5 steps to getting started on pinterest

Join to Stay Ahead of Your Pinterest

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Join to Stay Ahead of Your CompetitionPinterest


1Pinterest 5 Simple Steps To Get Started

Next Social Media Game Changer

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a the hot new website for people to collect images of things from all across the web, because text is so last year. In simple terms, its a vision board-styled photo sharing website that is social in culture where users can create and manage theme-based collections of photos, videos and links.

Pinterest is the brain child of two young geeks Ben Silbermann and Evan Sharp. It was launched in 2010 and is managed by Cold Brew Labs, a team based in Palo Alto, California, USA.

Pinterests mission statement is to "connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting. If you have been spending time clipping articles from various magazines or bookmarking links from Google search results, Pinterest is todays sophisticated answer. People can use pinboards to market their products and for creating brand awareness. For example, users leverage Pinterest to plan weddings, share home decoration ideas, share pictures of their favorite destination and much more.

Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other users and follow their boards. Browsing thousands of pinboards is a fun way to explore new things and get inspiration from other people who share your interests or business goals.

Though Pinterest has been around for approximately two years now, its only recently that it has been getting an avalanche of media attention. Currently, Pinterest is still in beta mode and requires an invite to join their growing community. Early settlers of Pinterest could join without an invite however, due to the massive growth they are currently experiencing, you need an invite to join their growing community.

I see Pinterest as one of the most powerful platforms, as it allows businesses an ability to market their products and services on user-generated pinboards with a link going directly back to their business website or blog.

Pinterests user base exploded from 1 million users in September, 2011 to 7 million in December, 2011 and currently in February, 2012, their user base is 13 million and still growing by the minute at an exponential rate, according to a report posted by Mashable. This is a growth of 450% from September 2011 to December 2011.


Pinterest is driving more referral traffic than LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Google+ combined.

Pinterests audience and demographics are predominantly females between the ages of 25 to 54, and they share content that appeals to them with other females.

As per a recent study conducted by Ignite Social Media, the average income of users are between $25,000 to $75,000 a year.

According to Wikipedia, on August 16, 2011, Time magazine listed Pinterest in its 50 Best Websites of 2011.

Quick Facts about Pinterest

Pinterest.com is driving more traffic to online retailers, company websites and blogs than Facebook, Google, YouTube and Linkedin combined according to shareholic.com.

http://dailyinfographic.com/pininterest-infographic41. Getting Started: Road to SuccessPinterest is an extreme visual social network. It offers sharp resolution and beautiful images with share-worthy content displayed with total social intelligence.

Content from all over the web is pinned to your virtual pinboards, which can be categorised by users based on their area of interest or profession. For example, I have created 17 dynamic boards on different segments of social media and digital media marketing where my specific aim is to share targeted social media content with my audience.Pinterest has also rolled out a variety of interactive tools for its 10 million users to pin their selected content. These include on-site buttons and a browser bookmark.

Click to see examples of PinboardsQuick Tip #1: Make sure your Pinboards are visually appealing to your network and your target audience. Always put yourself in your networks shoes. 5Pinterest is by invite only, so request an invitation by clicking the box.

On the landing page enter your primary email address and request an invitation.2. Pinterest Sign UpStep 1Step 2Step 3

If you are already on Pinterest then log in with your Facebook or Twitter Account.How to Create Your Account on Pinterest

Quick Tip #2: A great idea is to set up your account with your Facebook and Twitter email addresses, so you can receive all social notifications in one inbox. 3. Make Yourself Like-ableIf you have been active on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+, you must have established your personal brand and online reputation by now. You have accomplished a loyal following by sharing your Tweets, Facebook Status Updates, Blogs, YouTube Videos and other social content with your friends, fans and followers to build an ongoing like-ability across the social web.

On Pinterest you carry forward the same personality style to keep your personal brand consistent and to increase your like-ability. Engage and share content with your unique style and inner brand voice. You decide whether you want to be noticed as a go-to expert in your industry or simply someone who is there to be social and share useful tips, innovative ideas and cool pictures from all around the web.

You can measure your like-ability by the volume of Re-pins, Likes and Comments you receive from your Pinterest network. You can enhance this by creating dynamic boards and pins. Engage with the community by being social and posting social content that is targeted to your audience and highlights your expertise.Once youve established your presence on Pinterest, start viewing other user-generated Pinboards and start Liking, Re-pinning and Commenting. In simple words, be social to be like-able.

