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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Define null and alternative hypothesis

    and hypothesis testing

    Define Type Iand Type IIerrors

    Describe the five-step hypothesis testing procedure

    Distinguish between a one-tailedand

    a two-tailed test of


    When you have completed this chapter, youwill be able to:

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Conductatest of hypothesisabout a

    population mean

    Conductatest of hypothesisabout a

    population proportion

    Explain the relationship betweenhypothesis

    testingand confidence interval estimation

    Compute the probability ofa Type II error,

    and power of a test

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.


    is a statement about a population distribution such that:


    Examples the mean monthly income for allsystems analysts is $3569.

    the mean monthly income for allsystems analysts is $3569.

    35% of all customers buying coffee

    at Tim Hortons return within a week.

    35% of all customers buying coffee

    at Tim Hortons return within a week.

    (i) it is either true or false, but never both, and

    (ii) with full knowledgeof thepopulation data,it is possible to identify, with certainty,

    whether it is true or false.

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.


    is the complementof the alternative hypothesis.

    We accept the null hypothesis as the defaulthypothesis. It is not rejected unless there is

    convincingsample evidence against it.

    Null Hypothesis Ho

    Alternative Hypothesis H1is the statementthat

    we are interested in proving

    .It is usually a research hypothesis.

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    State the decision rule

    State the decision rule

    Identify the test statistic

    Identify the test statistic

    Do NOT reject H0

    Do NOT reject H0 Reject H0 and acceptH1

    Reject H0 and acceptH1

    Compute the value of the test statistic

    and make a decision

    Computethe value of the test statisticand make a decision

    Step 1

    Step 1

    Select the level of significance

    Select the level of significanceStep 2

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Step 3

    Step 4

    Step 4

    Step 5

    Step 5

    Hypothesis Testing

    Hypothesis Testing

    State the null and alternate hypotheses

    State the null and alternate hypotheses

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    When a decision is based on analysis ofsampledata

    and not the entirepopulation data, it is not possible

    to make a correct decision all the time.

    Our objective is to try to keep the probabilityofmaking a wrong decision

    as small as possible!

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Lets look at the Canadian legal system for an analogy...Lets look at the Canadian legal system for an analogy...

    1. the accused person is innocent

    2. the accused person is guilty

    Two hypotheses:

    After hearing from both the prosecution and the defence,

    a decision is made, declaring the accused either:After hearing from both the prosecution and the defence,

    a decision is made, declaring the accused either:

    Innocent! But do the courts alwaysmake the right



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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Person isinnocent

    Person isguilty

    Person isdeclared



    Person isdeclared








    H0: person is innocent H1: person is guilty

    H0 is true

    H1 is trueType II Error

    Type I Error

    Court Decision


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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.


    Level of Significanceis the probability ofrejecting the nullhypothesis

    when it is actually true, i.e. Type I Error

    accepting the null hypothesis when it isactually false.

    Type II Error

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.


    Test Statisticis a value, determined from sample information,

    used to determine

    whether or notto rejectthe null hypothesis.

    Critical Value

    is the dividing point betweenthe region wherethe null hypothesis isrejectedand the

    region where it isnot rejected.

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    0Critical z



    1- =



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    1- =



    z /2-z /2 /2 /2

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    A test is one-tailedwhen the alternatehypothesis, H1, states a direction.

    H1:The mean yearly commissions earned byfull-time realtors is more than $65,000. (>$65,000)

    H1: The mean speedof trucks traveling on the 407 in

    Ontario is less than 120 kilometres per hour. (

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    5% Level of Significance =.05=.05Reject Ho when z>1.65Reject Ho when z>1.65


    = 5%rejection


    1- = 95%acceptance



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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    A test is two-tailedwhen no directionisspecifiedin the alternatehypothesis, H1

    H1: The mean time Canadian families live in aparticular home is not equal to 10 years. ( 10)

    H1: The average speedof trucks travelling on the

    407 in Ontario is different than 120 kph.

    ( 120)


    : The percentage of repeat customers within a

    week at Tim Hortons is not50%. .50


    Tests of Significance

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    5% Level of Significance

    Reject Ho whenz>1.96orz< -1.96Reject Ho whenz>1.96orz< -1.96

    = 5%rejection


    = 95%acceptance



    1.96 & -1.96 are called critical values1.96 & -1.96 are called critical values

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Testing for the Population Mean:

    Large Sample,

    Population Standard Deviation


    Testing for the Population Mean:

    Large Sample,

    Population Standard Deviation


    Test Statistic to be used:




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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Testing for the Population Mean:

    Large Sample,

    Population Standard Deviation Known

    Testing for the Population Mean:

    Large Sample,

    Population Standard Deviation Known

    The processors of eye drop medication indicate on the

    label that the bottle contains 16 mlof medication.

