bc & yukon knight - summer edition

Post on 10-Feb-2016






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News from the BC & Yukon Knights of Columbus


My dear Brother Knights,

Our last newsletter was distributed in full colour to all our delegates at the April State Convention. I hope you enjoyed that issue. Unfortunately, due to

the high cost of printing newsletters we have to resort to the electronic version. The advantage, of course, is that we can have as many pages as we need. Be assured, however, that the content of the material will continue to be of a high standard and will provide you with initiatives that your councils may decide to implement.

This issue launched us into another Columbian year. The British Columbia and Yukon State Council did well for fraternal year 2009 – 2010. We achieved Circle of Honour (see page 7) three times in a row. This year we are the only Canadian jurisdiction to attain membership goals. Achieving this would not be possible without the help of several District Deputies who aggressively recruited more prospects to make us Canada’s Pride. In the month of June, we managed to achieve more than 20% of our

annual membership goal. Essentially, it was team work that made this possible. Our theme of “Pray and Work in Unity” certainly played an important part in our success.

The 128th Annual Supreme Convention was held in Washington, DC from August 3 – 5, 2010. Last year we were honoured with a first place finish in the Family Category. This year, Victoria Council 1256 is honoured as a first place co-winner of the Supreme Council International Service Program Church Activity Award. It is such a privilege to be recognized internationally two years in a row. We are certainly making our small jurisdiction known throughout the Order. British Columbia and

Yukon Knights should be proud of these achievements just as your delegates to the Supreme Convention were proud to represent you in Washington, DC!

With this positive momentum going, can we make it to the Circle of Honour for the fourth time? YES we can if we continue to work together in the new fraternal year.

Vivat Jesus,Michael YeoState Deputy

Knight Of The Year - DD with New Council Award

John Work

knight of the Year

The BC and Yukon jurisdiction of the Knights of Columbus has over 11,000 mem-bers.Each year they choose amongst all of us, one Knight that has over-exemplified all the qualities of a great Brother Knight.This year, out of #5566 Thomas Haney Council in District 7, they have awarded, Mr. John Work, as 2009 - 2010 “Knight of the Year”.We would like to congratulate John for all he does, not only with his Council and his Community, but also for the work he does for the BC & Yukon jurisdiction. He works tirelessly for the Knights and for our Catholic faith.Congratulations John, we are so proud of you !!

The pictures include from Council #5566: Dave Jones - PSD, Ed Monteiro DGK, Brother John Work, Harold Carver - GK, Germain Fortier - PSD, and Derek Beveridge - DD#7.

DD Kevin Pinto received the New Council Award from Deputy Supreme Knight Dennis Savoie at the Organizational DD Meeting. The Award was in the form of the Council’s charter in miniature.

Greetings to the 128th Supreme Convention

Dear Mr. Anderson,

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI was pleased to learn that from 3-5 August 2010 the 128th Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus

will be held in Washington, D.C. He has asked me to convey his warm personal greetings and good wishes to all in attendance, and in a special way to you as you celebrate the tenth anniversary of your election as the Supreme Knight.

The theme of this year’s Supreme Convention – I Am My Brother’s Keeper – calls to mind the spirit of fraternal solidarity which inspired the founding of the Knights of Columbus and continues to guide its manifold activities.

It was concern for the welfare of working men and their families, born of Christ’s teaching and the Church’s long tradition of social engagement and charitable service, that led the Servant of God Father Michael McGivney and his associates to organize the Knights as a benevolent and fraternal association. From the beginning, this commitment to the Gospel imperative of love of neighbor has directed the various activities and programs of your Order, and today too, it is seen most evidently in the concrete gestures of charity and community service undertaken by the members of local Councils the world over. His Holiness wishes before all else to express his gratitude for this great outpouring of solidarity and love, which represents an outstanding witness to the charity of Christ and the saving truth of the Gospel. “Openness to God makes us open towards our brothers and sisters and towards an understanding of life as a joyful task to be accomplished in a spirit of solidarity” (Caritas in Veritate, 78), and this, in turn, enables Christians, in the concrete circumstances of their daily lives, to become convincing signs of God’s goodness and the attractiveness of the Christian message.

