adver-isemen- ww 111 · the pacific ncrc'ial advertiser, uhprbffrrtlirwtay msrnln.nt six a...

THE PACIFIC nCRC'IAL ADVERTISER, Uh BffrrTlirwtay Msrnln.nt Six pr A l'rU i A4raaee. to f weisn countries will be $7 per nnnm, rers the American T expense of rwud- - m the offK-eo- f publication- - All papers ttr American porta, will have American postage .lamps on them, U prevent anr American poatas being collected on -- f r. i jsn rwaried thrmjh the Hawaiian mails, and will be requir-h- e island pe of 1 1 Ot at the Honolulu poet office, n t " charge of $7. t run arvssTi!MniT9 M sm chasocd. Lnt a.'eerttn-n- t (nrt insertion) per line 10 cts. f Earn "Sunsiuerri ". nd In eireedirar linos) per tniram $5 00. '.Each additional Une) " . 60 ct. L.tar exceeding 10 lines first insertion $1 00. r- - . i . i.,.,. ....... tiM ra ... -- inrwii' mm - - vwHt r Aorrsrwira will he chareed at the following rates .rMe at the end of each quarters nuare twenty line) per quarter - $5 00 rthnfaeolamn pernnarter - 11200 f vf a cHumn per nuarter - $20 00 - - $37 60 cutusnn per quarter (mmerclal Advertiser. Fnr the Pac Com. Advertiser. We Shall Happy Tel. , M-vr- t. though cW! may lower. CrhHt rainbow visions melt away .. hJ star has still a power fist rv the deepest midnieht sway. Lr nt ! I take a prophet's tone, hrir le ran reither wane nor set ; -,, tn tmr. rrows tmnr, mine own, h shaH we hH he happv yet. U thonin ion anxious months hare passM nrr tV tme hurt was towM to thine. .r!l far us a tipht at last. trv beam uton nr path shall shine. Inns hnv lore mHt douMs and Vt nrr with on honr's recret. rrrm a 1 to jrfM onr r We h!l we shall He hsppy yet. L. by t!i wandering biHs that find beyond the mountain ware. iTh many a wave and storm eombined dm them to an ocean rrave ; L inmvr nns that brightly rfe. Kmch erst in tears they set ; ill lore's rnpeful prophecies K shaH we hVI be hsppy yet. C TARIETT. pnrntB- - The following proTrrbs we find hir.2? : r .rn Ann't mk the bet bricks. n,rrow VI th-t- r no tnminp;. nmnfr j ent flyrn? nut of the window, it tht eom in at the loor. thit pTe-s- j to live mut lire to rlwe. min miT 'ei neaz, wnereas another ren nnjh t-- Iok at hore. ree' pr!f Inn j fnend.s; itna it holds good with roar I til nd yoar cli-th- i of a fool is known by there be?n nothing . . . . .1 t T 1 V r"T P'tr tnf c iri itriurc iuc nui-s- e, oai you iVe hin en. W m the pntlem!n the want of it the rl. wi men fill oat, then roqies come by what e.r own. ri aicreil thnr", or what others may is uoh, however absurd they may appear r, sir, I "appose yon don't know of nobody "t wnt to h:re nobody to do nothing, don't rhe anwer wis, " Yes, I don't." n't believe ts any nc, this Tnceination," inkee. "I ha.1 a child vaccinated, and he I f the w:n1er a wpek artr, and got killed !" r'me ir. ts wt ; thoa nn't not ft recall :' !T"r . i h: ; emrJoy the port "on small s f'tttrr is tv, an I mny neTr he ; yrrrnt U:h- - only time for thee, f''me le-inf- like the engine on a railway ? sne iinu aurr utrr, Kitiim iuc tnr.s-ort- s the mails, (males) and makes ns nenl "oice. too know who I am ?" said a police officer to wbnm he seixM by the thro it. ot ex- - Js.r. ont t recKon you are tne maiiznani coi- - impoas-ble,- " snid one politician to another. whre your party ends, and where the op- - te?in." "1. r," renli-- l the other, if you were rid-- ', it wool ! he impossible to say where the M an 1 the donkey begin." n, what part ob de sermonies do de ladies ni:-- e when de to de charch ?" I, Powpey, I can't tell what dat is can you y, yes, nizgv don't you see dey observe de rrx or a Giru One of onr exchanges speaks :t::ul irtrl who woal t prove a capital specnla- - 5rtine hunter of the right sort. Her voice er, her hftir of gold, her teeth of pearl, her 'rabies, and her eyes of diamonds. iltinKre Patriot has the following apon two .' devotees to ITymen : Ton'hful devotees to the shrine f Canid f.itel their perennial affections last week, in -- n ecrin of the citv, upon the altar of hv- - pe rosette-cheek- ei bride had jast emerged year was an orphan and an Theintrppid bridegroom had seen bat seven- - rmn go aHent and uncontrollable was Vr attichment cf these young lovers, that no we-eo- ni I rimsnvle them; and in the spring-if- e has their adventurous matrimonial bark ichel nrrn an untritI se of troubles. The hern the world with a salary of two dol-fi- ?v eenrs a week. Less courage than this B. the A!os. or ascend to the eternal rliuMers B:nc. Miy the drem of young love ripen a crow n? strong and beautiful in the placid fin heaven-hor- n innocence." hs that Mr. Jnes loaned Mr. Smith a horse, "laThlle in his (Smith's) nosseseion. Mr. night stit to recover the value of the horse, hi his drh to bid treatment. T)nrinir h jf the tri-- a witness Sir. Brown was rlWt Ur.l to testify as to how tho defendant used rr (with a very merry twinkle in his eye. .."P-nirrvu- jie) vcii, s,r, how does Mr. urrauy nae a horse ?" s (with a very merrv twinVb n Ma H imperturbable)--- " A straddle. I believe! 8A 'T (with a aearrAlr Twnwttlhl. 4n.u r rvt his cheek, bnt arill r iii ouiwiu t ) B it, air, what gait does he ride ?" hc never n les any gate, sir his boys the gates." T (hi bland smile mn v: - hn,ky) Bnt how does he ride when in f with n'hers?" js Keeps op if his horse is able; if not he pr (triumphantly, and in a fury) " How rue when he is alone ?" S IX'n't Vnr.w ntcr wo. TI. 1. : i 1 nunuuijiuingn flione. P- f-" I nave done with you, sir." r'rmRESCK BITWEEV ScSDAT ReUGIOX AD r The tides come twice a day in r hU,r but they only come once in seven , harbor of the sanctuary. They rise on nor, uj, and are down and out all the 1e week. Men .u.: , . nicir jiore noor, "''s'ness," and over the church door, the pu Ip.t," they say ; we get enough of 1 ana bitm-- r sirt,.,, t , i r aim aaives, ana MI lacets, and hurry, and work, and K..i rr .l repose, ana sedatives, and '!tas haTe P01- - We want hymns and to hear about Ileaven and Cal- - nit " Want th Pure Gospel, without '"7 interrn.xture." And so desire to P'oas, quiet Sabbath, full of pleasant ima-r- ii P61?1 "flections ; but when the day fijf j'1 m"i,J- - lb,ky wiI1 ke bT - whom they meet, and exclaim. "hat thou west ! It is Monday.". And 'tr ventures to hint to them some- -t their fellow men, they say, o, you Jo preaching. You do not know how to debts, and cannot tell what a man to do in his intercourse with the world." 7 u.n -- 'lowed to go into the week. ' If the 1 "pi it in his store, he throws it over the irthe elerk sees it in the bank, be kicks it ' dwr. if it jg foand in tbe Btnett the mul. , rllV Pe,tin witn stones, as if it were a peJ from a menagerie, and shouting, " Back iou have got out of Sunday !" There poo m all tbi. u is mere sendmentalism. Belongs to every day ; to the place of bosi-c- h as the cbnrea. - v l n;cicn Wfry there is a clock, and the Id sexton winds it ap ; bat it has at-pla- nor hands. The peodalam swings, r it goes, ticking, tkkiag. day in and day ced and uaeless. What the old dock is, e.mbr. fPng time to itself, bat never Ik u w the ere entimentality 4r reli-- ? r,fe, in the region fairy thoc-'i- t; tb of 8onday, but without dial r J let the week know what o'clock it is, rf ' Eternaty t7. TV. Backer. I I'M ill ll I II S ll WW PBJL,SIIED WEEKLY BY I IIKNKV 31. VIilT.EY. siaAint irKtrtrM if rc A. P.. EVERETT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, J anion's new block, Queen street, IJonoIr!!, I. REPft-XCE- S. Messrs. Faxfsos ti Tappa. - Boston. V 11 I ....... . A. BiTLca, Khtb sSju, . JJi . nooolu'u, July 1, 1857. Ck &3-- tf DAX1ELC. WATEIIMAX, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Superintend the outliuiiiir of this port, to tbe shipment of oil anil Itone, ami negotuUes whalemen's drafts, Ac REFERENCES. Messrs. Mocam, Hatha wat, & Co., San Francisco. Macoxdbav & Co., - D. R-- GRies ft Co., - Kew Bedford. James B. Coxgdox, Esq., " W--tf W. O. E. Pori. Esq.. - II. W. FIELD, Commission Merchant, Houolulu, Ouhu, Sandwich Islana By permission, he refers to C. W. CARTwmicirr, Prasulrnt of Manufactorers' Insurnnce Coraany, Boston. Slessrs. II. A. Pi f set, .... Boston. Traveb, Rick & Co., - Kdwakd Mott Robimsox, - Xew BetKurd. Joh W. Barkett it Sos.s, - NantuckeL FisKifs & Smith, - - New London. B. F. - . IIuimIuIu 2S--tf " C. A. A- - II. F. l()OR, IMP0RTCR3 AND COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, IlOXOLrLr, OAHC, SANDWICH ISLANDS. REFKR TO George F. Peabodv, E!-- , - - Philadelphia. Elha Ha-kk- ll, Ksi., ... New Bedford. Messrs. Rkad, I'hiovuk k Ikxtkr, - Boston. Wium, Barrv Jt Co., - - - New York. Abkrsetht, Clark Ac Co., - - Snn Francisco. Badger ti Lisdkubkrgkr, - - Sao Francisco. 6-- tf J.C.SPALDIXG, Commission Merchant, ami Imporur, H m'.lulu, Oahu, S. 1. Wanted, Bills of Exchange on the I. S. and Europe. from abnal pmmtly attended to. Island pro- duce of all kinds taken in exchange fr gooils. Jy tf W. A. ALU RICH, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise; Commission Aireot f'T the Sale of Sujrar. MlaK-- s ami Coff-e- . anl other Island Pro. luce. Aent fir the Liurs Ii.actatiix. Oon sinmenU of all kinds of Inland Prmluce solicited. Orl,TS for Merchandise promptly attended to. 86-t- f GCST. C. MRLCBKBd. . i,l iT REISERS. 31 C LCI ICRS & CO., Commission Merclmcta and Ship Chan-Jlers- , Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Stone sture corner of Kaatnimann and Merchant sts. Money axtvaneerl on favoraWe terras fr Whalers hills on the U. 9. aud Europe. July 1, lS5-t- f S. N. EMKRSOV, Waiatua, Oahu, Dealer in Gcnt-m-l Merchandise, Country Pro dace such as Corn, Beans, I'acuioaj, Butter, Epes, i c. &J-- tf IJ. F. SNOW, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. 8 II. IIACKFELI) V CO. ! General Commission Agents, and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, 3. I. J uly 1, 1856- - tf ROBERT C. JANION, Jlerchant and Commission Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1 t THOMAS SPENCER, Ship Chandler, flealer in ral Merchandise, and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu. S. I., ke-p- s constantly on hand an extensive assortment of every description of goods re- quired by whaleships and others. , Shipping furnished with all kinds of groceries, provisions, &c, at the shortest notice, at the very lowest market prices. XT Money advanced frr whalers1 bills at the lowest rates. 63-- tf 1. N. FLITNER, Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's new fire proof building, at the stand recently occupied by Dr. Hoffmann, corner of Queen and Kaahuinarm streets. Chronometers ratel by olwervations of the sun and stars with a transit instrument accurately adjusted to the meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention friven to fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant classes silvered aud adjusted. Charts and nautical instruments constantly on hand and for sale. 44-- tf C. L. BJCBARP. B. W. 8EVEBAXCK. C. L. RICHARDS & CO., Ship Chandler. Importers and Commission Merchants, Oahu, Sandwich Islands. r RITSON & HART, Successors to Mr. Henry Robinson, Wholesale Wine and Ppirit Merchants, Honolulu. H. I., nndrr the Auction Room or A. P. Everett, Auctioneer, nearly onjosite the Custom House. S3Hf VOS HOI.T. Tn. C. FETCE Von HOLTAHEUCK, General Commission Merchants. Honolulu, Oahu, f. I. Jy 1-- tf CHARLES BREWER, Commission Merchant, Boston. I. S. Refer to Jas. Makee and R. W. Wood Esqrs. July I, isoo-i-f ALEX. J. CARTWRir:iIT, Commission Merchant and Oeneral Shipping Agent, Homilulu, Oahu, H. I. Ju'r . iooo-- u tR3T KRCLL. EPCABD KRULL& MOLL, Importers and Commission Merchants, Kaahumanu street Ma- - kee's block. " iw . . WU. MX. CASTLE. CASTLK iV xitrk.r.. Importers and Wholesale and Retail dealers In General Mer- - chandise, at tne oi.i siano, cwnrx i i streets, near tbe large Stone Church. A No at the Store formerly occupied by C. II. Nicn.-lon- , in King street, oppo- site the Seamans ChapeL Agents for Dr. 1!"' Medi- cines. Ju,y 1 1356-t- f UTAI&AIIEE, Agents for the Sugar Plantations of Aiko, at PaP" "d at I'ulo, into ; imporur. - - ers in China Goods ; hare on hand, for sale at their estab-men- ts on King street, Honolulu, and at Lnhama, Jaiil, Sugar, MoUsses, Syrup, Tea, Coffee, and a large and varied assortment of general merchandise Honolulu, August 12, 1857. 69-I-y J. II. WOOD, ilanufactnr-- r, Importer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes of every . i, aiu t!ii. Harness. rnnc runnm, -- - description, and Plitent Leathers. Calf, Gt, Hog, and Buck Skins Trunks. Valises. Sirrir.g Gloves, Poils, and Masks, Black ing. Brushes, Hosiery, Ac Ac. Brick hoe store, corner of Fort and MTxhant sts., Honolulu, II. I. July 1-- U A. T. EVERETT, ATJOTIOKT33 531T Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. J. F. COLRUUN, ATJOTIOWEEn., 53-l- y Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, Oahu. wiiirnPV-niinnrK- . . . . . f 1 1 J "" 7 Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Spirits, Ale and Porter, near .w- - ,. ! Honolulu. GEORGE CLARK, Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Naia and jiaunaBea sirri.. CiEORRE G. HOWE, Lumber Merchant, yard corner of Queen and Nuuanu streets on the Punchard premises. - "' " C. H. LEWERS, Lumber and building materials,Fort St. Honolulu. Jy 1-- tf W. N. LADD, Importer and dealer la Hardware, Tort St. Honolulu. Jy 1- -f E. O. HALL. Importer and Dealer In Hardware, Dry Goods, Paints, Oils, and general Merchandise, comer of Fort aud King streets. CHARLES W. VINCENT, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. The undersigned would In- form bis friends and the public, that he has taken and fitted np the premises ot r"ort street, opposite C. Brewer ' 34's Store, as a CARPENTER SHOP, and would solicit that patronage heretofore so liberally bmtowed. All orders In ' the various branches of Building, Plans, Hpeelfleations and Contracts, attended to with prom p; news and dispatch . CHARi.ES W. VINCENT. N. B. DOORS, WINDOW SASH, wid all ether articles per tffl"irg to bouse build ing, constantly on ban 1 and for sUo. KMf GEORGE C.SIDEIiS, Vannfaetarer and deal In Tin, Bluet Iron, ai Copper wsre, Kaahumanu street, opposilo J. C. Spilior HonoluK H. Summer Bakers, Tin and Coppir Fumpa, Bathing j.'nbs. n . I u t "Tl .n1 9 Inn 1nA4ll UM B Sftm- - rai assortment of TU?. wars. ilp work euI with II ' II " WW HONOLULU, business Caris. HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY, 100-- tf A. P. EVERETT, Treasurer and Agent. AGENT FOR THE f Xesw Ysrk Beard or L'ndervrrilera. ( 1 he undersigned tulrp. bnii , n:r r 1 . ci.- - . ic, that he has been duly appointed as Agent for the New York Board of L'nderwriters. 13-1- y ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT. AC3ENT FOR THE Liverpool Underwriter's Association. The undersigned begs leave to hoUfy Mercliauts, Sliip owners, and Ship masters, that he has received the apoiutment ol AGENT at thessk Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER M KITLK'3 ASSOCIATION. July tf ROBERT C.J ANION. AREN'T FOR LLOYD'S The undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, Ship owners and Shipmasters, that he hasreceived Uie appointment of AGENT at Lhese Islands for LLOYD'S LONDON. July tf ROBERT C. JANION. HAM BURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. FWVHE UNDERSIGNED, Agents of the above about Honolulu. f f Prepared to insure risks apiinst fire in and For particulars apply at the office, MELCHER3 k CO. nono ulu, Oct. 11, 1857. es-- tf Fire Insurance Notices THE NORTHERN' ASSLRAXCP r-o- . THE CXDERSKJXED begt to notify to those hjtt In tfila .IHa. wn w..:ii iFuiv: wnnicii iiuiniiiigs or their contents within the precincts of Honolulu, that in conse-sequen- ce of the continued erecti n of ami high wooden . buildings Close tlMretherin .Irui. .- - - - hi .i. iiH9 ini mil ner constructions in the town will be taken, anl those already ' taaen wiu not ne renewed on the expira'.iou of their terms. i 63-- tf Agent for the Nortiiern Assurance Co. 1MIE XORTHF.RX A SSt'RAXCE COMPA- - I 11V- - 1 4' Lil V. . a?: :.. a home and nhroad. C apital 1250,700, Sirrliny, The undersicriied ha. hin a Tnu i" r. . . a . . t . i. - e r -- t " 7 t f k tii mi i.i .t m i w it. ii Islands. ROBERT CIIKSIIIRK livnw t' at Honolulu. E. IIOFFSCIILAEGER tc STAPENIIORST, Asrnts-fo- r the PARIS AND BORDEAUX BOARDS OF UNDER WRITERS. AVIS A I PUBLIC. Lfs Soussiprnes, ayunt ete nonimun Azents pour les Ausureurs m iritimes de Paris et de Bordeaux, previentient le public en irenml et les Capi-taines- de iiavirt-- s marchands francais, qui risitent les ports de ce royaume, en particulier, que dans toils lea cas d'avaries, qui auraient lieu dans ces parages, ils devront, fiire constater et verifier les ftits devant eux pour legAliscr leursrecla mations contre les dits a.ssureurs. 61-- tf ED. HOFFSCHLAEOER & STAPKN1I0RST. FLORENS STAPENIIORST, Agent f(r the Bremen hoard of Underwriters. All average claims against the said Underwriters, occurring in or about this Kingdom, will have to be certified before him. July tf KRITLL At MOLL. Agents of the Hamburg and Lnbeclc Underwriters, Honolulu, ''Oahu, H. I. July 1, 1856-t- f CHAS. F. CDILLOV, Late Surgeon United States Navy, Consular Physician to sick American seamen. Office next door to j. C. Spalding Kaahumanu street; Resilience at Dr. Wood's Mansion, Hotel sreH. Resiectfu!ly offers his professional ser vices to resident families, to the shipping, and to strangers generally. Medical and Surgical advice in English, French Spanish, and Italian. Office hours from 11 a. jt. to 2 r. x., and from 4 to 5 p. H. At other hours enquire at his residence. Jy 1-- tf DR. FORD'S Office and Drug Store, Kaahumanu Street, opposite Makee's block. Ship's Medicine chests refitted, and prescriptions carefully prepared. XT Hot, cold, vapor, shower and medicated Baths, at all hours My E. HOFFMANN, Physician and Surgon. office in the new drug store, adjoining the store of II. Hackfeid 4 Co., Queen-stree- t. Jy tf J. E. C HAMK ERLAIN, Attorney at Law. Office corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant streets up stairs. 109-fl- m J. W. AUSTIN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office in Honolulu House, over the Post Office. C5-6- m II. PIT3IAN, Ship Chandler and dealer in General Merchandise, Waiakea Bay, HILO, HAWAII. Keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of every description of goods required by whale ships and others. Shipping furnished with fresh heefVegetables, and all kinds of Groceries, and Provisions ic. at the shortest notice, at the very lowest market prices. Best facilities for storage f from 3 to 6000 barrels, being near the landing, anil free from thatched buildings. Wanted, Whalers bills on the U. S. or Europe, for which money will be advanced on reasonable terms. N. B. This port offers the safest and most commodious anchor age of any port in the Hawaiian group. Here you can give seamen their liberty without danger of losing them by tie sertion. No anient spirits allowed to be sold jy 2-- tf (HLMAN & CO., Ship Chandlers and Dealers in General Merchandise, L An A IN A, M AU I, II. I. Ships supplied with recruits. Good facilities for storage. Cash furnished for bills of exchange. 53-l-y " IIOLLES & CO., Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants and Dealers in General Merchandise, Lahaina, Maui. Whalers furnished with recruits at the shortest notice, in exchange for goods or bills. 34-- tf JOHN THOMAS WATERHOUSE, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, aud Lahaina, Maui. 44-- tf S. HOFFMEYER. Commission Merchant, dealer in Ship Cliandlery. and General Merchandise. Lahaina, Maui, H. I. Ships furnished with recruits. Whalers Bills wanted on tbe U. S. and Eunie. Storage. July 1, 1856--tf J. WORTH, Dealer in General Merchandise, Hiln, Hawaii. Ships supplied with recruits at the shortest notice, ou reasonable terms Bills of exchange wanted. July 1, lS56-t- f II. FISCHER, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite the Government House. 41 tf II. C. OR AIIAJI, COOPER AND GAUGE R. O VERS IG NED having recently purchased the THE formerly occupied by C. H. Butlerrorner of Queen and Fort streets, is now prepared to execute with dispatch all orders that he may be favored with at the alove named place or at his Old Stand, opposite the 44 Royal Hotel." Ship Agents and Masters are respectfully invited to call and examine his large and desirable assortment of Casks. Barrels, Tubs. tec. N. B. 4000 barrels casks on hand and for sale on the most, reasonable terms. 69tf HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, BT W. J. RAWLINS & CO., THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, ARE are prepared, with their present improvements, to supply merchants and families with hard aud soft soap ; also, neats foot oiL XT And always ready to buy or trade for tallow, slush, and all kinds of kitchen grease. bZ-- ly THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS. UNDERSIGNED is now prepared to repair or THE all kinds of machinery, mill gearing, wind lass gearing, ship forguigs and smith work. Cart boxes, forge backs, anvils ftc. on hand and made to ""iron and and best quality of smith's coal for sale. Also one excellent small sised sugar mill with copper train eomp, adapted to either horse or water P BOOKBINDING IN A VARIETY OF STYLES DONE and substantially, and on fair terms. Law Books, Music. Newspapers, Ac, bound to order. Portfolios, Scrap Books. Herbariums, Drawing Books, and Blank Books, made to order officers of ships can have their Navigation and Log and Charts, bound and repaired, at the Mission Office, tTTir&lahao. Old Books rebound at short notice. Ordersmay also be left at II. M. WII ITXEYr Book Honolulu. SAMUEL RCboELL July 1. - . ' ESS. JAMAICA GINGER. CONCENTRATED ESSENCE) BROWN'S dinger, p-s-r Yankee," for sale by lOAVtf - C-- E RICHARDS t$ CO. mWO NEW YORK DRAYS, oompiete, JL iHeU Harness ft do. For sale by ei-- f '" ' CHAS. BRKWIR, 3d, g : fft i I 111 c HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Senses nntr gTanis.- A DESIRABLE INVESTMENT t . .... . . rW II II MW. i w m - i for sale the LAND mon which he is now living.sit-- S ( ,uated in the District of Kona. Ilawaiu consisting of?E about G8 Acrraof . enclosed with stone wail.. There are now about 'iOOOSwrfTee trees on the place, which is well adapted for the culture of the same. There is a good dwel- ling houe and cook house, with handy to the main road, and a good spring of water. Title fee simple. In- - ipiuv si wis omcu, or 01 tne unoersignea on tne spot. . DANIEL FR EDISON Kona, Hawaii, July 1, 1858. 109-- tf FOR SALE OR RENT. kTIIE CORAL STORK OX THE COR. ner of Merchant and Knnhumanu streets, occupied br Dr. McKihbin. Possession given on the llrst of August next. The premises are 30 by 60 feet, and will be enclosed if desired, and the house put in good order. If sold, the terms win "e mnae easy, inquire or Honolulu, July 28, 1858. 10-- tf ASnER B. BATES, TO LET. FORI 1 EAR OR MORE, THE LARGE ti and commodious dwelling house and premises belonging i? iiimiii iHjit;, .iiiiniv in iTTiiiiiifM surrtTL, vin sisting of three rooms below and one lare rom u stairs There is a substantial and convenient cook house and servants' room attached, with a good well ami other accommodations on the premises, and U altogether a very desirable and healthy residence for a family. Terms reasonable. Apply to Pahau, Carpenter, Printer's Lane, or to Mr. II. M. WHITNEY. 3ml08' TO LEASE, HiTHE FIRE-PRO- OF STORE AT PRE. k Jiiil sent occupied by Messrs. Krull & Moll. Possession given on 1st next r.ionth. Apply to lOS-- tf CHAS. BREWER 2d. TO LET, A THREE-ROOME- D COTTAGE. SIT- - ,,i j uatcd ou RichHrd street, near Merchant stroet. r or par ticulars, inuuire on the premises, of ABRM. BOLSTER. Also For sale, one Carriage Hwse. 107-- tf A. BOLSTER. TO LET. mTIIR STORE XOW OCCl'PIED BT !' ;, the undersigned, on the Whai'C' Immediate possession J,..-iV- r given. Apply to 107-- tf JOHN TnOMAS WATERHOUSE. TO LET. mTHE CELLAR UNDER THE HOXO- - I 'iii' 'u'u House-jo- ne of the most convenient in town capa- - jji Me of storing about 400 tons. Inquire or 105-- tf H . M. WHITNEY. FOR SALE OR TO LET, SEVERAL ELIGIBLE BUILDINGS and house lots, situated on different parts of Mauna Kea .street, Honolulu. Terms very moderax. For informa tion, etc., apply to 106-- tf J. W. MARSH. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. saTIIE DAIRY FARM AT KAWAIIIAE-- ti UKA. Hnwaii, seven miles from the port of Kawaihae, itnwith 500 acres of enclosed land. For particulars inquire of JAMES A. LaW, in Honolulu, 102-t- f Or L. li. LINCOLN, oo Uie premises, TO LET. THE LARGE AXD COMMODIOUS 3k3 Dwelling, situated in the Valley of Nuusnu, about two a i mil s from town, lately occupied ny the lion. David L. Gregg. The above pnqierty' is beaut Fully situated on rising ground, surrounded by fruit and shade trees, and in every way furnished with conveniences for a family. ALSO In rear of the above, a very pleasant COTTAGE, with Taro Land in a high state of cultivation, and several acres of pastur age and every convenience. For particulnrs aj- - plyto 101-t- fJ JOU.N II. HKUtta. TO LET. TWO NEW. X EAT. WELL-FINISH- ED Cottages, with nutbuddings complete, near the Methodist r.piscoiias-- L iiurch. Apply to 100-- tf J. T. WATKaUOCBB. TO LET, COTTAGE AXD PREMISES IX THE A, recently occupied by Dr. White. The building is 22 by 30 feet, with verandahs in front and rear, and pantry. servants' house, cook house, bath house, and other outbuildings. On the premises are several very superior grape vines in full bearing. Apply to !. T. vv ATr.KHOL MS, Honolulu, 10O-- tf Or to H. DICKINSON, Lahaiua. ROOMS TO LET. OVER DR. JUDO'S OFFICE. TWO convenient rooms, and the House at present occupied byE. Kopka. Terms moderate. 100-- tf p. P. JLDD. FOR SALE OR TO LET, THE FORETOP PREMISES ON KIXO street. Terms liberal. Apply to 100-tf C. W. VINCENT, Fort street, Honolulu. FOR SALE OR TO LET. THE DWELLING-HOUS- E AND PRE misses occupied by the subscriber, on the corner of Merchant and Alakea streets. Title, fee simple. XT Possession given immediately. 87-- tf - G. M. ROBERTSON. FOR SALE OR TO LET. TWO NEAT COTTAGES on Merchant street, convenient for small families, and handy to the business part of the town. For sale cheap, or to rent low. Title ee simple. Apply to HENRY SMITH, P8-- tf Blacksmith. FOR SALE OR LEASE. THE PREMISES BELONGING TO C. T. Averberg, Esq., corner of King and Maunakea streets. Immediate possession can be given If required. For terms apply to ('J6-- tf FLORENS STAPENHORST. FOR SALE. THE HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED ON Waikiki Plains, at present occupied by the undersigned. Terms lioeral. Apply at this Office, or to 9d--tf JOHN LORD. TO LET. THE TWO STORES RECENTLY erected in Fort street, between King and Merchant sts. Parties wishing to lease can have them fitted to suit by early application. For terms, please apply to 64-- tf B. F. SNOW. TO LET. THE FOLLOWING OFFICES AND f' iijl ROOMS, in Jlhe brick building, corner of Queen and .9Uf- J- Kaahumanu streets, "generally known as the Makee & Autiiou building, viz. : The second floor, at present occupied by Dan. 0. Waterman, Esq. The third floor over Messrs. Al.lrich & Bishop, suitable for storage. The rear office on the first floor (ls.tely occupied by D. N. Flitner, Esq.) j. The office on thwcond floor, 0ate,y occupied by J. Makee, Esq.) The cellar of the above building, capable of storage for 1,500 barrels. Apply to 65-- lf CHAS. BREWER, 2n. FOR SALE OR TO LET. THE DWELLING PREMISES formerly belonging to Robert O. Davis, situated between Dr. Wood's and Charles Bishop's residences. Terms easy. Apply to 67-- tf ASHER B. BATES. TO LET. The Building lately occupied by Vincent Grenier, on Nuuanu Street, directly oposite Merchant Street. The lower part Is fitted with counter, shelves, Ac. ; upper part fine sleeping rooms, and fine cellar under same. ALSO TO LET One-ha- lf of the Loft In large Stone Warehouse on Marine Street ; aud one-ha-lf of the Cellar under same. Apply to (31-t- O A. P. EVERETT. TO BE SOLD OR LET. A LARGE AND commodious residence in Nuuanu Valley, about a mile and a half from town. Terms moderate. Apply to Honolulu. July 1. tf W. L. GREEN. VALUABLE PREMISES. FOR SALE OR LEASE for a term of years, the Store Premises now occupied by the undersigned. 6a-- tf B. F. SNOW. LAND FOR SALE OJl LEASE. THE " FOWLER FARM," situated in Pa lolo Valley, enclosed and containing forty-sev- en acres. Terms low. Inquire of DR. SMITH, Dentist. Honolulu, April 28, 1857. 44-- tf ROOMS AND HOUSE TO LET. Apply to 8. JOHNSON, Carpenter, 32--tf Merchant street, near the Royal Hotel. FFICE TO LET. The front Office over the Post- - o office. Enquire of (34-t- f) H. M. WHITNEY. NOTICE TO COASTERS. ' BELL BUOY HAS BEEN PLACED IN A 15 fathoms water, from which the Spar Buoy at the en- trance of the channel beai s N. W. by N. ' H. J. H. H0LDSW0RTH, Honolulu, March 19, 1858. (91-t- f) Harbor Master. REGALIA. FULL ASSORTMENT OF I. O. OF O. F. 4 and MASONIC REGALIA, constantly on hand, such as Royal Arch, M. M.'s, P. G.'s, Encampment, Ac, &C, &c. 4 Military foods of all kinds can be furnished to order. 624f Apply to C. A. Je H. F. POOR. CORDAGE, SPUNYARN, RUSSIA Sewing Stair, Flag Lines, Hooks and Thimbles, , . Double and single blocks. White Lead, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Prussian Blue, English boitod Linseed Oil, Gold Leaf. For sale by - 63-t- f ' H. RACKFZLD CO 1 AUGUST 19, .1858. ortip Carts. ittr. JOHN ILEX. IflATIIEWS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 6 (iueen's Place, Sydney. XT Reference to W. L. Gkkbx, Honolulu, S. I. 104-6- m EASTRA Sc CO., COMMISe'N AXD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Hakodadi, Japan. . ALL Kinds of Fresh Provisions furnished ; also, Ship's tCi Ship Chandlery, AT bo.vollxc puicks. Wlialemen'slrafla taken, Ac. 71-- ly WJI. IE. KELLY. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, TAHITI, Will supply ships wit'i provisions, &c, and advance money on favorable terms for bills on the United States. . 43-l- y . W. BUTLER, CUSTOM HOUSE &. COMMISSION AGENT MANGONUI, NEW ZEALAND. XT Shipping supplied or the- - most reasonable terms. Lat. , 35 6 S., long. K3-38,- 41-l-y O. C. MCRCBR. J. C. MEBRILL. JIcRUEIt & iUERRILL, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DORR'S WAREHOrSK, Nos. 47 and 49 California street, SAN FRANCISCO. KKFER TO : Capt. James Makee, Honolulu ; Capt. D. C. Waterman. Honolulu ; Messrs. Oilman & (Jo., Lahaina. 14-6- m S. GR1FFITTS MORGAN. C. S. HATHAWAY. B. r. 8T05E. MORGAN, STONE & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. & A. R. Nye. i Swift & Perry, New Bert ford, Messrs. Grinnell Minturn A Co., New lork, John M. Forties Lsq., Hoston, Messrs. Per kins & Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon olulu. July 1, 18ot-t- f. ROPE WALK AXI OAKM FACTORY. CORDAGE OF EVERY SIZE MANUFAC-- J C TL'RED to order. Constantly on hand, a large as sortment of MANILA AND HEMP ROPE, (all sires). Bale Rope, Tow Une, Oakum, fcc, for sale by TUBBS & CO., 80-l-y 139. Front Street, San Francisco. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE THE under the name and style of EDWARDS k WAL- TON, is this day dissolved, hiving expired by limitation. The affairs of the late firm will be liquidHted by A. S- - EDWARDS, who will continue the Wholrwile Liqaor Basinrs. at lOd Front street, under the name and style of A. o, EDWARDS if CO. a. s. r.iv.Aius, N. C WALTON. The underaiimed respectfully call your attention to their full and varied sfciclc of Wine and Liquors, which has lately been replenished by recent, arrivals from Europe and the East ern States, and which will ne at lowest marxei prices, San Francisco, April oO, 1558. 100-- tf A. S. EDWARDS k CO. A. S. EDWARDS & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wines and Liquors, 106 FRONT STREET, CORNER OF WASHINGTON. San Frnnelseo, Cal. .TiYRUS W. JONES, FORMERLY OB HO- - N OLULU, is eupatred with Uie above tirm, ana respect- fully solicits orders from old friends, and will be happy to attend to the purchase of all descriptions of merchandise, at the usual rates of commission. oo-- u TURNER, SELDEN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 93 Front afreet, between Clityand Men chaut streets. San Francises. 6d-- ly AMERICAN MILLS BAKER'S EXTRA Salt Fraucivco. FLOUR, EXTRA SUPERFINE AMERICAN MILLS, FLOUR, SAN FRANCISCO, E. T. PEASE i CO. E. T. PEASE Ac CO. E. T. PEASE & CO., CORNER OF FRONT AND CLAY STREETS, San Francises, Cnl., MANUFACTURERS OF THE ABOVE J.TX brands of Floitr, guarantee their Bakers' Extra, for Bakers' use, and their Extra Si perfinis, for Family Use, equal to any Flour manufactured in the State. N. B. We invite the If akers, Grocers and Dealers Of the Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, to give our American Mills Flour a fair trial, we guiinmteeine perfect satisfaction in all cases, at the lowest manufacturing prices. . E. T. PEASE & CO. XT Extra Snt.F-Rt.six- d, Haxai.l, Galleco, and other brands of Flour, constantly on band and for sale by 66-- ly , E. T. PEASE & CO. BARRY & PATTEN, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, $c, 116 Montgomery at., San Fntnciaco. 66-- ly BRADSnAW & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. milE LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BEST SL selected stock on the Pacific Coast. Family, Ship and Cabin Stores, put up with dispatch. Orders attended to promptly, when accompanied with cash, XT Corner o f San.mme and California streets. San Fran- - -- 1 r : AL.1v' Cr.CDiWI7JHIUi " Fancy Goods ! Fancy (ioods ! A. F. BROWN, 96J BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IMPORTER Pistols, Percussion Caps, Pocket and Table Cutlery, I'lateo nare. itrusnes, vomos, rans, ouMpn, u. b eral assortment of FANCY GOODS. Reiers to H. M. Whit hbt, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. 104-3- m SAIVIL. C. WOODRUFF, . w . i . . v nv VW .TOD BVWOtT!? A 7T S- - GENERAL AdENT. Goods bought and sold on com mission. Enip ana ramuy stores pui up uio nnuricn uwiv. Corner of Qckbs's Road and Potthoer street, Hongkong. 4 XT Refers to THOMAS SPKXCtR, A. J. artwkiubt. j. v Spaldiso, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. 104-- ly DOCTOR'S SHOP. i. t. JCDD. AT THE CORNER OF FORT ji an, Merchant Streets, reminds the public that he continues to devote himself to the treatment objUissasks or an kinas, nav-in- g for sale a great variety of Drcos and Mrdicisss of the best quality. He sells also Poisons). Arsenic, strichnine, veratrine, corrosive sublimate. Oxalic acid, St. Ignasius beans, nux vomica, opium, Prussic acid, alcohol. Perfumery. Musk, extract musk, cologne, lavender water, Windsor, honey and other soaps. Miseellaaeona Sago, pearl barley, oat meal, gum shellac, Writing and marking ink, Sands sarsapariUa, Soda water, and other articles too numerous to mention. XT Easily found when wanted. f. CABINET-MAKIN- G. UNDERSIGNED HAVING THE the services of an experienced Upholsterer, is now pre- pared to make to order Spring Beds, Hair, Pulu and Hay Mat- tresses, Spring Lounges, &c. Old Sofas, Lounges, Ottomans and Chairs repaired aud on reasonable terms. Furniture of all kinds made to order. Koa, black walnut, pine and lead Coffins constantly on hand and made to order. CHAS. W. FOX, Cabinet-make- r, 76-- tf . Stewart's Old Stand, Hotel St., near corner of Fort. nORSE-SnOElft- G ! ,4 Owing to the competition which has been commenced in Honolulu, I give notice f VW that I will shoe horses in a thorough and i ' ' workmanlike manner, at It o d i o 3L X" riooa! WILLIAM DUNCAN, 93-- tf ' Opposite the Station House, King street. NEW COPARTNERSHIP. OAT AND V. li. WUUliSGl HAVK JM. day entered into copartnership, for the purpose of carrying on the Sailmaking business, in all its various branches, In the sail loft occupied ny J. ot. uac, on rtaanunimm sweet, Honolulu. H. I. The undersigned respectfully represent to the public at large that W. O. Woolsey. late of New York, has car- ried on the above business In that city, and J. M. Oat's reputa- tion as a saUmaker, U well known to this community. They will at all times devote their personal attention to their business, od by their strict attention to the wants of their customers, hope to merit a share of public patronage. nuviui si vaa. Honolulu Apra S, 1M. w. 5 SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM. I VOL. Ill, No. 8. WHOLE No. 1 IS. an ranrisrff 3iltfrttstmfiits. OIPORTATVT ! ANDWICH AND SOCIETY ISLANDS MERCHANTS doing business In any part of the Pacifle Ocean, will always ftud a Lare and Well-Sele- ct est Stock of French, Rritish and American FANCY DRY HOODS and SMALL WARES, at Hughes fc Wallace's, NOS. 105 AND lOT SACRAMENTO STREET, Snm FranciWo, Cal.. Consisting in part of White goods, embroideries, laoss, ribbons ; Millinery goods, hosiery, gloves, pongee hdkft Suspenders, cravats, shim, collars, fancy cutlery t Scissors, combs, brushes, perfumery, toilet articles; Tankee notions, haberdashery, etc., etc.; Imitation shell rouud-bac- k combs j Black feathers, beads, etc., etc. fCT" An inspection of our stock is solicited. 7 Our importations are direct from Brit- ain and Europe. C7 One of the firm always in the market. ET All orders executed with promptness and dispatch. . 'ET-PRODU- OF THE ISLANDS RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Ilnghes & Wallace. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 105 and. 107 Sacramento street, San Francisco, Cal. N. B. Sole Agents for J. & J. Clark & Co's celebrated Spool Cotton ; Marshall & Co's (Leeds) Linen Thread ; Societe Hygineque Perfumery. HUGHES & WALLACE, 105 AND lOT SACRAMENTO STREET. 66--ly BAN FBAKCI9CO, CALIFORNIA, No. 107 Clay street, San Francisco, FOR SALE A FULL AND OFFER of desirable DRUGS AND MEDICINES. R. & CO. respectfully solicit orders from the country, and will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those who favor them with their custom. 6o-6- m AMERICAN EXCHANGE. (formerly wilson's exchange,) IS UP TO THE GRADE, Sansome st., opposite American Theatre, SAN FRANCISCO. MR. BAILY SARGENT, ATopnetor oi tne American Xixcnange, (iniK vril- - fj iik-if- m soii'b Exclianire,) begs leave to inform the Travel- - ing community, that he has undertaken the personal charge of that house. He has made extensive alterations and improve- ments, and has renovated the house throughout, making it the first Hotel on the Pacific coast. There has been added to the House a very fine , SITTING ROOM AND DINING HALL, Newly furnished. In point of comfort and all the conveniences which modern hotel keeping have rendered f ssenrial. the AMERICAN EXCHANGE, will compare favorably with any of the Atlantic Hotels. The best talent has been employed in the various departments, and the proprietor will set the bust tablb tbe market affords. Pri- ces TO SITT THK TTMIfcj. The American Exchange Coach is always in readiness to con- vey passengers to aud from the House to the Landings, or to any part of the city, for 1 Baggage free. Mr. P. B. Smith has charge of the Coach. 66-- ly TEIIAJIA HOUSE, CORNER OF CALIFORNIA AND SANSOME STS., San Francisco, Cal. rnnis well-known and popular U. Establishment offers superior inducements to the Traveling Public, and to those wishing a quiet home. It is situated In convenient proximity to the business center, and Is conducted on tbe Luropean Plan, giving its patrons the choice of obtaining their meals at the restaurant connected with the bouse, or else- where, as their convenience may suggest. The Proprietor, who has been eagaeed in this house since 1852, solicits a continuance of the patronage of his many friends, which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to merit by strict atten- tion ' to their wants and comfort. O. W. FRINK, 66-o- ra - Proprietor. I. C. WATERMAN FOR SALE, AND TO ARRIVE HAS 350 bbls prime pork, 350 bbls mess beef, 100 bbls Haxall flour. 79,000 lbs navy, medium and pilot bread. In casks, bbls and bzs; w ater crackers and jenny Una cakes; butter, in casks;' Preserved meats, Boston cotton duck, Nos 2, 8, 4, 5, 0; Smooth-botto- m whale-boat- s, oars, boat anchors; Slop clothing, patent blankets.-10- coils assorted Manila cordage, Excelsior patent; 250 coils do do cordage. New Bedford manufuc'y; 150 coils New Bedford towline. White oak plank and boards from I to 0 inch ; Yellow pine heading, Cumberland coal in casks ( China matting white, 6-- 4 wide ; . Tobacco -- Oronoko leaf, 201b boxes, Jib plugs. But falo chips and Turkish smoking tobacco, Man- ila cheroots, No. 2 ; Manila cigars, No. 2. Family cooking stoves, California and Island oats ; Jeffries' strong ale. In jugs; octaves uennis aiaurtee cognac brandy ; sauterne wine, in casks; brandy, in cases ; Hollands gin, Port and Madeira wines, cherry cordials and liquors, in cases. Sperm Oil and, Whale Oil. 66-- tf FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED: NEW BEDFORD WHALE J CuL!? 40 coils New York whale Une; Whalemen's Oars, in sets; Whalemen's slop clothing, vis : Monkey and reefing jackets; Striped flannel shirts; Gray ' do d flannel drawers; Red flannel do do; Hickory . hirts; - Russia caps and tarpaulin hats Woolen stockings, socks and mittens; Best yellow June butter, in double packages; . Prime pork; Manila cordage; . Dried apples; Carolina rice: Best English boiled linseed oil; Best do white lead; Best do black paint; Best do green paint; . . " ' ' ; Spirits Turpentine. tUX A. J. CARTWRIGHT. ANCHORS, CHAINS, CORDAGE, li to 44 Inch, . - 60 w Russia tarred Rope, 2f to 7 do., - Anchors, weighing from 1700 to 2000 Ibs ..' 8 Chain Cables, li inch, 70 fathoms each, " ALSO ; ' 6 cf best pattern Ships' Cabooses patent of 1866, 16 Cabin Stores, for coal or wood. For sals low by (l-t- f) J. C. SPALDING BLANK EXCHANGE ! ; - VTERCIIANT8 AND WHALER'S Each- -- iNA BlaistoatfclbrnUe. tl 60 per doeea. Tl-t- f . . H. M. X7Z . TO ADVERTISEB.9 AND SITBSCBIBEOfte Obituariea, funeral inriutkms and notices or oossamnicatkms intended only to benefit an indiridaaTs baainesa, wUtb charged mm wivmumniif. Advertisetnents displayed in larger type Uran wsiut, ara sat. Jectto heavier ehaiwea. , a7ftnbscription Ut tbe Commercial Advertiser and Adver-isemen- U are wyail ntiuiiLt m advascb. XT No transient advertiamenU will be Inserted, vnM raa PAID. IE7 Correspondence Iron aJU parts of tb raciae wH nJWAJ. be very acceputble. COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFICE. PLAIN AND FANCT BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ' RCCB A- M- BOOKS, BILLS Of KXCHANQK, CATALOOUE9, BILl OF LADING, BILLHEADS, CONerLAB. BLANK! . CIRCULARS, BLANK iDB, AUCTION BILLS, HANDBILLS. PAMPHLETS, BHOPBILLl. rr VISITING, business, and ADDRESS CARD! printed on a "Yankee Card Press," in the highest stykt of tb Art. San nitrisf0 guirtrtisitttsts, SATIIER or CHURCH, Banker. CORNER CLAY AND BATTERY CTRKETf , AW BILLS 07 EXCHANGE ATSIOITi BR sums to suit, m follows i OH PATABtl AT New York, . American exchange Bank Boston, - Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank Philadelphia, - Drsxsl Co Baltimore. - - - Johnston, Bros. A Co Cincinnati, - - A. J. Wheeler, Xsq Su Louis, - - Haskell At Co., Exchange Bank Pittsburg, - ' - - CD. Jones, Cashier Louisville, - . A. D. Hunt A Co Charleston, . , - . TI. W. Connor k Co New Orleans, - - Bcnoist, Shaw k Co also EXCHANGE ON London, Frt.-U--Main,0erm,- ny. Ship aitd iMgrmi TacasraR, under open policies. In the follow- ing named offices tn New York i Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co.; Sun Mutual Insurance Co.; Union Mutual Insurance Co-- ( Pa- cific Mutual Insurance Co. Pracmasa CsanriCATss or Darns-- it AtD other RxCBAXCB, and transact general Banking Busi- ness. P. SATHER, 102-6- m E. W. CHURCH. DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON WOOD. rni c. BOYD RESPECTFULLY INFORMS M. his customers that he designs and engraves every deaerip tion of Advertising Cuts, Views of Buildings, Goods, Wares, Patent Articles, Portraits, Labels, Masonic, Odd fellow and Temperance Seals, Notary Public and County Seals, (brass or wood.) Bill Head Vignettes, Newspaper Heads, Serious or Comic Book Illustrations, etc. Stamps of every kind engraved on cop- per, brass or wood. 18ft Clat strict, coraer of Sansome, 8a Fbascisco. N. B All orders from the Islands, sent through H. M. WHITNEY, Esq., Honolulu, will be promptly executed. 102-- ly DOXAUUE'S UNION IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. CORNER FIRST AND MISSION STREETS. San Francises), CaL FIRST ESTABLISHED IN THE STATE. STEAM Eif GINKS, MANUFACTURE Boilers. Quarts. Bumpers, A mats mators. etc, etc., nave now the largest and best assortment of gear and machinery patterns. In the State, a list of which win be forwarded to any one desMng it, free of cost. PETER DONAHUE. ASIICROFT'S PATENT STEAM GUAGES. A full assortment of these superior Steam Guagea received per " Sonora," and for sale at the Union Iron Works. 100-3- m LAWRENCE & HOUSE WORTH, CLAY STREET. OPTICIANS. and Retail Dealers in and Importers of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments, have tor salt the-larg- assortment of Spectacles and Eye Glasses on the Pacifle Coast. Also, Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Drawing Instra-ment- s. Spectacle Cases. Thermometers, Hydrometers, Magnetic machines, Galvanic Batteries, Magic Lanterns, etc Messrs. L. A II. pay particular attention to the Spectacle branch of the business, having years of experience, and a perfect knowledge of the art of adjusting and fitting the proper glasses to the eye, and assisting and restoring the sight. Persons at a distance wishing a pair cf Spectacles, by sending a glass from the old pair in a letter, or stating their age and the distance from the eyes they can read small print, may procure from ns a pir to suit them, at the same price as if they were here In person to select them. 102 -- 8m STENCIL PLATES. MARKING BOXES, BAGS, fee., CUT FOR at the lowest rates, by BURKE k CO.. ISO Jacksoh btbkkt, & Faaactsco. Also Names cut in Cop- per, lor marking clothes, books, etc., with indelible ink. N. B. Orders left with the publisher ot this paper, win al ways be promptly executed. 102-- tf Dr. li. J. Czapkay's GRAND MEDICAL AND SURGICAL " INSTITUTE, Sacraneale mU, below Montwewnr-ry- . Opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company' Offioe, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Established In 1864, for the permanent cars of all private and chronic diseases, and the suppression of quackery. Attending and Resident Physician, L. J. CcAraaT, M. D., late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to the 20th Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon to the Military Hospital of Pesth, Hungary, and late lecturer on diseases cf women and children. Communications strictly confidential. Consultations by letter or otherwise, free. Address IJ Csar-su- r, M. D San Francisco, California.- - , t0-- m CITV IflARKET. WILLIAM MAXWELL, SALESMAN. UNDERSIGNED HAVING BOUGHT THE the interest cf Maxwell k Realty, in tbe above es-- P tablishment, situated on King street, opposite J. T. Water- - house's New Store, hopes that the uoerai patronage nerooiuro bestowed may be continued, as no pains or trouble will be spared by the manager, Mr. Win. Maxwell, in suiting the taste of all customers. i. Attention paid to selection of stock, to render the quality of meat the best obtainable. Orders punctually attended to, and delivered la any part cf the city within two miles, free of charge. Honolulu, July 1, 1858. 106 ,, 3. L DOWEETT. NEW COOPERAGE. ? Xj NORTON, COOPERH, y ' FORT STREET, HONOLULU. SUBSCRIBERS would Inform their friends, T1HE and the public generally, that they will be happy, at all times, to greet them at their New Shop on Fort Street, two doors below the Drug Store of Dr. Judd, and directly opposite the Store of Mr. B. W. Field. AU orders with which they may be favored, wUl be thankfully received and promptly attended to. XT PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO GUAGING. JCT N. B. Terms moderate. JAMES L. LEWIS. 98-- tf GEORGE W. NORTON. It. Harvey, : HOUSE, SHIP, SIGN ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, KINO STREET, NEAR TORT, HONOLULU. I KINDS OF WORK IN HIS LINE ALL be executed with dispatch, and in a style second to 103-- tf none. - 8. JOHNSON, y HOUSE CARPENTFB, 4c., KINO STREET, NEARLTOPPO TBM BETHEL, INTI&ATC3 THAT RESPECTFULLY any work in the above line, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage. - 103-- tf HONOLULU ' AMBROTYPE & DAGUERREAN GALLERY! DAGUERREOTYPES, AMBROTYPE. TH. W. FROEBC, 105-- tf Successor of H. Btangenwak, JL uviur 11 aj w BLACKSMITHS, OPPOSITE THE CtrSTOM HOUII, V THE ABOVE HAVING PUnCXXASSD eL the premises formerly occupied by Jkff . Af. Matthew, AyO are now prepared to execute Ship, Carriage and Cart r Work, oo tbe shortest notice aad moat reasonstile terra, and hope by strict attention to k asm ass to sserH a share of the public patronage heretofore so UbsraRy tutuns. 106--tf SHIPSMITH AND GENERAL ELACSSMITn, RETURN HIS THANKS POtt WOULD received while at his old show, oppo- site the Custom House, and at the same ttne notify Shipmasters and the public generally, that he has taken the stead adjotmnff Meesrs. Brass k Eautaa, shipwrights, ajnaerty oeewptsd by , Captain Brown, where he is prepared to execute ah kinds of work In his Une en the most reasons his turns, la a like manner, and with dispatch. fMl y s RICHARD1 BLAKE, TIN AND coppeo sniTn, lAIIAINA, MAUI, TS PREPARED TO BXBCUTQ ALLS I NDS M. of work in Ida baa, prosipMy. wmiiij i . XT Ship' wor sjwcnien as urn Uon gasranteed ' ALT.' ;crX!nlJiEnacwaaC0 j r mi 1 a&laes. n-i- r ATT C:LJ3 ft TTllALZZra TZZZJLZ teta ItelMV-AMil- r 'J ; XaLHC t,r?CZ

