33 how to prepare and give good presentations

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  • 8/6/2019 33 How to Prepare and Give Good Presentations


    How to prepare and give

    excellent scientific presentationseven in your second language

    For non English speakers

  • 8/6/2019 33 How to Prepare and Give Good Presentations


    Reflections and remarks

    No single accomplishment is more important to successoutside the laboratory than the ability to speak

    excellently in public.

    Years of training are required, but the investment pays offbeautifully in career advancement and in self-


    Carl J. SindermannWinning the games scientists play.

    Strategies for enhancing your career in Science

  • 8/6/2019 33 How to Prepare and Give Good Presentations


    Oral presentation is a vital aspect

    of the practice of science

    Presentation of research findings

    before assembled colleagues

    is a critical part of a scientific career

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    Good public speaking should be part of the

    background and expertise of every scientist

    but is often not

    A significant fraction of so calledprofessional scientists

    are abominable public speakers

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    Scientific oral presentations can be a valuable

    and pleasurable experience for all concernedWhy are so often deadly dull?

    The scientists have no training in public speaking

    They are unaware of the importance of doing it well

    They do not know the game rules

    They have not bothered to plan their presentartionsprepare it and practice it.

    Only present to ensure their travel will be funded

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    Further reflections

    The windows on a broader world

    that are open to good scientists who are also good speakers

    are almost limitless.

    Why, then do so many settle for mediocrity?

    Carl J. Sindermann

    Winning the games scientists play.

    Strategies for enhancing your career in Science.

  • 8/6/2019 33 How to Prepare and Give Good Presentations


    How to do well

    Learning to be a good speaker is much like

    learning a foreign language.

    The requisites are: Minimum natural ability and

    Maximum willpower and application

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    Effective oral presentation

    depends on a conscious learning process

    1. Close observation of skilled presentations

    2. Knowledge of the game rules3. Careful planning of the presentations

    4. Application of appropriate methodology

    5. Continuous practice

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    How to prepare

    an excellent presentation It requires:

    1. Careful planning of the structure of the

    presentation2. Hard work on the preparation of slides

    3. Hard work on the preparation of the speech

    4. Hard work on the practice of the speech

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    Structure of the talk

    Introduction should place the research in

    historical and developmental context

    The emphasis on methods, results andinterpretations (depends on audience).

    A Stunning conclusion will be remembered by

    the audience.

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    Tips for excellent talks

    Before the talk

    Prepare excellent slides and an inspired speech.

    Practice before a small group of colleagues During the talk

    Establish contact with your audience

    Show Controlled but obvious enthusiasm for the

    research being reported

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    How not to present

    1. Give it in Chinese Cantonese2. Read it word for word

    3. Give all the details of the experimental procedure

    4. Never time your presentation

    5. Fill up all your allotted time and ignore cutoff signals from

    the chair

    6. Prepare your slides three days before the meeting7. Thirty lines of text or more within each slide

    8. Present your paper with genuine disinterest

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    Suggestions for better presentations

    Prepare good slides

    Learn well your speech practicing it

    Time your speech and reserve time for the discussion at the

    end of presentation

    Show your enthusiasm for the subject matter

    Avoid to give excessive details of technique

    Put the emphasis on significant conclusions

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    Preparation of presentations

    1. Cut and paste your abstract into the titles of severalslides:

    Title and authors



    Material and methods


    esults Conclusions


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    Select materials you will need for your

    slides and copy and paste it to your slides

    An icon of your institution for the title slide.

    Schemes and photographs of the equipments for

    the materials and methods.

    Graphs and tables for the results.

    Photographs of the coauthors for theacknowledgements slide.

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    Add the emphatic points

    At the principle

    An appealing introduction

    Why it is important your work for your audience?

    At the end


    ive the message to give at home What you have to recall of all this?

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    How to make a slide

    Put as title the topic sentence which resumes

    and starts the speech of this slide.

    Use iconographic devices or schematic orresumed text to develop the topic.

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    Include reminders

    If there is one important idea you can forget

    write it down in the text of the slide or as a note

    under the iconographic material.

    Write in the note what you will say with the


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    Preparation and practice of the speech

    1. Write Your notes

    2. Control the length of the speech to fit it

    in scheduled time

    3. Practice the speech: correct grammar and

    pronunciation4. Practice the Play as an actor

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    1. Write your notes

    For each slide write it down what you will say.

