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Tonawanda NEWS Saturday, June 5, 1965

3 Kenmore Area Residents p p = Win Top Honors Among 512 Three Kenmore a r e a ried June 26. is a speech ther- ceived bachelor degrees includ-

r e s i d e n t s all lonirtime "P*8* ^ d wiU be working in the ed: +**»*! J i 1 0 n ^ m e Kenmore public school system. Tow. i f n u w u - H.wu-friends a n d classmates, M ^ Zimmerman is scheduled to "£J ^SSL* S ' t t X i J i X S W e p t S U m m a CUm l a u d e teach first grade at Glendale Englewood Ave.; Patricia Ann undersrraduat* honors a t School in the Sweet Home Dis- votnt. ss* Pflfrim Road; Jame§ E. I T « u u n o r a a i Winebrenner. 400 Woodland Drive;

the State University Col- ~ * ~ - wVlA ^ ^ oienn w. Babcock. 35 snerwin ! - « « T>. «« i » / .VLV M W S G i a m b r a . w n o recently D r l v « ; Cheryl K. Bristol. 141 PuU-legre a t rJUIialO S 9 4 t n was Cited as the outstanding man Av».; Patricia Ann Conrad,

commencement exercises kmgfmmla * • * * .Ota g^g^f i B 3 « ? t S U g ? today in Kleinhans Music 2 ? T L 5 L . » 2 £ E . , f i £ 5 S"2 *• wk"r- "" •toctata,» T r n sion Service, beginning next Blvd. H a l l . month. Also. Betty Ann Earnst, 48 Elm-

Paula B. Hiller, 39 Pickford cum laude baccalaureate grad- rowier "vi.: Robert R. Hopkins Ave., Town of Tonawanda, and uates from this area included Jr.. 78 wuton Parkway; Elizabeth Ann T. Zimmerman. 109 Palmer Jacqueline M. Kelleher. 286 Wei- ¥ - 1 » * M » 5 S f t Z ? t 2 iS^StPSfUSS!^ ^ Ave.; Dianne Roberts. JS? t'wZJE *&%£% 435 Wabash Ave., both Kenmore, 259 Harrison Ave., and Charlene Ave.; Linda Anne Howie. 58 Pun-took top honors in a class of 51* F . H. Gore, 166 Fowler Ave., all m * n Av«-: M a r y A n B # c * " ^ *»

B S ^ 2 L T 2 S S S v * " * , T * « ™ * f c j S P 6 g g y & S ^ W ^ r ^ A v S uates of Kenmore West High L. Schleicher, 346 Crosby Ave.. Harold r. Becker. 289 westfaii School. Kenmore. Drive, and Harold R. Johnson, 16»

A total of 83 local residents Robert J. Dawe. Ill Fowler a 2 E ? J £ ? D . P a M i n o. WT En-received bachelor or master de- Ave., and Anna S. Goldman, 92 giewood Ave.; Gan L. Thomas. 77 grees from Dr. Paul G. Bulger, Evergreen Drive, both Town of Lhrton Road; Kathleen A. Welch, college president U. S. Sen. Rob- Tonawanda, were graduated mag- ^ " V r ^ d T e . ^ w X r G. ££. ert F. Kennedy delivered the na cum laude from the graduate 133 Marjorie Drive; Kathleen D. commencement address. division. Martha J. Hall, 137 Pur- Hawkins, sio Montrose Ave.; Betty

. . . _..„ . _ „ _, itan Rnari Town of Tonawanda A - Herbold. 18 Greenleaf Ave.; Dor-Bliss Hiller and Miss Zimmer- »ian noaa, lown ot lonawanaa, oUjy 3 W a l l a c e ^ S c n o o l B o a d .

man received bachelor of science w^ved ™* master degree cum H , ^ J. niiaire. 200 Dexter Ter. degrees in exceptional children kude. education and Miss Giambra a

bachelor of science degree in

home economics.

1lis« Hiller, who will be mar-

Bidder Raises Ante by $2,000 For City Land A Buffalo contractor, whose

$500 bid for a parcel of city-owned land was rejected last month by the Tonawanda Com­mon Council, yesterday offered F2.500 for the same land.

