4271 johnpeabody 071821 · 2021. 7. 14. · enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus...

THIS WEEK AT OUR PARISHES: 3-4: Message from our Pastor 5: Mass Readings 6: Mass Intentions 9: Prayer Shawl Ministry July 18, 2021 WELCOME Come worship, grow, and serve with us St. John the Baptist Parish 17 Chestnut St Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0002 www.stjohnspeabody.org St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax www.stthomaspeabody.org Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!

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Page 1: 4271 johnpeabody 071821 · 2021. 7. 14. · enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus sufrimien-tos a los de Jesucristo, que ofreció sus sufrimientos por nosotros. Para aquellos

THIS WEEK AT OUR PARISHES: 3-4: Message from our Pastor 5: Mass Readings 6: Mass Intentions 9: Prayer Shawl Ministry

July 18, 2021


Come worship, grow, and serve

with us

St. John the Baptist Parish 17 Chestnut St

Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0002


St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St.

Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax


Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021


We are here to serve you. Please call or contact us.

Our clergy serve both parishes, our school, and Brooksby Village. Call us at 978-531-0002 Rev. Derek Borek, Pastor

Rev. Kevin Leaver, Parochial Vicar Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry

Deacon Leo Martin

Our lay staff are here to help in any way they can: St. John the Baptist

Dawn Alves Dir. of Religious Ed 1-5 Matthew Harrington Dir. of Religious Ed 6-8 (Both Parishes)

Tracy Palen Office Administrator Janet O’Connor Parish Secretary Dr. Holly Zagaria Director of Music Ministry Raisa Ferreras Music Ministry (Spanish) Aida Vargas Spanish Religious Ed Lucy Cortez Spanish Religious Ed

Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947 Linda McKenzie Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc.

Saint John School: 978-531-0444 Valerie Shippen, Principal

St. Thomas the Apostle

Dawn Alves Pastoral Associate Dir. of Religious Ed 1-5 Dir. of Religious Ed 9-10 (Both Parishes) Dr. Holly Zagaria Director of Music Ministry Renildo Paiva Music Ministry (Brazilian) Tracy Palen Office Administrator Linda Cavallon Administrative Assistant Danise Mendonça Administrative Assistant Bulletin Editor Leila Andrade Brazilian Administrator

Daily Mass Schedule

Mondays 8:30 AM St. Thomas

Tuesdays 7:00 AM St. John’s

Wednesday 5:30 PM St. John’s

Thursdays 8:30 AM St. Thomas

Fridays 7:00 AM St John's

Saturdays 7:00 AM St John's

St. John’s Parish Pay is now WeShare. Go to our website www.stjohnspeabody.org

Click on Online Giving. On the right of the screen you will see a green

Online giving icon. WeShare at 1-800-950-9952.

St. Thomas Parish Soft On-line Giving Go to our website

www.stthomaspeabody.org Click on Online Giving,

Click on this for both weekly and second collections. Thank you !

Weekend Mass Schedule

Masses in English: Saturday 4:00PM St. John’s Sunday 8:00AM St. Thomas 10:00AM St. John's 10:00AM St. Thomas

Masses in Spanish: Sunday 11:30AM Friday/Saturday/Sunday 7:00PM Brazilian Mass: Sunday 11:30AM

Confessions at St. John’s 3-3:30pm every Saturday

For all your office needs please contact

Danise Mendonça: [email protected] Janet O’Connor: [email protected]

