a list of persuasive techniques

Post on 18-Apr-2015






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1) Abstraction – the process of reducing a subject to a set of distinctive features

Idealization – the process of reducing a subject to a set of highly valued distinctive


Burlesque – the process of reducing a subject to a set of distinctive features that

are then distorted or exaggerated for purposes of humor or criticism

Polarization – the process of reducing a subject to its extremities

2) Catalog – a list of related features

3) Innuendo – guilt by association/affirmation by association

4) Periodic Development – an organizational strategy that places the most important element last

5) Description – the use of image-specific details

6) Sarcasm – arrogant and disdainful language

7) Vituperation – vicious name-calling

8) Arenas of Language Use – the use of forms of expressions to distinguish between speakers

9) Begging Sympathy – an appeal to emotions rather than to reason

10) Cultural Stereotyping – applying generalized impressions to a class or ethnicity

11) Attacks

Attacks are a version of playing the man, not the ball. If you can make your opposition seem less

credible, you may be more likely to get a reader to agree with your side of the argument. At the

least, attention can be taken away from the issue itself and put on to the personality. Attacks can

attempt to belittle or embarrass or just plain insult an opponent. The idea is that the weaker you

can make your opposition appear, the stronger you and your contention will appear.

Example text:

That’s the sort of suggestion I’d expect from a nose-in-the-air toff like Turnbull.

12) Colloquial Language

Colloquial (slang) language can be used in different ways. It can set the writer up as

knowledgeable, on the inside of a social group. A writer may also use slang in a sarcastic

manner, to attack an opponent or mock an argument. It may also be used to appeal to a reader’s

own sense of cultural identity, or reinforce a writer’s overall tone.

Example text:

She’s a top Sheila that Jessica Rowe. Channel Nine are stark having to give her the boot.

13) Emotive Appeals

Like many persuasive techniques, emotive appeals aim to engage people’s feelings, not logic or

reason. If a writer can manipulate a reader to feel a certain way, that reader should be more

likely to agree with the writer’s overall contention. Often writers will use other forms of

persuasive language techniques in order to appeal to people’s emotions.

There is a huge variety of emotions responses that can be aimed at by writers, such as:

Democracy Family Values Hedonism Reason and logic

Charity Fashion – sense Hip – pocket nerve Safety

Compassion Fear of change Morality Self – interest

Environmentalism Freedom Nostalgia Sense of justice

Fairness Group loyalty Patriotism Vanity

Example text 1:

Soon we will see civilians lying dead in our own streets if we do not act against terrorism.

Example text 2:

In our society today there are people living without food or adequate shelter. Such basics of life

can be provided if those of us who can afford to, give to organizations such as the Salvation

Army, to help those unable to help themselves.

14) Inclusive language

Inclusive language aims to directly address the reader, either personally or as a member of a

shared group. This involves using such words as us, we, you, our.

Example text :

It is time for us to show our belief in the value of mateship and a fair go, and give generously to

the Good Friday Appeal.

15) Rhetorical question

A rhetorical question is one in which the answer is so obvious it is not required. The idea here is

not to receive an answer, merely to reinforce a point.

Example text :

Should footballers be treated as above the law?

Persuasive Language Techniques

16) Exaggeration

A writer may describe a situation in forceful, overblown language in order to make the issue

seem more important or urgent than it may otherwise be considered. Exaggerating the scale of

an issue can draw an emotional response from a reader. Also known as hyperbole.

Example text:

Councils are losing the war against vandals.

17) Emphasis

There are three types of emphasis that writers use to draw the reader’s attention to a specific

point or idea : Repetition, Cumulation and Alliteration.


Repetition a single word a number of times over is repetition.

Example text :

We will all suffer for years to come unless we stop this government, stop them in the workplace,

stop them in the polls and stop them on Election Day.


Using many similar words in a short space is cumulation.

Example text:

This task requires guts, determination girt and will power.


Repetition of the first sound in consecutive words is alliteration.

