being a good parent_ tips for better parenting

Post on 10-Jun-2015



Self Improvement



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Being A Good Parent: Tips For Better Parenting

A good parent is not hard to find but defining them with words can be difficult. Nonetheless, one can

better understand the concept of parenting using these different tips and attitudes for raising kids and

raising themselves.

The term good parent is hard to define. A good parent can vary in different circumstances. However,

there are some ways in which we can understand how some parents tend to be good in raising their

kids. Let us take some elements that any parent should do to raise their kids well.

Love and encouragement

Saying I love you is an important thing. It is also important to show your kids that you really love and

appreciate them. One way to do it is to spend time with them whenever you can. You can share your

love by playing with them, going outside together, watching TV or even before they go to sleep, you

read them stories or tell them how much you mean to them. It is necessary that while they are young,

they know that they have a support group that they can count on.


As much as you want to show your love in an affectionate way, sometimes, you have to show them

that love can be in the form of discipline. If they do something wrong or not nice to other people or

themselves, tell them what fault they made. It is important to set rules and that they follow these rules.

It can be easy to give in to the whining and crying of your child but it is necessary to establish the

rules and understand why they cannot do some things and what their limitations are.

Teaching responsible behavior

This is linked with discipline. On being a good parent, you have to slowly integrate values that your

kids will benefit from as early as now. Do not just tell them that they are wrong. Be proactive. If they

made a mess with their toys, show them how they can return the toys back. Let them do it with their

other stuff. Once they finish cleaning up, tell them that whenever they finish playing, they should clear

the space so that they will not get injured. Kids are very receptive of things so do not play dumb with

them. Talk to them straight on but be gentle and affectionate at the same time.

Take care of yourself

If you deprive yourself from sleeping, or if you do not eat well, your body and mind will suffer and this

can trickle down to how you handle your kids. People with no sleep tend to be irritable and they lack

patience. People who do not eat well will also be irritable and they will not have the energy and vitality

to keep up with the kids. If you want to start being a good parent, discipline yourself and always bear

in mind your actions. What you give your children will be taken in as part of their experience. These

sound simple but it takes time to really get into the program. Click Here to Learn How to Improve Your Parenting Skills

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