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Page 1: Adver-isemen- WW 111 · THE PACIFIC nCRC'IAL ADVERTISER, UhprBffrrTlirwtay Msrnln.nt Six A l'rU i A4raaee. to fweisn countries will be $7 per nnnm, rers the American T expense of


Uh BffrrTlirwtay Msrnln.nt Sixpr A l'rU i f weisn countries will be $7 per nnnm,

rers the American T expense of rwud--m the offK-eo- f publication-- All papers ttr Americanporta, will have American postage .lamps on them,

U prevent anr American poatas being collected on--f r. i jsnrwaried thrmjh the Hawaiian mails, and will be requir-h-e

island pe of 1 1 Ot at the Honolulu poet office,

n t " charge of $7.

t run arvssTi!MniT9 M sm chasocd.Lnt a.'eerttn-n- t (nrt insertion) per line 10 cts.

f Earn "Sunsiuerri ".nd In eireedirar linos) per tniram $5 00.

'.Each additional Une) " . 60 ct.L.tar exceeding 10 lines first insertion $1 00.r-- . i . i.,.,. .......tiM ra ...

--inrwii' m m - - vwHtr Aorrsrwira will he chareed at the following rates

.rMe at the end of each quartersnuare twenty line) per quarter - $5 00rthnfaeolamn pernnarter - 11200f vf a cHumn per nuarter - $20 00

- - $37 60cutusnn per quarter

(mmerclal Advertiser.Fnr the Pac Com. Advertiser.

We Shall Happy Tel., M-vr- t. though cW! may lower.

CrhHt rainbow visions melt away.. hJ star has still a power

fist rv the deepest midnieht sway.Lr nt ! I take a prophet's tone,hrir le ran reither wane nor set ;

-,, tn tmr. rrows tmnr, mine own,

h shaH we hH he happv yet.

U thonin ion anxious months hare passM

nrr tV tme hurt was towM to thine..r!l far us a tipht at last.

trv beam uton nr path shall shine.Inns hnv lore mHt douMs and

Vt nrr with on honr's recret.rrrm a 1 to jrfM onr r

We h!l we shall He hsppy yet.

L. by t!i wandering biHs that findbeyond the mountain ware.

iTh many a wave and storm eombined

dm them to an ocean rrave ;L inmvr nns that brightly rfe.Kmch erst in tears they set ;

ill lore's rnpeful propheciesK shaH we hVI be hsppy yet. C

TARIETT.pnrntB- - The following proTrrbs we findhir.2? :

r .rn Ann't mk the bet bricks.n,rrow VI th-t- r no tnminp;.nmnfr j ent flyrn? nut of the window, it

tht eom in at the loor.thit pTe-s- j to live mut lire to rlwe.

min miT 'ei neaz, wnereas anotherren nnjh t-- Iok at hore.ree' pr!f Inn j fnend.s; itna it holds goodwith roar I til nd yoar cli-th-

i of a fool is known by there be?n nothing. . . ..1 t T 1 V

r"T P'tr tnf c iri itriurc iuc nui-s-e, oai youiVe hin en.

W m the pntlem!n the want of it therl.wi men fill oat, then roqies come by whate.r own.ri aicreil thnr", or what others may

is uoh, however absurd they may appear

r, sir, I "appose yon don't know of nobody"t wnt to h:re nobody to do nothing, don't

rhe anwer wis, " Yes, I don't."n't believe ts any nc, this Tnceination,"inkee. "I ha.1 a child vaccinated, and he

I f the w:n1er a wpek artr, and got killed !"r'me ir. ts wt ; thoa nn't not ft recall :'!T"r . i h: ; emrJoy the port "on small s

f'tttrr is tv, an I mny neTr he ;yrrrnt U:h- - only time for thee,

f''mele-inf- like the engine on a railway ?

sne iinu aurr utrr, Kitiim iuctnr.s-ort- s the mails, (males) and makes nsnenl "oice.

too know who I am ?" said a police officer towbnm he seixM by the thro it. ot ex- -

Js.r. ont t recKon you are tne maiiznani coi- -

impoas-ble,- " snid one politician to another.whre your party ends, and where the op--te?in."

"1. r," renli-- l the other, if you were rid--', it wool ! he impossible to say where theM an 1 the donkey begin."n, what part ob de sermonies do de ladiesni:--e when de to de charch ?"I, Powpey, I can't tell what dat is can you

y, yes, nizgv don't you see dey observe de

rrx or a Giru One of onr exchanges speaks:t::ul irtrl who woal t prove a capital specnla- -

5rtine hunter of the right sort. Her voiceer, her hftir of gold, her teeth of pearl, her'rabies, and her eyes of diamonds.iltinKre Patriot has the following apon two

.' devotees to ITymen :

Ton'hful devotees to the shrine f Canidf.itel their perennial affections last week, in

--n ecrin of the citv, upon the altar of hv--pe rosette-cheek- ei bride had jast emerged

year was an orphan and anTheintrppid bridegroom had seen bat seven- -

rmn go aHent and uncontrollable wasVr attichment cf these young lovers, that no

we-eo- ni I rimsnvle them; and in the spring-if- ehas their adventurous matrimonial bark

ichel nrrn an untritI se of troubles. Thehern the world with a salary of two dol-fi- ?v

eenrs a week. Less courage than this B.the A!os. or ascend to the eternal rliuMers

B:nc. Miy the drem of young love ripena crow n? strong and beautiful in the placid

fin heaven-hor- n innocence."hs that Mr. Jnes loaned Mr. Smith a horse,"laThlle in his (Smith's) nosseseion. Mr.

night stit to recover the value of the horse,hi his drh to bid treatment. T)nrinir hjf the tri-- a witness Sir. Brown was rlWtUr.l to testify as to how tho defendant used

rr (with a very merry twinkle in his eye..."P-nirrvu-jie) vcii, s,r, how does Mr.

urrauy nae a horse ?"s (with a very merrv twinVb n Ma

H imperturbable)--- " A straddle. I believe! 8A

'T (with a aearrAlr Twnwttlhl. 4n.u rrvt his cheek, bnt arill r iii ouiwiut) B it, air, what gait does he ride ?"

hc never n les any gate, sir his boysthe gates."T (hi bland smile mn v: -

hn,ky) Bnt how does he ride when inf with n'hers?"js Keeps op if his horse is able; if not he

pr (triumphantly, and in a fury) " Howrue when he is alone ?"S IX'n't Vnr.w ntcr wo. TI. 1. : i1 nunuuijiuingnflione.

P-f-" I nave done with you, sir."r'rmRESCK BITWEEV ScSDAT ReUGIOX ADr The tides come twice a day inr hU,r but they only come once in seven, harbor of the sanctuary. They rise onnor, uj, and are down and out all the1e week. Men .u.: ,

. nicir jiore noor,"''s'ness," and over the church door,

the pu Ip.t," they say ; we get enough of1 ana bitm-- r sirt,.,, t ,

i r aim aaives, anaMI lacets, and hurry, and work, andK..i rr .l repose, ana sedatives, and

'!tas haTe P01- - We wanthymns and to hear about Ileaven and Cal--nit " Want th Pure Gospel, without'"7 interrn.xture." And so desire toP'oas, quiet Sabbath, full of pleasant ima-r- ii

P61?1 "flections ; but when the dayfijf j'1 m"i,J- - lb,ky wiI1 ke bT- whom they meet, and exclaim."hat thou west ! It is Monday.". And'tr ventures to hint to them some- -t

their fellow men, they say, o, youJo preaching. You do not know how to

debts, and cannot tell what a manto do in his intercourse with the world."7 u.n -- 'lowed to go into the week. ' If the1 "pi it in his store, he throws it over the

irthe elerk sees it in the bank, be kicks it' dwr. if it jg foand in tbe Btnett the mul., rllV Pe,tin witn stones, as if it were apeJ from a menagerie, and shouting, " Back

iou have got out of Sunday !" Therepoo m all tbi. u is mere sendmentalism.Belongs to every day ; to the place of bosi-c- has the cbnrea. -

v l n;cicn Wfry there is a clock, andthe Id sexton winds it ap ; bat it has

at-pla- nor hands. The peodalam swings,r it goes, ticking, tkkiag. day in and day

ced and uaeless. What the old dock is,e.mbr. fPng time to itself, bat never

Ik uw the ere entimentality 4r reli-- ?r,fe, in the region fairy thoc-'i- t;

tb of 8onday, but without dial rJ let the week know what o'clock it is, rf' Eternaty t7. TV. Backer.

II'Mill ll I

II S ll



irKtrtrM if rcA. P.. EVERETT,

COMMISSION MERCHANT,Janion's new block, Queen street, IJonoIr!!, I.


Messrs. Faxfsos ti Tappa. - Boston.V 11 I ....... . A.BiTLca, Khtb sSju, . JJi .

nooolu'u, July 1, 1857. Ck &3--tf


Superintend the outliuiiiir of this port, to tbeshipment of oil anil Itone, ami negotuUes whalemen'sdrafts, AcREFERENCES.

Messrs. Mocam, Hatha wat, & Co., San Francisco.Macoxdbav & Co., -D. R-- GRies ft Co., - Kew Bedford.James B. Coxgdox, Esq., "

W--tf W. O. E. Pori. Esq.. -II. W. FIELD,

Commission Merchant, Houolulu, Ouhu, Sandwich IslanaBy permission, he refers to

C. W. CARTwmicirr, Prasulrnt of Manufactorers' InsurnnceCoraany, Boston.

Slessrs. II. A. Pi f set, .... Boston.Traveb, Rick & Co., -Kdwakd Mott Robimsox, - Xew BetKurd.Joh W. Barkett it Sos.s, - NantuckeLFisKifs & Smith, - - New London.B. F. - . IIuimIuIu





George F. Peabodv, E!-- , - - Philadelphia.Elha Ha-kk- ll, Ksi., ... New Bedford.

Messrs. Rkad, I'hiovuk k Ikxtkr, - Boston.Wium, Barrv Jt Co., - - - New York.Abkrsetht, Clark Ac Co., - - Snn Francisco.Badger ti Lisdkubkrgkr, - - Sao Francisco.

6-- tf

J.C.SPALDIXG,Commission Merchant, ami Imporur, H m'.lulu, Oahu, S. 1.

Wanted, Bills of Exchange on the I. S. and Europe.from abnal pmmtly attended to. Island pro-

duce of all kinds taken in exchange fr gooils. Jy tf

W. A. ALU RICH,Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise; Commission

Aireot f'T the Sale of Sujrar. MlaK-- s ami Coff-e- . anl otherIsland Pro. luce. Aent fir the Liurs Ii.actatiix. OonsinmenU of all kinds of Inland Prmluce solicited. Orl,TSfor Merchandise promptly attended to. 86-t- f


31 C LCI ICRS & CO.,Commission Merclmcta and Ship Chan-Jlers- , Honolulu, Oahu,

S. I. Stone sture corner of Kaatnimann and Merchant sts.Money axtvaneerl on favoraWe terras fr Whalers hills on theU. 9. aud Europe. July 1, lS5-t- f

S. N. EMKRSOV,Waiatua, Oahu, Dealer in Gcnt-m-l Merchandise, Country Pro

dace such as Corn, Beans, I'acuioaj, Butter, Epes, i c.&J-- tf

IJ. F. SNOW,Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu,

II. I. 8


General Commission Agents, and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu,Oahu, 3. I. J uly 1, 1856- - tf

ROBERT C. JANION,Jlerchant and Commission Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1 t

THOMAS SPENCER,Ship Chandler, flealer in ral Merchandise, and Commission

Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu. S. I., ke-p- s constantly on handan extensive assortment of every description of goods re-

quired by whaleships and others. ,Shipping furnished with all kinds of groceries, provisions, &c,

at the shortest notice, at the very lowest market prices.XT Money advanced frr whalers1 bills at the lowest rates.

63-- tf

1. N. FLITNER,Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's new fire

proof building, at the stand recently occupied by Dr.Hoffmann, corner of Queen and Kaahuinarm streets.

Chronometers ratel by olwervations of the sun and starswith a transit instrument accurately adjusted to themeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention friven to finewatch repairing. Sextant and quadrant classes silveredaud adjusted. Charts and nautical instruments constantlyon hand and for sale. 44-- tf


C. L. RICHARDS & CO.,Ship Chandler. Importers and Commission Merchants, Oahu,

Sandwich Islands. r

RITSON & HART,Successors to Mr. Henry Robinson, Wholesale Wine and Ppirit

Merchants, Honolulu. H. I., nndrr the Auction Room or A.P. Everett, Auctioneer, nearly onjosite the Custom House.



Von HOLTAHEUCK,General Commission Merchants. Honolulu, Oahu, f. I. Jy 1-- tf

CHARLES BREWER,Commission Merchant, Boston. I. S. Refer to Jas. Makee and

R. W. Wood Esqrs. July I, isoo-i-f

ALEX. J. CARTWRir:iIT,Commission Merchant and Oeneral Shipping Agent, Homilulu,

Oahu, H. I. Ju'r . iooo-- u


KRULL& MOLL,Importers and Commission Merchants, Kaahumanu street Ma- -

kee's block. " iw. . WU.MX. CASTLE.

CASTLK iV xitrk.r..Importers and Wholesale and Retail dealers In General Mer--

chandise, at tne oi.i siano, cwnrx i istreets, near tbe large Stone Church. A No at the Storeformerly occupied by C. II. Nicn.-lon- , in King street, oppo-

site the Seamans ChapeL Agents for Dr. 1!"' Medi-

cines. Ju,y 1 1356-t- f

UTAI&AIIEE,Agents for the Sugar Plantations of Aiko, at PaP" "d

at I'ulo, into ; imporur. - -

ers in China Goods ; hare on hand, for sale at their estab-men- ts

on King street, Honolulu, and at Lnhama, Jaiil,Sugar, MoUsses, Syrup, Tea, Coffee, and a large andvaried assortment of general merchandise

Honolulu, August 12, 1857. 69-I-y

J. II. WOOD,ilanufactnr-- r, Importer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes of every

.i, aiu t!ii. Harness.rnnc runnm, -- -description,and Plitent Leathers. Calf, Gt, Hog, and Buck Skins

Trunks. Valises. Sirrir.g Gloves, Poils, and Masks, Black

ing. Brushes, Hosiery, Ac Ac. Brick hoe store, corner ofFort and MTxhant sts., Honolulu, II. I. July 1-- U


531T Honolulu, Oahu, II. I.


53-l- y Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, Oahu.

wiiirnPV-niinnrK- .. . . .f 1 1 J "" 7

Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Spirits, Ale and Porter, near.w- - ,. ! Honolulu.

GEORGE CLARK,Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Naia

and jiaunaBea sirri..CiEORRE G. HOWE,

Lumber Merchant, yard corner of Queen and Nuuanu streets on

the Punchard premises. - "' "

C. H. LEWERS,Lumber and building materials,Fort St. Honolulu. Jy 1-- tf

W. N. LADD,Importer and dealer la Hardware, Tort St. Honolulu. Jy 1- -f

E. O. HALL.Importer and Dealer In Hardware, Dry Goods, Paints, Oils, and

general Merchandise, comer of Fort aud King streets.


form bis friends and the public, that he has taken andfitted np the premises ot r"ort street, opposite C. Brewer

' 34's Store, as a CARPENTER SHOP, and would solicit thatpatronage heretofore so liberally bmtowed. All orders In

' the various branches of Building, Plans, Hpeelfleations andContracts, attended to with prom p; news and dispatch

. CHARi.ES W. VINCENT.N. B. DOORS, WINDOW SASH, wid all ether articles per

tffl"irg to bouse build ing, constantly on ban 1 and for sUo. KMf

GEORGE C.SIDEIiS,Vannfaetarer and deal In Tin, Bluet Iron, ai Copper wsre,

Kaahumanu street, opposilo J. C. Spilior HonoluK H.Summer Bakers, Tin and Coppir Fumpa, Bathing j.'nbs.n . I u t "Tl .n1 9 Inn 1nA4ll UM B Sftm- -rai assortment of TU?. wars. ilp work euI with



HONOLULU,business Caris.

HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY,100-- tf A. P. EVERETT, Treasurer and Agent.

AGENT FOR THEf Xesw Ysrk Beard or L'ndervrrilera.( 1 he undersigned tulrp. bnii , n:r r 1 . ci.- - .

ic, that he has been duly appointed as Agent for theNew York Board of L'nderwriters.13-1- y ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT.

AC3ENT FOR THELiverpool Underwriter's Association.The undersigned begs leave to hoUfy Mercliauts, Sliip owners,and Ship masters, that he has received the apoiutment olAGENT at thessk Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDERM KITLK'3 ASSOCIATION.July tf ROBERT C.J ANION.

AREN'T FOR LLOYD'SThe undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, Ship owners and

Shipmasters, that he hasreceived Uie appointment ofAGENT at Lhese Islands for LLOYD'S LONDON.July tf ROBERT C. JANION.


about Honolulu.ff Prepared to insure risks apiinst fire in andFor particulars apply at the office,

MELCHER3 k CO.nono ulu, Oct. 11, 1857. es-- tf

Fire Insurance NoticesTHE NORTHERN' ASSLRAXCP r-o- .

THE CXDERSKJXED begt to notify to thosehjtt In tfila .IHa. wn w..:iiiFuiv: wnnicii iiuiniiiigs ortheir contents within the precincts of Honolulu, that in conse-sequen- ce

of the continued erecti n of ami high wooden.buildings Close tlMretherin .Irui. .- -- - hi .i. iiH9 ini milner constructions in the town will be taken, anl those already '

taaen wiu not ne renewed on the expira'.iou of their terms. i

63-- tf Agent for the Nortiiern Assurance Co.

