5 breakthrough ways to transform your playing this year

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  • 8/12/2019 5 Breakthrough Ways to Transform Your Playing This Year


    5 Breakthrough Ways To Transform Your

    Playing This Year

    by Jermaine Griggs 44 comments

    in Piano,Self-Improvement

    The first of the year isnt the only time to set resolutions, goals, an !buc"et# lists$

    Successful people are al%ays striving to be better regarless of the time of year$

    So in that spirit, Ive come up %ith & brea"through things you can o '() to reali*etransformation in your piano playing this year$

    #1 Pick a time and stick to it!

    This is actually one of my 6 Ps of Practice%ritten about some time ago$

    In fact, its the secon !P# on the list +Planned.

    )hat that means is you pic" a time an you practice ./01/ + rain, sno% or sleet,at the S12 TI2 each ay$

    This isnt by accient either$ Stuies sho% %hen you carefully plan a routine activity an

    o it close to the same time everyay, something magical happens$ /ou habitualize the

    activity, ma"ing it a part of your everyay life$ 1n youre li"ely to not brea" it either$

    So one of the best things you can o for yourself in this ne% year is to pic" a time./01/ to evote to your piano playing$ 1n stic" %ith it$ (ver time, youll be so

    accustome to the aily activity that '(T oing it seems %eir$

    1n hec", ont stop there$ Plan your e3ercising, your reaing time, your family time,

    bible evotions, yoga, etc %ith the same attitue$ It helps$

    # "ind a shed uddy!

    1 guy by the name of 'apoleon ill first coine the term !mastermin# in 5678$ Itsessentially collaborating %ith other li"e-mine fol"s that have the same esires an

    aspirations as you$ The iea being9 t%o or more mins together is infinitely morepo%erful than each, separately$

    :s musicians call it !sheing# but its pretty much the same thing$

  • 8/12/2019 5 Breakthrough Ways to Transform Your Playing This Year


    Just li"e nature, you can loo" at it as shedding%hat you "no% to ma"e room for more;

    ven the bible says !Give an it %ill be given unto you$#

    1nother person puts it9 /ou receive through the same hole you give through$

    So fin fol"s to meet %ith regularly an %atch synergy at %or"$

    #$ Teach %hat you kno%!

    But I hardly know anything Jermaine!

    0oesnt matter$ Teach any%ay;

    To be a teacher oesnt mean you have to "no% everything, it ?ust means you have to"no% more about the sub?ect at han than %hoever youre teaching $

    So if youve ?ust learne your ma?or an minor scales using one of my shortcuts, teach it

    to someone %ho may benefit from it$

    )hen it comes to ho% much information %e retain, accoring to researchers, ifferentactivities provie staggering results$ That is, if you simply rea something, youll

    remember 5AB of it$ If youre emonstrate something, it goes up to 7AB$ If you practice

    oing something , 8&B retention;

    1n there are many more on the list, but you "no% %hat trumps all the moalities=


    )hen you teach something, youll retain 6AB of it;

    So teaching is more for the teacher than it is for the stuent$ 1 stuent %ill remember &B

    of %hat is lecture to them but a teacher %ill remember 6AB of %hat he or she teaches$

    The cool part is %ere all teachers an %ere all stuents$ If you have chilren, ont tellme youre not a teacher; /ou are;

    #& '(grade your lirary

    If you %ant to soun better, you gotta listen to better stuff;

    'o% %ith the avancing of technology, there is no form or genre of music you cant get

    your hans on$ /outube alone has millions of files$ Itunes is another resource$

    I remember hearing a @uote9 !/oure the average of the & people you hang aroun the

    most# $

  • 8/12/2019 5 Breakthrough Ways to Transform Your Playing This Year


    Dut I thin" it overflo%s into other areas of life$ I thin" your musical style an creativity

    %ill also average out accoring to %hat you listen to$

    Just li"e %hat goes up must come o%n, %hat goes I' %ill come (:T$

    .esearch all-time favorites in your chosen genre, ma"e lists, see" out those recors, ancarve out some time to listen to them$

    #5 )aster your hardest most com(le* song in all 1 keys

    This may seem pretty easy, but youll be surprise ho% many !seasone# musicians

    havent ta"en the time to learn their most comple3 song in all 5E "eys$ 1n I ont meanhalf-heartely either;

    I mean e@ually in all 5E "eys, %hich means if you can play your heart out inDb major,it

    ought to soun that %ay in natural.

    If youre not a 5E-"ey player, this one e3ercise %ill revolution your playing$ First, youll

    reali*e it isnt as har as you %ere ma"ing it out to be$

    Seconly, youll observe the same chors present in ifferent "eys ?ust in varying

    !roles# an that connection %ill be priceless to you$

    1n thir, you %ont be scare to hop on a !.1H# piano at secons notice

  • 8/12/2019 5 Breakthrough Ways to Transform Your Playing This Year


    4$ 0o you li"e your fish fully seasone, frie, an serve to you on a silver platter=

    &$ appy Than"sgiving;

    $ ieoK 6A-/ear (l Couples Hove For 2usic8$ asy to )ays to .emember Harge Chors