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

In last week’s Gospel reading, we heard how the Apostles were sent out by Jesus in pairs. In addition to preaching repentance, Mark tells us that they also anointed the sick with oil and healed them. This is one of the passages of sacred Scripture that the Church points to in recognizing the Anointing of the Sick as a sacrament. In my first week here, I was blessed to be able to visit a couple of people who were coming to the end of their earthly journey and give them this sacrament. I would like to share a little bit about this sacrament with you. The Anointing of the Sick, previously known as Extreme Unction, is properly given to a person at the onset of a severe illness. During a time of illness, especially if it is a particularly dangerous or prolonged one, or if someone is dealing with the reality of frailty or old age, a person can become anxious, can feel powerless, and can come to recognize his/her own mortality and so be tempted to lose faith or hope and succumb to discouragement or despair. It is in the Anointing of the Sick that Jesus gives the grace to strengthen a person faced with these challenges. Called a sacrament of healing, the principal grace of this sacrament is to heal the recipient in a spiritual manner. It gives the anointed person the grace to face his / her infirmity with courage and peace, uniting his/her sufferings to those of Jesus Christ, who offered his sufferings for us. For those who are unable to receive the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (perhaps due to lack of consciousness) the anointing can also bring about the forgiveness of sins. The sacrament can also be repeated if a person recovers and then falls ill again or if his condition worsens during the same illness. Anyone who finds his or her well-being in danger due to serious illness, preparation for surgery, or being advanced in years may receive this sacrament. It is important that, when possible, you not wait until someone as at the point of death before summoning a priest. In these days of fewer priests, one might not be available right away to go. `Calling a priest before a person loses consciousness also gives them the opportunity to make a Confession and to receive Holy Communion. The Second Vatican Council taught, “…as soon as any one of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, #73).

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

En la lectura del Evangelio de la semana pasada, escuchamos cómo los apóstoles fueron enviados por Jesús en parejas. Además de predicar el arrepentimien-to, Marcos nos dice que también ungieron a los enfermos con aceite y los sanaron. Este es uno de los pasajes de la Sagrada Escritura que la Iglesia señala al reconocer la Unción de los Enfermos como un sacramento. En mi primera semana aquí, tuve la bendición de poder visitar a un par de personas que estaban llegando al final de su viaje terrenal y darles este sacramento. Me gustaría compartir un poco sobre este sacramento con ustedes. La Unción de los Enfermos, anteriormente conocida como Extremaunción, se administra correctamente a una persona al inicio de una enfermedad grave. Durante un período de enfermedad, especialmente si es particularmente peligroso o prolongado, o si alguien está lidiando con la realidad de la fragilidad o la vejez, una persona puede volverse ansiosa, puede sentirse impotente y puede llegar a reconocer su propia, mortalidad y caer en la tentación de perder la fe o la esperanza y sucumbir al desánimo o la desesperación. Es en la Unción de los Enfermos donde Jesús da la gracia para fortalecer a la persona que enfrenta estos desafíos. Llamado sacramento de curación, la gracia principal de este sacramento es curar al receptor de una manera espiritual. Da al ungido la gracia de afrontar su enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus sufrimien-tos a los de Jesucristo, que ofreció sus sufrimientos por nosotros. Para aquellos que no pueden recibir el Sacramento de la Penitencia y la Reconciliación (quizás debido a la falta de conciencia), la unción también puede traer el perdón de los pecados. El sacramento también se puede repetir si una persona se recupera y luego vuelve a enfermarse o si su estado empeora durante la misma enfermedad. Cualquiera que encuentre su bienestar en peligro debido a una enfermedad grave, preparación para la cirugía o una edad avanzada puede recibir este sacramento. Es importante que, cuando sea posible, no espere hasta que alguien esté a punto de morir antes de convocar a un sacerdote. En estos días de menos sacerdotes, es posible que no haya uno disponible de inmediato. `Llamar a un sacerdote antes de que una persona pierda el conocimiento también les da la oportunidad de confesarse y recibir la Sagrada Comunión. El Concilio Vaticano II enseñó, “… tan pronto como alguno de los fieles comienza a estar en peligro de muerte por enfermedad o vejez, ciertamente ya ha llegado el momento adecuado para recibir este sacramento” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, # 73).