1MIE XORTHF.RX A SSt'RAXCE COMPA- -I 11V- - 1 4' Lil V. . a?: :.. a

home and nhroad.C apital 1250,700, Sirrliny,The undersicriied ha. hin a Tnu i" r. . .a. . t . i. - e r -- t" 7 t f k tii mi i.i .t m i w it. iiIslands. ROBERT CIIKSIIIRK livnwt' at Honolulu.



AVIS A I PUBLIC.Lfs Soussiprnes, ayunt ete nonimun Azents pour les

Ausureurs m iritimes de Paris et de Bordeaux,previentient le public en irenml et les Capi-taines- de

iiavirt-- s marchands francais, qui risitentles ports de ce royaume, en particulier, que danstoils lea cas d'avaries, qui auraient lieu dans cesparages, ils devront, fiire constater et verifierles ftits devant eux pour legAliscr leursreclamations contre les dits a.ssureurs.


FLORENS STAPENIIORST,Agent f(r the Bremen hoard of Underwriters. All average claims

against the said Underwriters, occurring in or about thisKingdom, will have to be certified before him. July tf

KRITLL At MOLL.Agents of the Hamburg and Lnbeclc Underwriters, Honolulu,

''Oahu, H. I. July 1, 1856-t- f

CHAS. F. CDILLOV,Late Surgeon United States Navy, Consular Physician to sick

American seamen. Office next door to j. C. SpaldingKaahumanu street; Resilience at Dr. Wood's Mansion,Hotel sreH. Resiectfu!ly offers his professional services to resident families, to the shipping, and to strangersgenerally. Medical and Surgical advice in English, FrenchSpanish, and Italian. Office hours from 11 a. jt. to 2 r.x., and from 4 to 5 p. H.

At other hours enquire at his residence. Jy 1-- tf

DR. FORD'SOffice and Drug Store, Kaahumanu Street, opposite Makee's

block. Ship's Medicine chests refitted, and prescriptionscarefully prepared.

XT Hot, cold, vapor, shower and medicated Baths, at all hoursMy

E. HOFFMANN,Physician and Surgon. office in the new drug store, adjoining

the store of II. Hackfeid 4 Co., Queen-stree- t. Jy tf

J. E. C HAMK ERLAIN,Attorney at Law. Office corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant

streets up stairs. 109-fl- m


Office in Honolulu House, over the Post Office. C5-6- m

II. PIT3IAN,Ship Chandler and dealer in General Merchandise, Waiakea Bay,

HILO, HAWAII.Keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of everydescription of goods required by whale ships and others.

Shipping furnished with fresh heefVegetables, and all kinds ofGroceries, and Provisions ic. at the shortest notice, at thevery lowest market prices.

Best facilities for storage f from 3 to 6000 barrels, being nearthe landing, anil free from thatched buildings.

Wanted, Whalers bills on the U. S. or Europe, for which moneywill be advanced on reasonable terms.

N. B. This port offers the safest and most commodious anchorage of any port in the Hawaiian group. Here you can giveseamen their liberty without danger of losing them by tiesertion. No anient spirits allowed to be sold jy 2-- tf

(HLMAN & CO.,Ship Chandlers and Dealers in General Merchandise,

L An A IN A, M AU I, II. I.Ships supplied with recruits. Good facilities for storage. Cash

furnished for bills of exchange. 53-l-y


Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, Lahaina, Maui. Whalers furnishedwith recruits at the shortest notice, in exchange for goodsor bills. 34-- tf

JOHN THOMAS WATERHOUSE,Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise,

Honolulu, aud Lahaina, Maui. 44-- tf

S. HOFFMEYER.Commission Merchant, dealer in Ship Cliandlery. and General

Merchandise. Lahaina, Maui, H. I. Ships furnished withrecruits. Whalers Bills wanted on tbe U. S. and Eunie.Storage. July 1, 1856--tf

J. WORTH,Dealer in General Merchandise, Hiln, Hawaii. Ships supplied

with recruits at the shortest notice, ou reasonable termsBills of exchange wanted. July 1, lS56-t- f

II. FISCHER,Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite the

Government House. 41 tf


O VERS IG NED having recently purchased theTHE formerly occupied by C. H. Butlerrorner ofQueen and Fort streets, is now prepared to execute with dispatchall orders that he may be favored with at the alove named placeor at his Old Stand, opposite the 44 Royal Hotel."

Ship Agents and Masters are respectfully invited to call andexamine his large and desirable assortment of Casks. Barrels,Tubs. tec.

N. B. 4000 barrels casks on hand and for sale on the most,reasonable terms. 69tf


W. J. RAWLINS & CO.,THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS,ARE are prepared, with their present improvements, to

supply merchants and families with hard aud soft soap ; also,neats foot oiL

XT And always ready to buy or trade for tallow, slush, andall kinds of kitchen grease. bZ-- ly

THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS.UNDERSIGNED is now prepared to repair or

THE all kinds of machinery, mill gearing, windlass gearing, ship forguigs and smith work.

Cart boxes, forge backs, anvils ftc. on hand and made to

""iron and and best quality of smith's coal for sale.Also one excellent small sised sugar mill with copper train

eomp, adapted to either horse or water P

BOOKBINDINGIN A VARIETY OF STYLESDONE and substantially, and on fair terms. Law Books,

Music. Newspapers, Ac, bound to order. Portfolios, ScrapBooks. Herbariums, Drawing Books, and Blank Books, made toorder officers of ships can have their Navigation and Log

and Charts, bound and repaired, at the Mission Office,tTTir&lahao. Old Books rebound at short notice.

Ordersmay also be left at II. M. WII ITXEYr BookHonolulu. SAMUEL RCboELL

July 1. - . '


BROWN'S dinger, p-s-r Yankee," for sale bylOAVtf - C-- E RICHARDS t$ CO.

mWO NEW YORK DRAYS, oompiete,JL iHeU Harness ft do.

For sale byei-- f '" ' CHAS. BRKWIR, 3d,

g : fft i I 111



Senses nntr gTanis.-

A DESIRABLE INVESTMENT t. .... . .rW II II MW. i w m - ifor sale the LAND mon which he is now living.sit--S (,uated in the District of Kona. Ilawaiu consisting of?E

about G8 Acrraof . enclosed with stone wail..There are now about 'iOOOSwrfTee trees on the place, which iswell adapted for the culture of the same. There is a good dwel-ling houe and cook house, with handy to themain road, and a good spring of water. Title fee simple. In- -ipiuv si wis omcu, or 01 tne unoersignea on tne spot.

. DANIEL FR EDISONKona, Hawaii, July 1, 1858. 109-- tf


ner of Merchant and Knnhumanu streets, occupied brDr. McKihbin. Possession given on the llrst of August

next. The premises are 30 by 60 feet, and will be enclosed ifdesired, and the house put in good order. If sold, the termswin "e mnae easy, inquire or

Honolulu, July 28, 1858. 10-- tf ASnER B. BATES,


ti and commodious dwelling house and premises belongingi? iiimiii iHjit;, .iiiiniv in iTTiiiiiifM surrtTL, vin

sisting of three rooms below and one lare rom u stairsThere is a substantial and convenient cook house and servants'room attached, with a good well ami other accommodations onthe premises, and U altogether a very desirable and healthyresidence for a family.

Terms reasonable. Apply to Pahau, Carpenter, Printer'sLane, or to Mr. II. M. WHITNEY. 3ml08'


k Jiiil sent occupied by Messrs. Krull & Moll. Possessiongiven on 1st next r.ionth. Apply to

lOS--tf CHAS. BREWER 2d.


,,i j uatcd ou RichHrd street, near Merchant stroet. r or particulars, inuuire on the premises, of

ABRM. BOLSTER.Also For sale, one Carriage Hwse.107-- tf A. BOLSTER.


!' ;, the undersigned, on the Whai'C' Immediate possessionJ,..-iV- r given. Apply to


TO LET.mTHE CELLAR UNDER THE HOXO- -I 'iii' 'u'u House-jo- ne of the most convenient in town capa--

jji Me of storing about 400 tons. Inquire or105-- tf H . M. WHITNEY.


and house lots, situated on different parts of Mauna Kea.street, Honolulu. Terms very moderax. For informa

tion, etc., apply to 106-- tf J. W. MARSH.


UKA. Hnwaii, seven miles from the port of Kawaihae,itnwith 500 acres of enclosed land. For particulars inquire

of JAMES A. LaW, in Honolulu,102-t- f Or L. li. LINCOLN, oo Uie premises,


3k3 Dwelling, situated in the Valley of Nuusnu, about twoa i mil s from town, lately occupied ny the lion. David L.

Gregg. The above pnqierty' is beaut Fully situated on risingground, surrounded by fruit and shade trees, and in every wayfurnished with conveniences for a family.

ALSOIn rear of the above, a very pleasant COTTAGE, with Taro

Land in a high state of cultivation, and several acres of pasturage and every convenience. For particulnrs aj- -plyto 101-t- fJ JOU.N II. HKUtta.


Cottages, with nutbuddings complete, near the Methodistr.piscoiias-- L iiurch. Apply to

100-- tf J. T. WATKaUOCBB.

TO LET,COTTAGE AXD PREMISES IXTHE A, recently occupied by Dr. White. The building

is 22 by 30 feet, with verandahs in front and rear, and pantry.servants' house, cook house, bath house, and other outbuildings.On the premises are several very superior grape vines in fullbearing. Apply to !. T. vv ATr.KHOL MS, Honolulu,

10O--tf Or to H. DICKINSON, Lahaiua.

ROOMS TO LET.OVER DR. JUDO'S OFFICE. TWOconvenient rooms, and the House at present occupiedbyE. Kopka. Terms moderate. 100-- tf p. P. JLDD.


100-tf C. W. VINCENT, Fort street, Honolulu.


misses occupied by the subscriber, on the corner ofMerchant and Alakea streets. Title, fee simple.

XT Possession given immediately.87-- tf


FOR SALE OR TO LET.TWO NEAT COTTAGES on Merchant street,convenient for small families, and handy to the businesspart of the town. For sale cheap, or to rent low. Title

ee simple. Apply to HENRY SMITH,P8-- tf Blacksmith.


Averberg, Esq., corner of King and Maunakea streets.Immediate possession can be given If required. For

terms apply to ('J6-- tf FLORENS STAPENHORST.

FOR SALE.THE HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED ONWaikiki Plains, at present occupied by the undersigned.Terms lioeral. Apply at this Office, or to

9d--tf JOHN LORD.


erected in Fort street, between King and Merchant sts.Parties wishing to lease can have them fitted to suit by

early application. For terms, please apply to64-- tf B. F. SNOW.


f' iijl ROOMS, in Jlhe brick building, corner of Queen and.9Uf- J- Kaahumanu streets, "generally known as the Makee &Autiiou building, viz. :

The second floor, at present occupied by Dan. 0. Waterman,Esq.

The third floor over Messrs. Al.lrich & Bishop, suitable forstorage.

The rear office on the first floor (ls.tely occupied by D. N.Flitner, Esq.) j.The office on thwcond floor, 0ate,y occupied by J. Makee,Esq.)

The cellar of the above building, capable of storage for 1,500barrels. Apply to

65-- lf CHAS. BREWER, 2n.


belonging to Robert O. Davis, situated between Dr.Wood's and Charles Bishop's residences.

Terms easy. Apply to67-- tf ASHER B. BATES.

TO LET. The Building lately occupied by VincentGrenier, on Nuuanu Street, directly oposite MerchantStreet. The lower part Is fitted with counter, shelves,

Ac. ; upper part fine sleeping rooms, and fine cellar under same.ALSO

TO LET One-ha- lf of the Loft In large Stone Warehouseon Marine Street ; aud one-ha-lf of the Cellar under same.

Apply to (31-t- O A. P. EVERETT.

TO BE SOLD OR LET. A LARGE ANDcommodious residence in Nuuanu Valley, about a mileand a half from town. Terms moderate. Apply to

Honolulu. July 1. tf W. L. GREEN.

VALUABLE PREMISES.FOR SALE OR LEASE for a term of years,the Store Premises now occupied by the undersigned.

6a-- tf B. F. SNOW.


lolo Valley, enclosed and containing forty-sev- en acres.Terms low. Inquire of

DR. SMITH, Dentist.Honolulu, April 28, 1857. 44-- tf

ROOMS AND HOUSE TO LET. Apply to8. JOHNSON, Carpenter,

32--tf Merchant street, near the Royal Hotel.

FFICE TO LET. The front Office over the Post- -o office. Enquire of (34-t- f) H. M. WHITNEY.

NOTICE TO COASTERS. 'BELL BUOY HAS BEEN PLACED INA 15 fathoms water, from which the Spar Buoy at the en-

trance of the channel beai s N. W. by N. '

H. J. H. H0LDSW0RTH,Honolulu, March 19, 1858. (91-t- f) Harbor Master.

REGALIA.FULL ASSORTMENT OF I. O. OF O. F.4 and MASONIC REGALIA, constantly on hand, such as

Royal Arch, M. M.'s, P. G.'s,Encampment, Ac, &C, &c.

4Military foods of all kinds can be furnished to order.624f Apply to C. A. Je H. F. POOR.

CORDAGE, SPUNYARN,RUSSIA Sewing Stair, Flag Lines, Hooks and Thimbles, ,. Double and single blocks. White Lead, Chrome Green,

Chrome Yellow, Prussian Blue,English boitod Linseed Oil, Gold Leaf.

For sale by -

63-t- f ' H. RACKFZLD CO


AUGUST 19, .1858.

ortip Carts.


6 (iueen's Place, Sydney.XT Reference to W. L. Gkkbx, Honolulu, S. I. 104-6- m


Hakodadi, Japan. .ALL Kinds of Fresh Provisions furnished ; also, Ship's

tCi Ship Chandlery, AT bo.vollxc puicks.Wlialemen'slrafla taken, Ac. 71-- ly


TAHITI,Will supply ships wit'i provisions, &c, and advance money on

favorable terms for bills on the United States. . 43-l-y


MANGONUI, NEW ZEALAND.XT Shipping supplied or the- - most reasonable terms. Lat., 35 6 S., long. K3-38,- 41-l-y




Nos. 47 and 49 California street,SAN FRANCISCO.

KKFER TO :Capt. James Makee, Honolulu ; Capt. D. C. Waterman.

Honolulu ; Messrs. Oilman & (Jo., Lahaina. 14-6- m


MORGAN, STONE & CO.,Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal

References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. & A. R. Nye.

i Swift & Perry, New Bert ford, Messrs. Grinnell Minturn ACo., New lork, John M. Forties Lsq., Hoston, Messrs. Perkins & Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Honolulu. July 1, 18ot-t- f.


CORDAGE OF EVERY SIZE MANUFAC-- JC TL'RED to order. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of MANILA AND HEMP ROPE, (all sires). BaleRope, Tow Une, Oakum, fcc, for sale by TUBBS & CO.,

80-l-y 139. Front Street, San Francisco.


COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORETHE under the name and style of EDWARDS k WAL-TON, is this day dissolved, hiving expired by limitation. Theaffairs of the late firm will be liquidHted by A. S- - EDWARDS,who will continue the Wholrwile Liqaor lOd Front street, under the name and style of A. o,EDWARDS if CO. a. s. r.iv.Aius,


The underaiimed respectfully call your attention to their fulland varied sfciclc of Wine and Liquors, which has latelybeen replenished by recent, arrivals from Europe and the Eastern States, and which will ne at lowest marxei prices,

San Francisco, April oO, 1558.100-- tf A. S. EDWARDS k CO.



San Frnnelseo, Cal..TiYRUS W. JONES, FORMERLY OB HO--

N OLULU, is eupatred with Uie above tirm, ana respect-fully solicits orders from old friends, and will be happy to attendto the purchase of all descriptions of merchandise, at the usualrates of commission. oo-- u


WINES AND LIQUORS,No. 93 Front afreet, between Clityand Men

chaut streets. San Francises. 6d-- ly






J.TX brands of Floitr, guarantee their Bakers' Extra, forBakers' use, and their Extra Si perfinis, for Family Use, equalto any Flour manufactured in the State. N. B. We invite the

If akers, Grocers and DealersOf the Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, to give our AmericanMills Flour a fair trial, we guiinmteeine perfect satisfaction inall cases, at the lowest manufacturing prices.. E. T. PEASE & CO.

XT Extra Snt.F-Rt.six- d, Haxai.l, Galleco, and other brandsof Flour, constantly on band and for sale by

66-- ly , E. T. PEASE & CO.


WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, $c,116 Montgomery at., San Fntnciaco. 66-- ly


milE LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BESTSL selected stock on the Pacific Coast. Family, Ship and

Cabin Stores, put up with dispatch.Orders attended to promptly, when accompanied with cash,XT Corner o f San.mme and California streets. San Fran- -

-- 1 r : AL.1v'Cr.CDiWI7JHIUi "

Fancy Goods ! Fancy (ioods !


OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONIMPORTER Pistols, Percussion Caps, Pocket and TableCutlery, I'lateo nare. itrusnes, vomos, rans, ouMpn, u. beral assortment of FANCY GOODS. Reiers to H. M. Whithbt, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. 104-3- m

SAIVIL. C. WOODRUFF,.w . i . . v nv VW .TOD BVWOtT!? A 7T

S- - GENERAL AdENT. Goods bought and sold on commission. Enip ana ramuy stores pui up uio nnuricn uwiv.Corner of Qckbs's Road and Potthoer street, Hongkong.

4XT Refers to THOMAS SPKXCtR, A. J. artwkiubt. j. v

Spaldiso, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. 104-- ly


ji an, Merchant Streets, reminds the public that he continuesto devote himself to the treatment objUissasks or an kinas, nav-in- g

for sale a great variety of Drcos and Mrdicisss of the bestquality. He sells alsoPoisons).

Arsenic, strichnine, veratrine, corrosive sublimate.Oxalic acid, St. Ignasius beans, nux vomica, opium,Prussic acid, alcohol.

Perfumery.Musk, extract musk, cologne, lavender water,Windsor, honey and other soaps.

MiseellaaeonaSago, pearl barley, oat meal, gum shellac,Writing and marking ink, Sands sarsapariUa,Soda water, and other articles too numerous to mention.XT Easily found when wanted. f.


UNDERSIGNED HAVINGTHEthe services of an experienced Upholsterer, is now pre-

pared to make to order Spring Beds, Hair, Pulu and Hay Mat-

tresses, Spring Lounges, &c. Old Sofas, Lounges, Ottomans andChairs repaired aud on reasonable terms. Furnitureof all kinds made to order.

Koa, black walnut, pine and lead Coffins constantly on handand made to order. CHAS. W. FOX, Cabinet-make- r,

76-- tf . Stewart's Old Stand, Hotel St., near corner of Fort.

nORSE-SnOElft- G !

,4 Owing to the competition which has beencommenced in Honolulu, I give notice

fVW that I will shoe horses in a thorough and i

' ' workmanlike manner, at

It o d i o 3L X" riooa!WILLIAM DUNCAN,93-- tf ' Opposite the Station House, King street.

NEW COPARTNERSHIP.OAT AND V. li. WUUliSGl HAVKJM. day entered into copartnership, for the purpose of

carrying on the Sailmaking business, in all its various branches,In the sail loft occupied ny J. ot. uac, on rtaanunimm sweet,Honolulu. H. I. The undersigned respectfully represent to thepublic at large that W. O. Woolsey. late of New York, has car-ried on the above business In that city, and J. M. Oat's reputa-tion as a saUmaker, U well known to this community. Theywill at all times devote their personal attention to their business,

od by their strict attention to the wants of their customers,hope to merit a share of public patronage.

nuviui si vaa.Honolulu Apra S, 1M. w.


an ranrisrff 3iltfrttstmfiits.

OIPORTATVT !ANDWICH AND SOCIETY ISLANDSMERCHANTS doing business In any part of the Pacifle

Ocean, will always ftud a Lare and Well-Sele- ct estStock of

French, Rritish and AmericanFANCY DRY HOODS and

SMALL WARES, atHughes fc Wallace's,


Consisting in part ofWhite goods, embroideries, laoss, ribbons ;Millinery goods, hosiery, gloves, pongee hdkftSuspenders, cravats, shim, collars, fancy cutlery tScissors, combs, brushes, perfumery, toilet articles;Tankee notions, haberdashery, etc., etc.;Imitation shell rouud-bac- k combs jBlack feathers, beads, etc., etc.

fCT" An inspection of our stock is solicited.7 Our importations are direct from Brit-

ain and Europe.C7 One of the firm always in the market.ET All orders executed with promptness

and dispatch. .



105 and. 107 Sacramento street, San Francisco, Cal.

N. B. Sole Agents forJ. & J. Clark & Co's celebrated Spool Cotton ;Marshall & Co's (Leeds) Linen Thread ;

Societe Hygineque Perfumery.



No. 107 Clay street, San Francisco,FOR SALE A FULL ANDOFFER of desirable

DRUGS AND MEDICINES.R. & CO. respectfully solicit orders from the country, and

will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those who favorthem with their custom. 6o-6- m

AMERICAN EXCHANGE.(formerly wilson's exchange,)

IS UP TO THE GRADE,Sansome st., opposite American Theatre,


ATopnetor oi tne American Xixcnange, (iniK vril- - fjiik-if- m soii'b Exclianire,) begs leave to inform the Travel- -ing community, that he has undertaken the personal charge ofthat house. He has made extensive alterations and improve-ments, and has renovated the house throughout, making it thefirst Hotel on the Pacific coast. There has been added to theHouse a very fine ,

SITTING ROOM AND DINING HALL,Newly furnished. In point of comfort and all the convenienceswhich modern hotel keeping have rendered f ssenrial. the

AMERICAN EXCHANGE,will compare favorably with any of the Atlantic Hotels. Thebest talent has been employed in the various departments, andthe proprietor will set the bust tablb tbe market affords. Pri-ces TO SITT THK TTMIfcj.

The American Exchange Coach is always in readiness to con-vey passengers to aud from the House to the Landings, or to anypart of the city, for 1 Baggage free. Mr. P. B. Smith hascharge of the Coach. 66-- ly


San Francisco, Cal.

rnnis well-known and popularU. Establishment offers superior inducements to the Traveling

Public, and to those wishing a quiet home. It is situated Inconvenient proximity to the business center, and Is conductedon tbe Luropean Plan, giving its patrons the choice of obtainingtheir meals at the restaurant connected with the bouse, or else-where, as their convenience may suggest.

The Proprietor, who has been eagaeed in this house since1852, solicits a continuance of the patronage of his many friends,which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to merit by strict atten-tion 'to their wants and comfort. O. W. FRINK,

66-o- ra - Proprietor.


350 bbls mess beef,100 bbls Haxall flour.

79,000 lbs navy, medium and pilot bread. In casks, bbls and bzs;w ater crackers and jenny Una cakes; butter, in casks;'

Preserved meats, Boston cotton duck, Nos 2, 8, 4, 5, 0;Smooth-botto- m whale-boat- s, oars, boat anchors;

Slop clothing, patent blankets.-10-

coils assorted Manila cordage, Excelsior patent;250 coils do do cordage. New Bedford manufuc'y;150 coils New Bedford towline.

White oak plank and boards from I to 0 inch ;Yellow pine heading, Cumberland coal in casks (

China matting white, 6-- 4 wide ;. Tobacco --Oronoko leaf, 201b boxes, Jib plugs. But

falo chips and Turkish smoking tobacco, Man-ila cheroots, No. 2 ; Manila cigars, No. 2.

Family cooking stoves, California and Island oats ;Jeffries' strong ale. In jugs; octaves uennis aiaurtee cognac

brandy ; sauterne wine, in casks;brandy, in cases ; Hollands gin, Port and Madeira

wines, cherry cordials and liquors, in cases.

Sperm Oil and, Whale Oil. 66--tf


40 coils New York whale Une;Whalemen's Oars, in sets;Whalemen's slop clothing, vis :

Monkey and reefing jackets;Striped flannel shirts;Gray ' do d

flannel drawers;Red flannel do do;Hickory . hirts;

- Russia caps and tarpaulin hatsWoolen stockings, socks and mittens;

Best yellow June butter, in double packages;. Prime pork;

Manila cordage;. Dried apples;

Carolina rice:Best English boiled linseed oil;Best do white lead;Best do black paint;Best do green paint;

.. "

' ' ;Spirits Turpentine.tUX A. J. CARTWRIGHT.

ANCHORS, CHAINS, CORDAGE,li to 44 Inch, . -

60 w Russia tarred Rope, 2f to 7 do., -

Anchors, weighing from 1700 to 2000 Ibs ..'8 Chain Cables, li inch, 70 fathoms each, "

ALSO ;' 6 cf best pattern Ships' Cabooses patent of 1866,

16 Cabin Stores, for coal or wood.For sals low by (l-t- f) J. C. SPALDING



iNA BlaistoatfclbrnUe. tl 60 per doeea.Tl-t- f . . H. M. X7Z .

TO ADVERTISEB.9 AND SITBSCBIBEOfteObituariea, funeral inriutkms and notices or oossamnicatkms

intended only to benefit an indiridaaTs baainesa, wUtb chargedmm wivmumniif.

Advertisetnents displayed in larger type Uran wsiut, ara sat.Jectto heavier ehaiwea. ,

a7ftnbscription Ut tbe Commercial Advertiser and Adver-isemen- U

are wyail ntiuiiLt m advascb.XT No transient advertiamenU will be Inserted, vnM raa

PAID.IE7 Correspondence Iron aJU parts of tb raciae wH nJWAJ.

be very acceputble.






printed on a "Yankee Card Press," in the highest stykt of tbArt.

San nitrisf0 guirtrtisitttsts,


AW BILLS 07 EXCHANGE ATSIOITiBR sums to suit, m follows iOH PATABtl AT

New York, . American exchange BankBoston, - Shoe and Leather Dealers' BankPhiladelphia, - Drsxsl CoBaltimore. - - - Johnston, Bros. A CoCincinnati, - - A. J. Wheeler, XsqSu Louis, - - Haskell At Co., Exchange BankPittsburg, - ' - - CD. Jones, CashierLouisville, - . A. D. Hunt A CoCharleston, . , - . TI. W. Connor k CoNew Orleans, - - Bcnoist, Shaw k Co


London,Frt.-U--Main,0erm,- ny.

Ship aitd iMgrmi TacasraR, under open policies. In the follow-

ing named offices tn New York i Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co.;Sun Mutual Insurance Co.; Union Mutual Insurance Co--( Pa-

cific Mutual Insurance Co. Pracmasa CsanriCATss or Darns-- it

AtD other RxCBAXCB, and transact general Banking Busi-ness. P. SATHER,

102-6- m E. W. CHURCH.


rni c. BOYD RESPECTFULLY INFORMSM. his customers that he designs and engraves every deaerip

tion of Advertising Cuts, Views of Buildings, Goods, Wares,Patent Articles, Portraits, Labels, Masonic, Odd fellow andTemperance Seals, Notary Public and County Seals, (brass orwood.) Bill Head Vignettes, Newspaper Heads, Serious or ComicBook Illustrations, etc. Stamps of every kind engraved on cop-per, brass or wood. 18ft Clat strict, coraer of Sansome,8a Fbascisco.

N. B All orders from the Islands, sent through H. M.WHITNEY, Esq., Honolulu, will be promptly executed. 102-- ly




STEAM Eif GINKS,MANUFACTURE Boilers. Quarts. Bumpers,A mats mators. etc, etc.,

nave now the largest and best assortment of gear and machinerypatterns. In the State, a list of which win be forwarded to anyone desMng it, free of cost. PETER DONAHUE.

ASIICROFT'S PATENT STEAM GUAGES.A full assortment of these superior Steam Guagea received per

" Sonora," and for sale at the Union Iron Works. 100-3- m

LAWRENCE & HOUSEWORTH,CLAY STREET.OPTICIANS. and Retail Dealers in and Importers of

Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments, have torsalt the-larg- assortment of Spectacles and Eye Glasses on thePacifle Coast. Also, Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Drawing Instra-ment- s.

Spectacle Cases. Thermometers, Hydrometers, Magneticmachines, Galvanic Batteries, Magic Lanterns, etc

Messrs. L. A II. pay particular attention to the Spectaclebranch of the business, having years of experience, and a perfectknowledge of the art of adjusting and fitting the proper glassesto the eye, and assisting and restoring the sight.

Persons at a distance wishing a pair cf Spectacles, by sendinga glass from the old pair in a letter, or stating their age and thedistance from the eyes they can read small print, may procurefrom ns a pir to suit them, at the same price as if they werehere In person to select them. 102--8m


MARKING BOXES, BAGS, fee., CUTFOR at the lowest rates, by BURKE k CO.. ISOJacksoh btbkkt, & Faaactsco. Also Names cut in Cop-

per, lor marking clothes, books, etc., with indelible ink.N. B. Orders left with the publisher ot this paper, win al

ways be promptly executed. 102-- tf


" INSTITUTE,Sacraneale mU, below Montwewnr-ry- .

Opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company' Offioe,

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.Established In 1864, for the permanent cars of all private and

chronic diseases, and the suppression of quackery.Attending and Resident Physician, L. J. CcAraaT, M. D., late

in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to the20th Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon to the MilitaryHospital of Pesth, Hungary, and late lecturer on diseases cfwomen and children. Communications strictly confidential.

Consultations by letter or otherwise, free. Address IJ Csar-su- r,

M. D San Francisco, California.- - , t0-- m


UNDERSIGNED HAVING BOUGHTTHE the interest cf Maxwell k Realty, in tbe above es--P tablishment, situated on King street, opposite J. T. Water- -

house's New Store, hopes that the uoerai patronage nerooiurobestowed may be continued, as no pains or trouble will bespared by the manager, Mr. Win. Maxwell, in suiting the tasteof all customers. i.

Attention paid to selection of stock, to render the quality ofmeat the best obtainable.

Orders punctually attended to, and delivered la any part cfthe city within two miles, free of charge.

Honolulu, July 1, 1858. 106 ,, 3. L DOWEETT.



SUBSCRIBERS would Inform their friends,T1HE and the public generally, that they will behappy, at all times, to greet them at their New Shop on FortStreet, two doors below the Drug Store of Dr. Judd, and directlyopposite the Store of Mr. B. W. Field. AU orders with whichthey may be favored, wUl be thankfully received and promptlyattended to.


N. B. Terms moderate.JAMES L. LEWIS.


It. Harvey, :


KINDS OF WORK IN HIS LINEALL be executed with dispatch, and in a style second to103-- tfnone. -



hopes to merit a share of public patronage. - 103-- tf




105-- tf Successor of H. Btangenwak,

JL uviur 11 aj w njwss.seBLACKSMITHS,


eL the premises formerly occupied by Jkff . Af. Matthew,AyO are now prepared to execute Ship, Carriage and Cartr Work, oo tbe shortest notice aad moat reasonstile

terra, and hope by strict attention to kasm ass to sserH a shareof the public patronage heretofore so UbsraRy tutuns. 106--tf


site the Custom House, and at the same ttne notify Shipmastersand the public generally, that he has taken the stead adjotmnffMeesrs. Brass k Eautaa, shipwrights, ajnaerty oeewptsd by ,Captain Brown, where he is prepared to execute ah kinds ofwork In his Une en the most reasons his turns, la alike manner, and with dispatch. fMl y s


lAIIAINA, MAUI,TS PREPARED TO BXBCUTQ ALLS INDSM. of work in Ida baa, prosipMy. wmiiij i

. XT Ship' wor sjwcnien as urnUon gasranteed '

ALT.' ;crX!nlJiEnacwaaC0j r mi

1 a&laes. n-i-r

ATT C:LJ3 ft TTllALZZra TZZZJLZ tetaItelMV-AMil- r 'J ;

XaLHC t,r?CZ

Page 2: Adver-isemen- WW 111 · THE PACIFIC nCRC'IAL ADVERTISER, UhprBffrrTlirwtay Msrnln.nt Six A l'rU i A4raaee. to fweisn countries will be $7 per nnnm, rers the American T expense of

oonrjEiiciAL.frcnxcsDAT evexizg, augcjt is. isss. j

We kT fcldom known trl a utttilr taeiifc.nt in HouolulaU has been tit put week. Witb Um exception of one or two i

mineUiia ia prod ace, we hx no sains to report. i

The ibip Latent, from Son Francisco, with hr, etc., and theJohn Mortkall, from Jarris Islani, with hare ar ,

rrrwt ibet oar bat. The Lct U ap far Vntori, and ii3 j

icak ft cargo of cattle on deck, and a coatiderabte quantity cfMaod iru4aoe below. X very great interest is felt in the prow-- ,

trade in that direction, ami cotia-Iirc- U eimeti iu Gvtgxleuaire 4eiux4 for oar product Kius which it t hel-T- d mastensue from tbe immense Unmigrittiuo into the FnurT River coon- - '

try. It is la be hoped that thia demand will euennoe to be ex- - :

teiMire and rrmoorratiTe. s

We note a amafl transaction in Real Estate cn Toe-Ja-r. The j

premises occupied by Mr. Hxllej, Jjoining the Honolulu .'

House, aoid at aoctkw for 1 1,300.SCGAE There was a large sale of mat togar from II la. Tor .

export, on terms not public Xearfj a'l the sugar in marketwHI prolmblj be forwarded br the Lucas to Tktoria.

BEZF An actirr demacd for Hawaiinconunaesai$13$ltper bbl. A caosiderabH parcel is expected in the Mary fromKawaihae.

FLOUR The Licit win relieve the market of about 200 bar-

rels Hawaiian. The stock of American Floor on hand is light,bat some large parcels are known to be on the war.

TOBACCO Some demand for the better qualities. The mar- - ,

kct is wC supplied with inferior brands, and prices m lew. i

' BZAS3 The market eoaiinaesfo be orerwocked. as it has !

been for a year or more, and Bales are dinVolt mi any iipure. j

EXCHANGE On Boston has been offered in the marku dor- - j

inj the week. As there will be no packet learinf fur the xn ,'

or some weeks, there is no active deiaaal far Exchange.

LATEST DATES. received at ihi Office.

Saa Francisco 14 I Paris June. . July - - - .Panama, 5. G. - - Jane SO Uanckocr. - - -- May 13New lore - - - Jane 21 j Mcboarue, Vii - l.r. 11Laadna ..... Jane e I Tahiti - - - - - A)ril li

Shis Mail.For &aa Faascucc Xo rewei ap.For Laxr4 pr Kamoi. aooot fatnrdsy.For Itu per Uhoi; ho. Fridsr.For KaVAiBas per Mary, FriJaj.


A4. 1J R h Mcikeiki. Hail, fnicn Kahula- -13 Sch Eeaai Ana, from Kaoai.IS Ship Laeat. Iarett, days fr re. San Franeicx14 Sch Miry. Bern li, from Kawailuts.1 5ch Ksmehameoa IV. from twtj l.u '14 tSch Excel. Artoaio. fr xn15 iloop Lcaisa, from Kca. H .

. Ifr-- Aa. (h John .Haraluai, k'cauautij tJ Atym ti tm Jar-- 'rW Ifcu:d

15 Sh Kfimoi. Charlwick, frm Lih.j ia ar.d Kirmlui.1 Srh Maikf-iki- , Ha!L frcoi Kabc.iai .

k ,

DEPAKrCRES.Aug. 13 Sch aUooc!e, tut Bna, Hirti

13 ktiu Ana, lor Kaoai.1 MoikeiLt, for Kahnhii.18 6:b AxcrL, Antonio, tar Kauai.17 Phfenix. Lambert, to crae on X Z.'xrA.17 Wm. Wirt, Ost)rce, t cmise tml hne.IT Sch Exce?. for Kanai.

