12th sunday in ordinary time - holy family cathedral

Post on 31-May-2022






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My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I have long been awed by the incredible scripture passage that we have in today's Gospel reading. The man

Jesus; healer, preacher and friend has been showing to his disciples the true meaning of mission. The day

to day activities of the Messiah have drawn not only the disciples, but many others, into a new and deeper

relationship with God.

The Psalmist cries out, "God's love is everlasting," and that is the message that has been proclaimed by

Jesus. He directs every person to the new commandment that is to love one another as God has loved us.

The everlasting nature of the love of God must be the foundation for our own lives and he makes no

secret about it: if we love as God loves then the Spirit of God will dwell within us.

The sad reality in many of our lives and indeed in the world is that we can’t get our minds around the

notion of being called to love everybody. For too long we have allowed differences of colour, creed, way

of life and gender to be the defining element in our decision to love or not to love. Our self centred-ness

can blind us to the reality that the "everlasting love of God" is not just for some but for all. St. Paul so

eloquently says that whoever is in Christ is a new creation, formed in the image of God to have a place in

the human family. We ask if this is true of our own actions? Do I see every one of my brothers and sisters

as one created in the image of God and one who shares in the everlasting love of God?

When I cannot reach out to all with the same love with which God has loved me then I know that the

storms and waves of this life and this world will never be quelled. They asked in the Gospel, "who is this

man that even the winds and the seas obey him?" In his act of absolute loving Jesus restores not only the

created order of humanity but he restores the whole order of creation. All things—in fact, everything—is

subject to the faithful love of God.

This great act applies to everyone be they Christian, Jew, Muslim or unbeliever. All are called to uphold the

great commandment of God to love one another: for only when loving beyond our differences can the

true beauty of everlasting love be experienced.

Fr. David

Bishop of Saskatoon

Most Rev. Donald Bolen


Very Rev. Fr. David Tumback

Associate Pastor

Fr. Colin Roy

Cathedral Administrator

Patrick Clarke

Pastoral Associate

Garth Horn

Faith Formation Minister

Andy Korvemaker

Youth Minister

Anthony Olusola

Financial Secretary

Linda Bobowski

Facility Manager

Jim Nakoneshny

Full-Time Custodians

Daryl Miller

Ashly Hanns

Half-Time Custodian

Gino Hanns


Lorena Samoyao

Parish Pastoral Council Chair

Wayne Koshman

Finance Committee Chair

Denis Sirois

Stewardship Committee Chair

Terry Sirois

Catholic Women’s League


Diane Waldbillig & Linda Bohn

Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight

Gil Wist

Elijah Cup

Reb & Eileen Materi

(306) 652-1289


123 Nelson Road Saskatoon, SK S7S 1H1 (Off Attridge Dr. by St. Joseph High School)

PH: 306-659-5800 FAX: 1-888-897-7980 E-mail: info@holyfamilycathedral.ca

Office Hours: 9am—4:30pm Monday thru Friday





9:00am, 11:30am & 6:30pm


See “Week at a Glance”

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 21st, 2015

Father’s Day

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: Congratulations to all of the officers installed at our meeting/wind-up on June 15.

To all the new officers (and those re-elected), please plan your time so that you are able to attend council meetings (1st and 3rd

Mondays of each month resuming in September) and be a factor in the decisions made. Our wind-up was well attended and a

great event, thanks to Fr. David (chaplain), Dale Meier and Ed Yuzik (installation team), and Shawn Scherr (event chief) and his

many willing workers. Congratulations to our Knight of the Year, Dick Hollier—due to his many efforts, Blackstrap is a much

improved Youth Camp. The next Sundae-Sunday is June 28. During the summer month our bar teams will be busy every

weekend. If you are able to help please call one of the captains. There will be one more bulletin insertion before the summer

break. If you have some news, event, etc. that you wish to have publicized, please call our GK, Gil Wist, or John Deptuck. All

telephone numbers start with 306. Gil Wist 249-0922, John Deptuck 229-2019, Darren Dale 384-5166, Shawn Scherr 249-1362. It

is now officially summer – enjoy.

CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE: Called to holiness through service to the people of God.

This will be our last news bulletin till the fall. Our next meeting is Sept. 9, 2015. Hope that

everyone has a wonderful summer, safe travels and will feel refreshed to begin anew in the fall. Did you Know: The new

Provincial CWL President is Jean Reader from Regina and the president-elect is Margaret Schwab from Saskatoon. Please pray:

for Fr. David as he celebrates 20 years of priesthood; for Deacon Greg Smith-Windsor who will be ordained on June 19th; for Fr.

Colin and all the priests that are in the process of be re-assigned to new parishes; for all recent university graduates seeking

employment; and, for all students writing final exams. May the Holy Spirit be with all of you.

CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF ORDINATION: June of 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the Ordination to

Priesthood of Fr. David. Earlier in the year he hit another milestone, his 50th birthday. Consider joining in on the festivities as we

celebrate these special days. THURSDAY, JUNE 25 at 7:00 PM—"Fr. David and Friends" - an evening of song, musical praise to

God, anecdotes and stories as Fr. David joins with long time music friends. Guests will include Marla Cole and the Saskatoon

String Ensemble, Saskatoon jazz singer and pianist Pam Pander, Garth Horn and many other local musicians and singers. A free

will offering will be taken that night for the Legacy Ridge Foundation Inc. of Saskatoon, a charitable organization advancing the

physical and mental health of survivors of trauma resulting from violence and all forms of abuse. FRIDAY, JUNE 26 at 7:00

PM—Celebration of the Eucharist with Fr. David presiding. A collection will be taken that evening with all proceeds going to the

Legacy Ridge Foundation Inc. of Saskatoon. A reception will follow in the Bishop LeGatt hall with remarks and good wishes

followed by a dance with the music supplied by Saskatoon's best 80s band, Studio 54, featuring Holy Family parishioners Amanda

Hagel and Curtis Korchinski. Late night lunch and cash bar. Join us for one night. Join us for both nights. Just join us as we

celebrate the faithfulness of our God and the love of the Holy Family community. ***Singers are invited to join the choir for

Friday, June 26th. Rehearsal at 6:00pm followed by the Mass.

HOLY FAMILY PILGRIMAGE 2016: Holy Family Cathedral Parish will be embarking on its 2016 Pilgrimage in

October of next year. We will be exploring the Legendary Waterways of Europe - a 14 day river cruise beginning in Budapest and

ending in Amsterdam. While this trip is more than a year away the interest has been such that we have only 5 more cabins available.

We have put in a request for additional cabins but have not been guaranteed that any will become available. Departure date

is October 12, 2016. If you are interested in this trip please contact Fr. David as soon as possible. The 2015 Pilgrimage to Ireland

also has a few seats remaining for a 10 day tour departing this coming October 1. Again, contact Fr. David if interested.


MOM’S MORNING OUT (MMO): Tuesday June 23 (9:30-11:30) This gathering is the last session before we break for

the summer months of July & August! There will be activity stations for our older kids that will make this date extra special! Come

celebrate the end of another fun season!

SPRINGS OF LIVING WATER: a Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group that meets every Wednesday at 7:30 pm in the

small conference room across from the coffee bar. Contact info: (306) 374-4766 or donlalonde@sasktel.net

HOLY YOGA: classes will resume on Thursdays in July and August. There will be one Gentle yoga class at 9:00 am and one at

7:00 pm on the following Thursdays: July 16, 23 and 30 and August 6, 20 and 27. To register or for more information, e-mail


ENHANCING OUR CATHEDRAL PROPERTY: Are you looking for a great way to celebrate one of life’s milestones

or to honour someone dear to you? Do you want to share in enhancing the appearance of our Cathedral site? We are pleased to

announce the introduction of our Commemorative Tree Planting Program here at the Cathedral. You can play a key role in the

beautifying and greening of our property by sponsoring a new tree in commemoration of an important person or event. If we have

a strong initial response, we hope to get the first planting under way soon. Please check out our website for more information.