Edward J. Jacoby of Coby Con-itruction Co. was the lone bid-ier at a public auction in City gsj|

The aldermen on May 17 re­acted Mr. Jacoby*s first offer •ecause it did not meet the $2,-00 minimum sale price under erms of the sale. Too land he bought measures

bout 200 by 132 feet and is part t a planned $488,000 residential ibdivision Mr. Jacoby's f i r m lane to develop in the Riverview [eights section of the city. The firm plans to construct 27 ouses, each in the $18,000 price ange. The houses would be built o a new street to be known as rookskle Terrace. The new ireet would be U-shaped and annect with Taylor Drive at oth ends. Yesterday's sale is subject to Dproval of the mayor and Com-ion Council.

Other local residents who re-

TO RECEIVE MS: Richard P. Thurm of North Tonawanda, will receive a Master of Sci­ence Degree in Education at Canisius College tomorrow. Mr. Thurm received his BA de­gree from Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. After spend­ing two years at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Col-lumbus, he accepted a teach­ing position in 1965 at what is now Tonawanda Junior H i g h School. Mr. Thurm is married to the former Jane A. Broeker of Youngstown, N.Y. They re­side at 560 Locust St, North Tonawanda.

Kenmore — Dana R. Robertson, 43 Wardman Road; Beatrice F. Cit­ron, 270 E. Hazeltlne Ave.; Mary-

i ann J. Dzielski, 85 LaSaUe Ave.; Kathleen Grayson, 324 Kinsey Ave.; Patricia V. Kick, 376 Wabash Ave.; Nancy M. Klein. 157 Tremont Ave.; Elsie M. Connelly. 41 Stillwell Ave.

Also, Patricia Ann Mondello. 181 Washing-ton Ave.; Marilyn D. Steinberg, 360 Stillwell Ave.; Eliz­abeth L. Maxfield. 100 Somerton Ave.; Dennis P. Kalp, 79 Palmer Ave.; Frank Schimpfhauser, 17S Kinsey Ave.; Susan M. Speth. 79 Parkwood Ave.; Paul S. Smith, 106 Hamilton Blvd.

North Tonawanda — Donald N. Foster, 17 A Central Lane; Nancy J. Helman, 377 Spruce St.; Lorraine If. Lukasik, 60 StenzU St.; Kath­leen P. Nagel. 40 Christiana St.; Elizabeth A. Syrek. 778 Oliver St.; Paul J. Wasielewski. 112 First Ave.: Judith A. Karkau. 223 Lind­say Place; James E. Colegrove. 55 Phillip St.

Tonawanda — Joanne V. Spring­er, 32S Utica St.

Other local recipients of mas­ter degrees included:

Town of Tonawanda — Pauline P. Colan. 375 Cornwall Ave.; Di­ane Fungoid, 839 Woodstock Ave.; James D. Horrigan, 144 Cleveland Drive; Doris S. Richter. 170 W. Grimsby Road; Ruth M. Schunk. 84 Grosvenor Road; Martha J. Hall. 137 Puritan Road; Edith E. Myers, 127 Woodcrest Blvd.

Also, David R. Fleischman, 381 Abbington Ave.; Clive S. Holmes, 64 Monterey Road; Joseph C. Grippe. 2716 Eggert Road; John D. Marvin, 84 Glendale Drive; Sally Ann Ladd Potter, 116 Zimmerman Blvd.; Alfonso Cacciatore. 35 Old Colony Ave.

Leave on Field Trip Janis Miller, left, and John Johnson, are among 74 Tona­wanda Senior and Junior High School pupils who left early today on a three-day field trip to Allegheny State Park. Pupils will study geology, Indian lore, nature pho­tography and other subjects. Plans for the trip were co­ordinated by Bichard Catlin, high school science teacher. Other faculty members and parents assisted in prepara­tions, and are serving as chaperones. James Blackburn, high school cafeteria manager, and his staff supervised the packing of sufficient food and cooking utensils.

Boiling Advised

Water Line Break Floods Niagara St.

Tonawanda residents were directed today by the Erie County Health Department to continue water

**• boiling as a "precautionary measure," but not a "dire »»

Balling. 59 Whiting St.; Jerome F Eisenhauer, 522 WUlow Ave.; N. n e c e s s i t y . Jeanne Jehrls. 708 Barrally St.; _ . , Nicholas A. Zinni. 339 Vandervoort The order came in the wake of sewers took care of the water st: William J. Boudreau. 189 a break yesterday afternoon in a which ran across Niagara Street

24-inch high pressure water feed Homestead Drive; Roger C. Fan-, 1450 Cambridge Ave.

ry, 38 Klinger Ave.