    The standard deviation of the process is 0.5 ml.

    A sample of 36 bottles from the last hours

    production revealed a mean weight of 16.12 mlper bottle.

    10 - 20

    At the .05 significance levelis the process out of control?

    That is, can we conclude that the mean amount per bottle

    is different from 16 ml?

    At the .05 significance levelis the process out of control?That is, can we conclude that the mean amount per bottle

    is different from 16 ml?

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Hypothesis TestHypothesis Test

    State the null and alternate hypothesesState the null and alternate hypothesesStep 1Step 1

    Select the level of significanceSelect the level of significanceStep 2Step 2

    Identify the test statisticIdentify the test statisticStep 3Step 3

    State the decision ruleState the decision ruleStep 4Step 4

    Compute the test statistic

    and make a decision

    Compute the test statistic

    and make a decision

    Step 5Step 5

    H0: = 16

    H1: 16 = 0.05

    Because we know the standarddeviation, the test statistic is Z

    Reject H0 ifz > 1.96 orz< -1.96


    00.1612.16 ==n


    Do not reject the null hypothesis.

    We cannot conclude

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Testing for the Population Mean:

    Large Sample,

    Population Standard Deviation Unknown

    Testing for the Population Mean:

    Large Sample,

    Population Standard Deviation Unknown

    Rocks Discount Store chain issues its own credit card.

    Lisa, the credit manager, wants to find out if the

    meanmonthly unpaid balance is

    more than $400.

    Should Lisa conclude that the populationmean is

    greater than $400, or is it reasonable to assume that

    the difference of $7 ($407-

    $400) is due to chance?

    A random check of 172 unpaidbalances revealed the

    sample mean to be $407

    and the sample standard deviation

    to be $38.

    The level ofsignificance is set at .05.The level ofsignificance is set at .05.

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    When the sample is large, i.e. over 30, you can

    use the z-distribution as your test statistic.

    Remember, use the best that you have!Remember, use the best that you have!

    (Just replace the sample standarddeviation for the

    population standarddeviation)

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Hypothesis TestHypothesis Test

    State the null and alternate hypothesesState the null and alternate hypothesesStep 1Step 1

    Select the level of significanceSelect the level of significanceStep 2Step 2

    Identify the test statisticIdentify the test statisticStep 3Step 3

    State the decision ruleState the decision ruleStep 4Step 4

    Compute the test statistic

    and make a decision

    Compute the test statistic

    and make a decision

    Step 5Step 5

    H0: = 400

    H1: > 400 = 0.05Because the sample is large,

    we use the test statistic Z

    Reject H0 ifz> 1.645




    Reject the hypothesis. H0 . Lisa can conclude

    that the mean unpaid balance is greater than



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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Test Statistic to be used:

    Testing for the Population Mean:

    Small Sample,

    Population Standard Deviation Unknown

    Testing for the Population Mean:


    Population Standard Deviation Unknown





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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    The current production rate for producing 5 amp fuses at

    Neds Electric Co. is 250 per hour.

    Testing for the Population Mean:

    Small Sample,

    Population Standard Deviation Unknown

    Testing for the Population Mean:


    Population Standard Deviation Unknown

    A new machine has been purchased and installed that, accordingto the supplier, will increasethe production rate!

    A sample of 10 randomly selected hours from last month revealed

    the mean hourly production on thenew machine was 256units,

    with a sample standarddeviation of 6per hour.

    At the .05 significance level,

    can Ned conclude that the new machine is


    At the .05 significance level,

    can Ned conclude that the new machine is


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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Hypothesis TestHypothesis Test

    State the null and alternate hypothesesState the null and alternate hypothesesStep 1Step 1

    Select the level of significanceSelect the level of significanceStep 2Step 2

    Identify the test statisticIdentify the test statisticStep 3Step 3

    State the decision ruleState the decision ruleStep 4Step 4

    Compute the test statistic

    and make a decision

    Compute the test statistic

    and make a decisionStep 5Step 5

    H0: = 250

    H1: > 250 = 0.05Because the sample is small and

    is unknown, we use the t-test

    Reject H0 if t> 1.833

    162.3== n


    Reject the hypothesis. H0 . Ned can conclude

    that the new machine will increase the

    = 106250256

    10 -1 = 9 degrees of freedom

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    A P-Valueis the probability,(assuming that the null hypothesis is true)

    of finding a value of the test statistic

    at least as extremeas the computed valuefor the test!

    If the P-Value issmallerthan thesignificance level,

    H0 is rejected.

    If the P-Value is largerthan the significance level,

    H0 is notrejected.

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Since P-value is smaller than of 0.05, reject H0.The

    population mean is greaterthan $400.

