8 tips to a healthy life

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  • 8/16/2019 8 tips to a healthy life



     by Angel Rose C. TrocioBA Psychology 4

    Living a happy life is ideally everyone’s dream. We wae !p "o school or wor "o achieve o!r goals which in

    re"!rn will mae !s happy in life. #owever$ mos" of !s$ if no" all$ overloo or even neglec" "he body. We wor

    so hard "ha" we forge" "o live. %" seems "ha" we have become mechanical lie a machine in "he prod!c"ion line

    "ha" we of"en forge" "he mos" essen"ial of "ass lie brea"hing reg!larly. &!r heal"h$ no ma""er how b!sy we have become$ sho!ld never be a hindrance "o achieving "hese goals. %f properly handled$ o!r heal"h can even be o!r

     bes" friend' %" will s!rely help yo! achieve yo!r goals effec"ively and efficien"ly.

    (peaing of heal"h$ when can yo! say "ha" yo! are heal"hy) %s i" when illness is absen") %s i" when yo!r colds

    disappear af"er drining plen"y of wa"er) *oes i" came wi"h age)

    #eal"h is no" "o"ally defined in any of "hese s"a"emen"s. As opposed "o "he pop!lar no"ions of heal"h$ i" goes

     beyond "he physical aspec" + i" incl!des emo"ional$ social$ and men"al well,being' -or !s -ilipinos$ spiri"!ali"y

    has become a maor con"rib!"or of overall heal"h.

    #aving nown "hese fac"s abo!" heal"h$ le" me share "o yo! eigh" impor"an" poin"s "o achieving a happy life.

    Happiness rule # 1: GET ENOUGH REST AT NIGHT.

    (leep is so vi"al in achieving good heal"h and well,being "hro!gho!" yo!r life. /e""ing eno!gh 0!ali"y sleep a"

    "he righ" "imes can help pro"ec" yo!r men"al heal"h$ physical heal"h$ 0!ali"y of life$ and safe"y. (leep does no"

    only prepare yo! for "he day$ b!" i" also preven"s yo! from ac0!iring life,"hrea"ening diseases. Lac of sleep has been lined "o an increased ris of high blood press!re$ s"roe$ idney diseases$ diabe"es and many o"hers.

    %" is also "hro!gh sleeping "ha" yo! become safe in "he o!"side world. *!ring "he rapid,eye movemen" 1R23s"age in sleep$ yo!r body develops i"s refle5es in a safe con"e5". This means "ha" yo! can !mp from b!ildings "o

    "rees in yo!r dreams wi"ho!" rising yo!r life. 3eanwhile$ "he brain fl!shes o!" "o5ins in o!r body d!ring non,

    R23 s"age.

    B!" how long sho!ld we sleep) %deally$ we need "o sleep for 6,7 ho!rs a nigh". Before yo! sleep$ eep away

    devices "ha" are prod!cing ar"ificial ligh"s8 yo!r cell!lar phones$ lap"ops$ and even yo!r room’s ligh". These

    ar"ificial ligh"s a" nigh" conf!ses "he body’s na"!ral circadian rhy"hm$ increasing "he ris of diabe"es$ cancer$depression and even infer"ili"y.

    (leep also affec"s "he 0!ali"y of yo!r rela"ionships. Lacing in sleep gives yo! a groggy feeling$ maing yo!more irri"able and shor","empered. &f co!rse$ yo! may have !nders"anding friends b!" in "he long,r!n$ who

    wan"s a shor","empered friend) Well$ !nless all of yo! in yo!r circle of friends lac sleep. B!" "ha" is s"ill no"

    good. &!r rela"ionships reinforce o!r habi"s$ good ones or bad ones. (o$ share yo!r friends yo!r newes" heal"h


    Happiness rule # 2: RIN! PLENTY OF "ATER AN EAT THE RIGHT !IN OF FOO.

    The general r!le is "o eep yo!r fl!id and food in"ae normal. 2a"ing "he righ" ind of food preven"s yo! frommalno!rishmen". -ood and 9!"ri"ion Research %ns"i"!"e 1-9R% recommends "he Pinggang Pinoy: 1as shown

    in "he pic"!re below program as a heal"hy food pla"e for -ilipino ad!l"s.