M S T Sulabeth M. Per- f ** * Niagara Street. " be­tween Bouck and Clinton Streets. Health department officials en­tered the picture after they were notified of the break.

Repairs to the line were com­pleted at 9:30 this morning, ac-

(Photo, Page 1)

Although repairs were complet­ed on the broken feeder line, the water department was still una­ble to fill the water storage tank in Hackett Drive at noon today. This was blamed by Mr. Love-grove on "excessive lawn sprink­ling in the Riverview Heights area." He said several of his men were out advising residents

LEBRENZ — Edwin C. Leb- Sunday at 2 p.m. The Rev. A. W. WAMBACK — John J. Wani­ng, » , of 398 Wheatfield St, Moldenhauer win* officiate. Buri- back, 73. of 104 Miller St., North Mth Tonawanda, died Friday „» in inmiaum rmmatarv Tf Tonawanda, died Friday (June 4, une 4. 1985) in DeGraff Me- * * T ^ ^ Z ^ Z ' ^ 1*5> at DeGraff Memorial Hos- cording to Donough Lovegrove, t o *& o f f ^ h o s e s orial Hospital. Born in North d e s l r e d» contributions may be p i t a l ^^ a l o n g fl^ss. He was water department superintendent. operations were su >nawanda. he was a member of made to Bethesda Lutheran born in Buffalo and had resided Mr. Lovegrove. a five-man wa- D a J J l i f S S f S , S a r t . Matthew's Lutheran Church Home. (4-5) in North Tonawanda for 10 years, ter department crew two outside ^ T ^ r d f e L t o M r L £ £ id wag an elder of the church. He was a World War I veteran, water main specialists who were ™em' J?"ra"Jg ^° Mr- ">?*-i was a retired electrician for- «rmnurA/nnr» _ T W - ^ W Survivors include two sisters, hired, and water officials from f_°_ve; erly employed at. He is survived ielia Wurl Lebrenz; Friday (Jun in DeGraff »«*«"•' W,JmS?^1 T T ~p""" r j , U I M 1 , i fl._LL , nnt. ter s ttighters, Mrs. Harvey (Bea- Memorial Hospital. He was born ™**- S*™** S 1 *» coia^ct' 5 * 1 5 * ! ^P P 61 fcS?1 * n°i" J \ l iceTKriuse and Mr^Melvin taLST^S^N-Y.. and had ed Monday morning at 9:30 from mal 60 pounds to 15 pounds Mr lovegrove who noted that tuth) Krun of North Tonawan- hVed hi North Tonawanda 40 ** Skomski Funeral Home, 549 when the line broke at about 3 he and his crew had about three Tmdms. Charles (Sldriey) S Z L He r ^ n S of Oliver St., and at 10 o'clock from p.m. yesterday. Pressure was re- hours sleep within the last 24 ^ J S L S S t ^ T ! ^ A b 1 ^ H s l v i r i J t h e r r c ? u r c t Our Lady of Czeatochowa Church, stored tp normal ^ ab^ut Joura^ridhe w^ed to exprea. larles of Tonawanda; three sis- andwas employed as a grinder *h« Bev. Joseph Lach wdl offici- an hour when a valve control- Us » w t f « thanks to Wilson n, Mrs. Anna Thursam. of San operator at iSirez Plastics^te is ate. Burial in Mt. Olivet Ceme- bng the broken feeder line was Hardleben, North Tonawanda city ego, Calif., Miss Ehna Lebrenz d Mrs. Arthur Ott of the Tona l ^ t ! ^ t l a ^ , C a ^ o l North ZZZm^*ZTZ+ Present at the funeral home from lines, Mr Lovegrove said. mediately came to his aid when vth Tonawanda, and nine ters, Mrs. Ernest Muenzer o f S 2 to * "* 7 to 1 0 P m - m e a m e l m e b r o k e ' s t o r m tee b r e a k 0CCurred-andchildren. Friends may call agara Falls, Mrs. Thomas Wo-Wattengel Funeral Home, 307 lanske and Miss Sharon Schu- WILLIAMS — Edward Wil-

