2016 autumn city-based gric application booklet

Post on 03-Aug-2016






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2016 Autumn

Basic Information

There are 4 regional GRICs and 3 city-based GRIC (expected)

The conference duration changed into 1day in total (from Saturday noon to Sunday afternoon )

Time: late of Oct. (exact date to be confirmed by MC & AM)

Requirement: At least 70 EP attendance

Participants: 1 Chair, Conference Mgr, Session faci(including Agenda Mgr), OCT, Group Faci, Delegates

Basic Information

Duration: Pre-meeting – at least 1 nights (Chair,CM,AM, Session Facis, OC, Group Faci)

Conference — 1 day, 1 night(Chair, CM, AM, Session Faci, Group Faci,OC, delegates)

Post-meeting — 1 night(Chair, CM, AM, Session Faci

Financial policyNot exceed 150 RMB per person

MC supportagenda, session content, agenda mgr tracking

Application Process

Speak with your EBT and other LC/ EI in the same city or nearby

Prepare your application as outlined in the “Application Procedure Checklist”

Submit your application in electronic form in a zipped file. Named as“LC/EI Name_citybased GRIC_16 Autumn”.

All application must be submitted by 10th Jul. 2016 before 23:59 GMT+8 to Brian: kuan.wang@aiesec.net, Daniel: daniel.palacios@aiesec.net

cc Meining at meining.li@aiesec.net,

Application Procedure checklist

1. A motivation letter stating the reasons and purpose of holding RIC.

2. A proposed budget of hosting RIC. (including revenue & expense)

3. Proposed venue for pre-meeting and conference. (at lease 2 options) 4. A proposed OC structure.

5. Proposed preparation timeline for the conference. (including proposed conference dates)

6. LC list who attend the city based GRIC and estimated

EP attendance number

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