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AIESEC IN TANZANIANational Annual Report


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0404. Our Purpose

05. Word from the President

06. The AIESEC Way in Action

08. Leadership through Cultural Exchange

09. The Leadership Lessons of Gen 2015

1010. Purposeful Global Leadership Programme

12. Projects

14. Collaborative Global Talent 16. Driven Global Leader

17. Entity Development


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Table of Contents

2020. Conferences

22. Career Fair

24. E.A Youth to Business Forum

25. Global Information System

29. Global Entrepreneur

3030. Alumni Impact

33. Annual Excellence Awards

34. Incoming National Team

36. Board of Advisors

37. Finance Report

Table ofContents


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We Inspire sustainable leadership development with a global mindset by providing international


Spark Global Leadership, Grow your World


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Word from the

PresidentMy name is Siobhan Connelly and for the past year I have had the privilege of being the President of AIESEC in Tanzania. Together with my team and with the Local teams across the country we have been busy transforming AIESEC into an organisation that takes responsibility for shaping the reality of its people and their communities. This was an important year for AIESEC as it marked the final sprint of the 2015 mid-term ambition. The organisation took steps to be purposeful, collaborative, and action oriented in an effort to reach our goals. AIESEC in Tanzania decided to focus on how we do things rather than what we do, and by focusing on relationship building and collaborating externally we were able to grow in all our programmes.

This year we wanted to shift the mindset of the young people we work with; to move away from “This Is Africa” and this is “our reality” and to take responsibility for defining the reality for our organisation. However as the leader of a team of 300 volunteers things rarely go to plan. And while I planned to shift the mindsets of others, to lead others and to teach others it was me who was able to learn this year.

I learned that leadership is not about how you can impact and change others, but how you impact and change yourself. In my case it meant to change who I am, how I think, what I say, how I behave and what I do. To be aware of myself and to take responsibility for the world around me. To always ask the simplest of questions, like “What can I do?” and to stop looking only to others and what they will do. Not to seek to change people, but to seek to change myself and my impact.

The shift in mindset that our organisation went through this year had a huge impact, with us being top growing entity globally for outgoing community development in May 2015 and sending people to work at a National Level in 8 different entities globally, but I will not use this space to tell you about the achievements of our members which have been so many this year. Instead I will challenge you to learn from my members as I have done; to take responsibility for what you can do to shape yourself and your community - because that is how we will create the Tanzania that we dream of. That is the type of leader we strive to develop the young people of Tanzania into.

It has been a pleasure and an honour to lead this entity and I feel confident that there are only bigger and better things in store for AIESEC in Tanzania in the next year.

Siobhan Connelly.President of AIESEC in Tanzania


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The Way We Do It

AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organ-ization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Our members are interested in world issues, leadership, and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, col-our, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic, or social origin. AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships, and participation in a global learning environment. This is the AIESEC Way.

This year, many AIESECers in Tanzania contributed to our vision of peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential by tackling the issues that were most relevant to their regions. AIESEC leaders lived our values and en-sured our platform was enabling young people to explore and developtheir leadership potential to have a positive impact in their society.

This is the AIESEC Way in action.

How We Do It

AIESEC develops leadership through implementing our leadership development model that enables us to have youth that are self-aware, global citizens, capable of Empowering others and solution-oriented.





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What we Envision:

Our Values:

Our Impact

Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind’s


Striving For ExcellenceActivating Leadership

Demonstrating IntegrityEnjoying Participation

Living DiversityActing Sustainably

AIESEC is an International Organization that

enables young people to explore and develop their leadership po-

tential for them to have a positive impact on the society


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The role of a leader is to unite others behind a common purpose. This year, in order to live Big AIESEC and fulfil AIESEC 2015 goals for the Global Citizen Programme, our fastest growing programme, we had to commit to purposeful exchanges, so that our programmes weren’t just made up of passionate members, they were entrepreneurial and relevant to the communities they ran in.

This year the network changed their perspective on how we see the Global Citizen Programme so we could achieve even bigger and better impact.

AIESEC’s Global Citizen Programme connects students and recent graduates to volunteer projects across the world.

PurposefulGlobal Citizen Program


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Two years ago we launched the Global Citizen brand to better represent the topics that interest the target audience we are looking at for our volunteer projects. Clarity in our brand enables better communication of our purpose to our customers, resulting in delivery of higher quality experiences to our customers through focused audience targeting and appropriate expectation setting.

A young volunteer travels across the world to go through a cultural learning experience while working for projects and NGO’s that aim to create positive impact in society based on specific issues for example education, sustainability, community development etc. AIESEC In Tanzania implemented three community based projects last year to provide support and enabling plat-form to empower Tanzanian children and youths. This year we received 253 international vol-unteers that participated in delivering these projects across communities in Tanzania and sent 75 young Tanzanian youth to volunteer in various Community Development projects abroad.

We also introduced the Social Business Model to redefine the Global Citizen Programme. By working to make our Global Citizen Programme is more externally relevant and making sure our projects addressed the most pressing issues within communities the sustainability and quality of our experiences improved. We committed to quality in all of our Global Citizen experiences to enable even greater impact on the communities we reach, and even more life changing expe-riences for our members.