iver St., North Tonawanda, macher of North Tonawanda; l i a n ) S ' 66. of 292 Stillwell Ave., lere funeral services will be five brothers, Arnold of Roches- Kenmore, died unexpectedly Fri-

ter, Howard, Henry Jr. and Ed- " f <Ju"e * I98?; a.fc Kenmore ward of North Tonawanda and M e " ? JS****?- H e " s u 7 ™ Glenwood of Town of Wheat- f.7^,.^6' Market (nee Schfll-field; two sisters, Mrs. Arthur k e ) Wdliams of Kenmore; two Lewis of Locfcport and Mrs. Rob- * g ? ~ f 1 ' ***: £*%*? ( J u : ert Schroeder of North Tonawan- J f ^ ™ ? k 5 S ^ ? ? da and seven grandchildren. ^obett Safford of Orchard Lake, Friends may call at Wattengel M i c h - ; o n e s i s t e r > M r s- ^c1 1 3"1

College Corner

Second WNY Demo Chairman


Resigns Post ROCHESTER (UPI) - A sec­

ond Western New York Demo­cratic County chairman resigned this week.

Robert E. O'Brien, head of the Monroe County organization, announced his resignation Fri­day night in Rochester. The at­torney is expected to receive an appointment to one of two Court of Claims judgeships.

Peter J. Crotty, who guided the powerful Erie County or­ganization for 11 years, yielded his post Tuesday. He was re­ported in line for a federal judgeship.

O'Brien, who became chair­man four years ago, led the Democrats to a majority on the City Council in 1961. The Dem­ocrats now have a majority of registrations in the city.

Leonard L. Schieffelin, O'Bri­en's top aide, was expected to succeed him.

Niagara College

Honors Four

From This Area Four area students attending

the Niagara County Community College were among 15 cited for outstanding on-campus activities at an honors ceremony yesterday.

They are Roger V. Sciarretta, 352 Bennett St., North Tonawan­da; Floyd F. Amann, 46 Marjorie Drive, Town of Tonawanda; John A. Lewis, 236 Hamilton Blvd., Kenmore, and Susan R. Gorbaty, 341 Dushane Drive, Town of Ton­awanda.

Award recipients were selected from 830 eligible students by a committee representing the col­lege faculty and general student body.

The first graduating class at Niagara County Community Col­lege will receive their diplomas tomorrow during commencement exercises at the college, 430 Buf­falo Ave., Niagara Falls.

Sciarretta, a 1963 graduate of North Tonawanda High School, was honored for outstanding serv­ice in the college publication cat­egory. A liberal arts sophomore, he served as co-editor of the "Entricy," the college yearbook.

Amann, cited for outstanding service in student government af­fairs, is a liberal arts freshman student. He is a 1961 graduate of Kenmore West High School.

Lewis, who served as editor of the collge newspaper, the "En­tricy Herald," since its inception in 1964, received an award for publication achievement. A liber­al arts sophomore, he is a grad­uate of Kenmore West.

Miss Gorbaty, a 1963 graduate of Kenmore East High School, was cited for literary endeavor. A liberal arts sophomore, she served as editor of the college literary magazine, the "Exit."

Deer Causes

Auto Mishap A deer, which bounded onto the

road, was blamed for an accident in Staley Road, Grand Island, early today in which a Brooklyn motorist was injured.

Stanley F. Gwozdo, 22, was treated at Kenmore Mercy Hos­pital for abrasions after his sports car, which he swerved to avoid striking the animal, went off the road, struck a utility pole and overturned.

Erie County Sheriff's deputies said the accident occurred about 3 a.m.

College Corner Mrs. Dwight C. Broga, the former Donna Her-

shiser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hershiser, 211 Wardman Road, Kenmore, is a candidate for a bachelor of arts degree at Connecticut College's 47th annual commencement tomorrow.

A scholarship and dean's list student, Mrs. Broga majored in child development and is teaching nursery school. She is a graduate of Kenmore West High School.

Gary A. Ehlers, 68 Colonial Ave., Town, has been accepted as a member of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity at Gannon College. He is an engineering student.

