april, 2012 volume 39, issue 4 nisan/iyyar, 5772 · 2014. 11. 14. · kehilat hakadosh, april, 2012...

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Kehilat haKadosh: The Monthly Newsletter of Congregation Beth Shalom

April, 2012 Nisan/Iyyar, 5772

Volume 39, Issue 4

Where do you fit?


Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org

Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com

Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch - rfrisch@napershalom.org

Education Director: Barbara Bernstein- morah2345@comcast.net

Facilities and Office Manager: Sue Prousa – sprousa@napershalom.org

Secretary: Dorothy Battle – office772@napershalom.org

Custodial support: Dave Sanders

Advertise in the CBS Newsletter

Monthly Ad rates Size Monthly Half Page $72 Quarter page $36 Eighth page $18

Contact Sue Prousa sprousa@napershalom.org or 630-961-1818 Please send payment made out to Congregation Beth Shalom to:

Congregation Beth Shalom (Attention Newsletter Editor) 772 W. 5th Avenue Naperville, IL 60563

Inside this issue

From the editor .............................................................................................................. 1 Important Events in April .............................................................................................. 1 If you are looking for some spiritual uplifting, check out these great blogs: ......... 1 From The Desk Of The Rabbi ..................................................................................... 2 A note from our cantor ................................................................................................. 3 Congregation Beth Shalom Community Seder ......................................................... 4 Seder Registration Form .............................................................................................. 4 Religious School News ................................................................................................ 5 A note from Jakobpils: .................................................................................................. 5 A Note From Ms Robin ................................................................................................. 6 Israeli Dance at CBS .................................................................................................... 7 40th Anniversary Dinner Dance .................................................................................. 7 Darshei Shalom (formerly DSP) Greeter Program Needs Volunteers .................. 8 Gift Shop News ............................................................................................................. 8 Israeli Scouts – Save the Date!................................................................................... 8 Notice to members from CBS Cemetery Committee ............................................... 8 Join Us for Our Interfaith Dinner 2012 on Earth Day Weekend! ........................... 9 Tzedakah Opportunity - Sharsharet ........................................................................... 9 Free Adult Education Course : “Jewish Customs: Frequently-Asked

Questions & Answers” ................................................................................................ 10 Jewish Customs Schedule ........................................................................................ 10 In the Wink of an Eye ................................................................................................. 11 Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers .................................................................. 11 Library news ................................................................................................................ 12 CBS Member Art Show – Final Call for Submissions ............................................ 12 ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment Website for Personalized Job Assistance ............................................................................................................ 13 Ongoing Programs and Activities ............................................................................. 14 CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines .................................................... 16 Donations ..................................................................................................................... 19 Make a Donation ......................................................................................................... 20 In Memory .................................................................................................................... 21 Board of Directors and Committees ......................................................................... 22

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 1

From the editor

I hope your spring cleaning is coming along and you are preparing your home for Passover. Passover in the Western suburbs often brings us together as we share advice on where to find the Kosher for Passover matzah (no Mr. Store Manager, just being flat and tasteless doesn’t make it ok to use on Passover), jokes about which stores are selling Hamentaschen in their Passover displays (aren’t those Jewish cookies?), and where to find the elusive, red horseradish. Sometimes external pressures like these bring us together. But, for Moses, it was the opposite. He didn’t have any external pressures to join (or re-join) the community into which he was born. In fact, there were probably greater pressures not to do so. After all, he was living in a palace, probably having the time of his life. Yet, at great personal risk, he decided that his place was among the Children of Israel.

This Passover, why not try to view things from a different perspective. Instead of just focusing on what we ran from, consider what we were running toward. And, more importantly, think about why you would want to make that journey to freedom with the people in your community. Now that we’re free, we have more choices. What brings you to synagogue? What drives you to send your children to religious school? Why volunteer at CBS? None of these have to do with external pressures. They all have to do with what is in your mind, your heart, and your soul. This month’s Kehilat haKodesh focuses on helping you answer the question, “What makes this community different from all other communities, and why I am a part of it?”

Brad Kolar

Important Events in April

Holocaust Memorial and JUF Brunch

Sunday, April 15.

We will hold our annual JUF Israel Emergency Fund Brunch at 11:00 am, followed by our Holocaust Memorial Service at 11:45 am. Our speaker will by Felice Cohen, author of What Papa Told Me, an inspirational book about her grandfather who as a boy in Poland survived eight different labor and concentration camps. (A video about Ms. Cohen's 90 square foot apartment in Manhattan went viral on youtube.com with almost 4 million hits.) In addition, from 9:00 am through 11:00 we will have a special Holocaust installation in the lobby and halls.

CBS Annual Meeting

Sunday, April 29, 2012 from 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm.

Click here for information packet (including slate of board candidates and proxy form).

If you are looking for some spiritual uplifting, check out these great blogs:

Rabbi Rudolph’s Weekly Sermons:


R’Av Yo’s walkinTorah:


Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 2

From The Desk Of The Rabbi

The original seder is outlined in the

Mishnah, a rabbinic work compiled by

Rabbi Judah HaNasi circa 200 CE. There

are some significant differences between

that first seder and the one that we

conduct in our day. For one, there are only THREE questions in the

original seder. Moreover, the questions are to be recited by the

father, not by the youngest child. The Mishnah instructs that IF there

are no questions, the father should recite the three questions as a

way to stimulate questions in the children.. Judaism has always

welcomed questions. Perhaps because we are all "a nation of priests",

as the Torah defines us, every one of us has the right, no, the

obligation, to ask questions.

Our seders should be a time for discussion and questions. Rabbi

Mitchel Wohlberg of Baltimore, Maryland, just sent me a list of

questions for the seder table. So, here are four MORE questions,

courtesy of Rabbi Wohlberg. I hope they will stimulate interesting

discussions at your seders this year.

1. The problem in Egypt began when “a new king arose.” In

November, Americans will vote on our “king.” Will Jews be better off

if a new king arises? Or is the present one “good for the Jews?”

2. If you won’t eat a bagel on Pesach, how come you will eat non-

kosher food during the year? And why don’t you eat a bagel on

Pesach? And if you do … why?

3. The author and columnist, Jeffrey Goldberg, writes, “The wicked

son is not wicked in any of the usual ways … his wickedness is that he

is indifferent to the fate of the Jewish people.” “What is this to you,”

he asks. “To you,” not “to me.” What he is saying, in effect, is: “The

fate of my people is not my concern?” How do we balance our faith’s

demand to care especially for our fellow Jews and care especially for

the entire world at the same time?