Na leitura do Evangelho da semana passada, ouvimos como os apóstolos foram enviados por Jesus em pares. Além de pregar o arrependimento, Marcos nos diz que eles também ungiram os enfermos com óleo e os curaram. Esta é uma das passagens da Sagrada Escritura que a Igreja aponta ao reconhecer a Unção dos Enfermos como um sacramento. Em minha primeira semana aqui, tive a bênção de visitar algumas pessoas que estavam chegando ao fim de sua jornada terrestre e dar-lhes este sacramento. Eu gostaria de compartilhar um pouco sobre este sacramento com você. A Unção do Doente, anteriormente conhecida como Extrema Unção, é adequadamente administrada a uma pessoa no início de uma doença grave. Durante um período de doença, especialmente se for particularmente perigoso ou prolongado, ou se alguém estiver lidando com a realidade da fragilidade ou da velhice, uma pessoa pode ficar ansiosa, sentir-se impotente e pode vir a reconhecer a sua própria mortalidade e, portanto, ser tentado a perder a fé ou a esperança e sucumbir ao desânimo ou ao desespero. É na Unção dos Enfermos que Jesus dá a graça de fortalecer uma pessoa que enfrenta esses desafios. Chamado de sacramento de cura, a principal graça deste sacramento é curar o receptor de uma maneira espiritual. Dá ao ungido a graça de enfrentar sua enfermidade com coragem e paz, unindo seus sofri-mentos aos de Jesus Cristo, que os ofereceu por nós. Para aqueles que não podem receber o Sacramento da Penitência e Reconciliação (talvez por falta de consciência), a unção também pode trazer o perdão dos pecados. O sacramento também pode ser repetido se uma pessoa se recuperar e ficar doente novamente ou se sua condição piorar durante a mesma doença. Qualquer pessoa que tenha seu bem-estar em perigo devido a uma doença grave, preparação para a cirurgia ou idade avançada pode receber este sacramento. É importante que, quando possível, você não espere até que alguém esteja tão próximo da morte para convocar um padre. Nestes dias de menos padres, um pode não estar disponível imediatamente para ir. `Chamar um padre antes que uma pessoa perca a consciência também dá a oportunidade de fazer uma confissão e receber a sagrada comunhão. O Concílio Vaticano II ensinou: “... assim que algum dos fiéis começa a correr o risco de morte por doença ou velhice, certamente já chegou o momen-to adequado para receber este sacramen-to” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, # 73).

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

Reading I Jer 23:1-6

Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the LORD. Therefore, thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, against the shepherds who shepherd my people: You have scattered my sheep and driven them away. You have not cared for them, but I will take care to punish your evil deeds. I myself will gather the remnant of my flock from all the lands to which I have driven them and bring them back to their meadow; there they shall increase and multiply. I will appoint shepherds for them who will shepherd them so that they need no longer fear and tremble; and none shall be missing, says the LORD. Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David; as king he shall reign and govern wisely, he shall do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah shall be saved, Israel shall dwell in security. This is the name they give him: “The LORD our justice.” Responsorial Psalm Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6

(R) The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. (R)

He guides me in right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side with your rod and your staff that give me courage. (R)

You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. (R)

Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come. (R)

Reading II Eph 2:13-18 Brothers and sisters: In Christ Jesus you who once were far off have become near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh, abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims, that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile both with God, in one body, through the cross, putting that enmity to death by it. He came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near, for through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.


R. Alleluia, alleluia. My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. (R) Gospel Mk 6:30-34 The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place. People saw them leaving and many came to know about it. They hastened there on foot from all the towns and arrived at the place before them. When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.

Lectionary: 107

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

“Liturgical Memorials” The following items used in our

liturgies are available as Memorial Gifts each weekend:

Bread & Wine: Both Parishes to be consecrated at all Liturgies during the weekend (donation $25)

Candle Oil –at St. Thomas is used in the altar candles during the weekend (donation $25)

The Sanctuary Lamp/Candle - Both Parishes is the candle that burns constantly, except on Good Friday, beside the Tabernacle. For each weekend (donation $25)

Flowers, for the weekend only, before the Main Altar and on the Side Altars for Saturday Vigil and Sunday Liturgies (Not during Lent). Main Altar (donation $40), Side Altars (donation $30).

Intentions of Memorial Gifts will be listed in the Bulletin each week. If you wish to donate any of the above,

please call the parish office & leave a message

Memorial Gifts St. Thomas the Apostle

July 17th/18th

Bread and Wine Patrick J. Connolly

Sanctuary Lamp AVAILABLE


Altar Flowers Maria Dos Santos Family

July 24th/25th

Bread and Wine David Gabriel M.D.

