2691004.00 requisition for piping and mechanical installation

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  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    6/F Tuildonai Building 119 Dien Bien Phu Da Kao ward Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

    Telehone !"# " $"%1 &6'' Fa( !"# " $91# &$

    in)o*te+odin,-n www,te+odin,.om www,te+odin,-n



    rder num+er 6$T"#1%'

    Do.ument num+er %691221

    3e-i4ion 22

    5uthor ,H,T57

    Telehone !"# " 9266&9"99

    Fa( !"# " $91# &$


    Date 19tho) o-em+er: %21$



    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page % o) 12

    % 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page $ o) 12

    22 19/11/1$ 744ue )or Tender ,H,T57 ,T,=> ,?75?

    3e-, Date De4.rition 5uthor Che.@ed +y 5ro-ed +y

    $ 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page # o) 12

    Copyright Tebodin

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission of the


    # 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page ' o) 12

    $. Name o% C&ient' 5

    (. P&ant Lo)ation' 5

    *. P+oe)t Name' 5

    -. E/i0ment and1o+ Mate+ia&2 In/i+ed 5

    5. Date o% bid 2/bmi22ion' 5

    3. Do)/ment2 Atta)4ed to t4i2 Re/i2ition 5

    . Do)/ment2 to be !/bmitted 6it4 Vendo+2 /otation 5

    &,1 ?eneral '

    &,% Pri.ing =tru.ture 6

    &,$ Do.ument4 to +e 4u+mitted )rom Vendor 6

    7. !)o0e o% !/00&8 and 9o+: 3

    ",1 =.oe o) =uly 6

    ",% =.oe o) Aor@ &

    ;. De. Do)/ment2 Re/i+ed a%te+ P/+)4a2e O+de+ 7

    12,1 ?eneral "12,% Do.ument4 and Drawing4 3e;uired and =.hedule "

    $$. In20e)tion and Te2t ;

    $(. Li2t o% Vendo+ P+int Re/i+ed $>

    Tab&e o% )ontent2 Pa?e

    ' 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page 6 o) 12


    Do).1 D6?.1 !0e). No. Re

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page & o) 12

    V8D3= IT5T7 F3 8I7PM8T 5D/3 M5T8375= =H5 B8 7 =T37CT 5CC3D5C8

    A7TH CD7T7= =T5T8D 7 TH7= 38I7=7T7 5D 5> 5TT5CH8D DCM8T=, 8JC8PT7=:

    D8V75T7= 5D 5T835T7V8= A7 B8 V57D > 7F 5PP3V8D 7 A37T7? B> P3CH5=83,

    53T7C8= M53K8D A7TH JL H838D83 538 5PP78D 5= CD7T7= F TH7= 38I7=7T7,


    (. P&ant Lo)ation' ot 5%$: Cu Chi orthwe4t 7ndu4trial one: Tan 5n Hoi Village: Cu ChiDi4tri.t: Ho Chi Minh City: Vietnam


    -. E/i0ment and1o+ Mate+ia&2 In/i+edItem De2)+i0tion Rema+:

    1 Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallationPa.@age

    5. Date o% bid 2/bmi22ion'

    3e)er to 3FI,

    3. Do)/ment2 Atta)4ed to t4i2 Re/i2ition

    8ngineering =e.i)i.ation4 and do.ument4 re)erred to in Atta)4ment2 4hall )orm an integral art o) thi4


    . Do)/ment2 to be !/bmitted 6it4 Vendo+2 /otation

    3e)er to 3FI )or more detail,

    .$ "ene+a&

    5ll do.ument4 and drawing4 4hall +e written in 8ngli4h and +e 4u+mitted in rerodu.i+le

    and .oie4,

    & 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page " o) 12

    5ll do.ument4 and drawing4 4hall 4tate the name o) Client Eend u4er: TV 4 o+ o,: 3e;, o,: 7tem o,: 544et

    o, and name o) e;uiment and/or material4,

    " 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page 9 o) 12

    .( P+i)in? !t+/)t/+e

    Pri.e 4hall +e +ro@en down a4 )ollow4

    E( ?rand total ri.e

    E( nit ri.e o) e;uiment and a..e44orie4,

    E( nit and Total ri.e o) 4e.ial tool4 )or .on4tru.tion and maintenan.e: Ei) any

    E( nit and total ri.e o) material4 and .hemi.al4 )or .on4tru.tion and initial 4tartu: Ei) any

