achieving the optimal b2b media media mix

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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Eric Anderson

VP of Emerging Media

White Horse

Achieving the Optimal B2B Media Mix:

A Model for Cross-Channel Planning

B2B media planning is in crisis.

The downturn has prompted belt-tightening, but b2b

marketers lack good models for knowing which belts to

tighten and which to loosen.

The proof the crisis is the

huge disparity between

where money is being

spent and where b2b

marketers find success.

It’s easy for b2b marketers to get entrenched in poorly

performing techniques, with no good data to take them in

new directions. And who has the budget to experiment?

But as complex as b2b media planning can be, it still largely

follows the simple formula of the “S” curve.

A campaign that defines its success by lift – e.g., lead gen or brand

awareness – will have an S as its goal.


Impressions per Target

Threshold where you’re delivering the

minimum impressions to impact leads

Point of equilibrium where you’re delivering

the right number of impressions for max


But as complex as b2b media planning can be, it still largely

follows the simple formula of the “S” curve.

A campaign that defines success by reduction – e.g., in cost per lead – will

have a reverse S.

In both cases, we’re chasing that point of maximum efficiency before

performance tails off.



Impressions per Target

Point of Equilibrium

The S-curve is pretty simple to manage and measure when you’re

working in only one medium – especially a measurable one.


Impressions per Target

Ramp up impressions!

Ramp down impressions!

It becomes insanely complex when you’re working in multiple


If you can’t isolate the contribution of each channel, how do

you know how when you have the right mix?


Direct Mail, PPC, Print, TV

Total Impressions per Target

Ramp up direct mail? Print? TV? A little of

each? A lot of one and a little of the others?

Yes for one customer segment, no for

others? And when will we know if it worked?

With all these channels, can we

even find equilibrium before the

campaign ends? Probably not.

Like baldness treatments, various methods have been tried –

but none of them are entirely convincing.

Method 1: In b2b marketing, as in consumer advertising, good

old-fashioned reach & frequency still holds sway.

See here, old boy – Reach and Frequency

work just fine!

You figure out your target audience, then

how many impressions each channel can

give you for that audience, then you divvy

up your media that way!

Traditional Media Buyer

Method 1: In b2b marketing, as in consumer advertising, good

old-fashioned reach & frequency still holds sway.

R&F is so last century, 1950s Guy!

B2B companies are mostly considered

about performance, not awareness. You

still need separate models to figure out what

R&F is best for your goals.

Contemporary Media Buyer

Method 2: Control for the incremental impact of adding

another channel.

You can do that sequentially…

Problem: B2B customers don’t actually consume media as if they’re wearing out

a pair of shoes.

Source: The Ephron Consultancy

Method 2: Control for the incremental impact of adding

another channel.

Or you can do it simultaneously, one channel at a time.

Problem: How expensive and complicated is this going to get when you’re

dealing with 4 or 5 channels?

Source: Avenue/Razorfish, “Actionable Analytics”

Method 3: Ask prospects which channel delivered them, then

optimize based on results.

Problem: This solution remains stuck in the “last click” rut – it only accounts for

the last exposure the user had, not the cumulative impact.

Method 4: Go behavioral – figure out how your target

consumes media, then divide accordingly

Problem: better than R&F, but it’s still directional. You don’t know how each

channel actually performed, so you’ll still waste money.

Media planners mostly agree: to truly know what works, you

need to create a backwards-looking model that analyzes the

impact of each channel.

But that can be difficult, painful, and expensive. Most media

buyers would prefer to use limited model data combined with

educated guesses.

Which is exactly why the shift to new media is nerve-

wracking: the old models were already limited for b2b, and

now those are no longer reliable.

Zenith Optimedia’s Global Ad Forecast

In digital media-buying, though, we have the luxury of

knowing (almost) exactly what works.

The real break-through came when we moved beyond the

“last click” fallacy and could measure the contribution of

every exposure.

Source: Avenue/Razorfish, “Actionable Analytics”

We can create precise sequences of ads and serve them based

on the prospect’s actions and past exposure.

We’re no longer beholden to clicks – we can measure the

actions of prospects who saw ads but showed up later.

Google search for partners

Visit partner sites

Paid Media


Visit Site


Attend webinar

Ask questions of other


Check industry reviews

and forums

Connect through forum

Digital also has the ability to look at the b2b marketing funnel in its true

complexity and measure the impact of each action.

So if digital is so good at creating b2b media mix models, what can

it do for offline media?

Answer: LEAD WITH DIGITAL to create the offline media model.

Test digital venues based on goals, then map those venues to

their offline counterparts.

Awareness Preference Lead


Outdoor Newspaper Trade Pubs




ContentWebinarsTrade Shows Paid Search




Example: Create a digital campaign based on driving early

awareness leading to direct conversion.

Hypothetical Impression Sequence

Display Display Video Video Webinar Webinar

I see that Manufacturer

X has a new solution

coming out.

I get it – their new solution

is a whole new take on

Category Y.

I have to take a look at

this solution.

Create a 90-day test that determines the optimal number of

combined awareness and offer impressions to produce a


Then you’ve not only got your S curve, you also know which

venues produced it.


Impressions per Target

Users exposed to a sequence of ads:



•Webinar offer

Optimal impression path:

two takeovers plus offer.

Feed this data into your cross-channel planning. Apportion

your impressions according to what actually worked.





Online Model



Direct Mail25%


Cross-Channel Mix

By using digital to model the media mix, we may finally be

able to answer John Wanamaker’s famous dilemma:

Answer: It’s the half you’re not modeling.

I know half of the money I spend on

advertising is wasted.

The problem is, I don’t know which half.


1. The most important thing, whether cross-channel or single-channel,

is to know your S-curve.

2. Next most important: go beyond R&F and allocate according to goals

and the behaviors that accompany them.

3. But to truly optimize your marketing mix: you need to know what

works based on real data and be able to divvy your budget



Eric Anderson

VP of Marketing

White Horse

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