    Rocks Discount Store chainissues its own credit card.Lisa, the credit manager,wants to find out if themeanmonthly unpaid

    balance is more than $400.The levelofsignificance is set at .05.

    Arandom check of 172

    unpaidbalances revealedthe sample mean to be $407

    and the sample standarddeviation to be $38.

    Should Lisaconclude that the

    population mean is greaterthan $400?

    Rocks Discount Store chainissues its own credit card.Lisa, the credit manager,wants to find out if themeanmonthly unpaid

    balance is more than $400.The level

    ofsignificance is set at .05.A

    random check of 172unpaidbalances revealed

    the sample mean to be $407and the sample standarddeviation to be $38.

    Should Lisaconclude that the

    population mean is greaterthan $400?

    = 0.05

    P(z 2.42) =


    .5 - .4922

    = .0078



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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    P-Value =p(z |computed value|)

    P-Value =p(z |computed value|) P-Value =2p(z |computed value|)

    P-Value =2p(z |computed value|)

    |....| means absolute value of|....| meansabsolute value of

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    The processors of eye drop

    medication indicate on thelabel

    that the bottle contains 16 mlof

    medication. The standard

    deviation of the process is 0.5 ml.A sample of 36 bottles from last

    hours production revealed a

    mean weight of 16.12 mlper

    bottle. At the .05 significance levelis the process out of control?

    That is, can we conclude that the

    mean amount per bottle

    is different from 16


    = 0.05 = 0.05Previouslydetermined

    P-Value =2p(z |computed value|)P-Value =

    2p(z |computed value|)= 2p(z |1.44|)= 2(.5 - .4251)= 2(.0749)= .1498

    = 2p(z |1.44|)= 2(.5- .4251)= 2(.0749)= .1498

    Since .1498 > .05, do not reject H0.

    Since .1498 > .05, do not reject H0.



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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Interpreting theWeight of Evidence against Ho

    InterpretingtheWeight ofEvidence against Ho

    If the P-value is less than If the P-value is less than

    .10 we have some evidence thatH


    is not true

    .05 we have strongevidence thatHo is not true

    .01we have very strongevidence that

    Ho is not true

    .001we have extremely strongevidencethat Ho is not true

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    If the P-value is less thanIf the P-value is less than

    .10 we have some evidence.05 we have strongevidence

    .01we have very strongevidence.001we have extremely strongevidence

    that Ho is not true

    Since P-value is .0078Since P-value is .0078

    we have

    very strongevidence

    to conclude that the

    population mean

    is greater than

    we have

    very strongevidenceto conclude that the

    population mean

    is greater than

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    is the fraction orpercentage that indicates the

    part of thepopulation or

    sample having a

    particular trait of interest

    is the fractionor

    percentage that indicates the

    part of thepopulation or

    sample having a

    particular trait of interest

    A Proportion

    is denoted byp

    is found by:

    Sample Proportion


    samplein thesuccessesofNumber=p

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Testing a

    Single Population Proportion:

    Testing a

    Single Population Proportion:

    Test Statistic to be used:

    is the symbol for sample proportion

    is the symbol for population proportionp


    p0 represents a population proportion of interest






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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    In the past, 15%ofthe mail ordersolicitations for a certain charity

    resulted in a financial contribution.

    At the .05 significance levelcan it be concluded that the

    new letter is more effective?

    A new solicitation letter that has been draftedis sent to a sample of 200 people and

    45 respondedwith a contribution.

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Hypothesis TestHypothesis Test

    State the null and alternate hypothesesState the null and alternate hypothesesStep 1Step 1

    Select the level of significanceSelect the level of significanceStep 2Step 2

    Identify the test statisticIdentify the test statisticStep 3Step 3

    State the decision ruleState the decision ruleStep 4Step 4

    Compute the test statistic

    and make a decision

    Compute the test statistic

    and make a decisionStep 5Step 5

    = 0.05We will use the z-test

    Reject the hypothesis. More than 15% are

    responding with a pledge, therefore, the new letter ismore e ective!

    H1: p > .15

    H0: p = .15

    Reject H0 ifz > 1.645


    npp )1( =

    200)15.1(.15 200


    15.= 97.2=

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Relationship Between Hypothesis Testing

    Procedure and Confidence Interval


    RelationshipBetween Hypothesis Testing

    Procedure andConfidence Interval


    Case 1:Case 1:

    Our decision rule can be restated as:

    Do not reject H0

    if 0 lies in the (1- )confidence interval

    estimate of the population mean,


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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.





    1- =




    Do not reject Ho when zfallsin the confidence interval estimate

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Relationship Between

    Hypothesis Testing Procedure and

    Confidence Interval Estimation


    Hypothesis TestingProcedure and

    Confidence IntervalEstimation

    Case 2:Case 2: Lower-tailed test

    Our decision rule can be restated as:

    Do not reject H0

    if 0 is less than or equaltothe (1- )

    upper confidence boundfor , computed fromthe sample data.

