beverage intell 2014: digital, social, mobile, apps, retail

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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Strategic Beverage Marketing in 2014: Advertising is DEAD “Smart” Selling is ALIVE


  • 1. Everyone knows the age of luck is over. We have entered the age of muscle. -Kuusisto

2. Strategic Beverage Marketing in 2014: Advertising is DEAD Smart Selling is ALIVE Presented by Stepfan Jefferies Beverage Intell 859-806-1810 3. Advertising is DEAD: One-Way Dialogue Only Broadcast Too Broad Zero Engagement Zero Customer Service Un-Qualified Targeting Zero Assets Collected 4. Selling is ALIVE:Two-Way Dialogue Engagement Sell By Storytelling Brand Education Highly Targeted Growth of Consumer Data 5. Selling: What do we mean? Connecting with, Engaging & Listening to Consumers in order to Sell the RIGHT Consumers the RIGHT Brands in the RIGHT Way at the RIGHT Place & Time. 88% of all CEOs, and an astounding 95% of standout leaders, believe getting closer to the customer is the top business strategy over the next five years.How do you accomplish this? 6. Before you jump-in to Smart Selling, you must first identify what Brands deserve the most attention. Highest Volume, Highest Gross Profit 7. STEP 1: Maximize the Impact of Your Digital Identity Your Digital Identity is responsible for creating an Impression of Expertise with Brewers, Retailer & Consumers. It is the Mother Ship of your companies Digital Identity. The cost of not keeping this identity up-to-date can be immeasurable. Common Wholesaler Web Site Challenges: You have no Web Site at all You have an outdated Web Site/Logo You have a restrictive Web Site that prevents you from displaying your Craft, Import & Specialty Brands An Example of how a Logo can be transformed/modernized:BEFOREAFTER 8. STEP 1: Maximize the Impact of Your Digital Identity (Page 2) An Example of how a Web Site can be transformed: HOME PAGE BEFOREHOME PAGE AFTER 9. STEP 1: Maximize the Impact of Your Digital Identity (Page 3) An Example of a Wholesaler Web Site Structure: Optional Sections: Retailer Portal (VIP Access, POS, New Product Calendar, etc.) Stakeholder/Employee Portal (Vacation Requests, Health Insurance, 401k, Handbook, Rules, etc.) 10. STEP 2: Social Media Channels (Are You Talkin to Me?) Different Platforms Reach Different Demographic Groups (Who favor different types of Beer): 11. STEP 2: Social Media Channels - All for One, but not necessarily One Size Fits All 12. STEP 2: Social Media Content Selling Through Storytelling: People dont buy what you do. They buy WHY you do it. Consumers Respond to Stories, Education and News Updates about Brands; Not Boring, Repetitive, One-Way Announcements. How Elementary School Friends Turned A Microbrewery Into A Major Brand: The story of how Victory Brewing Company went from a dream of two friends to one of America's biggest microbreweries. The Face of San Diegos Stone Age: Stone Brewings Founder represents a common mindsets amongst Craft Beer Brewers Here's The Real, Fascinating Reason Experienced Beer Drinkers Love Strong, Hoppy Beers: Why do experts like these strong ales so much? F.X. Matt Announces 12 Beers of Winter: Those long winter nights just got a bit more bearable with the announcement of Saranacs winter brews. 13. STEP 3: Mobile Apps (Let Your Consumers Spread the Word) The Key Ingredients for Generating Mobile ROI: Local. Social. Consumer-Powered. EXAMPLE: Brand/Brewer Links to Detailed Product Information Consumer/Retailer User, Producer or Retailer. Links to Other Recent Finds Location (Account) Consumption/Purchase Venue (On or Off Premise) DiscussionShare Distribute Brand Image/Data with Other Social PlatformsFollow & Notify Get Real-Time Alerts to Mobile Device When New Brands are Added by this Consumer 14. STEP 3: Mobile Apps (Let Your Consumers Do the Talking)Stream All Brand Activity FilteredFindNearbySingle Brand FindBeer Brand Locator 15. STEP 4: Data & Analytics Collect Data by Brand/Category so that you can Sell by Brand/Category: The RIGHT Brands to the RIGHT Consumers Email Social Media Text-to-Win Samplings 16. STEP 5: Events (With a PURPOSE) Event Checklist: 1.Have a Theme 2.Tell a Story 3.Get the Product in the Consumers Hands (and Mouths) 4.Collect Data (Text, Email, Social Media) 5.Follow-Up 17. STEP 6: Smart Retail Activation & Engagement 18. STEP 6: Smart Retail Activation & Engagement Beacons 19. STEP 6: Smart Events & Retailers Wholesalers & Brands invest a large amount of money each year for the right to Sponsor Local Events, Teams & Venues. The hope is that by getting a Brand Name in front of a large, highly-qualified audience, the result will be not only Beer Sales at the actual Events/Venues, but short-term & long-term ROI through the Sales of the Brands(s) at Local Accounts. But how does one REALLY measure that? Now theres a solution: Smart Events Using sensors at an Event we are able to anonymously record the Smart Phone Addresses of all Event/Venue Attendees. The data is then stored by our system for future cross-referencing against customers who visit your local, top accounts. The more hits/matches we see of consumers who both attended events you Sponsored and also visited your Top Accounts who sell the Brand(s), the greater we can determine the true ROI of your Sponsorship. In addition, for both the Event and Retail Accounts, we can show you the following: Visit Duration: Average Amount of Time that Customers Spend at the Event/Account Visit Frequency: How Often Your Customers Visit Your Top Accounts Customer Loyalty: % of Customers that Visit Your Top Accounts repeatedly Bounce & Engagement Rate: % of Customers that Leave an Event/Account Immediately vs Staying Longer Cross Store Customers: % of Multi-Location Customers 20. 2014 Marketing Checklist: 1.Insure that your Corporate, Digital Presence is up-to-date and best-represents all of the products you carry. 2.Confirm that you have the strongest and most-efficient Social Media Plan in place. 3.Explore Options for Mobile Apps to increase Local Brand Engagement and to Reach Consumers you may otherwise not. 4.Create a Consumer/Brand Data Strategy that allows you to learn as much as you can about local consumers so you can talk to them about products they are most-interested in down the road. 5.Events Make them matter 6.Be aware of and deploy Smart Technology to Events & Retailers to further-sharpen your ROI. 21. What Should You Expect to Pay: 1.Logo Creation: $250 - $1,000 (One-Time) 2.Web Site Development: $4,000 - $12,000 (One-Time) 3.Social Media Program Management: $500 - $1,500 per Month 4.Text for Retail Activation & Sweeps: $150-$250 per Program or $2,000 per year for 12 Month Contract 5.Mobile Apps: Pricing Varies Widely, but for Apps with Locally Embedded Marketing Opportunities, you can expect to pay $500 $1,000 per month

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