Being in China was a life changing experience for me especially the project itself and the opportunity I had to serve the society by impacting the youth on different issues facing the society. For me, it was a dream come true. I developed my leadership skills, obtained wide range of network, cultural diversity and met very amazing people from different parts of the world. It’s possible to imagine how it would feel; like the whole world becoming a single society sharing the same culture. ~Boniface Laurent


The children over here don’t have much material wealth, but they possess an abundance of positivity towards life. I can safely say that all of them desire to create a brighter future for themselves. Some even wanted to give back to the community after their ed-ucation by helping out at charitable organizations. For some rea-son, this hit me hard as they were willing to give even though they themselves have little material possessions. This definitely made me reconsider my goals in life and I am sure that in future, I will give to those who are in need. ~ Chan Chee Choong





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AIESEC as an Organization has Passion Driven Members with Solution Oriented Mindset. They have the ability to make Changes needed in our community by providing volunteer interns to work in my project to contribute to creating positive impact in Moshi. The Interna-tional Volunteers have a strong will to address trending issues affecting our community and shaping our country to become a better place. I am proud to be collaborating with AIESEC towards achieving greater impact.

~Sarah, Managing Director at Excel Fund Education ,,


My name is Sara Hossam, but my stu-dents call me Teacher Mzunguan Egyp-tian exchange participant in AIESEC Tanzania, and this is my very first time volunteering abroad. My dream is to eliminate poverty through child educa-tion. I am volunteering in the AFRIKIDS project in the SOS Children’s Village for orphans. I chose this project because I believe that the development of a community happens as a result of the development of its children and the most help that can be provided is to orphans.

The SOS Village has a kinder garden school and provides shelter for orphans that we help tutoring along with their schooling. Having this opportunity has made me see that the world has more important and critical matters than what we always care about. And seeing the smile of the kids when we teach them something new keeps me pursuing my dream.

This journey has been changing me day by day and I hope that I would leave an impact that will change the lives of the people that I meet. ~ Sara Hossam




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ProjectsThe Bridge Project Students across Universities in Tanzania get the opportunity to develop Entrepreneurial skills and Business mindset through workshops and trainings while they are still in University so that they get themselves prepared to become business leaders after leaving University. The Bridge project is aimed at providing university students the platform to develop career skills and basic competencies to prepare them for after school life. The project focuses on Entrepreneurship, Microfinance, competency building and soft skills development. Interns will work with learning partners to develop presentations and deliver strategies for different target groups in the university. The project will be solely implemented by interns after having trainings from learning partners.

This year the project was implemented in 5 Higher Learning institutions. Reached 500 students as beneficiaries, We recorded a total of 50 International Volunteers from 11 different countries that participated in this project and partnered with two Organizations to implement BRIDGE Project.

The swITch project Focuses on training secondary school students in Tanzania on basic computer appreciation and applications. This is very fundamental in youth education as it forms the basis of their learning and computer application in their professional career. The project also provided a platform for vulnerable children and students to have access to hands-on training in computer appreciation and have an oppor-tunity to continually improve their skills in computer use. The swITch project had a training model that was developed and implemented by our international volunteers to cover intermediate usage of computer to deliver task and create personal and professional documents. AIESEC international volun-teers from different countries arrived in Tanzania and went to different schools to implement this project in schools. They were supported by AIESEC local member and learning partners.

The project was implemented in 15 Primary and Secondary schools across Tanzania. The Project reached 750 students as beneficiaries, We recorded total of 90 International Volunteers from 15 different countries that participated in this project andpartnered with 3 Organizations to implement ICT project

AfriKid project Focuses on teaching children in schools and orphanages in different subjects, including personal value development and sports. This project is aimed at engaging Tanzanians and International Volunteers in developing the children in different areas; academics and social standards.

The project was implemented in 5 Orphanages and 4 schools across Tanzania, reached 200 children as beneficiaries, We recorded total of 50 International Volunteers from 5 different countries that participated in this project, partnered with 2 Organizations to implement AfriKid project. The project was implemented as from August 2014 to June 2015


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Leaders cannot exist alone. This year, in order to live Big AIESEC and fulfil AIESEC 2015 we had to commit to the Global Talent Programme, our oldest programme, like never before. One entity working towards raising Global Talent participants would never achieve success without a collaborative entity working towards raising Global Talent posi-tions.

AIESEC’s Global Talent Programme connects students and recent graduates to professional internship experiences across the world.


Global Talent Programme


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Diversity within the companies, hard-to-find skills and a fresh perspective, access to the best talent from over 100 countries around the world - that is what we provide! We are unique because our organisation is run by the young people you will ultimately look to recruit. This makes us the leading way to interact with the best talent in the 2,100+ campuses we operate out of worldwide. We aim at helping companies who are eager to expand to new markets, have trouble finding specific skills in Tanzania’s domestic talent or simply want someone to come in and help shake up the culture of the organisation.

For the year 2014-2015, we worked with 15 companies including Standard Charted Bank, EcoBank, KPMG, EY, Deloitte, Sunshine Card High Technology LTD, Sunshine transportation, Mogas, Beijing new building material group, Sinoma international, Fashion tourism investment, United bank of Africa, Bratt International, Atsoko and DPDHL. We aim at helping multinational companies to have a sustainable channel for their market throughout the years, while also help-ing SMEs to bring innovative and entrepreneurial talents who can play a key role in upscaling their business.

