big brothers big sisters of southeast idaho

Post on 07-Feb-2016






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PR campaign for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Southeast Idaho


B i g B r o t h e r s a n d B i g S i s t e r s o f S o u t h e a s t I d a h o

Calling All Heroes


Executive Summary 5

Situation Analysis 6-7

Target Audiences 8

Budget 9

Research Methods 10-11

Info Graphic 12

Radio Advertisement 13

Campaign Objectives 14-23

Timeline 24-25

Ideas for event locations 26

Poster Ad’s 27-28

Appendix I 29

Appendix II 30-31

Appendix III 32-33


Calling All Heroes


Our team has developed the “Calling All Heroes” campaign in order to implement a smaller campaign to recruit 30 “Bigs” in 30 days.

Our main objectives are to increase the number of “Bigs” while also increasing awareness of the organization.

We will also present people with oppwortunities to be involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Idaho (BBBSID) without having to commit to something long-term.

To help us carry out these objectives, we have developed a variety strategies and tactics. First, we conducted research to see what recruiting methods have worked for other organizations and what motivates people to volunteer.

We also prepared an example survey as well as focus group questions that will be conducted through students at BYU-Idaho.

In addition, our team contacted various organizations and businesses and asked for their participation.


Courtesy of BBBS of SE Idaho Facebook

The Idaho Falls Chukars, for example, will allow admission for children affiliated with BBBSID and those who are interested in the organization to help promote its cause -- this will be the kickoff event for the campaign.

Then, an ending social will take place, once the campaign has ended, to help celebrate the organization’s efforts.

For advertising purposes, a media kit containing two press releases, a radio ad and two posters has been prepared along with all of the contact information needed to contact various media outlets. Lastly, we have provided a timeline that includes all important dates and times, and a detailed-budget outlining all possible expenses.

We believe that with the proper execution this campaign will be successful and will help the organization accomplish its overall goal of recruiting more volunteers.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes


STRENGTHS: 1. Name recognition = high (people know who they are) 2. Financially Stable (not worried about funding) 3. Waiting list of children (people still want to participate) 4. Can pull resources from other BBBS locations (no shortage of resources including photos, videos, promotion ideas, etc)

WEAKNESSES: 1. Not enough mentors (matches are down) a. Currently they have only 7 matches 2. No more than 30 matches at one time 3. They don’t have male volunteers 4. The volunteers have to live in Bonneville county 5. Volunteers aren’t willing to commit one year 6. People aren’t active in the program because nothing is being done to bring them there or raise their awareness. 7. No guarantee that the next volunteer will be the match for your child. It depends on compatibility, not availability.


OPPORTUNITIES: 1. PSA’s/Posters 2. Several connections through church groups 3. Presentations in church groups, schools, grocery stores, etc… (really wherever anyone will listen)

THREATS: 1. Other programs in the area 2. Spending Limit 3. People not wanting to volunteer 4. Not keeping up with BBBS America’s standards, and possibly being shut down 5. Lack of “personal invitation” to volunteer. (People feel as though it is a mass invitation and are not inclined to attend events aimed to draw them to the agency, when they don’t feel personally involved, invited, etc.)



Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes


BBBS really needs more MALE volunteers

- Willing to dedicate at least 1 year

- 18+, healthy, active, high school

Our client, Big Brothers Big Sisters, is having a lack of volunteers from males. So, our plan focuses on reaching out to those males and showing them the benefits of volunteering their time to help the kids in Bonneville county. We want males that are 18 and older, preferably active and outgoing.

Although it is the main emphasis, our plan doesn’t solely focus on the male gender. We want to help increase the total number of volunteers to be “Bigs” and help the children in this area.


Courtesy of BBBS of SE Idaho Facebook

Printing costs and advertising can cost a lot of money, but managing how you print can save those precious dollar bills. Look at the Appendix for more detailed information.



Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes



(Why this method? What results do you hope the results will show?)1. Content Analysis:The purpose of conducting a content analysis would be to learn the best way to recruit male volunteers. Through analyzing different information, we would become more knowledgeable about the various recruiting practices other organizations have implemented. Likewise, a content analysis would reveal the most effective ways to recruit those men by identifying certain ideas and strategies.

2. Focus Group(s): 1st Group: The purpose of holding the first focus group would be to target the beliefs and needs of male volunteers. This would be accomplished by asking them in-depth questions about their experience with volunteering. Such questions could include how they got involved with volunteer work and what they do and not like about volunteering.