8. In the Hagaddah we say, “In every generation they rise up to

destroy us.” A survey in the book American Grace reveals Americans

respect Jews more than any other religious community. Is America

really different from any country where we have lived? Do you think

the leaders of Iran really want to destroy the Jewish people? Should

Israel bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities?

Extra Credit: Really, why IS this night different from all other nights of

the year? Wouldn’t it be nice if we got together more often?

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 3

A note from our cantor

Pesakh is about many journeys. The first journey is letting go of the past. The food in my cabinets and refrigerator hasn’t spoiled. Yet, Passover marks a new beginning, starting in the kitchen. Khametz must go. Some people start cleaning out khametz right after Purim. Not me. I wait ‘til the last minute in tribute to my ancestors

who left Egypt in a hurry.

The next part of Pesakh is about the present. Actually, I’m thinking about the presents I’ll bring to my family and friends. I’ll bring music, trinkets for the new babies, and silly additions to the Seder. I’ll bring trail mix (nuts, raisins, and dried fruit) for the long Seder nosh. It will be placed on the perimeter of the Seder table for hungry travelers. I’ll buy kosher marshmallows to throw when the plagues/punishments tell us about the hail. I’ll bring plastic frogs in green and brown and plastic bugs for fun. I’ll buy scratch and sniff red dots to adorn ourselves when boils curse the Egyptians. And we’ll have enough sunglasses for everyone to experience darkness.

The last part of Passover is about the future. I travel to Washington, D.C. to be with family and friends to ensure that we will have a future together. I will listen carefully to each person’s MAGID, the story of their journey. Some places at our Seder table are empty now. New places are filled with babies.

The holiday itself becomes a destination. There are four questions, four cups, and four children. We raise them and they raise us. May your lives be as full as your cups, brimming with health, listening to new answers, and sharing in the joy of Spring. Khag sameakh, A Joyous Passover

Cantor Hasha Musha Perman

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 4

Congregation Beth Shalom Community Seder

Saturday, APRIL 7, 2012, 7:00 PM

Rabbi Rudolph will lead this year's Community Seder to celebrate the 2nd night of Passover. Please join us for an evening of insights, singing, and a delicious traditional Seder meal for an experience sure to be meaningful and fun for the whole family. All reservations are due in the synagogue office by Tuesday, March 20. Please complete the form below and return with a check or cash to ensure your place at the table!

Anyone interested in helping with either set-up or clean-up please contact Carrie Svensson at 630-369-8704 or cksvenss@yahoo.com

Volunteer Opportunities:

Table Set-up: Friday morning or early afternoon April 6th

Seder Platter Prep and Seder sides: Saturday After Noon April 7th

Clean-up Assistance: Stay for 30 min. to 1 hr after all guests have left, helping with loading and unloading dishes.

Next day Clean-up etc: Again, 1 hour to help finish cleaning left over platters, bit items, etc. and putting Passover Seder items away in Storage.

Seder Registration Form


No. of adults ($33 each)__________

No. of children ages 6-13 ($15 each)_____________

Children 5 and under are free

Place for Elijah: This is a mitzvah opportunity to donate the cost for one or more adults so that those with limited means can join us_____________________________________

$100 max per family (please contact Rabbi Rudolph if the cost represents a hardship)

Amount enclosed_______________

Time is short. Please call the synagogue office immediately (630-961-1818) if you’d like to reserve a spot in the Seder.

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 5

Religious School News

Welcome back to Religious School! I hope that everyone had a relaxing spring break and is ready to dive into celebrating Pesach. Now, I admit that I am biased, but I think we have the best Jewish community here at CBS! We are friendly and offer something for everyone. This

year I had the honor of being one of the third grade teachers. It’s very interesting how the students come into the class tentatively at the beginning of the year and gradually build a sense of community by the end of the year. It makes my heart swell with pride to see how they welcome each new student. This is what makes our shul such a wonderful place to be.

For the first time ever, the JUF is inviting teens in grades 8 through 12 to participate in their own Walk with Israel on Sunday, May 6. Teens from all over Chicagoland will celebrate Israel’s 64th birthday as a state with a journey through Jewish history. The day begins at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Skokie with a special program with Holocaust survivors, followed by a Walk with Israel from the museum to the Kaplan JCC. The day continues with advocacy programming, hands-on service projects, sports and more. This program is limited to students in grades 8-12 only! Space is limited so go to www.juf.org/idays and register NOW. The program begins at 9:00 and ends at 2:00. If enough of our students register, they will provide us with a bus. This will be an awesome experience for our students!

There will be Israel Solidarity activities at CBS for families also. There will not be a walk but plenty of activities to do right here at CBS. There will be crafts for the kids. We will be making pita and hummus. There will be a film for the adults and lots more. More particulars are forthcoming or you can go to the JUF website.

Please join the Religious School as we commemorate Yom HaShoah U’Gevuah on Sunday morning, April 15, at 11:45 am with a service and speaker, Felice Cohen who wrote a moving book, What Papa Told Me, which includes stories her grandfather told her about what happened to him during the Holocaust.

The 3rd grade students and their families will be celebrating learning how to read Hebrew during a Family Education program on Sunday, April 29, from 8:30-10:25. They will be receiving a special gift from the Religious School to mark this occasion.

On Sunday, April 22, David Jacobson, owner of Chicago Jewish Funerals, will be speaking to the 9th grade class and their parents about customs of death and dying. David has been coming to CBS for many years and has always made this difficult topic clear and less threatening to both students and adults. We invite anyone in the congregation to hear his presentation at 11:00 AM.

Dine and Discuss resumes on April 15 from 12:30-1:30, April 22 from 11:00-12:30 and April 29 from 11:00-12:30.

If you can answer this question, I will have a “prize” for you: For which group of Jews is it permissible to eat rice and other legumes on Passover?

A note from Jakobpils:

Our entire community wishes to congratulate all in your synagogue on this Happy and Joyous occasion of the holiday of Purim.

We wish all of you excellent health and good luck and good fortune.

Representing our small community

With great respect

Raya and Freida

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 6

A Note From Ms Robin

At the end of February we celebrated “Friendship Week” in the ELC. We read books about friendship, sang songs and danced to music about friendship, and talked about what it means to be a good

friend. The children had a lot to say about friendship, since of course, having and being a good friend is a very important part of preschool.

As always, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the children’s discussions. When discussing how to be a good friend, they talked about the usual things. We heard about how important it is to be nice to each other, share toys, and never knocking down someone else’s block towers.

But as they talked, I realized there was more to this. Yes, this week we focused on friendship. But, I can say with no hesitation whatsoever, that these children truly find ways to be good friends to each other all year long.

When a child falls down, a group of children immediately gather round to help dry the tears and make sure all is well.