Sanctuary Lamp AVAILABLE


Memorial Gifts St. John the Baptist

July 17th/18th

Bread and Wine Virginia Burnham

Sacramental Candles Virginia Burnham

July 24th/25th

Bread and Wine Dr. James T. Ryan

Sacramental Candles Dr. James T. Ryan

Weekly Mass Intentions

If you would like to schedule a Mass intention to remember or honor a loved one, call either Parish

office at 978-531-0224 or 978-531-0002.

July 17 SJB 4pm Virginia Burnham Patrick J. Connolly

July 18 STA 8am Patrick J. Connolly

SJB 10am For the People of our Parishes

STA 10am Dos Santos 51st Anniversary

July 24 SJB 4pm Dr. James T. Ryan

July 25 STA 8am David Gabriel, MD

July 25 SJB 10am Maria Luisa Faria

Join Fr. Ed Riley and the Archdiocese Family Life team on Monday, July 26 from 7:30-8:30 PM to pray for couples

struggling with infertility, difficult pregnancy, or infant loss. We’ll be praying on the Feast of Sts. Anne and Joachim as part

of National Natural Family Planning Week July 25-31. You can register through bit.ly/VirtualRosary2021 or

visit bostoncatholic.org/nfp for more information

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

“Both Mary and Joseph had made a vow to remain virgins all the days of their lives; and God wished them to be united in the bonds of marriage, not because they repented of the vow already made, but to be confirmed in it and to encourage each other to continue in this holy relation.” St. Francis de Sales

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

Prayer Shawl Ministry provides comfort and healing prayers

to anyone in need of warmth and encouragement while healing. Do you know of someone in need of a Prayer Shawl? Call our office and we will have one delivered to your friend or loved one. Do you knit or crochet?

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month from 10-11:30AM in the Dining room of the

Spiritual life center.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial

To support married couples during this time of social distancing, Worldwide Marriage Encounter is sponsoring

virtual marriage experiences. Some are on weekends and are seven sessions on weekdays from 7:00pm to 9:30pm. Couples will explore their individual personality styles,

improve listening and communication skills, understand God’s plan for their marriage, and learn how to keep their relationship a priority. Registration is limited and a $100 application fee is required. For more information or to apply, call at or visit them

at https://wwmema.org/. Jesus is asking us to go out two by two and proclaim His good news. Learn how to make your Sacrament of Marriage shine

on the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience.

Para apoyar a las parejas casadas durante este tiempo de distanciamiento social, el Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial está

patrocinando experiencias matrimoniales virtuales. Algunas son los fines de semana y otras se presentan los martes y jueves durante 7 sesiones de 7:00PM – 9:30PM en la comodidad de su

hogar. Las parejas explorarán sus estilos de personalidad individuales, mejorarán las habilidades de escucha y

comunicación, entenderán el plan de Dios para su matrimonio y aprenderán a mantener su relación como una prioridad. El

cupo es limitado y se requiere una cuota de solicitud de $100.00. Para obtener más información o para registrarse,

llame a Felipe y Rosa Ruano Teléfono 203 -979-6109 o www.renuevatumatrimonio.org

Jesús nos pide que salgamos de dos en dos y proclamemos sus buenas nuevas. Aprenda cómo hacer brillar su

Sacramento del Matrimonio en la próxima Experiencia de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial en del

27 de julio al 17 de agosto de 2021.

9 Holes of golf, cart with lunch and refreshments after at the K of C Hall.

Profits from this even will go to Haven From Hunger. Entrance fee is $50.

Single golfer and foursome reservations are available.

9am-9:45am Registration 10am Scramble format

Checks payable to “Peabody K of C”

For more information and reservations contact: Lou Iannoccone: 978-317-9819

Bob Moccia: [email protected]

Friday - August 20, 2021

The Meadows Golf Course 80 Granite Street

Peabody, MA Join Fr. John MacInnis and Fr. Kevin Leaver for a Pilgrimage to Rome this fall! In honor of the parish’s 150th Anniversary, we will journey together this September for a 7-night trip to

Rome and attend the Diaconate Ordination of seminarian Joe Ferme. We will top off this celebratory trip with a journey to the Amalfi Coast, stopping at Monte Cassino along the way.