2nd Group: The purpose of holding the second focus group would be to get a different perspective on volunteer work. We would interview those with no prior experience with volunteer work and would ask in-depth questions about how to get men interested in volunteering for organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters.

3. Online Survey: Similar to a focus group, the purpose of piloting an online survey would be to assess the thoughts, opinions and feelings of the people in the selective sample. The main difference between the two methods would be that the online survey would mainly reveal quantitative results, whereas the focus group would yield qualitative results.

Content Analysis

Goal: To locate and analyze information from different sources that help identify the key to recruiting male volunteers. Articles: Messaging for male mentor recruitment: after the application Recruiting Male Volunteers: A Guide Based on Explanatory Research Successful Volunteer Recruitment Techniques What Men Want …Recruiting Male Volunteers

Focus Group(s)

Goal: To target the beliefs and needs of male volunteers and other male individuals and see what will motivate them to volunteer for an organization like Big Brothers Big Sisters. Resources:How to Develop Questions for a Focus GroupTool Kit for Conducting Focus GroupsExamples: See examples 1-2 in Appendix I.

Online Survey

Goal:To assess the thoughts, opinions and feelings of the people in the selective sample to better understand how to recruit male volunteers. Resources:Survey Design: Writing Great Questions for Online Surveys Questionnaire DevelopmentExamples: See example 3 in Appendix I.



Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes




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Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes

Objective #1To increase the number of “Bigs” and community awareness of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Idaho agency and their mission statement.

Strategy #1Implement “30 Bigs in 30 Days” campaign with the intent to get 30 new “Bigs” to sign up in order to increase the productivity of the local agency.

Tactic #1Create posters to distribute and inform the community about the campaign. (See the poster design and information about printing and costs in the appendix)

Tactic #2Use the media to get the message out and advertise about the campaign. (See the radio ad and contact information for radio stations and TV stations to use for Public Service Announcements in appendix)

Tactic #3Use Press Releases to get a story about the campaign and events through the newspaper and television. (See press releases, newspaper and television contact information in appendix)

Tactic #4Contact current and past “Bigs” to spread the message of the campaign to friends and family through social media and word of mouth.



Strategy #2Hold Kick-off event at Chukar’s game. Through a well-known local sports team we will be able to reach more people and be able to get more publicity while providing an incentive for people to be a part of the event.

Tactic #1We have set up a date to be able to have a Big Brothers Big Sisters night at a Chukar’s game on August 8th. This event will be the kick-off of our “30 Bigs in 30 days” campaign. A tent will be set up at the event to provide more information about what Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Idaho is and what volunteers can do to get involved.

Tactic #2Hold a pre-game barbeque for all of the current matches and those that have inquired about the program prior to that night. The baseball field has a special picnic area that will be used for this.

(Contact local grocery stores such as Smith’s, Broulim’s and Fred Meyer for donations for this)

Tactic #3Have the “littles” involved during the game. They will have the opportunity to run the bases, help out in the dug-outs by being “batboys” and doing other special things throughout the night.

Tactic #4Showcase the public service announcements on the jumbo screen. Utilizing the amount of people that are in attendance, showing the commercial to the audience multiple times throughout the evening and having the announcer make plugs about the agency will provide more interest from those there, especially as we highlight a specific success story.



Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes

Strategy #3Hold a closing event at either the State fair or the local park to celebrate the end of the current “30 Bigs in 30 Days” campaign. We will continue with the superhero theme and celebrate ordinary people who act as superheroes in our lives. We will ask those who attend to come dressed as their favorite superhero or to just put on a cape and join in the fun. Food and games will all continue with the superhero theme. We will honor those who make a difference in the lives of others and specifically the “Bigs” in the program.

Tactic #1Invite those that are interested in the program and specifically those that have signed up during the campaign, to join in the closing event. We will also have more information for those who have newly become interested and want to see what the program is all about.

Tactic #2Invite the media to join in the event, advertise it, and do a story on it. (See press release and event poster in appendix)

Tactic #3Continue to showcase the individual stories and highlight the program through public service announcements and social media.



Strategy #4Hold regular events where those interested can come and find out more information, those in the program can get together with other matches and provide opportunities for the media to get more involved.

Tactic #1Hold an event at least once a month to allow matches to come together if they wish and have a un time with others. This will provide more unity among the current matches and increase the overall experience of those involved.