Quick tip #3: Friends first, leads second. Create a well-defined profile on Pinterest and keep it in synergy with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. Connect with everyone you know and join relevant conversations on pinboards.


7Pinterest is already generating a massive amount of free referral traffic to company websites. In the last six months some websites have exploded their referral traffic coming from Pinterest.

This has resulted in a large number of newly acquired customers and increased sales for users. Retailers and marketers are now beginning to see Pinterest as a growing resource to better understand their social media customers and how all this fits into their larger social commerce landscape.

3 Quick Selling Tips on Pinterest

Make sure you categorise your pinboards synergistically with your business blog or website, with a well-defined board description.Explain your products, services and check if the links are directing back to your company website. Engage and acknowledge when someone Likes, Re-pins or makes a Comment on your product.

Quick Tip #4: To sell with social intelligence on Pinterest, make sure you are participatory. Also, make sure your boards and pins have a detailed product description and have clickable links that go to your blog or landing pages.

4. Selling On Pinterest: With Social Intelligence

Source: http://bit.ly/wojOjZ8

5. Understanding PinterestsSocial Culture and EtiquetteLike Twitter, Pinterest is an open network, so followers dont require any permission and you are not required to follow anyone in return. However, pinning can be real fun when you do it together with other pinners. When you see an interesting pin, try to leave a Comment, Like it or Repin it to one of your boards. Repining is like retweeting tweets.

If you find a pinners board thats interesting, follow updates, or go to the pinners profile and follow all the boards. Remember, Pinterest is a visually extensive social network and its culture is open and friendly. Users are looking to form new relationships and connections. You may also connect with your fellow Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn networkers. Acknowledge them and build deeper relationship with them on Pinterest.

When you start your membership on Pinterest, focus on engaging with your network and getting to know whos who by being participatory. Pinterest users try to pin images that are visually appealing to their social network and are share worthy.

Show your unique style by posting amazing pictures, videos and links from the web or your company website. Do not Re-pin your pins repeatedly, as it can be annoying for your network. Make sure you assign your Pins to the relevant boards.

Quick Tip #5: Frequently Like Re-pin and Comment on other users pins so the Pinterest community and your social network can get to know your style and areas of interest.


How to be the Leader on Pinterest?

Below are five simple tips on how you can establish yourself as a leader and a rock star of your industry on Pinterest.

First post as a friend, and secondly as a brand.Be quick in sharing your content on Pinterest.Keep an eye on whats happening in your network and timeline.Dont think Campaigns, think Relationships, think Conversations. Remember Engagement + Emotions = Personal Branding

Quick Tip #6: Provide the best possible content to inspire and connect with your target audience on Pinterest by sharing industry related links on your boards. Leverage your social reach to establish authority in a specific topic or your niche.

How to Install Pin It in Internet ExplorerWatch the YouTube video by Pinterest.com. Below are 3 simple steps on how you can install the Pin It bookmarklet on Internet Explorers 7 and 8.

Click Tools Toolbars and Display Favourites bar.Add to Favourites by right-clicking the Pin It button.On the pop-up window, simply select Create in-Favourites bar

Your Pin It bookmarklet should now be visible on your Favourites Bar. Whenever you are browsing, click Pin It to pin images you want to save and then share with your Pinterest community.

ConclusionThe effectiveness of marketing methods have waxed and waned over the years as consumers and technologies advanced at a more and more rapid pace. As professionals and marketers we have to constantly change our game. Pinterest a website which focuses on connecting people in our world through shared interests and visuals has indeed changed the social media game once again. 2012 is definitely the year of Pinterest and as a marketer you need to consider including Pinterest in your marketing mix. Theres no doubt that the future of business belongs to social sites like Pinterest. For people who are willing to embrace social commerce and emerging technologies to engage with their customers and provide them with unique customer experiences, leveraging social tools will definitely have an added advantage in their industry and niche. Pinterest is surely a website that will offer a unique experience to their customers.

People, including professionals, are time-poor in our society and want to share content on the web without having to write and create text, and that is another reason why Pinterest will clearly become first choice as a social network tool. It is highly visual. Whether you want to join for professional or personal reasons, the best strategy is to post images and share social content that inspires engagement and attracts the most attention from your pinboard followers.