Starting at $3,395/person. Visit canterburypilgrimages.com or contact Jimmy Coppinger

at (800) 653-0017 Ext. 1006 for more info or to register.

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021


Joyful, healthy, productive, and successful—these are the

responses we hear from parents when we ask the question, what do you want most for your kids? We all know there is no magic formula for raising children. There are no shortcuts, no

overnight solutions, and no parenthood manuals. However, with some intentionality and the tools we offer you, your

family can have a great foundation for working together to build character strengths that increase the positive, intentional environment in your home. After years of research, we know

that one of the best ways for your family to thrive is by growing in character strengths. Moral character and faith development cannot be outsourced to a school, church, or

sports program. It must come from the parents.

Sign up is easy, visit FORMED.ORG

Click “Sign-up”. Then “I Belong to a Parish”

Enter Peabody Zip Code 01960 in search box “Create a New Account”.

Then select St. John the Baptist, click “Next” Enter “Your Name” and “Email”

St. Thomas

Hi Everyone, it's that time again!! We need things.

Our sales have been terrific so our reorganized rooms are empty. We are on vacation until July 17th, so you have time to get rid of

household items you don't use. We need just about anything, dishes, pots, pans, small kitchen appliances, baking & casserole

dishes, bed linens, tablecloths, blankets, curtains, purses, jewelry, shoes, current novels ( no text books) puzzles, figurines, seasonal

decorations. Also small furniture, ( no couches, T.V.'s ).

We accept donations Mon 9am-11am, Thurs 9am-11am and Sat 9am -1pm. We appreciate any donations you have,

God Bless You, and have a safe summer. -The Thrift Shop Crew


To make arrangements for donation drop offs contact:

Eric Sironi 508-277-1910 Bob Comeau 978-977-9672

Update in Outreach Ministry: We have been very busy assisting our brothers and sisters in need with meals, clothing, toiletries, showers, laundry, and computer access for important social services. Your continued generosity provides the necessary resources for this important and life-changing assistance. Thank you for all that YOU do to bless this ministry in the ways that you are able to, for your prayers, donations, and amazing support are so valued and appreciated by everyone.

Ongoing Needs for your consideration: Bug spray, men’s hats for sun protection,

men’s or women’s sweatpants (large or x large), bath towels (new or gently used), handiwipes,

laundry detergent, AAA batteries, shaving razors and cream/gel, body wash or shower gel,

juice paks or small bottled juice.

Your donations may be dropped off at the church hall of St. John’s on Friday mornings, from 9am to 11am, or to the Parish Center during the weekdays, from 9:30am to 1pm. Thank you!

Pat Adam, Outreach Coordinator (978) 335-2080

For the Lord comforts his people and shows mercy to his afflicted. Isaiah 49:13

Shop Hours: Thursday

+ Friday

+ Saturday

9am to 1pm

St. John’s

Are you cleaning out? If so, would you please consider donating gently used items to the Thrift

Shop? We are in need of many items such as clothing and shoes for men, women and

children, sheets, pillowcases, towels, blankets, comforters, kitchen utensils and small electrics, such as blenders, coffee makers, toasters, irons, etc. We also need pots and pans, curtains and drapes crystal and China, glassware, dishes, lamps and jewelry. We

are also accepting decorations for all holidays. We DO NOT ACCEPT: furniture, air conditioners,

televisions, computers and their components. We only accept donations Thursday thru Saturday

from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Call Wayne Doane for more info: (617) 548-5626

Email: [email protected]

For another view, please visit http://www.stjohnspeabodynews.org/thrift_shop_news.htm

Thank you for your patronage, God Bless You!

Shop Hours:

Saturday 9am to 2pm

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 18, 2021

Be an Adorer on the First Friday of each month. Adoration is an opportunity to retreat from the

world and just be one with the Lord. Join us August 6th following the morning Mass.