NATIVITY SCENES: Next Sunday, June 28th the Nativity Scenes will be on display by the fireplace after each Mass. This

will be the last Sunday that they will be offered at the promotional reduced prices. We would like to take as many orders as possible

at this time so that we can start filling the orders over the summer months. Call Dan at (306) 373-1795 or Wayne Koshman (306)

381-3330 if you have any questions.

THE NEW LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE: for June, July, and August has been sent out by email. If you did

not receive one, copies are available in the Sacristy.

POPE FRANCIS’ NEW ENCYCLICAL: You've probably heard that Pope Francis wrote an encyclical letter about the

environment this past week. It's named Laudate Si. It may be a bit of a lengthy read, so why not at least check out a great summary

at www.bit.ly/LaudateSiSummary



The Knights of Columbus of Denis Mahoney Council #8215,

invite you to help celebrate with Bishop Donald Bolen

‘The Year of Consecrated Life’.

Come and meet those who have answered the call.

A delicious steak supper will be catered with all the trimmings.

The supper will be held Tuesday, September 8th here

at the Cathedral of the Holy Family.

Cocktails 5:00 p.m., Supper 6:00 p.m. with musical entertainment. Proceeds for Diocesan Vocational Efforts.

Tickets are available from Andy Wilson 306-249-0485 and Reg Bilodeau 306-373-5931. Cost $25.00

Commemorative Tree Program

Plant a Tree in Recognition of Someone Special


CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY FAMILY Commemorative Tree Program

Trees are symbols of new life, strength and vitality. They provide shade and natural habitat and improve our quality of life. The Cathedral’s Commemorative Tree Planting Program will allow you to participate in a very special way in the long-term enhancement of our site as part of Saskatoon’s urban forest.

Your donation will result in new trees being planted on the Cathedral grounds, enhancing the appearance and usability of the site. A commemorative tree may be donated in memory of a loved one; to celebrate a marriage or birth; to honour a retiree; in recognition of a graduating student; or for any other special occasion.

The Project

We will be following a specific plan for our tree plantings based upon the comprehensive design of our landscape architects. This plan was developed during the Cathedral’s initial planning and construction with the aim of incorporating commemorative tree donations in future years. These trees have been specially chosen for their growth potential in our climate and are appropriate to specific areas of our site. Applicants for commemorative donations may choose from a variety of trees. In order to maintain consistency and to ensure the best long-term results, only approved trees will be planted. There are different varieties of trees to choose from when participating in this project, corresponding to the contribution level which works best for you. Applications for commemorative trees will be accepted throughout the year. Trees will be planted as climate, planning and site conditions permit. Commemorative donations will be recognized but individual trees will not be identified. Donation receipts will be issued for all contributions.

In Memory

As a memorial, a vibrant, beautiful tree benefits everyone in this and in future generations. Planting a tree is an act that directly benefits everyone.

It can inspire energy, faith, devotion, and courage and carry forward the name of those memorialized in a living, vital way that grows grander with the years.

In Celebration

Plant a tree in celebration of life’s milestones such as special birthdays, anniversaries, births or any special occasion. A tree makes a beautiful, long-lasting gift idea.

By planting trees in celebration, you can honour your loved ones while improving our natural environment and enhancing our physical surroundings.

My Contribution I wish to participate in the Cathedral’s Commemorative Tree Program:

Name of Donor _____________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ Province/State __________________ Postal Code ________________ Phone __________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ In commemoration of: ________________________________________________________

Signature ______________________________ Date _______________

Contribution Level BRANDON ELM - $600 NORTHERN ASH - $500 SCOTS PINE - $400 AMUR MAPLE - $300

The above cost covers the tree, planting and initial maintenance, and includes applicable taxes. Descriptions of the available trees are listed on the following page. Donation receipts will be issued for all contributions. Please make cheques payable to: Cathedral of the Holy Family Applications can be sent to the Cathedral at: 123 Nelson Road,

Saskatoon, SK S7S 1H1 For more information please contact facilities@holyfamilycathedral.ca or 306-659-5800.