    E( Cu4tom .learan.e 4er-i.e .o4t

    E( 7mort ta( .harge

    E( 7nland tran4ortation .o4t

    E( Value added ta( EV5T .harge

    E( =are art4 )or in4tallation Eto +e ;uoted 4earately: unit < total ri.e

    E( =are art4 )or .ommi44ioning Eto +e ;uoted 4earately: unit < total ri.e

    E( =are art4 )or % yearE4 oeration Eto +e ;uoted 4earately: unit < total ri.e

    E( Commi44ioning )or the 4y4tem Eer diem +a4i4 and e4timate eriod

    .* Do)/ment2 to be 2/bmitted %+om Vendo+

    Vendor 4hall 4u+mit do.ument4 4hown +elow

    E( Te.hni.al Iuotation

    E( Detail 4.hedule

    E( Pro0e.t organiNation .hart and @ey er4on4

    E( C: CI and Aor@4ho te4t .erti)i.ation

    E( Manower mo+iliNation lan

    E( 8;uiment mo+iliNation lan

    E( Manower and e;uiment unit rate

    E( =a)ety lan

    E( Con4tru.tion method 4tatement

    E( Bill o) ;uantity

    E( =ho drawing4

    E( Vendor4 re)eren.e: .atalogue and e(erien.e li4t E)or la4t three year4E( =hiing in)ormation Ee;uiment weight: dimen4ion: a.@ing method with [email protected]: a.@ing 4iNe:

    ort o) e(ort: et.O

    E( 3e.ommend 4are art4 )or in4tallation and .ommi44ioning and % yearE4 oeration

    E( =e.ial tool li4t: i) any

    E( Deli-ery and manu)a.turing time 4.hedule

    E( Payment term4 and .ondition

    E( De-iation4 )rom ur.ha4er4 4e.i)i.ation: i) any

    7. !)o0e o% !/00&8 and 9o+:

    7.$ !)o0e o% !/00&8

    E( Material 4uly Piing material ie4: )itting4: +olt4 and nut4: ga4@et4: ie 4uort: ainting:

    and a..e44orie4 )or iing in4tallation

    9 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page 12 o) 12

    E( Catalog/rodu.t 4e.i)i.ation,

    E( Manower

    E( =e.ial tool4 )or oeration: maintenan.e and in4tallation Ei) any

    E( ame late in.luding te.hni.al 4e.i)i.ation o) e;uiment4 )or iing 4y4tem

    E( =are art4 )or in4tallation and re.ommi44ioning Eto +e 4earately ;uoted

    E( =are art4 )or % yearE4 oeration re.ommended +y -endor Eto +e 4earately ;uoted

    E( Aarranty eriod )or 4.oe o) wor@ 4hall +e 1 year4

    E( 7nitial .harge o) lu+ri.ant4 < .hemi.al4: Ei) any

    E( Training .our4e Ei) any

    E( Manual -al-e4 name late Ei) any

    7.( !)o0e o% 9o+:

    Plea4e re)er to the 5tta.hment )rom 5,21 to 5,2" )or 4ome detail4: i) any,

    E( Comlete re)a+ri.ation and in4tallation o) iing/-al-e/)itting/ie 4uort/ in.luding

    in4e.tion/DT: hydro te4ting: .leaning: )lu4hing: and ainting a4 er drawing and 4e.i)i.ation,

    E( Demoli4h the relating iing art4

    E( Aor@man4hi guarantee

    E( Material ro.urement a4 er 4e.i)i.ation4

    E( Aelding ro.edure ;uali)i.ation te4t4 )or iing

    E( Aelding er)orman.e ;uali)i.ation te4t4 )or iing

    E( Preare and ro.eed ne.e44ary welder ;uali)i.ation te4t4 )or iing

    E( Pro-i4ion o) a44i4tan.e until .ommi44ioning .omletion

    E( =ite .leaning: remo-e and di4o4e o) all ru++i4h a.@ing material .on4tru.tion de+ri4 or

    temorary )a.ility no longer re;uired

    E( Comlete the a4+uilt drawing4 to re)le.t the a.tual a4+uiltL .ondition at 4ite

    E( 7n4e.tion and te4t at 4ho/4ite

    E( 3adiograhy te4t

    E( Painting u to )ini4h .oat at 4ho / 4iteE( Tran4ortation to 0o+ 4ite Ein.luding unloading at 0o+ 4ite