- 17 Sch Karoehameh IV, tjr EVla. .


7 Ship Jta Marshall, with COO toc. raano.'arnTed on theaurninf of the 13tb from JarI Iian.l, after an absence of 64days. She reports the saiiins; of the Josephine fbr. Jirw an- - '

tnckrt and ether Islands, on tVe 20th J jIt, with 200 Ujhb rnanooa board, an4 may be expecel hsre in a few days. The. dipper j

nit Sical-n- o wa loadins;, aii would be rviy to fi on the !

33tl AaTtit fjr 2few Tork. She is loa-lir-- s at the rate of fiftytons ft day. The Jok ytartMaU tou:hel at ChrUtuits i

on her return Tc;;e. On karicr JarrU h?ul a strungenrrat serjrr to the West war i. Pasrd to the S. Vf. of Fan--Blag's tsland. Hawau In 13 days from Jan U lilaoJ. '

Passafe to II JDofcUa from Jarris 13 days. Vasing the t.iut we j

laid at Jartis Iand, winds frr m li. 5. C to E. X. ., aivl cuthe pasiaje back, winds rarUble from 8. E. to E. X. E. withasaca rain. ' -

' XT Joly 2i Touched at Jarris Island, Am. whale ship f

Joshua radon. Bates, 10 months, 3G0 tp. jI

VESSELS IX PORT. AUGUST 18.ILB.iI.S- - Hsvanoab, IUrrey.Ass. clipper so GoHen agle, Uardiog.Am clipper thip Fljriug Eates.Am. ship Jjha ManihaU, Peotlktoa.

Vessels Expected trmm Frriu rl.Am. clipper hn.ri Tankee, Smi;U, wia be due from caa Fran-cim- m

from the 2&ih to Slst bist.Am. clipper brig Josephine, with raano, will be doe in s few

dsrs from New Nantucket anil Biker's InlandsAm. scii Aofenett, S44 ton?, Morse, was to hare sailed from

Itew Bedford, Assist 1, fur thU port.Am. strf Altalrr, Bash, saiied from Sew London for Hono-

lulu May 13. with earco to C. A. V Uiams A Co.Am. schooner Martha. Pen ha How, would sail from New Lon-

don for Hoooluta, about Ju'.f 1.Am. ship Slodeni Tunes, or II. A. Pierce's Line of Packets,

would leave JBoetoa fur Honolulu, via Tahiti, in July.Am. bark Young Creek, Taylor, of Herce's Line, sailed from

BotDQ ftrr Honolulu dirvet, June 1.Am. snip Mountain Wave, Iiardic?, sailed from Boston, in

Pierce's Line of rackets, Mr J. for Honolulu direct.Am. afeip Ciadiator sailed from ew Bedford June 12th, for this

port.Br. Vrk Fortcna, McGovan, sailed from Lirerpool, May

C3, far IloooiuiO, with tutrrch-ttk-l ie to K C Jsni'Mi.The clipper ship cjrtn, li5 to:., had Itta porchawed by

Meaors. Huuieweil A Brewer, ta take tie place of the John Gil-- pa

in the andwich Inlands line of packets sailed from lotondirect May 20, eortsuraed to C Brewer 21.

The ship Uarrk t k Jaie, Gray, saiieit from Nef Bedford frHtKi-Ju- li dirwcJ, Jiay 13.

Isa&Uh bar f ridee was to fail from Hanihcrv in April, withsoerrhandtse to H. IIuckfeM It Co due here in Au?a--U

Tbe fo!owia? rrwrir nre erpected at this port in ctoher, toload oil t Fmm San Ships Anjlo Suron. Goldentsity and Ra&uga. k'ram Sydney hips Mary Robintonand Watkimrrttm AlUtoji.

Bark Uartmr?, frim EreaseT!, V noffschlaejrer k. Stapechorstwill t d im hrrs in ?pu-mler- .

Bris; T- - ntwia. from Brrmen, to Melcbers St Co., will he duehere In


7rom Kiwaraas per Mary, Anost II J3 head of vt:)e, 80sheep, 30 bbim puatos, 2 eaxks f, TO hide. 5 ker butter.

ifrota Kanai per J.iha Vocn?, Aaau-t- t 13 10 cnriln firewood,19 boxes cigars. calabrsKes, 15 drinktr-- e do, 3 Mls potntnen.4 Kojrm, 20 btulls pot, O iwdls no,3 luitte li d'.-c- pu-- I P"-"5i-

sen rers.Fpjsd SksBTIXI per Moikeiki, Aarua 14 2i kegs sagar, 2j

bodis pol, Sot buh wheat, 13 passeneers tt ,From Xahoiui per Kamni, A jf. IS 1000 htuhels wheat.


From Jasrre I.i-a- per John Marshall, August J AtO

teas fuaao.


nnuaax.Jssis Ln.asD per John Manhail, Antrast 16 A F

Jid ami A W JtuVd. -

roarwtaie.Fram LaOAiVa and Kaariti per Kamoi. Aaenct 19 Ber K

ArmstrwiK, It K IcK.uWn, Jr, John MlUer. Gor F XaluKjielua.Mr U Alejuuider, Uimcs Acq aid Emily Alexander, -tj

Bailey (Z). B Knwtt, 30 "a clerk.

frm KaAiAS per Mary, Aosrcst 14 J II Brown. JLooford, S chUdres of Ber Mr Lyons, and 20 dck


At Wannka, Maui, July 28. 31 r. H. MiSA-i- to JliMoif Jttdtfe W. P. Kahale, ot Waiioka.

At Wailuka. Maui. ,Affac 9, Judge Joat BicHaRbsos toMia AHCau. aiiMiJ


On board H. B. M.'s h'p Ifitannak, Anp. 12. ta 13Mclimt, stainan, ajred about 2J years, a native of IreUod.

Prowned in NoBanu Valley, Oaho, Aof. IS. W x. p. Cliik.a stsT" bekmeinx so II. ii. Ji.s stiip Havannah, aged 21years, a oatira ol Gtienury.

On board II . B. X. ship ffattnnah, on the panatre fromPanama to Vsncoarers ltland, killed by the ruling rd the top-galla-at

ifeaMingiai! yarri from tbe ts, A sets Bowie, ag- -1

about S7 years, a oalire of the island of Islay, Aogushire, Scot- -


CCAXSS BCTHZL lier. S. C. Dajuon Chaplain KLig. street, near the Sailors' liome. Preachini; on Sundays at- 11 a. at. and r-- iieata tree. raljtath school after

the morasng serrteea. 'FtrRT TBET CBCBCH Corner of Fort and Beret an in sis.,

Pulpit temporarily oerunidl by Ker. Lnrrin Andrexs.PreachiRS 00 Mondays at 11 a. St. and 74 p. jt. SabbaUt

'School meets at 10 a. jl. .VSTBOII2T CHL'ECH Nuoana aretme, corner of , Xotui

street-B- er. Vfm. & Turner, Pastor. Prcachuii; every, Sunday at 11 a. x. and H r. m. Scats free, tiabboih

&4KliaeeUat lUa.j. .

SrSQ'a CHAPEL Kins; street, abore tb Palace Rer. . Mi.- Clark Pastor.. k-- r rices, in Hawaiian every rianJay at -

HMTTirS CHCBCH Beretania street, near Nuuant stree' Ber. Loveit-- iMnith Pastor. Eerrices, in Hawaiian, erery

Kanday at 10 a. a. and 'A r. . . .

CATHOLIC CHI "ISCII Fort street, near Beretania under thev char". r t BX. Her Bishop- - Maiet, assiKted by Abbe' Moil ierricea erery Sunday at 10 a. m. and 2 p m.

Soc :Tit a Mild Fobm. An establishment isproject-- u' Paris for tlte purpose of enabling anyiadividttr' f the annual payment of 700 franca(tr th to Djoy;all the- - latariea of social

Ti all te independent of domestic liSs. For thisma tnej ara to have board, lodging,' clothes andminZ ; the use of a library, the daily paper, bil-- yr

Ix, baths, and a earri&ge for exercise.' The wholeis id be tinder the management of a committee, cho&en

tj thtSKlveai The prowpectaa even bold ont thetMrptxtten CffrrT1?!irfmJ?0thrtrT - .. , ; :

" .i.


Remittances the CtnAi. AnrBBrtsnimay be sent incoin br mail to the Ohblinber. cr throaeh an arent. Back noia- -berj nil be snrplied to such as wiali them. Copies for mailing.

done ap in wrappers, cati be had at our counter.Tebxs. Six Dollars per annum.

single Copies Zi eeois each.Bound voluuxs, I.aoJ II. for ssle 8 per roloroe.


La Main a, Man i -.V Uiimu. . MauiHi to. Ma waitK tin tikae, thtfreiiKvni, HitrtuiA' ., i mSam i'ramciseo, CW

C. 3. BARTOW, Eh-- 'I-- L. HRF.RT. ;.Cai. J. WOKTH.riteJAS. A. 1,aV.

"Ui. II. PARIS Esq.It. J. VV. SMITH.U V. FlSIit.R, K.--4.

the pACincCommercial Advertiser.


Pay not rcy art Is fnod sll H're r teeming.The bergar bs with it, tid tlve sny courtitGain? UnA aid ti'Je, rtni and ml', ffThe clergy wn it ttjt, an'! t ht 1 1 s 1 1 icr

' Will eke with It his AU admit It,All practice it; and !.e wtois cvzitectWhh showir.p hat l:e i, Uai! have ioa:i crrditTn ciiirch, or camp, or suti. io 'vsv Jj world.

: Old Plai .

lo ir while the French Trcatj- - is try properlydr.itring to it the attention of the p;ople, and receiving' the cuitims delibtTaticnj of the Privy

' Council of Stau?, it in well tJ throw upon it all- tho light that can be obtniaed. L"bat our diplo--

iUL-- J C Awa ft a V : .a a warn uvu -

paMe as anvtl-inj- ; can 1, trod needs no otherprmf than this same Treaty and it9 nistory.

! However plausiMy diplomatic tricks and subter-- ,fuc-- f may be r sorted to in old?r and more power-

ful State, it i li becorgea a young and weak gov- -ernment to folli.w any other course than a Btrait- -'

fjrwar l crd honest one. That ?uch has not beenj ours the history of the past few yeara too gla- -'

rinly shrws. -- n orposito policy would havegain ?d f r us a respect which we can in no wis

lay claim t j.Oar readers will remember that some months

nz we copied inta our columns two letterspub'.ii-.-- in England, one of them purporting toLav? been ent from thre islands about the time(October, 157,) that the French Treaty is sup- -

p-?-.d t L :ve received the approval or compli-

ance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Thevsr

app:irel f r?t in the Liverpool Times, a paper ofhigh authority, which w.-,ul- i diiain to givepublicity t) anything that had not the stamp ofgriuinn-- on it face. Who are the authors cfthe l'?tter. i a matterof considerable importaneejust now, n it frves t illustrate the duplicitywhich elous ourdipl m-iti-

; afT.iir?, and esp-eci-all-

tho-- relating to a nation with whom we alldefire t be on terms r.f amity. It is for thispurpo?o thnt we rpubii-- them.--

;Fr--.i7- i t" Liverpon! T:m. Ic. T9.J

Important fratn tn Snrtrwirri T!nn-- ! Projertcd Treaty with I'rnnrr.

T'"iirir'rlrif hire hrm ptawi in ourhsnrlshjrln: ofii t' irvnt "tntecf p Jitiml ofT.iii-- " In the SnndTic!iItar.-t- . F th'-- it wnol.l jt--- ar t 'h Ftwb Amtifiw.A'-- r in thi Kin of th Ixlanos i etHvirit to ff.-r- t a Trext rult i which, if Cimp!iri with, will ers ul a tnonoiirily o:

tbe tn le rf i'ic Islan I m Trtnce, to Hie r.fthe nrorwrre, nit onlr cf tbi? cnnntrr, bat tlso of theworld. 0w r4 th-- c"mtnonicji:i"ns r"frr! t- - n from m prsonb'4iln-- s fcit h '.T'.cial prwitirm in iitr IlAmla. srcl s tdr.-s'ri-! toa ji:i-- I I'l l msti't in III!' 'r'O.TtrT. ehi lia Iwn mwtiinwrtcl In the jr'p.-rit- r of th-- S:iini ich Tbe writ- -r MT4 :

LrTTEH No. 1 purports to ') from a personholding a lijh official position in there Islands,'

; and irho ho CToltd all his enerjifsfoi- - tlte last thir- -teen yiars to the Hawaiian mcc

I "I am ohl5.'-- d to you fr th ir.t-rt- ?t yu e.Tpre.. in thej Kion in To pr--rr- - thnt and the intt Ha--

wai'an rw, hns b-- en t!ie"niy cj- - ct that ha '.etained mp here.j and to hich I hre dcrotfd a'! iry - f .r the la-- t thiru-e-

i yrnr. It w- - with irra! 'litiimHy that ; ejipl annexation! to th- - I'uiuxl States in l5l : irf th--- we had thucht iri--

end"nce ; but I reCT- -t to ti ll ti that Pinc- - the 11th! of this month. !r Prrin. th Fre?j.-- li MirNt-r- has been pr- -

tn2 on os a ncT Treaty wi'.h France. Ihnt. if rati'd by the Kins,I wotili p!rre u? in a rore rnrfIU.n thac if we e anntxed to

the l"nfted Stites. TheTri-sf- y Is so ntrirnn worthy of Franceso iacotiitent with the iriprial tiiwarls Statethnt if the r has civen to lr. P-- the Instrcnionswhich he oile-;-- . h-- f Majesty riut har ri alfpethPr rteceirrd br Mr. in rranl to nr r.i;ry and rwnliar clrcumstanee!. T- - ward off the dar?r whirh threiirpn ti. It hasbeen sui.'e-re- d to him by erral to write soroethin)?, by thismail, to the tar! f.r I iaren-- I

Letter Xo. 2 Is supposed tj h ive been written by- - ponr? ono in England or Honolulu, vcrvanxious to play Cd.ile t . Xo. 1.

Tire .3;td letter r "r chi- - fly to tlie tft" ct th?t a French Pro-tect jratr w..uM exrc; on thei. .

Frst ch poi;or in tfcr- ir.dTich Island (indeed thrrmphout' Octaii-i"- . his r vr he :u rrn.Jd:i; and rulf rh it vous, imImv- -in, rr ev-- r havii,?, any otiicr i;raci:cal r.! than to tharartwhat Frenchmen coni ler the rt iu tho-- e i to secure French asc Hence the fnnvius Pritchardso.uahhle. and the il .j lr f Trance over Ta-hiti, by which Enh-- h t 31iionaries an 1 all KnL'Iih-ine- n

have practically been driven away, without the sliirhtestbenefit harinc: n tho n.".tire from theFrvnch

railed that U, Fren h and acf'lonial excluiv"-iw- ?

and tyranny, fcniaml never had. n' r has now. nor bypossiM'Sty can have, any ii!vJ!ret h:iti-re- r in thean inlands le-jo-

the If ;:t! - requiremt ms r.f free trade and navjirtlion,without rffreore to Ktn. and the Christian and phiianthropiccbjcts of and Iniprnvisi the condttiou ( the

to all which p'.irp' s Fmn h military i!ani"npertim,'t. Were a!l the Island? of Orc-ini- to lc plao-- d by

aol fraud, as the activity and French aenuaim at, r th? lnteeurit of France, then ut mdy w iuld the na-tives iu bat Briti-- h, Am-ric- and ail other tridinc inr-e- t.

rroii'd tiT-- t liKevise : stnil t'ty ou?t not to be hi:ovi todo fj. tnr'ai::), whoe claims to th- - sapr: rinry or frotetor-av- ?

arMsfar Mur fun led th-- thoe of any oliu-- r country, yethas nriif.nnlr r?fuid to rvM!iis!i it. even when f.itive kinnhave cine over to England. r liutarilr, t place their

ur. i.-- r the Kn?!ih flaft ; and we mort pr.iptriy restoredto ,he uatire Kins and it hli'nt. after thfit

Captain K'Ht ha I. utx-- hi owii authority aiid i"!ion, ttlcen.i il-- ra. &!rt!y afterwiinls the Americana wr'.

with extr?rr- - d;tf!-lt- i.rrr.!i-i- l fr m ::nxii.z ih-- : a, iiri'.t mat ria'iy were by the moral and dlpliTiiaricf rce t to N-:i-r np.m the su'ijeot i.f this rtiinoxatwu "rusunatH-- inducer to rnuice tbe pnj-e- t a trrat fcacrifwe.cona.-l- ' rin? tir- - rra:nFS f the Americans,land allotments can ! otaiin .i aid ground f ir fiavu ciltiva-tion- .

iw, after ail thN. havinz eaciijied tl Scylla and Civ-rib- di

of E ud in.l n-- A'nerica, th countries are Vi be vletlm-iw-- .l

l.y FrT!--- ir;tn?ne r Frefwfi f(iri"cs, and probably tofound a smII c lory 'it Fr-n- ch

"This i t ' h.i ; Imt I h:t Encland will acjuiescetherein in uiiwofhy sacriSci- - to the tnliente coriifie."

The oinpti fH that firtr.it3 iiftf-ntio- n now is,tvho is tL" r.'ithf--r il Li. ttr No. 1. ItmtiFt h tvan aut!ior?hip, find there was tin object in vica invrritino it. ilr.t vh i ili.-r- e in theofHcial canuthat has pr?suinl to light the torch of dise'-r-

3 - sW" sjaasaana point suspicion to ttie inniners 01 n:s -- tij-esty's government ? Who dar?s to fatlicr the unf rtunate ppistlo und relieve his companions fromthe odium? Is thre no invej-tiiratio- n to be had .'

To the Privy Council troperly belongs the rightto tite st ?ps in the matter, and no better tiuiocan serve them than thia present, while the Trcatvis under consideration. A com in it tee of investi-gation shoul J immediately pr ppcd to consistr.f one t!ie Minister offoreign Affairs, perhaps.If his Escillcncy shoulu be sj fortunate as to be

i appointed, l.e beiup much given to statistics,questions and answers, the course to pursuewould b1 to circulars, to consist of number-less inquiri-?- to be addrcsst-- t- - every foreignerresident on the group. They should be got up assimilar as possible to those which Mr. Punch hadthe impudence to answer through our columns.They should be simple, but rjot too rude, as forexample : --

QcErno 1. Ifare you Hrcd the Islands thirteen years2. Can you give the date of your arrival J3. I lav you rrer redd a high official position" under this

goremnient? , .

4. Have you ever expressed any interest in the King s ee


6. Hare you tv-- detained hre any lenpth of thnc for theavowed object of preserving the interesting Hawaiian racer

6. What do you thuik of "annexation?"7-- hat Is your opinion of the French tinl.terr ' -

8. WTiat is your opinion of the French Treaty9. Do yon know anything about the Earl of Clarendon -

10. Have you any neighbors their names, aires, occupationand birth

11- - Wh:itdo you tlank tbe King's Minister of ForeignifTairs

.These might berve simply as an outline for the112 questituis, which should comprise the list, towhich "additional questions" might beannexed,if found necessaxy. There is probably not a manin the kingdom who would hesitate to return im-

mediate answers. . The result obtained would betwofold a valuable collection of statistics mightbe added to the voluminous archives of the For-eign Office, and the public wonld know " Vhokilled Cock Robin:". V '. .Yi'e altoald Lave taken less trouble to bring this

subject up again before the public," were it notenrrentiy rej)6rte?l aout town that the Minister

nf Foreign Aflaira has given a written assuranceto the gentleman most interested in letter No. 1

that he teas not Us author, and the governmentorgan, with any amount of special pleading, butwithout the boldness absolutely to deny its pa-

ternity, endeavored to insinuate at the time ofits publication that the Minister had not thathonor. " Here the Minister has got himself into adilemma. He is either in the contemptible, piti-

able state of being afraid to acknowledge his ownwritings, or he is the open advocate of a treatywhioh, vampyre like, would Buck the very life-blo- d

from the nation, and leave it with a mereshadow of nationality and respect.

Had the Minister of Foreign Relations, whendsiaanded its authorship, come forward manfullyand acknowledged the letter (if it is his, and wehave yet to find the person who doubts that itwas ;nt at his instance,) had he stood boldly outand refused to make the treaty for reasons givenin the letters, he would have been supported bythe entire community from the highest to the low-

est ; he would have commanded all our suffrages.3ut how does the case stand? He has signedand now advocates a treaty which he him-

self is Baid to have condemned in his private let- -,

ters, iand he dares neither to acknowledge nordeny publicly that he has done so. How sug-

gestive such a state of affairs! "What an interesting position for a Minister of State to be placedin! ... t4"''- -

TJie Polynesian says " it is all a muddle," andverily it is a "muddle." And is he whohas made this muddle to be allowed to sitquietly by and watch the effect of the mischiefhe has so slily brejred? Has His Majesty theKing, who is more deeply interested than us all,in that he has the interests of the entire nationdepending on him ; has he considered that erelong (owing to his Minister's want of judgment,his duplicity and stupidity,) he may ha placed inthe position to act on the latter part of the 30tharticle of the Constitution, with the alternativeof seeing the independence of his kingdom lost inanother manner and . its energies fjrever ed


this much to be regretted rult there ap-pp- .ir

now to be but one alternative. Whatevermay have by'n the aid which trio King's Councilmay heretofore have bad from him, that day ap-jea- rs

to be piissed. When the confidence of the.

Council, the community, the people and thewhole nation is lost in a Minister there is noalternative but to part with him. We have latelyseen the entire British Ministry resign their of-

fices for a much l-- s grave offense than this, andsince that tim? wo have seen another BritishMinister resign for the errors committed in a single dispatch. Will not our great man wisely beguided by their example, whilst the cloud rests onthe distant horizon, no bigger than a man's band.Or will h dare t j stem th current of popularf.iry, till it rages around him with the violence ofihe tempest ?

Improvement in the CattisntiH of OrnujeTrfrs,Some months since, our attention was called to

the sucoful budding of g orange trees,which operation not only ensures their producinga fine fruit, but hastens their bearing severalyears. An orange tree will not ordinarily beartill it is fr.nn nine 'to ten years of ace. But abudded tree will produce fruit several years cur-

lier. This mode of budding has lately been suc-ceK-fu- lJy

introduced into Ivona, Hawaii, tin Mr.GreenweH's estate, and we learn that about halfthe. trees successful, ?enenlly. Sunday M.s frigateare doing well.

We have recently heard of another experimentwith the orange tres which promises to be a stillgreater improvement. - It is the building of thebest varieties rf or.vng'i into the Chinese, orangestek. This latter, if is well known, is a veryhardy species of the orange, growing in the drie sts.'ils. and hearing fruit in three or four yearsfrom the seed. Tlis fruit i use! "by the Chineefir making pri-serv-

. Tiie tr is of a rapidgrowth, reaching, iu moist an 1 fivnrabjo pjcf-s- ,

r. height of fifteen f.-- in three years. Dr. llille-bran- d

is tli? rst tliat we have known to experi-ment saceessfully with this tree, and be has nowhalf-a-doz-'n doing very well.

Tiie method is the same as has l3on practicedin other countries in relation to the pear, whichis budded or graft ed on to the genuine st-ck- , andboars fruit much sooner than on the parent stock.The experiment with the orange tree promises tobecome of as great value to fruit-growe- rs here asthe other has in other countries. One of theprincipal drawbacks to engaging in the cultiva-tion tf orange trees is the length of time neces-sary to bring them into full bearing an orchardrequiring from ten to twelve "years before it canIkj of any profit. By tin's mode of propagating,an orchard can, in ordinaVy situations, be broughtinto fulb bearing in half tho time. Chinaorange being much hardier will grow in moreesposed localities than the ordinary varieties.It is also much less liable to be attacked by in-

sects. In such districts as Koloa aud Xawiiiwili,onKauai, Wailuku and Makawao, on Maui, andexposed localities on Hawaii, where the commonorange w ill not thrive and bear except in vallies,and even herein Honolulu, we think that tbeChina orange budded with the bettor varietieswill be found to grow and produce well. Theexperiment is one which should be tested, andw hope that all who have time and opportunitywill make it.

As a hodgs plant, the China ornnge tree is re-commended for its rapid growth, strong wood,and numerous thorns, which render it impassa-ble to any animal.' Its flowers furnish' the bestof food for bees to make their honey, and wrTere-ev-er

they are k'-'p- orange should be culti-vated. About Honolulu,, the China orange liasbecome quite abundant, but we are not certainthat it is growing on the other islands of our group.Seeds can easily be prfxnired here and the treeintroduced into every di-tri-ct. - .

An OM Relic.We have been favord by Mr. "NT. R. Seal with

the perusal of quite a curiosity in the newspaperline a copy of the Ulster County Gazette,"printed at Kingston, Ulster County, New YorkState, on the 4th of January, 1800. The typo-graphical execution, though full of errors, iscle.irly done, and tbe types show an impressionwhich will compare favorably with the news-papers of some latitudes even at the present day.It is curious to note the dates of " latest intelli-gence." Seventy-tw- o, days from London, eightyfrom Paris five from Washington City. GeorgeWashington had expired at Jlount Vernon onthe 14th of December, and the Gazette, dress-ing its columns in mourning, gives the speechesand resolutions in Congress on the announcementof the national bereavement, winding up thedescription of the funeral ceremonies on the bankof the Potomac, with the following words : " Thesun was now setting. Alas ! the sun of glorywas set forever. Xo the name of Washington

the American President and General willtriumph over Death ! The unclouded brightnessof his glory will illuminate the future ages." .


Among the resolutions of the House of Repre-sentatives occurs the following, moved by Mr.Marshall, and contains in its last clause a fewwords which have become to Americans, fromfrequent nse, " familiar as household words :"" Resolved, That a committee, in conjunctionwith one from the Senate, !e appointed to con- -

r i

elder.' on the" most ' suitable mannerof payinghonor to the memory of the man first in tear, firstin peace, andfirst in the hearts of his country.'?

In the foreign news columns read ofthecontinued success of Bonaparte against the Aus-tro-Russ- ian

armies on tho Rhine, while FieldMarshal iVince Suwarrow was apparently drivingthe French from Switzerland. One is remindedof the former riches of Spain when reading aiparagraph like the following : Two Spanishfrigates bound from the Havannah, having on j

board upwards of three millions and a half dol- - j

lar Vides merchandise, were taken by four1 ;sh frigates, and carried safely into

"... Ivertisement like the following would;


read oddly enough in an Ulster County paper of J breakfast hour. wba'eship Joshua Bragdonthe present " For sale the one-ha-lf of a touched at Jarvis Island few days before the Mar--saw mill, with a convenient place for building, shall sailed. Cant Bates, of the . B., said he

&c. also, ai stout, healthy, active Ngro ! it a good many before, and did not

Wsnrh. r rson inelined tn ruirohase. mav f diini of ever finding ladies on it. The Johnthe Ma1' atthe particulars by applying to John Schoon- - j h11

w! "uit of T. Waterhoase, aoroant of money ad- -maker, ir., Rochester." We nothan a .'dozen of Sheriff's notices of levyand sale, showing that times were rather hard ;and we are told by Lnther Andres, that

w You will always find me by my "ign,A few rods fmm the hnse

where he receivfjn payment of goods" wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats, butter, flax,ashes and raw hides," adding humorously at theend, " cash will not be refused." What is moreinteresting than an old newspaper !

NOTES OF TIfK WEEK.The Diateti or the " Prixce or Hawaii."

On the 10th inst., the new schooner called the Princeof Ilawnii, of about 12 tons burthen, left the port ofHanalei, Kauai, bound for Niihan n island separ-ated from Knnai by a channel of eight miles, Shehad some eijrht native pisseneers on board, and aquantity of ohia timber on deck, but unthinj in theway of hall.-ist-. Her crew consisted!" of three foreign-- !

ers. John Bed, who ws part owner, a native ofWale; George Ilfrson, an American, and a coloredman, nnme unknown. When about midway betweenthe two islands, a sudden sqall, so common in thatneighborhood, struck the vessel and immediatelycapsized lier. There beinj no b:llat on board, sheof course flonted free?y,'nnd the foreigners managedto ppt on her Iwttom, with some assistance from thenitivp in record to Red, who wis a cripple, havinglot the ne of his lower limbs a year or two since.The natives 'then struck out for the nearest Imd,which was Niihan, supposed to have leen some fifteenmiles distant ; another account says they banded at j

Mana on Kni. They swam durini the re-- j

mninder of night, throTigh the follnwins day and i

nipht, and on Thursav, six out of the eight landed j

on Niihau, old having ; joun youn- - woman can and will retain! unequal the tak. It is poseiWe, but , thTee or flvci pmhabJe, that the urfortnnnte foreigners on the !

i r were seen nn picked vt by some of thei native of NUh-ia- , but the freiteral belief is; that thv h a "perish e J.

! Fite Napot.kow. Sandfly list, Angnst 15, thecelehration nfer'l'no; in the Catliolic Church of the

i Fent of the Aimpti.m of the Blessed Virgin," ;

j took at thn Cnihr-b- p!?tc of worsh'p in this j

city Vy the rierferm'irteo of h5rh le.ta.a. A number ofnative nrvl forejrn dicrnifaries were present, lesides '

pevernl of the foreign Consuls. The flrjit X.ipoleon, '

it will te rememered, r.n that dsy concluded n eon- -, cor h't with the Pepo, nd, bol5bin the thnnsnnd; and one holidtys then observ"l in Frsnce, decreed; thit the fete JS'ppofeon shotild be the only bindingj diiy of rinhHc and striet national ol'servance. Ever ;

s;ne, nrider the Fmr.ire nnd tinder the ' Cit'zenj Kin?," the fiTeenlh of Aiiit ha f.heerved by j

operated on have proved and I Frenchmen On II. B.





Hnvavnah, Ty'n?: in enr brtrhor. displayed the tri-

color at the ma;n, and at 12 M. fired a nationalsalute..

Salmon Pnowyto. to tbeTTttvannah m lat Mordnv"fi one of tbedeep pools at the Pnehnebn Fall in Xnmrm ValW.It is supposed thit being no swimmer, he venture!beyond his dpth snd was drowned. The nl.irm wis j

at onee given bv two ef his shipmates, but when th? !

natives Ky divin-- r hroutrht up the body, life wis ex- - '

toict. This the second or thiisl ;n;tanee of seamen t

bein? drowned r.f, the Rime flaee, nd nil man-o- f- i

war's remains were j altogether, know whetherin the Nnuann Cemetery, followed to the grave by aprocession oT his shipmates.

Bfks. Another colony of honey bee, makinsr thefifth, swarmed on Monday lit in T)r. II:l!ebmnd'sgsrden, and jpere successfully hived by him. Thereare now nine hives in his ro?esion. including the f

four orliinal ones import!, and all nre doins well. I

We nndersTrttsd that hives of boos can now be p:ir-- Jchase!, at f50 per hive, of the Agricultural Society, j

who own those in Dr. nillebmnd's charee. We j

should like to see them introduced at Tlilond Maka-- j

wio, where, if properly attended to. they would rap-- i

I idly increase anS soon become profitable.

Movin'o Axn Ratsi.vo. Quite a nnniW of build-in- ?about have been r;vsd recently 4o a bicher

gnde, consentient nnon the filling in and repairingof streets. Mr. Booth, r.t the corner of Xunsnu nndHotel streets. Ins, so to speak, his premises"end for the billiard roem having been movedon to the corner, thus changinz places with the barroom. Tben mnvinsrs and ra'sings are all performedin expeditious nnd satisfactory manner by Mr. C.

Vincent.Tfte This favorite Hilo has just

been thoroughly overhauled and put in the lest re-

pair.- Under the gentlemanly charge of CaptainLovett, her spacious cabin will no doubt be often oc-

cupied cn the pliant trip from Honolulu to the" City of Pele," and we can with confidence a.sertthat any business or freight to li 'scare willbe promptly executed and safely guarded. The L.recommences her regular trips

Dr. Frick's LrxrrraEs. a communication fromDr. Frick in another column it will fiscen that hehas for the present postponed hfs lectures npon thetimes of Wat Tyler. It is to be hoped that intellect-ual improvement may present sufficient claims to theattention of our community, before the busy seasoncommences, ns shall enable the Doctor to carry outhis original intention of lecturing.

taT" Mr. II. F. Johnson, who visited Honolulu somemonths ago from San Francisco for the ostensible pur-pose of engaging in teaching and lecturing, delivereda at tbe Fort Street Church, and afterwardreturned to San Francisco, thrown from hishorse on the 4th of July at Oakland, opposite SanFrancisco, and died in consequence of the accident.

WATEBSPorrs. Last Friday and Saturday after-noons those who chanced to look seaward in the di-

rection of Barber's Point have a splendiddisplay of Nature's wonders in the shape of water-spouts. Had the wind been on shore, Puuloa mighthave caught a," washing down."

A native boy, about fifteen years of age,was amusing himself on tbe lelekoali, swing, fixedto the top of a cocoanut tree, on Friday last, whenhaving attained h hight of some fifty feet from theground, by some means he slipped out of the swingand fell. He was taken senseless, and life was

" 'soon extinct.Legal Notices. Notice of petition in bankruptcy

against William Maxwell L. Beatty is given inthe last Polnesian, and that G. P. Griswold and H.1

Rhodes, Esquires, have been appointed Commissioners to try the question of bankruptcy. , ".


Stroke. Last week a native, going alongKing street at noon, bareheaded, suddenly tumbled;over, insensible, with all the symptoms of sun stroke.He however recovered. This is the first instance ofsunstroke we remember to have heard of at theseislands. .. .


Jg1" The Yankee may be expected L about ftwoweeks, and will probably bring the mails of Jaly 5thand 20th. "" '' .... i .. u ... v r I 1 ?

fHfwiiim'Thia ship retimed on

Monday from her second voyage to Jartis Island,

with some 500 tons of guano. She reports everythingfavorable at the Xheclipper JVhite Swalloio

made the passage thence from this port in seven days,had her ballast, and a large quantity ofwater, and was taking in guano. With the gang atwork on land (26 hands) she was taking on board

alxiut fifty tons per day, would sail for New

York about the 25th of Aug., touching for fresh sup-

plies at Apia, Navigator's Islmda. A good frame

house, 20 x 40 feet, has, we learn, been erected on

the island, with shea's and every convenience for liv

ing comfortably. A supply of water for nearly ayear is also there. fish are Mr. Uat it the tn at 'JuJJ informs us that he caught some thirty forty,

of good size, with hook and line, one morning beforeThe


And Tisfted timesAfar- -Anv

attachedknowJ. onat notice













vatced to the ship, and the probability is that shewill be sold soon by order of court.

Jihay Hohse Drowned. Yesterday morning JohnBradley was driving his dray ne-- r Market Wharf,when the horse commenced kicking t something, andgetting one of hisjegs oer the shafr, ran overboafw,

and before he could be got clear from the dray, wasdrowned. . There were plenty of natives looking on,and bad they rendered prompt assistance, a valaablehorse would have been saved. Bradley says theywere waiting to be offered money fur their assistance.

Eclipse. A partial eclipse of fte moon occurs onTuesday morning, Aug. 21, visible as these islands.Its first contact is at 2 o'clock and 39 minutes inthe morning. It will be central at sir minutes beforefour o'clock, and ends about half-p&-st five. Those

who wish to observe it will have to rise early in themorning, for eclipses, like sun and tide, wait for noman.

Icf Mr. Lewers advertises in another column thathe will shortly be in receipt of ice from Boston, withother fix'iDgs always in demand when ice is to be had.We trust that our citizens will show their apprecia-tion of his efforts to keep them cool.

1 Bocks at Arcriox. A large sale of miscellaneousand school books is advertised to take place on Satur-day evening at J. F. Colburn's rooms.