Contact: Dawn Alves [email protected]

"Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life, for you are safe with me." 1Samuel 22:23

Holy Bap sm

St. Thomas the Apostle 1st Sunday of each month

St. John the Bap st 2nd Sunday of each month

To schedule a Bap sm please call, Danise Mendonca 978-826-7532

You may leave a message with your name including best phone number to contact you,

and the sta will return your call. God Bless!

Follow us at: St. John and St. Thomas Churches of Peabody



For current information check out our websites at:

www.stthomaspeabody.org www.stjohnspeabody.org

Are you new to the Parish, and would like to Register as a Parishioner?

Visit this link to Sign up and Register: https://boston.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/Register.aspx

If you already registered, maybe it’s time to update your contact information. You may do so by

signing into your Family Suite with your User Name and Password. https://boston.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/Default.aspx

SJST Men's ACTS Retreat November 11-14, 2021

St. Thecla’s Retreat House Director: John Regan

For More Information please email: [email protected]

SJST Women's ACTS Retreat November 18-21, 2021

St. Thecla’s Retreat House Director: Dawn Alves

For More Information please Email: [email protected]


Registration for the 2021/2022 year will begin in July. Please contact either

parish office with questions. Thank you!

St John the Bap st Grades 1-5

Contact Dawn Alves [email protected]

St. Thomas the Apostle Grades 1-5

Contact Dawn Alves [email protected]

EDGE Grades 6, 7, & 8

Contact Matthew Harrington [email protected]


Grades 9 & 10 Contact Dawn Alves

[email protected]

Teen ACTS Retreat Postponed to 2022

Page 14: 4271 johnpeabody 071821 · 2021. 7. 14. · enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus sufrimien-tos a los de Jesucristo, que ofreció sus sufrimientos por nosotros. Para aquellos

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271


MAKE YOUR DREAM KITCHEN A REALITY WITH SHELFGENIE Enjoy up to 50% more space in your kitchen and better access to your most-used

items with our custom pull-out shelves installed in your existing cabinets

Schedule Your FREE Design Consultation:

(855) 625-9032


*Limit one offer per household. Must purchase 5+ Classic/

Designer Shelves. EXP 69/30/21

Hours: Mon - Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 10am - 4pm EST

*$100 ADT Visa Reward Card: Requires 36-month monitoring contract starting at $28.99/mo. (24-month monitoring contract in California, total fees from $695.76), and enrollment in ADT EasyPay. Requires minimum purchase price of $449. One (1) Visa Reward Card valued at $100 is redeemable seven (7) days after system is installed, wherein an email is sent to the customer’s email address associated with their account with a promo code. The customer must validate the promo code on the website provided in the email and a physical card will be sent in the mail. Installation must occur within 60 days of offer expiration date to receive card. Applicable to new and resale sale types only. Card is issued by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. No cash access or recurring payments. Can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Card valid for up to 6 months; unused funds will forfeit after the valid thru date. Card terms and conditions apply. Reply by 10/15/2021.General:property of ADT. Local permit fees may be required. Prices and offers subject to change and may vary by market. Additional taxes and fees may apply. Satisfactory credit required. A security deposit may be required. Simulated screen images and photos are for illustrative purposes only.©2021 ADT LLC dba ADT Security Services. All rights reserved. ADT, the ADT logo, 800.ADT.ASAP and the product/service names listed in this doc-ument are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Third-party marks are the property of their respective owners. License information available at www.ADT.com/legal or by calling 800.ADT.ASAP. CA ACO7155, 974443, PPO120288; FL EF0001121; LA F1639, F1640, F1643, F1654, F1655; MA 172C; NC Licensed by the Alarm Systems Licensing Board of the State of North Carolina, 7535P2, 7561P2, 7562P10, 7563P7, 7565P1, 7566P9, 7564P4; NY 12000305615; PA 09079, MS 15019511. DF-CD-NP-Q321

*With 36-month monitoring contract. Early termination and installation fees apply. Reward card issued by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC. Card terms and expiration apply. For full terms, see below.

