9.30-10.00: introduction from prof. ruggieri (director of the masterspazio) 10.00-10.30: ing. marco...

Download 9.30-10.00: Introduction from Prof. Ruggieri (Director of the MasterSpazio) 10.00-10.30: Ing. Marco Donfrancesco, Selex SI, “Disegniamo i sistemi del domani

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  • Slide 1

9.30-10.00: Introduction from Prof. Ruggieri (Director of the MasterSpazio) 10.00-10.30: Ing. Marco Donfrancesco, Selex SI, Disegniamo i sistemi del domani resistenti agli attacchi cyber emergenti nel futuro 10.30-11.00: Ing. Giuseppe Zorzino, Attacchi mirati e Sistema di Difesa delle Informazioni 11.00-11.30: Presentation from Elital SpA 11.00-12.00: Presentation of MasterSpazio, Dr. Ernestina Cianca 12.00: Buffet lunch 9.30-10.00: Introduction from Prof. Ruggieri (Director of the MasterSpazio) 10.00-10.30: Ing. Marco Donfrancesco, Selex SI, Disegniamo i sistemi del domani resistenti agli attacchi cyber emergenti nel futuro 10.30-11.00: Ing. Giuseppe Zorzino, Attacchi mirati e Sistema di Difesa delle Informazioni 11.00-11.30: Presentation from Elital SpA 11.00-12.00: Presentation of MasterSpazio, Dr. Ernestina Cianca 12.00: Buffet lunch Agenda Slide 2 Opening Presentation Master in Advanced Satellite Communication and Navigation Systems Director: Prof. Marina Ruggieri Coordinator: Dr. Ernestina Cianca Casa dellAviatore,Roma December 10, 2012 December 10, 2012 Slide 3 The M.Sc. in Advanced Communication and Navigation Satellite Systems is: Master Degree (II Level) Master Degree (II Level) according to the Decreto Rettorale n 2545 del 11.8.2003. according to the Decreto Rettorale n 2545 del 11.8.2003. The title is released according to: The M.Sc. in Advanced Communication and Navigation Satellite Systems is: Master Degree (II Level) Master Degree (II Level) according to the Decreto Rettorale n 2545 del 11.8.2003. according to the Decreto Rettorale n 2545 del 11.8.2003. The title is released according to: The Master of Science D.M. 509/99 (Autonomy of University and Change on the University Study) D.M. 270/04 (successive modification) D.M. 270/04 (successive modification) D.M. 509/99 (Autonomy of University and Change on the University Study) D.M. 270/04 (successive modification) D.M. 270/04 (successive modification) Slide 4 Why Space? Italy has alwayy played an important international role in the space sector Medium-long terms project less influenced by the economical cycles Space research in Horizon 2020, Recommendations of the FP7 Space Advisory Group (SAG), June 2011: The conclusions of the Space Advisory Group's deliberations..... is that Space must be a major and well- funded theme of the Horizon 2020, commensurate with the strategic importance of this major industry sector, scientific discipline and human endeavour Slide 5 Earth Observation Navigation Why Space? Telecommunications Homeland security Telemedicine Surveillance AIS Fleet management Disaster Management Earthquake prediction? Entertainment Slide 6 Organization Seminars on Cybersecurity 15 hours dedicated to Earth-Observation More focus on Integration of NAV-COM-Earth Observation and on interdisciplinary in ICT More focus on the Ground-Segment NEWS Slide 7 Organization Face-to- face lecturers Visit to labs Project work 10 CFU Stage 15 CFU 35 CFU + 10 optional CFU 60 CFU CFU: Crediti Formativi Universitari Case studies seminars Slide 8 7 Teaching Modules (35 CFU) 1 Project work (10 CFU) 1 Project work (10 CFU) Stage (15 CFU):375 hours of Stage Stage (15 CFU):375 hours of Stage 60 CREDITs 1500 hours - 350 hours of face to face Lecturers/Labs - 525 hours of individual work - 40 hours of face to face Lecturers/Labs - 210 hours of individual work Organization Slide 9 Organization: teaching modules Electronics of Space Systems Elements of Signal Theory and Processing Principles of Satellite Communications Principles of Satellite Navigation Advanced Satellite Communication Systems Advanced Satellite Navigation Systems Fundamentals of Space Systems Project and Space Systems Management LabView National Academy Slide 10 