advertising and branding campaign for the children\'s trust fund of michigan

+ Children’s Trust Fund 2009 Campaign by Spark Solutions

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Presentation from advertising capstone course at MSU


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Children’s Trust Fund2009 Campaign by Spark


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OverviewSituation Analysis



Creative Work

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Situation Analysis

Brand Evaluation



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Brand Evaluation

The Children’s Trust Fund is different from other government programs because it is not funded by government taxes.

The Children’s Trust Fund promotions include a fundraising auction (The “Ultimate Fantasy Auction”)

The Children’s Trust Fund’s sources of income come from investments, an HHS grant, corporate donations, sales from CTF license plates, and kid’s pins.

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Other causes on the income tax form: Military Family Relief Fund Children of Veteran’s Tuition

Other license plates options: Agriculture Heritage Lighthouse Prevention Olympic Education Veteran’s Memorial Water Quality Support our Troops Wildlife Habitat

Other public interest causes: Children’s causes, Aids, Breast Cancer

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Importance of cause Cause is related to children, and the

public is interested in helping children’s causes.

CTF Programs have a strong track record and are effective Zero to Three program has proven

metrics to show it works

Large presence throughout MI

Fundraising Auction is successful at generating donations

CTF has a strong differentiation among other causes Only cause on income tax form that is

relates to children


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Low brand awareness. Only 64.7% of survey respondents have

ever heard of the CTF

Weak association between the CTF name and the cause (child abuse) Public is willing to donate to children’s

abuse prevention programs, but are unaware that CTF supports this cause.

Low tax form donation awareness

Lack of knowledge about CTF programs

Poor website design

Public is unaware of opportunities to donate


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Chance to reinvent CTF through a new marketing plan

Spread cause awareness through a new education program about child abuse

To create more awareness about the severity of child abuse in MI Each year, over 905,00 children are

victims of child abuse or neglect in the U.S.

Can create other e-commerce/promotional items that can be given away at events


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New design of the tax form includes many other causes people can choose to donate to.

The current economy

State Budget Cuts

Competition from other causes on the income tax form

Competition from other license plates options

Confusion of what the CTF actually does People still unaware of programs


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Strategic ResearchPrimary

Surveys sent out to 58 people via

Forums of abuse


Age & Abuse

Witnessing abuse

Taking action

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Strategic ResearchSecondary

Age of Abuse

Where and Who

Zero to Three Initiative


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Key FindingsOnly 64.7% of survey respondents have ever heard of the CTF

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Key Findings61.8% of survey respondents said they were most likely to donate to CTF as opposed to other Michigan causes.

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Key FindingsOnly 52.9% of survey respondents knew they could donate to Michigan causes on their income tax form.

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Key Findings94% of respondents said they were willing to donate to a cause that helps prevent child abuse.

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Key Findings78.8% of respondents didn’t know the CTF helps prevent child abuse.

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Objectives & Goals

Build name awareness & recognition for the Children’s Trust Fund

Help our target associate the Children’s Trust Fund with child abuse prevention

Make taxpayers aware that they can donate to the Children’s Trust Fund on their tax form

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The Challenge

How do we make the public aware of the CTF?

How do we get our target to associate the CTF with child abuse prevention?

How do we convince the public and taxpayers that the CTF is a cause worth donating to?

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Overcoming the Challenge

We will build the Children’s Trust Fund brand by focusing on the following:

Awareness Logo Web site Advertisements



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Build brand awareness for the Children’s Trust Fund by creating a

strong link between the name Children’s Trust Fund and child

abuse prevention in order to raise awareness and generate donations.

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Creative Brief

Role of Advertising:

Create brand awareness

Position the Children’s Trust Fund as an organization that helps to prevent child abuse


All other non-profit organizations listed on the Michigan tax form

Target Audience:

Middle to upper class parents with young children


Tone of Voice:

Informative with a focus on the severity of child abuse

Brand Essence:

The Children’s Trust Fund is helpful, informative, caring, supportive, and takes action

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Creative Work

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Corporate IdentityOld Logo:

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Logo Explorations

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Logo Explorations

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Logo Explorations

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Corporate IdentityNew Logo:

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Corporate Identity

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+Web Needs to be more user friendly

Should incorporate new look and feel of corporate identity

Old Web site:

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+WebNew Web site:

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the BIG idea

We will use familiar children’s toys as vehicles to

demonstrate child abuse and deliver our message.

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OutdoorPlace along major highways as parents drive to work

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Web Banners

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TV:30 “Left Behind”

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TV:30 “Baking Bear”

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TV:30 “Muffled Pain”

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Client: Children’s Trust Fund

Radio: 15

Name: Jack in the Box



SFX(:02): The sound of music abruptly stopping, the toy breaking and then a baby crying.

VO(:08): Children break just as easy as toys. To learn how you can help, go to www-dot- MI-dot-gov-slash-C-F-F or call one-Eight Hundred CHILDREN.

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Direct MailServes as a brand touch point to strengthen brand awareness

The coloring book will be shrink wrapped and sealed

with crayons attached to the front. The postage will

appear on the back as it does with most magazines.

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+E-CommerceAvailable for purchase on CTF Web site & can be given away at CTF events

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Non-Traditional Marketing

Prop-sized dolls of young boys and girls sitting in various settingsMotion censors activate kid cryingIn his hand are informative brochures about the CTF

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Media Plan


January-April: tax season

April: Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) awareness month

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Closing Remarks