“ the editor in the digital era”

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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“ The Editor in the Digital Era”. Tony Gallagher Editor The Daily Telegraph. Innovation: Condition for survival. Survival of newspapers is dependent on ability to evolve. Five fundamental changes to journalism. Multimedia as well as text Real-time coverage Relationship with readers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


“The Editor in the Digital Era”

Tony GallagherEditor

The Daily Telegraph

Survival of newspapers is dependent on ability to evolve

Innovation: Condition for survival

Five fundamental changes to journalism

1 Multimedia as well as text

2 Real-time coverage

3 Relationship with readers

4 Data influencing decisions

5 Digital packaging and distribution

1 - Multimedia Era: New forms of journalism

20th-century article: Headline, text, picture

21st-century article: Headline, text, multiple pictures, video, graphics, readers’ contributions, live blog

Editor’s job is to select the media that best tells the story


Summary points




2 – Real-time coverage

20th-century: Single deadline

21st-century: Reporting live as events unfold




Reader comments

3 – Reader interaction

20th-century: We wrote, they read

21st-century: Conversation with readers and between readers

Telegraph.co.uk is a social network with more than 20,000 daily comments

4 – Data increasingly drives decision-making

Daily data on stories: What’s hot today? Chartbeat, Google, Twitter

Monthly data on audience traffic: Are we meeting our targets for subscription, advertising?

Quarterly trends data: How are we faring on mobile, tablets, desktop? How are our journalists faring?

Data analysis team sits at the heart of our newsroom

5 – Packaging and distributing journalism for digital platforms

20th-century: Newspapers

21st-century: Newspapers, computer screens

Digital designers and developers are new rockstars




Flipboard: Telegraph PM

The 21st-Century Editor

• Values multimedia as much as words

• Real-time: Heightened sense of urgency

• Sees readers as part of a story: contributors and distributors

• Draws insight from data

• Cares as much about journalism on screens as in newspaper

But fundamental role doesn’t change: great narrative

Daily Digital Journalism

• Articles: 600 a day, up from 50% from three years ago

• Video: 40 a day

• Picture galleries: 25 a day

• Blogs: 25 a day

• Breaking news blogs: 5 a day

75% of newsroom output is website only

The Big Story: Margaret Thatcher, April 8

• Big guns: Boris Johnson, Charles Moore, Allison Pearson, Anne Applebaum, Cecil Parkinson, David Owen, Michael Forsyth

• Big story: 10-part obituary, Charles Moore serialisation• Multimedia: 75 articles, 26 commentators, 19 videos, 8

picture galleries, 3 graphics, live blog• Books: On iPad and Kindle the same week• Special edition: Weekend magazine dedicated to


More than 3.5 million people visited our website and a further 1.2 million read the newspaper

The Future of our Newsroom

• Seven-day publishing across digital and print

• New editorial skills: Video, graphics, live blogging

• Data skills: Enhanced capability around audience data

• Design and software: A new creative hub

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