a campaign for mental health j&j - … · put together.$9$tom$ insel,$ director,$ u.s.$...

Post on 26-Aug-2018






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A  Campaign  for  Mental  Health  Under  Way  at  Janssen  Research  &  Development,    

One  of  the  Janssen  Pharmaceutical  Companies  of  Johnson  &  Johnson  

Kamana  Misra  PhD,  Founding  Editor  

The  economic  costs  of  mental  illness  will  be  more  than  cancer,  diabetes,  and  respiratory  ailments  

put   together.  -­‐   Tom   Insel,   Director,   U.S.   National   Institute   of   Mental   Health,   at   the   World  

Economic  Forum,  January  2015  

 On  New  Year’s  Day  the  phone  call  came.  A  phone  call  no  parent  should  ever  receive.  He  thought  

it  was  his  daughter  calling  to  say  hello.  Instead  a  male  voice  from  his  daughter’s  phone  

conveyed  hesitantly  that  his  daughter  had  just  tried  to  end  her  life.    


Craig   Kramer   received   this   call   when   his  

daughter   was   24   years   old,   ten   years   after   she  

developed   an   eating   disorder   at   the   age   of   14.  

From   the   outset   the   family   experienced   many,  

many   difficulties.   Tremendous   effort   was  

required   in   trying   to   get   the   appropriate  

diagnosis   and   treatments.   Interaction   with   the  

numerous   healthcare   professionals   required  

synchronizing   treatment   schedules   from   the  

medical   care   professionals,   mental  

health  services  and  nutritional  therapy  to  name  a  

few.   There   was   overall   lack   of   coordination  

between   the  many   healthcare   professionals   involved.    More   importantly,   health   coverage   for  

the  wide  array  of  treatments  is  not  covered  or  very  difficult  to  obtain  for  many  patients.    


At  the  time  this  crisis  hit  his  family,  Kramer  was  Vice  President  for  Government  Affairs  &  Policy  

at  Johnson  &  Johnson,  based  at  the  World  Headquarters  in  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey.  His  job  

was   to  shape  up  and  develop  policies  at  both   the  national  and   international   levels.    Kramer’s  


   personal  experience  showed  him  firsthand  the  sorry  state  of  affairs  for  eating  disorder  patients  

in   terms  of  diagnosis,  prognosis,   inadequate   insurance  coverage,  and  beyond.  He  experienced  

the   tragic   effects   these   disorders   have   not   only   on   the   patients,   but   also   on   the   families   and  

communities   in  which   they   live   and  work.  Once   his   daughter  was   in   recovery,   he   decided   to  

utilize   his   expertise   to   champion   a   cause   that   remains   gravely   misunderstood   and  



Kramer  was  fortunate  to  work  with  a  company  that  is  

committed   to   making   life-­‐changing,   long-­‐term  

differences   in   human   health   throughout   the   world.  

Through  his  efforts  and  the  efforts  of  other  Johnson  &  

Johnson  leaders,  the  J&J  Global  Campaign  for  Mental  

Health     was   initiated   as   a   part   of   Neuroscience  

External   Affairs   at   Janssen   Research   &   Development,  

LLC,   one   of   the   Johnson   &   Johnson   Pharmaceutical  

Companies.  Kramer  was  named  Janssen  and  J&J’s  first  

Mental   Health   Ambassador   and   now   leads   an   effort  

that   aims   to   transform  mental   healthcare   globally   by  

raising   awareness,   reducing   stigma,   promoting  

research,   improving   access,   and   ensuring   better  

patient   outcomes.       The   Janssen   R&D   Neuroscience  

Therapeutic  Area,  under  the  leadership  of  psychiatrist  

and   neuroscientist   Husseini  Manji,   is   leading   new   research   areas   to   uncover   the   causes   and  

potential   treatments   for   illnesses   like   treatment-­‐resistant   depression,   suicidality,   and   other  

mental  illnesses.  


Key  initiatives  on  the  mental  health  policy  front  include  a  global  leaders'  coalition  to  advocate  

for  proven,  scalable  reforms,  and  a  CEO  roundtable  to  develop  "next-­‐in-­‐class"  workplace  mental  

health  practices.  In  his  words,  “It’s  an  uphill  task,  but  there  have  been  many  great  pilot  programs  


   in   recent   years   around   the   world.     We   hope   that   we   can   scale   those   up   and   advance   and  

replicatemental  health  solutions”  ”    


From   a   societal   perspective   eating  

disorders  are   the  most  misunderstood  

mental   illnesses.   These   include  

indications   like   anorexia   nervosa,  

bulimia  nervosa,  binge-­‐eating  disorder  

and   their   variants.    They   are   often  

perceived   with   disdain,   belittled   as   a  

fad  or  a   “phase”,  or  deemed  a   lifestyle  

choice,   and   therefore   overlooked   as  

serious  disorders  with  potentially   life-­‐

threatening  outcomes.    