While the administrators of this program will do their best to accommodate your wishes in the selection of your donated tree, there are limited numbers of each variety available for planting. If the tree you have chosen is no longer available you will be offered an alternate selection.

As an ongoing reminder of this commemorative donation, donors will receive a special memorial keepsake. This will allow you to keep this special memory alive in your own home. The names of those honoured through this tree planting program will also be added to the list of commemorative donations at the Cathedral.

Tree List Below are the chosen varieties of trees which are available for selection. Note that some varieties will be needed in smaller quantities so the selection may be reduced as this program goes forward.

These trees are extremely hardy in this climate and have been chosen for their specific characteristics in their prescribed locations. Most are low maintenance and drought tolerant making them ideal choices for harsh environments. All are highly tolerant of urban pollution and will even thrive in inner city environments.

An extremely hardy shade tree with a very dense branching structure, Brandon Elm will grow to be about 40 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 25 feet. Used as a boulevard tree along our main roadway, it has a high canopy and grows at a fast rate. It can be expected to live for 80 years or more.

A relatively narrow upright shade tree, these trees will be used throughout the boulevards in our parking area. They are very adaptable, hardy and low maintenance. Growing to be about 40 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 20 feet, it has a high canopy, grows at a medium rate, and can be expected to live for 70 years or more.

A stunning evergreen tree, hardy, adaptable and very versatile, these will be used as feature trees at the ends of the boulevards. Scots Pines will grow to be about 50 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 35 feet. It has a low canopy and grows at a medium rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for 80 years or more.

A small landscape tree, with brilliant and reliable fall colors in fiery shades of scarlet red and orange, this will be used as an accent tree. Royal Crown Amur Maple will grow to be about 20 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 15 feet and can be expected to live for 60 years or more. This tree is very adaptable to both dry and moist locations.


15 Trees Available

Cost: $600.00


30 Trees Available

Cost: $500.00


18 Trees Available

Cost: $400.00


16 Trees Available

Cost: $300

Brandon Elm Northern Treasure Ash Scots Pine Royal Crown Amur Maple

In all things we are rooted in Christ,in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples.

Upcoming Events

Diocesan BulletinSunday, June 21, 201512th Sunday in Ordinary TimeFather’s Day / National Aboriginal Day


National Aboriginal Day prayer service 3 p.m. Sunday, June21 at St. John’s Anglican Cathedral, 816 Spadina Crescent,East, Saskatoon, giving thanks for the good work of the Truthand Reconciliation Commission, and committing to ongoinghealing and relationship-building in our community. All welcome!

Welcoming priests to the diocese - All are invited to adiocesan Mass of welcome for six international priests arrivingin our diocese in June. The Mass of welcome, with BishopDonald Bolen presiding, will be held 4 p.m. Sunday, June 21 atthe Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road. A receptionwill follow, with an opportunity to meet each of the new priests,who will minister in our diocese for a time, thanks to permissionfrom their home dioceses or religious communities. Registrationis not required.

Nightfever - Experience Christ in prayer, music, stillness,and anointed conversations all through the invitation of lightinga candle! Nightfever will be held Friday, June 26, from 8 to 11p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Broadway Ave. and 8th St.East, Saskatoon. Passersby will be approached and welcomedto come in to the church for a moment of prayer. Those whowish to volunteer are invited to arrive at 7:30 p.m. for orientationor contact Colm at youthmin@saskatoonrcdiocese.comOther Nightfever events this summer will be held July 17 at St.Paul Co-Cathedral during the Taste of Saskatchewan, and Aug.7 at St. Joseph Parish, during the Fringe Festival

Blumenfeld Pilgrimage begins 10 a.m. Sunday, June 28,with Mass celebrated at 3 p.m. by Bishop Don Bolen. Site islocated 16 km south and 6 km east of Leader just off Hwy 21.For more details see: http://blumenfeldheritage.jigsy.com/

Our Lady of Fatima Mass hosted by the SaskatoonPortuguese Canadian Association, begins at 3:30 p.m.Sunday, July 5, at St. Mary’s Church, 20th Street and Ave 0 inSaskatoon. It will be followed by a street procession with thestatue of Our Lady of Fatima. Coffee and a light luch will beserved in St. Mary’s Hall.


