9 key frames 2 kilos

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  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    9 Key Frames 2 Kilos

    These are the nine key frames I have chosen for my

    creative artifact. I was able to collect these photographs bymaking my actors act through the scenes multiple timeswhist I took pictures of the actions taking place. I thenselected the pictures I thought were the best at depictingthe chronological sequence of my film 2 Kilos andrepresented the clear narrative of my script.

    Key Frame: 1

  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    Scenario:The scenario in the picture is the opening to the sequence whenRyan is lying unconscious on the floor at the entrance of an alleyway after!ust having been beaten up and had his trainers stolen. "t this point Ryan#s lipis bleeding and he is twitching his foot as he slowly regaining consciousness.

    Ryan is unable to feel anything he would still be in a da$e after being knockedunconsciousCinematography:In this high angle long shotthe lighting in this shot is veryneutral no editing or enhancing has been done so that the audience willunderstand that there is not much really happening in this scene.Sound: In this scene their will be non diegetic background sounds of a slowbeating heart to represent how the protagonists body is reacting to thesituation as he begins to slowly regain consciousness and to create a senseof an%iety to the audience.Mise-en scene: The costumes in the scene make my character look like ateen who is mi%ed in with gang culture& this is because of my costume choice

    of a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms and through the actor choice which helpsconvey everyday stereotypes to my audience.Representations: 'ere the Ryan is represented as weak and vulnerable ashe is alone with no trainers on and looking as if he has !ust been cast awayand thrown on the ground.

  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    Key Frame: 2

    Scenario: This shot is showing Ryan after he has !ust regainedconsciousness. "t this point Ryan is currently in a da$e and looking aroundwondering where he is and trying to figure out how he got into this position.'e then reali$es that his lip is bleeding and wipes it off whilst wiping his lip henotices that he is no longer wearing his trainers as he looks down at his feethe sees that there are only white socks he then looks around and notices thathis bike is missing.Cinematography: 'ere I have used a medium close up so that the audience

    can clearly see the position of the character and the e%pression on his face.Sound:"t first there is no sound but as Ryan starts to think he says throughdiegetic dialogue (a fffffu)*Mise-en scene: +haracter,positioning Ryan the protagonist is position on thefloor still leaning up against the fence to show some progression as heregains consciousness.Representations:The protagonist Ryan is represented as confused to theaudience through the use of facial e%pressions clearly depicting myprotagonist#s feelings. "t this point my protagonist is also represented asbeing scared and an%ious because he does not remember what hashappened or recogni$e where he is.

  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    Key Frame: 3

    Scenario: Ryan in a state of confusion. "t this point Ryan is standingdesperately trying to remember what happened. 'ere Ryan is feeling irritatedbecause he can#t remember how he got into this position. Ryan then looks upto the sky as he tries to remember what happened. This is the part of thescene when my protagonist sets up the first of two flashbacks.Cinematography:This is a medium long shot shortly after this medium shotthere is a slow upward pan showing the sky as Ryan begins to think.Sound:There is non,diegetic background score music getting louder as theprotagonist begins to panic connoting more tension to the audience.Mise en scene: Ryan the protagonist is positioned in the centre of the frameleaving space for the audience to see the location in the background.Representations:In this scene Ryan is represented and confused andirritated as he desperately tries to remember what happened.

  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    Key Frame: 4

    Scenario:The first flashback scene set round the back of a shop. In this flashback Ryan is collecting an order from a well,known drug dealer whilst beingcautious that he doesn#t get caught. "fter being given the envelope filled withdrugs he then quickly put the envelope in his satchel to keep it hidden. Thedrug dealer watches as Ryan puts the drugs in his satchel to make sure he isnot getting up to anything suspicious.Cinematography: 'ere I have used a medium long shot showing Ryanpicking up an envelope filled with drugs from a drug dealer. I had the camerapositions at eye level to allow the best view of the action going on the scene.Sound:"t this point there are ambient sounds of traffic and the faint sound ofpolice sirens.Mise en scene: -rops I used an envelope to hold the drugs and the bag thatRyan puts the drugs in to. "t this point I also used a bike but it is not shown in

    this shot.Representations:Ryan is represented as an%ious and nervous because thisis his first time and he does want the drug dealer to think that he can#t handleand the drug dealer the antagonist is represented as suspicious because he isatching everything that Ryan does.