Compounding   the   misinformation   is  

the   lack   of   scientific   understanding  

about  mechanisms   underlying   disease  

development   and   etiology.   Fortunately,   interest   from   the   scientific   community   is   shedding  

some  light  on  the  bio-­‐psychosocial  risk  factors  associated  with  eating  disorders.    


Hunger  Circuits.  

Under  normal   conditions,   food   intake  and  energy  expenditure  are  balanced  by  a  homeostatic  

system  that  maintains  stability  of  body  fat  content  over  time,  a  biological  process  termed  energy  

homeostasis.  Pathological  disruption  of  these  basic  homeostasis  and  emergency  circuits  leads  to  

eating   disorders   like   anorexia   (1-­‐4).   Research   efforts   over   the   past   75   years   have   helped  

neuroscientists  to  identify  the  involvement  of  the  hypothalamus  in  controlling  eating  behavior.  

The  arcuate  region  of  the  hypothalamus  (ARC)  along  with  the  CGRP  neurons  in  the  parabrachial  

nucleus  (PBN)  regions  of  the  brain  play  important  roles  in  these  hunger  circuits.    A  simplified  

hunger  /feeding  circuit  depends  on:  

                   Haijiang  Cai,  Ph.D   Assistant  Professor,                      Dept.  of  Neuroscience,     BIO5  Institute,                  University  of  Arizona.                                                                                                          

Anorexia   is   a   serious   disorder   with   abnormal  feeding   behavior.   Neural   circuits   control   both   the  feeding   defects   and   the   underlying   emotional  behavior.   These   circuits   could   be  druggable  targets  for  therapy,  but  we  don't  know  the  complete  details  of   these   neural   circuits.   Technological   progress   in  the   last   decade  or   so   has   allowed  us   to  dissect   the  neural  circuits  at  specific  cell  type  levels,  and  we  are  beginning   to   understand  how   the   circuits   mediate  eating   disorder   behavior.   I   believe   we   are   closer,  maybe   a   few   decades   (or   shorter)   away   from  understanding  anorexia  (and  other  eating  disorders)  at   the  neural  circuits   level,   or   a   level   that   we  can  treat  the  disease.”    


   1. The  ARC  hunger-­‐satiation  seesaw  

Two  groups  of  neurons  within  ARC,  occupying  less  than  a  millimeter  in  the  mouse  brain,  drive  

the  hunger   circuits   by   sensing   long-­‐term   changes   in   the  body’s   hormone   and  nutrient   levels.  

The  ARC  contains  at  least  two  populations  of  neurons:  

§ Pro-­‐opiomelanocortin  (POMC)  Neurons.  Activation  decreases  food  intake.  

§ Agouti-­‐related  protein  (AgRP)  neurons.  Activation  increases  feeding.  

a. These   2   sets   of   neurons   are   functionally   organized   in   a   seesaw-­‐like   fashion:   when   AgRP  

neurons  are  active,  POMC  neurons  are  not,  and  vice  versa.  

b. It  was  believed  opposing  anorexigenic  actions  of   the  POMC  neurons   is   critical.   It  has  now  

been  demonstrated  that  activation  of  AgRP  neurons  is  necessary  and  sufficient  to  promote  

feeding  (and  not  inhibition  of  POMC  neurons).  

c. Acute  depletion  of  AgRP  neurons  in  the  adult  mouse  leads  to  life-­‐threatening  anorexia.  

d. AgRP  projections  innervate  mesolimbic,  midbrain,  and  pontine  where  they  activate  feeding  

and  feeding-­‐independent  functions  such  as  reward  or  peripheral  nutrient  partitioning.    

e. AgRP  neurons  also  make  gamma  aminobutyric  acid  (GABA).    

f. While  the  loss  of  activation  functions  of  AgRP  neurons  causes  transient  feeding  defects  that  

can  be  compensated,  acute  loss  of  GABA  inhibition  by  AgRP  is  responsible  for  anorexic  



2. CGRP  neuronal  feeding  brakes  in  the  Parabrachial  nucleus  (PBN).  

a. Hyperactivity  of  CGRP  neurons  in  in  parabrachial  nucleus  (PBN)  is  linked  to  anorexia.  

b. CGRP  neurons   relay   sensory   information   to   the   forebrain.   Their   axons   project   to   the   bed  

nucleus  of  the  stria  terminalis  (BNST)  and  to  the  lateral  capsule  region  of  the  central  nucleus  

of  the  amygdala  (lcCeA).  

c. CGRP  neurons  are  activated  by  visceral  malaise  (food  poisoning),  nausea,  satiety  etc.    

d. Activation  of  these  neurons  provides  a  brake  on  normal  feeding  activity  in  mice.    

e. Activated   AgRP   neurons   are   inhibitory   to   CGRP   neurons,   a   critical   function   required   for  

normal   feeding.   Ablation   of   AgRP   neurons   in   adult   mice   results   in   starvation   by   loss   of  

inhibition  on  the  CGRP  neurons.  