    The vis!al g!ide shows a pla"e in 4 por"ions$ each wi"h a symbol8 banana as "he mos" accessible "ype of fr!i"among -ilipinos for "he fr!i" por"ion; mal!nggay which is loaded wi"h heal"hy n!"rien"s and can be fo!nd

    almos" anywhere in "he co!n"ry$ for "he vege"able por"ion; fish as s"aple in any -ilipino ho!sehold and arg!ably

    affordable$ for "he mean por"ion; and$ rice for "he grain por"ion. The Pinggang Pinoy: recommends "ha" we ea"

  • 8/16/2019 8 tips to a healthy life


    or even c!" o!" en"ire gro!ps or foods in yo!r die". This will only increase

    "he ris of obesi"y$ diabe"es and hear" diseases.

    &f co!rse$ don’" forge" "o drin a glass of wa"er every meal.

    %n o!r elemen"ary science lessons$ we have learned "ha" wa"er is a

    !niversal solven". Wi"h i"s capaci"y "o dissolve any s!bs"ance$ i" dissolves

    "he harmf!l "o5ins o!r body has "aen d!e "o "he food "ha" we ea" or "he

     poll!"ion in o!r environmen" we were e5posed "o. %" maes o!r sin loofresh and o!r in"es"ines clean. (ince o!r body is 6@= wa"er$ drining 7,>

    glasses a day wo!ld also help o!r body achieve balance 1or homes"asis

    which helps "ranspor" n!"rien"s in "he body$ reg!la"e body "empera"!re$diges" food and more.

    Happiness rule # : TRAIN YOUR $RAIN% E&ER'ISE( NOT OVERSTRAIN.

    We don’" !s" lose m!scle over "ime o!r brains can a"rophy$ "oo. (o le" "hose ne!rons wor and "hose m!scles

    s"re"ch' /ive yo!r brain and yo!r body some e5ercise. Wha" are easy ways "o "rain yo!r brain) Answering

     p!les lie sod!! and crossword p!les has no" only become everyone’s favori"e pas"ime$ b!" i" aids "he brain in b!ilding more ne!ral highways for higher cogni"ive processing' This has proven "o enhance memory

    and preven"s !s from ac0!iring ne!ro,degenera"ive diseases s!ch as Alheimer’s disease$ aphasia anddemen"ias.

    #i""ing "he gym is oay when yo! wan" "o ge" "hose m!scles "oned$ b!" i" may no" be "he bes" sol!"ion if yo!

    wan" "o !s" main"ain a good heal"h. Do! don’" have "o lif" "hose do!ble,yo!r,weigh" d!mbbells$ do >$@@@ p!sh,

    !ps a wee or r!n E@ ilome"ers. &ne simple$ doable and ine5pensive e5ercise is "o !s" eep moving. Briswaling$ climbing "he s"airs$ lif"ing mild weigh"s every now and "hen are effec"ive ways "o eep yo!r circ!la"ory

    sys"em going. This sho!ld be ade0!a"e in s!pplying more o5ygen "o yo!r blood.

    Happiness rule # ): AVOI HEALTH*A+AGING $EHAVIORS

    Wha" are "he !s!al heal"h,damaging behaviors people do) %n "he prior r!les$ yo! have learned how impor"an" i"

    is no" "o lac in sleep$ over or !nder ea"$ sip meals$ se" "he fl!ids aside and e5ercise "oo m!ch as i" damagesyo! in "he long r!n. B!" o"her heal"h,damaging behaviors s!ch as drining alcohol$ smoing$ and "aing illegal

    dr!gs will no" only affec" yo!r l!ngs$ hear"$ brain and o"her organs in "he body$ b!" i" also affec"s yo!r

    rela"ionship wi"h o"hers.

    *rining ills "he ne!rons in "he brain and slows down "he senses; hence increasing "he ris of road and

     pedes"rian acciden"s. And lie % said$ yhese heal"h,damaging behaviors has been proven "o affec" rela"ionships.

    %" has increased "he ris of domes"ic violence$ se5!al$ physical$ emo"ional and psychological ab!se. %" also c!"s prod!c"ivi"y$ maing yo! achieve lesser "han !s!al.

    Happiness rule # ,: 'REATE HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS

    By crea"ing heal"hy rela"ionships$ yo! do no" !s" avoid "o5ic people$ b!" yo! also avoid "he !nnecessary s"resscoming in "o yo!r sys"em. Wi"h "his$ yo! preven" damaging yo!r coronary ar"eries$ g!" f!nc"ion$ ins!lin

    reg!la"ion$ and "he imm!ne sys"em. Basically$ i" preven"s "he body from releasing "oo m!ch cor"isol.