    If you (the speaker) are unable to remembersomething then possibly is not of great importance

    for your audience suppress it or rephrase it in a point

    more easily memorable.

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    2. Control length of your speech

    to fit in scheduled time You have to read your presentation to test if it fits inthe time scheduled. You can use for this a

    chronometer clock. If you exceed the scheduled time you have to cut:

    Cut the most accessory information.

    When there is periphrasis sort and go straight.

    Eliminate unnecessary repetitions.

    After the necessary cuts you can print your notes to start


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    3. Start to practice the speech

    Now you can practice without the computer

    thanks to your notes

    Detect weak points and mistakes and writeyour additional corrections of the speech on

    your notes.

    You can later transcribe the corrections andchanges to the PowerPoint file.

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    3. Correct pronunciation

    Ask a native speak for reading your presentation.

    Native English speakers do not refuse a beer in exchange for

    their generous collaboration

    You should correct grammatical mistakes and learn about

    correct spelling, proper pronunciation and intonation.

    You even can record a narration of the speech of the native

    with Power point, in exchange for a supplementary beer. Practice the pronunciation of the speech

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    4. Further Practice of the speech as a Player

    When you are ready to try without notes or to try using printed notesuse the option of Power Point to record narration.

    You can time your presentation and detect points in which you loose thepoint.

    The intensive practice of the speech is the right way to a controlledpresentation.

    The most you practice the less you will be nervous.

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    Practice and troubleshooting

    You have to identify the points that you forget

    and work specially hard on them.

    Suppress slides which embarrass you. When you disorientate include some phrase in

    the slide (reminder) which remember you the

    start of the next important idea.

    You can use animation to hide this reminders at

    first and appear later when they are required

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    Before Presentation1. Prepare slides and a speech guide.

    2. Print your handouts and do not forget it in the hotel.

    3. Take in advance your presentation to the techniques. You have to

    deactivate in the PowerPoint file The option to reproduce the sound of the narration.

    The option to advance slides automatically otherwise you will have problems.

    4. Present you in advance to the chairs of the sessions

    Talk to him will relax you

    Give them information to introduce you

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    Relax yourself in the previous moments

    (some professional tricks)

    You can use sumial (a beta blocker) for relaxation but

    you have to take it with care because in excess causes


    If you are the first speaker talk to the chair in English

    to warm up your tongue.

    If you are not the first speaker you can ask questions

    to the previous presenters to auto-provoke you

    adrenalin peaks previous to your start.

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    Hit the ground running

    Start your presentation reading

    After a very short introductory phrase that you will extract

    from memory:

    Thank you, very much, Im very pleased to be here today

    speaking at this splendid meeting

    Start your presentation reading something from your slides

    Before to start I want to read the inspiring words of

    after a ridden wind up of one or two minutes you were onflight and now you can say something that requires the use

    of your memory.

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    How to enjoy presenting

    The presentation should be a pleasurable as well as

    profitable occasion for the speaker and the audience

    Scientific meetings should be enjoyable affairs

    The speaker must take the situation lightly, and must

    enjoy himself.

    Humor is particularly effective in the early moments of

    a paper, to both alert and relax the audience.

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    Develop Empathy with your audience

    Attempt to evaluate the audience and to package

    the talk to fit it

    Adapt: Vocabulary, style and approaches The speaker is among friends who are interested

    in the material

    Look for responsive faces and assertiveindividuals and concentrate on them in


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    Take contact with your audience

    1. Show you friendly, see them, make eye contact

    2. Appeal to them as a group.

    3. Appeal to their common interests.4. Appeal to their humor sense.

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    The discussion

    In most societies there are sadistic individuals

    who are noted as seeming to derive great

    satisfaction from what appear to others to be

    unnecessary harsh comments

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    Ways to avoid entrapment and make the

    discussion a mutually profitable experience

    Know the material well

    Discuss any weaknesses of data with sympatheticcolleagues in advance

    Write out detailed answers to a number of possible

    questions that might be asked. Avoid being overly defensive

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    How to respond the difficult questions

    Bluffing rarely success but abject confessions of

    ignorance are not required either respond

    truthfully if only partially

    Responses can be diverted to areas more familiar

    to the speaker, as long as the diversion is not too


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    What you have to recall of all this?

    You can give excellent presentations applying

    the methodology explained in this talk

    You have to practice You have to look for opportunities to present in
