3dcity - design

3DCity: Urban Planning and Design Template: 3D City - Design Version: 1.1 Date: July 19, 2013 Map templates and workflows are ArcGIS resources that can be used to help create 2D / 3D maps and web map applications with your GIS data. These templates and workflows can be applied as the foundation to create similar maps. This workflow covers how you can design new 3D buildings in CityEngine using procedural rules. Starting point is a Geodatabase with 3D GIS features that was created in part 1 and 2 of a series of workflows on 3D City Modeling showing you how to: Prepare your GIS data for generating 3D city features Create 3D city features like 3D multipatch building shells and 3D streets from existing GIS data Maintain 3D multipatch building shells Design new 3D buildings using procedural rules (this workflow: includes master planning and comparing designs) Start doing Master Planning Perform 3D City analysis such as shadow and visual impact Publish 3D CityEngine Web Scenes to ArcGIS Online Please have a look for the full series on the 3DGIS and CityEngine Resource Centers. Use case: Urban Planning As we saw in part 1, 2 and 3 of this series, CityEngine can be used to create a 3D City Model using existing GIS data. The ability to easily create 3D urban scenes is one of the key strengths of CityEngine. Another is the ability to design in 3D and this can be very helpful in Urban Planning. The workflow below describes the process of planning/designing a new city block in our Philadelphia example city using procedural rules. Prerequisites: CityEngine 2012.1 If you don’t have a license, go here to get a trial version Pay attention to user interface information (especially how to navigate) when installing 3D City Creation’ project Loading the example: After installation, startup CityEngine: If you didn’t do so already, import the ‘3D City Creation’ project into your workspace: File -> import -> Project -> existing project into workspace. Search for the ‘3DCity_Creation.zip’ archive file.

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  • 3DCity: Urban Planning and Design

    Template: 3D City - Design Version: 1.1 Date: July 19, 2013 Map templates and workflows are ArcGIS resources that can be used to help create 2D / 3D maps and web map applications with your GIS data. These templates and workflows can be applied as the foundation to create similar maps. This workflow covers how you can design new 3D buildings in CityEngine using procedural rules. Starting point is a Geodatabase with 3D GIS features that was created in part 1 and 2 of a series of workflows on 3D City Modeling showing you how to: Prepare your GIS data for generating 3D city features Create 3D city features like 3D multipatch building shells and 3D streets from existing GIS data Maintain 3D multipatch building shells Design new 3D buildings using procedural rules (this workflow: includes master planning and comparing designs) Start doing Master Planning Perform 3D City analysis such as shadow and visual impact Publish 3D CityEngine Web Scenes to ArcGIS Online Please have a look for the full series on the 3DGIS and CityEngine Resource Centers. Use case: Urban Planning As we saw in part 1, 2 and 3 of this series, CityEngine can be used to create a 3D City Model using existing GIS data. The ability to easily create 3D urban scenes is one of the key strengths of CityEngine. Another is the ability to design in 3D and this can be very helpful in Urban Planning. The workflow below describes the process of planning/designing a new city block in our Philadelphia example city using procedural rules. Prerequisites:

    CityEngine 2012.1

    If you dont have a license, go here to get a trial version

    Pay attention to user interface information (especially how to navigate) when installing

    3D City Creation project

    Loading the example: After installation, startup CityEngine: If you didnt do so already, import the 3D City Creation project into your workspace: File -> import -> Project -> existing project into workspace. Search for the 3DCity_Creation.zip archive file.

  • Import existing project (as archive) into workspace

    Workflow steps:

    1. Loading a scene This example comes with 3 scenes: the 3DCity scene we created in part 2 of this series, a prepared design scene called 3DCityDesign.cej and a Master Planning scene called 3DCityMasterPlanning.cej

    Please open the 3DCityDesign.cej scene first to see a final design.

  • 2. Selecting the area of interest Ok, lets try and create a new design. Close this project and open the 3DCity.cej project. We are interested in redeveloping a city block in the middle of Philadelphia. Select this block (left mouse button, drag right to left) and cut it out (Edit->Cut).

    Well paste it back into the scene as separate layers in case we want to compare later with the new design (click the Scene window and paste (Edit->Paste)).

    3. Sketching new buildings There are 2 ways in CityEngine to create 3D buildings: - Manual sketching - Generate from parcels or building footprints Lets have a look at manual sketching first. Click on the Polygonal Shape Creation Tool in the CityEngine tool bar:

  • Draw a base for your building Extrude it upwards

    Cut along the roof to create. .step backs by pushing down

    Apply the Generic Modern Buildings rule to your 3D sketch and select the Envelop rule as start rule.