Savings Bask. This institution was opened onTuesday lust for the reception of deposits and thetransaction of the usual businesf pertaining to a bank.The first tsiveriment of the sort in Honolulu, it com-

mences- under excellent auspices, endwe sincerelyhope that it will become a permanent feature of ourcity. The Polynesian of Saturday has the following

ueju the suhivct : " The mechanic, the laborer, thean man and a stripling proved man or who

to barely not dollars






rei-kl- out of their wajjes anddeposit them in bank will at the end f five havefrom 1,CX) to 1,500 to start thcmelves in busi-

ness with, to purchase a house or land or both; tofurnish an outfit or procure a dowry.

" Could the Hawaiian borrf port-o- of our populationbe indueed to deposit their earnings in the savingsbank instead of investing ia horse-fli- h and "silks, itwould in our opinion prove move productive of thriftand consequent general mil material con:fort thanlught else we know of just now; and would the lineshow up the affair theoretically and practically, indollars antf cents, we are enough to antici-pate the happiest results."

School ron Forkigx CnrtDRE.v. We call the at-

tention of our readers to the report, in another col-

umn, of the committee of citizens appointed to pro-cure a teacher and a school-roo- m for their coutein-pidie- d

S;htol for Foreign Ciiildi-c-n in Honolulu. Itwi!i ba that Miss Thurston has acceptolthe tKsition of teicher, and that the base;nent of theFort Stteet Church has been obtained and fitted upfor a schoofwroom ii truly competent person, and avery central and eligii le situation. Vis have heardMis T. spoken of ns pissess!ng that rare faculty in ateacher, viz.: of making him or herself beloved bythe children rather th;in feared; nnd we be trtily wishthe uew school, which we learn will begin in the firstweek of September, all success with its scholars,all the sympathy from their parents, and all thegratification to the teacher which k can reasouablyexpect. Polynesian.

(Correspondence cf the C rnmfTcwl Advertiser.

Ma. Editor : Please .let u? understand the matterdistinctly, so that residents ami whalemen, and the

men. On Tuesday his interred public may fist riding











ye-tr- s

i'en il.try


nay, furious riding or, if ytu please, fast, fvriousnnd reckless riding has ceased to be a breach of thelaw in Honolulu, cr whether everybody else is to bepunished for doing what nieu" areallowed to do with impunity 1

If the law was made to protect the public, I pro-

test against the practice that allows the sailors of theIlarannah, or those of any other mau-of-w- ar, to rideabut as the former have been doing the past week,without a single arrest by the police. It is notoriousthat if a s:ii!or from a wh ile ship, or a merchantship, should be caught riding through our asmen-of-w- ar sailors have ridden during the last fewdays, they would be taken to the lock-u- p as soon asthree or four kanaka constables could tote thera there.'Indeed, I saw with my own eyes, v;ithiu a few weeks,the captain of a foreign vessel, lfing in port, con-ducted to the statiou-hous- e for riding, not half sorecklessly as scores of man-of-wa- r sailors have riddenthrough all the streets of Ilonfilulu within the pastweek !

Mr. Editor, this is not jv'st, right or honest ! Thelaw is a good one, and should be respected ; and whyis it not enforced .' Can you tell ? Do you supposethe native policemen are so suddenly inactive with-

out having received instructions from some quarterto let the man-of-w- ar sailors do as they like ?

Now, this partiality, this favoritism for man-of-wa- r's

men, is not fair, and 1 advie the powera thatlw to stop it, or they may expect trouble if they at-

tempt to execute upon i'ankee whaling sailors, nexjfall, the law which they allow man-of-w- ar sailors tobreak with the most notorious impunity.

If you think I talk at random on this subject, 1

appeal to scores of people in Honolulu, who canattest the assertions I make iu regard to the impu-nity with which this furious riding is allowed. Andon one occasion, when three sailors rushed up Fortstreet at a pace that would have won the king'spurse, fwre, I asked a couple of native constables,who were quite composedly enjoying the sport, whythey did not arrest them, as they would have donehad they ben sailors from a whale ship, when they

Steplied, uh an assurance that, in their opinion,settled thenattcr entirely, "Ihvianuwa!"

Al'ori; to inquire if " he manuwa " is a title ofimpunity r the violation of law, whether he oko-ho- la

' wilAnot, and justly, claim thesame exemption?Shame upon such execution of the police regula-

tions of Honolulu ! Ikemaka,

Jn Hawaii Rrlurnins ta IdolatryMr. Editor : It may not be known to all who

read tbe Commercial Advertiser that, in the ancientdays of Hawaiian heathenism, the hula was favoredwith two gods, one called Laka, a niale, and the otherKeawe, a female. Under the patronage of these two,the licentious songs and disgusting orgies of the hulawere exhibited, to inflame the passions of the youngand prepare them early for such acts as, in the soft-

ened language of kindness, are now known the worldover as the Hawaiian' besetting sin.

A note from Pali Koolan says, " Do you know wehave idols here, images set up, before whom thepeople offer garlands to the gods of the hula?"

I am told that at Waialua also the hula companieshave Bet up idols the patrons of their hulasv beforewhom pigs and other sacrifices have been offered dur-ing the past few months. . But, by. a public notice,posted on the enclosure, all church members and theirpestik jJfe warned not to enter its sacred precincts ;

A few weeks Bince a party of the devotees of the !

hula are said to have performed a pilgrimage to the- Cape of Kaena, where spirits have from ancient timesbeen supposed to hold a dread abode, performed their

'devotions and returned. ; i. .These hulas are now infatuating the people of a

large portion of ;Qahu. m Schools arc thinly attended;

kalo'patcnes wre, to a great extent, left to grew up

with grass and weeds; efficient and productive labor

is mainly given op; and natives who have formerly

been good serrants, can now rarely be hired on hula

days, and many not at all, unless driten to it by ur-

gent necessity . ; : ,'"r"; ''-'-?

' ' '

What is to be, the end of this? I:1 those, now

high in office, who five or six years sin& scoured the

country In search of the 1J hula men anticipate such

a ea 1 scene as this ? Did they think that they were

rekindling aii almost extinguished volcano, that they

cow may neer be able to put out till'." Icbabod" is

prouounced on this poordwindlingrace -- . I trust notI It doubtless was a sin of ignorance. -

t . . - . . . .1.1 rlnninFresh abundant. powers 1



with which God has visitea laoiairoussurely is well to bestir themselves. Look at the fate


of Jeroboam, the son of Xebat Ahab and Manasseh.

Hawaiian statutes make idolatry a crime; out is

there any penalty affixed ? ,

It is most devoutly to be hoped that the rulers of

this nation will not long sleep over such a demoral-

izing scourge as a native hula ; but will speedily seek

to estimate it root and branch from the face of theHawaiian Islands, and let it pass into the oblivion of

the sins that were before the flood. A Fbiend.

Ma. Editor Sib : Having taken part in eeveral

sad prorns which lately united in paying the last

tribute o4spect to deaed friends and neighbors,

by accompanying theirV-Jrt- al remains to their "long ,

home " iNuuanu Vry Cemetery, under a scorcn-in- g

sun, Wthaf6" Vod Of the day when its torrifyingI rays are usually most oppressive, I have been forci

bly impressed with the want ofjudgment, or perhapswant of reflectioGviDCd in the selection of so very

inappropriate an hour as four o'clock in the after-

noon, usually fixed upon for the purpose.Almost everybody feels anxious tovtake part in

these sad ceremonials ; and it is generally consideredindispensable to doa the best broadcloth suit, which

(to pedestrians especially) is a great aggravation ofthe discomfort experienced by all parties.

In some countries, the declining sun Is deemed noinappropriate emblem close human life, its nature wear longer time.

to take Captain applied rigfuneral processions are consequently arrangedplace simultaneously with sunset ; and it seems tome that similar course would be eminently appro-

priate to this climate, aud would greatly diminish thesuffering consequent upon the present very injudi-

cious system, without any countervailing inconveni- -ence or objection, that I am aware of.



heavyhope, that those to whose j do There i no hoi

lot it may arrange the procession, will j yard at all dorith reefing, the lis :,r u.i' ed at the Tins requirestbe a vj ua..-- 'give b Tuere l

past o as nour moving, i blocks about the yard, an.l theI may safely predict that only trial the roller freely, it was Cfisier hoist th

its subject of course to the old it could reef my sail a

i tion at moment's all wastrifling alteration, eea--j , fllrt j,

the year the variation of hour sun--j w- a- woan 11 smooth.

IIoxoLcxr, 18th Aug., 1858.Mr. Editor: The return of the greatest part of j

my list of subscribers must justify me in postponing j

the overture of mv course for the number j

trade has attained withinmoderate jofcamesnot satisfy mosti yers. There are fifty

as rewaru. 1 casscs of these to E

D. FniCK, LL. D.

P. S. Subscriptions received Dr. Guillen's, theCommercial Advertiser, the Polynesian, and Libraryof the Seamen's Chspel. .. . ,

TurBsnAT, Aug. 12, ISoS.To the Editor or The Poltxesian. believe

become part of your editorial labor to correct j

the misstatements of your contempo- - J

rary, so please note the interesting little scrap in thelast Commercial .11 cert iter in regard "Mrs.!Saiith's School. Caa any gentleman read thestatement without experiencing a feeling of moistnreabout the eyes ? To see a lady, an eminent teacher,so abused by the public functionary ! It is too bad;but wait a" bit call to mind the feelings of yourneighbor examine into the correctness of the state-ment referred to Behold, is simply and

i tedly false, you, editor, (editor are to bepitied) have thrown away nae, gentlemanlysympathies, or did you, from past experience, mis-

trust at first sight, the correctness of facts in thelittle appeal ? Well, here Wfc said

school mentioned twice in the President's report byname, with particulars jriven. In regard to the

1 I.: f t. . 1 o Pmiilont nfTiliiUVMiK'il vl iiin .jncmstiti the Board of Education would hardly wish publicly

one the is pnssed t;he prrf; an we inde- - ue chUiv' iendont scribblers irtiiy feel authorized do. And i ether.those who are acquainted with tbe Native Schools on j

I the Islands will be able to recognize some talent out-- j

Bide of Honolulu: will call mind accomplished! talent and faithful services at Waimea, Kauaij Kaneohe, Cbihu ; Labalna ; Kau, Hawaii ; &c, i,

But the last presumption the said j

St tiltlUC!! I IIIC mi v JJ.i j

to stand upon. So much for of tbe little ;

scraps without and heedless truth I

or justice to parties indirectly affected by them. (,

FMitor- - rlon't forpet to thank me for this !

little help in your , Vour, TuorCHT.

It is the part of our editorial labors correct" nii.tatcmeuts and of ' independentscribblers" such as the above, and had be signed him-

self "TiiorcHT-Zc- ij there ini;ht have been observedsome consistency between ' his little scraps, penned j

heedless of truih," bis name. Wc beg to informhim " the said school" is not " mentioned twice"nor even once in the report on The onlyjnotice of it occurs in the tables in the appendix."is A matter of trifling ininnrt:inn whether this whonl :

or school is mentioned the report. when j

a page or two of adulation is bestowed on the RoyalSchool protege of the President it would have

only ordinary to have attributedmoiety of " tbe success" noticed in it, where it prop--erlv helonsrs. to the bumble but labors of ;

theone whose bestsuccess the! k,b


Av lyrmESTixo toof

This action contractbv Williams, luaster of shin Phirnix. a?ra!n.Bt. hirowners. The were, that one Pendleton had"!originally sailed from port New London asmaster of ship. Fendletop had made two sea-sons her on the North West, and returnedthe Islands, ne was here by instruc-tions from the agents go another season, before re-turning home. being unwilling to befrom home another season, substituted tlie plaintiff

was at the inlands, his place as master.of said ship and made a very

voyage, returning to the port Honolulu with1500 barrels whale, 100 sperm, 24,000 poundsbone. Soon after his anchor in said port,Pendleton, who had the mean time returned homeand bad again sent out by, agents the

for that came board dis-placed Williams, and brought the Ship under his(P.'s) charge back to the London.

This suit was by Williams to recover dam-ages for removal before said voyage was com-pleted. amount of damages claimed hisexpenses from the Sandwich to New Londonhe hsiviug before recovered the amount of his wages

a uoei sun me lsianus.The defence set up that Pendleton master,

had no power of substitution, and that hiscontract was not upon the owners. ThatWilliams was an improper person be substituted,having the season lefore lost the ship Jefferson in theOchotsk Sea, and he bad drawn theowners tho an excessive amount for re-pairs and supplies 12,000), that they werejustified in removing him, and not liable in damages.

The case many points of maritime law in-teresting ship owners, and some con

conflicting Jury were una-ble agree sentout for a reconsideration

times by Court. they stoodnine for plaintiff, three for defendants. JZ X.Chronicle, s"Singular- Lawsuit Fbaxck. In 1816, a marl

ried woman at named abandoned herhusband to with military officer named Merleat In 1819 she gave birth a boy, who wasregistered in his mother's at Leplanquois.woman, though she declared herself the mother,not name the father. In 1828 the woman died..child referred to was issue by this cohabita-tion, upon the death of the woman, who

lived with her, wrote a letter her mother, an-nouncing her death in affectionate terms, and refer-ring son, then nine years of age, pledgeof their love.

Farin knew of his eloped lived withMerle, that she had this son by he did notthink it necessary to take legal proccsdin.-- j for dis-avowing the paternity .of (he child ; and tiir-- s



tinned in that Mate until 185G, when he)his brothers, sisters, nephews and ni

wife : but the soo of Blerle and Mudno el,-- ;

gone by the of Leplanonois,whoie as Farin's son heir. On thi,tjbrought action before the civil tribato have Leplariquoia declared an dulttJana tney conieuueu iusi u preceiinj fcjcould not be disputed, demonstratedwas so. Leplanquois, on his part,counteraction to have his legitimacy wi' the register of his birth The Jalter ooiiiug tu u- - priita, rq,was an invariable principle cf law, thatalways to (e prcsuuiru iu me i.iiberof.dren his wife f that the rejristration Jfather's name, of a child borne by a wifjjaway wun me prcouuij u ui ;

that thoagh Farin knew so back aswife had given birth to a child, he had tl

time the measures prescribed by the G,i

leon for having bis disavowcourse of Cfnluct was another presamptiwas the father. The tribunal accorrhng1.the action of Farin's relatives, declarednuois most be considered Farin's son.mviKfrv nf his hirth to be altered to that t t

declarcl that he waj entitled to oil thy 3An appeal having been prenJrroperty. Court of Rouen by Farin's relativsj

argued at great length, but the kIbunal was confirmed. GalignanVi Alrtumr

Colk's roa REprcisto asd Fcblofrom Deck. Cant. J. E. Cole, this portvllished a pamphlet containing a full descripti

in practice on the bark Sartelie, and which ti

commended to the ravoraoie consmeratjon t

owners and ship-builde- rs by a coruiuittwBoard Underwriters. lhe distinguishing i

claimed for this rig :

1st. By it square sails can be set, redectded, when in any position from deck, with r

ease, and ccrtaiuty.2d. Its strength, durability, and relish

greater than the present method.3d. The weight alolt will be less.

sail faster, and nullspeedy voyages. -

6th. kss of life and great suffering hv

the present method of handling canvass wil!

much lessened, if entirely cbviated. .Cth. Its first cost will be materially less ;

oC the of and j will aCole this to


tbe top,Sartelie under bis command in Carditf, U

found that it worked well in theweather. Hi

All I bad fer a power was six-i- nt

wheel with erans. handle on eacu side (utopsail hilyrl3 to hoist as usual) ; with thitopsail shaking, oce man could easily ref i

with the topsail full, blowing , fmrLet us then, amongst na required to it quickly.

fall to next to sail. fot. fir less power

aoove suggesuon iair trutt, uau.g j hoisting the yard.Uve ciocK tne lor u" or gear sul

a fair is required far touniversal rig. With I into insure adoption,

- a notice tbt renaaccordance mth tbesome m to e,Mklhe hlUy-rf- 9son and the of in 5t perfectlyset.

of lectures,

















Civis. the sail was unbent, after arrivingnear the leeches was not marked by ch-ife- .

leeche was the the sailI CommercialRabeit Tkaoc Beijicm.

credible a degree of importanceof ia Flanders theyet the expecta- -

. seven thousand skin- -

to a animals exportel weekly



it aand blunders



it unmitisra- -and



quent find




penned of



j in

adecency a



in Plain-tiff














as as. Jllccrttser,

i!f It isto

where they find a ready market articleswhile it ii ii3';;ilt to sell in 1 rsty-fi- ve apiece, preparation and coi

the skins gives employment, in Ghent alone,two thousand workmen, and since the I

sprung up a few njro, the export of the--J

to America, .Franco and Iiuseia has become t--

siderable.It is not thirty-eig- ht years since GeorH

drove the first engine over the firstrailway opened as a highway, yet theot passengers now conTeyea oy railwayBritain and Ireland is about 134,000,00 per

Ibe rate of increase in the passenger traffic of

lective is marvelous. In tbfn; in 1852, 89.000,000 ; in lo3, 1

000; in 1854, 114,000,000 ; in 1855, !!and in 1856, PJl'.OOO.OOO cf passengers cardrailway.

A new process of extracting was rin Baltimore- - A number of teeth were f

ed, and the patients declare tbey received nbut experienced a numbing sensation t

soothing is produced by paseiug atricitv through the tooth at the of exc

patient grasps firmly in his hand one flf'-electro magnetic machine, and theotherpi.lefied to forceps, and by this a

to flatter of a dozen equally good teachers at j tricity through tooth, andrisk of invidious comparison, whatever j local anesthesis, and avoids the of


I thev to





that Bot












name Tbe



tliis as the





4th. The



rope fresh day w






them Flancents The



lines 1851


aboutTbe current


means current

Can't something of the sort be introducedne:ghborhoo 1 Our teeth come out awful!; '.

Abottt NrnucnADKEzxiK. Col. Rswliusgreat English explorer of the ruins or Babylon,paring a new work on Ms discoveries. It isw'ul

claims to have found Nebuchailnezxar's huntii;:with notes, and here and there a portrait of L

sketched by himself, with his name under it

haduezzar mentions in it having been ill, mlbe was he thought he had been cutlike the beasts of tbe field. This is held J

derful corroborate!! ofFcripture. Riwlicson a!

a pot preserves, in an excellent state, an lgito Queen Victoria to taste. Haw little NVbucb

zar'e cook dreauit.when making them, that tecenturies after, the Queen of England would r1

of the identical preserves that figured at herntable r

Tbe London Times observes : Distrust rreign in Paris, but nowhere they be"than in the Imperial breast. All history tcathose who govern by such means sutler mrthey iidlict. Why houll Napoleon I1L, r

bia exploits and his glory, prepare fur himwlf'age of Tiberius I . Already cn of every clsseasy, and the roll of political offences reAil-'.-

of enslaved Rome, lfanian is popular,to tbe Prince if he is rich, be liWj

powerful enemy if he is poor, poverty nwy hto crime if be is lively, be must be Mil

80nie seditious ililfwifonr'o- - if h 5 nipIsiiL'h.H

scholars are continually being with. Sn"evJnS at supremacy of the establish p

drawn to sustain tbe acknowledged of .M-- Sorer, tne distinguished French ere. , o . , - f lecturing upon his in Locdou. Hisij ai ccnooi. . the pcricctiou of cocking consists in making fr.

Lawsuit WHiirSoroMiBTT-,.- .

ciiuj.ui savory nuinnousrelies prewrl

uaurai a.vrs cooktvM

sjriutru neutralized uiiie-irim- 's.Tames Williams rs. Miner Lawrence, et al mxiks in world. Sever ethibited

an upon whaling brousrht of kitehfrTdevil I,; i;o ViirhtiDm


in had to


whocharge success-

ful of


Phanix purpose, on

of Newbrought

bisThe being


in ,



onof Phanix

to masterstestimony.

to sev-eral understand


inRouen, Farin,

Nismes. to



had to


wifs.hairjand him



an j















deliriousto hr










, I imui iais a ana! for this purpose be chiefly on thej ot tue of tbe substancesI n ..n ......... ... 1 f B . at

J j c or oyI. j the the M.

was a i l.






t i- - ...









.....whu-- s .Tvasfcnsr, bakinar.- - broiliriir. tmxmff.stewing. wnd Uiiling, can be easily acenmpi"-'1'-

from l",00y dowu to 50 men. After partaking e!

excellent soup, imprtmiDtu omelets. lui'.Ii, mprdfiSSJts of theingen:ous culinary cootrivswixner, tne company departed with the eon"1" boiled betf would not long be the sole ntwcEnglish soldier. ' ,(

Cou Bexton's Opisiov or the ArrnoB?B

" Junius." In the forthcominir volume UI ;

ton's tc Abridgment" there is the followingspeech cf Mr. Randolph, in which .Mr. R. ffklrepetition Dy "Junius" of a remark of bo

"ham. " ' ;"

"When tho author of this Abri lament"Colonel Benton) was ten Vears old. whichlast decade (borrowing Livy's division cf tim iexpression) of tbelast century, and before enlinwriters oact turown (Urkness on the author"Junius," it was wellconceded thatthereiHman in tuglnnd, or the world, who united in

U the qualities of head, heart, and temper,incidents of political and personal life,writing of those letters required; but cuenaa sucu power to drive the liglish liuguagfknowledge of men and thimrs. such aniniltuJeforniatiou,uch lofty aiid"3aring spirit, such fcjmeat to publish his thoughts and conceal b

an oratorical tame already so great as toabove the assumption of that of "i Junius," Hit was. xnat one man was Iord Cnatham,and OUt Of favor with the k'inoan.l dominant p

relegated (by his peerage) to that 'Hospital of I

oies, tue House of Lords, whence no psucould reach the Commous of England; retirflcountry seat at naves, and all visitors hhutoa-contented, despairing, restless, and seeing no M

reach the people but through the press, and bjJvi n.jlv:iip, win 10 auuaciiy, pairiouoand the mora ImnrMim Imvuuw ahrotulcd lcJ

mvsterv of an unknown oritrin. So stood Lord1!

bam and " Junius" in tbe latter part of thein which they lived, convertible characters,in pernor.. ' ' I

On t! Ih of Mar. the Emnress of France ,

her thirl' Ladynavigat

TheWoolst'.down, tspot. '.


.scond year. I

.anklin, widow of the celebrateM,.fj at present in Algiers, ' I

J In which Sir Isaac Newton w4 K. near Crmtham, is about to?i scientllo establishment erectel

Cceper, the noted sceptic ani u'5; a Caicides. "has recently oew"- -J

!Lty; and aCJer having sp0s r..a in leeturins and writing af

i u now - iy i o iiiur

Page 3: Adver-isemen- WW 111 · THE PACIFIC nCRC'IAL ADVERTISER, UhprBffrrTlirwtay Msrnln.nt Six A l'rU i A4raaee. to fweisn countries will be $7 per nnnm, rers the American T expense of

fchief be roast have done, by lecturing in defencelie Sacrcl Scriptures.r publish returns tf the exact number of conver- -

in every state i me union up mine isi jane2.S70 Missouri, - 2,027

llanipshire, 1.370 Kentucky. 5S.R60

,nnt, - - 770 Tennessee, l,ftoo0.254 District of Colombia, tw1,331 Delaware, 1792.T90 Maryland, 4.800

York, l!.e"4 Vinrinia, - . . 1,105Jersey. - ,02S North Carolina, 6.W

- 0 72 Sooth Carolina, 127a.OOO Geonria, --


.AUSnmi, . - . 372--

gn,4.775 Florida, - 21.


asin.3.01 Mississippi, . 1341.4 7 T'T.n. . 27

I. 2.179 Calif. Tula, 60sofa. 50S

- - - - 86,21

w York City, the number cf conrershns isin Detroit l.uu.

Laborf." Imported ivro Cuba. A Havanalr n,?ent t ew or HrroH shows, byf'lHT compile-- statistics, that twenty-eig- ht thou--

8 five hnnlreil nn-,- thirty-on- e "laborers' nc--,coiie, ami l nMn Imlin have been set on

, in Culm since 1835, and that four thousand: hnn-lrt-- and f"tir unfortnnates lost their lives.Ansjtn a ninrfiHty- - of sixte. n and onc-fonr- tb.

ect. on the cross numbeselivered. The price,ei wii lower at date.

Viir.mnos t irazil. jK propositon is underleriti'-- n bv the government or israzii, to cncour-.-X.

. t rv- - v.. : i . jto emigrant.. It has been widely discussed

favorably reir tried. Considerable jealousy oftheStiffs was expre-so-d. by the press, because it

so iliffieuft to turn the great tide of emigrationNorth to South America. Don Pedro has taken

it ens t. carry ont Minister Meade s ideas.

jlclo Suircrtisfmnns.

. Btssor. WM. A. AI.DRICH.BISHOP & CO.,

v rtc in th eat corner of "Makee's Block, onkaahnr.ianu street, Hon ttlln.rweive irrs ts. ni nraiM Dusmeee paper, ana.. . - . .

itcml to coiti-ciin- etc.


tK lPKRl!K" WILL RECEIVE urcst rbe:r ar;nrs Kanx upon the following terms:

nrn-- s W w onder. from w person. thy will par inlat ti rat? of rcf.t p-- r cut. per annum. fnn date of re--on

alt sura that shall hav remained in deposit threws. or have been in deposit three month at the time of

up the vriy accounts.interest wi'l b-- allowed on wwy withdrawn within three,5 fr m the itate i frr ''iiT- - n"t!ran-- i w n i m nnic or an intentionMn ni-'- ? an.1 the Ipp.iitor9 U must-- i.wiii t the Prrr time.Iirwr hr tkihi errTt n?n the Prxft of the Depositor.,P;f ,T the ' r"rr k.

the firrt rtav of Sept-mh- rr of each year, 15, the ne" nr, aim inirr--i on an Hums tnat han have

nH 'n teonrt xtr--f rrnnth or more, atyt annaM. w!ll hethe .tn.itr, arvl frvn that date form part of the

xnlat mnn thai $ '00 vHl be rMreived, ml.ject try Fperial

Rm' he opn evrr dir In the weV exc--pt Sui-laT-

1 'i hy : anil on will be open nrtil 0 oVInr'k 'BISHOP k CO.t. lain. .'.t 14. I. 112-- ff


tiir rxnrRsjnxr.D jtnre puMic not lee. that he is

to rnn. tm, r nrir H h"r.t.. I nam-.- - hr-fv- r. trithont l:mit of3! T n'"'!!'5! thnt ran he ppwlnr--rf on the IlaTa Hasamtirt rt to exo-e.- f 1000, nor than

w M e ire on the Waimea TraoV.J. I. LOXOFORD. TT

r.T, Hi-ra:- .isnt 19. 1SS. ll --tf XT

MARSHAL'S NOTICE..,.i-- . i innr.itii. i 1 1 it r; r.

r' r:..rf.r r It Fate . Prrwnr J-- TVm W!terwie. UhlJant. rUlent of ISlliU 3Tin TV Anerirn Shio John nrakall, ofJ. U Pe"-!"'- ! t irr. h--r hoat. taekle. apnre nmirr. tnH antnt V oti foterren(ne frw their in?ereti ii rair erl anH maritfm. f r mtvuu by

" In H T.t iwtWH. firTin the nsnal pro--Afor

nfrVf.nirt H tht t" h marie:. tw''r. a!l rrio In anr war Ht rtt in iil ship,

irf't to he awl n"r Mn thf m:l fonrf.toI a ?ff reTtelwr next, at 12 oVIoek, k,f :'"m hilt N a fl.-- "f fnr'fiefon s ethnrie. onrt "f Hrilii-- n thenfT ; then ant hr to inter-itHi- w

firmt- -T mav hve to t H shlo. her tarkle. anvil fim'ttre, anrl to malr th'r iiwnn in that

C. PAHKE, fan.haL


AATn mr.rtPOVPT10STOXICE, June,ijJ H t'n T.rltrtr W P5fehr.1 'lr-- r PT-f- f Ptfhr9.

! R friir'ntors. '.lITrrirst - do do,11 T-i- k fo ffr2 en Patent Toe Cream Freest rs. ass'd sizes,

T VT,- -r Cnr.i T n-- t ' ...i.t rnnjmfnm fr the

r-- tti.t -- kwit nvs September, anl are of--ritl!-- the Tl''")LCtr 1CT. CO.f C. n. tEWnW. rroprior. would



" r! 'T hn-tda- . Chorrv Cord ml" ; A

Vr- tn-ri-or herrie; aiwlI Got

Jt-n-- -i Runs, stck,F T.i- -' G:n. in ore dorn and Htre eases; ottered

' ' . Xfo-h- ela ''Tliisky; theJtrvvi:-- .. p:-.--r. te.. fe. 112-- tf

WfnTE OAK.)42 rrrr.2 ixcn.siTO 3ofeet

n InH). 25 to 25 fet loop.f et. 1 iorb. 12 feet and upwards. Dt pvtnre rv,ic. sleetd bra shfpbn'lder. snd

Htsd hr fnr.ta;n 'War.'' Srr ri-r 20. is ofr-r-d f rfni-t-f C. n. tEWFTW, F'-r- t street. .



FXMVIfK KREFV. VERTTfJRIJ.r - --- n r.nd Tel w TTI, n. V VonMWn Tlo.lT'n- - Srvr,;S V-- ,! . '

:r nit- -. -n l'!vk. Whltn Tarnish1 in quantities to suit, ot CD. tFTWFR?.

' Fort street.


forXDERnrfiXED HAVE TIfIJ T.ViparttvrthiT, nndr the -- trie nf PfanOP k TO.' tnwetiw? a eal BANKING Br?I are'"et-iis- therewith a SAVTXG? PANS', in llow.lnlu.

rnts. r. wranp.TT. A. ALDRICIT.

VnLi. Ancnti2,135s. HJ4tVOLUME II, F

THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL AD-- Forrr;!ser hound aid for vl r rin. a aii. m. wnrrxET.



?r h? C. II, tEVTER. Fort at.

CLAPBOARDS AND LATHST H.N fZ rGIT- - novecEn . ...... .Kn.i:v. ....'f Tf T.' ". r, r.- i.r. r.tis, sort street. 4OFFICES TcTletT j

Rr00'- - sriTARLE FOR OF. Alsoflee,,ov- -r f. McKiobin'. rm,? Store, Queen str-t- , to"t. App!y at the ttrng Store. HHf



f wi h half an acre of rrmiod. enclosed, wnlishedth- - h Consulate, on Rcnrtama street. I- - manner,


TO LET,TI1.?00!" "OrE IX THEN" notet," with 12 separate bed"m' " famished. Inquire on the premises. 111-- tf


IK rXDERSIfivnn is ddpd wsrnishtothe Honnlnla .Ki; r..n i .i .

J..v iuj, mC ujwMite terms -

CORAL STONE!HHiKit. t koiia:. - .

"me Mu.-h-, or ik squared, for foundation to,rsr ot t. . i a. - , . . . ..- - "- - "V" " w-- nuianv cms 25'P, withmontt surface, cut out In anr siu in


Ballu.t ror Vrwels.lisrs, SkeeivaUfMa, Ilsrss,kf J. I. DOW SETT. EA X1LA CORDAGE, small sire.' 'Oakum,

Marlio aad Ratlin, sFor sale byCHAS. BREWER, 2n. by

HAWAIIAN REE F- - TlO PLS, WAIMEA PICKLED BEEF,r "a Liverpool and Turks' Island salt, and warranted 61r t years in any climate. For sale by



M Hawaiian Beef, packeil la Turk Island sort, and war--w ue supervision of James Makee, Esq., for sale byCIIA3. BREWER to.



W. A. ALDStCH. l-- tf



- - j kuiisisiiiik oi

Tr Hnnilc.BaJifcncyprloU boles muaiin, aeofnpkte aaaortment blankets;Aipaocaa, pUu.Js. fignm liutrea, Orleans. Brussels caroet:rprt' hliwk ''eskin. velvet roes, blue twilled Bannelloieskta. cotton unihn-IlM- - silk iimin.ii. vi - iTurkrj red haml kerchiefs, cou-- band kerchiefs, reeatta shirti-Fanc- y

shirts, white rtirls, su,erior white shirts, jeaV,,;Mosquito felt hats, an assortment ofclothing fine hiery ;

ReeflnKj.TckiU, pilot coats and browsers, fancv drills:t!5 f'.?,rn hfllan'. ""en cambric handkerchiefs;

S?JJST,B",f COVe' huckab-- " toweling, white drills;'mdapolams,pnry d mesUcs, tine and good white calico.

Sundries.60 tons rice.Casks botUed ale and porter,llhds draught ale,Crates earthenware,Cases fancy liiiicuits.An invoice f Roskili's English watches,0 hn fenciDfr wire,6- small iron safes,2 copying pre?es,Assortetl hjp iron,Assortel round and square iron;20 hoxf-- s IX tin plate?,6 sheetsEnglish whi:c lead, paints and oil.

Also cxpeeted via San Francisco:Serire and ftuinel shirts.Aswrted cloths,

, Corah handkerchiefs.

On IlnndLlvernoi,! and ?t I'bes silt,Knjrlish procerlea, pie fruits,i pickles.E iL'ii-- brown shid.

. Slates and fire bricks,Anchors and chains, .Sa.ldlerr. ete.. eto.

Anda very varied aaaortment of Pry Good and Sundries.XT An invoice of NEW GOOUS is expected shortly f,ora SanFrancisco. . no-t- fl ROBERT C. J mv

TOWN BEEF MARKET.THE U.XDERSICXED5E3 Having opened the Stand for

the purpose of carrying on theli M t - ll t-- r f fl RHaSK.. InKnHi

keeping bis market supplied with the best Bkkf. Pnniftox, SArsaces, and evervthinir ertainmir to the ButcherinitBusiness. Tnaakful for past fcivors, he solicits a continuation of

iiuctsi paimnaee imnerto ixafnw.i .i ,xt-tfu-T invites the public tocall and examine theqnality of thestock he offers f r sale daily at the TOWN MARKET, Klxastreet, opposite J. T. Waterbousc's mununhi Mor.-- .

GEORGE K1SELY,Late of Watildiij.ion Market.. B Families can have their m:irketinr

charge, by fteulio their onltrn to ihe Town Murk of iniff

SOT? 5Si JtX'

SMALL IN VOICE ill' THE A HOVE. B:it.r, iut recvived l:r ' i I'mv Mii,r amisale by lOs-t- ll C. L. QICUARDS & CO.


rraioved to the Stor.-- Uu ly occup.Vd by Ir. Lat!.rop, inQ'leen tftreot. wh-r- e he wiil - supplied withMedicines, , of the lest quality.Family MlK-inc- s and Prescriptions car fiilly propareil.Medicine Chests examined and refitt-- d on e terms.Attendance at the i!ice from 8 a. M. till 6 p. v., on weekdays, and i S to 11 a. h. on Sunday. At other timesat his residence, Union street. 111-- tf

NOTICEHERETir GIVEN, that the nnder-iaTie- .1 has beenappointed Attortv-- in f:u-- t for Mrs. Charlotte Coadv. le

executrix of the last Viil ami Tvt:tmt-u- t of the late RichardCoa1y. deceased, pphale f whkh iil been tTraniel to her

the Supieme Court. The uo.1erine.l is authorize.! to actthe said l'harl.te Coaily. and to execute in her name all

instruments In relation to the Estate of the said Rirhar.l Coady,deceased, an.1 to tran-vtr- t ail business connected with the wind-In- jt

up of his interest In th- - firm ft R. Coady k Co.All persons iiuielKcd to said estate or to the firm "f R. CoadyCo., will plmse make payment cf their arrumu.4 to the under-

signed, aitd- - persons havinr chihm ai:uinst said te or saidof C Coady & Co., Will please present thi-- ft ttlment.

