
Ch. 40 The Immune System and Disease By: Vicky Leung & Yilin Ye

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Post on 30-Oct-2014



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  • 1. Ch. 40 The Immune Systemand Disease By: Vicky Leung & Yilin Ye

2. Infectious Disease

  • Disease - any change other than an injury, that disrupt the normal function of the body.

Yilin 3. Pathogens & Diseases Bacteria Virus Protist / Fungi Worm - cold, chicken pox - airborne; direct contact with infected person

  • tuberculosis, tetanus
  • - fog, direct conact with a carrier, drinking water
  • malaria, amoebic dysentery
  • - spread by tsetse fly, shower stall
  • Schistosomiasis, beef tapeworm
  • - freshwater streams and rice paddies, contaminated meat

Yilin 4. The Immune System

  • Skin --->
  • the most important nonspecific defense of your body.

Yilin Inflammatory Response- 2nd line of defense; nonspecific reaction to tissue damage causing by injury or infection. 5. Humoral Disease

  • The immune system produces specific antibodies that blind to antigens on the surface of pathogens.

Yilin 6. Allergies

  • The most common overreaction of the immune system are known as allergies. Allergies result when antigens from allergies, such as the figures to your right.

Vicky 7. Autoimmune System

  • When the immune system make a mistake and attack the bodys own cells, it produces an autoimmune system

Vicky 8. Cancer

  • Cancer begins when something goes wrong with the controls that normally regulate cell growth and division.

Vicky 9. Ways of Treating Cancer

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Surgery