His Holiness is personally grateful for the generous support which the Knights have given him in recent months, especially through their constant prayers and particularly in the Novena conducted on the eve of the fifth anniversary of his election. He remains deeply consoled by this testimony of fidelity to Christ’s vicar amid the turbulence of the times, and he asks that prayers continue to be offered up for the unity of the Church, the spread of the Gospel and the conversion of hearts. In a particular way he expresses his appreciation to the members of your Order for their spiritual solidarity with the

clergy throughout the recently concluded Year for Priests. Here too, your traditional spirit of faith and fraternity found ready expression in the desire to stand, as your “brother’s keeper,” alongside your priests and to confirm them in their vocation to holiness and the generous service of God’s People. In the face of often unfair and unfounded attacks on the Church and her leaders, His Holiness is convinced that the most effective response is a great fidelity to God’s word, a more resolute pursuit of holiness, and an increased commitment to charity in truth on the part of all the faithful. He asks the Knights to persevere in their witness of faith and charity, in the serene trust that, as the Church embraces this period of purification, her light will come to shine all the more brightly (cf. Mt 5:15-16) before men and women of fair mind and good will.

In the encyclical Caritas in Veritate, the Holy Father saw the present world economic crisis as a timely reminder that no area of human activity is exempt from moral responsibility (No. 2). At a time when fundamental moral norms, grounded in truth and inscribed in the human heart, are increasingly called into question and at times overturned by positive legislation, he is grateful for the efforts made by the Knights, in cooperation with other men and women of good will, to uphold the reasonableness of the Church’s moral teaching and its importance for a sound, just and enduring social order. He once more thanks your Order for its witness to the sanctity of human life and the authentic nature of marriage, and for its efforts to promote in the Catholic laity a greater consciousness of the need to overcome every separation between the faith we profess and the daily decisions which shape our lives as individuals and the life of society as a whole.

With these sentiments and with great affection in the Lord, His Holiness commends all assembled in Washington to the loving intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church. To the members of the Supreme Council, and to all the Knights and their families, he cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of abundant heavenly graces.

With personal good wishes for the success of the meeting, I remain Yours sincerely,

Tarcisio Card. Bertone Secretary of State

Papal message to Knights at Supreme Convention

Pope Benedict XVI

Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone

He asks the Knights to persevere in their witness of faith and

charity …

The Knights Moral Compass


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FamilyLife Issues











The Knights Moral Compass - Community Category

Report from Council 14925 , New Council’s first every Pancake Breakfast a resounding success! Grand Knight Hadi Susanto writes:

Thank you for the support that you have shown Before, During and After the Pancake breakfast program It was a HUGE success. We can say that there were about 150 adults and kids enjoyed our

breakfast during the 3 Masses.

We also had received so many GOOD and POSITIVE feedback from parishioners. I will forward some of them later. They are all welcoming our Pancake breakfast program.

One more good thing is some of the parishioners have approached us to join our Council after experiencing how good a team we are.

The Knights Moral Compass - Operation Trackshoes

Knights of Columbus Members Assist Operation Trackshoes

Members of the Knights of Columbus (K of C)—

St. Patrick’s Council 7934,

Victoria Council 1256 and Saanich Peninsula Council 9703 — volunteered their time June12 and 13 to assist Operation Trackshoes (OT), British Columbia’s track, field and swim meet for people with mental disabilities.

Members of St. Patrick’s Council volunteered both as Full-time Counsellors providing support, friendship and assistance to assigned competitors for the entire weekend while staying on campus, and as Meet Officials during the two days of track events.

One of St. Patrick’s Council members, Paul Redchurch, Past State Deputy of the British Columbia and Yukon jurisdiction of the K of C, has been involved with OT for over 25 years. “It’s a great family event, and this year I have my grandson, Adam Black, helping me,” said Mr. Redchurch. “Look at the smiles on the competitors’ faces. That’s the reason I’ve been helping this organization for as long as I have.” Two students from St. Andrew’s Regional High School — Adam Black and Robert Camilleri — assisted the K of C as OT Meet Officials.

About Operation Trackshoes: Since its inception in 1971, Operation Trackshoes’ (OT) mandate has been to provide a track, field and swim meet for British Columbians who have a mental disability. As many as 600 competitors attend OT from

across British


The competition is held in June at the University of Victoria. OT is an entirely volunteer run organization. As such, it is estimated a minimum of 600 volunteers are required to support the competitors and the activities during the weekend’s events.