FRED. L. II 4XKS.Honolulu, Aa?. II. 1551. 111-t- f

D ISS0 LUTIO X 0 F CO F RTXI- iistl f F.


hnsinrs-- , crner of Nii'iina and Ouen streets, luts beendissoive-1- . All claims a?iiiit the firi.i, up to the first of last

will lie satinlivl by the undersigned ; and a!f persons ed

to the said firm, are requested to make in.rueoUte pay-ment to U. WII.UEI.M.

Ua.iotoln, Auru--t 0, ISiS. lll-- 3t

ITIorc rVciv Sncltllerv dood !

T II E IXDERSICVED 1 S rSvrt coustanllv receiving e"fii)is t- - his p.f

tork of AM'LKRV at his stand, corner fof Fort and IloT:L !Tr.Et towlncii he if

invite, the aUentiou of ri.j pcoplu of Honolulu and theIlnwaiiao Lktiuls gem-rally-

. lie h jmt rj:eived per Funny

set silver louM-- - Haness. il to u.j olngH-- ;

Svut silver Li.'iil Single Harness;t japanned tingle llaru--ss- .


lt of best plain and herjvy st:i!.-i-- Trta Knneer?.I-h-ll- :s Sis f Hew, warranted Jio. 1; Hair Cinches,aod Boae liuiiry Vhi; making, t"elhT with his

the most eKnpl--t- e assirtuient of tiis in his line everin II luoluln. Coiit- - ntinz h.'inself aith smslt profits, for

sake of quirk he offers exceiS-- nt bttnrains for cash.July 20, 105-l- m R. II. UOUISSOX.



RAWING CARD HOARD, OF SI PE- -rior quaiity.

PortfoH-i- f.K ap and larger sires;Cash ltes, with keys;I'ristoi boards, small and extra large sizes;Quills. Toothpicks;Fal er's superior pelyjrrade Prairinjf Pencil" n in

such b to the lest lymdonM.n.i 'olil Writers;Chil iren's Indestructible Toy Pok;India Rubber Pen Holders a new article;10 urcs "The Medalioii" and "Franklvn" Pens.

l.)S-2- m For stile by II. M WHITNEY.


purchase, can, by calling on theconvince themselves that tf.i.4

flroTer ic Uaker's Fsttnily Machinesto te f refined to every o.h-r- , fir six ?'sl reasons.

15-- Cf G. 1". Jl'DO, A Rent in t!.e Haw.


E.1ST MAUI PL.1JT.1TlOJ",sale by ( Ui-t- f) II. H ACKFELD k Co.

Yor Sale to Arrive !

CUMPLES OF COOPS. EXPRESSLY SE-- 5lected f--r this market, to arrive per VA1)ACE, from

liambure, due here in September, bare ju-- t been receivcl perV VF" MAJOR, via Panama, atal will be offered for sale by

thelersigr-e- to arrive. .. fc CQ.

50 CASES TURNER'S GINGER WINE,nf',11 YAN KEE tor sale by

104-- tf C. L. RICIIARD3 4 CO.

JUST RECEIVED!SM tLL QUANTITY OF PCRE FIXEBKA.N U V, warrantc.1 superior to any in the mantel.

Caaes genuine iJosteUer's bitters. For sale by

5tf J- - C. SPALDING.


and every branch necessary f. an accim- -Navigator, uuclit in tne most niorou-i- i y,


DANIEL SMITH,Resilience, Smith street- -


BRATED COMBIXATIOS n SIIIOS?, all complete. AlsohatHl, extra Cloth, Bails, Cues, W ax, Pockets, - Apply t



ltU--lf C. L. RICHARDS fc CO. TTJL



CPP.RIflR. FIRE AND THIEF PROOFsafes, made by Messrs. Ueuk k Rolicrts, iioeton For sale

t5--tf A. r. EVERETT.


For sale by--tf. CHAS. BREWER, 2.


2061-- tf

KEGS HIDE POISON, .For sale by


For sale by42-t- f A. J. CARTWKIUUT.

HITS LEAD, 2d lb KEGS, : .w For sale byCUA0. BREWER 2d.




10 BARRELS CAROLINA RICEt1 bale cloves;6 bags pepp-- r; .l "ex nutmefnt:

10 boxes corn starch;60 kefrs split peas;10 half bbla currants;

100 half boxes raisins;100 quarter boxes raisins;

. 100 boxes Winchester's 8. W. soap;10 boxes saleratus, (1 lb papers;) A

600 quarter boxes sardines:20 case "St. Cair" and " Upton's" tobaoco 8's, 100 ft eachb cases -- sweet urange cavendish" tobacco 100 tba each;o cases isiumet's "bweet Oranpe" caventlish tobacco 20ft ea

nan 'sixes uoudus renueu loaf suirar;60 half bbls do do crushed sugar;6 No. 4 whalemen's cam booses, with extra copper fixtures;

10 ro. 8 favorite pattern " Rorer Williams" stoves, complete,with pipe and fixtures the best pattern ever imported intoHonolulu for family use. Over 400 stoves have been soldby the subscriber, aud in no case has any complaint beeniiiaiie. e.

10 Xo. 4 stoves of the same nattern.62 dozen 2 B tins oysters best, put up expressly for Honolulu,

" ""m "e sneu witbm ten days or sailing of "Syren.'wais tins oysters;20 dor 1 fb tins trreen corn;20 dna 1 lb tins fresh clams;40 doz 2 ft tins do do;20 dox I lb tins lobsters;80 dns 2 tb tins preserved meats;48 tins smoked herring; .10 doz cans (1 ft) raspberry jam;10 doz cans do strawberries, preserved ;4 doz preserved peachesf(2 Jb cans);8 doz apple pulp, do;

20 dox Verdule olives;' 50 doz 1 lb cans assorted soups;

20 doz 1 tb cans soup ajad boulhr;lOVoz 2lb cans chicken;10 doz 2 Jb cans turkey;20 doz 2 lb cans assorted broths;6 bbls cider vinegar;

80 tins es'ch of butter, wine, soda, oyster and8uirr crackers.

50 dot denim pants;12 doz red flannel shirts; "

10 tioz blue do do;3 doz prey do do;

25 doz each linen drill frocks aud pants;23 doz angola gents' half hose;22 doz do ribbed do;6 cases Vxbridge 4-- 4 white sheetings;5 bales Western State 4-- 4 brown do;5 bales Suffolk extra heavy denims;6 cases Shetucket blue drills;I! bales Pepperel Bro do;5 cases Merrimac two blue prints;2 bales Thorwlyke ticks;2 bales Imperial royal blue flannels,62 pairs heavy 7 lb blankets all wool;2 cases extra fine satin jeans;0 bbls cotton twine, ( 8 aBl1 7 thdS4 cases do do,

100 riding saddles, (complete);10 doz charcoal irons;25 doz heavy handled axes 44 Underbill's";20 bids Wilminjfton pitch;50 m-st-s Iliiiglmm boxes;60 ne-t- s covered buckets;30 doz ainted pails;15 nests (4 in nest) do pulls; '--0 bags shot;

5 cases stout broffnns:400 18, 17 and 1 feet oars;

ftO bolts cotton duck, Xos 1 to 10; .100 ketrs nails.

Wines and Spirit..DO kegs .Mnnongahcta whisky;f0 kegs N. V. rum;M ketrs Am. ricuu brandy;10 cases Baker's bitter;60 cases champaene cider;50 ilr pints Aii-an- ale;W d a do dj porter.

Per 3Iountain WaTe," expected iuSeptember.

800 gallons lioik-- oil;75 riding saddles complete;

2000 h navy bread;.0 h:i!f bbls crushed susrar;

20 half Nixes loaf do;21 tiglith casks American brandy.

Per Youn; ;reek,, expected in August.Ii0 Id. 17 and IS feet oars;

2 oils ea Manila rope, 1. 1 J, 1J, 2, 2J, 24, 2J,3 in.30 bales cotton duck. Xos 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.,64 kps assuirted nails;40 Its Prussian blue paint;10 lbs chromy yellow do:50 fbs chrome green do;10 lbs Vermillion; --10 lbs French blu;60 charcoal irons; i

5 X .. 4 stoves " Roger Williams:"6 bales bops;1 cas-- s hops. 1 lb piers;

100 biiis extra prime pork;2H Oallejo flour;

ll.OtMJ rbs piK bread;23,000 ths t.avv bread;

liM) tins assorted crackers;20 half bbls new butter;2 half bills new apples;

114 small cheeses, in tins;I'M whole boxes rai-dns- ;

2O0 half do do;100 boxes 8. V. soap;

0 casks Zant currants;25 kits Xo. 1 mackerel;

4 caes (20 tba) hoes tablu salt; ...15 cases li ton's half tb tobacco;60 Uixes champagne cider;60 boxes porter pints 100 dor;10 bbls old llHirbon whisky;10 kegs prime Bourbon whisky;2") kegs do do do;30 kegs superior aud extra whisky;10 octaves "Rivi-rr- e" brandy;10 do Pinet Castillon Aj Co." brandy;5 qnarter casks "DuffGonlon" pale sherry;

23 bnli-- gunny ba;;41 doz prey flannel shirts;

0 dox scarlet do do;4 doz blue do do;

30 doz denim pnnts;32 drz denim frocks: ' ,

1;5 bales Amoskeag shcetin; brown;o bal'-- s do drills do;

10 bales Otis denims;7 bales Cordis drills 1--4 brown;1 case Lancaster strijies;1 case Anchor do;5 half bbls hide poison.

17" For sale to arrive, on liberal terms, bylOS-- tf J. C. SPALDING.


MEN'S GRAINED SEA BOOTS,Io Calf iMHits; Men s Kip do; JDo Calf Congress Boots;

Men's Calf pat. leather glove top Congress Boots.Men's Id. cloth tip'd Cong, boots, Ladies' Fr. kid buskins,

I'o calf Oxford ties, Do morocco do,Po calf wide strap shoes, Do. cork soles.Do P. L. wide strap do, Misses' gnat lace lioots,Iio goat gipers. Iio P. L. lace do,Do fancy cancel slippers, Do do buskins,Do cork soles, Do do ankle ties.

Boys' calf boots. Child's do do do.Youth's calf boots, Do Fr. kid ' do do,Boys' calf bro-rans- , Io opera do do,Youths' calf brogans. Do goat lace boots,Ladies' pat. cf. silk Congress, Do morocco do,

Do plain do do, Dc kid do.Do Fr. kid sliptwrs.

Iron and zinc shoe nails, shoe thread, pegs, etc.109-- tf J. n WOOD!

CofTee I'lantntioii lor Sale !THE CELEBRATED


Is offered for sale. The Land of the Plantation comprises upwards of 1 030 Arrrm and has upon it 50.000 C tier-Troc-

The land is well adapted to the cultivation of sugsrmine. The estate is unenciunbered, and will be sold by FeeSimple Title. For full particulars and terms of sale, Inquire of

10S- -tf B. W. FIELD.


1 i wans, the other 4 rooms, pleasantly and retiredly situated on the lane running between the old French prem

ises and B. Pitman's residence on Beretama street, ror terms,annlvto J. W. PFLLGER,

110-- tf At n. Hack fcld & Co's.


Zimi paint, Paris green, chrome green;Vefligris, kegs enitian red.

French yellow, chrome yellow in Oil,.Prussian blue, putty,ke chalk and whiting.itMiiled oil, 2d quality do.and kukul nil, turpentine.

110-2- ra For sale by II. DIM'.' NOTICE.IE UN MilSIGNED INTENDS LEAV- -ing the Ki i n on or about the first of January uext, and

notifies all per v m laving claims against him to present themon or before the rt V.f November, 135. Thankful flir the manyr.vnr. h. has re. V l at the hands of the nubile of Honolulu, hewould respectful"-- Jveommend his brother, S. H. BEATfY, whohas purchamsL-- ' nterest In the "TOWX MARKET," for aitiare OI ineir lioerm

Honolulu, July 31, lS5s. 110-l- m L. F. BEATTY.


CIASE! egs Comioeition Nails, assorted sizes. For sale by


signet ive this Kingilom. llius. v. runsiin.Wailuki. y 10, 185.100-3- t


his AlJi:T10i BUSIJ ESS to the New Store on Queen"Janlon's Block." A. P. EVERETT,

Honolulu, July 14, 1858. 107-- tf Auctioneer.

GENEALOGICAL TREE.I7ST RECEIVED THE ucibaiarui'cal Tree of our Savior drawn and Utboirrapbei by W m

Maur BiDghamt For sale by107-- tf H. M. WHITNEY.


CONSIDERED AS INDISPENSABLE ASJ a pocket knife. For sale by

10ft-2- m M. WHITNEY.


104-- tf C. h. RICHARDS k CO.

COZZENS' PALE SHERRY.PALE SHERRY The flneat wlneeverCOZZENS' . -sale by v

j04--tr jl.. sivossva m w





New Fire-pro- of Store on the Wharf,OPPOSITE MAKEE AND ANTHOX's BLOCK.



sortment. Also, per late arrivals, a large quantity ofCheap Smldlrt.

' Cheap Bridle,Whips.

Saddlery Fixings, includ Jig whole Hides, Enameled Leather, and.. furniture ror carnages.

Silk Umbrellas, Linen Handkerchiefs, '

20 cases blue Cottons,Bales heavy Denims, Blankets,Hollow Ware,35 cases Calf Brogans, Kip Brogans, Boots,A good variety of English Shirts, Blue Shirts,Hats of various styles,Printa, new patterns.Steamboat Irons, Collins' Axes,Silk Handkerchiefs, colored and black,Pilot Coats, fine Kersey Pants,White Linen Pants, Moleskin Pants,Cheap Pants, Satinet Pants, Hickory Shirts,Hosiery, Drawers and Cnder3hirts,Cotton Umbrellas,Black Lace Falls,Silk Velvet, Kiblions. black Silk Hdkfs,Cambric Handkerchiefs,Three-hoo- p Pails,Brown Cottons, brown Drills, blue Drills,Willow Wagons and Basket Ware,Victoria Lawns, Sewing Cotton, CutltTy,

And n very Larice Vnriefy C Other Goods,107-- tf JOHN THOMAS WATERH0USE.


JTL New Kouks by Express from New York and San Fran-cisco by every regular jiaoket. Ify the next packet he will receive the following, all new bwks :

lr. Livingston's Travels and Researches ia South Africa, illustrated $4 60.

Poets of the 19th Century, 132 engravings, richly bound, 4toS3 60.

Atkinson's Sven Years in Siberia and Tartary 5.Isaac Taylor's World of Mind, lino $1 75.Scenes of Clerical Lit' Mug the Sad Fortunes of Rev. Amos

Barton, (original! v published in Blaekwood.y 75c., paper cover.Debit and Credit ; by Dr. Bunsen $ 1 75.European Acquaintance lieing Sketches of People in Eu

rope 1 50.Mrs. Si journey's ' Lucy Howard " $1 60.The Hasheesh Eater Ixring passages in the Life of a Pytha- -

gortan $1 J.The Happy Home; by Kirvran $1.History of't'ne Oiigiu of the L". S. Constitution;, by Goo. W.

Curtis 14.Hvdes's and Ferris' Mormonism SI 75. ,tt'aliforuia and its Resources, illustrated $3 25. SsMrs. Hale's Receipt (uew and enlarge.! edition.) !?Z.M iss Ijeslie's New Cook Book, (new and enlarged edition.) $2.I0J-- 2t 11- - M. 1I1TXE.

NEW GOODS!flST RECEIVED FROM BOSTOy,3YJF the MiCLiTA, consisting In part or

Sheet zinc, Sheet lead.Hay rakes, Hay forks,Heavy log chaius, Scythes and snathes,Wool cards. Garden spades,Planters' hoes, Garden hoes,Sah cord. I. R. curry combs,Picture cor.l, Eaglt plows,Shoe tlireail. Safety fuse,- -

Wire rat traps. Wire cloth,Finishing nails. Plumbs and levels,Whitewash brushes, Sash Hot brushes,Braces and bits, C 8. razors,C. S. auger bit-i- Row pius.Gimlet wrews, Steel yards.Chopping trays, Carvers anil forks,Horse rasps. r.ullet moulds,Heavy hinges, C. S. handled axes,Mallets, Etc etc., etc.

107-6- U. For sale by W. X. LADD.

New Coeds, ex Bark " Melit.!."TXS. CODFISH; KITS NO. I MACKEREL;M--W Kits cod tongues,

Cases lard, in tin?, 10 lbs each,Corn meal, in tins.Ground rice, in tins,Carolina rice, in bbls, 'Boston sin. iked hams.Crushed sugar.Loaf suirar,Water crackers,Butter do.Sola do.Oyster do.Milk biscuits,Ginger snaps, j''Jumbles,Dried apples.

107-- tf At S. SAYIDGE'3.


BY LATE ARRIVALSRECEIVED ruled cap pajier,00 reams Who unruietl cap paper,20 reams wbite and blue ruled paper,

150 reams assorted qualities blue ruled letter paper,100 reams assorted qualities white ruled letter pajer,60 reams white, blue and plain note pajier.

also125 reams various qualities this French, English and Amer-

ican letter and fiatcap iftei-s-.

For stile cheap by6-- tf H. M. WniTNEY.

ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.TO AN ORDER MADE BYPURSirANT L. Austin, Circuit Judge, third Judicial Dis-

trict, at a Probate Court Hilo on the 0th inst., I herebygive notice to all whom it may concern that on Tuesday, the31st day of August. 15S, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., I shallsell I y public auction to the highest bidder therefor, on the prem-ises, a ten acre lot of land situate on Puueo, Hilo, Hawaii, to-

gether with the Improvements thereon, it g a part and par-cel of the Real Estate to Henry Brown, late of Wai-me- a,

deceased, into3tate. Further particulars at the time ofsale. LOCI3 A. PAVIE,

Hilo, July "th, 135S. 107-- 7t Administrator.


COADY, on the ISth Juue.lS&S, the business ofthe firm of R. COADY CO. will hebroueht to a close as speed-ily as possible, and the name of the firm will henceforth he usedonly in carrying out existing contracts, completing, unfinishedbusiness, and winding up the transactions of the firm.


(Bv his Attorney, Frederic L. Hasks,)Surviving Partners of the firm of R. COADY k CO.

Honolulu, J uly JO, 1 859. lOS-U-anl


UrilIARLES HEIDSIECK & CO." The bestWine ever drank on these Islands. For sale by

108-- tf C. L. RICHARDS & CO.


108-- tf GEO. C. MCLEAN'S STORE, Nuuanu st.


T T bon Whisky A few dozen of this superior whisky forsale by 104--tf C. L. RICHARDS k CO.

BOURBON AND MAGNOLIA WHISKY.BOURBON AND MAGNOLIAOLD in packages, inlioiiii or duty paid, for sale by

104--tf . C. L. RICHARDS & CO.


UUANU STREET, ABOVE TIIE COR--N ner of Hotel street, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands.ITT Lunch at all hours Meals 25 cents.9"--tf R- - V. SPEIDEN, Proprietor.

AU DE COLOGNE, iu chant, bottles, do eight-co- r-

Mid ner bottles, Lubin's extract, Florida Water, LavenderWater, Pomatum, etc, etc.

For sale byII. HACKFELD.


Half boxes Raisins,Jujube Paste. For sale by

60-- tf T. M0S3MAN At SON.


FLOORING.irELLOW PINE 1 1- -4, AND SPRUCE7-- 8M Tongued and grooved Flooring, per "Eliza k Ella.

86--tf C. 11. LEWEKS.

BRANDY.SAZERAC AND MARTELLOLD in bond or duty paid lor sale by

104-- tf 0. L. RICHARDS k CO

REMOVAL.UNDERSIGNED HAVE REMOVEDTHE Anthon's fire-pro- of building, up stairs, over

the store of W. A, Aldrich.lon--tr C. A. k H. T. POOR.

i RED WOOD. --.IOTl LOT OF BOARDS mmASUPE" tor sale by , .

'- '- B. tKWTCRS. -- 87- -f .......v.; .c: V ' CATENT SPRING BEDS Made to order byP .- .- CHAS. W. FOX, Cabinet Maker, Hotel street.

c :

FOR III LO, 'Touching at Lahaina and all Inteone.

diate Ports,TllK A 1 CUPPER SCHOONER . V

Xilioliho. Capt. Lovett.Will ply regularly between the above porta, sailing on Fri--y, A agaat 20, at 4 o'clock, P. M.For freight or passage apply to A. HARRIS k CO..112-- lt : ... Or the Captain on board.


Golden Eagle,1120 tons Register, Captain E. HARDING, will sail for NewBedford with dispatch. Captain Harding- la an experiencedwhaling captain, and Shippers of Oil may rely npon the beat ofcare being bestowed on such as may be chipped. The ship laprovided with a force pump and hose to wet oil.

This ship will be followed by the Ships A NC LO SAXON,M A RV ROBINSON and GLADIATOR.

For freight or passage apply toHonolulu, July 22, 1858. 108-- tf P. C. WATERMAN k CO.



Flying Eagle,- 1094 Tons, Captain JOHN W. BATES,Will have dispatch for New Ytrfc. For freight or passage

apply to (108-- tf- R. COADY k CO

,XJ A INTShips of Oood Capacity

CAS OBTAIN SReturn Cargoes, or Advantaireous



rwiO NEW YORK OR ANY OTHER PORTin the United States, that maybe agreed on. Moorings

to be provided, and the Guano brought within reach of ships'tackles by the Agent on the Island.

For further particulars, freight or charter, apply to the undersigned, at his Office, corner of Fort and Merchant streets, Honolulu. G. P. JUDD,

Agent of the AMERICAN GCANO COMPANY.Honolulu, March 1, 1858. 83-- tf

SANDWICH ISLANDTBm A w - e- rsrt x


FIRST CLASS SHIPS "Will lie despatched quarterly from Commercial Wharf.

Boston, In the months of March. Mat or June.arpirinorr nun urrrmurntor further particulars see special advertisements in daily

paiers or tne aoove montns.For freight or passage to, or drafts on Honolulu, apply to

HEXRY A. PIERCE,Sandwich Island Packet Office,

6Commercial Wharf, Boston,or to B. W FIELD,

Honolulu, 1.' , AGENTS.

P.. W. Field, - - - ' - Honolulu.Sutton & Co. - - - New York.Cook At Snow, - - - - New Bedford.


Freeman &-Co- 's

TREASURE, FREIGHT, PACKAGE & LETTER23 ZS1 3T 272. ESS,On the 5th and 20th or each Month,'

TO ALL PARTS OF TIIEryX United Stales, Sonth America.Canada and Euispc,


GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION FORand insured on Open Policies, held from the best

Insurance Companies iu New lurk and London.Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded Semi-monthl- y, via

Panama and Nicaragua, in charge of Special Messengers.A Secial Express is made up by us for Panama, Catlao, Lima,

V alparuiso, and all the principal ports of the west coast of SouthAmerica, which is promptly forwarded by the English Steamersleaving Panama on the 14th and zsHh of each month.

XT Collections made, and all orders pertainiugtoa legitimateForwarding and Express business, attended to with dispatch.

Principal OfliccH.A. P. EVERETT, - - - - Honolulu,124 Montgomery'street, San Francisco,

93-- tf

WLliLS, FAKOO &. CO.'S4- - ,Ss '


AXD SAX FRAXCISCO.For the sjieedy and safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let

ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of the

UNITED STATES, CANADA AND EUROPEThe Agents at Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange in sums to suit

on Wells, Fargo & Co., San Francisco or New lork. AlsoWells, iargo it Co.'s franked U. S. Government envelopes,which pass free 'over the California and coast routes, and overthe Atlantic route from San Francisco to New tork.

Commissions and collections promptly attended to.Oct. 1. 1 356-t- r. R. COADY & CO.. Agents

It. F. SAOWo FFERS FOR SALE, in lots to suit purchasers, at

the lowest prices, tne following merchandise :

Dry Goods.Grey merino shirts. Corah Handkerchiefs,Damask table covers. White ami grey merino draw'rsBrown cotton drawers, Check linen shirts,White " Calico "Red flaunel " White L B shirts'.Brown drill, Blue flannel shirts,W omen's white cotton hose, Brown cotton,Embroidered under-sleeve- s, Black and brown felt hats.Guayaquil hats, White blankets.Silk velvet. Colored India satin,Navy caps, with oil silk covers, White linen handkerchiefs.

Boots and Slior.Goat buskins. Calf Congress boots,Ladies' bootees. En'md leather Congress boots.

Grocerieu.Lemon syrup, Assorted pickles, half gals,Tomato catsup, Gherkins, half gals.No. 1 soap, blacking, cloves. Fine cut toliacco, in tin foil.

Superior Black Tea.Water and butter crackers, Soda, oyster and rugar crackers,

NaTnl Stores.Chain cables, Russia cordage, assorted sizes,Manila whale line, Manila cordage, ajsorteu sizes,Sail needles, Cut nails, lanterne, mPaint oil, turpentine, I'omposition nans.Pure and extra white lead, Copper boat nails.

Sundries.Boiler iron. Yerdigris,Grocers' scales. Table spoons,Iron bedsteads, 1 French bedstead,Solar side lamps Office clocks,lather trunks, Cherry boards,Crowbars, Jute mats,Pocket knives, Wrapping paper,

t ....... ......Rasps,Cork Screws, Hammers,Curry combs, Pad Locks,Prab office chairs, Xos 1 and 2 solar lttmp chimneysCoach wrenches. Sheath knives,Walnut cane seat chairs, Sheaths and belts.Hinguam buckets, grindstones, Red, white and blue bunting,S ner and Polar a)il. &C &c.

1 Brown's Whalinz Gun and Irons.India Rnbber Hose, hf inch aud 1 inch.

Bras Iloe Pipca, Lead Pipe." &c, &c. 93-t- f


LODGE. No. 124. under the jurisdiction of the feuprenie Council of the Grand Central Lodge of France,working in the ancient Scotch Rite, holds its regular

meetinim oi the Wednesday nearest tne tun moon oi eacnmonth, at the old Lodge Room, in King street.

TT t tailing oreuiren resiwcuuiiy iuviiei n wwiim.August 18. 60-- tf H. SEA, Secretary

NOTICE.I pointed Guardiaus of the person and property ol WILLIAM

C. LUX A LI LO, sou of Charles Kanaina. of Honolulu, herebygive notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediatenavment : and all oersons having claims against the same, arehereby requested to present the same to J. W. AUSTIX, Honolulu. W. Al STIX.

v, R. ARMSTROXG,Fob. 22, 1858. 87-- tf - C. KANAINA.


JL the person and property of WILLIAM C. LUXALILO,son of C. Kanaina. of Honolulu, hereby forbid any person trusting the said W. C Lunalilo, as from this date we shall pay nodebts contracted ny aim. n"'-'- .

R. ARMSTROXG,Feb. 22. 185S. 87-- tf


NOTICE.rmMIE UNDERSIGNED BEING ABOUT TOI leave the kimrdom. offers for sale the premises now occu

rred bv himself, known as the 'Commercial Hotel.including the Stables adjoining. Also, all the fixtures of theHotel, embracing everything requsite for the successful conducting of the hotel business, consisting or one superior miiiaraTable, In Bret rate oruer, oar nxiures, eic.


Tkr fj-nt-f or the Lot on the corner of Nuuanu andBeretania streets, known as the " Circus Lot," and the Lease ofthe "Nuuanu Baths."


One Soda Machine, with bottling apparatus complete.H. MACFARLA.NE.

Honolulu, April 22, 1858. 95-t- f- ;


deavored to over-leas- a certain house In this town, now occu-pied by soother party. I proclaim it to be false and a base fab-

rication ? in proof or which I would respectfully refer, by per-

mission," to Messrs. Joan Montgomery and T. C. Heuck, who arethe only parties able to negotiate tor the above premises. '

At the leanest of Mr. E. Burgess, we heroby declare, that thecourse pursued by him In reference to the above matter has beentrietly just and honorable; - ' " JOHN MONTGOMERY,

May 31, 1868. . 101-o- m - ji

A. CHAINS, for sale at the lowest mafANCHORS 31.1-t- f BOBRRT CJAKI0N.

.e- -



Lease of Premises on Manna Kea St.AT AUCTION!

SATURDAY, AUG. 2 1, AT 12 O'CLOCK, M- WiU be sold

The Lease for about Four and a half YeanOf the buildings, etc., on the east side of MaunaKea street,

second building from King street, lately occupied aa a Doctor'sShop.

Merchandise ! Merchandise !TUESDAY, AUG. 24, AT lO O'CLOCK, A.M.

At Sales Room, wiil be toldDry Goods, Clothing,

Groceries, Hardware,Furniture, and genera', radse.

Real Estate in Honolulu at Auction !

THURSDAY, Angast 86, at 1 2 O'Cloek, MOn the premises, will be sold that Tenement on the north side

of Beretania street, in Honolulu, next adjoining to Webster'sLivery Stable, with three commodious and substantial DWELL-ING HOUSES thereon, one ot which has a slated roof; held infee simple.

Sale of Valuable Real Estate.SATURDAY, AUG. 28, AT 12 O'CLOCK, M

Will be sold at public auction, by virtue of an Order from tbaSupreme Court, on the premises, those valuable premises situ-ated on Punchbowl street, Honolulu, adjoining the premises ofW"liam Kinney, known as the

Kaaawni Premises tThe lot consists of about 12.000 feet, and measures 165 feet fronton Punchbowl street, and 80 feet In depth. There is a commo-dious house on the premises, containing six rooms, and a largecoral basement. The lot is capable of great improvement. Ti-tle fee simple, and terms made known at time of sale.

W. H. KAAUWAT,Guanlian ofG. Kaauwal.

For further particulars apply to J. W. AUSTIN.Or to A. P. EVERETT,


Honolulu, July 30, 1858. Auctioneer.

Pleasant Valley Residence for Sale.

WILL RE SOLD. IF APPLIED FOR SOON,pleasant Cottage, situated in Nuuanu Valley, now

occupied by Capt. J. Col ins, opposite the residence of Dr. G.P. Judd.

This cottage was built two years since, of the best materials,and finished inside and out in the best manner, and contains

The Parlor 14x24 feet;Two Bed Rooms, 14x16 feet;One Bed Room 12x18 feet.

Also Dining room, pantry, kitchen, servants' rooms, stableandcarriage house, and an abundant supply of good water.

The lot contains one acre, and title f-- simple.The premises can be examine 1 at any time, npon application

to Captain Collins, and for particulars apply to film or101-- tf A. P. EVERETT.


E. O. nail offers for Sale:HARDWARE, &c. DRY GOODS, Ace.

axes; 'Ruches, fine riblxms ;Axe hatchets, shingling do; 'Ladies', infants', children's.C. S. shovels, epades, hoes; boys' and misses' assortedRakes, manure forks, bog hoes; j hats;Three-tine- d hay-fork- s; ;Brown and white table damask:Tea kettles, sauce pans; Assorted table napkins;Baled kettles, iron pots; Assorted fruit napkins;Nests tin trunks and pails; White flannel, crash;Pins, plated forks, with ivory Linen toweling, liackabuck;

handled knives to match: Spat lace, black fringe;Sewing birds, drawing pencils; (Black bombazine;India rubber hair pins; 'Satin ribbons, elastic do;Fishhooks, pearl buttons; Brown and black tafeta ribbons;Perforated hoard, buggy lamps;-Velve- ribbons, black crape;Assorted planes, dog collars; Serpentine braid, tapes;Putty knives, peg cutters, .Mohair mits, Italian silk;Assorted tea trays; Embroidered collars;Whips and whip lashes; j.Men's fine half hose;Feather dusters, jacket lamps; Men's riding gloves; ,Whitewash, flour, dust, paint Black worsted, wire ribbon;

and shoe brushes; Jlickory shirts, denim;Sail twine, box graters; ,1 and 2 bushel bags;Ruled fuvlscap and bill paper; Heavy ticking, brown drills;Augur bits, chopping knives; Brown cottons, wicking;

log and trace chains; Blue cottons, piping cord;Dogchains, cow and sheep bells; Blue and whtie thread;Sash rollers, iron, brass and Tidy cotton, woolen carpeting;

copper wire, mallets; Boot webbing, silk umbrellas.uencn ana nana screws; Etc., etc., etc.Brad awls, padlocks;Door and chest locks, assorted;!, eveGimp tacks, rivets; .Tierces Carolina rice;Pocket knives, assorted screws; Nutmegs, curry powder;SU.te pencils, steelyards; Assorted candy ;Board measures, rules, rifles; Oyster and milk crackers;Swede's iron, round iron ; Crushed sugar, A 1.Crowbars, pickaxes, hammers;Shears and scissor; BOOTS AND SHOES.100 kegs nails, saws; Ladies' Congress gaiters, silkRiveting hammers; kid;Eagle plows, No. 2; Do buskins and slippers;Eagle plows, No. 20; Do calf do, thick sole;Horse plows, side hill plows, Do India rubbers,childs doHarrows, hayrakes, cradles; Do . goat bootees;Ox bows and yokes; Men's calf Oxford ties;Cattle leaders and bull rings; Do goat slippers;Guarded lanterns, lamps; Do kip boots, thick sole;Solar lamps and extra globes; Do calf do do do;S Harchimneys. hanging lamps; Do calf do thin sole;Plated castors and extra bottles;; Misses' and child's ass'd boots,Tubs, pails, buckets, trunks; sqpes and buskins. .C. S. and W. 8. rocking chairs;'V. . chairs, looking glasses; M ISCEL. A RT ICLES.Single and double high-po- st Zinc paint, pure lead, and sun

bedsteads. 99-- tf dries too numerous to mention


W market rates a large assortment of Goods, recently received from SaaFranciacemd Liverpool, Among themare

DRY GOODS.Brown cottons.

White cottons, shirtings.White cotton drill, madapolams.

Fancy drill, printed cords, two-bl- prints.Furniture prints, brown drilling, regatta shirts.

Fancy shirts, white shirts, linen fittings, hickory shirts.White, colored and fancy striped cotton undershirts, la stings.Merino undershirts, children s socks, white and red flannel,White blankets, large assm't of linen drills, French merino,Duck and trowsenngs, superfine broadcloth, medium do do.Embroidered alpacas, embroidered Orleans silk, poncho cloth,

Embr'd cloth ponchos, monkey jackets, Kusseli cord coats,Tweed and other trowsers, women's shoes, assorted,

Slen's shoes, ladies' shoes, crape shawls,Linen camb. hdkfs, silk neckties.

Felt hats (assrtd), cord,Duck trowsers.

Ladies' riding hats, blue flannel jackets, linen drill pants, ke.

GROCERIES.English pie fruits, pickles, sauces, black pepper, white pepper,Ginger, cinnamon, mace, cloves, oatmeal, table salt, sardines,Capers,-drie- herbs, London malt vinegar, English brown soap,

S.C., Ate, etc

HARDWARE.Sheet lead, assorted English files, -

Assorted hollow ware, sheathing nails,Garden chairs, bronze hat stands, cook's ladles,

nandsaws, saw sets, assorted corkscrews.Table knives, forks, carvers, and steels,

Ch'.nt locks, barrel bolts, try pans, anvils.Iron wheelbarrows, tin plates,

Hoop iron, assorted iron, screw wool press,Garden rollers, iron field gates, hand gates,

Burnished bits, sail needles.puniptacks,clectro-plate- d ware, forks, spoons.

Anchors and Chains.LIQUORS

Bottled ale (a first rate article), brandy, gin, draught ale, claret.Old Tom, hock, crabapple cider, sherry wine, champagne, etc.

SHIP CHANDLERY AND SUNDRIES.Fire bricks, blue and white; saddles, bridles, belts, dairy salt;Liverpool pickling salt, St. I'bes packing salt, pipes;Blaok, yellow and green paint, hemp rope, Manila rope;Hemp canvas, osnrtbunr, strong wide bagging, wool hags;Blacksmith's coal, carriage and other varnishes.