Apart from that, we also helped 26 young graduates to develop their leadership potential as well as their career plans. They not only see themselves growing through our program, but also contribute to the economy and development of our country.

Our primary focus is the development of the young people who we find opportunities for, to shape them into the responsible leaders of tomorrow. It motivates the volunteers across our network to dedicate their time and energy, and that is what has motivated us forward. We are passionate about what we do and I believe that there is potential for great things for the busi-ness world in Tanzania and for the international young people throughout the world.

AIESEC was very helpful for preparation of the internship (tips, information about documents, the country, the job and so on. Through AIESEC I’ve already met a lot of nice people and got the chance to adventure as much as possible in and around the city.On the whole AIESEC in Tanzania really took care for me as a in-tern and did their best that I’m comfortable here and to avoid cul-tural shocks which might happen without good preparation.

~ Sarah Lapp Intern from Germany


AIESEC has introduced us to many good Employees. We are quite satisfied with them. We highly Recommend AIESEC based on the experience we have had with them.

~Sunshine Card High Technology Limited.

‘‘ ,,




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Leaders empower others. This year, in order to live Big AIESEC and fulfil AIESEC 2015 the Team Member and Team Leader Programme has to commit to behavioural changes to empower our members to be the capacity driving our operational goals.

AIESEC’s member experience programmes, the Team Member and Team Leader Programmes, connect students with professional development opportunities.

Action Oriented

Global Leader Programme


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Managing people’s experience in order to maximize their personal growth and individual development is the core object of talent management department in AIESEC. To make sure we reach this objective, in this year the key highlight is conducting targeted recruitment of mem-bers which facilitated recruitment and allocation of right/needed profiles into the right teams and positions.

Leadership DevelopmentThe key message for this year was we wanted to develop leaders that our world needs, and our world needs leaders who are self-aware, solution driven, global minded and who care about empowering others. To make this happen we structured challenging roles that put our members in challenging environment that took them out of their comfort zones, and in the end helped our members to reinvent themselves through understanding their personal goals and values in life. Our network of 350 members experienced this through a variety of trainings which happened in the form of conferences and summits where in November we had our induction seminar for our members to understand the vision and mission of the organization, then October we organ-ized the national leadership development seminar to prepare our members to take on different leadership roles and in June we had the national planning conference which was a space for our members to evaluate the learnings and output of 14/15 year then use to plan for the 15/16 year.The key highlight under leadership development for this year is that 5 of our members have stepped up and joined the national teams of AIESEC in Mozambique, Jordan, Rwanda, Moldova and Nepal. As well 58 of our members went on volunteering internship abroad for six weeks to further develop themselves.

We are here for a reason and it is important to remember that we cannot become what we want by remaining what we are. Believe success in life comes with Passion and Responsibilities. ~Hamad Ka-songa, Leader at AIESEC in SAUT and Elect AIESEC in Moldova

‘‘ ,,

This amazing experience has brightened my path towards the future as it powered me to pursue my profession and my long term career goal. When I look back to all of these I can not hesitate to say it is good to be an Leader. ~ Jospeh William Ouma, Leader at AIESEC in Makumira.

‘‘ ,,Experiences

350The only failure that is truly tragic is not to try and fail but to fail to try - let people be inspired by who ever has succeeded and contribute to the best of his or her development. Lets take opportunity and try our status quo and make the best of our destiny and history.

- Faraji Hassan, Elect AIESEC in Jordan

‘‘ ,,


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AIESEC IFM is now considered as First choice partner in creating change agents and impacting our community, as we have focus on community development programmes to create positive impact in our society by engaging international volunteers in our Educational and Entrepreneurship projects in Orphanage Centers, Schools and in the University, this has enabled us to have a good relationship with IFM Management, orphage centers and other colleges around us that will smoothen operations for 2015-2016 team .

University of Dar es Salaam

Our achievements are the results of the combined effort of every member, we strived to work together imaginatively and unself-ishly, by helping to achieve each others’ personal goals, and the combined legacy that we leave as a result will be brighter and more valuable than any of us could have achieved unilaterally. We man-aged to impact our members by providing a platform for them to grow, a chance to learn without a fear of failure, a chance to try new things, We provided more than 45 team leader experiences, 72 Team member experience that we believe it develops Leaders our world need. We believe every person had a chance to be significant, and made a contribution of something noble and purposeful.

AIESEC in Mzumbe

AIESEC in Mzumbe is a growing entity that is driven forward by the hard work of our passionate members. We are proud to live the core values of AIESEC every day. This year we have been able to maintain our strong University relations and develop our ability to showcase to the world the impact of our programs. The students of Mzumbe believe in the value of exchange and this has enabled us to deliver 43 life changing volunteering experiences this year.


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AIESEC in ST. Augustine University Mwanza

AIESEC In SAUT grew in specific programmes this term as we created an environment for our members to own their experience and work towards achieving bigger results for the entity. We had ensured sustainable leadership pipeline as we currently have 3 of our members going for an international experience and others taking up leadership roles in the local chapter. We were able to col-laborate with the University administration during our Career Fair, having the Vice Chancellor to support all our activities on campus. AIESEC In SAUT has left a footprint that will guide the next term to-wards even bigger and better achievements.