The Knights Moral Compass - Surrey Foodbank

Council 4767 - Cedar Club Directors were recently made the FRONT PAGE NEWS of the

Surrey Leader on Friday July 9th.

The council had made an $80,000 donation to the Surrey Food Bank recently. Bro. Tony Upton was interviewed for the article which was published and is appended herewith for all Knights in BC & Yukon to see.

Make sure your council’s PR man is working to get articles like this in the local papers...the world needs good-news stories like this, and no better people than you brother Knights to make these happen!


BC & Yukon Knights International Accolades

The British Columbia and Yukon Jurisdiction had reason to celebrate at the

128th Annual Supreme Convention held 03-05 August 2010 in Washington, DC.

Victoria Council 1256 was the recipient of a first place, international award for their church program in honour of our Priests during the 2009-2010 Fraternal Year. They also took second place for their youth program.

Pictured accepting the award from left to right are State Deputy Michael Yeo, his wife Glynis, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, Mrs. Marian Wauthy and DD Roland Wauthy, PGK of Council 1256. Those Grand Knights who are fortunate enough to have their award submission accepted as an international winner receive an all expense paid trip to wherever the Supreme Convention is being held.

State Deputy Michael Yeo and wife Glynis accepts the Circle of Honour Award from Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson.

State Deputy Michael Yeo, as President of Canadian Association of the Knights of Columbus reads greetings from Prime Minister Stephen Harper to the delegates of the 128th Supreme Convention in Washington, DC from 03-05 August, 2010. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, celebrating his 10th year in that office, looks on.

The Knights Moral Compass - Church Category

Bishop Gary of Whitehorse receives

a cheque for $16,000.00 from the “Pennies for Heaven” fund from Grand Knight Doug Lorenzen of Council 6232. As Bishop Gary was unable to attend Convention, SD Michael asked brother Doug to present the cheque on behalf of State Council. Brother Doug also presented the good Bishop with a copy of the Knights Centennial Yearbook.

On Sunday May 16th the Knights of Council 8394 Langford BC dedicated a stained glass window at Our Lady Star of the Sea military parish at CFB Esquimalt to

commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Navy. The window was blessed by Fr. John Jolliffe Naval Padre for CFB Esquimalt. Seen in the picture are David Lukaitis (designer of the window) Fr. John and DGK Hank Francis.

June 18th, 1910 was an historic day, when the Knights of Columbus BC & Yukon jurisdiction received its charter.

The Knights of Columbus first stepped into Canadian soil in the year 1897, in Montreal. Growth was quick in Eastern Canada. However, it was 9 years later that the KOC finally came west in Canada. With the assistance of councils from the State of Washington, Council 1081 in

Vancouver BC received its charter in 1906, thus becoming the 19th Canadian Council and the first to be formed west of the

Great Lakes.

Following the establishment of Councils in Victoria and New Westminster in 1907, and Cranbrook in 1909, the then-territorial deputy, James Byrne

of Council 1081 was appointed the First State Deputy of BC, 1910. 100 years later we celebrate the Centennial Year of the Order’s entry into BC. We acknowledge and pay homage to those brother Knights who planted the seeds on Canadian soil and those who nurtured it here in BC and Yukon.

Today we are a jurisdiction of over 10,800 members, within a worldwide Order of 1.8 million members, in 13,000 councils in the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Guatamela, Guam and Saipan. The BC & Yukon State continues to flourish under current State Deputy, Michael Yeo,

The Knights Moral Compass - 100th Anniversary

who is also the first Asian-Canadian to hold this leadership position in the jurisdiction’s 100-year history. The year-long Centennial celebration started with a Gala dinner on June 19th, at the Sheraton Guildford. Fellow-Canadian, Deputy Supreme Knight, Dennis Savoie was among the dignitaries who attended.

The following are a small sampling of pictures that were taken during the course of the event, which started with the State Executive and Deputy Supreme Knight Dennis visiting the grave of the original Executive.

New Slate of Officers

State Executive

District Deputies State Directors

Centennial 1st Degrees!