Call now for ADT home security+ get a $100 ADT Visa® Reward Card*


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1Subject to credit approval. Call for details.




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ter guard system in America.” Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMT Mercer Group in Ohio. See Representative for full warranty


Page 15: 4271 johnpeabody 071821 · 2021. 7. 14. · enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus sufrimien-tos a los de Jesucristo, que ofreció sus sufrimientos por nosotros. Para aquellos

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271



CONTACT: [email protected]


Marie Bishop REALTOR ®

978.766.3533 [email protected]

A Donation of $100 by Marie will be made to the St. John the Baptist/St. Thomas Collaborative for any Sale resulting from this Ad

Congratulations to Msgr. Frank Kelley, co-founder of Pine Street Inn, on 40 years of service. We are grateful that he continues to serve in the Archdiocese as a senior priest.

donate at clergytrust.org

SCAN HERE for Venmo, Google/ Apple Pay, PayPal via Givebutter.


Pictured: Msgr. Frank Kelley and Lyndia Downey, President, Pine Street Inn

Senior Discounts Available20% Discount for Senior Citizens


Call to get your FREE Information Kit

1-866-615-0296or visit dental50plus.com/pilots

Includes the Participating (in GA: Designated) Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Product not available in all states. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN); Rider kinds B438/B439 (GA: B439B). 6255

DENTAL Insurance

Get Dental Insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. It helps cover over 350 procedures — from cleanings and fillings to crowns and dentures.

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Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac standby generator

FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty*A $695 Value!


Limited Time Off er - Call for Details

Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval

*To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and

activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list

of terms and conditions.



Page 16: 4271 johnpeabody 071821 · 2021. 7. 14. · enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus sufrimien-tos a los de Jesucristo, que ofreció sus sufrimientos por nosotros. Para aquellos

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271

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Gibraltar Pools™RT. 1, TOPSFIELD978-887-2424

FREEComputerizedWater Testing!

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[email protected] 56 Central Ave., Suite 307, Lynn

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Inmigración Hablamos Español


The North Shore’s most popular address for maintenance-free

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Hablamos Español



Serving our Community Since 1933

A Decision Made Together That Will Last Forever

Murphy Funeral Home85 FEDERAL STREET

SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970www.MurphyFuneralHome.com


(781) 631-8885 (978) 744-0497

Cemetery Plot - Puritan Lawn Cemetery (Peabody)

Deed for double depth interment in pre-installed double cement crypt.

May be used for cremation burials. Prime lot in most desired section of cemetery.

Value $7,000, Asking $4,500 (includes transfer fee)

Call or text 617-791-0647.

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[email protected] Newbury St-Rt 1 North,

Peabody, MA 01960(978) 535-6004

Puritan LawnMemorial Park

Two plots, side by side, Current Value at $5,150. Asking $3,800. Buyer pays

title and transfer fee approx. $150.Only serious buyers please.

Paul - 617-308-8154



Rosaries from Flowers “Handmade from the Flowers

of your Loved One”

841 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876

(978) 851-9103

Xtreme Boston Detailing & Graphics, Inc.

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978-223-5186Middleton, MA


Page 17: 4271 johnpeabody 071821 · 2021. 7. 14. · enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus sufrimien-tos a los de Jesucristo, que ofreció sus sufrimientos por nosotros. Para aquellos

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148


MAKE YOUR DREAM KITCHEN A REALITY WITH SHELFGENIE Enjoy up to 50% more space in your kitchen and better access to your most-used

items with our custom pull-out shelves installed in your existing cabinets

Schedule Your FREE Design Consultation:

(855) 625-9032


*Limit one offer per household. Must purchase 5+ Classic/

Designer Shelves. EXP 69/30/21

Hours: Mon - Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 10am - 4pm EST

Call to get your FREE Information Kit

1-866-615-0296or visit dental50plus.com/pilots

Includes the Participating (in GA: Designated) Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Product not available in all states. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN); Rider kinds B438/B439 (GA: B439B). 6255

DENTAL Insurance

Get Dental Insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. It helps cover over 350 procedures — from cleanings and fillings to crowns and dentures.