AIESEC in Kilimanjaro

AIESEC in Kilimanjaro it has been a year full of growth and very im-pactful. Our Out-Going Exchange program has developed our mem-bers as they now have a global mind set, are self aware and solution driven, some taking different roles in national and international level. Our success this term is testimony to the fact that exchange develops leadership.

AIESEC in Makumira

14-15 has been amazing term in AIESEC in Makumira by marking the history in AIESEC Tanzania and AIESEC International by hosting regional conference which is East Africa Pioneer conference early November 2014. In developing leadership and delivering quality ex-periences, AIESEC Makumira successfully sent 12 students to volun-teer abroad , also hosted 7 international volunteers in Arusha which is equivalent to 100% achievement compared to last term . Further more AIESEC Makumira managed to create and brand AIESEC posi-tively in other Universities around Arusha by conducting a big event named Youth to Cooperate Forum held on 30th May attended by 860 delegates from five different Universities in Arusha.


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It is our most cherished belief that Leadership is the fundamental solution that will heal the on going challenges in our societies, which is why for over 16 years now we’ve been in the front of developing the youth in Tanzania into leaders who are self aware, global minded, solution driv-en and who care about empowering other people. These are the change agents that AIESEC is developing each year”

In the course of shaping these leaders we are not alone, different reputable brands which be-lieve in the youth and are eager to make a positive impact in the society have been partnering with us in our leadership development seminars and conferences that feature energetic crea-tive young talent from 6 of the biggest universities in Tanzania across 5 different regions. Our sincere appreciation goes to our esteemed partners who have been with us in the year 14/15 playing a role make sure our conferences meet our intended output.

We welcome other partners who care about and would like to make a significant contribution in youth leadership development in Tanzania. We have a well rounded network of creative talents that can definitely be reliable brand ambassadors back in their campuses and potential future employees that give you that competitive edge in the industry.




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I was very glad to have experience the pulse of Africa in Pioneers. It was a pleasure Learning and teaching this Incredible group of young Africans. ~Nagwa from Egypt, Facilitator at Pioneers Conference.


AIESEC International Congress. This is an annual conference that engages the global leaders of the AIESEC network in a rigorous learning environment through dialogues and exchange sessions on lead-ership development. In 2014 AIESEC in Tanzania sent 8 Members of the National Team for the 10 day conference in Taiwan with the help of the Alumni and Partners.

The 7th East Africa Pioneers Congress. This confer-ence seeks to develop East Africa by connecting the young people of 5 countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Ugan-da, Tanzania and Rwanda) helping them become the future business leaders the region needs. We were honoured to host this conference in Arusha where we had over 150 delegates from 12 Countries. The theme was “Grow East AFrica”

Achievers Conference is a National leadership development Conference conducted annually by AIESEC in Tanzania. The main objective is building responsible youth leadership for future. The 4-day prestigious conference is attended by over 200 lo-cal and International youths who are empowered with valuable skills and qualities needed to have a positive impact on society. This year we held The planning Conference in Tanga and also elected the incoming executive team for AIESEC in Tanzania.

National Planning Conference is an annual confer-ence where all the incoming and outgoing leaders of AIESEC in Tanzania meet to evaluate the strategies and performance of the ending leadership term and together define the direction and lay down plans for the starting leadership term. This year we held The planning Conference in Morogoro

African Leadership Development Seminar is a region-al annual conference where all AIESEC entities in Af-rica meet to assess the contribution of the region in the global results/performance and set the direction for the region in the next leadership term.

The key towards our achievements was as a re-sult of the practical application of the knowledge we acquired at Achievevers Conference in Tanga 2015, it was a platform where we got answers to our questions and learned how to overcome our challenges by capitalizing on our strenghths and how to rectify our failures. We also had a chance to meet the entire AIESEC in Tanzania Network and share our stories. ~Amani Shayo, Univer-sity of Dar es salaam

The National Planning conference had a great impact on my role as the Finance Manager for my entity. I learned a lot about relevant matters in finance, leadership, organization, team work and more especially to ask, reflect and share to inspire our members to dream big and take initiative in their actions. ~Theresia, IFM





Attending the African Leadership Development Seminar in Nairobi, Kenya was an eye opening experience for me. One of my key learnings was that Africa has a lot of potential and it is up to us as today’s youth to build it because that is our future. Dickson, Delegate



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CareerFair This is an annual two day event organized by

AIESEC in Tanzania that seeks to bring employers and prospective employees together; through this event a large number of companies are brought together in one location where students get to ex-plore their career options. This event has proven to be a great success for over 12 years, consistently benefiting both students and companies alike. The two day event includes skill workshops, CV writing competition, speed interviews and exhibitions.

The phenomenal and continued success of Career Fair is a reflection of the ever-increasing dedica-tion and enthusiasm our companies display year on year. This year AIESEC in Tanzania was able to bring together 1000+ students and 11 companies in a successful event to showcase opportunities and give skills to the university students of Dar es Salaam.

Not only is this a fantastic opportunity for a com-pany to position themselves and showcase the great opportunities they have for graduates, it is also a chance for them to give back, developing the young people of Tanzania and preparing them for the working world. We would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt “Thank You!” to the companies who worked with us for this years Career Fair and we look forward to working with them as well as new companies for the same event in 2016.