When a child spills their juice, the helping hands to clean it up are very small hands, coming from very big hearts.

When a child cries, they are given so many pieces of tissue by their eager friends that inevitably they start to giggle just at the sheer number of Kleenex’s that are handed to them!

When a child needs a friend, they have not just one, but an entire classroom of friends. Really and truly.

Does a child ever take a toy away from another child? Of course they do! Does a child ever push in line in front of someone else? Many a time! But, as soon as they realize they have made another person sad, do they try their best to make amends? They absolutely do. Sometimes they are able to do this all by themselves, and sometimes

with a little bit of guidance from a teacher. But it all turns out just fine in the end. And much of the time the child that needs the most comforting is not the child who was wronged in some way, but the child who created the dismay in one of their friends.

And yes, what I am describing takes place all year long. No wonder our young, but very wise students have so much to say about how to be a good friend during Friendship Week. They practice it every single day.

I am so proud of these children, so incredibly proud . . .

We learn so much from them, each and every day. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 7

Israeli Dance at CBS

Our class is now officially open to congregants from other

synagogues. Our new policy is that all new members of this

ongoing class--whether you are a CBS member or not--- must

register for it by calling the synagogue office. The class is free

(one dollar donation appreciated). Registration is for safety and

security purposes. Thank you!

Jeff Subeck is coming to teach our third partner dance session

on Monday evening, April 2nd. Join us! No need to bring a

partner: we rotate partners!

We are forming a children's Israeli dance class, and possibly a

teen line dance class, if there is enough interest. Let us know if

you have an interested child or teen. We've had several children

in the circle, and it's been wonderful, but: we want to take them

aside and teach them the dances, so they can join us safely. And

the line dance class should be fun.

We demonstrated and taught Israeli dance to the pre-schoolers

at the Congregation Beth Shalom ELC.

We led Israeli dance at the CBS oneg shabbat on Friday evening,

March 23rd, when the Interfaith program

participants were there. What fun it was. Bernie, and the Rabbi,

and the Klems were all in the cirlce with us, as well as other

notables. All faiths dancing together. Pure happiness!

Diane led Israeli dance at the Hadassah women's seder on

March 18th. She did not say a thing; just got up to do the

dance, and many women simply joined in, forming a long line

that wound around the social hall. It was totally nonverbal, and

a powerful spiritual experience. Lovely seder, too!

Hope you can join us on Monday nights, 7:00 to 8:30 PM, in the

CBS social hall!

Diane and Brian Toby

40th Anniversary Dinner Dance

Set aside October 20th, 2012 for Congregation Beth Shalom’s 40th anniversary Dinner Dance. It will be a very special evening and we will keep you posted as we work out more details. We need lots of help in planning the evening so please contact Rita Kramen at rekteach@sbcglobal.net or Melanie Greenberg at greenberg.melanie@gmail.com if you would like to be part of our committee.

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 8

Darshei Shalom (formerly DSP) Greeter Program Needs Volunteers

The title DSP has been recently changed to reflect the warm and welcoming way we greet arrivals at CBS, an approach which also helps keep our building and the people within it as safe and secure as possible. Darshei Shalom translates as Greeters or Communicators, and more literally Seekers of Peace and Wholeness. Each participating individual is a Darshan (as versus the previous DSP designation). Since CBS is the House of Shalom, Darshei Shalom has a very specific tie to our congregation.

Serving as a Darshan means you represent CBS as our greeter...our communicator...and our preacher of peace and wholeness. What a mitzvah, how great an honor! Preparation involves viewing a twelve minute video at your convenience. Please consider volunteering to be a Darshan when you get the call!

Gift Shop News

The gift shop is having a sale on in stock Tallits (supplies are limited). All Tallits are $50 each!!! Also, come check out our new items...Lego Mezuzahs, books, Kosher Soap, new jewelry, Seder Plates, and much more.

We just received a new shipment of jewelry for the gift shop straight from Israel. Iris Braunstein Shemesh was born in Israel and still lives there. She is a multicultural jewelry designer. The creation process involves meticulous hand work and quality control of the highest standards.

If you don't see a design in stock at the gift shop we can order it.

Israeli Scouts – Save the Date!

Once again, the Israeli Scouts Friendship Caravan will be stopping at CBS! The show will be Saturday night August 4th @ 7pm. It is free and appropriate for all ages , friends and neighbors!

Notice to members from CBS Cemetery Committee

With the approval of the CBS Board of Directors, we have purchased additional gravesites in the newer section of the Naperville Cemetery. In addition, we have a five-year purchase agreement for additional gravesites in the same section.

There are a limited number of gravesites available in the original CBS section. If you are interested in purchasing a site in either the original or new section, please contact Gene Parker (630 357 5047) or Mark Greenberg (630 579 8157).

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 9

Join Us for Our Interfaith Dinner 2012 on Earth Day Weekend!

Saturday evening, April 21

Let the skies rejoice, the earth have glee, Ocean resound, in all your fullness! Let the fields exult, and all belonging there, then all the forest trees will sing with joy! – Psalms 96:11-12

Please come to a very special event, as the members of CBS host our second annual Interfaith Dinner on Saturday evening, April 21, on the Eve of Earth Day.

In gratitude for the blessings of friendship, mutual respect, and understanding fostered by our ongoing relationships with many other local religious communities, we are inviting friends of diverse faiths from several different congregations to join us. Please come and be a part of this evening of fellowship, education, and outreach:

DATE: Saturday evening, April 21, 2012 at Congregation Beth Shalom

TIME: 7:00 pm – Program and Dinner in our Social Hall, concluding with Havdalah Service. You are also welcomed to join us and some of our guests from the interfaith community for our Shabbat Mincha Service, immediately before the Dinner at 6:15 pm in our Sanctuary.

COST: $15 per person (please send your payment to the CBS office, check made out to “Congregation Beth Shalom,” with “Interfaith Dinner” on the memo line).

RSVP: We will accept the first 100 people and then establish a waiting list, with all reservations and payments due by March 26 to the CBS office. Please give the names of all who plan to attend. RSVP to the CBS office at office772@napershalom.org, or by phone at 1-630-961-1818.

SPONSOR A NEIGHBOR: You may invite and sponsor non-Jewish friends or neighbors to attend. If so, please include their names in your RSVP and include payment for them in your check.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Volunteer to help welcome our interfaith guests by greeting, interpreting, and acting as a host, by contacting Carole Kerr at kerr_c@sbcglobal.net. Or volunteer to help set up, serve, or clean up by contacting Terrie Stainman at tstainman@ccsd66. Or volunteer to bake mandel bread (pareve only) by contacting Susan Ganden at maxmom3@comcast.net.