District Deputies Receiving Certificates & Awards

The Knights Moral Compass

Centennial Celebration Dinner June 19th 2010

Letters to the Editor

Firstly, my apologies for the late edition of this Summer’s BC & Yukon Knight. It has been an eventful time, since the Spring Edition. We’ve celebrated our 100th State Convention, Mid-Year DD meeting...we’ve had the March for Life, Run for the Silver Rose... I’m beginning to face a real problem though...a whole lot of generic pictures, and very few scanty reports describing the event! Here are a few tips on providing better reports and pictures:

• Action photos illustrate the activity. They are not posed. Photos of people lined up in rows staring back at the camera are not action photos. Similarly, photos of cheque presentations may be easy to arrange but are not very imaginative. When possible, take a photograph of the program or item that the funds helped purchase.

• Photograph people while they are involved in an activity. Do not stop what people are doing

to set up a posed shot.

• Wear your Knights of Columbus gear! If your members have T-shirts, aprons or other items printed with the emblem of the Order, encourage them to wear these items at all of your events.

• Get close to the action. When you think you’re too close, move a bit closer. People’s faces are perhaps the most interesting part of a photo; they should be prominent.

With that in mind, happy picture-taking and I look forward to receiving more reports from all of your out there!

Vivat Jesus!

Mark Pan, Editor, State PR & Communications Director markpan.koc@gmail.com

A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going.After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastor’s visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The pastor made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember’s flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead. Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The pastor glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it. As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his cheek, ‘Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the firey sermon. I will be back in church next Sunday’.

We live in a world today, which tries to say too much with too little. Consequently, few listen. Sometimes the best sermons are the ones left unspoken. The Lord is my Shepherd ----- that’s a Relationship! I shall not want ----- that’s Supply! He maketh me to lie down in green pastures

----that’s Rest! He leadeth me beside the still waters -----that’s Refreshment! He restoreth my soul ----- that’s Healing! He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness --that’s Guidance! For His name sake ----- that’s Purpose! Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of

death--that’s Testing! I will fear no evil ----- that’s Protection! For Thou art with me ----- that’s Faithfulness! Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me -----that’s Discipline! Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies-----that’s Hope! Thou annointest my head with oil ----- that’s Consecration! My cup runneth over ----- that’s Abundance! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life----that’s Blessing! And I will dwell in the house of the Lord -----that’s Security! Forever ----- that’s Eternity!

The Silent Sermon

The Knights Moral Compass - Pro-Life Silver Rose Run

July 25th 2010. A historic day when the Silver Rose of

Our Lady of Guadaluper was handed over to Knights of Columbus from Washington State

during BC & Yukon State’s Centennial. The Rose came to BC from Alberta at a handover ceremony at Grande Prairie Alberta and has travelled through Dawson Creek, Chetwynd, Prince George, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Kamloops, Merritt, Hope, Chilliwack, Abbotsford/Mission area, through Aldergrove, Langley, Cloverdale, Surrey, Richmond and finally White Rock to the handover ceremony to Washington Knights. This event is historic as it is the first occasion that the Silver Rose has been to BC & Yukon State and this will be the 1st occasion of our being able to not only pass it to another KofC State but to another nation. It also happens in our Centennial year. Our lady of Guadalupe is trying to tell us something.

Silver roSe run - Pictorial

March for Life - Report from Pro-Life Kelowna

March for Life 2010Victoria March for Life 2010 draws thousands.

Organizers estimate that at least 2500 people came out to take part in the 3rd annual

BC March for Life in Victoria on May 13, 2010. Young, old, black and white streamed down Douglas Street to the Legislative Buildings on a brilliant afternoon, attracting stares from pedestrians, cat calls from anti-life onlookers, and thumbs-up from supporters.With the aid of a police escort, the pro lifers clogged Douglas street, which was closed to traffic for the 30 minute walk from Centennial Square. At the legislative building, a number of guest speakers,

including Kamloops Bishop Monroe, Jojo Ruba from the Centre for Bioethical Reform, student activist Minerva Macapagal, Rachel Daniels, and Rev. Dr. Robert Fitterer energized the largely youthful crowd.For the first time in

the three years the event has happened, small graphic images of aborted babies could be seen. Of course, the imagees met with some opposition from abortionists on the street, and even from one or two organizers of the event.

