao to serve as their Senior Pastor. This Mandarin church service at Calvary has over 100 adults in attendance. Their desire is to reach mainland and Taiwanese people moving to Orange County through evangelistic opportunities tied into their Chinese culture. Our Hispanic ministry, led by Pastor Armando Reyes, continues to grow and now is over 200 adults each Sunday. They have multiple meeting opportunities throughout the week and are also reaching out to our Spanish speaking neighbors living nearby. They have seen many come to the Lord this year through camps, retreats, and spe-cial gatherings. We feel blessed to be a part of these two ministries.


[ Financial Update ]Church Expenses Fiscal ‘08

God has blessed the School and Preschool ministries of the church, and they finished the year breaking even financially at the School and establishing an additional maintenance reserve of $101,000 which helped with the bathroom, carpeting, and classroom renovation projects. The Preschool ended the year with some income to be used for future capital projects. Both ministries continue to provide excellent, biblically-centered educational experiences while maintaining very competitive tuition rates.

We ended the year with our General Fund expenses being $28,673 higher than our income, which reduced our reserves. We also raised $110,000 in December 2007 for an additional specific maintenance fund which was used to remodel 7 bathrooms, replace several weather damaged doors, and paint the entire campus this year.

OOur Missions Fund ended the year with $24,918 in Net Income. We were able to fund more partnership projects all over the world because of your generosity in giving through Faith Promise commitments.

It is extremely difficult to briefly describe on paper the awesome things the Lord is doing through the ministries of Calvary Church. We are humbled that you faithfully and sacrificially give from the resources God has given yyou to support Calvary and make all of these ministries possible. We also want to thank the hundreds of you who volunteer your time as well to make Calvary’s ministries succeed. The tables below detail the financial results from our fiscal year ended June 30, 2008.

Children’s & Students18%

Care Ministries &Emergency Needs

7%Worship &

Adult Ministries24%


Facility &Operations21%

Calvary Church of Santa Ana | www.calvarylife.org16

As you can see from this table (as of December 31, 2008), we are running behind our budget target this year. We thank you so much again for your financial support in this difficult economic climate and we strive to be excellent stewards of eveverything entrusted to us. We are excited about the life change that these monies represent and look expectantly this year to see what God will do through all of us as we move ahead to be a community that connects with God and others, grows in our faith, and reaches Orange County and the world for Christ.

If you would like any additional financial information or have questions, please contact Michael Welles, our Executive Pastor of Administration, at (714) 550-2313.

[ Building Fund Update ]

An important part of fulfilling the ministry purposes of Calvary Church is to have facilities that support our ministry plan.

TThis year we submitted our Master Plan design for our future campus renovations to the City of Santa Ana and will be working through rezoning our property to allow for future expansion.

Thanks to all you who have contributed to our Building Fund which has enabled this process to continue as we think about Calvary’s future vision. We are also developing intermediate plans tto revitalize some of our existing buildings, and will communicate more about these plans as they develop.

[ July 08 - December 08 ]

[ Heritage Update ]We also own and operate the Heritage Medical Building adjacent to our campus. We are continuing to lease it to medical professionals for general office use and there are no current vacancies. The rental income offsets the loan payments and expenses we have in operating the building. For the year ended June 30, 2008, we made $41,729 after expenses.

As we look into the future, I remain very optimistic about what God will accomplish in and through Calvary Church. The economy is tough for many and yet each of you have been faithfully upholding our work with your gifts.

TThe future is about the next generation, and especially our youth. I believe it is vital that we provide daily opportunities for students to engage with godly leaders on our campus in a setting that both attracts them and allows them to grow spiritually. So many families have two parents working. Providing a safe and spiritually challenging place for young people to gather is more important than ever before.

With that in mind, we continue to work on plans for our church campus and are pupursuing the development of a new, dedicated space for use by our thriving student ministries. In addition, we are considering the best ways to improve our children’s ministry spaces and to restore Samsvick Chapel. We are waiting on the Lord’s timing for when we will proceed with some of these plans. You will be given plenty of time to provide input and guidance as we move ahead.

TThe plans that God has for Calvary Church are still unfolding. In the months and years to come, we look forward to seeing Him move in the life of our church. We expect great things from our great God as more and more lives are impacted for the cause of Christ, both here in Orange County and around the world.



18[ Beach Baptisms @ Corona Del Mar - August 2008 ]


1010 North Tustin Ave | Santa Ana, CA


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