    E( =tartu and .ommi44ioning )or the 4y4tem

    E( +tain 4tatutory -eri)i.ation and .erti)i.ation on te.hni.al 4a)ety < ;uality )or e;uiment Ei)


    E( +tain the ermitting )rom o.al 5uthority: i) any

    ;. De

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page 11 o) 12

    the Vendor: e-en though 4u.h e(.etion4: de-iation4 and alternati-e4 are de)ined in Vendor4 te.hni.al or

    .ommer.ial do.ument in Iuotation,

    11 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page 1% o) 12

    $>. Do)/ment2 Re/i+ed a%te+ P/+)4a2e O+de+

    3e)er to 3FI )or more detail,

    $>.$ "ene+a&

    5ll do.ument4 and drawing4 4hall 4tate the name o) lant owner: TV 4 o+ o,: 3e;, o,: 7tem o,:

    544et o, and de4.rition o) the e;uiment and/or material4,

    5ll do.ument4 4hall +e written in the )ollowing languageE4

    E( 8ngli4h

    E Vietname4e

    E 8ngli4h with tran4lation

    Do.ument4 and drawing 4hall +e 4u+mitted in the )ollowing num+er rior to 0o+ 4e.i)i.ation ur.ha4er


    3erodu.e Coie4

    For in)ormation

    For aro-al / .erti)ied


    7n4e.tion < Te4t 3e.ord

    ote 8le.troni. )ile4 to +e ro-ided 4hall +e in.luded all do.ument4 a4 )inal re-,: Manu)a.turing Data3eort and 7n4e.tion / Te4t re.ord: 4hall +e .olle.ted into a CD 3om, 8le.troni. )ile o) drawing44hall +e u4ed rogram 5uto C5D %222 Emin, Drawing 4iNe 4hall +e at lea4t o) 4iNe 5#

    The )ollowing unit4 4hall +e alied a4 the mea4urement 4y4tem in all a4e.t4

    E( Metri. and Cel4iu4 unit

    E( =7 unit


    E 7n.h and ound 4y4tem )or ie 4iNe and re44ure temerature rating a4 e(.etion

    $>.( Do)/ment2 and D+a6in?2 Re/i+ed and !)4ed/&e

    5ll do.ument4 and drawing4 4hall +e )urni4hed and arri-e at Pur.ha4erQ4 o))i.e in a..ordan.e with the

    )ollowing .ondition4

    Te.hni.al do.ument4

    E( 54 4e.i)ied in the atta.hed li4t o) Vendor Print4 3e;uired

    E 54 in)ormed later

    1% 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page 1$ o) 12

    Do.ument4 related to manu)a.turing rogre44 and 4hiing 4.hedule in.luding

    E =u+-endor4 li4t

    E( -erall manu)a.turing 4.hedule

    E( Vendor 4hall re4u+mit the 4.hedule e-ery wee@E4: udate rogre44 until the e;uiment i4


    E( Monthly reort o) engineering/manu)a.turing/deli-ery

    Do.ument4 related to in4e.tion

    5li.ation o) te4t and in4e.tion RRRdayE4 rior to witne44

    7n4e.tion/Te4t 3e.ord .omletion o) te4t and +e)ore ne(t 4u+4e;uen.e wor@ 4tart

    Do.ument4 related to a.@ing and 4himent in.luding

    E( Pro)orma a.@ing li4t

    E( 5li.ation o) a.@ing in4e.tion RRR dayE4 rior to witne44

    $$. In20e)tion and Te2t2

    The rodu.t to +e 4ulied 4hall +e in4e.ted and te4ted at the Vendor4 4ho: +e)ore 4hiing: in a..ordan.e

    with the 4ho in4e.tion and te4t ro.edure: whi.h 4hall in ad-an.e +e reared +y the Vendor and aro-ed +y

    the Pur.ha4er, Howe-er: the 4ho in4e.tion and te4t ro.edure to +e reared +y the -endor 4hall in.lude: a4 a

    minimum: the in4e.tion and te4t item4 a4 re;uired in indi-idual data 4heet atta.hed hereto, 5ttendan.e o) the