NIAGARA — Three Town resi­dents are scheduled to receive degrees at Niagara University's 108th commencement tomorrow. They are George E. Bure, 369 Woodgate Road; Philip J. Penny Jr., 35 Canterbury Lane, and Thomas A. Meyers, 328 Louvaine Drive.




MMERMAN — in lovta* mem Funeral Home, 307 Oliver St, s- Haas» aaA a n i e c e - M r s- ^ *y of our beloved wile, moth- North Tonawanda. where funer- liam T. I^fler, both of Indianap-ir and grandmother, Susan Zlm- gj services will be Monday at o u s ' Ind- H e w a s a former resi-srm an, who passed away 2 years , — T h « ^ R n W t d e n t °* Tonawanda, having o tomorrow. June 6. 1SS3; l M P m ' 1Ji ney' ™>oen j *_ v *_ '.««. _JTZ Si TwouId w e T e beVhand to Kramp will officiate. Burial in P1™** to Kenmore in 1962 when I

clasp, Her patient tec* to see.

Po bear her voice, to see her smile.

As in the days that used to be. lot same sweet day wel l meet

again Beyond the toil and strife,

Lnd clasp each other's hand once more.

In Heaven, that happy life.

White Chapel Memorial Park. h f ****** •• Personnel manager l (4-5) °* the Main Street Remington

Rand plant He was a member ; mATmmmATin TT m_ * *** S nyd e r Ascension Luther- I T A \ ? ~ F X i * ? Z ^ J ^ ^ J ^ aa Church, the Eldredge Bicycle

Pendorf 80 of V57 Sylvon Road a^bf ^ David's Welch Society. I S 0 " 8 ^ ^ DeGraff Memorial t ^ Industrial Relations Associa-Hospital Friday (June 4 1965). t ^ o f B u f f a l o > ^ Remington Husband of the late Mathilda Ra,^ social Club, a life mem-

austS . 'S lugtS: H a S d ^ ^ ? 1 f v i ! ? i ^ L s e I i r A ! ber of the Personnel Managers Son-in-law, Grandchildren

lette of 294 Goundry St., master of science in natural sciences.

Two Tonawanda graduates are George E. Drmacich of 101 Clin­ton St, bachelor of science in ed­ucation, and James T. Dougher­ty of 113 Mullen St., bachelor of arts.

SELOSE . . . Art In

^^•SEITIBclTllfilfT ?NA^3>TA NX 2-5200


and nephews. Funeral club, the Chamber of Commerce services Mcmday^June 7, 1985, o f t ^ Tonawandas and I I i o n at 2 p.m. from Otto Redanz Fu- Lodge 591, F4AM. Mr. Williams neral Home Inc., Michigan Ave- served as president of the Tona-

Falls. The Rev. Theodore Men- Vears and was a former director a n d Mrs* E a r l C Stah1' m U t l c a

ter will officiate. Burial in River- i DeGraff Memorkl H ^ t e l S t ' T o n a w a n d a . ™& r**™ a dale Cemetery. The family will ^ ^ Boys' C l T « i S b a c h e l o r o f **"» ^ ^ ta Adam St Tonawanda will be be present Saturday and Sunday chairman^ the' ^ n a w S S m u s i c ^ ^ ^ tomorrow dur- graduated tomorrow with a bach-from 3 to S and 7 to 9 p.m. Community Fund Friendslnav *** commencement exercises at elor of science degree in land

ifSTSf e £TtJV^Z ^ s t a t e University CoUege at Pots- management from Syracuse Uni-to 5 and to 1 p.m. d versity's CoUege of Forestry.

Also, Mrs. Ann M. Daley of 2253 Saunders Settlement Road, Sanborn, bachelor of science in nursing; Philip D. Russell of 7283 Bear Ridge Road, Town of Pen­dleton, bachelor of arts in educa­tion, and William J. Cunning­ham of 6269 Campbell Blvd., Town of Pendleton, bachelor of science.

Daniel E. Brick, son of North Tonawanda City Court Judge A n t h o n y W. Brick and Mrs. Brick of 73 Christiana St., will be graduated from the Univer­sity of Notre Dame tomorrow with a bachelor of arts degree.

Raymond H. Fornes of 215

Members of Tonawanda Lodge 247, F.&A.M.

and sojourning Masons are requested to meet at the Hilliard Funeral Home, 147 Delaware St., Tona-, where Masonic Services win he held at 7:30 pun. tonight, Jane 5th for our late so­journing brother, Edward Williams of Ilion Lodge #591.

