agape newsletter september 2015

REJECTED! AGAP PARTNERS NEWSLETTER September 2015 JUDGES 11:1-6 (BBE) 1. Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a great man of war; he was the son of a loose woman, and Gilead was his father. 2. And Gilead's wife gave birth to sons, and when her sons became men, they sent Jephthah away, saying, You have no part in the heritage of our father's house, for you are the son of another woman. 3. So Jephthah went in flight from his brothers and was living in the land of Tob, where a number of good-for- nothing men, joining Jephthah, went out with him on his undertakings. 4. Now after a time the children of Ammon made war against Israel. 5. And when the children of Ammon made war against Israel, the OVERCOMING REJECTION LIKE JEPHTAH DID God is not an author of rejection. It never comes from Him. Rejection is a sign of greatness but your reaction to rejection could either birth or bury your greatness. Jephthah was the son of a prostitute who was thrown out by his brothers (members of the Gilead clan) to prevent him from getting an inheritance. Instead of allowing rejection to destroy or demoralize him, he went out and settled in the country of Tob. In Tob, Jephthah worked very hard, developing his potentials until he became a mighty warrior. You see, he overturned rejection. He used it as a fuel for his own passions. He turned it around to his own advantage. He waxed strong and became so mighty that the Clan of Gilead who had earlier rejected him heard of his fame as a warrior and had to go and beg him to become their captain when a great war came against them. They promised to make him their ruler following the conquest. You see, whatever doesn't kill you is just another lesson to fuel your strength. You too can turn rejection around like Jephthah who later became the head of those who had earlier rejected him. You don't

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JUDGES 11:1-6 (BBE)1. Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a great man of war; he was the son of a loose

woman, and Gilead was his father.

2. And Gilead's wife gave birth to sons, and when her sons became

men, they sent Jephthah away,

saying, You have no part in the heritage of our father's house, for

you are the son of another woman.

3. So Jephthah went in flight from his

brothers and was living in the land of

Tob, where a number of good-for-nothing

men, joining Jephthah, went out with him on

his undertakings.4. Now after a time the

children of Ammon made war against

Israel.5. And when the

children of Ammon made war against

Israel, the responsible men of Gilead went to

get Jephthah back from the land of Tob;

6. And they said to Jephthah, Come and

be our chief so that we may make war against

the children of Ammon.

OVERCOMING REJECTION LIKE JEPHTAH DID God is not an author of rejection. It never comes from

Him. Rejection is a sign of greatness but your reaction to rejection could either birth or bury your greatness. Jephthah was the son of a prostitute who was thrown out by his brothers (members of the Gilead clan) to prevent him from getting an inheritance. Instead of allowing rejection to destroy or demoralize him, he went out and settled in the country of Tob. In Tob, Jephthah worked very hard, developing his potentials until he became a mighty warrior. You see, he overturned rejection. He used it as a fuel for his own passions. He turned it around to his own advantage. He waxed strong and became so mighty that the Clan of Gilead who had earlier rejected him heard of his fame as a warrior and had to go and beg him to become their captain when a great war came against them. They promised to make him their ruler following the conquest.You see, whatever doesn't kill you is just another lesson to fuel your strength. You too can turn rejection around like Jephthah who later became the head of those who had earlier rejected him. You don't have to let rejection demoralize you. You have the choice of either becoming stronger by dominating rejection or letting it kill your passion and ruin your potentials. Rise up! Rejection is a signal of greatness. Jesus was rejected too but He fulfilled His destiny. Those who reject you are usually the ones who can’t discern you or are intimidated by your potentials. Their blindness isn’t your own problem. Jephthah’s brethren rejected him because they saw him as a threat.“To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which HE HAS MADE US ACCEPTED IN THE

BELOVED. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” -Ephesians 1:6-7 (NKJV)

If there’s nothing special about you, then you will be threat to no one, and never get rejected. People of amazing potentials suffer rejection. Don't see your rejecters as your enemy. That will only make you weak. Leave where you're rejected like Jephthah left the Clan of Gilead for the country of Tob. Jesus also left Nazareth. Go where you can build up yourself and further develop your gifts from God. Separate yourself from anybody, place or group where your gift is choked or rejected. Get a fresh air of peace and love. Create an atmosphere that fuels your progress! Nobody who dishonors you deserves you. Don't waste your potentials where you're tolerated when countless waits to celebrate you! Rejection doesn't define you, it makes you stronger! Without rejection Jephtahah would have remained at home and never discover his warrior potentials. If Joseph’s brothers never sold him, he would have remained at home, dreaming without much growth. Without persecution, Christianity wouldn’t have spread. Thank God for your rejecters. Use them to become stronger. Explore new areas and develop your potentials. Reject rejection, you're

According to Deuteronomy 32:30

One person shall chase a thousands

and two tens of thousands. I alone

can reach a thousand souls but with your support

we can reach millions! All that

you invest into this ministry is recorded

in your account before God. Every soul I touch WE touch for Jesus

Christ. Thank you for your monthly

contribution to this ministry.


ACCOUNT NAME:Samson Ajilore

BANKS:GTB: 0034672458UBA: 2027817052ZENITH: 004626065

Page 2: Agape Newsletter September 2015

SAWO Media Publications, P. O. Box 957 Kubwa Abuja. Mobile: 08067419389. irit Web: Email: [email protected]

PARTNERSHIP TESTIMONYWhen God anoints a person, He also anoints their ministry. God has

never anointed anyone to do it alone. Thank you for standing with me to spread the gospel of God’s love and power across the nations. “I need to tell you this Sir... God has greatly increased my wisdom and understanding since I began sowing into your ministry. The last time I sowed, I got multiple back in return. I got exactly what I needed from God. So Sir, I just thought I should let you know that your ministry is actually a fertile ground to sow into.” -Tolulope (Nigeria).

Partnership releases an unusual anointing that produces unusual results! Partner with us by giving monthly to our media outreaches, welfare or

DEAR COUPLE:• Dear husband, Where are all those texts messages, poetry, emails, cards, flowers and gifts you used to send her before she said “Yes”? She needs them now than ever!• Dear Wife, Don't go dressing yourself in a manner that reminds him of his grandma and then wonder why he doesn't enjoy home. Don’t neglect the way you used to appear that made him chase you before he married you. Attract him always!

DEAR SINGLE:• The God who brought Eve to Adam after a lonely period has a mate for you and He’s the perfect Match-Maker for those who trust Him!• When Adam called Eve the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, Eve didn’t object and God did not; that three-cord agreement was very vital!• You’re not sick, you’re just single, enjoy the moment while it lasts!