QUESTIONS: Bernie Newman, banewman22@aol.com, 1-630-357-4544.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when brothers and sisters dwell in unity - Psalms 133:1

Tzedakah Opportunity - Sharsharet

CBS member, AEPi brother, and current Northwestern student Martin Amesquita is raising money for Sharsharet, a national not-for-profit organization that provides support, education, and counseling to young women and their families with or at high risk of breast cancer.

Last year, Northwestern’s chapter of AEPi raised over $11,000 for Sharsharet. We would like to surpass this amount and continue the fight against breast cancer. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please contact Martin Amesquita at by martinamesquita2014@u.northwestern.edu or by phone at 630-209-5062, or you can just go to his website and donate at http://www.aepi.org/?page=Philanthropy&event=74 . Every little bit helps!

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 10

Free Adult Education Course : “Jewish Customs: Frequently-Asked Questions & Answers”

Why sit around at Beth Shalom on Sunday mornings waiting to drive your child or grandchild home after their Religious School classes when you could be learning more about Jewish customs and basic Judaism by taking this free course?

Would you like to win a prize for the most correct answers about Judaism during class?

Would you like to be able to answer questions that your child or grandchild might ask you about what they are learning about Judaism in Religious School?

This course is for parents or grandparents as well as for all interested adults. It will be presented by Joseph R. Davis, M.D., Ph.D. in Congregation Beth Shalom’s Library from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM on each Religious School Sunday morning.

Each session will be taught for 60 minutes with approximately 20 questions and answers on Jewish customs for the first 35 minutes, followed by the meaning and use in an English sentence of three Yiddish words for 5 minutes, followed by the accomplishments of two famous American Jews 10 minutes, and finally followed by an important event in modern Jewish history for the last 10 minutes of the class.

The course will include both the presentation of traditional answers to each question by the teacher as well as the opportunity for you to interact as to what each Jewish custom, Yiddish word, famous American Jew, or important event in modern Jewish history may mean to you in your life today.

You will receive a worksheet at each session which you can complete during the class and which will serve not only to stimulate class

interaction, but also to serve as a set of class notes that you can always refer back for yourself, or use the completed class notes to answer any questions about Judaism that your children or grandchildren might ask of you at home.

You don’t have to attend every session. Feel free to come to any session that you can. Walk-ins are always welcome at any time.

As long as you are already here on Sunday mornings during the time you bring and pick up your child from Congregation Beth Shalom’s Religious School, why not take advantage of this free, exciting and enjoyable opportunity to learn more about Jewish customs and basic Judaism.

It is also never too late for you to get more knowledge about Judaism, even if you don’t currently have a child or grandchild in the Religious School on Sundays.

This course will be held from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM on each of the Sundays that the Religious School meets during the academic year of 2011-2012.

Jewish Customs Schedule

Minor Holidays Apr 15, 2012 Shavuot Customs Apr 22, 2012 Kiddush Customs Apr 29, 2012 Medical Customs May 13, 2012

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 11

In the Wink of an Eye

As Jews, we all know what the Ten Plagues are. They’re the bit in the seder where we get to stick our fingers in a glass of wine just before having dinner. For anyone still following the service at this point they represent the Nile turning to blood, frogs, lice, beasts, livestock disease, boils, hail, locusts,

darkness and the slaying of the first born.

Much as we try to learn from the bible, these days such plagues can be very hard to relate to, especially for anyone under 40. So here’s my updated version of some particularly 21st century plagues right here in Naperville.

1. The green dye poured into the DuPage river on St Patrick’s Day turns rancid by Passover.

2. Hugo’s Frog Bar runs out of frogs’ legs forcing patrons to hop over to another restaurant.

3. An outbreak of head lice forces Zano and Zazu’s hair salons to close down.

4. Naperville North is forced to cancel its production of Beauty and Beast after an outbreak of flu takes out the entire cast.

5. Walgreens runs out of acne cream. 6. The Apple store decides to follow its name and only sell fruit. 7. You arrive at the seder in spring like weather, only to find you

have to drive home through two feet of snow. 8. The 17 year cicadas decide this is the year every year. 9. In an attempt to stop the controversy over smart meters, the

City of Naperville pulls the plug causing a three day power cut. 10. The maternity department of Edward Hospital insists all first

born babies must be delivered at home by UPS drivers.

Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers

Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers to provide companionship and support to a significant number of patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families in your Naperville/Glen Ellyn/Lisle/Warrenville community. Patient Care Volunteers provide conversation, leisure activities or a quiet, caring presence.

You may also use your education and/or area of expertise to aide our patients and program. Your additional talents might include art; horticultural therapy; gardening; massage therapy; music therapy; pet therapy; life review and reminiscence such as recording oral histories, scrapbooking, photography, and more.

Patient Visit Volunteers may occasionally provide the opportunity for respite to caregivers if a patient resides at home, allowing a caregiver to take time for him/herself.

Volunteers with Odyssey Hospice are an important part of a larger team who recognize that psychological, spiritual, and social services, as well as medical/clinical care, can contribute to an improved life quality for patients in the last stages of life. We offer an extensive orientation as well as ongoing volunteer support.

I would be happy to offer an informational presentation at your convenience, as well as local site orientation. Please contact me at jguggenheim@odsyhealth.com, or 847-439-0348.

Thank you very much. Sincerely, Judy Guggenheim

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 12

Library news


By Carol Medor for the CBS Library Committee

“Why is this Congregation different from others?” “Why is one a part of it?” These are the alternate questions of Passover posed by the Newsletter editor. “Old-timers” and “new-comers”, alike, know that Congregation Beth Shalom is a unique place—traditional and innovative, varied and diverse (in background, practice, and belief), established and welcoming.

Even the CBS Library is different, providing members and the community with a resource that is unavailable in the vicinity or in public libraries. Without making a long trip, where else can one find works by great Jewish thinkers (such as “The Sages Speak” by William B. Silverman, “The Teachings of Maimonides” by Jacob S. Minkin, and “Jewish Wisdom” by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin), Jewish perspectives on history and current events (for example, “A History of the Jews’ by Abram Leon Sachar, “Heritage” by Abba Eban, and “Start Up Nation” by Dan Senor), books of Jewish ethics (perhaps, “In the Marketplace: Jewish Business Ethics” by Meir Tamari, “Mitzvahs” by Danny Siegel, and “Creating an Ethical Jewish Life” by Dr. Byron L. Sherwin and Dr. Seymour J. Cohen), or explanations and explorations of Jewish traditions (including “1001 Questions and Answers About Judaism” by David C. Gross, “Exploring Judaism” by Rebecca T. Alpert and Jacob J. Staub, and “Making the Timeless Timely” by Rabbi Samuel M. Stah)? Where else can one pick up a CD, such as “Kirtan Rabbi Live!” , “Genesis Suite 1945”, or Noah Budia: “Hallelujah Land: Songs of Faith and Freedom”, or a DVD, including “My Father My Lord”, “Yana’s Friends”, or “Distant Journey”? Where can our children find books (such as “Stories from Our Living Past” by Francine Prose, “In our Image: God’s First Creatures” by Nancy Sohn Schwartz, and “The Jewish Kids Catalog” by Chaya M. Burstein) that make them part of the larger Jewish world and that highlight their amazing heritage?