Apparently, they were unaware that the images would make an appearance, and had specifically planned to leave them out. In Ottawa, meanwhile, the group Show the Truth regularly shows several large images of the truth at the annual March for Life in that city.Some media personnel could also be seen,

including a camera man from the A Channel interviewing event organizer and head of the National Campus Life Network Western division Renee Schmitz, and several

photographers. Schmitz was also interviewed on local radio station 1070 am shortly after the march.Click here for several photos of the March for Life 2010 in Victoria, B.C.For video coverage, click here.

“The slaveholders took the view that black people

were not developed enough to be treated as human

beings and could therefore be bought and sold like

animals; people looking at the babe in the womb take

the view that that child is not developed enough to be

treated as a human being and therefore can be killed

at will.”

Dr. Alan Keyes, Illinois Senate election debate vs

Barack Obama, 2004

Field AGents’ Space

As our global economy continuedto limp along in 2009, and as thelife insurance industry saw lowersales and experienced significantinvestment losses resulting fromthe prolonged recession, theKnights of Columbus avoided theworst effects while recordingrecord sales.

The reason is simple: We con-tinue to build upon more than a cen-tury of commitment to putting faithand families first.

Speaking with people unfamiliarwith the Knights of Columbus, Iam sometimes asked, “Why insur-ance?” The short answer is that ourinsurance business follows thesame philosophy as our Catholiccharitable outreach: “Love ofneighbor.”

When Father Michael J. McGivney came to New Havenas a young priest, his parish-ioners worked in dangerous fac-tories. If a father died or wasseriously injured, his familywould suffer — often terribly.Father McGivney wanted toprotect these Catholic families,and he put his principles to workin founding the Knights.

True to his vision, the Knights ofColumbus has continued its high eth-ical standards because we view ourbrother Knights as family. As a result,our fine team of insurance, financialand investment professionals cares forthe money of our members as if itwere their own.

When it comes to shielding his fam-ily from financial uncertainty, everyfamily man looks for safety, prudence,protection, quality and sustainablegrowth of investments. Such thinkingisn’t just “smart.” It is the right andmoral course of action.

Many companies were lured by thepromise of quick profits that put theirclients’ finances in jeopardy. With abusiness model based on Catholicprinciples, however, we weathered

the storm of the past year, and it wasanother financially strong year for theKnights of Columbus.

Consider this: Despite the turbulenteconomy, we ended the year in theblack with investment returns in linewith market indices. And we did it byinvesting ethically. We believe it ismorally wrong to pay another man todo what we consider immoral. Thus,we will not invest a brother Knight’smoney in companies that engage inthings such as abortion or pornography,things that go against the fundamentalmoral values of our Catholic faith.

What holds true for us at homeshould also hold true for our businessdecisions, and at the Knights ofColumbus, it does. This hasn’t hurtbusiness, either.

Our rules bar us from investing incompanies and industries with im-

moral products, research or services,yet year after year — and again in2009 — we have made money with-out compromising our principles.

We have been successful for ourmembers in other ways, too. During ayear in which 140 banks failed, annu-ity sales at the Knights of Columbuswere up 60 percent, or $180 million— a new record. In 2009, the Order’soverall assets grew by nearly 10 per-cent. Many insurance companies arecutting dividend rates in 2010; theKnights of Columbus is not.

People sometimes ask why wemaintain such a large surplus. Intimes like these, they have stoppedasking.

The Knights ended 2009 withnearly $75 billion of insurance inforce. Once again we earned the top

ratings for financial strength fromA.M. Best and Standard and Poor’s,as well as certification from the In-surance Marketplace Standards As-sociation for our commitment toethical business practices.

While many in the insurance indus-try struggled, we saw a flight to thekind of quality that comes from ourphilosophy: a mission to protect the

financial security of Catholic men andtheir families based on Venerable MichaelMcGivney’s vision 128 years ago.

People can see the difference. In2009, we had our best year ever withmore than $7 billion in sales.

As we begin 2010, my pledge toevery brother Knight and his family isthis: We will stay the course that hasproven so successful in the current fi-nancial crisis. We will continue tobuild upon the ethical and financialstrength of the Knights of Columbus,and that strength will continue to be astrong shield to protect the financialfuture of our families.

Vivat Jesus!

Reprinted from Columbia Magazine, Feb. 2010

A Strong ShieldInspired by Catholic values, Knights of Columbus Insurance continues

to protect the financial future of families

By Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

We will stay the course and continue to build upon the

ethical and financial strength of theKnights of Columbus.

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