  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    Key Frame:

    Scenario: Ryan is looking through the bag in a panic after he hasremembered what is meant to be inside. "s he opens the bag he feels itsweight and reali$es that it is empty. 'e holds the bag open as he tries toremember what he had. 'e remembers he had some cash but can#t see itanywhere. 'e then remembers that he had his phone and it is not in the bagand Ryan begins to get angry.Cinematography/ This is over the shoulder shot taken from a high angle tothe from over the right shoulder of protagonist Ryan.Mise-en scene:"t this point in the sequence I used the bag that Ryan theprotagonist put the drug in.Representations:"t this point Ryan is represented as desperate as he looksthrough is bag in a panic trying to find his things and something to help him


  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    Key Frame: !

    Scenario:Ryan has become angry and irritated because he can#t find hisphone. In this long shot Ryan has crushed the bag in his hand is about tothrow his bag on the floor after he has searched through it and found that it isempty and the drugs are nowhere to be found.Cinematography:'er I have used a long shot showing my protagonistpositioned in the centre of the frame and as much background as possible.Sound:"t this point there is a loud fast paced non diegetic drum beat in thebackground to represent Ryan#s anger and frustration.Mise-en scene:0ocation the location I have chosen for this shot is the sameas the first key frame but here I have allowed the audience to see more of it.Representations:This represents Ryan to the audience as furious andirritated this is clearly shown through the protagonist#s actions. "t this pointRyan is also represented as angry and confused because he still does not

    understand how he ended up like this.

  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    Key Frame: #


    Thisthreeshotshowsthe pointin the filmwhere thetwounknownteenage boys have !ust pulled Ryan off of his bike and are forcing him to theground. Ryan is trying to fight them back but is outnumbered and defenselessagainst the two boys. The boys are attacking Ryan kicking him in his chestand punching him in his back because they know that he has the drugs andthey want to take them and resell them for themselves. Ryan screams out inpain as he is thrown to the ground and kicked in the chest. 1nce Ryan isthrown to the ground a blow to his head knocks him unconsciousCinematography:'ere I have used an eyelevel action three shot. Ipositioned the camera as close to the centre of the action as possible.Sound:(uring the fight scene there is loud fast past paced non,diegetic rapmusic to connote e%hilaration and e%citement to the audience.

    Mise-en scene:+haracter positions in this shot the characters are positionedclose together in the foreground and in the centre of the frame.Representations:Ryan is represented as weak because he cannot defendhimself against the two boys who are younger than him. The two unknownantagonists are represented as violent and part of the gang culture becausethey are beating up Ryan for drugs and money.

  • 8/10/2019 9 Key Frames 2 Kilos


    Keanon Mcsween

    Key Frame: 9

    Scenario:Ryan hears someone shouting 1i you* in the back ground herecogni$es the voice scared he says 1h shit* he slowly turns round to see hisboss angry because he has not delivered the drugs. 3naware that Ryan hasbeen attacked and has no idea where the drugs are. Ryan then turns aroundand starts trying to quickly limp away.Cinematography/ 'ere I have used a long shot for the antagonist and aclose up for the protagonist at eyelevel. I positioned the camera near to theright shoulder of the protagonist.Sound:"t this point there is loud non diegetic sound of a beating heat gettingfaster as Ryan begins to get scared of what his boss might do.Mise-en scene:+haracter positioning in this shot I have positioned theantagonist as far back in the background as possible and the protagonist inthe fore ground and both to the left of the frame. "llowing the audience to still

    see as much of the location as possible.Representations: Ryan is re presented as scared and the antagonist isrepresented as intimidating and powerful because Ryan is scared of what isgoing to happen.