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We are all part of God's vine and are rooted in His rich soil. We are nurtured and supported so that we may grow and spread out into the world to love and to serve. Year 4 Week 2 - Home Learning Grid – Week Commencing 30th March 2020 - Discoveries Reading English Expressive Arts Using words, poetry, drawing, painting and other mediums to describe our inner and outer responses to the word around us. STEM Science, technology, engineering and mathematics. People & Communities Personal and social development, well-being and religious education. Understanding the world in which we live. Scientists have found a new fossil of a bird they believe to be the smallest dinosaur. Read the attached article then answer questions on the discovery using full sentences for your answers. Find a dice and use the grid below to see if you can generate ideas for a story. Roll for a setting time, place, character and plot. Take time to choose good fronted adverbials, as well A shape poem is one in the shape of the main topic. See the example below. Use lots of alliteration (words Charles Darwin was a British scientist who was responsible for the theory of evolution using natural selection. Carry out some research into the life of Charles Darwin and write down some facts Having learnt about Mardi-Gras last week. Look at some Mardi-Gras masks used in the festival and create your own using bright

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We are all part of God's vine and are rooted in His rich soil. We are nurtured and supported so that we may grow and spread out into the world to love and to serve.

Year 4 Week 2 - Home Learning Grid – Week Commencing 30th March 2020 - Discoveries

Reading English Expressive ArtsUsing words, poetry, drawing, painting and other mediums to describe our inner and outer responses to the word around us.

STEMScience, technology, engineering and mathematics.

People & Communities Personal and social development, well-being and religious education. Understanding the world in which we live.

Scientists have found a new fossil of a bird they believe to be the smallest dinosaur. Read the attached article then answer questions on the discovery using full sentences for your answers.

Find a dice and use the grid below to see if you can generate ideas for a story. Roll for a setting time, place, character and plot. Take time to choose good fronted adverbials, as well as using interesting adverbs and adjectives when writing and remember to keep your story in the same tense.

A shape poem is one in the shape of the main topic. See the example below. Use lots of alliteration (words that all start with the same letter) to write your own shape poem.

Charles Darwin was a British scientist who was responsible for the theory of evolution using natural selection. Carry out some research into the life of Charles Darwin and write down some facts about his life and discoveries.You can use this video to help you Charles Darwin

Having learnt about Mardi-Gras last week. Look at some Mardi-Gras masks used in the festival and create your own using bright colours and stick-on jewels/beads/stickers if you have them. Take a photo.

Try to find out about another recent discovery; it could be a new animal, plant, insect. Write down some interesting facts

Learn some spellings using the following link. Remember to click the Year 3 / 4 button. Spelling Game

Have a look at this website that shows some new plant and fungi discoveries from 2019. New Plants Pick one of them

Go outside and create different shapes using some sticks. Count how many sides they have and use the sheet below to identify

Go into the garden and listen to the sounds. Close your eyes. What can you hear? Does it conjure up any patterns or colours?

about your discovery. and grab some paints or colouring pencils to create a picture of it. Try using some darker colours to create some shading. Remember to include the plant’s name and where in the world it can be found.

what shape you have created. Draw them in your book or take some photos and label them.

Create your own creation pattern using the colours you thought about when you listened to the sounds. Think of a short prayer to go with your picture.

Read the blurb on the back of a book you are reading or have read. What features do you notice when reading it? E.g. Does it tell you the ending? Who does it mention? What ‘person’ is it written in? Is it in past/current tense? What do you like about it?

Watch this short video on writing a formal letter. Formal Letter WritingPretend that you have discovered a new species of plant that you think could be useful for food or medicine. Write a letter to the Government asking if you could arrange a meeting to discuss this further.

Look at this picture of a Greek mosaic. See if you can create your own mosaic pattern using, cut up bits of paper from a magazine, coloured paper, beads, or go outside and pick some outdoor garden objects such as stones, leaves, sticks to create one. Take a picture to stick in your book.

Create a home version of Dino Dig – Please see the example below.Find some chalk or some string. Create a grid. Label the upright axis (called the Y axis) and the horizontal axis (called the X axis) with numbers starting with 0.Place some objects in some of the squares that nobody else can see. Cover your grid. Ask another person to guess where the hidden objects are giving you some co-ordinates. How many can they get in 1 minute?

Paint a pebble to say ‘thank you’ to someone you think deserves it. Give it to them when you have finished decorating, to tell them how much you appreciate them.

Find a part in your book that does not already have a picture. Draw a scene to go with this part of the book. Label the picture with the characters and any other relevant details.

Design a poster of your new discovery to show people how great your new plant could be. Label all its uses.

Charles Darwin looked at many different species of butterflies when he studied evolution. Watch this video to see if you can make your own origami butterfly bookmark Butterfly Bookmark

Practise some division with this game Division Game

Take 2 minutes to think about how you felt today. Did you have any worries? Do you feel differently now? Write down something good you did today. Design a Happy Place Poster full of all the things that make you happy. Put your name in the middle with all your happy things around the outside.

Physical DevelopmentMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Go to Joe Wicks’ website and join in his daily workout activities.Joe Wicks

See if you can play this game with someone in your house.Write down different sports activities on pieces of paper and put them all in a bag/box.Take it in turns to pull one out and mime it. See how many the other person can guess in 1 minute.

Design a circuit in your garden. Try to include these activities at certain spots. After completing it yourself, see if someone else in your household can complete it? Time each other for extra fun!

In a safe open space, pick a times table to practise. Go through the times table by throwing a ball in the air and reciting the times table fact every time you catch the ball. Try doing the table forwards e.g. 1x12, 2x12 etc. and then backwards if you can.

Dancing – Try out this ‘Just Dance’ video. See if you can copy the moves.Just Dance Old Town RoadCan you make up your own dance to a favourite song of yours?

Y Axis

X Axis

Co-ordinate means 2 on the x axis and 4 on the Y axis.