All of this makes our CBS Library a truly wonderful place and a big part of the Congregation Beth Shalom community. Members choose to be part of this resource by checking out items, browsing the collection, suggesting new purchases, donating to the Library Fund, and/or joining the Library Committee to help administer the Library. Easy as participating is, being part of it all reinforces our connection to each other and to the community. It is part of what makes Congregation Beth Shalom welcoming and unique, and it is why CBS is different from all others.

CBS Member Art Show – Final Call for Submissions

If you have been thinking about entering a really good photo or painting or fiber piece or …? Into the CBS Members Art Show, now is the time. Deadline for entries is May 1st.

Artists (yes, this means you) can submit up to 3 pieces, and the jury will select at least 1 for exhibition. The show will run all summer of 2012. We’ll have an artists’ reception and ribbons will be awarded in various categories.

Artists must be at least 16 years old. Art must be wired for hanging. Jewish content desirable but not required.

Submission Process:

Submit up to 3 jpegs on a CD. Label your files with your name and the titles of the piece. Include a list giving the title of each piece, size, medium, and price, if for sale. Include a brief bio and/or artist statement. Drop off your entries at the temple, or mail them: CBS Member Show, Congregation Beth Shalom, 772 W. 5th Ave., Naperville, IL 60540 Deadline: May 1, 2012.

Questions? e-mail: Barblipkin@aol.com

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 13

ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment Website for Personalized Job Assistance

Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) announces the launch of ParnossahWorksChicago.org, a new free job search website accessible by Chicago area job seekers and employers. A unique job posting board, ParnossahWorksChicago.org caters to local jobs at all professional levels, offering a wide range of resumes and open positions to ensure a productive and mutually beneficial search. Unlike any other job posting website, qualified candidates are screened by an experienced, highly trained JVS career counselor.

The website offers an alternative to large, overwhelming job boards, with JVS staff providing confidential services to both candidates and employers to attain a strong match. The job posting board gives individuals access to job opportunities and employment assistance, while offering a venue for employers to find pre-screened candidates to fill their open positions. The site, free to both employees and employers, is made possible by a grant from the Jewish Federation’s J-HELP Initiative. Additional features include: job search tools and strategies, relevant resources, a calendar listing topical workshops and special events and opportunities to sign up for job campaign services.

Originally developed by F E G S Health and Human Services System in New York to serve unemployed and underemployed Jews in their area, ParnossahWorks is operating successfully in Detroit, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Toronto, Minneapolis and Atlanta. “With everyone from senior executives, middle managers, to young professionals and recent college graduates being affected by the

current economic turmoil, this is an opportunity for members of the Jewish community to connect and help one another,” said Rose Dessau, Supervisor, JVS Employment Services.

In addition to ParnossahWorks, JVS provides job campaign assistance through the Jewish Employment Network (JEN) offering networking opportunities, career counseling and cutting-edge job search

strategies for people looking to be competitive in a tough market. JVS career counselors provide support and help keep clients motivated and on track throughout the job search process. Evening roundtables, ongoing groups and targeted workshops along with a client list-serve complement individual sessions with a counselor. The Jewish Employment Network is a partnership of Jewish Vocational Service, the Chicago Board of Rabbis, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and affiliated congregations.

For more information on ParnossahWorksChicago.org call 312-673-3437 or e-mail parnossahworks@jvschicago.org.

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 14

Ongoing Programs and Activities

CBS Cemetery:

Congregation Beth Shalom owns a section in the Naperville Cemetery containing a number of gravesites.

Prices as of June 1, 2011 are:

Members: $1,150.00 per gravesite

Nonmembers: $1,650.00 per gravesite

Copies of the Congregation Cemetery Regulations are available from the Congregation office or Mark Greenberg/Gene Parker, Chairs of the Cemetery Committee.

For information on site selection and purchase, please contact Gene Parker (630 357 5047) or Mark Greenberg (630 579 8157).

CBS Seniors Group

HEAR YE! HEAR YE! To all Jewish Grandmas, Nanas, Bubbes and Grandpas, Poppas & Zeides.

The CBS Senior is looking for these particular Jewish people (not necessarily members of Congregation Beth Shalom) to become part of our group to help vitalize our activites in the Synagogue and also enjoy each other’s company. We meet the second Wed. of each month. If you have a desire to meet new friends and enjoy yourselves, please contact: Ruth Weber 630 983-4607

Calling all torah chanters: “The Bible should be read in public, and made understood to its hearers in musical and sweet tones­––and those who read the Torah without tune, show disregard for it, and its vital values and laws.” (The Talmud, 1st Century C.E.). Calling all post-Bar or Bat Mitzvah Teens who would like to inspire the younger Bnai Mitzvah students and keep their Torah Trope skills sharp! Calling all Adults who once chanted Torah and have run out of “lein” excuses!

Did you know that we chant Torah at every Shabbat morning service? The Torah was meant to be sung, and we sing it! Join our growing “Legion of Leiners.” We will help you brush up your skills, give you plenty of time to prepare, and provide you with a portion to learn and chant that is manageable for you. Remember: You don’t have to be a Maven to do a Mitzvah! Your honor awaits! Contact Bernie Newman at (630) 357-4544 or banewman22@aol.com

CBS Collegiate Connection

We would like to stay connected with your student at college, and remind them that we at CBS are still thinking of them. In the past we have sent a few encouraging notes a year, as well as a small gift. Please pass on your student's address at college to Melanie Greenberg at greenberg.melanie@gmail.com. ELC Cubbies: Please Note: The cubbies in front of the Early Learning Center (ELC) preschool classroom are for ELC use ONLY! Please do not place anything in these cubbies. All materials that you wish to distribute such as flyers for upcoming events, etc., must be pre-approved by ELC Director Robin Frisch. Robin Frisch can be contacted at 630.961.1818 x22 or at rfrisch@napershalom.org. Any materials found in the cubbies that have not been approved will be removed and immediately discarded. Thank you for your cooperation.