EARTHENWARE.Yellow nappies, table sets, chamber sets, tea sets, bowls, asstd;Dinner plates, soup plates, o men plates, oat dishes, mugssvMetal covered jugs and pitchers, etc., etc.


SHIRTS! SHIRTS!TUST RECEIVED PER FANNY MAJOR9 idirect from the Manufacturer in New York, a small invoice

of Davies k Jones celebrated patented shoulder seam and threeply collar shirts . They are selected so that we can fit almostany size, and afford to sell them 20 per cent less than former

.prices, it warns uul a nit. l-- u. luu du" -

ority in every respect over any others in the market at present.. ..1CA. J LAJ A fl tAJirDE.lilj,

100-- tf Tailors, cor. King k Fort St.

WHALING GUNS.C. BRAND'S WHALING GUNS, Noa.c. and 2.C. C. Brand's Bomb Lances, No. 1;

Do do do - do No. 2.Greener's Whaling Guns;

Do Lances and Harpoons.84-- tf For sale by A. J. CARTWRIGHT.


New English Stud and Shackle Chain Cables, 1 to 1 inch J84-- tf tor sale Dy a. j. lAiuntiiuin.


UST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRAX--J Cisco, and for sale by J-- tfi J. W. FIELD.

OLD JAMAICA RUM!XD CHAMPAGNE I Assorted brands for sale at

Store of (94-- tf B. W. FIELD.

)KR RADl'GA. GLASS GLOBES, for fish, goingJL fast;

BED PANS, a new article, and great improvement.For sale by

38--tf . . ' O. P. JUDD.

LARGE LOOKING GLASSES, with giltTWO and marble plate, fur saloons, common LookingGlasses, with do do, for tables, cut-gla- ss Tumblers and Gobblets

For sale by62--tf . H. HACKFELD A CO.

FIREWOOD. '8 A CORD for good Fire Wood, on the landing,

near the Custom House. --Apply to77-- tf C. A. A H. 1 POOR.



Forss T

1 . EAD PIPE Aborted stses tor aale byJLd S7- -f - W. Mm' I 1,



School and Missellaatra Cioks!


At T O'clockAt the Salesroom of J. F. Colbura, will be sold, a lane and

elegant collection of Books Pictures and Miscellaneous Articles.Among the ooBection wffl be found marry caoioe Library Works.

Via:Sir Walter Scott's Waverly Novels 12 vols.Miss Edgeworth's Family Tales 19 vols.American Encyclopedia IS vols. .

Pickens' Works 11 "ota.Abbott's NapoMOn vols.

And many othars, a compleU list of which win bs faond ia CU-togtie- a,

to be had at the Aaction Room on Bstarday moroiDg.XT Luck at 9 o'clock. .

Dry Goods, Hollow Were, 6e.ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST f ft.

At lO O'Cloek, A. MeAt the Store of Messrs. Slelchera V Co.,

Will be sold, to close consignments, --

Dry Goods,sitks, .


Hollow Wsre,Graekery Ware,

And a variety of choice merchandise.

Valuable Property for Sale.SATURDAY, SEPT. 4, AT 12 O'CLOCK, Mm

Will be sold at public auction, on the premises, those valuablepremises situated at the earner of Beretania and Garden street,,Honolulu, well known as the

OA-trtox-r Fremlaefli IThe lot consists of about 13,000 feet, and measures M teat an '

Beretania street, and 13 feet on Garden street. There Is alarge house on the place, containing seven rooms, with out-buildings, water right, etc The lot is capable of treat improve-ment. Title fee simple. Terms made known at time of sale.

For further particulars apply to J. W. AUSTIN,Administrator of the Estate of Stephen Reynolds,

Or to J. 9. COLBUBN,Auctioneer.




Adams' Imperial Potrcr Press,AND A



XrintIn.B aiateria.1,INCLUDING

The Best Assortment of Plaia and FanerCards ever imported,


seoi, --sol dipnasiC 3NT T Z 3M Or










Will be executed promptly, in a superior manner, and at reason

able prices.

(Cr Orders, by mail or otherwise, will receive immediate atten-


XT Address Henry M. Whitney, Honolulu. Oabu. OT-- tf


THEit Ella, from Boston, the following lata publications,by Mr. Jar res. formerly of Honolulu t

KIANA, a Tale of Hawaii.This work is founded on one of the ancient traditions of the

Hawaiians, and illustrates their ancient customs and habits. Itis dedicated by the Author to His Majesty Kamehameba IV.

CONFESSIONS OF AN INQUIRER ; or, Whyand What Am I? By J. J. Jarves.

"This is a return ot life experiences in the spheres of theaffections, art and religion. Whatever judgment may be formedof the author's philosophy of life, no one will question the frankness of his confessions. The aesenptivs ponton or society anamanners in Polynesia, witn particular reference so tue rrmquestion of the capacity of the Indian and Negro races for Civili-zation and Christianity, is of particular interest." CrrAanjr.

ART HINTS, on Architecture, Sculpture andPainting By J. J. Jarre-i- .

" America has at last produced a writer what "sy help to edu-cate her In art, guide her infant steps, and to point out the pit-falls that surround the pilgrim of art." London Athtneum.PARISIAN SIGHTS AND FRENCH PRINCI-

PLES By J. J. Jarves. 1st and 2d series.u Without question, one of the raciest books ever written on

Parisian life and manners." Bolt oh Pont.ITALIAN SIGHTS AND PAPAL PRINCI-

PLES with numerous illuBtrations By . J.J. Jarves.The sketches of which this volume is composed, are not only

spirited but informing. They furnish an impressive idea of thegrandeur and the glory and the degradation and shame of mod-ern Italy." Home Journal-- .

" '

87-- tf For sale by H. M. WHITNEY.

OYSTERS.BEST BRANDS OF CHESAPKAKKTIIE constantly on hand, vis t F -- ui, BiKia Co's .

and LeBarn's. LeBrun's are warranted erior to any In For sale by (81-t- fl C. A. II. . POOR.


NOTICE.PERSONS IIAVhXG DEMANDS,ALL me. will please present them for settlement Imme

diately ; and those indebted are requested to call and settle, or '

their accounts will be lea with an attorney ror collection. .

XT The subscriber hereby rivet notice that bs will pay nodebts contracted without his written order.

- H. MACFAKLAHB.Honolulu, April 20, 1858, 06-- tf .

NOTICE.UNDERSIGNED Intends leaving tMi kingdomTHE and will be glad to receive all bills against him ; '

also he requests that those who are Indebted to him either per-- '

sonallv. or as the Agent of the Hudson's Bay Company, willsettle their debts immediately at his office, because ia default of .

paymect such bills will be sued for.(signeaj nuB&Bt vwmivr.

Honolulu, May, 1868. 98--tf


mjOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THEIN Mystic Emblem of the Ancient and Honorable Order of"EC. V." has been received per bark Yankee, and the under-signed has been duly appointed G. D. K C. V., fat the parraseof forminff a branch of the G. M. C. in Honolulu. - Resident andtransient brothers will please report themselves en or before the21 W. of the 4th D. E C. V., so as to be invested with the E. ofour A. and H. Order, K. J. SMITH, King street,

5--tf M. W. D. Q. E C. V., of Hoaotalu. H. I. -


UNDERSIGNED BEG TO INFORMTHE public that they will open a MAaarr on the 1st of Julyproximo, at the Country Residence of Mr. P. M ACT XI. Nuuanustreet, where st all times will be found a choice selection of ratsacboceribs, at as low rates as can be procured at any store iatown. Also, assr, fork, mcttok, SACSAGss, tc.. la feet, eve-

rything usually found in a well appointed country store.104-- a huij m MAinmi.

DR. PUNUUE, CHINESE PHYSICIAN,TO NOTIFY THOSE RESIDENTSBEGS who have In their employ Chinamen addicted -

to the practice of Opium Smoking, that he caa break theas of .

this pernicious habit, after a fortnight's treatment.XT Apply at bis office, Mauna km street, opposite uotei

street. 101-- ly

rilHE UNDERSIGNED, being about to leave thisJL kingdom for a few months, has appointed bocaas W.

Everett. Esq.. as his Agent. r special Power of Attorney t andall persons are hereby forbidden to trust any other ea la myname, either man, woman child.

r.n.iasAiai.Lahaina, Dec, g, 185'. TT-I- y

NOTICE.rrruiE undersigned will hot bjeJL oeive Deposits in the Custom Boom Vault, solder existingMnhtmnL after thia dr. All articles oa nepooK at this date

can remain until it is convenient so luuwva thesa.- W. eOODALK,

Honolulu, July 1, 1858. floa-t- f OoL Cant of OnstoBis

NOTICE. ..,.-:-"- ,-

SAVIDGK BEGS TO INrOOTT HISs. friend, aa a mutual proteattoa, he will not o-- .tur any ,mil tn Chinaao or Native servanta. aassss they aL t brine

the money, a written order, or s passage aoofc. Kay 1. 1J tf "

NOTICE ', -.

TfS -- rr:"T GIVEN, that I hava arpotuted Mr,Jl j - A. h.iMJ as Agent, ru Power f Attorn sy2"

March la, ISM. ttf 111--

fin VtXmXZVZZCO I tan






Page 4: Adver-isemen- WW 111 · THE PACIFIC nCRC'IAL ADVERTISER, UhprBffrrTlirwtay Msrnln.nt Six A l'rU i A4raaee. to fweisn countries will be $7 per nnnm, rers the American T expense of

THE PACIFIC- Commercial Advertiser,

UWr asset Plaatat .AL. Editor ; In reading a new work, entitled

" Brazil and the Brazilians," I haTe met with roanjparagraphs, containing facts and suggestions, whichmay be rendered useful to farmers and agriculturistsupon our elands. The question of labor is second tonone. The project of introducing colonists for labor-er-a

front Europe, appears to hare been successful!carried ont in Brazil. Allow me to call your attention to the paragraphs upon this subject, and

wjriuj, ptese give tnem a place in yourjournal. Yours truly,

- A RfcADEK.

" ne tnorn'ng after my smval atUmeira, accompanied by Dr. , I went to the Fa- -senda de Tbecaba. the elantatinn nf th TrtmimIt was a clear and lovely day, and we rode along un--

r mo rc3waj or lorest-Tree- s, many or them cladwith the most curious epiphytes and orchidaceousplants. From time to time the doctor would nointout soma very remarkable subjects of this portion offlora's kingdom, and delineate thrirnwnHanrlH or, A

qnauties as only one can whose heart is bound up inbesAtiea of Nature. We halted in an open space,

ad my companion indicated with his finger one ofthe common palms of this region. .In the tree itselfthere was nothing to render it worthy of attentionabove its fellows to those accofitomrdIbrtn; but there was an accidental interest given to itwhich called forth the doctor's enthusiastic admira-tion. He was not only a thoroughly-educate- d botan-ist and mineralogist, but was an amateur ornitholo-gist, and loved to watch every trait of the gaudy andDrtuiant birds of Brazil. From the tufted crown ofthe palm there hang twenty nests of the Urge oriolecalled the Ifuaih ; and the feithery inhabitants of I

this swinging town were hoTering around and chat-- I

tering like " children jtrt let loose from school." The j

doctor informed me that, though so manv leaea intervened tetween Limeira and the sea-coa-st, he wouldcause the tree to be carefully cut down, sawed intoeeciions, anu trunK, top. anl nest transported toSantos, and there shipped for PbiLide'phia. Its dos- - !

tiny, after it arrived at I ha City of Br.therly Love, i

was to b the Academy of Nitaril Sciences. The j

t would also be sent, with several specimens ofthe IfvasfL This whole project, however, was to be !

coupiea witn one condition, which was a sina quanon ; i. e. the Directors of the tVi.l Academy of Nat-ural Sciences were to re-ere-ct the pilm-tre- e, with itslong ts, in the center or ia some con-spico- ons

part of their edifice; for, unless th'w wasguaranteed, the doctor aided, " palm-tre- e, birds,and all would soon be consigned to cblitfcn." Itwas a grand idea and I d ubt if it were ever before I

entertained by a natnralist to transport a lofty nest-eoTer- ed

tree on the shoulders of men for more than i

two hundred miles, in order flat it might be sent 'thousands of leagues over the oceai as a specimen of!the wonders of vegetation and of the bird-architect-

of this Southern Hemisphere. I

We resumed our route, and in a few minutes we !

overtook old Congo, who, true to his word, had driven !

and ridden well, and had got over more ground in '

forty-eig- ht hours than he had on ary previous occi-- j

rion in five days. We emerged from the forest-bu- r- I

nered road, and caw in the'distance the celebratedplantation of Senator Vergueiro. Though I had heirdmore cf this establishment thn of any similar one inBrazil, it did not fall behind my anticipation. Wepassed through the great gateway, and were wel-comed by the screams of a flock of gayly-paint- ed par-rots,, which were at times alighting, and at timeswnirnng srouna me tops or a group "or lofty trees.Two pairs of them rested upon diSerent branches, and


seemed to be m amiab:e confab in regard to the !

newly-arrive- d. Between Campinas and Limeira,and also at Tbecaba, I beheld the loftiest trees that Imet with in any portion of the country. Three no-ble denizens cf the forest have been left not far fromthe residence of Senhor . Vergueiro, aad form a con-spicuous object in the landscape. In the distancecould be seen the manor and the chapel, and on eitherside of them various gs, which served asshops, store-roo- ms for coffe, and sheds for machinery.On our left wire neat little cottsges belonging to thecolonists. The peculiarity of Tbecaba consists in thefact that free labor is employed iff aarrring on its vanceritioai; and these whom Senator Vergueiro and

lus sons have brought to displace the Africans aremen of the working-class- es from Germany and Swit-zerland. With enlarged views and true economy, weshall see in the sequel that they have adopted that itplan which has net only been productive of great andprofitable results to themselves, but that they havehelped to elevate and greatly benefit the condition of andthose wbo were in narrow circumstances at home. TheThe Vergtteiros have solved the question, so oftenasked, What is the true mode for colonization in notBraziL"

As we drew near the mansion we saw on every side "of us evidences of thrift For the first ttine awy fromBio de Janeiro I saw carts whose wheels were not cf orthe old primitive Roman kind, but turned upon theiraxles like cnCized cartwheels. And it may Le mcn-tion- eJ

that these, and all the agricultural implementsand machinery are manufactured on the plantation.When sHifcseqnentlj examining the workmanship ofcarpenters', cbinet-raaker- s, blacksmiths, and whee-lwrights,

tionfrom the Cantons de Vaud and Vil iis, and

a - f"m Viron interior villages 01 i'ruswa. 1 perceivea that notonly had they not kst their skillfulness, but had ac-tually gained tracer the supervision of their enlight-ened laborproprietors.

Senhor Luis Vergueiro receive! ns with markedattention. The doctor was, of course, an eld favorite;but Senhor V. soon made me feel at home, and I af-terward discovered that he took a deep interest in myvisit to Brazil, the account which he had readin the Correio .MereantU of my presentation, at R:ode Janeiro, f the various specimens r.f American arts manyand manufacture to the Emperor and to the differentscientific societies of the metropolis.

Every facility wa? given me for full investigationof the Looks of the plantation and the condition of thethe colony, which enabled me to make a just and f.iircomparison between this system of colonization and thethose of Petropolis and Donna Franciaca, and also to

Ithesee more cieirlr the results cf contrasted free and

slave labor. The whole of the day wts thus occupied ; butbut, before detailing any account of that examination, it will be best to give a more full account of the "family Vergueiro, whose venerable head has been "mentioned 8evert"t;nie9 in previous nies of th nowork. .

. . .l T y ri j--

native of Portugal, and of noble descent. He arrivediu Brazil before the King, Dora John VI Bj pro! es-- andsion a lawyer, he is a man of cultivated and disci--

- mined mind-- He early settled in the province of SanPaulo, and took a conspicuous part in the politicalasairs i tae country, r rom me very commencement of agitations for extending the rights of hisadopted land, be stood in the foremost rank of pa--tnots, snonider to shoulder with the Andradas,,ana otners emineni in ine struggle for Brazilian independence. His private virtues, his moderate andenlightened views, and his great firmness, made himan object of confidence on the part of the people. Hewas deputed to the Cortes of Portugal, having for hiseoueagucs Joso xfenifacio de Andrada, and Teijo. Hedii not, however, escape to England with them whenthey were threatened by the Cortex, but demanded,fearlessly and firmly, his passport, and succeeded inobtaining it. He returned to Rio de Janeiro, andfrom that time to this has been a leader on the lib-

eral side of politics, and is to-d- ay called a SantaLntia. From the era f Brazilian liberty until now,be has either been Deity or Senator. On that try-ing night when the people in the Campo Santa Anaclamored for the reinstatement of the Ministry dis-missed the previous day, Do.--n Pedro L, be 'ore report-ing to the last expedient left to him by the Constitu-tion, sent for Vergueiro, knowing that he was onewho possessed the confidence of the populace, to de-sire him to form a ministry in accordance with theirwishes. Vergueiro was not found, or the revolutionwould have either been stayed or put off to a moredistant period. He has been repeatedly Minister ofthe Empire, has received eminent places from thepeople, but baa stead&stly refused all title of nobility, and every honor from the Imperial Executive,except the Grand Crow of Santa Cruz.

Before leaving lor Southern Brazil, I called uponSenator Vergueiro at Kio de Janeiro. He was atthat time preaeat in the capital during the session cfthe Assemble Geral, and resided in the beautifuleuburb of Botafogo. It was in the evening that I en-tered his residence, and was received by bis daughters, whom I found intelligent and possessing one ac--compusament so often lacking in a Brazilian ladytbey could converse. Not many moments elapsed be--

Tore the venerable senator entered, ll.s hair waswhite, aod bis tana was bowed under the weight offourscore years; yet in the glance of his eye therewas something which toll that the soul was neitherlumbering nor decrepid. His smiling countenance

also proclaimed that neither the burdens of age norof past and present public and private service bad af-fected In the least degree the eheerfulnes of his nature. Whether conversing about the copies of theacred truth, or of my contemplated visit to Tbecaba.

whether aadrewung a playful remark to his lamJiy. or a worn or information to me, he was a mostpleasant picture of a hale and happy old man, withJkia Rental power unimpaired, and with thehopefal-Jae- s

ef yeuti. - The aged statesman stands almostmkaam ia the Brazilian Senate-Chamb- er; fir the pa-tri-ee

yet impetuous Aadradas are gone; the elo-ques- it,

the irresistible, but uossf? Vincel-- w hashmg since been laid is tho tomb; the old 2IarqTiis ofVaiaaca has recently been followed to his "lor.;

new generation or Brazilians CI1 theirrJacasc neeerthde , ZTieoolaa de Pereir de CamposVr" ra c3 xc- -r 4iaa admiring aocstltuener.

Wjc-- jt, m ia xrs-V-sr time, battJng for right,

but as the advocate of every measure for the advance-ment of his beloved country, j

Few men in Brazil have been blessed with suchsons; few, we may add, have taken such pains to havetheir children properly educated. with'their father, they have presented in their colony amodel to their compatriots. His four sons were edu-cated in Brazil, Germany, and England. The oldest,inhor Luiz, studied law at the University of Got-tinge- n.

Senhor Jose (head of the Santos house) was'trained in the military school of Prussia, and rose to

.the position of first lieutenant of the thirty-seven- th

Prussian infantry during the troubles between Uel-giu-m

and Holland. '

The third son (who had charge of the Rio bouse ofVergueiro & Filhos) was educated as a commercialman in London and Hamburg, and the youngerbrother had a thorough mercantile training in thesame cities. By their European education tbey havebeen enabled to carry out more easily the plans oftheir f ther concerning emigration.

In 1841, Senhor Vergueiro, in the teeth of publicopinion, sent to Germany for forty families as colo-nists; but the General Government was so opposed tothe oil Senator during the troubles of 1812, in the'province of San Paulo, that the colony was brokenup. In 134C, Le ag-ti- n commenced carrying out bisproject; and, in so doing, be has been completelysuccessful. The Government itself through officialorgtns, has commended the system of Vergueiro asthe system worthy of imitation.

That svstem may be stated in few words, or. er--gueiro bus in Eurvpe an agent who communicateswith cantonal and communal authorities, and withprivate individuals, offering inducements to the able- -bodied poor who with to emigrate with their familiesto the New World. The emigrant, at his option, can

fray bis own expend to Brazil, or, permitting Sr.Vergueiro to transport him, he (theemigratit) agreesin such case to retuud at his own time and conveni-ence the price of his passage at a small rate of inter-est. The agent at Hamburg charters a vessel, andthus a large number of colonists are enabled to seek "

a new hoiue at a very moderate outlay.Sr. V. guarantees cn his part to defray all the ex

penses of the colonists from the sea-co- ast to his plan-tations, and, cn their arrival at their final destina


tion, to furnish each head of a family with a house,so many coSee-tree-s, proportioned to the .number ofeach family, and to supply all with provisions, arti-tie'- es

of clothing, &c, at wholesale prices. The colo-nist, on his part, agrees to tend faithfully his allottedportion of cotfee-tree-s, to thare the profits and ex-penses of the crop, and not to leave without givingone year's jiot ice and paying his indebtedness (if anyex:-- t) for passage nioney advance!.

The contract is very simple, and is a safe invest-ment for both contracting parties.

During the year 1154, the result of the coffee-cultu- re

on the plantation of Tbecaba was one million sixhundred thousand pounds, of which one-ha- lf of theexpenses aitV profits belong to the laborer.

I visited the cottages of the colonists, about onemile from the manor. As I passed along, I was con-stantly saluted by cheerful Sijs and German work-men, sime cf whom were surrounded by noisy andjoyous fair-head- ed children, whoapered a!vut withas much life and g'ee as if at the fiot of the Hartz orin the vallevs cf the Obcrl md- -

Before reaching the ham!et, I crossed a small streamupon a bridg-- cf a novel and cheap construction,which in its wmplicity commends itself to every set-t'- er

ia Australia or Western America, where propri-etors are many but laborers are tew. It may beet vieda self-mad-e" bridge. A number of logs are fas-

tened longitudinally in the water, leaving, of course,spaces between them. On the top of these are thrownlarge bran shes, and then finer brush; and on thesurface is placed a certain quantity of clay and loosedirt. A portion of the brook higher up is turnedaside by a ditch through the light soil, and conductedover the log aod brush-hea- p. In a few days this litus Fiae-sirea- cn nas oorne aown an immense Durdenof red toil across the bridge, and has rendered the su-perstructure as firm as the road, while beneath,through branches and logs, the ' river rnns merrilyby." The ditch, the water through it having fin-ished its work, is closed, and a solid passage-wa- y isthus obta-ned- .

At the bamlet I found an intelligent head-age-nt,

who kept the hoks f the colonists, and give to thelatter orders for every pound of bacon, yard cf cloth,ic. Without hi3 signature they could not obtainthese articles at the miner storehouse.

The larger portion of the colonists were RomanCatholics; but I did not leave hc-ff- . re every opportunity was attorde-- l Tor their obtaining the Scriptures, lii

both in Portuguese and German.Some of the colonists have thriven remarkably,

having in five years time gained five and thou-sand niilreL, (j?2o-"K- ) aud tSoOO). The state of to

morals was certainly most creditable when comparingwith that of the countries whence they came. From

to o-- (the period of my viit,) among several J thundred laborers of the hum'olest classes of German l

Imo, not an illegitimate chill had leen born.I

l.iVcrgueircs encour.ige the marriage-institutio- n as" aponly essential to purity, but for the interest of r

both planter and colonist. There are dow about onethousHiid European workmen, including children. not

Vbecaba is a small plantation, containing but five hdsix square miles; but near by the Vs possess a

fazenla not so well cultiva ed, but three times asUrge. At Angelica they own a new plantation, welladapted to the culture of coffee, which is twelveleagues in circumference. Hitherto blacks have teenemployed upon this larg fcXite; but it is the inten ,


oi cue propriemr it intro-mce- , as soon as Jjoj'si-M- e, t nunfree white laborers. I demanded of Sr. Luiz

Vergueiro if it were mere philanthropy whichprompted their efforts to introduce free labur, he re-plied, roost promptly and decidedly, We find the toof a man who has a will of his own, and inter-est at stake, vastly more profitable than slave-labor- ."

I could not but contrast the happy and cheerful Icondition of these colonists with the discouraged resi-dents


in the colony Donna Traucisci. Though theGermans of Petropolis have every advantage of anearness to market, and a growing city which has A

wants to be supplied, yet the condition of the sale.

colonists at Ylcaba is infinitely superior if we con-sider the prosperity of the individual. The settle-ment at LwpoMina in Rio Grande do Sul hut been

only truly successful Imperial colony, that ofPetropx-'i- s being under the Gocerno Provincial. By

report of the Minister of the Empire for ISoJ-- o j,ascertain that, out of seventeen coloules founded by

Imperial Government and by the provincial natalities, only four can be called prosperous; and of

two can it be raid, muito p'rotpera. The remain-der Oilare place- - undr the heads not prosperous," fits

confounded with the population." " in decay," orinformation of its condition." Of the twenty-fo-ur


private efforts at colonization, twenty-on- e are everyhas

reported prosperous, nearly all of which hae been wlfounded since 18-52- , and more or less on the Ver-gueiro

theirsystem. Thee colonies are in five provinces, and

tothe excellence of the " plan-Vergueir- o" consistsin this, viz.: its applicability throughout the Em-pire on a great or small scale. Nine of the twenty-on- e Cars

senhors have each less than one hundred andtwenty colonists, thus enabling the small proprietorsto have, to a certain extent, the a 1 vantages of thelirger landholders. Slavery (since the vigorous mea-sures


of 185) were adnp-te- agaiust the slave-trad- e)


has been dxmed in Brazil. The Emperor and his centsGovernment are agiinst this inhuman traffic, and thepopular voice sustains them. The comparative ease thewith which a si ive may obtain his freedom, and, by coversthe possession of property, the rightd'of citizenship, thewill probably in twenty years put an end to servitude of


in this South American Empire. There must then atbe a supply of laborers from some other source than TheAfriea. The mother-countr- y, the Portuguese islands, theGermany, and Switzerland will furnish that supply. frmrIndividual emigration as it exists from Europe to the coversUnited States can never succeed in Brazil on a large mayscale, owing to the peculiar structure of the Govern-ment;

severalbut. the system inaugurated by Sr. Vergueiro out

Oil& Sons is capable of indefinite extension, while it pro-tects

I .the interests of both employer and emplojee.

Though thi-r- e may be individual instances of oppres dc

sion under a r owerful and unjust proprietor, yet. as lulu,IT

a whole, this plan will in the end prove a great bless 11UUI

ing to Brazil and to the poorer classes of turope.Alrcady the Swabian. the Fribourgeois. the Vaudois. FarorRtc

the ValaUan, the Portuguese, and the Ilheo, look uplike men in their new homes : they have no longerthat appearance too common in their native districts

frhe crushed and cringing peasant who has no lir.jrthought beyond the pinching want of to-da- y. As we to perlook upon their joyous faces, we can readily believe andwhat Sr. Jose" Vergueiro said to me at Santos : ti

They breathe here the air of freedom, sir, such astbey never Hnuffed in their native land."

Uodjfr such a system, they have not the pressingcares of the pioneer; they are not the victims of spec-ulating land companies, and, at the same time,though enjoying comparative ease, their own interest keeps them from indolence. At a year's notice,

hen they have learned, under the tuition and pro-tection of a powerful Brazilian, the cultivation oftropical productions, they can leave and set up"for themselves if they choose. They can easily be-en- ne

naturalized; their children grow up as citizensattached to the soil; and, if nothing untoward occurs,Brazil, in half a century, will have a host of smatiproprietors infusing a new life-blo-od into the bodypolitic Under her mild Government there willspring up a more hardy people, who will be the sub-due- rs

of the virgin forests and the pioneers in thevast, fertile, heiltby. but almost unexplored regionsof Parana, Goyaz, Mato Grosso, and Minaa-Qerae- s,

where the he of the Amazon and the LaPlata are interlaced or separated by a narrow dividing--


To the speedy and sure accomplishment of this de-sire I eonsuininition, Brtzil should still more' modifyher laws, so tia there may be every facility for the

In ae of the mining districta there is a simple and phllo- - .

sorhlcsJ mode of splitting off the side of clayer moantnina.Wells are due into them, and. durinp the heavy raioa. tbeae, hymean of putters, beeonx-fiUe- d srldi water. The bydrostaliepreaw of the liquid cosmos f rrn nff miari fi tim the fsvxa ofmountain, which would require band reds of snaa far BAORt.ia tovvwespUab with the mattock and shovel.

introduction 'of colonists.- - - Already the Empire hasdone away with some of the roost objectionable fea-

tures; but much remains to be done. Every obstacleshould be removed, and the Government, by t general act, should proclaim its policy as liberal in allinitiatory steps for the newly-arrive- d, as it is genet ous in resrard to the holding of tronerty by foreigners. Such measures would promote immigration,and in time a new population would grow up in thisbeautiful country, worthy of its vast resources. Leta pure gospel be in the hearts of such a people, andBrazil, in the future, will be a land in every respectunsurpassed on the face of the earth.

Sr. Vergueiro and his sons are making constantimprovements in modes of cultivation, and are studying the best manner of applying Northern labor andskill to tropical agriculture. I before mentioned theworkshops of the mechanics, whose agricultural implements in wood and. iron are turned ont in a styleequal to anything of th kind made in Europe orNorth America. Among the various machines forfacilitating the preparation of coffee for market wasone the invention of Senator Vergueiro whichcleans no less than thirty-tw- o thousand pounds ofcoffee per diem.

We had been kindly invited to dine at 4he mansion-hous-e, and it is unnecessary that I should particularize the compotent parts of a most sumptuousdinner. Suffice it to say that the " fat of the land"was there in profusion, and the " feast of rea-son," &c, was well supplied by Sr. Luiz V..Dr. ,and the intelligent padre, who conversed fluently inboth rrench and German.

The doctor and myself left Tbecaba at a late hour.and, after a pleasant ride by moonlight, reached Limeira.

Zz Sclbnlfintn?


Art: now receiving, per late ar.A LS, a lance stock of



Which they offer for sale at lowest prices.Xew Pilot Bread, New Navy Bread,Eastern Flow, California Floor.Corn meal, American nns Beef,Bice, --- American iru-- PorkHawaiian Bef.

Of different tminis, warrantM.Ifo. 1 trowTi lasmr. So. 2 brown angar.

i mou49eps, . ft lac k tea, erwn tea,Prerven! poaches, Preserved quince,

ameHean fcutfr, Preyed pie fruiU,Keua coffe and Hilo coffee,

Au'ii itn-at- clams,

Cmi crncVers, oysters, cm, peas, etc., etc

BEANS! BEANS!Freh Island-pro-w n heaan, larvre !:it " Lima." heans.Small white "home" beans, lonir speckled "California" beans.

BOOTS AND SHOES.Htt leather boots, do broeans; fine boots, lined brosjans.Half boots, fine broeans, buckskins, slippers, &c.

PAINTS, OIL, Sec.Piire wliite lead, Xo. 1 d blnrk ji!nt, pien

blu, chrome yellow, linseed oil,liriclit varnish, blaeic do, copal do, spirits turpentine.Coal tar. Limp black, paint brushes, sush tool bnuiiejl,Mocnoim tar.

DUCK.Assorted number cotton duck, hearr Karen's dark.Liht raven's duck.

ALSOAn assortment of fine clothing, ats, shirts, socks, crsvats,

andor shirts, handkerchiefs, tc.WHALING CRAFT.

Lances, harpootis. ci; irons, one-Sue- d irons,Bomh lances, whaling guns, te.

il . ,A constant supply of n-- Irish pottv-s- , new sweet potatoes.

wmni, un2pKiiis, iu trays oa nana in skipping aod sup-plied at short notice.

XT Toeether with a renend and full assortment of merehand!r usually fraud in a Ship Chandl.Ty eitabli!rfrenL

Lahaina Sept. 24. SO--'f


A ITER KVERAL YEARS LABOR AXDJ a ieric:entinp upon w!ia!. t.n tlis whaiinp pround, withapparatus, cocibtneil with tUeadvar.tipesol bi:p a practical

whalrinan. the Hat.mtee has been enahl'-- to obtain an insmi-me- nt

iu of a Bonih Lance, which fur util'ty and effective-ness caniiot be excelled.

The Htttiitiou of Apents and Officers of whale-shi- ps is calledthe folUm tcstunHuals.

Sax Franc-isto- . January 10, 1S56.Capt. R. Mbowx Sir. I take this to informyou that we usol Hk- - Romb Laooes we Umht of you, and

mnd them to bo of great rrwfit iu capturing whak amoopsttae ice.

Th" fii wh:d f.j t we if id the Ilnnib Iji-,- v nn himthe folli-win- manrer The Nxit wer.t oiontrsi.le of the whinel the . tteercr fird a tnl into him ai.d theu fasteneii to

im wicn a .i; iron : the was heard to exnt.V, and thewliale did not blow after the Bomb expl'Id. The aove-nifn-tiin- ed

whale was in the ic, an-- 1 it is cur opinion that we shouldhave pot that whale and many when that we did pet, if itnot been tr your Bnb and we fully recommend

thetu to the attention of those fitting out whale ship.Respectfully yours.

Th.iws Wai.t, 3!ster bark George.Ilosntrir, March 17, 1858.

Carr. Robert Browx .V9 drar Sir : used y.Kir KimbLsks in taking a whale, north, the past season, which made.m ni.u. oi oi. e never coma have tiktn him without uilLajy-es- , as ir boats could not g t near enoujtii to use the com i

hand lance. j

Youra Respect fuH v. I

G. L. Cox, Mater whale-h- ip Magnofia.HoNotrtr, March 15, 1S.VJ.

Csrr. Roarer Baowx Itear sr: I tnkc this opportunityinform you that I used your Bombs on the voyape in the shi

Herald, and found them efltctlve in taking whales, and wouldrecommend them to all whalemen, and ej-ciall- around the ice.

used the harpoon and tot nxt of the whales by youran-- t and apparatus.

Yours Rpee;fu!lr,Isaac Allex, Master ship Herald.

Other testimonials can be seen by calllnp on the undersipned,rent, who have the Ouns, Bomb Lances and Ilarpoous for

H-- tf U. COADY k CO., Honolulu.

To tjie Ovrnrra. and Prraonw ialerralrd IuWhalrsliips in the Pacific Ocean.

Orric-- or thr Pavm Rail-Kci- d Cowrasr,Xsw York. July 20. 1H57. i

The Panama Riil-Roa- d Company takes this methodof iiiforTiiins those interested io the Vhulii:p, of the advantapes oT.a-- l by the Kailroada"ns the Isthmus t.f Panama, for the shinmeut .J of

from the Pacific to the Cnited States, an 1 fT sending ouUr.nd suppli-- s from the United Suites to Panama.

The Railroad has been in repuUr and successful operation forthan two years, and its rapacity for the transportation ofdescription of merchandise, includinp Oil, Provisions, Ac,

been fully tested. The attention of Cat tains ofateships has recently been turned to the subject of shipping1

oil from Panama to New York during the present season,the Panama K ad Company bs made arranpements

afford every facility which may be required for the accomplishment of this important obj-c- t. A Pirr, 450 feet lonp, has

Mum in iuc my m ranania, io ir.e enu of which rreiphtare run to receive carpnrs from Hooters or vessels lyinualonpile, and deliver the same alnnpside of vessels at Aspln-wa- ll.

Vessels of from 200 to 300 tons can lie at the Pier withaaf.-ty- , proundinp in the mud at low water. .

