actual 20 key frames

Original Key Frames

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Post on 12-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Actual 20 Key Frames

Original Key Frames

Page 2: Actual 20 Key Frames

Key Frame 1.

Starting with the first key frame and it was good and exactly what I wanted. A close up of the main character Richard Morris, played by Lewis Kempster. It shows his seriousness and professionalism with how well he was in this shot. For the audience I was trying to make them thing Morris is serious and knows what to do.

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Key Frame 2

The second key frame was also what I wanted and it tell out well. It shows the type of shot I was going for with an over shoulder looking down towards Admiral Song, acted by James Williams. This shows Song’s power as he is looking up towards the two characters with a serious look. This was taken to try and show the audience that Song has the most power and authority. I really like the way Song is looking with his facial expression and having his arms on the desk really brings it together.

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Key Frame 3

This shot didn’t turn out as well as I wouldn’t to but I can work with it and it ends up with a good reason as to why I used pulled focus. This would have been the after shot in the film as it pulls focus away from Morris because Keith Cooper, acted by Bailey Rattray, is symbolizing that Morris is starting to because nothing in his life so he’s not focusing on him anymore. For the audience this picture is there to try and get a little picture of Cooper and to not trust him completely.

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Key Frame 4

This shot was done well because you can see Morris’ sad emotion, to make this shot better I would like to have more emotion shown and see how devastated he is. But this shot still is good and shows what type of shot I was going for with the close up. As this was influenced by the shot from Star Trek, I was shot and framed well but all that was needed was that little bit more emotion. For the audience you really wanted them to feel the pain he was feeling.

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Key Frame 5

I really liked this shot as the darkness down the hall was a good representation of the nothingness that was left in the room after the office where Morris’ father figure Song (James Williams) died. Both the characters also looking down the hall and just to wait and see there facial expression.

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Key Frame 6 Key Frame I was unable to get because my SD Card I was using

in my camera some how deleted a couple of the key frames I got, so I lost a couple but I have the majority of them.

This is an over the shoulder shot of Morris holding Cooper’s mission report with a file that also says “Top Secret”, this file was one that the Admiral would have given to Morris when he was to step down as Admiral, and Morris to stand up as the leader. This shot shows that Admiral Song knew something was up because Cooper’s mission report showed that they encountered an alien force, and whatever the “Top Secret” file says, it looked as if they could link, so it gives the option of that

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Key Frame 7

This was shot was easy and I got it pretty easy. It basically just there to show how the story progresses. This was put in to get the audience to just ask the questions, who? what? And why?

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Key Frame 8

This shot is very well well and the actors had good facial expressions to try and get across the confusion of what’s happened. I had to reuse James for this as another character due to the lack of actors that were available for the day. But the picture still come out very well and I feel that the audience will feel the emotions that are there in the image.

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Key Frame 9 This frame was another that removed from my SD card and due

to the time, I couldn’t get another one.

This frame will be the three characters looking towards a window to symbolizes that something is about to happen. It will consist of them looking past the camera and just having a shocked, but confused expression on there face. I feel it will make the audience ask questions about what’s happening.

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Key Frame 10

This was the second message to come up after the first one and it built everything up and was starting to get the audience al tense and a bit confused as to what would happen next. It’s a scene that is keeping everyone on the edge of there seat.

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Key Frame 11

This shot came out really well, Bailey got the facial expression perfect and the over all frame was shot well. For the audience this shot is there as a bit of an enigma code, asking questions that are answered throughout the film

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Key Frame 12

This was an inspired shot from the film Star Trek. It was supposed to be like the characters are being “beamed” like they are in Star Trek. Overall the framing of the shot was good, it got the overall shot type right and shows what I was trying to go for. To make it better I would of used props to make it more realistic but from the image I have I still think it shows what I was going for.

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Key Frame 13

This shot I found to be one of the best from the camera shot, angle, and the mask that brings it together. For the audience it would be the first time they see the villain so they needed to see him being serious. The mask helps bring the effect altogether.

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Key Frame 14

This frame I thought to be a good one as well by the use of props and expression of the actors. The medium close up was used and it worked very well, the expression on Morris’ face is what I wanted because it shows how oblivious he is to the whole situation as he thinks Cooper is on his side. For the audience that is where some the questions get answered.

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Key Frame 15

This frame shows the confusion that is going on in the scene and is also an indication of the audience would be feeling like also. The facial expressions used in the shot was very good, you can really see the confusion in his face. The close up as well was frame nicely.

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Key Frame 16

Symbolizing the betrayal Cooper has just committed, him standing next to Vlaar is a sign that they were working together the whole time. For the audience I reckon it will give them a sense of hurt for the characters and make them feel very confused. The angle this was shot at made it look very good and shot the betrayal of the two characters.

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Key Frame 17

This was one of my favorite pictures I took. The smokiness around the shot brings a good effect to what’s happening, maybe symbolizing that we can see him literally taking his last breathes. This is a scene that for the audience, should give them a chill

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Key Frame 18

This was a very well framed shot, the focus is really well and gets the point across. To make it perfect I should have put in a big button but from the framing you can see what was meant to be there. This is again another shot that would have given the audience a chill and then ask the question of what is going to happen when he pushes the button.

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Key Frame 19 This was the third shot that got deleted from my camera and

when I realized it was to dark to go and do another take of it.

This is an action shot with Morris running through the streets towards the vigilantes and tries to capture them. The chase scene in Star Trek: Into Darkness when Spock was chasing down Khan through the streets, influenced the chase scene here in my film. This shot is now trying to bring the film to an end with the final shots coming into place.

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Key Frame 20

Now for the final shot, it is a medium shot with Morris standing high and tall on his own, as the story comes to an end and the villain is defeated. For the audience this is a nice framed image to wrap up all the excitement that has happened and move on with everything answered and accounted for.