Junior Congregation: If you are looking for an easy and fun way to celebrate Shabbat and learn Shabbat morning prayers, then come and check out Junior Congregation.

This student- led service (with adult supervision) allows children the opportunity to be the gabbi, lead prayers in English or Hebrew, and take a part in “Sedra Scenes” performances - great practice in public speaking and preparation for Bnei Mitzvot. This service is targeted for children who can read English and are beginning to learn Hebrew. Students in first grade and above may attend without an adult, though adults are welcome, space permitting.

Jewish Professionals Lunch –n- Learn

Discuss an array of Jewish topics over a delicious

Kosher lunch while enjoying the opportunity to


Second Tuesday of Every Month

11:30 – 12:3 For more information visit

ww.jewishnaperville.com or call Rabbi Mendy

Goldstein at 630-778-977

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 15

Junior Congregation begins at 10:30 a.m. in the youth lounge and lasts approximately one hour, followed by Kiddish. Please pick up your child no later than 12:00 p.m. as the synagogue closes after services. Please let us know if you’d be interested in hosting a Kiddish for this service.

Please contact Eileen Gelblat (630-355-7916 or eileen@gelblat.org) or Nadene Eisner (deme5678@gmail.com ) for more information.

Library: The library is open when the synagogue is open.

Monday and Friday: 9-2, Tuesday, Wednesday. & Thursday 9-5, Sundays When Religious School is in Session

For more information about our library, volunteering your time your time or writing book reviews, please call Gerry Mendelssohn at 630-416-2195

Lunchtime study group: Join us for our lively and popular weekly lunchtime adult study group, on Thursdays from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the Congregation library, led by our Rabbi, Marc Rudolph. The subjects of study are traditional Jewish texts (in English).

Our current topic of study is Rabbi Joseph Telushkin's book, A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 1: You Shall Be Holy. Whether you can come regularly or only drop-in occasionally, join us for the energizing discussions and the joy of learning. You don't need to have been present from the beginning of this topic to join-in whenever you can.

Bernie Newman 630-357-4544 or banewman22@aol.com.

Monthly Meditation: The Sages used to meditate an hour before services to prepare themselves for prayer. On the fourth Friday of the month you can do the same at 7:15 pm in the Library, with Jewish Meditation Teacher Yonah Klem. Yonah will give a brief teaching and then we will meditate about 20 minutes. Beginning and experienced meditators are welcome.

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 16

CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines

Communication is a funny thing. Some people tell us they get too much, while others tell us they don’t get enough. Some people say they “tune out” because the same information is repeated everywhere while others say that they waste their time searching for what they need. To improve our effectiveness, we are focusing each major form of communication from CBS. However, we need your help. It is important that you at least skim the various communications from CBS. That will ensure that you are kept up-to-date on what is happening in and around our community. For your reference, we have included a table summarizing our communication tools and submission deadlines.

Frequency Purpose Submission Deadline Submit to

Web-site Ongoing General information about CBS, Oneg sign up, donation and building information, emergency announcements, ELC/Religious school closings, and most up-to-date calendar.

On-going websiteinfo@napershalom.org

Digest/ Announcements

Weekly Thursday/ Friday

Events coming in the next two weeks, “Save the date” notifications for major events.

Wednesday of the week that announcement is to be read


Special digests Once or twice per month

Time-sensitive or urgent matters such as Shiva information, special meetings, and other notifications

As needed – note: the digest is the primary weekly vehicle. Special Digests will be saved for exceptional events (at the discretion of the office manager or VP Member Services) so that we do not bombard members with too many emails.


Newsletter Monthly Human interest stories about Congregation Beth Shalom members. General information about upcoming (more than one month away) programs. Monthly calendar.

The 25th

of the preceding month (e.g., March 25

th for submissions for April).

This is a firm cut-off date.


For stories in the digest and newsletter, please just send unformatted text. If you would like to include a picture, send a jpg, png, or bitmap. Advertisements should also be jpg, png, or bitmap. On-going CBS events are no longer called out in advertisements but rather appear on the “On-going programs and services” page. We hope that these guidelines will better help you get the information you need without too much redundancy or confusion.

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 17

Calendar of Key Events in November For the most up-to-date information, see www.napershalom.org. If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please check with Sue Prousa to ensure that the building/room is available.

Mon Apr 2 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Apr 3 4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School

Thu Apr 5 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Apr 6 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Erev Pesach - No Services at Congregation

Sat Apr 7 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 7:00pm – 9:00pm: Community Seder

Mon Apr 9 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Apr 10 4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School

Thu Apr 12 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Apr 13 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Birthday/Anniversary Celebration

Sat Apr 14 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship and Yizkor - Sanctuary 7:30pm – 8:30pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service

Sun Apr 15 8:30am – 10:25am: Religious School-Session I (PreK - 4) 9:00am – 10:00am: Minor Holidays 9:00am – 10:00am: Intro to Judaism: Minor Holidays 9:00am – 10:25am: Sunday School Katan 10:45am – 12:45pm: Religious School - Session II (5-10) 10:45am – 12:45pm: Yom HaShoah Service 11:00am – 12:30pm: Dine and Discuss 11:45am – 1:15pm: JUF Brunch

Mon Apr 16 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Apr 17 4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School 7:15pm – 10:15pm: CBS Board Mtg This event has invited guests. 7:30pm – 9:00pm: Avodah Committee Meeting

Thu Apr 19 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Apr 20 11:30am – 1:00pm: Shabbat Shalom Hey - Social Hall 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service

Sat Apr 21 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 10:30am: Tot Shabbat - Youth Lounge 10:00am – 12:00pm: Contemplative Service - Sanctuary 10:30am – 12:00pm: Junior Congregation 6:15pm – 7:15pm: Minkha 7:00pm – 9:00pm: Interfaith Dinner

Sun Apr 22 8:30am – 10:25am: Religious School-Session I (PreK - 4) 9:00am – 10:00am: Intro to Judaism: Shavuot Customs 10:45am – 12:45pm: Religious School - Session II (5-10) 10:45am – 12:45pm: 9th Grade Family Program 11:00am – 12:30pm: Dine and Discuss Yaron Iram 12:45pm – 1:45pm: 5th Grade Pizza Lunch

Mon Apr 23 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Apr 24 4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School

Thu Apr 26 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Apr 27 6:30pm – 7:30pm: Rosh Hodesh Shabbat Dinner 7:15pm – 7:45pm: Monthly Meditation - Congregation Beth Shalom Library 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Baby Naming Shabbat Service

Sat Apr 28 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 7:45pm – 8:45pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 18