Example text:

To rip people off so blatantly shows Mr. Craven to be cruel, calculating and crooked.

18) Evidence

There are three main types of evidence : Anecdotal , Expert Opinion and Statistical

Anecdotal Evidence

An anecdote is a tale involving real life events, a true story. Such Stories can be used by writers

as evidence to back their claims. To support a contention, and to make themselves appear more

credible, writers often use personal anecdotes.

Example text:

I can tell you that, as a single mother of two, I received very little in the way of financial support

during my attempts to return to fulltime work.

Expert opinion

To make a writer’s position seem more credible, they may quote the opinions of experts that

correspond with their own. As in a court case, experts are often called on to make one side seem

stronger and more believable.

Example text:

My stand on the issue of exposed underwear is supported by fashion designer Ruby Reed, who

recently stated : “Any one whose underwear is exposed due to low slung jeans should be

punished as forcefully possible.”

Statistical Evidence

Like any form of evidence, statistics can be used to make an argument seem more conclusive, a

writer’s opinion more valid. Often statistics are used that are out of context, or form unreliable

sources. As the saying goes, “ There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

Example text:

A recent survey found that 90% of students favoured no school uniforms at all.

19) Adjectives Describing word usually connected to a noun, add emphasis.

20) Anecdote A short account or story of an entertaining incident. Usually

makes the reader sympathetic and receptive to the point.

21) Association Words that create meaning beyond the literal word. Suggests or

influences the reader to respond in a certain way.

22) Bias One sidedness in presentation of view/opinion. Can

Subjectively influence the reader by intentionly only presenting

one side of the argument.

23) Cliches Worn-out, over used expressions. Are familiar to the reader

therefore can offer a shortcut to the meaning.

24) Colourful words and

descriptive language

Words that are heightened, vivid, full of interest. Produce a

picture and or an emotion which engages the reader by grabing

their attention.

25) Connotations of Words Implied meanings of words, meanings or associations that

words carry beyond their literal meanings.

Through careful choice of words different effects are gained and

different responses.

26) Emotive Language The deliberate use of strong emotive words to play on readers’

feelings. This evokes a strong emotional response in order to

force agreement from the reader. Such strong language is used

to manipulate the readers point of view.

27) Evidence Information, facts or statements used to support the writers

point of view. Add weight to backup the readers point of view.

28) Exaggeration/


Overstatement, magnifying the importance.

Exaggeration makes a point dramatic to reinforce it. It gains

attention and can arouse strong or extream emotional response.

29) Generalisation A general statement that states that the case being discussed is

true for a majority of people. This can appeal to our general

sense of what is true and so sound authorative may pick up on

prejudices in the reader and seem convincing.

30) Inclusive Language Includes the reader by assuming that we all agree or disagree.

Engages the reader and may gain sympathy or persuade the

reader to reject an idea or individual.

31) Irony Implied or intended meaning is different, often opposite from

the literal meaning. A powerful device that can be effective in

humiliating the opponent, makes the point obviously.

32) Loaded Language Words that re ‘loaded’ with associations. This is a shorthand

way of belittling or discrediting someone by suggesting that

they are associated with undesirable situations.

33) Metaphor A comparison that describes one thing in terms of another. Can

reinforce a point without mere repetition, can create interest and

engage reader.

34) Pun A play on words to suggest a different meaning. Positions the

reader to enjoy a hoke and grabs their attention.

35) Reason and Logic The use of an argument developed step by step with reasoning

and evidence to support each main point. Shows both

viewpoints to help establish the strength of one side.

36) Repitition Repeated words, phrases, sentence patterns, ideas.

Gives emphasis and prominence to a point, makes the reader

remember this point.

37) Sensationalize To exaggerate abd over-dramatise an issue or point so that it

assumes great importance in the publics mind, often evidence in

headlines. Grabs the readers attention can invoke a sense of

outrage or provke an extreme response.

38) Simile One thing is likened to another using ‘like’ ‘as…..as’

This clarifies and enhances an idea or situation.

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