    A raised cor"isol level hinders !s from performing cogni"ive ac"ivi"ies s!ch as problem,solving$ memoria"ion

    and more. #eal"hy rela"ionships develop s"a"e and "rai" posi"ive affec" which reg!la"es "one of "he vag!s nerve.

    The vag!s nerve has been lined "o pro,social behaviors lie gae$ affec"ive "o!ch and so!nd.

    Being in heal"hy rela"ionships means yo!’re also wi"h "he righ" ind of people. %" has been lined "o high

    conscien"io!sness$ "h!s preven"ing yo! from doing heal"h,damaging behaviors.

  • 8/16/2019 8 tips to a healthy life


    Happiness rule # -: $E A"ARE OF YOUR E+OTIONS.

    (ome emo"ions feel posi"ive lie feeling happy$ loving$ confiden"$ inspired$ cheerf!l$ in"eres"ed$ gra"ef!l$ orincl!ded. &"her emo"ions can seem more nega"ive lie feeling angry$ resen"f!l$ afraid$ ashamed$ g!il"y$ sad$

    or worried. $/0 psi/ie an ne3a/ie e4/ins are nr4al. #owever$ remember "ha" emo"ions come and go

    %f we have become so immersed in o!r c!rren" anger "ha" we wan" "o aggress "owards o"her people$ we mayregre" i" af"er a few ho!rs. %f we become more aware of o!r emo"ions$ we preven" po"en"ial in!ries or damages.

    Being aware of yo!r emo"ions is "he mos" powerf!l "hing yo! can do "o yo!r brain. When yo! become aware of

    yo!r emo"ions$ yo! can reg!la"e i" "o yield desirable res!l"s. Cogni"ive res"r!c"!ring aids !s in shif"ing "henega"ive "o posi"ive. When we res"r!c"!re a s"ressf!l si"!a"ion in"o e!s"ress$ we can all "he more find ways in

     preven"ing "his nega"ive s"ress from coming.

    Happiness rule # 5: INVEST FOR YOUR FUTURE

    We now "ha" "he "imes are hard. &!r individ!al world is !ndeniably lined "o "he social world$ and vice versa.

    2conomic s"eeps or falls may affec" o!r lives. B!" i" really pays "o inves" for yo!r f!"!re. (ave money$ b!ildyo!r dream ho!se$ or earn yo!r degree + "his can be posi"ive or nega"ive s"ress depending on how yo! "hin of


    B!" inves"ing for yo!r f!"!re goes beyond "he ma"erial preparedness. We also have "o es"ablish deep social

    connec"ions "o people who "r!ly ma""er. &!r s!ccess is no longer meas!red by o!r socio,economic s"a"!s$ b!"o!r posi"ionali"y in social circles. The deeper connec"ion yo! es"ablish$ "he be""er.

    Happiness rule # 6: OL AGE IS INEVITA$LE

    -or goodness sae$ s"op s"ressing o!" on "hose wrinles' They na"!rally come "o invade o!r face and i"’s

     perfec"ly fine. #eal"h does no" come wi"h age$ ra"her i" wo!ld "ell !s wha" direc"ion "o "ae. &f co!rse$ "he rissare higher wi"h old age$ b!" we can always do some"hing "o manage o!r body so "ha" we can preven" diseases or

    s!dden dea"h.

    People as$ FWha"’s "he poin" of living when we all die anyway)G

    % agree$ we will all die + "ha"’s for s!re + b!" i"’s all !p "o !s on how we’re going "o r!le o!r lives. We don’"wan" "o live a life of !nresolved iss!es ha!n"ing !s in o!r sleeps or dea"hbeds. #ence$ i" is essen"ial "ha" we shif"

    o!r perspec"ive in life and mae every second co!n".

    By maing every second co!n"$ we do "he "hings we are "r!ly passiona"e abo!". We dedica"e o!r "ime and effor""o con"in!o!sly improve o!r me"hods in achieving o!r goals. 3ore impor"an"ly$ we do "his "o inspire no" !s"

    o!rselves b!" o"her people as well$ who may be infl!enced by "he posi"ivi"y we bring "o life.

     9ow "ha" yo!’ve learned eigh" happiness r!les$ i"’s yo!r "ime "o mae i" happen. Le" "his r!le govern yo!r life

     b!" always mae s!re yo! p!" in yo!r own r!les as well.

    Af"er all$ a heal"hy life is indeed a happy life.