Sun Apr 29 8:30am – 10:25am: Religious School-Session I (PreK - 4) 8:30am – 10:30am: 3rd Grade Family Program 9:00am – 10:00am: Intro to Judaism: Kiddush Customs 10:45am – 12:45pm: Religious School - Session II (5-10) 10:45am – 12:45pm: 10th Grade Kiddushin LaTorah (Mandatory Practice) 11:00am – 12:30pm: Dine and Discuss 12:45pm – 2:45pm: Rosh Hodesh Group (8th-10th) 4:00pm – 5:30pm: CBS Annual Meeting

Mon Apr 30 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS


Tue May 1 4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School

Thu May 3 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri May 4 6:45pm – 7:15pm: Family Service 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service

Sat May 5 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 10:00am – 12:15pm: B'MV Amanda Thompson 10:30am – 12:00pm: Junior Congregation 7:45pm – 8:45pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service

Sun May 6 All day: Israel Days at CBS

Mon May 7 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 19


RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Selena & Steve Rochlis in memory of Beatrice Friedman Selena & Steve Rochlis in memory of Janis Newman Barb & Chuck Lipkin in memory of Janis Newman Barb & Chuck Lipkin in memory of Beatrice Friedman Adrienne & Herb Golinkin in memory of Janis Newman Adrienne & Herb Golinkin in memory of Naomi Golinkin Ruth Haas & Marc Sperling in memory of Beatrice Friedman Fred & Sandy Goldenson in memory of Jeanette Prastein Fred & Sandy Goldenson in memory of Janis Newman Fred & Sandy Goldenson in memory of Frank Karlovsky Liz & Bob Osgood in memory of Alan Lifton Liz & Bob Osgood in memory of Janis Newman Selena & Steve Rochlis in memory of Naomi Golinkin Terrie Stainman in memory of Beatrice Friedman Gene & Linda Parker in memory of Liz Kelman Gene & Linda Parker in memory of Janis Newman Gene & Linda Parker in memory of Alan Lifton Gene & Linda Parker in memory of Cecile Stern Gene & Linda Parker in honor of the birth of Pete and Sue Levine's grandchild Kathy & Richard Bokor in memory of Frederick Bokor Ellen Kohn in memory of Irmgard Leib Herb & Adrienne Golinkin in memory of Pearl Bloom Steve & Selena Rochlis in memory of Evelyn Winet

LIBRARY FUND Sandy & Fred Goldenson in memory of Sylvia Nemenyi Lurie Sandy & Fred Goldenson in memory of Pearl Bloom

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Adrienne & Herb Golinkin in memory of Jennie Sutton Bobbi & Alan Goldenberg in memory of Janis Newman Marlene & Mark Schwartz in memory of Janis Newman Phyllis and Mike Hibben in memory of Janis Newman

JEKABPILS FUND Ed Bronson & Eileen Gelblat in memory of Sylvia Nemenyi Lurie Seymour Bloom in memory of Harry Bloom Sharon Brodzky in memory of Martin Wallach Susan & Michael Remson in memory of Louis Remson Lloyd & Kathleen Hyman in memory of Robert Hyman Ed Bronson & Eileen Gelblat in memory of Pearl Bloom Ed Bronson & Eileen Gelblat in memory of Melvin Gelblat

TIKUN OLAM FUND Bob & Sheila Fisher in memory of Janis Newman Paul Abelson in memory of Janis Newman Paul Abelson in memory of Alan Lifton Paul Abelson in memory of Ida Abrahams Abelson Mali Sharon in memory of Janis Newman Debbie & Mike Thompson in memory of Janis Newman Ariana & Armand Vigder in memory of Otilia Vigder Craig & Debbie Garber in memory of Alan Lifton

Craig & Debbie Garber in memory of Janis Newman Bonnie Adelman in memory of Janis Newman

BUILDING FUND Mildred Keiser in memory of Harry Keiser Mildred Keiser in memory of Sidney & Lena Keiser Ira and Susan Rubin in memory of Janis Newman Gene & Linda Parker in memory of Alan Lifton Gene & Linda Parker in memory of Janis Newman

BUILDING MAINTENANCE FUND Gene & Linda Parker in memory of Rollin Parker

EARLY CHILDHOOD ED FUND Selena & Steve Rochlis in Jennifer's memory Ken & Blanche Sheinkopf in memory of Alan Lifton Craig and Debbie Garber in honor of Westyn Garber Jan & Don Strauss in memory of Muriel "Mickey" Kadison Drell Lynda & David Stern & Family in memory of Muriel "Mickey" Kadison Drell

TORAH FUND Paula and Dan Fraser in memory of Janis Newman Carol and Jack Medor in memory of Janis Newman Ken & Blanche Sheinkopf in memory of Janis Newman Nita & Al Barshefsky in memory of Gustave Barshefsky Nita & Al Barshefsky in memory of Sylvia Nemenyi Luria Nita & Al Barshefsky in memory of Liz Kelman Nita & Al Barshefsky in memory of Janis Newman Nita & Al Barshefsky in memory of Frank Karlovsky Nita & Al Barshefsky in memory of Alan Lifton Elaine & Jeff Rest in memory of Janis Newman

SCHOLARSHIP FUND Steve Rochlis in memory of Sandy Rochlis

CHESED FUND Eva & Rob Katz & Family in memory of Mary Patricia Basner

LANDSCAPING FUND Paulette Goodman in memory of Miranda Howard

GENERAL FUND Diane & Jim Vojcek in memory of Janis Newman Barb & Chuck Lipkin in memory of Sylvia Nemenyi Lurie Vicki & Chuck Robinson in memory of Janis Newman Vicki & Chuck Robinson in memory of Frank Karlovsky Vicki & Chuck Robinson in memory of Allan Lifton

PRAYERBOOK FUND Terrie Stainman in memory of Janis Newman

CULTURAL ARTS FUND Joanne & David Sapadin in memory of Alan Lifton Joanne & David Sapadin in memory of Janis Newman Susan Ganden in memory of Sylvia Nemenyi Lurie

SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sheli & Raye Isenberg in memory of Jeanette Prastein

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 20

Make a Donation

772 W. Fifth Avenue, Naperville, IL 60563

In memory of In honor of (occasion and name) Name of donor Address (Street, City, State Zip)

Please send acknowledgement to

Name of donor Address (Street, City, State Zip)

I (we) enclose my (our) contribution of $___ to the following fund(s)