More online retailers and businesses will find Pinterest valuable in 2012 and beyond to expand their brand awareness, find new customers and build their loyal followings. The best way to discover is to set up an account on Pinterest and start engaging and attracting followers to your pinboards. Start pinning things that are relevant to your business and industry, but are not too promotional.

Review your followership every 30 days to see if you are getting increased sales or referral traffic to your company website or blog. Keep tweaking your pinboards by adding relevant images and descriptions of your pins to encourage member engagement. Happy Pinning!

As a Pinterest user, you can collect the following goodies and display them on your website, blog or use on your iPhone. http://Pinterest.com/about/goodies

Pin It buttonPinterest for iPhoneFollow button for websitesPin It button for websitesPinterest logo

Pinterest Goodies

Here is a collection of Pinterest tips, infographics and tips Ive created on Pinterest .

Simply click to access all the information and you can follow the board.

Feel free to Repin on your boards and share the pins with your Pinterest network.

Pinterest Infographics


About the Author:

Dainaz is a widely recognised social media strategist, trainer, consultant, author and keynote speaker. Dainaz has an extensive background in international cross-cultural marketing and B2B relationship-building skills. Her passion for social media and emerging technologies inspires her to educate and train market place and business professionals globally.

Dainaz develops strategies and brand positioning for businesses to go Social and expand their online reach, influence and reputation, leveraging the power of social media technologies and tools. She helps , to grow their sales, grow customers and explode their business.

If you have any questions, connect with Dainaz S Illava on your preferred social network by clicking the social icons on the right.

You can also follow her Social Media Boards on Pinterest.

Copyright 2012 socialmediacorporatesolutions.com. All rights reserved.

View Social Testimonials about DainazIt is a great pleasure to work with Dainaz. She is the perfect blend of professionalism, modernism and traditions, enabling her to extend her best. She is full of extraordinary working skills and bubbling energy; a person worth associating with.Sanjeev Bhatt. CEO, Radico Fashions Pvt Ltd.Dainaz is a highly qualified Social Media Strategist who is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about her field of expertise. Her diversity and continual growth in this area makes her a valuable asset to have as part of any business.Sonja Falvo, Professional Speaker, Author & Director, Real Body Enterprises Pty Ltd

I've attended several of Dainaz's social media workshops and my experience of her is that she creates a really fun atmosphere to learn. Her knowledge of social media is outstanding and she's always at the forefront of what's happening in the social media world. Not only are her workshops fun, professionally run and provide real hands-on learning, but I have always found Dainaz to be patient and extremely warm and generous in her sharing. Thanks Dainaz for what you are doing to change Social Media. You are a true champion! Amazing focus and passion. Loved your information. Cheers.Myrna Widlend,

I had the privilege to work with Dainaz at social media mastery and I learned so much from her. She is one of the most dynamic and resourceful social divas out there! I highly suggest you get to know her and you will benefit from it! if you get the chance to work with her or learn social media, take her up on the offer and you will be impressed with the amount of value and information she delivers! Thanks so much for all your help Dainaz!David King

Dainaz is soon to be a well-known superstar. I have been so pleased to publish her in my socialmediamags.com because she offers a unique perspective and expertise that is already gaining her quite a following amongst our readers. December 17, 2011Larry Genkin, CEO, GSG WorldMedia

It has been an honour and a privilege to count Dainaz amongst my Social Networking friends and colleagues. Her professional skills in the realm of Social Networking are plain for all to see and well demonstrated. However, it is eclipsed by Dainazs actual personality and interaction with people.Her thirst for knowledge and the passionate and gracious sharing of that knowledge is remarkable, as is her willingness to serve others. I have no hesitation in recommending Dainaz to the closest and most valued of my friends and contacts.She epitomises what good Social Networking should be about. A tremendous Ambassador. CEO Simon Treselyan. Managing Director Starfire, International Author, Success Peak Performance Coach

It is with great pleasure that I write this recommendation regarding Dainaz Illava. She is a remarkable woman, who has knowledge and know-how in the social media arena which is outstanding and extensive. Her international cross-cultural marketing expertise and solid B2B relationship building puts her out in front in the marketplace. As a social media strategist, Dainaz has the passion to educate and empower entrepreneurs both locally and globally, to develop and expand their business and brand using social media for profits and philanthropy. Her presentations and workshops in all areas of social SMM are delivered with ease. The feedback from anyone who experiences her in this forum has been exceptional. I welcome any request for information on Dainaz.Jennie Gorman. Owner, Connexions Unlimited