    Pur.ha4er or hi4 rere4entati-e at the 4ho in4e.tion and te4t )or witne44 will +e re;uired )or 4ome in4e.tion

    and te4t item4,

    7n4e.tion4 and te4t4 4hall made +y Vendor in a..ordan.e with

    E( 3e;uirement4 4e.i)ied in thi4 3e;ui4ition and/or 8ngineering =e.i)i.ation4 atta.hed hereto

    E( Vendor4 roo4ed ro.edure aro-ed +y Pur.ha4er,

    E( o.al .ode alied,

    The .ontra.tor 4hall +e deemed )amiliar with all rele-ant law4: +ylaw4: regulation4 and .urrent .on4tru.tion

    ra.ti.e4 within Malay4ia, The .ontra.tor 4hall +e 4olely re4on4i+le )or o+taining all ne.e44ary li.en4e4: ermit4:

    ;uali)i.ation4: right to u4e atent: and other 4tatutory and legal aro-al )or the er)orman.e o) the wor@4,7t i4 the

    Contra.tor4 re4on4i+ility to aly ermit4 )or te4ting: witne44ing o) HT: in4tallation < oeration o) re44ure

    -e44el4/ .on-eyor4 et., a4 er D=H regulation4 a4 well a4 other law4 < legi4lation4 a4 re;uired,

    1$ 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation

  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page 1# o) 12

    $(. Li2t o% Vendo+ P+int Re/i+ed

    Do.ument TitleChe.@ 4tatu4

    Enote1744ue within wee@4

    a)ter P/

    E( 7n)ormation and drawing4 )or )oundation/mounting )lange 7

    E( 5n.hor +olt / )i(ed +olt arrangement o) e;uiment

    E( Data 4heet4 EPur.ha4er4 4ulement )orm 5

    E( ?eneral utline < 544em+ly Drawing 3E Per)orman.e .ur-eE4 / dataE4

    E( =e.tion Drawing4

    E( Detail Drawing4 3

    E( =e.tion detail drawing4 and art li4t drawing4 3

    E Data 4heet4 and 4e.i)i.ation o) engine e;uiment

    E Data4heet4 and 4e.i)i.ation o) ele.tri.al e;uiment 5

    E 7nterlo.@ diagram4 5

    E Terminal .onne.tion diagram4 Eterminal +o( 3

    E Con)irmation item4 )or motor4 Emotor re;uirement li4t

    E =.hemati. wiring 3

    E Panel outline drawing4 3

    E Control anel wiring diagram4: in.luding terminal: o,: and

    arrangement )or e(ternal wiring


    E 7n4trument data4heet

    E( 7n4e.tion and te4t ro.edure 3

    E( Commi44ioning ro.edure 3

    E( Manual )or in4tallation 7

    E( Manu)a.turing < deli-ery 4.hedule 3

    E( Do.ument li4t 3

    E( Piing drawing in.luding i4ometri. drawing: i) any

    E( ame late drawing 3

    E( Vendor 4 organiNation .hart 7

    E( =ur)a.e rearation and ainting 4e.i)i.ation 3

    E( oading data Eweight 7

    E u+ri.ant4 li4t < 7nter.hangea+le material4 ta+leE( tility .on4umtion li4t 7

    E( =e.ial tool4 li4t: i) any 7

    E( =are art4 li4t )or .on4tru.tion and .ommi44ioning 7

    E( =are art4 li4t )or % year4 oeration 7

    E( Pro)orma a.@ing li4t 7

    E( 7n4e.tion and te4t re.ord 3

    E( 3e.ommendation on 4torage at 4ite 7

    E( 7n4tallation in4tru.tion 7

    E( Maintenan.e in4tru.tion 7

    E( 54 Built drawing 3

    E( Manu)a.turer4 Data 3eort .omiling 7n4e.tion reort < Te4t



    E( Final Do.ument4 3

    E( ?uarantee .erti)i.ate )or 8;uiment 7

    1# 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation








  • 8/11/2019 2691004.00 Requisition for Piping and Mechanical Installation


    Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    rder num+er 6$T"#1%' Do.ument num+er %691221


    Date 19o-em+er%21$

    Page 1' o) 12

    ote4 1, 744uing 4tatu4 )or -endor Drawing4 / do.ument4 i4 de4.ri+ed a4 )ollowing

    5 For 5ro-al 7 For 7n)ormation 3 For 3e-iew

    1' 3e;ui4ition )or Piing < Me.hani.al 7n4tallation