• See any dentist you want, but save more with one in our network

• No deductible, no annual maximum

• Immediate coverage for preventive care



1Subject to credit approval. Call for details.




T T E R G U A RD1 2













ter guard system in America.” Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMT Mercer Group in Ohio. See Representative for full warranty


Page 18: 4271 johnpeabody 071821 · 2021. 7. 14. · enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus sufrimien-tos a los de Jesucristo, que ofreció sus sufrimientos por nosotros. Para aquellos

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148

“Jesus Wept.” John 11:35

Congratulations to Msgr. Frank Kelley, co-founder of Pine Street Inn, on 40 years of service. We are grateful that he continues to serve in the Archdiocese as a senior priest.

donate at clergytrust.org

SCAN HERE for Venmo, Google/ Apple Pay, PayPal via Givebutter.


Pictured: Msgr. Frank Kelley and Lyndia Downey, President, Pine Street Inn


We’re available 24/7. See if you qualify for same-day service!

Call now to redeem your exclusive off er!

Redemption code: Reply by:

DF-CD-NP-Q321 October 15, 2021


*$100 ADT Visa Reward Card: Requires 36-month monitoring contract starting at $28.99/mo. (24-month monitoring contract in California, total fees from $695.76), and enrollment in ADT EasyPay. Requires minimum purchase price of $449. One (1) Visa Reward Card valued at $100 is redeemable seven (7) days after system is installed, wherein an email is sent to the customer’s email address associated with their account with a promo code. The customer must validate the promo code on the website provided in the email and a physical card will be sent in the mail. Installation must occur within 60 days of offer expiration date to receive card. Applicable to new and resale sale types only. Card is issued by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. No cash access or recurring payments. Can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Card valid for up to 6 months; unused funds will forfeit after the valid thru date. Card terms and conditions apply. Reply by 10/15/2021.General:Additional taxes and fees may apply. Satisfactory credit required. A security deposit may be required. Simulated screen images and photos are for illustrative purposes only.


*With 36-month monitoring contract. Early termination and installation fees apply. Reward card issued by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC. Card terms and expiration apply. For full terms, see below.

Get a $100 ADT Visa Reward Card*

Call now for ADT home security+ get a $100 ADT Visa® Reward Card*



Prepare for power outages with a Generac home standby generator

FREE7-Year Extended Warranty*A $695 Value!

Limited Time Off er - Call for Details

Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval

*To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase,

install and activate the generator with a participating dealer.

Call for a full list of terms and conditions.

Page 19: 4271 johnpeabody 071821 · 2021. 7. 14. · enfermedad con valentía y paz, uniendo sus sufrimien-tos a los de Jesucristo, que ofreció sus sufrimientos por nosotros. Para aquellos

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148

79 Lynnfield Street, Peabody, MA

The North Shore’s most popular address for maintenance-free

retirement living.


North Shore



Gibraltar Pools™RT. 1, TOPSFIELD978-887-2424

FREEComputerizedWater Testing!

& Spas

“God is Love” 1 John 4:8

[email protected] 56 Central Ave., Suite 307, Lynn

Eddy Staco

Inmigración Hablamos Español

781-477-9100 66 Washington St.Marblehead, [email protected]

Patty’s Pet CareLOVING CAREfor your precious animals Patty Carter(978) 778 - 4221


Get Your First Day FREE when you mention this ad.

Murphy Funeral Home85 FEDERAL STREET

SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970www.MurphyFuneralHome.com


(781) 631-8885 (978) 744-0497

Marie Bishop REALTOR ®

978.766.3533 [email protected]

A Donation of $100 by Marie will be made to the St. John the Baptist/St. Thomas Collaborative for any Sale resulting from this Ad

We’re Perfecting the Art of Superior Care.

90 Lindall Street • Danvers, MA978-777-3740


Compassionate care is our top priority

Senior Discounts Available20% Discount for Senior Citizens


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[email protected] Newbury St-Rt 1 North,

Peabody, MA 01960(978) 535-6004 Rosaries from Flowers

“Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One”

841 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876

(978) 851-9103



CONTACT: [email protected]