Frank J. Keller, Master

p at the Hilliard Funeral Home Inc., 147 Delaware St, Tonawan­da, where services will be con'

Richard C. Koepsell, son of Mr. Nine area residents will re- a,^ Mrs. Charles Koepsell, 3865

ducted at 2 pjn. Sunday. Dr. 2 * 3 m d e r f ^ ^ " g ggdu- upper Mountain Road, Town of Charles Bachmann wfll officiate a t e &&*& tomorrow from Niag- Cambria, was graduated with a Graveside services and interment a r a University. bachelor of arts degree in Eng-in Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion, North Tonawanda graduates lish Sunday from State Univer-N.Y., at 2 p.m. Monday. Mason- are Miss Carol A. Tnray of 74 sity at Buffalo. He plans to con­ic services will be conducted at Oakwood Ter., bachelor of sci- tinue bis studies to attain a mas-7:30 p.m. Saturday at the funer- ence in nursing; Joseph N. Patti ter of arts degree in English at al home under the auspices of of 126 Kiel St., bachelor of arts the university this summer. The Tonawanda Lodge No. 247, in education; Thomas J. Gwo- Koepsell family are former North F&AM. In lieu of flowers, memo- rek of 199 Spaulding St., bache- Tonawanda residents. Richard is rials may be made to the De- lor of science in business admin- a 1959 graduate of Starpoint Cen-

Spaulding to Erect

Fire Pump House Tonawanda Building Inspector

Julius J. Galambos reported to­day that a building permit has been issued to Spaulding Fibre Co. Inc. for construction of a $3,-120 fire pump house.

The one - story block building will measure 15Vfc by 19Vi feet and will be constructed on the west side of the Wheeler Street plant, south of Enterprise Avenue. Vogt Construction Co. of North Tonawanda is listed as contrac­tor.

DIVISION MANAGER John E. Niesse, 62 Broadmoor

Drive, Town of Tonawanda, has been appointed manager of the Technical Branch of the Bonded Abrasives Division of the Car­borundum Company, Niagara Falls. Mr. Niesse succeeds Stan­ley D. Mark Jr., newly appoint­ed manager of the New Products Branch of the Research and De­velopment Division.

ASSIGNED TO CHURCH The Rev. Ronald A. Lord has

been reassigned from the Mis­sionary Apostolate to St. An­drew's Church, Town of Tona­wanda, in one of many new as­signments announced yesterday by the Most Rev. James A. Mc-Nulty, bishop of the Roman Cath­olic Diocese of Buffalo.

FATALLY INJURED Frank Fredericks, 10, of 20

Henrietta Ave., Buffalo, died last night at Kenmore Mercy Hospi­tal shortly after being struck by a car while riding his bicycle at Roesch Avenue and Argus Street, Buffalo.

MARYGROVE — Mary Pa­tricia Fallon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Fallon, 407 Wardman Road, Kenmore, has been elected to Iota Gamma Al­pha, honor society at Marygrove College where she is a freshman. She is a graduate of St. Mary's Seminary, Buffalo.

TRI-STATE — Howard E. Gil­liam Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilliam, 75 Dexter Ter., Town, is a candidate for a bach­elor of science degree in business administration from Tri - State College, Angola, Ind., today. Howard has been student council president, editor-in-chief of the Tri - Angle, student newspaper, and business manager of the 1964 Modulus, college yearbook.

WASHINGTON — Alan Carroll, 47 S u r r e o Circle, Town, a student at Washington Univer­sity's School of Fine Arts, St. Louis, was awarded the Bernie Fuchs Scholarship, worth $337, to continue his study of painting and sculpture.

BUFFALO — Seven local resi­dents received degrees at the State University at Buffalo's re­cent commencement. They are Anthony P. LoRusso, 170 Lincoln Blvd.; Peter M. Russo, 176 Eu­clid Ave.; Ronald F. Young, 98 Shepard Ave., all Kenmore, and Charles D. Sumner, 44 McConkey Drive; Vincent P. Corbett Jr., 787 Starin Ave.; Earl J. Mc-Grath, 55 Marjann Ter. and Ber­nard B. Schugar, 55 Doncaster Road, all Town.

