360 degree initiative.pdf

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 360 Degree Initiative.pdf


    36A f i rst t im e un ique Retai l in i t iat ive

    In t roduct ion

    Chem ist s are an integral part of t he Pharm a indu str y and play an im por tant0

    role in t he Pharm a as w ell as OTC bu siness. 360 is a f irst t im e ret ai l ini t iative

    launched for the chemists on the basis of our exper ience plus expert ise in

    successful ly m anaging a publ icat io n by t he nam e Che m ist Pul se.

    o360 re ta il in i t iat ive he lps fu lf i l l al l your com m unicat ion needs associated w i th

    retai l chemists. This in i t ia t ive helps develop chemist loyal ty towards the


  • 7/31/2019 360 Degree Initiative.pdf


    0360 reta i l in i t ia t ive of fers innovat ive m arket ing programs

    Exclusive New slet ter / Booklet / l i terature for Reta i lers


    Opt ion I - New slet ters are mai led d irect ly by 360 team to 1,25,000 reta i lersacross Indi a

    I f desi red t he New sletters can be m ai led to selected states only as per Cl ients requi rem ents

    Newsle t ters

    We w il l generate Content & add value as per t he cl ients needs including layout & designing of t he New slet ter

    The Newslet ter he lps to prov ide in format ion on Launch of a new pro duct / d ivision

    Existin g Prod uct / Line Exten sions Ads

    Com pany Product l ist / Pr ice/ Pack changes

    Discoun t schem es/ Bonu s offer s / Seasonal / Festival offe rs

    Change in p roduct name / logo / mo lecu le

    Art icles that help r eta i lers in th eir day to d ay t ransact ions

    Create Awareness about produ cts that have a push pot ent ia l

    M ail ing cost @ Rs. 1.50 only per new slett erCost includ es:

    Copy w rit ing, content generat ion, layout , designing & com m unicat ion test ingDatabase, address label pr int ing, Franking, Pin code w ise sort ing and t ransportat ion t o t he General

    post o ff ice (GPO)

    AdvantagesEconom ical m ail ing cost du e concessional grant under t he RNI num ber

    Robust & re l iable reta i ler data base

    Address labels are direct ly pasted on the m ailer hence covering envelope is not required, saves cost

    Cost: The cost w i l l depend on th e quant i ty o f the m ai le rs to b e m ai led

    Prop osal A

    oPrint ing: The Newsle t te rs may be pr in ted by the c l ien t o r a l te rnate ly 360 team can a lso pr in t the same onbehalf of th e cl ient

    36A f i rst t im e unique reta i l in i t iat ive

  • 7/31/2019 360 Degree Initiative.pdf


    Opt ion I I - Newsletters can be m ailed direct ly by t he Client t o 1,25000

    Chem ists across India

    New slett ers are dist r ibu ted direct ly by th e Client s Field for ce

    (Provided Chemist data base is avai lable w ith t he Cl ient)

    Costing:Since the cl ient does not h ave RNI num ber, the n ewslet ters wi l l have to be po sted un der t hecategory of Book- post . The cost tow ards postage of Book-post w i l l be Rs.4

    M ailer has to be inserted by th e cl ient in an Envelope result ing in an addit ional cost tow ardsenvelop e Rs.0.75

    Tot al Postage cost Rs.4.75 per new sletter includ ing Envelop e cost

    Addi t ional cost incurred by t he c l ient tow ards developm ent of Exclusive new slet ter

    4 page New sletter : Rs .30,000

    8 page Newslett er: Rs .45,000

    The above rate includes copy w rit ing, content generat ion, layout, designing & comm unicat ion test ingw i th Chemists

    Print ing: The Newslet ters w i l l be pr inted by t he cl ient

    Cost tow ards develop m ent o f th e Exclusive new slett er

    4 page New sletter : Rs.30,000

    8 page New sletter : Rs.45,000

    o360 team d evelops the Content, Com m unicat ion as per th e needs of th e cl ients including value

    addit ion s, layout & designing.

    These are then direct ly d istr ib uted t o th e chemists by the cl ient th rough th eir f ie ld force.

    Print ing: The Newslet ters w i l l be pr inted by t he cl ient

    Propo sal B

    36A f i rst t im e unique reta i l in i t iat ive

  • 7/31/2019 360 Degree Initiative.pdf


    CM E Program s (Cont inu ou s M edical Edu catio n)

    Chem ist Prom ot ion M ater ial

    Speaker slide kit s for Chem ist CM E pro gramo

    360 team d evelops educat ion slides for th e f ie ld force to address chemist meet s

    Each Speaker ki t consists of 18 t o 20 slides (Durat ion 30 m inutes speaking t ime)

    Cost: Rs.35,000 p er Speaker Kit t opi c

    The CM E prog ram m ater ials are developed as per IFPM A guidel ines w ith support ing m edical

    references & source of inform at io n


    Visual Aids

    POP Danglers

    Camp aign Developm ent

    oRo le o f 360 Team: Copy w rit ing, content / idea generat ion, layout , designing & com m unicat ion

    test ingCost: On project basis

    Regional languagesI f desi red a l l the prom ot ional input s can be t rans la ted in to 12 comm on reg ional languages

    Cost: On pro ject basis

    Shekha r Puri

    M ore th an 16 years of brand m anagem ent experience at Pf izer- Winn er of Internat ion al aw ard for Creat ivi ty & Innovat iveness

    Cert i f icates of excel lence: Innovat ive m arket ing of in l ine p roduct sNeha Parikh

    Head - Creatives

    - W inner of an award f rom Sir Henry School o f Art s, U.K. for Creat ive layout & Designing

    Dr.Rajesh Puri

    Dr.Deepak Langad e

    o360 t eam :

    B. Pharm a; M M S (M asters in M anagem ent stu dies, special izat ion m arketing)


    (PhD, Phar m acy, UDCT)

    (HOD, Pharm acology d ept ,J J hospit al )

    36A f i rst t im e unique reta i l in i t iat ive