Figure  2b.    Simplified  feeding  circuits  in  an  anorexic  brain.  

Anorexic  conditions:    

1. AgRP  and  POMC  balance  is  disrupted  causing  

reduction  in  feeding  drive  (1).  


2. The  AgRP  neurons  CAN  NOT  SUFFICIENTLY  

ACTIVATE  downstream  feeding  cues  (2).  

3. AgRP  neurons  INHIBITION  of  CGRP  neurons,  is  

LOST  (3).  

4. Critical  inhibition  of  CGRP  neuron  activation  

by  AgRP  neurons  is  LOST.    

5. Abnormal  activation  of  CGPR  neurons  puts  a  

brake  to  feeding  conditions  (3).  


Figure  2a.    Simplified  feeding  circuits  in  a  normal  brain.    



Adapted  from  references  1-­‐4  


Normal  conditions:  

1. AgRP  and  POMC  neurons  sense  body’s  

nutrient  levels  and  drive  activation  of  AgRP  or  

POMC  circuits  (1).  

2. The  AgRP  neurons  then  ACTIVATE  down-­‐

stream  mediators  that  promote  feeding  (2).    

3. AgRP  neurons  also  INHIBIT  CGRP  neurons,  an  

inhibition  critical  for  normal  feeding  (3).  

4. CGPR  activation  is  normally  inhibited  by  GABA  

expressed  in  AgRP  neurons  in  the  ARC.    5. Under  normal  feeding  behavior,  inhibition  of  

CGRP  neuron  activation  by  AgRP  neuronal  

projections  is  CRITICAL  to  prevent  cessation  

of  feeding.    

   Although  there  is  some  progress  in  the  field  of  eating  disorder  research,  funding  still  remains  

inadequate.  To  put  it  into  perspective,  compare  dollars  spent  per  patient  supporting  research  

for  eating  disorders  to  dollars  spent  on  autism  and  bipolar  disorder  5:  

• $0.74  cents  for  eating  disorders  

• $34.07  for  autism  

• $37.78  for  bipolar  disorder    


The  stigma  and  low  public  awareness  are  grave  issues  that  slow  down  progress.  We  must  work  

together  as  a  scientific  community  to  change  public  perception  and  call  for  increased  research  



Kramer’s   daughter   Katharine’s   story   on   personal   struggles   and   inspiring   recovery  

fromanorexia    can  be  found  here.  


“Mental  illnesses  occur  more  frequently,  affect  more  people,  require  more  prolonged  treatment,  

cause  more  suffering  by  the  families  of  the  afflicted,  waste  more  of  our  human  resources,  and  

constitute  more  financial  drain  upon  both  the  public  treasury  and  the  personal  finances  of  the  

individual  families  than  any  other  single  condition.”    -­‐  John  F.  Kennedy,  February  5,  1963.  



1. Morton  GJ,  Meek,  TH  and  Schwartz  MW  (2014)  Neurobiology  of  food  intake  in  health  and  disease.  

Nat  Rev  Neurosci;  15(6):367–378.  

2. Wu  Q.  Clark  MS  and  Palmiter  RD  (2012).  Deciphering  a  neuronal  circuit  that  mediates  loss  of  

appetite.  Nature;  483(7391):  594–597.  

3. Padilla  SL,  Qiu  J,  Soden  ME,  -­‐-­‐-­‐  and  Palmiter  RD  (2016)  Agouti-­‐related  peptide  neural  circuits  

mediate  adaptive  behaviors  in  the  starved  state.  Nat  Neurosci;19(5):734-­‐41.    

4. Meng  F,  Han  Y,  Srisai  D,  Belakhov  V,  Farias  M,  Xu  Y,  Palmiter  RD,  Baasov  T,  Wu  Q  (2016).  New  

inducible  genetic  method  reveals  critical  roles  of  GABA  in  the  control  of  feeding  and  metabolism.  

Proc  Natl  Acad  Sci;113(13):3645-­‐50.  

5. http://www.precisionnutrition.com/all-­‐about-­‐disordered-­‐eating  

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