Career Fair was like an open front door to my career path. From the companies workshops to the quick interviews and every activity. I (and other partic-ipants as well), was in a position of laying out my potential to a list of companies from different indus-tries in the country through quick interviews during the event. This is more than what a fresh graduate or undergraduate could ever dream of.

I had job interview experience where I learned a cou-ple of fundamental interview tricks like ‘’selling off my talent and potential’’ and career plan in general. I am now waiting for the last assessment of graduate trainee Program with Airtel Tanzania.

Besides the interviews, There were sessions and other activities during the event and I managed to expand my professional network with the corporate personnel. Well, Career Fair was nothing more than a blessing to me, and in my perspective I can say that it is ‘’the first sentence in the definition of life after campus to graduates’’ Many thanks to AIESEC Tan-zania team for making this event a success.

~Vedasto Thobias, Student at Mzumbe. ,,



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East AfricaYouth To

Business Forum

The Youth to Business Forum is an event that takes place in multiple locations around the world; bring-ing top young leaders together with business leaders, thought leaders, and experts for a conversation around pressing issues with the aim to generate new, but most importantly, actionable ideas to that will impact the world and its future. This year AIESEC in Tanzania was priviledged to host the East Afri-ca Youth to Business Forum in Arusha Tanzania. The Youth to business theme was Growing East Africa. We hosted 200 East African and International Delegates.

INSPIRETop Business and thought leaders are invited to share their knowledge with the dele-gates about the chosen forum theme. This section of the day is delivered through meth-ods similar to keynotes and panel discussions

ENGAGEOur partner organizations engage with the young delegates to give new perspective on issues relating to the forum theme through workshops, conversations and idea gener-ation.

ACTThe young delegates take their learning and insights from the day into a space where they are able to generate ideas, ask challenging questions and give their opinions on the actions that should be taken towards the theme of the day


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Atlas Copco Tanzania Ltd

Who we are…Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of sustainable industrial productivity solutions. We serve cus-tomers with innovative compressors, vacuum solutions and air treatment systems, construction and mining equipment as well as assembly systems for motor vehicle, aerospace and other industry seg-ments. The company was founded in 1873 in Stockholm, Sweden, and has a global reach spanning 180 countries. In 2014, Atlas Copco had revenues of 10.3 billion Euros and more than 44 000 employees.

LeadershipAtlas Copco’s growth is closely related to how the Group succeeds in being a good employer, attracting, developing, and keeping qualified and motivated people. Atlas Copco’s definition of good leadership is the ability to create lasting results

Innovative, sustainable products and servicesAtlas Copco delivers cutting-edge technology in the form of safe, reliable and energy-efficient ma-chines designed to optimize our customers’ productivity and competitive advantage.

EmployeesAtlas Copco’s success is built on strong values and the talented employees who carry them. We believe in providing our people a working environment that sets a high standard for leadership and provides opportunities for each individual to develop professionally.

Business PartnersBusiness partners such as suppliers, sub-contractors and joint venture partners are crucial strategic partners for Atlas Copco’s success.

SocietyGiven its global reach Atlas Copco has an influence on the economic and social development of the countries in which it operates. The Group is expected to demonstrate that influence in a positive way and strives to be a good and reliable corporate citizen creating shared value.

EnvironmentAtlas Copco strives to reduce its environmental footprint across the value chain and delivers ener-gy-efficient products designed with a life cycle approach.

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We are proud to announce that we successfully Launched the New AIESEC Global Information System and for the first time since 1948 AIESEC has opened up its database of international opportunities to the world at

In the last 4 years we have been Leveraging modern technologies to develop a new Global Information System to optimise our processes and provide powerful business intelligence to speed up operations.

This is the system that replaced, the Net Promoter Score platform, the Global Online Registration System, the Opportunity Por-tal and the Market Place and put them all into one connected system.

We Successfully implemented a “smarter and faster” system; which uses collected data to suggest products to our customers, partners to entities, and education to members. The System automatically moves with our customer and is based upon a customer’s ideal journey through an experience. This includes a smart mobile app for AIESECers.

For more information visit our Website at



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Standard Chartered is a leading international banking group. It has operated for over 150 years in some of the world's most dynamic markets and earns around 90 per cent of its income and profits in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. This geographic focus and commitment to developing deep relationships with clients and customers has driven the Bank’s growth in recent years.

It operates as a fully fledged commercial bank offering retail, corporate and financial markets services to its customers. The Bank has gained a reputation for innovation and firsts – for example, it was the first bank in Tanzania to introduce the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and the Electronic Banking Unit - creating a rep-utation for itself as a Bank that creates convenience and accessibility for its customers.

Our Finance team led a tree planting activity in March while in partnership with the Ilala municipal and the event was officiated by the mayor of Ilala Jerry Silaa.- The Living with HIV champions organised a fundraising activity; a car wash, geared towards raising funds to support different projects under the Living with HIV initiative. Volunteers and champions, while working with teams across the bank, washed cars at the IHP building for a price.- Staff recently visited a centre in Kimara Suka called Watoto Wetu Tanzania whereby we participated in a general ‘face’ lift of the centre which involved cleaning, mentoring, painting etc.

Our focus in everything that we do is powered by our brand promise:

To be here for People, Here for Progress, Here for the long run.Here for Good.