Tactic #2Events will also serve as an information gathering event for others that may be interested in the program. Materials about the agency, what a mentor is and the requirements will be provided. All interested will be directed to visit the Facebook and website where individual stories will be showcased to give a more personal touch to what they are searching.

Tactic #3Invite the media to be a part of the monthly events by sending press releases, asking them to make announcements and do public service announcements. (See media contact information in appendix)



Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes


Objective #2Provide more opportunities for those that are not able to be full/long term mentors but still want to help and be a part of the program. Many other agencies have had great success with doing programs such as “Big for a Day” and working with High School students to give them the opportunity to make a difference on a level that they are able to commit to.

Strategy #1Implement “Big for a Day” program with people that want to experience that being a mentor is all about before committing to a long-term commitment while still providing some interaction and help for the “littles” that don’t currently have a match.

Tactic #1Provide events where people interested in becoming a “Big” can be pre-screened and come have a fun day with others in the program as well as “littles” that may not currently have a match will be able to socialize with others and have a good experience while still waiting for their “match.” Such events will include the opening and closing social to the campaign, as well as day trips to the zoo, rollerskating, pizza night and other events that can be planned as both a meet and greet and publicity event to spread awareness. (See list of potential activities/locations to contact about doing a mini event in appendix)



Tactic #4Involve different businesses in these events to be hosts or sponsors to provide an opportunity to grow working relationships with local businesses as well give them the opportunity to be a part of the program even if they are not able to be a mentor.

Tactic #2Have information about how mentoring makes a difference in the life of a child and also about how volunteering can benefit themselves as well. (See visuals about these statistics in appendix)

Tactic #3Continue with contacting the media about the various events to increase public awareness as well as using social media to spread the word about the various events. (See media contacts in appendix)


Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes

Strategy #2Utilize local church groups, businesses, high schools and college students to provided limited services while still getting involved.

Tactic #1Look for larger churches that have young adult groups that might be interesting in doing a partnership where they would volunteer to do activities and events for the kids either on a one-time or a regular basis. Many church groups are looking for worthwhile causes to do service with. By involving a group of people rather than just an individual will allow more people to gain the experience that mentoring has to offer and having a friend along side them will make it less intimidating for those that are not yet familiar with the program.

Tactic #2There has been success in the past with teaming up with businesses and having them spend their lunch hour once a week at a local school with some of the kids. While this has not been so successful recently it is still a great idea and should be revisited. Purhapse going to the hospitals, television stations, power, phone and water companies will be good places to start. We recommend that you start with those closest to elementary school because of the convenience and having a meeting with the company and explaining the need for their help.



Tactic #3Several other agencies have used High School students who wanted to do service and often were required to have so many hours to work with local elementary school students. This is an opportunity for younger mentors to gain experience in a controlled setting. They will typically meet at the school and the “littles” will be involved in an after school program so they will already be there. The meeting can be for just an hour once a week or more if mutually decided upon.

Tactic #4College students are a great resource as well. While we recognize the problem of most of them not being in the area year-round we feel that the kids would benefit from having someone to work with them even for a short time rather than to remain on a waiting list for an extended period of time due to a lack of volunteers. Long-term is ideal and that would still need to be mentioned in the beginning but if there are groups of college students or individuals that would like to be involved while they are at school they could help with the monthly events (as described in Objective #1, Strategy #4).



Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes


Tactic #5It has been shown that it takes most people several interactions with something before they become interested in finding out more or actually volunteering. In order to help with this it is recommended that posters be placed and announcements made prior to any presentation. Using the videos that are available through the national level are also great tools to tell the story through others’ personal experiences.


Strategy #3Utilize social media as well as current and past “Bigs” to recruit others. The most common way that new “Bigs” are recruited is through their friends and word-of-mouth which just so happens to be the most cost-effective method as well.

Tactic #1Make regular posts on social media sites to become a constant source of up-to-date information about what Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Idaho is doing with their matches as well as involvement in the community. This will allow those searching for ways to get involved in things an updated source which will increase volunteers. the more information and posts that are distributed the more likely it is to be shared with others. It is recommended to do 1-2 posts daily. (Internship opportunity available from the college with handling this. See contact information of Melissa Merrill in appendix)

Tactic #2

Invite the current and past “Bigs” to share their positive experiences with their friends and family and invite them to informational meetings to learn more for themselves. Sharing these personal experiences hits the heart strings that will drive people to do something to make a difference. Those involved in the program know what it takes and know if their friends or family members will be a good fit for Big Brothers Big Sisters more than anyone else would.



Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes


Along with the Chukars campaign, it is important to keep in mind the ending event. This timeline will help in organizing all the elements to this ending social and to continue awareness after.



We created a timeline of when to proceed with different elements in your Chukars Kick off campaign. It is important that these items are followed and ontime to result in the most effective awareness of BBBS.


Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes


Starlite Skating2150 Edward St, Idaho Falls, ID 83401(208) 522-5171

Squealers440 N 4000 E, Rigby, ID 83442(208) 745-5115

Funland and Tautphaus Park ZooSoft Ball Dr, Idaho Falls, 83402(208) 525-98142725 Carnival Way, Idaho Falls, ID 83402(208) 612-8552

Pizza Night at Pizza Pie Cafe3160 E 17th St # 110, Ammon, ID 83406(208) 522-5873

i Jump2670 E 14th N, Idaho Falls, ID 83406(208) 881-5108

Nazz Kart Indoor Go-Kart935 East Lincoln Road, Idaho Falls, ID, 83401(208) 542-0008

Museum of Idaho200 N Eastern Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83402(208) 522-1400

Yellowstone Bear World6010 S 4300 W, Rexburg, ID 83440(208) 359-9688

Cable Factory (Wakeboarding or snowboarding)2245 South 2000 West - Rexburg, ID(208) 356-3681

Idaho National Laboratory (Tour)2525 Fremont Avenue, Idaho Falls, ID 83415(866) 495-7440

26 27


Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes



Example 1(These questions have been specifically designed for male volunteers.)1. What got you interested in volunteer work?2. How long have you been involved with volunteer work?3. How has your experience been this far?4. What is your favorite part about volunteering? Least favorite?5. What benefits are there with volunteer work? Downfalls?6. What types of things would motivate you to volunteer for an organization like Big Brothers Big Sisters?7. Why do think Big Brothers Big Sisters lacks male volunteers at this time?8. How could Big Brothers Big Sisters better promote their cause?

Example 2(These questions have been specifically designed for male individuals who have no prior experience with volunteer work.)1. For what reason do you not volunteer at this time?2. Do you feel there are not enough volunteer opportunities available in your area? If so, please explain.3. What downfalls do you foresee with volunteer work? Benefits?4. Do you feel volunteer work is too time consuming? If so, please explain.5. How do you perceive the typical work environment for volunteers?6. What types of things would motivate you to volunteer for an organization like Big Brothers Big Sisters.7. Why do think Big Brothers Big Sisters lacks male volunteers at this time?8. How could Big Brothers Big Sisters better promote their cause?

Example 3 (The survey can also be accessed by going to



Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes


Television ContactsJim Stark, Channel News 8(208)

Costs: 30 second ad filmed and produced for $100. Filming can be done as early as this weekend. You have the choice of using current clients or with finding actors.

Send Press Releases to

For consideration with PSA send information to

Newspaper ContactsIdaho State JournalSend press releases to

Rexburg Standard JournalSend press releases to

BYU-Idaho ScrollSend press releases to


The Jefferson StarSend press releases to

Radio ContactsAngela Ragan, Riverbend Communication (208) 523-3722 or (208) 520-6873

Costs: Non-profit every dollar you spend they will match for non-profit.

KLCE: costs depends on the time of day 6a-8p 60sec spot $35 dollars matched 6a-midnight.

Z 103: $28Hawk or K bear: $20NewsTalk: $5

Requests for sponsorship of events will need exact details. General manager has to sign off on sponsorship.

BYU-Idaho Internship ContactMelissa Bair, Department of Communication (208)

30 31


Free Photography ContactCasey Spidell (208)

Casey has agreed to do a free photoshoot for advertisements, personal stories and other items to showcase current matches.

Smith’s Grocery for Food Donations for Events(208) 529-5100400 S Woodruff Ave., Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Go into the store and fill out a donation request form at the customer service desk. They need at least 10 days in order to process the request.

AlphaGraphics for Printing(888) 637-85651730 Woodruff Park Circle, Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Glossy Posters (12x18 = $1.35)4 flyers per page ($0.045 per page)

State Fair ContactPaula, Blackfoot Chamber of Commerce (208)

Idaho Falls Chukars ContactAaron Palmberg, Front Office(208) 522- 8363

Big Brothers Big Sisters Campaign Calling All Heroes


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Cira Fear Project Manager Carissa Simons Designer Maureen Mickey Copywriter, Designer Schae Richards Copywriter, DesignerTyler Fowler Researcher, Presenter

Meet the Team

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