Organization: labs-oriented activities 5 CFU course ability to use the SW LabView for developing HW modules Slide 11 Organization: labs-oriented activities Laboratories exercises in the HASCON Labs at Tor Vergata - SoHa Pen - Satellite Compass - GPS-based localization system for a fleet of mobile units - Smart Pointer (NavCom for Cultural Heritage) Smart Pointer My Smart Pointer says these are the statues of Canopo in Villa Adriana Slide 12 Organization: labs-oriented activities Laboratories exercises in the HASCON Labs at Tor Vergata -SoHa Pen -Abilitazione geo-referenziata tramite interfaccia HW/SW progettata ad hoc di robot in modalit di funzionamento sciame per una data applicazione (ad esempio sminamento). - Satellite Compass La differenza con una bussola magnetica che tale informazione calcola sfruttando esclusivamente il sistema satellitare GPS e non il campo magnetico terrestre. Ambito applicativo: Marino, su natanti per scopi di navigazione ferroviario, su treni al fine di orientare le antenne utilizzate per la connessione ad internet - Slide 13 Organization: labs-oriented activities Laboratories exercises in the HASCON Labs at Tor Vergata -GPS-based localization system for a fleet of mobile units Trasmissione di dati da unit mobili verso un centro di controllo mediante tecnologia XBee (banda 868 MHz)/ZegBee (banda 2,4 GHz) allinterno di aree di copertura organizzata in celle. Ambito applicativo: Corse automobilistiche - Smart Pointer (NavCom for Cultural Heritage) Si tratta si un dispositivo in grado identificare nello spazio loggetto verso cui si sta puntando e rendere disponibile su terminali mobili (smartphone, tablet, ecc.) ai quali lo smartpointer connesso mediante connessione bluethooth, i contenuti multimediali collegati allo stesso. Ambito applicativo: - Turistico Slide 14 Teaching Staff Academic staff People from industry Basic coursesAdvanced courses Slide 15 External Teaching Staff Ing. Sergio Gerosa Thales Alenia Space Italia, Supply Chain Director Module on: Project and Space Systems Management Book: Sergio Gerosa, Roberto Somma, Tecniche e metodologie di project management, La gestione di programmi complessi con particolare riferimento al settore spaziale, ARACNE EDITRICE Ing. Stefano Lagrasta Appointed Navigation Technologies & Signal Processing Specialist: staff role supporting the head of GNSS-Infomobility, Business Unit at Telespazio. Module on: Advanced Navigation Satellite Systems Ing. Elio Ligato Telespazio Module on: Project and Space Systems Management Slide 16 External Teaching Staff Ing. Francesco Morganti Consultant, previosuly employed at Thales Alenia Space, Sistematica. Module on: Fundamentals of Space Systems Ing. Paolo De Vincenti Consultant, around 30 years spent at Eutelsat France, first as antenna design and then vice director of multimedia department, responsaible for developing telecommunications networks for added value services. Module on: Advanced Com. Sat. Systems Ing. Guido Vingione SERCO European Agency (SEA), GMES Space Component Data Access (GSCDA) System Project Leader. Responsible for the overall technical coordination of a large number of ESA projects including: management of sub-contractors and Integrated Teams coordination in an international environment. Module on: Advanced Com. Sat. Systems Slide 17 External Teaching Staff Ing. Roberto Capua Sogei Spa Responsabile progetto Galileo di Sogei Module on: Advanced Navigation Satellite Systems Ing. Marcello Spagnulo He is employed at the Italian Space Agency ASI, in Rome, as staff within the ASI President Office. Module on: Fundamentals of Satellite Systems Book: Marcello Spagnulo, Elementi di Management dei Programmi Spaziali, Springer Editrice Slide 18 External Teaching Staff Special thanks to: Business Segment Observation Systems & Radar of Thales Alenia Space Centro Interforze per il Telerilevamento Satellitare (CITS), Pratica di Mare Business Segment Payload TLC of Thales Alenia Space Slide 19 Organization: teaching modules Monday Wednesday Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 