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 21

In Memory

APRIL 6 & 7 Beatrice Waxler Gail Aranoff 15 Nisan 5772 4/9/2009 Lorraine Greene April Remegi 16 Nisan 5772 4/2/1980 Mary Patricia Basner Eva Basner-Katz 17 Nisan 5772 4/5/2007 Robert L Beck Jill Rudolph 18 Nisan 5772 4/9/1985 Nadia Hayes Ken and Rita Kramen 18 Nisan 5772 4/23/2008 Rivka Markowitz Mali Sharon 18 Nisan 5772 4/23/2008 Jane Taubman Melisa Wells 18 Nisan 5772 4/15/1979 Bernice Fields Don Fields 19 Nisan 5772 4/23/2011 Joe Zucker Ronald and Carol Keeth 19 Nisan 5772 4/12/2001 Sara Birenbaum* Joel Birenbaum 20 Nisan 5772 4/11/2004 Mollie Klem* Russ Klem 20 Nisan 5772 4/2/2002 Jack Szajman Rachel DePorte 20 Nisan 5772 4/11/2004 Sidney Nathan Gubin* Sue Morss 21 Nisan 5772 4/29/1959 Robert Hyman Lloyd Hyman 21 Nisan 5772 4/26/2008 Alex Langsam* Marty Langsam 21 Nisan 5772 4/29/1959 Martin Wallach Sharon Brodzky 21 Nisan 5772 4/23/2003

APRIL 13 & 14 Leon Balsam Erica Roberts 22 Nisan 5772 4/26/2011 Sandra L Rochlis* Steve Rochlis 22 Nisan 5772 4/8/1999 Roland Rosenthal* Heather Fee 22 Nisan 5772 4/17/1990 Roland Rosenthal* Phyllis Fee 22 Nisan 5772 4/17/1990 Louis J Bale* Roberta Frye 23 Nisan 5772 4/16/2001 Jesse Ironson* Marilyn Bloom 23 Nisan 5772 5/2/1986 Nicholas Doukas Phil Doukas 25 Nisan 5772 4/14/1996 Ruth Gerber* Gene Gerber 25 Nisan 5772 4/15/1966 Joel Setzen Leah Mehl 26 Nisan 5772 5/1/2000

APRIL 20 & 21 Benjamin B Elster* Art Elster 29 Nisan 5772 4/22/2001 Muriel Kadison Drell* Janet Strauss 30 Nisan 5772 4/26/1998 John S Jankowski* Robert Jankowski 30 Nisan 5772 4/29/1987 Jacob T Trushin David Trushin 1 Iyar 5772 5/11/1967 Judith W Davids* Cary Davids 3 Iyar 5772 4/29/1998 Benjamin Eisner Nadene Eisner 3 Iyar 5772 4/26/2001 Evelyn Winet* Norman Golinkin 3 Iyar 5772 4/21/2007 Evelyn Winet* Adrienne Golinkin 3 Iyar 5772 4/21/2007 Evelyn Winet* Selena Rochlis 3 Iyar 5772 4/21/2007 Judith Yedwab Gregg Yedwab 3 Iyar 5772 4/17/2010 Lois Muriel Abrams Cliff Kapson 4 Iyar 5772 5/11/1978 Joseph Glasberg Francine Navakas 4 Iyar 5772 5/9/2000 Miriam Barshefsky* Al Barshefsky 5 Iyar 5772 5/9/2011

APRIL 27 & 28 Rose Schermer Balsam Engleman Erica Roberts 6 Iyar 5772 4/18/2002 Mirand Howard Paulette Goodman 6 Iyar 5772 4/30/2009 Merlin Richardson Joel Richardson 6 Iyar 5772 4/17/1994 Wilbur Val Steele Carol Keeth 6 Iyar 5772 4/24/2007 Leon Lazarovici Ariana Vigder 7 Iyar 5772 5/11/2011 Muriel Klein Rabstein Rich Klein 7 Iyar 5772 5/1/2009 Paul R. Fields Don Fields 8 Iyar 5772 5/4/1998 Ida C Fink* Charles Aranoff 8 Iyar 5772 5/15/1997 Samuel Keiser Mildred Keiser 8 Iyar 5772 5/9/1957 Irwin H Goldman Richard Goldman 9 Iyar 5772 4/22/1983 Bernard Kaplan* Marvin and Doris Kaplan 9 Iyar 5772 5/15/1970 Maria Leizerovici Ariana Vigder 9 Iyar 5772 4/23/1972 Mark G. Stallman Toni Miller 9 Iyar 5772 4/30/2004 Lenore Newman* Bernie Newman 10 Iyar 5772 5/6/1998 Louis H. Remson* Michael Remson 10 Iyar 5772 5/7/1979 Sam Rubenstein Barbara Nicker Bernstein 10 Iyar 5772 5/19/1986 Audrey Stern Michael Stern 10 Iyar 5772 5/1/2004 Bertha Brown Rikki Amesquita 11 Iyar 5772 4/29/2007 Frederick Bokor Richard Bokor 12 Iyar 5772 5/17/2000 * A memorial light on the CBS yahrzeit board is lit

May their memories be for a blessing

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2012 22

Board of Directors and Committees

Position Name Contact

President Jeff Rest cbspresident@napershalom.org

VP Administration Stephan Chriqui admin@napershalom.org

VP Member Services

Liz Levitt

Lisa Ohlhausen memberservices@napershalom.org

VP Membership

Leslie Noel

Elizabeth Sigale membership@napershalom.org

VP Education

Renee Major

Geoff Adler education@napershalom.org

VP Finance Bob Fisher finance@napershalom.org

VP Development Gregg Yedwab development@napershalom.org

VP Religious Practices Chris Igo religiouspractices@napershalom.org

Secretary Susan Karoll secretary@napershalom.org

Treasurer Betsy Wunder cbstreasurer@napershalom.org

Director at Large Nelson Chester dal1@napershalom.org

Director at Large Cynthia Summers dal2@napershalom.org

Past President Mark Greenberg pastpres@napershalom.org

Position Name Contact

Adult Education Open

B'nai Mitzvah Invitations Trudy Lythberg tel:355-5337

Building/Catering Stephan Chriqui vpadministration@napershalom.org

Cemetery Mark Greenbergy

Gene Parker cemetery@napershalom.org

Chesed Bob Fisher

Terrie Stainman



Cultural Arts Linda Gaines lgaines@anl.gov

Facilities Stephan Chriqui vpadministration@napershalom.org

Gift Shop Lauren Gaither

Jill Greenwood giftshop@napershalom.org

Landscaping Drew Effron dreffron@aol.com

Library Gerry Mendelssohn curleybook@aol.com

Newsletter Brad Kolar newsletter@napershalom.org

Religious School Renee Major majorsrbb@yahoo.com

Tikkun Olam Mimi Qunell community@napershalom.org


Committee Russ Klem russklem@aol.com

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