Below are some of the achievements:- From a business perspective, the bank recently launched a direct bulk Mobile Payment service for Corpo-rate Clients.- In order to meet the new business requirements as well as to be in line with our new structure, the NIC branch is undergoing renovation whereby, the new branch look will help in enhancing the banking experi-ence for our customers at the branch, and present a unified, world class corporate image synonymous with our brand image, while also helping us to align with the new Group Standards for the branches. - As we are committed to making a difference in communities in which we operate, we have, and continue to engage in community projects geared towards the development of the country, under areas of Health, Environment and Education. Some of the projects we’ve taken up are:- Visiting the Sega Girls’ school and sharing the “Live your dream’ initiative with them. We not only spoke to the girls about the initiative, but we also invited the Director of Legal and Human Rights centre, Mama Bisimba to talk to the girls.

With 1,700 offices in 68 markets, the Group offers exciting and challenging international career opportunities to over 89,000 staff. It is committed to building a sustainable business over the long term and upholding high standards of corporate governance, social responsibility, environmental protection and employee diversity. Standard Chartered’s heritage and values are expressed in its brand promise, ‘Here for good’.

Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania Limited employs over 380 people and was named the Best Employer in 2012, 2009 and 2005 by the Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE). In 2010 and 2007 the Bank was awarded the Silver award for the Best Employer in Tanzania, and the best Bank and the overall winner of the Corporate Social Responsibility Award.

In an endeavour to keep up with the rapid change within the banking industry and with the rise of digital technology as well as different needs within the society and markets, the bank has engaged in a few changes to enable it to adapt.


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OUR VISION“ To be the leading bank in Tanznia in the provision of Affordable, accessible and Con-vinient financial Services.”

OUR MISSION“We provide inclusive, innovative and competitive financial services to our custom-ers and create value for our stakeholders.

OUR VALUESAffordability, Quality, Customer focus, Integrity, Financial Inclusion.

WHY WE WORK WITH AIESECTanzania Postal Bank works with AIESEC across a variety of activities because we believe the future of Tanzania depends on development of its young people and we are committed to playing our part to contribute to this cause. The values of AIESEC connect with our own, as through AIESEC young people learn to demonstrate integrity

- something which is of the highest importance for Tanzania Postal Bank.

We support AIESEC in the running of their conferences in order to ensure that these volunteers get the training they need to be able to grow as individuals and impact society through the activities of the organisation.

TPB CEO Mr Sabasaba Moshingi, who sits on the Board of Advisors for AIESEC, is an ardent believer in the need to shape our youth and provide them opportunities that will allow them to grow and reach their full potential. The same zest that is reflected in Mr. Moshingi’s eyes when he talks about providing opportunities for his children is reflected when he talks about the need to give young Tanzanians the tools they need to assume their rightful place in the Society.


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The people of Tanzania need jobs, unemployment is a problem across the region. We believe that entrepreneurs hold the solution to that problem—and that if we support and encourage budding entrepreneurs we can not only create the jobs Tanzanians need but support the economy and brand Tanzania as the future hub for prospering African business.

AIESEC has developed a programme especially for SMEs and Start-ups because we believe in the impact that we can have on these companies, the communities in which they operate, Tanzania and the young professionals we work with. We recognise that one of the key challenges that faces entrepreneurs is capital to invest in the talent that they need to be successful and kick start their company. And one of the things that puts young people off becoming entrepreneurs is that their education has not prepared them for this path—they don’t know how to do it and that is scary. So we came up with a programme that solves these two problems. We will bring students and recent graduates who have the skills that companies need to volunteer in start-ups and SMEs across Tanzania for two months at a time. And while there, these young people will learn about how to run an SME and what it takes to be an entrepre-neur, so when they come home they can start their own business, making more impact. If you are an entrepreneur, own your own start-up or SME and believe that bringing in some Global Talent would drive immediate results for your business then this programme is right for you.


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AlumniImpact AIESEC enables leadership development

in young people to make lifelong positive impact on society. AIESEC enables in its members, the particular leadership traits exhibited by AIESEC alumni, and the sub-sequent social impact that they go on to create in the world.

AIESEC’s member experience pro-grammes, the Team Member and Team Leader Programmes, were essential to the development of effective com-munication for alumni while AIESEC’s exchange programmes, the Global Citi-zen and the Global Talent Programmes, were essential to the development of cultural awareness for alumni.

The Global Talent Programme also con-tributed to the development of effective communication and self-awareness of alumni.

Joining AIESEC enabled me to fully realize that social work is my passion. The AIESEC experience empowered me personally and professionally. I am now creating positive change in my community with skills that I learned through AIESEC. ~Ian Tarimo, Co- Founder Tanzania Aspiration Initiatives.


Since I was young I had a dream of becoming a change agent, but I didn’t know how I can make it happen until I joined AIESEC in 2012. The Experi-ence, Knowledge and Network has changed me from a dreamer to an Achiever. Becoming a youth vision-ary leader today has nothing to do with my educa-tion if not for AIESEC. ~Finland Bernard, Founder ONE Action Tanzania ,,



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Deloitte is a brand under which tens of thousands of dedicated professionals in independent firms through the world collaborate together to provide audit, consulting, tax and financial advisory services to selected clients.