    R l i hi B

    Relationship Between

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    1- =confidence

    level region

    Do not reject

    Relationship BetweenHypothesis Testing Procedure and

    Confidence Interval Estimation

    RelationshipBetweenHypothesis TestingProcedure and

    Confidence IntervalEstimation

    R l i hi B

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Relationship Between

    Hypothesis Testing Procedure and

    Confidence Interval Estimation


    Hypothesis TestingProcedure and

    Confidence IntervalEstimation

    Case 3:Case 3: Upper-tailed test

    Our decision rule can be restated as:

    Do not reject H0 if 0 is greater than or equaltothe (1- ) lower confidence boundfor ,

    computed from the sample data.

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    1- =acceptance


    T II E

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    10 - 44

    Level of Significanceis the probability ofrejecting the nullhypothesis

    when it is actually true,i.e. Type I Error

    accepting the null hypothesis when it isactually false.

    Type II Error

    Type II ErrorType II Error

    C l l i h P b bili

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Calculating the Probability

    of a Type II Error

    Calculating the Probability

    of a Type IIError

    10 - 45

    A batch of 5000 light bulbs either belong

    to a superior type, with a mean life of 2400

    hours, orto an inferior type,

    with a mean life of 2000 hours.(By default,

    the bulbs will be sold as the

    inferior type.)

    A batch of5000 light bulbs either belong

    to a superior type, with a mean life of 2400

    hours, orto an inferior type,

    with a mean life of 2000 hours.(By default,

    the bulbs will be sold as the

    inferior type.)

    Suppose we select a sample of 4 bulbs.

    Find the probability of a

    Type II error.

    Suppose we select a sample of 4 bulbs.

    Find the probability of a

    Type II error.

    Both bulb distributions are normal, with a

    standard deviation of 300 hours. = 0.025.Both bulb distributions are normal, with a

    standard deviation of300 hours. = 0.025.

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    State the null and alternate hypothesesState the null and alternate hypothesesStep 1Step 1

    Select the level of significanceSelect the level of significanceStep 2Step 2

    Identify the test statisticIdentify the test statisticStep 3Step 3

    State the decision ruleState the decision ruleStep 4Step 4

    H0: = 2000H1: = 2400 = 0.025

    As populations are normal, is known, we use the z-test

    Reject H0 if the computed z > 1.96,

    or stated

    another way,If the computed value x baris greater than xu = 2000+1.96(300/n), REJECT H0 in favour of H1

    Superior: =2400 Inferior: =2000 =300 =0.025

    Superior: =2400 Inferior: =2000 =300 =0.025

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Suppose H0 is false and H1 is true.

    i.e. the true value of is 2400,

    then x bar is approximatelynormally distributedwith a mean of

    2400 and a standard deviation of /n= 300/n

    Suppose H0 is false and H1 is true.

    i.e. the true value of is 2400,

    then x bar is approximatelynormally distributedwith a mean of

    2400 and a standard deviation of /n= 300/n

    is the probability of not rejecting Ho

    is the probability that the value ofxbar

    obtained will be less than or equal to xu

    The probability of a Type II Error


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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Suppose we select a sample of 4 bulbs.

    Then x bar has a mean of 2400 and a

    sd of 300/4 = 150

    Suppose we select a sample of 4 bulbs.

    Then x bar has a mean of 2400 and a

    sd of 300/

    4 = 150

    Xu = 2000+1.96(300/4) = 2294A1 = 0.2611,

    giving us a

    left tail area

    of 0.24

    A1 = 0.2611,

    giving us a

    left tail area

    of 0.24


    24002294 ===n


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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    The probability of a Type II error is 0.24i.e. =0.24The probability of a Type II error is 0.24i.e. =0.24

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    If we decrease the value of (alpha), the value zincreases and the critical value xumoves to the right,

    and therefore the value of (beta) increases.

    Conversely, if we increasethe valueof (alpha), xu moves to the left, therebydecreasingthe value of (beta)

    For a given value of (alpha), the value of (beta)can be decreasedby increasingthe sample size.

    P f T t

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    Copyright 2003 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. All rights reserved.

    Power of a TestPower of a Test

    is defined as the probability ofrejecting H0when H0 is false,or

    the probability ofcorrectly identifyinga true alternative hypothesis

    it is equal to(1- )In previous example, = 0.24

    Therefore, the tests power is 1-0.24 = 0.76

    In previous example, = 0.24Therefore, the tests power is 1-0.24 = 0.76

    10 2

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    This completes Chapter 10This completes Chapter 10