a. m. -> 1 Teaching Unit from to 1.00 p. m. to 3.30 p. m. -> 2 Teaching Unit from 3.30 p. m. to 4.00 p. m. -> Tutoring Assessment: Final test (written and oral) Teaching material: Handouts and slides provided by the teacher All the recommended books are also available in the library Slide 20 Organization: project work The project work will start after the three basics courses are over (end of March) Work in teams Manage a small mission for which they will have first to: estimate the budget, estimate the time for the work, solve the problems. Slide 21 Organization: stage Opportunity to verify the acquired knowledge by working on a selected project related to communication and navigation satellite systems in one of the company/institution that is partner of the master. Stage/Training: from end of August 2013 to end of January, 2014 Final Exam: February 2014 Slide 22 22 Sistema di gestione certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 PARTNERS (1/5) Welcome to our two new partners Slide 23 23 Sistema di gestione certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 PARTNERS (2/5) Slide 24 24 Sistema di gestione certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 PARTNERS (3/5) Slide 25 25 Sistema di gestione certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 PARTNERS (4/5) Slide 26 26 Sistema di gestione certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 PARTNERS (5/5) Slide 27 27 Sistema di gestione certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS Slide 28 Deadlines Pre-enrollment via email: by 21 of Dec., 2012 Test to get one of the funded grants: Within 10 of Dec. 2012 Oral tests to be admitted to the Master : before 15 January 2013 List of admitted students for scholarships pubblished on the website and in the University noticeboard by 18 January 2013 Enrollment: up to 25 January 2013 Frontal Lecturers will start: 28 January 2013 Pre-enrollment via email: by 21 of Dec., 2012 Test to get one of the funded grants: Within 10 of Dec. 2012 Oral tests to be admitted to the Master : before 15 January 2013 List of admitted students for scholarships pubblished on the website and in the University noticeboard by 18 January 2013 Enrollment: up to 25 January 2013 Frontal Lecturers will start: 28 January 2013 Slide 29 AFCEA Student Project Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies and Smart Devices to improve Quality of Life The Internet of things concept is based on the interaction of different independent systems through the Internet and can be considered as a System of Systems Interconnected Through Internet. The project work concerns the realization of a smart integrated system including a smartphone and new secure low-power wireless standards (as DASH7, 6LoPAN, Bluetooth Low Energy) to support innovative and advanced applications in the fields of healthcare, fitness and homeland security. to develop a smart integrated system for healthcare applications (including e.g. a pulse oximeter, glucose and blood pressure monitoring, etc.) to develop a smart integrated system for homeland security applications Slide 30 Masterspazio at the Italian Centre of Aerospace Research Slide 31 Masterspazio at ESRIN (European Space Agency) Slide 32 Seminars of MasterSpazio Slide 33 33 Sistema di gestione certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 www.masterspazio.uniroma2.it Slide 34 Organization: project work Examples of project works: Integration of sensors for medical/safety applications and a gateway that sends data to a control center for data processing. The integration foresees the use of protocols for Low Power WSNs and the implementation of a HW/SW interfance at low power consumption and hence, based on new standards such as DASH7, 6LOWPAN, Bluetooth Low Energy. Position estimation o train via GNSS. Each vagon has its unit board that estimates the position with high accuracy thanks to corrections sent by referneces stations designed for that purpose whihc does not have its own augmentation network (such as in Australia) Data will be sent via a TETRA link.