Deloitte is one of the longest established professional services firms in East Africa. Dedicated since 1907 to the needs of our clients, we have grown with the economy and aspirations of the region into a large and experienced firm, supplying highly quality accounting, taxation and business solutions to East Africa’s most prominent organizations.

Our clients know and benefit from the fact that our motivating force is service excellence. To provide such excellence consistently demands a thorough understanding of the business environment, an ap-preciation of the key issues faced by particular industries, and a creative approach to problem solving.

Why we work with AIESEC

We are passionate about developing young people. Our employees can attest to how the environment in Deloitte aligns to personal development AIESEC provides its members. Perhaps this is the reason why we have so many AIESEC alumni as our employees.

“The experience I have gained from working with AIESEC, both as the vice president Finance, and later as the National President of AIESEC In Tanzania has been a door opener towards my career progression at Deloitte. These roles transformed me and com-municate effectively, build professional relationships, manage projects and lead teams. These skills have been the underlying drivers to my exceptional performance at work. All this would not have been possible without AIESEC. To me, an AIESEC expe-rience simply means life changing experience”

Benjamin Mtesigwa Senior ConsultantDeloitte Consulting Ltd


Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.© 2015 Deloitte & Touche

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Our Global Vision We will build and sustain our repu-tation by ensuring that our people, our firms’ clients, and our communi-

ties achieve their full potential.

What We Do

KPMG member firms provide Audit, Tax and Advisory services and industry insight to help organizations negotiate risks and perform in the dynamic and challenging environments in which they do business. We aim to respond to the complex business challenges facing our clients. We adopt a global approach span-ning professional disciplines, industry sec-tors and national borders.

Why we work with AIESEC

At the heart of KPMG’s values is a commitment to the com-munities in which we operate, and the issues that affect them. That commitment is one of the enduring qualities of our peo-ple and our brand. It’s a core part of our Employer of Choice strategy. The way we express this commitment defines what it means to be part of KPMG. We identify a connection be-tween the kind of culture we have here and the kind of lead-ership AIESEC develops. We want to bring the environment we are so proud to work in and use it to help develop young people with the values and qualities that are needed in the leaders of our companies and Tanzania as a whole.

How we work with AIESEC:

We have worked with AIESEC for many years and across a variety of different activities. We work to develop youth leadership through partnership for the National Planning Conference; helping AIESEC to develop strat-egies for organizational growth and improvement in the coming year. We work to provide young people with global mindsets through taking international in-terns and providing them professional development experiences in KPMG. We participate in the annual Career Fair event where we provide the young peo-ple of Tanzania the knowledge and skills to bridge the gap between education and their future career. We continue to work with AIESEC because we see both the impact our company can have and the value we gain through working with these young, driven po-tential future leaders.

We believe that if AIESEC members upon gradua-tion want to continue to grow and develop them-selves and to utilize the leadership skills they have developed to truly become business lead-ers, then KPMG is the best place for you.

If you are interested in joining our team apply here:

KPMG International operates as a network of member firms offering Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We work closely with our firms’ clients, helping them to mit-igate risks and grasp opportunities. KPMG firms are some of the world’s leading providers of audit, tax and ad visory services. They operate in

156 countries and have more than 152,000 people in all member firms around the world.


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Because of international recognition for the standards that they delivered to the interns and the relative growth of the programme AIESEC SAUT has been awarded in this category. (Nominees AIESEC Kilimanjaro and AIESEC Makumira)

Best Local Committee:AIESEC Kilimanjaro

AIESEC Kilimanjaro has seen huge growth in our National Focus in sending young Tanzanians outside the country to volunteer and develop themselves into global citizens. Alongside this they have also been recognised as best Local Committee in quality community development delivery by external as-sessment, and have led the way in the implementa-tion of the new Global Entrepreneurs Programme by signing the first opportunity. (Nominees AIESEC SAUT and AIESEC Makumira)

Out-Going Exchange Award:AIESEC Kilimanjaro

Because this local chapter went from never having sent anyone out of the country before to being the top performing entity in Tanzania in this programme this year. A well deserved recognition for an inspi-rational shift in mindset that shows in the results. (Nominees AIESEC SAUT and AIESEC Makumira)

KPMG International operates as a network of member firms offering Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We work closely with our firms’ clients, helping them to mit-igate risks and grasp opportunities. KPMG firms are some of the world’s leading providers of audit, tax and ad visory services. They operate in

156 countries and have more than 152,000 people in all member firms around the world.


For not only striving in sales activity in order to deliver the most Global Talent opportunities but also focusing on quality partnership management AIESEC in UDSM have earned the award in this category. (Nominees: AIESEC SAUT and AIESEC Kilimanjaro)

Alumni Change Agent Award Ian Tarimo

This award has been given to an alumni who contin-ues to live the values of AIESEC and acts as a change agent, being a leader who provides impact to the community, as AIESEC tried to develop him to. Since leaving AIESEC Ian has come together with a group of passionate and dedicated AIESEC alumni to form TAI, Tanzania Activists Initiative, an NGO which runs pro-jects to positively impact the local community. (Nominees Brownie Ebal and Finland Bernard)

Best Member:Husna Mwahu

A member who in her 9 months in AIESEC has been on exchange to Uganda and taken numerous opportuni-ties both within her Local Committee and at a National Level culminating in her running the organising team for this Annual Dinner, and taking a leadership role in AIESEC next year. (Nominees Agnes Msemo and Boniface Laurent)




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Introducing The2015-2016 National Team

From Left to right: Peter Thadeo (President), Rhodah Kambenga (Business Development Manager), Ephraim Gisayi (Marketing and Communication Manager), George Swai (Finanance Manager), Derrick Nkuruma (Global Community Development Program Manager), Onome Ahorituwere (Global Citizen Program Manager), Arnold Katho (Talent Management and Entities Development Manager).