Mount Carmel 2015: The 93rd Mount Carmel Pilgrimage (twomiles north of Carmel, SK) will be held Sunday, July 19. Beginsat 9:30 a.m. with hymns, rosary and the sacrament ofreconciliation, with Sunday Eucharist celebrated at 10:45 a.m.with Bishop Donald Bolen, followed by the blessing of the fields,adoration, hymns, stations of the cross and blessing of the sick.

Rock the Mount celebration of Catholic faith for youth andfamilies, will be held Saturday, Aug. 15 two miles north ofCarmel, SK. Includes speakers, bands, children’s activities,reconciliation, and Mass with Bishop Donald Bolen at 5 p.m.Free admission. Ends with adoration and praise and worshipunder prairie skies. See: www.rockthemount.com

Annual Mass and Blessing of Graves at St. HelenParish at Brooksby, SK. will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16.Coffee/Donuts and fellowship following

Pro-Life Millennium Cross Pilgrimage 10 km northeastof Aberdeen, SK. on Hwy 41, 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 30. Guestspeaker this year is Shawna Arnold from Fountain of Hope. ALiving Rosary is celebrated during the afternoon, along withother prayers. Food and beverages are available – bring rosaryand chairs. Info at: www.prol i femi l lenniumcross.ca

Retrouvail le - Is your marriage or that of a relative or friendheading for divorce? Do you know how to save that marriage?Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vie) is designed to help troubledmarriages regain their health and re-awaken the love, trust andcommitment that originally brought a couple together. Forconfidential information about the Sept. 18-20, 2015 weekendin Saskatoon, call Wendy or Fritz at (306) 652-7155 or emailretrouvai l le@sasktel .net

Ordination to the Priesthood7 p.m. Thursday, July 16

St. Augustine Parish, HumboldtAll are welcome to this joyful diocesan celebration asDeacon Cosmos Epifano, OSB, is ordained a priest asa member of the Order of Saint Benedict 7 p.m.Thursday, July 16 at St. Augustine Parish, 809- 10thStreet, Humboldt, SK.

“Creating Cultures of ParishGenerosity” Stewardship Conference

8 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11& 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12Cathedral of the Holy Family, Saskatoon

This two-day seminar Sept. 11-12 is designed forclergy, all parish leadership, and interested laypersons. It will cover topics such as: research aboutreligious giving, assessing parish giving, fundraising,and Catholic theology of generosity and money.

Cost before July 3 early bird deadline: $60Registration: www.dscathol icfoundat ion.ca

Contact Jocelyne Hamoline at (306) 659-5849 or e-mailjhamol ine@dscathol icfoundat ion.ca for more info.

Become a Host Family for an international studentattending one of the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, withcompatible matches, orientation, support, and an allowance.Contact Amy at gscs@canadahomestaynetwork.ca orsee: www.canadahomestaynetwork.ca/hosts.html or callCanada Home Stay Network (306) 667-3825, Extension 2082.

Faith-based community experience for singleCatholic women, 19-35 years - If you are looking foraffordable rent and more, Discernment House may be the placefor you. The Sisters of the Presentation offer a home away fromhome. As you work or study, live a community experience andgrow in personal faith through prayer, reflection, spiritualdirection and service. Located at 851 University Drive,Saskatoon, Sask., a 15-minute walk from the University ofSaskatchewan, close to downtown. Taking registrations forSeptember 2015. For more information contact : Sr. LucieHamel at (306) 244-0726 or e-mail: sk.dhouse@gmail.com orvisit the website at: www.presentat ionofmary.ca

Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in Outlook is in need ofthree altar server robes to fit rather tall high school students.contact Pierrette at 306-493-2747; ptur ley@yourl ink.ca


This “Diocesan Bulletin” is a publication ofThe Roman Catholic Diocese of SaskatoonCatholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1

Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005E-mail: communicat ions@saskatoonrcdiocese.com

www.saskatoonrcdiocese.comThe communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.