Salvatore T. Schiavone of the Town of Tonawanda, has been elected president of Delta Sigma Pi International Business Honor­ary Fraternity of the State Uni­versity at Buffalo. Other new of­ficers include Raymond E. Smol-ka, Town of Tonawanda, senior vice president; Brian Lindhurst, North Tonawanda, treasurer, and Joseph A. Gambino, Town of Tonawanda, historian.

WISCONSIN — Ellen L. Feld-man, 703 Parker Blvd., Town, is a candidate for a master degree in history from the University of Wisconsin at commencement ex­ercises tomorrow.

UNION — Stuart Eddy, son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Eddy, 269 Deerhurst Park Blvd., Town, will be graduated tomorrow from Union College with a degree in civil engineering. He plans to study for a master's degree this fall at Lehigh University.

MacMURRAY — Ellen Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ward H. Watson, 225 Argonne Drive, Kenmore, was awarded a bachelor of arts degree in sociol­ogy at MacMurray College's 114th commencement recently in Jacksonville, 111.

FREDOMA — Douglas Wert, 231 Brighton Road, Town, will particate in a National Science Institute this summer at the State University College at Fre-donia. The program will focus on research of physical properties of Lake Erie.



LAFAYETTE - Robert S. El­lis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ellis, 38 E. Girard Blvd., Kenmore, received a bachelor of science degree in industrial engi-nering at Lafaytte College "s 130th commencement Thursday. Robert, a 1961 graduate of Ken­more West High School, will do graduate work in business un­der a research assistantship at the State University at Buffalo.

Mrs. Louis Berger

Dies at Age of 77 Funeral services will be Mon­

day for Mrs. Louis L. Berger ST., 77, business, civic and church leader who died yesterday at her apartment in Buffalo.

Mrs. Berger, a native of Chi­cago, was vice president of L. L. Berger Inc., fashionable wom­en's clothing store. Her husband is founder and chairman of the board of the store.

Mrs. Berger is survived by two sons and three daughters.

Friends may call at the Park Terrace Mortuary, 855 Englewood Ave., Town of Tonawanda, from 7 to 10 tomorrow night.

Herman Tappendorf

Dead at Age of 80 Services will be conducted at

2 p.m. Monday for Herman Tap­pendorf, 80, of 2457 Sylvon Road, Bergholz, who died yesterday at DeGraff Memorial Hospital in North Tonawanda.

Mr.. Tappendorf was a native of North Tonawanda and was a lifelong resident of this area. He retired in 1948 from the Nation­al Carbon Co., Niagara Falls, where he had been employed 31 years.

The Otto Redanz Funeral Home, Niagara Falls, if in charge of arrangements.


GANNON — Thomas J. O'Con­nor, son of Mrs. Edward C. O'Connor, 292 Hampton Pky., Town, received a bachelor of arts degree in history at Gannon Col­lege's 21st annual commence­ment recently. Thomas is a grad­uate of Canisius High School.

Boy Loses Leg After

Fall From Train Thomas J. Garlock, 9, of Buf­

falo, lost a leg last night almost at the same spot in Buffalo where his brother lost a foot four years ago along railroad tracks.

The boy apparently tried to climb aboard a slow moving New York Central freight train and slipped as he tried to get off.

The third grader was taken to Children's Hospital where t h e left leg was amputated below the knee.

His brother George, now 17, had his right foot amputated on March 12, 1961, when he fell off a Wabash Railroad freight train.

Youth Is Accused Of Causing Damage Ronald R. Lambright, 18, of

5214 Main St., Williamsville, was charged by Town of Tonawanda police with damaging park prop­erty after police were called to Ellicott Creek Park about 5:15 p.m. yesterday.

Patrolman Donald E v a n s placed the charge against young Lambright after a park employe notified police that some "un­ruly" boys were causing trouble.

The youth is scheduled to ap­pear in Tonawanda Town Court on Wednesday.

TRIAL DATE SET William T. Gill, 68, of 19 My­

ron Ave., Kenmore, pleaded in­nocent yesterday in Tonawanda City Court to charges of driving while intoxicated and speeding on Main Street, Tonawanda. Judge Ruth D. Vogel set July 20 for trial and continued the de­fendant free in $130 bail. He was arrested May 24.

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