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Incoming Team...loading design

EY| Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About EY:Ernst & Young Tanzania is a member of Ernst & Young Global Limited of the United Kingdom. Ernst & Young is a Global leader in Assurance, Advisory, Tax, and Transactional Advisory Services (TAS). Worldwide, our 190,000 people based in 728 offices in 150 countries, organized in 29 Regions and Four Areas are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality. At EY we are committed to doing our part in building a better working world. The insight and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in the economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our client and for our communities.

Our partnership with AIESEC:Our firm had been in partnership with AIESEC aiming at equipping the young graduates/alumni with vast knowledge and experiences from working with diverse people in the firm on serving our clients which comprise largely interna-tional organisations and local companies and the government and its parastatals. In our partnership, we are very much committed to getting the right people who build relationships based on doing the right things, people with energy, enthusiasm & courage to lead. We develop these people to be competent leaders who at any point can develop the highest performing teams, delivering exceptional client services worldwide and transform the world to the better working life. We build business leaders!

Currently, in the EY & AIESEC partnership we have two AIESEC alumni from Morocco and Cameroon and many AIESEC alumni from different Universities in Tanzania. We believe our partnership with AIESEC is mutually beneficial basically focussing on building the promising young people and outstanding leaders who play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for the communities at large.

Why you should want to work with EY:Variety, opportunity and global reach; there is a whole range of opportunities open to you within EY. Whether you join Assurance, Tax, Transactions or Advisory Services, you’ll enjoy early responsibility, rewarding challenges and exposure to a variety of businesses across a range of sectors. As well as technical training, you’ll be able to develop critical busi-ness relationship skills. Teaming, for instance. Or collaboration across cultures. It’s these skills that allow you to become a valuable asset to our high-performing teams.

Every day, every EY person is part of building a better working world – for their clients, their communities and them-selves. You’ll benefit from experiences, learning and coaching that will help you achieve your goals and adapt success-fully to professional life. Discover what life as a professional is all about. Work on real projects and prepare yourself to perform at an outstanding level. Through group activities, discussions and training, you’ll build your leadership, teamwork and communication skills.

“EY is giving me the unique opportunity to continue learning while developing the skills necessary to excel in any corporate environ-ment. When I was a fresh graduate and decided to join EY Tanzania I felt certain that this was the right place from Cameroon for me. Now, I am certain that this commitment is the key driver behind where I am today”

Ramses Nyamsi, intern in EY


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Board of

The AIESEC in Tanzania Board of Advisors advises and supports the AIESEC National team. The challenging dialogue they inspire continues to be a key factor in keeping AIESEC a dynamic, healthy organization growing sustain-ably towards our vision of peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential. We sincerely thank them for their contribu-tion to the successes of this term.


Our National PartnersOur National Partners contribute to our unique leadership development experience by supporting our programmes through sponsorship of events for our members and providing placements for our international interns. These placements support in their professional development and in many cases, pave the way for their fast track careers. We would like to thank our National Partners for their sup-port throughout the year 2014-2015 and look forward to many more years of cooperation.


Also special thanks to our Board of Advisor Alternates, Benjamin Mtesigwa, Francis Mittah, Muondakweli Kaniki and Cheryl Vroom.

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Financial Report: The year 2014-2015 against the audited report for the year 2013-2014. It should be noted that the financial year 2014-2015 is pending audit which starts in July 2015. Special thanks to Deloitte Tanzania for conducting the audit of 2013-2014.

Income: The two largest sources of revenue for the year are the Global Internship Program (60 million TZS) and the East African Pioneers Congress (46 million TZS) that we hosted in Arusha. This was from the in-creased partnerships formulated across the network enabling us to grow massively. There have been few new revenue generation schemes as well.

Expenditure: The overall level of expenditure increased in order to manage the increase in operations. This was largely due to the increase in human resource, investment and hosting of regional and international conferences.




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Special thanks to Tanzania Horticulture Association (TAHA), Alko Vintage, Mlimani TV New Kwetu Hotel Tanga, Pepsi, Ola Citi Gardents, Usambara Lodge, Cocacola, Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL), STA, CBA, Bank of Africa, Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) , HRSTA, Total, Airtel and Popote Africa for their continued support throughout the year.

The National Annual Report is distributed to members and partners of AIESEC and is available for download on our National website. This edition was compiled and edited at the AIESEC Tanzania Office in Dar es salaam.

Copyright © 2015 by AIESEC Tanzania. All rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior consent of the publisher.

Editorial TeamSiobhan Connelly | Dickson Luhikula

Layout and DesignMercy Murithi

For more details visit our


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In an age of increasingly global consciousness and connectivity, we need leadership today that is more inclusive, collaborative and authentic than ever before.