The vcssola to and from Aspinwall are fast-saili- np brips. be 01to th Ruil-Uoa- d Company, and the Company is pre

to receive oil at Panama and deliver it in New York,und-- r through Kill of Lading at the rate of sevenpr zallnn, if roceiveil at the Pl r, and eipht cents per pal-I- on

if received in the harbor from ship's tackles, charpinp forcapacity of the casks, without allowjnp for want.ipe. For

whuli-bone- , oie and one-ha- lf cents jxr pound. This charpeevery cxiiense from Panamato Xew York, in caseoil is sent throuph the Superintendent or Commercial A pent

Panama Rait-Ri- al Company, insurance excepted. Themay be made payable on the Isthmus or in New York

the option of the shipper.vessels of the Company sail repulariy semi-month- and IO

average passages to and from Aspinwall are about twentv totwenty-fiv- e diiys. The time occupied in crossinp the Lshmus Is

hours. Oil, durinp its transit acmes the I.sthmus, will be epar,wnn canvas, or conveyen In coverel ears, and ownrra ale.

ne assurea mat every care will be taken to prevent leakage.enrpoes nave aireauy oeen conveved to New York ith.

the sl!phu-s-t loss.or other pinds consipned for transnnrtatlon to thA Smur.

.1 . . . ti rtn Jt.uireirirni tn me rnimiiii, luiu-no- company, or to W I lliatnIn. Commercial Apentofthe Company at Panama, willreceiver ami iirwamel witn the desnatch.

Frederic L. Hanks has been annotated Amii at Ttnnr.Sandwich Islamls, and is prepared to furnish every requisite

IIIAIIUU uj .uij'i'vr.r. JOS. F. JOY, Secretary sL. Hmi,

Apent Panama R. R. Co., Ilnnolulu S. I. m


eztijis v 00.1 01 superior quality can be bad at Koloa atcoru ; fresh beef at ce.its per lb ; sheep, at $3 per head;posts at tl 60 head. Also at the port of JUnalei, wood and

" had at the same rate. The Harbor of Haualei is on"est siueoi me island, and has aaft and good an

Chorsge in from 0 to 10 fathoms of water. Wood and beef mayalso be had at Nswlliwill at the same rate as above. Also fruland vegetables of various kinds can be procured at aU the aboveuam-- u pons.

willjrr oou always on nana St the beach In niunHilM niparcnasers. UKOKGE CHARM AN.

To Whalemen !

GW. MACY would respectfully solicit the same pa.heretofore en loved bv the old firm r vi.. .

Law, at the established DejKit for Whalemen's Supplies, atHawaii, where will be found at all timesf Eref. Mutton. Pork. I'oallry, and also the celebrsted KAWAIHAE POTATOES. ,

The almve articles can be ftrnislied at the lowest ratx a i rilllquicker time than at any other port at the iland.. Aii K,r M.

sold by me will le warranted to keep in any climate. Vices,T J cnarge maxie en inter-uun- d exchanpe.



flMI E t'trlerslpned is prepared to receive moneys, or valuaI ble articles of small bulk--, on deuosit Intilmnii (n v.. n.Buildinp. (formerly occupied by the Hawaiian GovernmentTreasury.) These vaults are considered fln-nr- r .nj IafiOflSeeas the


safepthan any other In Honolulu. Strsngers visiting the Islands,- - kou.h u wrm, am winning 10 aepnett coin. IVAluaWe papers, or other articles, during their alMenee, will And t- w use-i- n. ww ru innri stbst mnrkawre left for a term of twelve months, or longer, tliey can be In-

vested or not. at the ODtlon of the dnrlor stwl 1 f .mi n. k--deposit secured. A receipt will be given for all turns or raluDies deposited. H. M. WIlIT.IKf.

Honolulu, Oct. 1807. 70-- tf

M VIRR BRICKS,For sale hy " V '

1-- tf CHAsV BRKWia, SB.

31 o trfrtisrmtiifsr "



TIBTESTPIIiLU HAMS. SMOKED HAMS;w V ruzar-cure- a Hum, r nun un,Fresh Butter, French frviu in syrup.Salted Butter, ' French Prunes,Smoked llexring French Olives.Yarmouth Bloaters, French Mustard,Ciifrlish lMiry Cheese, Fivnch Caper,CaliAirnia Cream Cheese, . Sardines, small tin.BrowD Sugar, I Sardines, laree tin.Light Browa Suar, Assor;ed Herlw,Crushed Luaf Sagar, Assorted P pices,Loaf 9opr, Durham Mustard,Carolina Rice, Salad Oil,China Kice, Lamp Oil, ,Pearl Smro, Curry Powder,Pearl Barley, . J Cayenne Pepper,Pplit Pis, Worcestershire Sauce,Scotch Oatmeal, Chutney,Tapi'va, " Fine Olong Tea,Arrowroot, . Fine Souchonsr,Neapolitau Vermicelli, Fine Green Tea, .Neapolitan Uaccaronj, " Chocolate,Superfine Flour, v Fresh Koasted Coffee,Fresh Corn Meal, Green Coffee,White Beans, Assorted Crackers, '

Dried Apples, Assorted Scotch BiscuitAssorted Meats and Soups, English Soap,Fresh Oysters, . Salt Water Soap,Fresh Lobsters, . Codfish,Fresh Clams, Acchovi?,Fresh Salmon, Salerntus,Assorted Knplish Frufts, . Yeast Powders,Assorted EnglUh Jams, Fine Table Salt,Assorted English Jellies. Bath Brick,Assorted English Sauces, Currants,Assorted English Pickles, Hfcistns,Kuglish Green Peaa, Citron Peel,French Green Peas, Robinson's Barley,Green C.m, Kohlnsnn's Groats,White Wiue Vinegar,Malt

Carbonate of Soda,Vinegar Crearo Tartar,

Cider Vlnfcar,Fresh

Corn Starch,Peach, In tinn, Cavendish Tobacco,

Fresh Quinces, in tins. Ac, . kc. 4c.Frrab Bread Roasted Co tree, packed ia tiaa,fT Saip'a Uae. 93-- tf

Wool, Goat Skin' Hides,Tallow, Composition,



bv the subscriber f.r cleansalted Ri'LLorK umr..delivered at his premises ia Fort-stre-

. CnAS. BREWER, 2d.



porciiT AS BEFORE, at the high- -EST CASH MAKKKT PRICE, by




. TALLOW.GRAZIEIIS RlJT B'JTCHIIS,4TTEXTIOX I The nmtrsipcd offers the blithest cash

the above articles, deliverable at Honoluluor any of the ports of the Islands.LIBERAL


Without Interest, will be made to those who desire, and con-trT- Swill lie made for any length of time.

E. P. ADAMS.5 Office comer of Quoen and Kaahumanu sts., up stairs.

RITSO. & HART,W I X S 1 X ) "spirits,

AT THE OLD WIXE STORE, under A.J.I . Cartwrjpht's. oriVr for site :

Bmmly in keps and barrels;Brandy, Martell's;Brandy, Tniied Vineyard Prcprietir:f randy, Sizerac;Sum in k?cs;J(iru;c.i Kum In cases;ficnfne old Scotch whisky, io 1 doi eases;

louo?.p:il.e'a whisky, in Inrr---! and keps,Fine Mononiraheta aiiuWy, in one dor. cases,Hollands pia in cases;Schei.lam pin io ca-s- ;

NVolf-- 's Scheidam schnspr-x- ;

Hostftter's bitter; JapU.ker' bitters;

bi'tere;C'lareL" r.f difTerei t brand;

(.'hamppne. pr ts and quarts, ilifferent brands;SherrifS. pale ainl brown:Fine old rt;Hyas' and other brands of aleForrer;Liqueurs. -

Ship Slorra. duty free. 87



Will hold the Meetin-- s n the third Thursday ofevery month, at the Hall cf tlie L dgv.

lc Proarrcs de 1 (fceanic.Pf r order.

Jlonololn, ?ept. 8. (63-t- f) n. p.

SAT7 P3AIICISCOCLOTHING- - EMPORIUM!GRIXBAl'M Sz CO. hae Just opened, at their new

F'rt arid M reliant streets, the most com-plete assortment of new and

FA S H I O X A Tl LE GOODSEver imnorte-- l to these islands. Tlie asortmerit comprises

ail the mot recent styh-- s of

CLOTHING. HATS. SHOES, &c.Topether with every ilscriptLm ofG EXT LEM EX'S Fl'UXISIIIXG GOOIS.

Our frieuds and the pu')Kc are invited to call and examine..A. s. OltlXBACM.

62-- tf M. S. ORIXBAUM.


partly of the f.dlowinp article, will be found at he storeQ. KHOOKS, nar the Post O.Tice :

Chaireicne, of different brands:H'ii-k- of superior quality;Piuternos, of superior qu.tlity;I'lne Sherries; flne Port;Hitters, various brandt;Cherry Cordi.-ils-:

Clarets, of various brands an ! nualitics;All th favoriie brands of Ale. in pints and quarts;

Gin and Mononpahela Whisky, in larre or smallpackages

Absynthe; N B Rum, Ac, Ac. 73-- tf


. receiving, from the manufacturers direct, the bes-- t qualitiesiresn" Fare," Estta,M

nnd Xo. 1"vt Mte lead, pronnd in the best boned oil, and is au

thoriMsd to contract at lower prices tlian the present marketrates.

J. C. SPALDIKG.nonolnlu. June 9, 1S57. 60-- tf


Foucher A Co ;" pale sherrv. hock, clarets of differentbrands. French liqueurs, (assorted.) Swiss absynthe, Hambnrrhbitters, fruit syrups, (assorted,) cherry cordials, raspberry vin- -

pin, real Hollands, dark and pale brandy, schnnprw, paleFor sale by S9-- tf 1JRI LL A MOLL.

FOR SALE.!r!HE CARGO OF THE CHILIAN RARK" Alexandro Garripos." consistinp of

330 Inns trn m Cents1 fou Saltpetre.

Apply to L. H. AXTTfOV.8- -tf Or to J. C. E PAULDING.


a K


EAST MAO,sale by CnAS. BREWER 2d.



Slush.Old copper and composition, and

Wool,Wanted by the subscriber, for which the highest cash price

be allowed by45--tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d.

RESH COVE OYSTERS. OLIVE OIL,Pickles, hams, Goshen butter, salcratus,Comcd beef in keps for family use, cheese, sacks flour,

On hand and for sale by62-- tf A. P. EVERETT.

BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS.E SUBSCRIBER has for sale a lot of Blacksmith's

Tools, suitable for plantations such as Anvils, Hammers,Arc, at reduced prices.

5--tr. HENRY SMITH, Blacksmith.


. GUTTER. listing

fi 4 1 RPXXIXG FT.OF4t WORK.el Tine Gutter for sale, ex " Elisa Ella."

86--tf C. H. LEWER8.


. each, for sale by (4--tf J. t. f "BURN.

JAK BOATS, IO, 11, 12, 13 V1 44For sale by

61-- tf s - . CHAS. BKJE . R, SB.

O sTksfft BUSHELS TURKS ISLAND SALT. ACW Forsaieby61-- tf CHAS. BREWER 2n. for











7V ISec. Sec.

iC. 1j. KICnARBS &: CO.




AaTal Mares,, Grocrieii.


- Crockery, :e. tKers mackerel, boxes codfish, boxes tobacco,Boxes raisins, boxes soap, boxes candles.Boxes Pristol brick, rerraicelli, matarront,Bbls ld eider Tincirar, cases assorted syrups,Cases preen corn, sausaee meat, mince pie meat,Cases Lobster, raspberry jam, quinces.Cases strawberry jam, cranberry jam,Cases apple marmalade, peaches, currant jelly.Cases strained honey, apple sauce, French capers,Cses cheese, tomatoes, tomato ketchnp,Cases peppeT sauce, assisted sauces,Keps split peas, white beans.Kecs eastern butter, cranberries.Baps buckwheat. Genes see our,Tins Haxall flniir.Boxes smokel salmon, herrinp, Uible salt,Boxes s;ileratus, soda, cream tartar,Boxt-- s pround pepp-- r, allspice, clores.Boxes cassia, pineer. mustard.Half bbls dried apples, crushed supar, brown so par,Baskets olive oil drums fips, Carolina ri.Cases water, avln, butter and sugar crackers.Cases pinirer snaps, Jenny land Cjik,Cases brandy patches, branny cherries.Cases assorted pie fruits, assorted meats,Cas-- s oysters, pickltrs. sardines, prunes.Chests tea, keys pickles.Cases yeast powdera, pineapp'.e, whortleberries.

Cans botletl linseed oil, Keps 1'nplish white lead,Spirits turpentine, American white leadFrench yellow, Re.1 lead.Prussian blue, Boxes litharpe,Chrome green, Beeswax,Tarnish, Bbls bripht varnish.

Bbls pitch. Bbls coal tar,Rosin, Bales oakum.Tar. Casks cut nails,"

j Casks composition nnl!s, Wrought nails,coils Manila rope, ass d Coils marline,

Tarred rope, eizinp stuff,Spunvarn, ITand lines,Whale Hue, Loe lines,

Hemp twine, IVep e lines,halyards, Cott.n canvas.

Cotton twine, , Oars, Ac.Hawaiian beef, Pritne pork,Pilot br-a- d, Bbls navy bread.

Octaves fine brandy, in bond;Keps old brandy, in bond;Keps Otard, Dupuy : Co. brandy, in bond;Bbls old Mononpah-l- a vhisky, in bond;BMs old Mapnolia wliNky, in bond;Keps old Mapnolia whisky, in bond;Kt-p- s old BoarNm whisky, in bond;Csses Geneva piu. in bond;Cases Schnapps,

Fine Port wine, expressly for family use;Fine Sherry, Fine Sauteme,

Fine Claret, Fine Flock;Cases ale and porter. Bitters,

Bas'.ets chatnpapne, Demijohns ice, 4c , Ac.Ilonolulu, Oct. 15, 1S57. R? tf


J. STEW ATI D respectfully informs his friends, and thepublic generally, that he has n-- on hand an extensive

assortment of the above articles, all of the choicest brands.He will always have on sale as complete a stock a is procurableIn the market. He offers the following articles, all of the firstquality, on reasonable terms :

Axder!ox'3 Solace,BrFFALo Chips, j

Citron-- ,1

1 or vise Glorv,J. Patrkk A Co.'s Diamond P.,

Hoket Pew,Gomes Leaf,

Lrciora Lrxrav,XaTCRAL Lear,

Richmond S'a.Tarina's Caxiiteb,

Spaxisr Mixsd,a romatic,

Lkt Her Rip,.M A VILA CtC.ABS, No. 2, TWIST RXDS,

" CHKRtMlTS.Havaxsa Cioars, is fanct boxes

Fast Ssrrrs,Faxct Pipes, Ac- - Ac.

ALS- 0-A crnrrnl nMorlmrnl ef Greeeriea.

XT notel street, near the French Hotel. 53--tf

Ijiaiiiliei ! Ia umber !THE OLD LIMBER YARD JustA!ceived. ex Fortnna. the best assorunent ot nstem Uim- - I

ber evr iuiiiorted, conpirtinp of j15.000 feet sorted white oak plank, for Ship Carpenters

and tv'het lirriphts use.20.000 feet hire pine sheathinp boanis. i inch thick.15.000 feet yellow pine li to 1J inch plank, for heading and

stei.20.iX)0 fet Pennsylvania white pine boards, parallel widths,

planed on one side.

Hides. .feet assorted dimension plank. It to 2 Inch.

lOO.OOO best Aroosiuk shaved cedar shingles.25.000 best laths.And a variety of buildinp matTials.

C. H. LEWEKS, Lumoer Merchant.6T Fort street. A





The undersigned can furnih superior toned instruments ofthe above makers, throuph SIpr. Badrr A Lindenbrrprr. fyoLE Ac.ests for the Pacific coast.

Plans and styles can be seen at our office. Orders solicited.66-- tf C. A. A H. F. POOR--


Doors, Window Sash, Ilind. T

TO ARRIVE.O f f DOORS, assorted sizes, with mouldings and" J raised panel.

50 Snah Doors, assorted sizes.SOO nir W itlow SsS. asitorted sires.2.0 do RlitKltt, with and without swlvelsnss'd sizes.

Selected expressly for this market, and for sale low byST--tf GEORGE O. HOWE.


PER ELIZ A Si ELLA," A SELECTEDof Eastern Lumter, consisting of

Tello'V Pine Flooring, Wotked.rpmce do do ilo.Half Inch Slatched Ceiling, a superior article for ITouse and

Cabin lining.White Pinenrked Partition Boards.Wide Coffin 'Shingles, Laths, and a general assort

ment of BUILDING MATERIAL9,selectedbythe undersipned.8fi--tr C. II. LEWKRs.


following SAILS, suitable for a vessel of 260 to 300tons, viz

1 new Topsail;1 new Foresail;1 new T. M. Studding Sail;1 main Royalt1 Spanker, 1 Jib,1 Fore Topmast Staysail, -

lPpanlfer, j Nearly new.

1 Top Gallantsail, J '1 set Iron strapped Cntting-i- n Blocks, with chain pendants. fcomplete. (j-- ii ji. g. BUW,


Bales brown cotton, do denims, do g,

Bales blue drill and blue cotton, cs linen-boso- m shirts,White and blue cotton thread, kip bropans, goat do,Calf bropans, women's shoes, asstd blank books, Ac,Patent charcoal irons, palm leaf hat, out nails, white lead,rfonen: unseen 011, spirits 01 turpentine, celestial nine,Chrome green and chrome yellow, Prussian b!uiShoe blacking, dried apples, ch-vs- hams, water crackers,

aLoaf and crushed sngar, soda and butter crackers,Boxes raisins, do tobacco, etc., etc., etc. ,

C2 tf For sale by H. HACKFELD.


Stearlne Candles, Salad Oil, demijohns Tinegar,Assorted Pickles, Mustard, Pie Fruits,Capers, Peppermint Loeenpes, Rocks and Drops,Picnic Biscuits, .Waccaronl, Singapore black Pepper,Sao, In bottles, Swiss Cteese,Westphalia Hams, Sausages.

For sale by62-- tf H. HACKFELD & CO.

EX "GOLDEN STATE."mHE ENTIRE CARGO OF LUMBER RE.cently amve1 by tne above schooner from Humboldt, con.

in part as follows :

65 31 nch Northwest Board;5 M nch Redwood do;

37 31 Scantling assorted sizes.88--tf For sale by GEO. O. HOWE.


the premises of the undersigned 1P - B. F. SNOW.

PANAMA HATS.FINE LOT OF X'A RRO W-RR- IM PA.naraa Hats, nnpresasd. just received ner u Yankee." arwt

sale by .104-t- fJ . C. A. 4t II. F. POOE.









N B SSec. Sec.

RECEIVED PER AXT I LLA "li Bremen, and for sale by the undersigned :

10d-- tf


Bales fancy printsdo

Bale emb. cambric haodkfs.mourning do do table linen ,

do of Madapolams do linen tape, do threaddo of superior shirting do Water's best quaL 6-eorddo printed jaconets . spool cottondo , Victoria lawn do sup. white flanneldo jaconet & mull muslin do thibetdo Swiss muslin and robes do ptd. woolen table-cor- er

do - bonk muslin do tafctaa. oiled silkdo bishop's lawn do wh. silk cam. hdkfa withdo linen, mrdeakin fancy bordersdo linen drill do ladies' reila,' asatd quaXdo do handkerchiefs do black quittado cambric do do scarlet and bhte blanketdo lawn do do sofa carpet

'White and black silk gloves, for ladies and gentlemenSilk and mohair mita, embroidered sleeves and collars,Bracelets, ooifarvs, kid plovea, cs assorted silkCases asstd trimming cords and buttonsWoolen and cotton fringes, black mantillasCases assorted stockinps, do socksChil lreu'. socks and stockinps, silk and wool under-shir- ts

Ladies riding hats (great variety), Amazonia batsChildren's woolen cord and tafeelsArtificial Bowers, great varietyEnglish silk umbrellas, frr la.iios and gentlemenVery superior portmonnaies and ladles' necessariesLadies' fancy note paper and envelopesLadies' immitation combs, do asstd flueonsBlack cloth pacts, do buckskin pants, fancy do do

- Large assortment of different qualities cotton pantsLarpe assortment of half woolen pantsAssorted cravats, black satin vests, white plotxe doBlack Alpacca coats, pilot cloth, monkey Jackets aad pantsecarlet and blue serpe shirts, white cotton doLambs-wo- ol under shirts and drawersBleached and unbleached cotton under-shir- ts and drawersLineu bosom shirts, fai cy cotton do. of different qimbtiesHickory shirts, common felt hats, sujerior felt doPalm leaf hats, Leghorn do, silk gusjiendersSilk garters, cotton suspenders, children's toys and dollsEnplfch saddles, hop-sk- in do. saddle girths, saddle dothsSilverM bits, stirrups and spars, ruling whipsLastinp gaiters, patent leather shoes,' French o.lf bootsWrappinpaper, letter paper, flscap do, bill doPaint brushes, shoe brushes, scrubbing do, tooth dofhaviup brushes, hair do, lamp do, pocket booksWater (stone), room paper and bordersPainted boxes, glass beads, koa-hand- le butcher knives

. Tahle knives and forks, pen and pocket knivesScissors sml Jack knives, small chains, hooka and eyesRasps and files, assorted, bung screwsIron snd brass screws hcks, spunpes, ivory eonhsPlated candle-stick- s, with tulip had-s- , baffle combsPearl buttons, cast-ste- tl hand saws, hest English raisorsLadies' pen and pocket knives, asstd ; pencil casesInkstandsjnatch boxes, plated baske'S. Ac--Wax tapers, Britannia metal, tea and coffee potsCasks hollow ware

For sale bre2--:f H. HACKFELD A CO.

FOR SALEBy the Aent Rndson'sJlay Company.

MAX'S IROX WIRE, assorted sizes;Fencing wire, linseed oil, turpentine, white lead ;Black paint, preen p.iint. Stockholm tar, pitch 5

Grocnes, perfumer', stationery ;chenthlng copper, assorted siies ; composition nails, do 5

Anchors an) chains. the loave-s-t mnrlirl ratrsmm, ass.rti sizes hair brushes, blue cloth caps ;A rt d clothing, spunyaru, railine ;

l c rJase, tarred ai:d Manila ;Stiito i cheese, haras. Brass' ale, sherry, port, brandyGeneva auc', preserve.! meats and vegetablesAbtmithy's biscuits, Letuaiiu's biscuits.

A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SADDLERT,Including fittings and trimir.inps of all descriptions for carriage

and harness.

EARTHENWARE AXD GLASSWARE.Canvass of all Xo.. huckabacks, stockings and hose 1

Green, blue and white blmkets ;Lona Cloth, various qualities ; madapolams;Brown cotton, blue prints, mourning prints, muslins ,Crinoline, real cloih ; thread rf all kinds, cotton drill ;Linn drill, crtinbric handerchiefs, silk do, book muslin ;Victoria lawn, jaconet, black Orleans, do Alpacea;Plack pripcetta, do lasting, siik umbrellas, cotton dotAlpiicca umbrellas, ribNns, Mack lace mitts, black silk ;Whit" silk, barege scirfs, broail cloth ;Silk mantles, new styles ; cr.rds and tassels ;Woolen plaid for children's dresses ; towels, lace falls jWhits resting 1 preen, white, blue and amber lenos ;Blue flannel, printed and plain barege 5

Gold lace, i to H inch ; combs, Ac, Ac, AcCAXDLES, in great Trity. 82-- tf


Js. per " 1UZA : KLLA," from B.ton, the following splenrti l assortment of taUonery, Blank Boc ks, and Desk Furniture,

3, 4, 6 and 0 quire Journals, various bindings;3, 1. 6 and 6 quire ledgers, do do:3, 4, 5 and 6 quire ISeeord Books;3, 4. 6 and 6 quire Day Books;3, 4. 5 pad 6 quire Log Books;

Assorted canro looks; Assorted tuck mem. hooks;do tuck diaries aud almanacs, for 1S5S;do writ inp books, with and without copies;do cap ledper indices; atorted letter liookr ;200 reams letter, cap and note paper;

10 do bill and account cm?nt paper;100.000" buff and whi-t- envelopes, of all sizes;

2.000 parchment ami-clot- envelopes, of ail sizes;great vari'ty of blank notes, drafts and biils of lading;

Bowditch's Navigator; Kvpeditk-o- s Calculator;Nautical Almanac, for 1S53; 100 cross steel pens;Gutta ptrcha pens a new article; copying brushes;Assorted red tape; red, fancy and black senling wax;ioxes Bssonea pummea seals; patent ingjeraers;Patent pencil sharpener; patent traveling ink stands;Flat, round and octapou rulers; tin cash trays;LuMn's, Fab.r's and Ropes' lead pencils; tin wafer cups;

gross red. blue and black inks; sssorted copying inks;Assorted iwrttoHos. choice article: assorted ivorv naner foMm.

do pen hnfders. various patterns; pen racks; letter clips;.ivf i --i ?sori.eti i"; inermometers;do mottled and plain lineu twine;d lats, sm:Ul toy nd school;do banker ' wallets, for notes nnd hllln;

,iew ot reai

.AiiuiLa pens; la.ties' small sired etter papers

1 ; nr j t 1 1vuhx uc?k camei nair pencils, etc., etcso--tf h. m. w nrrxEY.


1000 Parker's Primers,600 do. Word Builders,100 do. Firt Reader,100 Price's Spelling Bjr.k,2A0 Monteith's First Lessons in Geopraphy.200 do. Manual cf do.100 McNalry's Geography,100 Davie's Primary Arithmetic,

50 Parker's Juvenile Philosophy,20 do. First Iyssons In Philosophy,

Clark's Elements of Drawing.Lardner's Steam EnpfTie,Fulton A-- Ijtstman's Book Keeping.Juvenile Choir by Bradbury,Lectures on Arts and Sciences,Masonic Chart,Plymouth Coll. n.vmns and Tunes,Slllimau's Travels In Europe, 2 vols.



M'Mte linen duck Coats,White Marseilles do.White linen drill Tanta,Black aliacca Fmcks,

Fashionably made.10T-- tf For sale low by C. A. & II. T. POOR.


CST RECEIVED, PER MMF.UT1.W Asmall invoice of ShoeTm fcdlnws :

Patent leather, ptove fcp. Congress Gaiters,Enameled Congress Gaiters,Goat Bropans,Enameled Bropans.

107 tf For sale by. C. A. A H. F. POOR.


bark nsrhitrp." Apply to107-- tf ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER i 8TAPENH0RST.



FOR SALE BV aren. m. wnrrNKT. can


0Alx?ilchT 1,anl Plnk for,hl'l' rpenter's 11s

For sale by61-- tf CnAS. BREWEn, 2d


1104-- tf. . K. HOFFMANN. perJUST RECEIVED FROM EUROPE ' thef.TR?1'' njL POISOX-Forsal- eby er,



2,000 bD9AVr BREAD A


FINE WHITE SHIRTS.C'KS2PX, Pl5?2 WHITE STIIRTS.LIXENnd wristhanda, for ssja by ,.. . tXAt C A. 4s H. F. POOR.


COSTAR'a "Cat, Roach,&a Exterminaw

Put up In JOe., 35e., 65e., and 1 BoiFor h Up ruction of K ATt MIi'R. rit7lv-- i

fl9 Zmdor4 6 tks uanrmout sow of Itu m,As J'toyr: " Not dangerous to the bumsa fuRats do not die in ibeir bolea. but come txn uuldHlr

aurw, aafa and rpnedy remedy."'XsrdV7OiousBiMia. ia Vnrk. and alaewherr uT !

aipa, nteamooaia. uoarawg uooaaa, eubhe Insuido wiihoul it.'

COSTAH'S"Bed Bag Exterminator.

, Put op to He, 60c, 13c, and tl Boults.Aa Infallible destroyer of these mtd uUrht

'Jeer known U fail." "So bomiekeeiwr ibou?!wttboot It." "Is not obaozieaa to the h""n- - luiijjtotha bog speciKa."

Electric Powder.Pot op tJBo-- , and BOe. Bi'i

Destroy MOTHS. BED BCGP, JIlSQriTOnT8. FLKAB, PLANT INSECTS, VEKxis S(TL8 and AXTKAL8, Ac. "Aa l0Talnb prpto Farmers." Unsarpajatid by any aa immense populariiy ererywhere."


X.The above are cow acknowledged lb

Only Infallible Remedies !

Terms. Cab par funds la Kew Tors.Xo Good, sold oa eommlslon."Costar'a Bnllrln," wiib fnl! partle.olara, farmskd on application.

To Druggists and DealersIn places where the iItihi have Bet yet bayXroJvcmi, Conmr." makes the Sptriul iVopontiM1 On orders for a Btnqii IMtten (tor a Cm tnaU s

hmrl of Gram Prirro trill hioitxn.1 On all orders for 1 10 worth aad over, m rfi'nwit p

fm r nottfrom Sntt Prtm.fsrKeDd for "Costar's" Privat Clreolar, toDnuffia,

To tae Tecple.If no PnwK or iW--r m onr place kej a wipe:,

of the Exfermitmtor.. fim-pi- Ho erf ih Jiit, hood,Ac. Zxlmrwi'tiilnr will I I 10 Ton by mall. pr-p-

oa receipt of tl. or a ft triple Hex of th. Eltrtrictor 50e. Thr M Bui T.rmninnr being a llo wi cansbe sent throrch the mli: bni in rmi where i I. rvqmmthe HmXric Pvctier will Le round aa effectual .ubfcuu.

Teprotert the Pablln FpuHowi aed BUk'tPornleiona Jwul'rii'm a X'l. Lasel has I eea prapvrs.bearinc a uetimH of the ProprieWs slgaatar:

Fold VTholeMle and PetsU "COSTARiftPrlnelpal Depot. Ao. S9B iirosiavar.Ktw 1 or k, ana by revpeetable irouct and Wnthrongcont the Coned K'aies, il Cmisd., JtUica, Waslodke and boats Amevloa.

Bald slsn, byS. P. FORD. M. t)MG. I. JI DD. M. Dm

100-e- w 6m Hossolsilsi. S. L


and "YAXKE.e? ao fir sale ch--ap tor xtThe American Naval ?ktch Book 2 vols.r..... i .. ih. r.uizvcr ami risqcouia.Bmm' AavHiutiiiit' Own H vk. L

Trcil a Tale ol the Dismal Swamp.Waverlv Nov-- ls IIIustrated-1- 2 vols, complete.Cheevers Sandwich Islands.Irvinp's Complete Works 6 vols.Alderbrook 2 vols.Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.Cook's Voyages Round tlie World 4 vol.Life of Captain Cook, the Discoverer 2 vols.Gerard, the Lion Killer.Howitt's Land of Labor and Gold.O'Meara's Life of Napoleon.Family and hip Medicine Chest Companion.Francis' Manifold Letter Writer. 'MLempiere's Classical Dictionary,A great variety cf Juveniles.Spectator vols.Gliddon's Types of Mankind.Universal Gaserteer of Literature.Adventures of Don Quixote Illustrated.Widow Bedott Papers.Philosophy of Mysterious Rappingi snd Bepl.r to BteeiThe Skeptical lira.The Roving Diplomatist by Wikoff. --

The States and Territories of the Great West.A Common-plac- e Book of Thought, Memories and FssdDerivation ot ramiiy .unn.Life of Napoleon III.Life of Prince Talleyrand.Balloon Travrls in Europe-Anecdot- es

of the American Clergy.Iicmue. or the First Days of Blood by Pumas.Trials of aLves from the Tree IjdrasyLKnight of the Golden Melice.The Gentleman in Black.The Two Guaniians.Tanpletown Letters.

Speeches and Addrtsets .by Charles Strmwr.Gabriel Vane his Fortunes and Friends.Panorama of Life and Liteiatuie of LitteJLThe Hiawatha Legends.Flbwer Tables.Twice Married-Hom- e

Scenes and Home Sonnds. "

Mysteries KxplsJned and Exposed.Art and Indowry of tlie Crystal Palace-Napole- on

ia Exile.The Life and Reign of Nicholas I. of Rossis.Poetry andlystery of Iireajcs.The Romance of History.Old IIaan, the Pawnbroker dostraied.Literary Criticisms.Star Papers Ward Beecher.Anderson's Coarse of Creation.Mechanics' Lectures on Science, tc.Yankee Enterprise Illustrated.Men ot Character by Douglas JervoH Illamt..Stray Leave from Fairy Land.The Youth of the Old IKxninioa.American Education by Maosleld.Scene ami A .1 venture in the Arm v.The Upper Ten Thousand by C. Astnr Bristed V.

My Cousin Nichoias by the Author ot Infold y 14stories from Household Words,

And about 1000 other volumes.107-- tf HENRY M. WHITXr


FflHE UXDERSIGX'ED U Agent to r.trJve sa(rj. 110ns uinaignout ttus l" any of the I 'puoucaiicns. eunsenbers snil receive them puncnuliy

arrival of each mail from 0k? United Stales, when t4dT,nc: Tt" co-e- r the Hawaiian, Anr4

ana untBO jstages :


Harper's Monihlv Mapazln ( the meofMapazines) .... 1 1

Atlantic Monthly Mupviue, ... 1

G.vley's Lady's JGraham's Illustrated . . . . tLeslie's Magaalne of Fashion, - - . .Hunt's M'rclianu Mafrine. - . MKnickerbocker " - . .Eclectic . . . . NjLlttei's Living Age, (weekly) - HBlackwoiid't 3fapaziur. fi:"ncliM - . - 'H

Blackwood and the 4 F.iip1L1i QuartfTtlec . - W

Either of the 4 EnalUh '

United Stales Illnstmted Maiir. ... lNorth American Review. fonarLrlv - IDe Bow's Review, (monthlv) . . . VJDickens' Housrhoki Wonl. . . . .Butchinit's California M.iciine. . - "

ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS.London Illustrated News, (weekly') - ' .

Mail ly of the LondNnT:m ) - . ... .

" Punch, (aceklv) - --u Despatch, . . . . l

Bell's Life in London, - 14 Pi

London Weekly Times, . . . 10

Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper, 1

French Conrier des Etats L'nis,

AMERiaVX NEWSPAPERSNew York HemU, (weekly) .- - ." " "Tribune, ...." " Times, .

Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, (weekly) vBallou's Bostm Pictorial, - ...San Francisco HeraUl, .

' - , ." Bulletin, , T--

" " AaCal!fua, . ." " T. wn Talk, - - -

Boston Journal, (weekly) ....Willis' Home Jotmial, - - . .New York Independent, (weekly) - .Philadelphia Evening Post, . .Harper's Weekly Journal, . . .Life Illustrated, (a weekly family journal) --

The Country Gentleman, do "New Bedford Jlfercnry, ....." ShipUn,Cultivator Magaxioe,monthly, on farming)

The above list comprises the cream of British and Aneperiodical literature, and will be supplied to subscribers

rates annexed to each iriodical. Those takingnoHiii1u.olo nritl - ll.iBfd.l . IIKav.l llmnnl All tll

regularly received by each mail from the Culledbe supplied oa application. The undersigned wins"""

mail any papers not in the above list for those who mr Jthem. (5S-U-) , 11. M. WHn

THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARERRags, iu any quantity, i trad or JULi

clean and picked white e4lon or linen rags, S cre?Jpound will be paiil. For eolurtd cotton or linen nf

pound. Ko rags wiU be purchased unless well c1zjmerchantable. Woolen rags not wanted. Persons rew"

other Ie'jads, can send nig bales to Honolulu byconsigned to. the subscriber, and care will be taken

packages. (65-7- 8) IL M. WHlTl. .,..!. --- - - .1,1. -


10 wr'r-- I MarteR's Brandyt

o e 1 1 naiopagntt Cider)100 1 ti radooa each, whisky.

at tilAl.ts, tnr saie a ineUrates Jyl.l-- f ROBERT C.i i

4 sj, .k