  • You can check building parameters such as FAR and GFA, in the Inspector window. Scroll down in the Inspector to the reports tab.

    To generate detailed facades, - Go the Inspector window (Window->Show Inspector) - Scroll down to the Generic Modern Facades rule and - Toggle the Generate Facades parameter to on

  • Manually sketching is a very intuitive way to create 3D buildings in CityEngine and as you can see, you can apply rules to your 3D sketch. Another way of create 3D buildings is to apply rules directly to parcels or building footprints and generate the 3D geometry completely procedurally. Well see how that works in the next section. Just delete the sketch you created now and on to parceling!

    4. Generate new parcels First thing we need to do is generate new parcels in this location as basis for the new design. In this case we want for 4 new big parcels. CityEngine can do this for you: - select one of the adjoining streets - open the Inspector window - go to the Block tab - and set shapeCreation to true

    CityEngine will generate new parcels for this block. Now as youll notice, by default, we get more than 4 parcels. Simply change it by changing rule parameters such as minimum and maximum parcel size.

  • - select the new parcels - open the Inspector window - select the dynamic shapes tab - go to the Block parameters - change lotAreaMin to 3000, lotAreaMax to 5000 and set irregularity to 0 - if needed you can align the parcels better with the terrain through Layer->Align Terrain To Shapes

    5. Apply an urban planning rule In the next step we are going to apply a rule to the new parcels, to generate 3D massing models based on typical zoning laws. Virtually every municipality in the developed world has zoning laws which describe permitted land use, lot size, building heights, density, setbacks, and other aspects of property use. CityEngine rules can be used to quickly visualize different 3D design scenarios by changing the rule parameters. A great feature of the software is the ability to do instant reporting of zoning parameters such as Floor Area Ration (FAR) or density, Lot Coverage and Open Space Area for each of the design scenarios. These can then be easily checked against the permitted values in the zoning laws. - have the 4 parcels selected and drag / drop the Generic Modern Buildings.cga rule on the parcels. - select the Parcel rule as start rule (if needed) and click Ok - this will generate 4 mass models with certain zoning parameter settings.

  • In this case, we want to increase the density (FAR) on each lot but also create nice open spaces. You can manually play with different combinations of the rule parameters or use the Styles functionality to quickly generate a predefined design. - select 1 building and open the Inspector window - open the report tab and you can see the Floor Area Ratio, Lot Coverage etc for this design. - now you can start designing in 3D by changing the rule parameters such as Nr of Floors, Setbacks and Layout. - check the reporting for impact of design decisions

  • 6. Styles Another good feature is the Styles functionality. Styles are basically predefined sets of rule parameters which allow you to quickly switch between different design proposals. - select the parcel/building - open the Inspector window - click the Styles button and select a style - do this for all buildings so it looks similar to the image below.

    Note: to have the original rule file driving the Styles, right click in the Inspector on a rule parameter and select reset all attributes of Generic Modern Building. This resets all the parameters you might have changed previously to values defined in the rules.

    7. Fine-tuning the design

    With the base design in place, we can bring it back into ArcGIS for further analysis such as shadow and visual impact.

    Shadow impact Visual impact

    Note: to learn about shadow and visual impact analysis in ArcGIS, please see 3DCity Analysis part of this series

    If we are happy with the analysis results, we can further fine-tune our design in CityEngine. First we can enable faade generation: - in the Inspector, scroll down to the Generic Modern Facades rule and set Generate_Facades to true

  • This generates detailed 3D facades on the massing models. The facade rule also supports Styles so click the Styles button in the Inspector and apply the styles so it looks like the image below.

    To finish off, we can enable the green space generation: - in the Inspector, scroll down to the Green Space rule and set Generate_Green_Space to true

  • Design done! Looking at the final result, we see we have a density (FAR) of almost 6, nearly 50% lot coverage and the midday sun is nicely coming into the open space.

    And if needed, changes can be made at any stage of the design process. For example, it appears that the office building and the residential building are too close together and the residential building is shading the office building. Simple change the Setback from the Boundary parameter.

  • Now we can export this design and bring it back into ArcGIS for visualization in a larger geographic extent.

    Note: to learn more about how to export 3D content from CityEngine to ArcGIS, please see the 3DCity Maintenance part of this series.

    Enjoy The 3D /CityEngine team