Message BoardSTR8 UP – 10,000 Little Steps To Healing EmploymentProject is intended to provide a 15-week employment andeducational training opportunity for STR8 UP members. Waysto help: provide four hours of low-entry job tasks for STR8 UPmembers, such as mowing lawns, washing windows, rakinglawns, etc. and provide necessary tools and equipment neededto complete the job. STR8 UP members will be supervised andmentored by STR8 UP staff at all times during any employmentplacements. STR8 UP members will be paid by STR8 UP, butdonations would be greatly appreciated in order to continue thistransformative work. Consider making a donation to thisregistered charity, 226 Avenue V South. Saskatoon. For moreinfo about the Employment Project or the work of STR8 UP seethe website at www.st r8-up.ca or contact Alex Munoz at(306) 244-1771 or by e-mail at a lex.munoz@usask.ca

Nun Run 2015 - Young women are invited on a tour Aug.17-28, visiting various women’s religious communities inSaskatchewan and Alberta for 1-2 days each. Cost is $150. CallMyron Rogal at (306) 659-5841 for information, or e-mail:vocat ions@saskatoonrcdiocese.com

FACEtoFACE presents Ignite, a week-long summer campfor teens (going into Grade 9 through graduating Grade 12)serious about growing in holiness. Offered by FacetoFaceMinistries, Ignite includes excellent talks, amazing people, dailyMass, epic group activities, reconciliation, adoration, praise andworship, and much more. Ignite Saskatchewan will be held fromJuly 19 to July 24 at St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission,650 Ursuline Avenue, Bruno, SK. Cost is $350. Findinformation, a video, and registration: h t t p s : / / f 2 f . c a / i g n i t e

Summer Retreats at Queen’s House: Spiritual rest andrenewal opportunities include an eight-day silent retreat June28-July 5 with Dianne Mantyka and Bishop Gerry Wiesner,OMI; “Drawing Into God: Unleashing your Creative Spirit” July11 with Gisele Bauche; and Summer Stillness 2015: “Spiritualityand the Seasons of Our Lives” July 13-16 with Fr. RonRolheiser, OMI. See: www.queenshouse.org or e-mail:recept ionist@queenshouse.org or call (306) 242-1916.

Blackstrap Youth Camp for youth ages 8 - 14 years runsweekly from Sunday to Friday throughout July and the first weekof August, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Campactivities provide youth with an opportunity to grow in faith andin fellowship. Activities include canoeing, hiking, tenting,campfire songs, indoor swimming, gym, crafts, and more. See:www.blackstrapyouthcamp.org or call (306) 934-1838.

Transitions is a rebuilding program for those living throughseparation or divorce, offered by the diocese of Saskatoon twicea year. The evenings are facilitated by those who have alreadyjourneyed through this painful experience and have found somehealing for themselves. Sessions are held Monday evenings for11 weeks at the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road,beginning Monday, Sept. 21. Contact Sharon at (306) 659-5831 or e-mail: foundat ions@saskatoonrcdiocese.com

Diocesan Prayer Intention: We pray as a diocesanfamily that we may heed the prophetic words of Pope Francis,calling for conversion and justice for the sake of the earth andfor all who dwell together in God’s beautiful creation.

Applications are now being accepted for the LayFormation program starting September 2015!

Lay Formation is held one weekend a month at Queen’s House in Saskatoon from September to June.

Call (306) 659-5847 or e-mail:layform@saskatoonrcdiocese.com

Find more information and a video on the website at:www.saskatoonrcdiocese.com/layformat ion

Diocese of Saskatoon306-659-5847 or 1-877-661-5005


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